Submitting To The Paw

Story by zanian on SoFurry

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2/6 commission for DragonsLover (FA)

It was a rainy day, one that seemed to be endless; for one with a boundless imagination, it wouldn't be an obstacle, but this wasn't the case in this scenario. Inside a house, a silver and purple dragon was pacing, trying to figure out what to do to pass time in an efficient, yet pleasant matter. Silvermike was bored; he wanted to be productive, but he didn't want to step outside and face the watery outburst, although it could prove to be refreshing.

Although it was raining, today was a scorcher, a day that made him wonder if he shouldn't just hide in a basement and wait for it to end, for it would be an easy way to beat off the heat, while avoiding seeing the monotonous drizzles.

But there was a beauty in the rain, one he could explore and learn, if he would stick around and observe it for a while. Maybe he would discover a hidden meaning, an element he never thought about in the first place.

As he looked at it, he wondered if there was something he could do to learn more about it, to explore the secrets that it held. Maybe there was nothing to discover, but it would be more fun than to sit inside, waiting for something to happen. He wanted to do something new, not re-enact the same action over and over, until the rain would stop.

However, if he would go on this journey, he would need one item, an item that would permit him to record what his findings would be. Going back to his room, he grabbed a camera; a gift from one of his friends, it was always at this side, always present to make the moments permanent. It would be a shame that he would leave it behind...

It was at this moment that he heard a few knocks on the front door, as if someone was deranged enough to brave the weather to see him. Maybe it was one if friend, or just a passerby, but either way, he couldn't let that person in the rain, not until it would stop. After that, there was nothing that would force him to keep the person inside his property.

Opening the door, he looked around, wondering if the person was still around, or this was just an elaborate prank, to make him run around like a fool. Who would want to trick him in such a way, to make his blood boil? Perhaps it was just his imagination running wild, although he had the impression that someone orchestrated this move, to distract him from his daily chores.

``Oh, there you are. I waited outside for a good moment, you know. Not that I blame you, though; with this heavy downpour, who could hear this little ringing sound, that is easily drowned by other sounds?'' said a voice coming from the sides.

Not waiting for him to reply, a figure emerged from the shadows; it was Lucian, an old friend. A dragon like him, it was surprising to see him wander in the rain, as it would render flight quite hazardous. It was surprising to see him here, but these days, anything could happen, to welcome the visit, unless it would be bearing bad news.

``Still with the camera, eh?'' Lucian pointed, as he entered the room, taking a moment to rub his paws against the entrance mat. He was aware that Silvermike looked at his movement, unable to resist at the urge of giving a quick glance at this paws.

He was aware that the silvery dragon had a special love for paws; although it was a secret that he tried to keep away from the rest of the people, he wasn't really good at it. One could have taken advantage of it, but this would have been a treacherous move, one that wouldn't be worth considering for a decent person. It was hard ignore that passion for he shared it too, remembering the times they indulged in the pleasure together...

A moment of silence passed between each other, as if they had nothing to tell; they could hear the rain falling on the windows, marking each passing second. They looked at each other, wondering if they would be able to break the silence that was passed between them. Perhaps if something was said, or happened, then the situation would be lighter...

Looking at his friend, it didn't take long for Silvermike to get an idea, one that could lighten the mood and pass the time in a pleasant matter. Smiling at his friend, he decided to lie down on the floor, placing the camera he was holding in his hands near his waist. ``You know, why don't you rest your paws for a while? You must be exhausted'' he said, as he pointed his chest.

Without a word, he watched his friend approach him, enough to be standing in front of him, as if he was ready to dominate him. Although he had an idea of what was going to happen, he wasn't sure he would follow him with this idea. ``Oh, I believe you are right; it have been a long day and a need to take a break'' Lucian told him, as he placed a paw on his chest.

Grabbing the camera, Silvermike brought it closer, a bit ashamed that its passage on the rug leaves such stains on the lens; he hoped that it would be in a good enough shape to record what it was to.

The paw on his chest was the main focus, the one that was filmed with attention; with a little smirk, Lucian pushed on the camera with his other paw, filling the lens with the image of his sweaty sole. At the same moment, he used his other paw to massage the chest, making sure that his friend wouldn't be able to get up before he would be done.

Moving his paw away from the camera, who followed with it without fail, he posed on the loins, rubbing it, as the device zoomed in, following the action of the paw on the body of Silvermike, recording the moans as the silvery dragon felt his member rise from the attention given to his body. Crooked as the device was, the images were still sublime...

The camera approached the rising member, almost bumping it; it was focused on the rising flesh, a sight that was breathtaking. It could observe the details of the pinkish flesh, as it was engorging itself, rising toward the heavens, begging for attention, the tip rubbing against the lens. It was cold, but it was arousing; to feel something, or something watching him, even try to partake in this was more than he would have asked for...

As Silvermike tried to talk, Lucian placed the paw that was on his chest on his maw for a moment, giving him the chance to savor the offered flesh. It was a taste that he couldn't refuse, one that he craved for so long.

As the camera moved a bit, it was replaced by the paw, who started caressing the shaft, the sole pressing softly against the hardening flesh. It didn't take long for the camera to take back its place, the lens tried to a get view, even at the expense of the angle.

Silvermike could feel the paw caress his member, while he was savoring the one on top of his maw; to be at the mercy of paws, to be under them, while they were exploring him, making him their servant was a dream coming dream true, once more. There was no purpose in trying to tell what he desired, when the paws knew what he wanted; he was in his rightful place, dominated by forces he admired.

As his tongue explored the paw, his maw was filled with the flavor of the musky flesh; it was strong, almost overpowering, but he had to keep on going, to fill his mind with it. He passed his tongue between the claws for a moment, before returning his attention to the sole; it was a dangerous gambit, but he wanted to add even more excitement to this situation, to make the flavor an element that he would remember for years to come, until he would be able to relive this experience over and over, giving life to his fantasies.

At the same moment, the paw caressing and pressing his shaft was getting a move on, a movement caught by the camera as it was moved closer, for no action could be missed. Through the dirtied lens, one could have observed how the paw rubbed the shaft against the stomach, the contact of the sole against the member's flesh giving little shocks to Silvermike.

When the shaft was pressed between the claws, he yelped a bit; it was tight and warm, a sensation that he knew he would crave again and again, as the device spied on the throbbing member, caressed by the digits, stroked in a delightful fashion that he wished could go on forever.

It was so pleasant, so wonderful, but he knew that his friend couldn't make these movements last forever, for he would get tired eventually. But until then, there was so much he had to feel, to explore and to live for. He was filled with stamina that needed to explode, to came out of him; he knew that were was a limit to what could be accomplished, but in the present moment, he wanted to believe that it wasn't a reality, that anything was possible.

But it would be a shame that he would be passive; his friend needed some action, to feel his paws on his body too. Perhaps they thought the same thing, as he lay near him, grabbing one of Silvermike paws, while the camera was filming the entire scene...


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