Regaining Focus

Story by Thorn Blackbriar on SoFurry

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#1 of Gain And Loss

Hello there all. Welcome to my first story for the Yiffstar users. That said, I hope a few others will leave a comment or two. Not so much for the ego stroking, but because I am relatively new to the ways and ranks of the Furred community as a whole and any advice will be a big help to improve and future works I may do. Ok, enough from me. Please (hopefully) enjoy the story.


The distinct thud of paws hitting the heavy sand bag reverberated through the small training hall and the scent of sweat permeated the air. The wolf before the bag continued to rain down blow after blow on the heavy bag. Jab, straight, uppercut, elbow, reverse, suddenly the canine leapt back into a spinning round house kick that connected with a loud slap. He grit his fangs as he felt his footpaw connect with the heavy bag and watched as it swung before him. A second later the support the bag was suspended from cracked and the training device fell to the ground with a loud crash. The wolf stood there panting, wiping his muzzle on his training uniform, as he stared at the large sand bag on the ground. "Crap..." Was all he could mutter as his short black hair fell into his eyes.

"Damn it Thorn..." Sighed a tall, brown feathered, falcon as he came out from the locker room. "I told you to go half speed and power on that thing.

The wolf, now identified as Thorn, scratched at the thick gray fur along his neck. "Yeah, yeah. I know. My bad." He looked over the falcon, his soft brown eyes locking on the red training uniform and new black belt tied around his friend's waist. "Just was trying to work out some aggression." He picked up the heavy bag and leaned it over against the wall. "Guess next time I'll use the Muay Thai bag. It's heavier, won't get thrown by my kick like that." As he walked he caught his reflection in the mirror, seeing his own blue training uniform and red and black belt, causing him to let out a frustrated grunt.

The falcon shook his head slightly. "Does it really bother you that much that I passed the promotion test and you didn't?"

"No." Thorn growled as he dropped to the ground and began a series of push-ups. "Maybe. Ok, yes. Yes, it pisses me off. Alright?" His arms burned as he continued his push-ups. "I thought I was going to get it this time Kameg. I thought I was ready this time."

Kameg nodded slightly as he sat down on the floor beside wolf. "You shouldn't get so upset about it though. I mean, it took me two tries to get this belt and I was training for two whole years before you even joined the do jang." He couldn't see the wolf's eyes from this position, but he could hear the growl clear enough. "Besides the belt doesn't really matter. You've beaten me as many times as I've beaten you. And you've been able to even beat Master once which I couldn't do."

"Only reason I got him when you couldn't, was cause I weigh more than you." The wolf clarified as he finished his pushup set and rolled over on his back to begin his sit-ups. "And the belt does matter, at least to me."

Kameg rolled his eyes a bit. "It means that much, fine. Get up." He got to his feet quickly and dropped into his ready stance. "You want my belt, come take it."

Thorn flipped to his footpaws and growled at the challenge. "I don't want your belt. I want my own. But if it means so little to you that you'd risk it on a fight then..." Lights suddenly exploded before Thorn's eyes as he felt something strike him in the back of the head. Disoriented by the blow he felt to his knees and barely managed to get his forepaws in front of him to keep from slamming into the mat covered floor. A second later he heard another thud and saw Kameg was on the floor on his back. The wolf didn't even have to look up to know who was standing over them.

"This is how my top two students act when they think I'm not around?"

Thorn moved into a kneeling crouch and bowed his head before his teacher, noticing from the corner of his eye that the falcon had done the same. "Sorry Master." Thorn's ears flattened back as he heard the heavy sigh of his instructor, knowing he only used that particular sigh when he was very disappointed.

"Look at me. Both of you."

The wolf looked up, taking in the perturbed expression of the dragon that stood before them, and swallowed slightly. His normally sliver scales were a dull red at his throat and maw, and small curls of smoke wound out above his nostrils. Thorn swallowed hard, having only seen the dragon breath fire once before and that had been a battle of honor. He quickly lowered his head again in shame.

"You two are my top students here." Growled the short, lean, dragon in the white uniform. "Start acting like it. Both of you, a hundred push ups." He turned and walked away, his long claws clicking softly against the mats. "Then get ready for the cubs that are coming in. You two will both be instructing tonight."

Thorn bowed his head. "Yes Master." He looked over at his feathered companion and sparing partner

as the door to the Master's office closed. "I thought only black belts could teach?"

