Chapter 2: Aliona's Awakening

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#2 of The Mating Season

Chapter 2: Aliona's Awakening

When Aliona awoke, Kel had gone, and she wasn't surprised: she'd heard (though females were usually kept ignorant) that the males were supposed to sleep with many females during the mating season to insure the continuation of the summer tribe. Some males even took three wives in one night! Happy that she'd been fortunate enough to find a gentle and loving mate, Aliona hugged her breasts and carefully touched her vagina, despite its throbbing ache. She was shocked when blood came away on her fingers. Well, her mother had once told her that sometimes there was blood -- especially if a male was very big. Kel had been monstrous, there was no doubt. But he had been so sweet and loving when it was over: he held her to his chest and kissed her and stroked her, his eyes glowing with a green reverence that took her breath away. She fell asleep in his arms, so happy and content. The mating season wasn't nearly as bad as she'd imagined! She felt so small and slender in Kel's big arms . . . and so loved. It had been a very long time since she had felt that way.

Somehow, she knew she had been Kel's first. He had chosen to come after her first, remembering her from the well, and she felt proud that her beauty had snagged the difference of such a strong, handsome male as Kel. She even hoped that she would have his pup: a small black version of her lover with the same bright green eyes. Yes, after knowing Kel inside of her, she was no longer afraid of becoming an adult -- in fact, she had already become one! Innocent was she no more of what was happening when females screamed in the distance, when bushes rustled, when males grunted --

"Hey! There's one up there!"

Aliona heard the voice and, fearless now that she'd already been taken, peered over the edge of the rock. A few males were entering the clearing, their bodies hard and muscular like that of Kel's, their stomachs rippling, their arms bulging, their tails low. Four of them stood on the edge of the trees looking up at her: one white, one gray, one striped, and one black. The black male she recognized with a jolt as Kel! And standing among them, looking frightened and confused, was a female Aliona recognized as one of her friends -- her best friend Kira! Kira was sleek and white and fluffy, a great mane of the same fluff around her ears, her poofy tail low to the ground. Aliona could see by the small red stains running down Kira's white fur that she'd already been initiated as an adult too.

"Come down from there, female!" one of the males ordered, and Aliona was stung to realize that Kel was giving her a hard look -- as if he didn't know her at all. His bright green eyes (once so warm and loving!) were cold stones in his face.

Aliona didn't move.

"Has this one been opened?" asked the white male, who was giving Aliona such a cold look that she shrank back, her ears flat on her head. He was monstrously big and he stood a head taller than the other males. His paw could have closed over half her head.

"Yes, I opened her," Kel said indifferently.

"She's ready then," said the white one, cracking his knuckles and grinning. "I'll go get her."

Aliona was horrified to see that big male move toward the rocks and set his foot on the bottommost one. She backed away from the edge of the rock face, glancing at Kel as if in appeal for help, but Kel's face remained cold and he showed no sign of having recognized her. In seconds, the white male had mounted the precipice, and grabbing Aliona's tail, he dragged her roughly toward him. Aliona cowered when his great paw squeezed her breast, forcing the nipple to stand out.

"Ah, yes," the white wolf moaned, slipping a finger in a squirming Aliona's vagina.

Aliona gave a shrill cry and struggled weakly to push the white wolf's paws away, but he smacked her slender paw aside with a snarl and knocked her legs roughly apart. He slid his fingers inside of her again, pressing her clit so hard under his thumb that she whimpered and stared at him in wonder. What was happening here? Why was she being handled so roughly by this strange white wolf? And why was Kira standing down among the others looking as weary and wretched as Aliona felt when the white wolf poked a finger in her anus?

"You opened the pussy but not the anus, Kel!" the white wolf called to the group below, chuckling in his throat. He addressed Aliona, who was looking both shocked and terrified, "You will call me Zaldon. I will make you scream my name, little bitch."

