UT'04 - Close Combat

Story by dream_and_nightmare on SoFurry

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Heyas, this is my first english yiff-story and therefore, because of I'm coming from germany, I don't really know how well it is written, so please, don't be so harsh with your critics.

Oh, and secondly - this story inquires some knowledge about the game "Unreal Tournament 2004", if you don't know it, it is not too bad, but to have just as much fun as the others, I have a picture of the characters named "Skaarj", who play a part in the story:


But now: Have fun.

I was feeling depressed. My boyfriend had just left me and just some moments ago I really realized, what he meant to me.

I was sitting in my room. The lights were turned off and all light which made the room a little bit brighter, was coming from the screen of my computer, I was sitting in front of - my room was an average looking room for an average teenager like me.

Well, what is "average"? In some way, I felt like I was the worst person, who ever lived on planet earth.

I just kept thinking, it was my fault because he left me, in a way, I was right - probably.

After several minutes I spend with crying and collecting dirty handkerchiefs, I decided, that this could not the way how my life should go on.

I calmed down for a moment and then tried to divert myself a little bit from the situation.

So I started my favorite game: "Unreal Tournament 2004".

I was pretty good in it, even if I enjoyed it more offline, because then I could decide how my team was looking.

I have to admit it, I'm kind of a Skaarj Freak, but these tall, well built and just totale cool lizards kept my attention for a long time and I just think that they are hot.

My boyfriend always found it weird, that I found not-existing characters attractive, he always said: "Get back to the real world, these stupid creatures doesn't exist!" - but for me, they did.

Several times I had wet dreams, after evenings I played this game.

I imagined how I was doing it with one, or two or sometimes even with three Skaarj warriors. I tried to get an impression on who they may look like when they were "anatomically correct" modelled.

In my thoughts, I just realized, that the game started.

Soon the screen was filled with bullets, laser shots and other Sci-Fi Stuff.

"Ownage!", screamed a Skaarj through my headset, who had just killed an enemy.

I loved the hard and some kind of beast-typical voice of these Skaarj characters, they just fit perfectly for them.

As I was playing, I forgot more and more, how depressed I was some minutes ago - my boyfriend left me, but hell, they're more than enough cute and handsome guys out there, I'll soon find some other, I bet.

But in the moment, I was happy - fighting along with these brutal, but very hot warriors, felt me with passion and joy, it was just fun.

I kept playing for some time, until I got tired, it must have been 3 o' clock am or something, when I finally turned off the PC.

I yawned loudly, when I pulled off my clothes and laid down on my bed.

"I wish I could met one of these Skaarjs just once.", I whispered to myself, before I finally fell asleep.

"Harder, better, stronger.", a metallic sounded voice said somewhere.

It was too dark, to see anything - in the fact, it was the pure darkness which surrounded me.

"Just another of your game dreams.", I said to myself quietly.

I sighed and relaxed my body, waiting for the next thing to happen.

But this thing, really suprised, or more - scared me, because suddenly all hell broke loose: Two robotic looking creatures ran just across my field of view: Shots fired all around them and me, hitting them and one of these "things" fell down to the ground, with sparks spraying out of his body.

As my standard reaction in the game, I tried to draw my weapon, but there was no weapon on my belt or anywhere on my body!

Now I was really scared, I asked myself what might happen when their chasers would see me - would they tried to kill me too?

Seconds later a group of three Skaarj warriors ran out of some kind of corridor, at least, that is what I was thinking and hunting the other creatures.

At first, they didn't notice me, but after they killed the rest of these robotic things, they looked right towards to me.

"Oh shit.", I whispered and felt how my hands began to shake.

The Skaarj came closer to me and looked, even stared at me and my body.

The biggest one of them, a big green and very muscular Skaarj stepped in front of me, waving his flashlight all over me, like he was searching for something.

"Who are you?", he asked with his Skaarj-typical voice.

I tried to answer, but I had no control over my body anymore, I was way to scared and so, all I was saying where a few words: "Erm, I...I...am..."