"Told you the belt didn't matter." Kameg shot him a slightly predatory look, mad at having been given punishment push ups before practice. "You know the skills and drills same as me, and you're better with the cubs than I am."

Thorn huffed as he moved to begin his push-ups, his arms burning with the effort. "I still say it matters to me."

"Then you're an idiot." The falcon shot back.

After a few minutes the wolf sat up again as he completed his assignment. "I'm going to clean up a bit and put on a fresh uniform." Turning toward the locker room he strode silently on his padded footpaws. As he stood before his locker he let his head crash lightly against the cold metal, savoring the cool feeling as it worked through his fur to the overheated skin beneath, and let his mind wander. "Gods damn it..." He sighed as he stripped down his sweat soaked uniform and dressed in his clean change of clothes. "Deal with that all later." He emerged from the back room into the training area once again as some of the younger students were arriving. "Got to remember not take my frustrations out on them."

The two hours passed quickly as he corrected the footpaw work and strike stances of the younger classes. He smiled as he worked, showing the cubs how to maximize their power and how to minimize the blows that they took. As the class came to an end he bowed the cubs out and waved them off as parents arrived. He watched as Kameg began to converse with the parent of one of the teen cubs and knew it was going to be some time before the falcon was finished. Taking advantage of his luck he retired to the locker room and quickly made his way to the single shower stall that was in the corner. Looking to ensure there was a towel for when he was done he stripped down and turned on the water. He had just stepped inside and began to soak when he heard the locker room door open.

"You mutt..." Kameg's tone was unhappy, but light at the same time. "You know senior students are supposed to have first crack at the shower."

Thorn chuckled. "You were with a parent. I had no idea how long you'd be."

"You still suck."

"Yeah, yeah." Thorn nodded. "Hey? About before..."

Kameg shook his head. "Forget it. I ran off at the mouth."

"A bit..." Thorn grinned with a bit of tease in his tone. "But I was kind of whining like a bitch so...we cool?"

"Of course. Tell you what, lets go to The Vic." Kameg scratched at the back of his head. "Buy a round or two and bury the whole thing."

Thorn's muzzle wrinkled slightly in distaste at the mention of Kameg's favorite bar, The Vixen and the Mutt. Although the falcon loved the establishment, Thorn found it to be a small, dark, damp and, to his keen canine nose, foul smelling place that was often too cramped to really enjoy one's self. Still, if it would patch things up with his friend he could deal with it for a few hours. "All right. We got to break you of that place though." He laughed. "Better bars in the area." He shut of the water and grabbed up the towel, wrapping it about his waist as he exited the shower to let Kameg have his turn.

"That's the Thorn I know." Kameg grinned. "Maybe we'll even get you some tail tonight. You're always more laid back after you get laid."

Thorn's eyebrow rose slightly. "Don't push it bird brain."

Kameg laughed loudly as he got in to take a shower of his own. "Just saying."

Within a half hour the two males were locking up the building, the Master having already gone home leaving his two students responsible for the final closing. The wolf, now dressed in a pair of casual blue jeans and a black three button collared shirt, lead the way to his car and tossed their gear bags in the trunk. "Why do you like this place so much anyway?"

"They've got the best microbrews in town." Kameg replied easily as he got into the passenger seat. Unlike his friend, the falcon seemed to know they'd be going out after practice and was slightly better dressed with a pair of khaki's and soft brown button down shirt that complemented his feathering nicely. "Not to mention the owner's policy of girls drink for half." He grinned. "Plenty of selection and eagerness to choose from."

The wolf sighed slightly and shook his head. "That line of thinking is going to get you in trouble some day." He warned jokingly.

"Like there's any female out there who could mess with this?" Kameg mock flexed to show off his muscles. "That would be an interesting day."

Shaking his head Thorn navigated through traffic to get across town to the bar of choice. The two males talking and joking about amiably as over the twenty-minute drive. In the distance the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the streets of the down town region of the town they called their home. As he parked the wolf pointed a warning finger at the falcon. "Fair warning, you start getting frisky with someone and it's dead for me I'm leaving without you."

"I know dude, I know." Kameg gently punched his companion in the arm. "I was the one who came up with those rules remember." He nodded to the bouncer at the door, being something of a regular, and opened the door to let them both inside.

In an instant the canine's nose was assaulted by the scent of spilled beer, mold, and the odor of too many furres in the place. "Still don't see what you like of this place..." He commented dryly.