Before Aliona could get a word out, Zaldon grabbed her by the tail and flipped her onto her stomach. He held her down by the throat a moment, as if to make certain she wasn't going to fight. Then he lifted her tail, and spreading her buttocks open wide, he forced himself in her anus. Aliona clenched her buttocks and screamed, but Zaldon only seemed to enjoy it. He rocked against her, slamming her so hard that her teeth clicked in her head, and he slapped and pinched her buttocks tauntingly. He was monstrously big inside of her - -bigger than Kel had been when in her vagina -- and she felt the blood oozing from her torn anus and down the inside of her thighs. She could barely hear Zaldon's panting and grunting over her own tortured screams.

And suddenly, Zaldon had forced her onto her knees, and taking her hips in his big paws, he slammed her anus onto himself, grunting rhythmically, pumping himself larger and thicker and faster. He spread her legs wider and there was some relief when he started fingering her clit -- but this seemed to be more for his own pleasure and less for hers. And soon, he was squeezing and squeezing her breasts in his paws, his chest heavy on her back, his thick cock ramming her until she didn't think she could hold herself up, and he grunted at her as he bit viciously at her neck, "Say it, little bitch! Say it!"

Aliona tried to resist at first. She would rather die than scream this monster's name. But Zaldon pounded harder, bit harder, squeezed harder on her clit, until she threw her head back and screamed, "Z-Zaldon! Zaldon!"

Aliona was never so relieved when Zaldon dragged his thick cock out of her ass. She felt her aching anus contract and shrivel up like a beaten thing, and she collapsed on her stomach, panting and gasping shrilly and silently willing for the combined pains in her pussy and anus to sooth. Dull anger flamed inside of her when Zaldon playfully clapped a heavy paw on her buttocks and dragged her up by the arm.

"This one is ready," the while wolf called, shoving Aliona ahead of him of down from the cluster of rocks.

As Aliona wretchedly climbed down, she remembered that this group of wolves -- including Kel and, oh god, Kira! -- had witnessed her raped ruthlessly in the ass, had witnessed her screaming Zaldon's name in squealing desperation. She felt shame overwhelming her and could not meet anyone's gaze. She wasn't surprised when Kira didn't look at her either but concentrated in humiliation on the grass.

"And you're sure the pussy was already opened?" asked the striped male, who hadn't taken his eyes off of Aliona since she'd climbed down from the rocks. He wasn't bad looking either. His fur was stripped silver and black and his penis was large -- though not quite as large as Zaldon's or Kel's. He gave Aliona a half-smile and reaching out, cupped one of her breasts.

"Smell my fingers," answered Zaldon, thrusting his paw under the striped one's nose.

To Aliona's horror, the striped one sniffed the scent of her pussy from Zaldon's fingers thoughtfully. "Ah, yes, she's open," he said, giving Aliona a dark smile. "They're both ready then."

"Ready for what?" burst Aliona, terrified. She had silently vowed to herself after Zaldon's teasing that she would keep silent, that she would never let another male coax a word from her again nor give them the satisfaction of appearing frightened. But she was now terribly frightened. She hadn't a clue what was about to happen here.

Aliona wasn't surprised when the males ignored her. Kira gave her a quick, admonishing look, but it was too late: the gray male narrowed his dark, serious eyes on Aliona and said, "This one likes to talk. I think we can remedy that."

To Aliona's dismay, the striped wolf grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into the clearing. The others followed, dragging Kira among them. Aliona heard her friend give a scream and dared to look back: Kel had lunged onto Kira's back, biting her viscously on the neck and groping at her breasts, while Zaldon picked up her legs and drew her pink anus down over his penis, pumping and thrusting inside of Kira so hard that Aliona was horrified to see her friend bleeding afresh. And how could Kel be so vicious and rough when he had been so tender with her only hours before? But now he pawed at Kira's breasts and clung to her back as if he could not touch her enough, and Aliona was shocked to see him reach down, spread open Kira's buttocks, and ram himself in. Kira's shrill screams of ecstasy and agony echoed across the clearing, grating against Aliona's ears as her poor anus was shared.

"Since this one likes to talk," said the gray wolf, pinching Aliona's nipple, "I think we should put something in her mouth. Don't you agree, Loryn?"

The striped male only grinned widely and jerked Aliona by the arm to her knees. He shoved her onto her back with his foot, and squatting at her side, he pried open her mouth and rammed his dick inside. Aliona felt the spit welling up on the edges of her lips, felt the soft head of the male's cock nudge the back of her throat until she couldn't breathe. The taste of him was salty and sweaty, and his warm, throbbing hardness filled her mouth completely. She had never had a dick in her mouth, and the thickness of it terrified her. She gave a few muffled pleas but only went ignored: Loryn smiled darkly and started pumping his rigid cock in and out of her mouth, rubbing it against her wet lips, delighted by her helpless, muffled moans. He squeezed one of her tits and pinched the nipple as he worked his cock against her lips, smiling his dark and handsome smile of satisfaction.

Aliona lay there helpless, Loryn's cock holding her mouth open so wide that it hurt, and yet she couldn't ignore the thrill of pleasure she felt every time he pumped her breast in his paw, every time he pinched the nipple. This pleasure was all so new to her that, frightened as she was, she could not ignore it. Her little clit was throbbing so hard now that she started to weep.

The gray wolf (who had been watching all this time) suddenly knelt and spread Aliona's legs. She felt the ache in her pussy and ass intensify and whimpered around Loryn's cock, the spit spilling over again and drawing a moan of ecstasy from Loryn as he closed his eyes and slid his dick in her lips more slowly.

The gray wolf leaned down, and taking Aliona's clit in the tips of his fingers, he twisted. Aliona jolted and let out a muffled scream, more drool spilling forth and hence, bringing more pleasure to Loryn's cock.

"Yeah, little bitch, scream -- scream!" moaned Loryn, his eyes closed, his body rocking. He said to the gray one, "Do it again, Yzlo," to which the apparent Yzlo complied, twisting Aliona's clit the other way in his fingers.

Aliona's muffled screams came again, her tail flashing against the dirt. If he kept squeezing her clit like that, she would explode. She sputtered around Loryn's cock, begging for Yzlo to stop, straining in vain to shut her thighs, but Yzlo only leaned down and started licking vigorously inside of her vagina opening. She writhed with the pleasure, gulping and moaning eagerly at Loryn's cock if it would keep Yzlo licking her pain away. Yzlo nibbled at her pussy lips, sometimes pinching them and prodding them, his tongue lapping rapidly. He gulped and sucked hungrily at her, his tail flashing through the air.

Overwhelmed now by pleasure, Aliona arched her back and thrust her breasts to the sky, her muffled screams growing louder and higher in pitch. She was screaming, "Oh, god, don't stop licking me!" but she knew they could not tell with Loryn's cock in her mouth and she was glad: she didn't want to give them the satisfaction.

"She's getting really wet," announced Yzlo, sliding his fingers carefully between Aliona's pussy lips. He stroked her gently, as if to reward her for feeling this intense pleasure.

Aliona curled her toes and moaned, slobbering all over Loryn's cock with a shiver of helpless arousal. God, if only he would keep doing that -- but Yzlo grabbed her clit again and twisted, this time violently back and forth. Aliona's juices exploded forth at last and she felt her throat open wide for a scream. Loryn, as if he'd been waiting for his, arched his back and came inside of her mouth. Aliona gurgled on Loryn's cum: it spilled hot and sticky over her lips and dribbled across her face when the male withdrew his cock, his dark eyes serious with satisfaction.

"We picked a good one," Loryn said as Aliona sputtered and gulped. "A damn good one. It's not hard to arouse her at all -- and look at these big tits!" So saying, Loryn straddled Aliona's stomach and squeezed her breasts together. She lay under him, sputtering down his cum, breathless and wheezing, and wondering what could possibly happen next. Her answer came when Loryn inserted his rigid cock between her tits and started ramming away. Yzlo, meanwhile, placed Aliona's legs on his shoulders and entered her pussy until it was taunt and squirming around him. They both rocked against her, shaking her, forcing screams from her. And then Aliona was horrified to see Zaldon appear at her side. He was wiping Kira's blood from his cock with a pawful of leaves, all the while smiling down at Aliona. Aliona wondered what Kel was doing to Kira: she could hear her shrill screams and Kel's heavy grunts from somewhere nearby. Aliona screamed herself when Yzlo gave her a thrust that was particularly hard. Zaldon knelt as she was screaming and inserted his hard dick in her mouth.