"It grows on you." The falcon chuckled as he motioned to the leopard behind the bar for a couple drinks. "You'll find a reason to like it soon enough I bet."

"I doubt it." Thorn snorted as he took his beer. The first hour passed slowly as the two males drank, Kameg introducing the wolf to anyone and everyone in the bar it seemed. Excusing himself from the group he moved towards the restroom as the beers began to pass through his otherwise empty system. "Should have stopped to eat something first..." He muttered, neither willing enough nor hungry enough to trust the kitchen of this place. As he came back into the main hall he caught a scent he had not previously and he looked around for the source.

His nose led him to fixate on a rabbit at the bar with a group of her friends. Her fur was soft white, almost cream, in color with the exception of the light pink of her inner ears and nose. Her hair, a deep midnight black, fell just past her ears and looked every bit as soft as her body fur. Her eyes were hazel, seeming to shift from brown to green to blue each time her slender neck turned her head. She had little chest to speak of beneath the tight purple shirt she wore along with the black quarter shirt she wore over it. The rest of her body however had a nice curve to it, it would never be considered model material but it was enjoyable to look at non-the less. If the tight black skirt she wore was any indication, there was a nice firm ass just beneath the clothing.

Taking a quick glance around Thorn located his drinking buddy, already chatting up a tigress with his wing around her waist as her tail wound about his leg. Shrugging, Thorn took up a place at the bar not wanting to disturb Kameg in his pursuits. "Who says he's the only one to get to have some fun..." He whispered to himself. Memories of the how his last attempt to follow the avian's example, and their poor ending, entered his mind and he decided to try a more subtle approach. Signaling the feline barkeep he had another round of drinks sent to the rabbit and her friends.

He watched sidelong, not wanting to spook her and risk what little chance he had, as the drinks were delivered. As he expected, the femmes began to shift about at the bar trying to get a better look at him. A moment later he heard the fit of giggling that usually came about afterwards. "Well, that was money well spent..." He muttered as he took another swig of his own drink. He looked up a bit as he saw the barkeep nod to him and quickly refocused on the girls. The rabbit's friends, a red and golden furred vixen and a deep brown furred ursine, were pushing the rabbit towards his general direction.

The rabbit was quite shy it seemed as her friends finally had to physically get up and drag her over to the wolf's side before grinning at them both and dashing off again. "H-hi there." The lapine murmured.

Thorn bowed his head slightly in greeting. "Hello there." He scratched at the fur along his muzzle gently. "Um...I'm sorry. I'm a bit out of practice at this. I didn't expect you to actually come over." He extended his paw to her. "I'm Thorn."

The smaller rabbit jumped as Thorn spoke, but then smiled and took his paw in her own. "It's ok. I'm kind of new to this too. I'm Sam..." The lapine's eyes suddenly went wide. "Samantha! I'm Samantha."

Thorn's head cocked to one side at the girl's sudden out burst. "Oh, ok. So, um, you come here often?"

She shook her head quickly. "Never. My friends just brought me here for the first time." She trailed her paw over the bar nervously. "They said the lights here would be good for my first time out."

"First time out?" Thorn questioned. "Seems like a shame that this place was the first bar they took you to. Lot of nicer bars for a cute girl like you to get into." He smiled slightly as he saw her pale fur seem to pink up a little as she looked down in a blush. "So..." He motioned for the bartender to top their drinks off. "You like this place?"

"Not really..." Samantha shook her head slightly. "I mean, it's ok, the company is nice at least. But..."

"But the atmosphere is kind of...lacking." Thorn finished with a smile.

"Yeah." She smiled. "I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks so."

Thorn grinned, happy that they were at least talking normally. "No, you're not the only one on that subject. Never been a fan of the place myself, but my buddy likes it so..." He shrugged.

"Oh? You have a friend with you?" Samantha looked around the bar. "Maybe you could introduce him to my friends..."

Thorn chuckled slightly and pointed to the falcon and tigress that were currently locked at the maws. "I think he's otherwise occupied for the night." He cocked his head again as he saw Samantha smile, as if she knew something he didn't.

"Looks like he's having fun." Samantha remarked quietly. "Um...So..."

Thorn watched as Samantha looked between the couple in the early stages of yiffing and himself. "You...want to get out of here?" He grinned as he saw the bunny nod. "Here." He wrote down his address on one of the bar napkins and handed it to Samantha. "Give this to your friends, so they don't think I've abducted you or anything." His eyes trailed after as she ran back to her companions and they all erupted in a stream of giggles, and he couldn't help but grin a little bit more.