"She's a good bitch for sucking," said Loryn, rubbing his dick vigorously between Aliona's great breasts.

"The ass isn't bad to fuck either," added Zaldon, who was slowly slipping his great cock into Aliona's wet lips. He pressed carefully, as if he was trying to prod the back of her throat.

Aliona's lips felt sore now: Zaldon had the biggest penis of them all and it hurt terribly, holding his cock against her tongue. Her jaw was straining against his thickness. Loryn, meanwhile, had worn her nipples with constant pinching, and Yzlo kept toying with her clit as he pushed his way inside her. Aliona, helplessly overwhelmed and screaming weakly around Zaldon's great cock, was shocked when Kel appeared as well. She couldn't even bear to look at him. To think, not long ago she had wanted to have his pup and now she might birth any of their pups!

"The white female is worn out," Kel informed them. "Let me get in on this one."

Aliona was surprised when Zaldon pulled his cock from her mouth, Loryn rose, and Yzlo withdrew from her vagina. Loryn pulled Aliona up by the arm and then, to her confusion, Kel sat down. He bent his legs and spread them wide, leaning his weight back on his paws. With his head tilted down, a lock of Kel's black mane fell across his eyes and he gave Aliona a warm smile that no one else seemed to notice. The smile made her pause.

"Down and suck his dick, bitch!" barked Zaldon, giving Aliona's buttocks a hearty slap.

But Aliona heard a shrill groan and her terrified eyes darted over the clearing: lying some feet away, breathing shrilly, her eyes closed, was Kira. Aliona was horrified to see her friend's legs and tail stained with blood and couldn't move. Only when Zaldon shoved her down did she come back to her senses. Falling to her knees, she took Kel's rigid cock in her mouth and sucked as hungrily as she could. She was starting to understand that the more she pleased them, the less rough they were with her. As she hovered on paws and knees over Kel, Loryn crawled under her and started licking eagerly at her nipples, flicking his tongue back and forth and making her moan around Kel's cock. Then she felt another of the males crawl up between her legs and start licking vigorously at her clit --this she knew was Yzlo. And lastly, Zaldon entered her anus and slammed hard into her, slapping her buttocks, rocking her body, and calling up wheezing gasps from her.

Aliona didn't know how long this went on, but she had never felt such complete ecstasy as when all these males licked her and touched her and fucked her. She felt as if she'd been asleep her entire life right until that point, and only the rough and yet pleasant touch of those males had awakened her.

She loved the loving way in which Kel rubbed her mane as she sucked, his thumb caressing her cheek, his fingers curling in the thick strands as he encouraged her. She loved the heat of him filling her mouth, the smell of him invading her nostrils -- but more than anything, Aliona loved the little sighs and sudden grunts that came from Kel when she sucked him deep, wet, and slow. She was suddenly proud of herself: she knew just how to give him pleasure! It wasn't long before his chest was heaving and he came in her mouth. Choking down his cum, she wished he had been the first to come in her mouth.

Kel withdrew and held Aliona up, biting into her breasts and licking at her nipples. The others lifted her into the air, and soon, Kel was fucking her in the vagina, grunting and moaning and occasionally whispering her name -- and flashing her those secret smiles that made her heart flutter! -- while Loryn spread her buttocks and rammed himself in her ass. Zaldon hovered ever over her shoulder, fingering her clit with such delicious skill that she was soon moaning his name at his command, and Yzlo groped at her breasts. Eventually, they fucked her in the ass and the vagina two to the one: Zaldon and Kel shared the vagina, Loryn and Yzlo shared the anus. Breathless with gasps and sobs, Aliona rocked in their suspended grasp, and they fucked her so hard, she passed out.