A few moments later he was leading the bunny outside into the cooler night air and placed his arm around her shoulders using the cover of keeping her warm. Now that they were outside he could catch her scent better. There was something off about it, not at all unpleasant, but the strongest he'd ever smelled from a femme. "My car is over this way..." He stopped and shook his head. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be so..."

The lithe rabbit turned suddenly in his arms and held his muzzled gently in her soft paws, pulling the wolf down into a long, slow, kiss. "Can we just cut to the chase?" She asked as she finally broke the kiss to catch her breath. "I'm nervous enough as it is."

Thorn's eyes opened slowly as he came back to reality. "Been a while since that happened." He leaned down and kissed her again lightly. "Come on." He let his hand drop from her shoulders to her waist, pulling her against him as they walked to his car. In moments they were strapped in and hightailing it out of the parking lot for Thorn's apartment.

His place was only a few miles from the Vic and they arrived at the building in only a few short minutes. They walked slowly up the stairs to his apartment, an arm around each other's waist. They were leaning heavily on each other, though if it was from the alcohol or the musk in the air it was hard to tell at this point. The door was unlocked quickly and he led her by the paw inside. "Want something to drink?" He asked as he closed the door behind them.

Samantha's hands twined about nervously in front of her. "Maybe a little something, just to calm my nerves a bit." She looked around the small apartment. There was a single medium sized room that they were in now that served as living room, dining room and a small kitchenette. It was furnished somewhat like all bachelor dens, simple cloth couch, TV and the accompanying stand, some video games and DVD scattered about. She saw two doors off toward the right and assumed them to be the bedroom and bathroom. "Anything is fine though."

Thorn nodded as he pulled down a couple of glasses from one of the cabinets and opened the freezer pulling out a bottle with a clear liquid in it. "You...really are new to this aren't you?" He asked as he observed her staring at the bedroom door. He poured them each a small drink and joined her by the couch. He smiled as he handed her the drink. "It's ok, if you want to back out. Just so you know..." His voice trailed off as he saw Samantha looking at the drink questioningly. "It's gin." He advised her. "That's why it's only about a shot worth, drink it fast so it doesn't burn."

Samantha looked at the drink again and then back at Thorn. "It''s a little this." She shook her head and took the shot quickly, her nose twitching rapidly as she grimaced at the taste. "Wow..."

Thorn chuckled and took his own shot. "It grows on you." He placed their glasses atop the TV and then wrapped his arms around her waist, lightly brushing against the little cotton soft tail that was poking out from her skirt. He bent his head down and kissed her, growling softly as he felt her return the kiss. His paws slid down slowly to cup her ass and squeeze gently.

Samantha jumped slightly, pressing her body against the wolf before her, and let her paws come up to roam over Thorn's chest. "I...I just want you to know..." She gasped as Thorn broke their kiss and began to nuzzle and lick at her neck. "I really do like case you're disappointed with me..." She let her paws trail down to the end of Thorn's shirt and crept underneath it, then rose again to touch his chest directly.

"I can't imagine how I could be disappointed." Thorn joked as he tried to move his paw into Samantha's skirt, only to feel her bend down and deny him access. "What's wrong?" He asked softly as he continued to press his muzzle into her neck fur, nipping lightly.

"Sorry..." She gasped in a low tone. "Just...not quite ready for that yet..."

Thorn nodded as he breathed lightly against her fur, again catching that scent that didn't make sense. "All right, I'll move to your pace." He let his hand's move up her body instead, under her shirt to rub the warm fur that covered her tight tummy. "Just hope you don't make me wait too long." He joked lightly.

Samantha shivered as she felt Thorn's deceptively strong hands tickle through her fur. Pressed as close as she was to him, she could feel the bulge beginning to swell in Thorn's jeans. "I won't..." She smiled as she pushed up onto the tip of her footpaws to nuzzle just under his ear as she whispered those words. She kissed her way down his neck and then continued to lower herself even further until she was on her knees before him.

Thorn's tail wagged in anticipation as Samantha began to unbuckle his belt. "I was just kidding around before...but I like how this is turning out."

Samantha let out a little laugh as she pulled at the zipper and button with her nimble digits. A moment later she was tugging down Thorn's jeans and boxers. She waivered for a moment in her seat as the wolf's strong predatory musk hit her, making her a bit light headed for moment. When she came back to her senses she saw Thorn's erection standing before her at six and half inches, the knot still hidden in his sheath, and simply stared for a moment.

Thorn ran his paw through the bunny's short black hair. "You still there?"

Samantha looked up as she wrapped her paw around Thorn's male hood. "Oh, I'm still here." She smiled sweetly as she began to paw him off. "Just not used to such strong musk, took me a moment."

Thorn murred softly as he felt her soft paws on his cock. "Sorry to be so heavy scented then."

"Don't be." She picked herself up a bit and licked at the tip of his erection. "I kind of like it..." She leaned her head down and took Thorn into her maw, circling her tongue around the tip.

The pleasurably warm and wet sensation caused Thorn to buck his hips forward into her maw, feeling more than hearing her surprised yelp. "S-sorry..." He stroked her hair in attempt to make up for the sudden action. A momentary inspiration lead him to continue the motion of his paw to graze over her ear.

Samantha moaned loudly through her full maw as her ears were stroked, she began to bob her head a bit faster. Her paw gripped the flesh that she could not fit into her tiny mouth and continued to tug it in time with the movement of her head. Her eyes narrowed as she felt a squirt of pre land on her tongue and she squirmed at the taste.

His eyes narrowed a bit as he felt that familiar tightness building in his lower belly and sac. Both paws were in motion now, putting gentle pressure on Samantha's ears as she continued to moan as she sucked him off and swallowed more of his pre. His hips began to buck with more force, his body moving in accordance with instinct more than conscious thought. His nose continued twitch as he breathed in more and more of Samantha's scent, but his brain was not focused on what he was finding.

The cream furred lapine brought her free paw up to cup Thorn's balls to keep them from smacking her in the chin. She opened her mouth as wide as she could, causing a mixture of her own drool and Thorn's pre to leak from her mouth down her chin and Thorn's throbbing flesh, and took him to the back of her throat. Even with this new effort there was room for her paw at his base and she could still feel his knot beneath that. She pressed her knees and thighs together tightly, grinding against her own body as the scent and taste of the male above her increased her own excitement.

Thorn felt his balls jump in Samantha's hands and his hips thrust forward suddenly as he let out a low howl of pleasure. Gouts of warm, sticky, wolf cum jumped from his cock to the back of Samantha's throat. He held her head close to him as he continued to thrust into her maw, dumping more and more of the heavy seed into her and feeling it wash back over his cock as she filled quickly.

Samantha tried to swallow as much of the wolf's more than amble donation as he came, but it was too much for her tiny mouth to contain. She pulled back, letting the excess flow out of her and down onto her fur covered neckline and clothing. She continued to paw Thorn off as he continued to spurt in her hand, milking him for every drop he was worth, letting the heavy ribbons of cum hit her face and hair.

After almost a full minute Thorn had to pull away from the rabbit, his flesh to sensitive to let her keep pawing him as she was. He looked down, letting his eyes slowly refocus, to see the cum covered mess he'd made of her facial fur and smiled weakly. "That was amazing..."

Samantha wiped a stray shot that had covered her eye and licked her finger, visibly shivering as she did so. "Guess it really had been a while for you huh?"

"You could say that." He laughed lightly as he kicked off his pants and crouched down in front of her. A smile crossed his face as he heard her let out a small cry of surprise as he placed one paw at her back to support her and the other under her trembling behind to lift her up into his arms. He licked her face lightly as he carried her toward the bedroom, attempting to clean her face a bit. A low chuckle escaped him as he saw her shocked expression. "What? It's mine after all."

Samantha blushed and looked down as the wolf tapped open the door to the bedroom with his foot paw. "Thorn...about this..." She looked around and saw that despite the smallness of the room, it was quite comfortably set up. He had only a full size bed, not being able to afford a queen or larger on his current pay, but it was covered with a few large and soft looking pillows. She squeaked a little bit as he set her down on the bed, feeling the thick comforter beneath her. "You see I'm..."

"Not really a femme." He asked softly as he sat beside her. "I know." He smiled at the confused look on her face and tapped at his snout with his paw. "I have to admit that whatever that perfume you're wearing is gave me the run around for quite a while." He let his paw brush over the bunny's lap, making her jump and moan as he brushed the restrained bulge now there. "But after came down a bit I could smell the real you."

"And you don't mind."

Thorn looked down into her, or rather his, soft hazel eyes and shook his head lightly. "I can't say for certain that the booze isn't playing a little role here, but I did approach you first." He smiled and leaned in to kiss Samantha softly. "Don't know what I'll think in the morning, but for now you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met and I'd like to give it a try." He let his paw press down a little on the bunny's lap, rubbing him through the soft cotton of the skirt. "If that's ok with you."

Samantha leaned in with little hints of tears at the corners of her eyes and kissed the wolf passionately. "Yeah, just...don't wreak my clothing." She warned as they separated. "They're actually my sister's..." She admitted with a blush.

"Then we better get you out of them." Thorn growled playfully as he began to slide Samantha's skit down over her hips, revealing the growing cock bump in her pink silk thong panties. "Oh wow..." He husked as he licked his lips.

Samantha giggled as she pulled off her shirt, showing that the meager chest she had presented before was the result of some padding. "Sure you've never had someone like me before?"

Thorn shook his head, a slightly chagrinned look on his face. "No, I think I'd remember something like that." He paused long enough to push down the covers and shift her over to the mattress proper. Even so he couldn't deny, even to himself, that this was the most excited he'd ever been to yiff someone.

The femme-boy bunny sighed softly as she felt the soft cotton sheets greet her naked backside, her eyes looking up at the gray furred wolf that kneeled above her as he pulled his shirt over his head. "You work out, don't you?" She gasped in surprise as she felt a soft, warm, canine tongue caress her hardened male hood through the panties she wore.

"Sort of, but not how you probably think." He looked up at her; no matter how he looked at her he couldn't see any traces of maleness in her features. Even the way she looked at him expectantly as she rubbed at her fur covered nipples, screamed female. He hooked her thong in his teeth and pulled them down around her knees before going back up and licking the head of her respectable five inches again directly. "Maybe I'll show you sometime."

Samantha continued to squirm as her new lover toyed at her sensitive flesh. Her paws reached down and wound through his black hair and gray fur. "Wait...I don't want to..." She smiled as Thorn looked up almost disappointed. "Easy big guy." She grinned. "I just don't want to cum like this." She shifted around so that she was lying on her belly, and raised her ass to the wolf. Her head turned back to look over her shoulder, her little cotton tail twitching in excitement. "Yiff me...please?"

Thorn simply grinned and nodded as he took hold of Samantha's ass and tongue swiped her tailhole. Causing her to groan loudly at the unexpected sensation. He licked a few more times before testing the fleshy pucker of her anus with a single digit of his paw. "You're either really nervous or a virgin." He whispered softly. "You have to relax or neither of us are going to enjoy this." He warned as he continued to lick and finger Samantha's tailhole.

The lithe bunny squirmed and twitched madly on the bed, moaning into the mattress and pillows alike. "It's so different...than by yourself..." She panted as she shot a few jets of pre into the sheets and her fur. "Please hurry..."

Thorn had never been one to deny a ladies request, even if the circumstances here were a bit fuzzier than usual, and got up on his knees behind the effeminate male. He positioned his cock, eagerly spitting out pre to prepare Samantha, just at the entrance to her ass. A low growl passed his lip as he felt the intense heat there.

Samantha groaned as well as she felt pre covering her backdoor and fur. She pushed back against him, panting as she felt the teasing prodding. "Come on..." She begged.

Holding the shaft in one hand for support, Thorn slowly pushed into the tailhole before him. A loud murring sound filled the room as both males' eyes shut firmly to enjoy the exquisite sensation of the tight rear passage being invaded. "Tell me if it hurts..." The wolf panted as he sunk slowly deeper, feeling more pre spilling from him into Samantha.

"It...doesn't..." She replied through short breaths, slowly losing herself in the full feeling radiating across her body. "Keep going..."

Time lost meaning for the two joined lovers, unable how long it actually took for Thorn to hilt into Samantha's tailhole. As he got into her fully he leaned forward to press his chest against her back, placing his paws to either side of her to keep from crushing her into the bed. He licked her ears, tracing from base to tip, as he began to make long slow thrusts into her.

Beneath the wolf, the femme-boy rabbit began to buck her ass back up in time with Thorn's thrusts. She cried out loudly as she felt her sensitive ears stroked by that soft canine tongue. She grabbed one of the pillows and hugged it to her chest as continued to squeal into it. Her eyes went wide as she felt something even larger begin to press at her tailhole, it took only a moment to realize what it could be.

"Knot me..." She craned her head back as much as she could, catching the surprised wolf as her ears vanished from his licking, and kissed the underside of his muzzle. "Knot me...I want to feel it..."

Thorn licked at her cheek and grinned. "If you're sure..." He toyed with her.

"I'm sure." Samantha nodded vigorously. "I'm sure. Please, knot me!"

Thorn growled appreciatively as he felt Samantha's body spasming beneath him. His thrusts began to become faster and more forceful, causing him to grunt and Samantha to moan each time his knot hit her already over stretched tailhole and failed to get through.

Getting impatient, the little rabbit pushed up strongly on her knees as she timed out the thrusts. She screamed into the pillow as she finally felt the two-inch knot break through her anal ring. She could hear Thorn growl into her ear as she inadvertently clamped down on him, making the tightness almost painful for them both. Her mouth opened again into a long panting moan as the now restricted wolf began to hammer her as with fast, short, powerful, thrusts. "Thorn...I'm gonna..."

"Me too." The wolf grunted as he tried to hold back a little longer, not wanting this mating to end. He could feel her anal walls rippling madly about his cock, seemingly trying to expel him and pull him deeper with each move he made. He reached his left paw back under Samantha's belly, and caught her bobbing erection in it.

That simple contact sent the bunny over the edge as her head lifted back and her back arched. Her scream of release seemed to be caught in her throat as her maw was open wide, but only short gasping groans were exiting from it. Her cock jumped in the canines paw, dropping her small load onto Thorn's digits and his bed. Her sudden orgasm also caused her tailhole to constrict further, setting off the male above her.

Thorn gave no thought to trying to hide his pleasure as he howled loudly, releasing shot after shot of his cum deep into Samantha's bowels. He could feel his balls jumping in their sac, and momentarily imagined they were trying to escape altogether, as he experienced the hardest cum of his life to date.

Since it was his second of the night, it didn't last as long as the first and he slowly came back to himself as his eyes opened. He heard Samantha whimper a bit below him and realized that she was probably uncomfortable. Wrapping an arm around her midline for support he gently rolled over onto the bed and pulled the lapine into a spoon position, trying to make the tie as comfortable for her as possible. "Better?"

She didn't answer at first, only lay there panting with his arms around her. After a moment she turned her head back to kiss him lovingly. "The best..." She giggled. She watched him in fascination as he lifted the paw covered in her cum and licked it tentatively, feeling herself squirm a little despite her position. " didn't have to..."

"I know." He smiled. "But I wanted to." He brushed his muzzle through her hair gently, breathing in her scent. "You even taste like a female." He teased lightly as he held her close to him.

Samantha cuddled back into his embrace. "I really didn't expect something like this to happen tonight." She whispered.

"Think I did?" He joked as he let his body relax.

Her paw stroked the wolf's arm as she looked up into his warm brown eyes. "You said, this might be because of..." Her eyes widened for a moment as she felt him kiss her suddenly before closing and simply enjoying the kiss.

"I'm not that much of a light weight." The wolf grinned. "It may have helped to move things along, but I've only had a slight buzz during all this. No way I'm going to regret this." He rested his head against her shoulder as he felt her body relax in his arms. He reached down and pulled the covers up around them both, letting their body heat grow around him.

Samantha's eyes closed as the bed warmed about her. "Since we're going to be tied for a while, would it be ok if I dozed for a little?"

Thorn let one of his paws rub through her belly fur. "Just as long as you don't mind me doing the same." He replied with a small yawn. He looked over as he received no response and saw that she was already asleep. "Good night Samantha." He whispered as he kissed her cheek before falling asleep himself.


When he awoke, Thorn found himself alone in his bed and he sat up quickly. His ears perked as he

heard the shower turn off and someone stepped out. Sliding from his bed he moved to bathroom door and caught Samantha's scent on the other side. He was about to knock when the door opened suddenly, startling both parties. "Morning..." The wolf greeted to try and break the ice. "Guess you have to get home right?"

Samantha, her fur still a bit damp even after toweling herself off, nodded. "Yeah, my family is going to wonder where I am." She looked up at him, wondering how this looked to him. "I was going to leave a note. I wasn't just running out." She insisted.

Thorn nodded. "Yeah, of course." He turned for his room. "Just, uh, let me throw some clothes on. I'll give you a ride."

The rabbit shook her head. "I called one of my friends." She looked down at the floor and scuffed her footpaw against the floor. "We kind of worked it out for our cover. You know?"

Thorn nodded, guessing Samantha didn't have the same kind of freedom to live that he did. "After last night, does that make us..." He scratched at his fur nervously. "I mean, was it a one nighter or..."

Samantha opened her mouth to speak but was cut off as her cell phone rang. "I'm sorry." She smiled and moved close to him, the two instinctively leaning in, to give him a kiss goodbye. "We'll talk later...if that's ok?"

Thorn nodded as he walked her to the door, and would have gone farther if he hadn't realized he needed clothing. "I never got your number." He called from the door as he watched Samantha walk down the hall.

The bunny turned, her ears drooping slightly as she realized this. "That's right..." She searched her clothing for something to write on, but found nothing. "Oh! I'll go to the Vixen tonight!" She called as she ran for the stairs, her cell phone ringing again. "Eight o'clock! Don't be late! I don't like that place!"

"I won't be!" He called after her. When he lost sight of her the wolf closed the door and leaned back against it. "Wow...what a night." He pushed off the door and moved to the bathroom, deciding he needed to shower after last night's romp between the sheets.

Finishing his shower, Thorn glanced at the clock as he got dressed. "Ah, I need to teach the morning classes today too at the training hall." Grabbing some toast and a water bottle he raced from the apartment to his car. He had just finished his toast as he pulled up to his place of work, and own personal training place, surprised to find the place locked tight. "Thought Kameg would have gotten here before me." He muttered as he unlocked the building and set about getting the training gear ready.

"You have a spring in your step today."

Thorn turned and bowed as he heard the Master's voice. "Good morning sir."

The dragon returned the bow and grinned. "You've found something new to focus on haven't you?

Maybe now you'll be able to relax into that belt promotion like you should have the first time."

Thorn laughed nervously and looked at the floor as he lowered his head. "Only time will tell Sir." He breathed a sigh of relief as the dragon moved along to his office, not wanting to really explain the details to the older male nor ready to either. Once the place was in order he began his own light morning workout to warm up. Before long he heard the door open as his first student arrived. "Morning Cads." He greeted. "Your parents still in the parking lot? I need to talk with them a moment."

The rabbit cub shook his head. "Nah, but my big brother is. Want to talk with him?"

"Yes I do." The wolf rose from his stretches. "And it's not nah', it's no sir'. You know that."

"Oh, right. Sorry Sir." Cads leaned out the door and called out. "Hey! Sam! My teacher wants to talk with you!"

Thorn stopped in his tracks as he caught the familiar scent before he saw that familiar face enter the training hall. He almost laughed as he saw the older rabbit sibling stop at the entrance, a look of shock on his face. He was dressed in a pair of plain blue jeans and a simple green tee shirt now, but the rest of him matched up with the "girl" he had seen leave his apartment only a few hours before.

Cads looked between the two older males, trying to figure out why they were acting so weird. "So, did you want to talk with him or not?" He asked confused.

Thorn nodded and thought quickly. "Yeah, why don't you go stretch and warm up with those forms I taught you last night." He nodded into the training hall to get the cub to move along. "And twenty pushups for that nah' too." He grinned a little as he heard the smaller rabbit groan.

Sam meanwhile seemed to be unable to decide if he should maintain his male persona or switch over to Samantha'. "So, you wanted to talk with me about Cads?" He asked with a little grin.

Thorn nodded. "Yeah, but first, we still on for eight o'clock?" He smiled as Sam laughed lightly, letting just the hint of giggle into his voice. He was about to continue when he saw Kameg enter the building. He nodded a quick greeting but didn't get on in response. He also noticed the falcon was walking funny. "What happened to you?"

"I don't want to talk about it." The avian growled as he pushed past the wolf. "Ever."

Thorn shrugged and turned back to Sam to see him trying not to laugh. "I miss something?"

"That tigress..." The bunny chuckled. "She's a...friend...of mine."

Thorn's eyes widened as he looked between the bunny and the falcon. "No way..." He grinned. "This is great. I told him something like this was going to happen to him. Anyway..." He looked back at Sam.

"I'll see you after practice..." The bunny boy turned and headed for the door with a smile on his face. He paused at the door just long enough to give his tail a little shake at the wolf as he left.

Thorn grinned as he returned to the training hall. "It's going to be a great day."