The Skaarjs face, which at first, looked very angry and dangerous, became now more friendly, he even smiled at me.

"Little human.", he said, "Don't be scared, we are not going to kill you, we were just chasing the other team. By the way: Garrett, Widowmaker, search for the rest of these scumbags and kill them.", he ordered.

"Affirmative.", the other two Skaarjs replied and ran off.

"So...", the big Skaarj turned again towards me, "What are you exactly doing here?"

"I'm...I'm just dreaming, ain't I?", I answered, a little bit unsure.

The Skaarj looked at my, like I had a big mark on my face and then he said: "Are you sure? I mean...well, it IS a game, but it's not a dream."

"Oh, but it is.", I explained, "I played Unreal Tournament 2004 before I went to bed, I often keep dreaming about it then, but in most cases, these dreams are a bit different."

"Sir, Area secured.", came it over the communicator of the Skaarj.

"Very well.", he replied and then pusehd the communication controller on "Offline"

"So, uhm...where exactly are we?", I asked and felt still a little bit scared with all the darkness around me.

The Skaarj whispered someting and before I could react a bright lightning blinded me and took away all of my sight.

As my eyes adjusted to the new lightning condititions I saw where I was: I was standing in the middle of a really big bedroom, which looked like the one from a castle in the mid-age or something.

"Wow.", I whispered and looked around me.

"What a huge bed.", I noticed, when I was looking behind my back.

The big Skaarj in this moment, just stood still and watched my, how I took notice of my environment.

"How did you made this...erm, what was your name again?", I asked a little bit embarressed.

"As I said, this IS a game. It is a tournament, based on a holograpic system, which allows you to simulate any environment, weapon or damage. It also seems like you really die in this game, but you don't feel any pain. And now, we just jumped to another level, this is the so called "1on1 Castle" Oh and by the way: My name is "Dominator".", the big green Skaarj leader explained to me.

"What a dream.", I said quietly.

"No, not "Dream" - "Game".", Dominator corrected me.

"You know, this really does look more like the dreams, I usually have.", I said then.

Dominator smiled at me again: "I'm glad you like it...and how was your name again?"

"Jake.", I answered, while smiling back and looking at this very well built Skaarj, who I could see now under these light in his full glory - or at least who much was able to see and not hidden by any clothing.

"Well, Jake. Looks like we are the only players on this map. Want to play a round?", Dominator asked and giggled innocently.

"It depends on what you want to play.", I answered.

"How about some close combat fighting?", Dominator suggested and put his big rocket launcher onto one of the shelfs in the bedroom.

"Yup, it's definitly a dream.", I said again and felt how I was getting hard.

"Oh, someones thinking I'm talking about THAT.", Dominator said angry and pulled out the blades which where halftered above his forearm.

I stepped back scared, as I saw the big blades popping out of their shelters.

Dominator came slowly closer and forced me to step back, further and further until I fell backwards on the big bed and laid down, unable to move away anymore.

"You think I'm an easy one, aren't you?", he asked in an angry voice.

I shook my head: "No, I don't I was just thinking...you know...you ARE hot. And... I couldn't help myself...pleasy.", I said.

Without any answer, he set his blades at the top of my T-Shirt and began to pull them down, so I could hear the textiles scream as it was torn apart by these two sharp blades.

He kept doing it until he reached my blue-jeans.

I panted a little bit, as I noticed slowly, that he had not been hurting my, only my clothes were now ripped in three parts.

"You like that, don't you?", Dominator said with a very charming smile.

"Yeah...", I said slowly and noticed who the big Skaarj was looking at the bulge in my pants.

"Well, let's see what we got there.", Dominator replied and licked over his mouth with his tongue - this was the first time I saw the tongue of a Skaarj and it was like I always imagined: slim, wet and sticky.

His blades pushed back into their halfter and dominator began to climp on the bed - on top of me.

He took a deep breath of my scent and so took I.

It was a thick, very manly scent and now my errection really started to grow.

It was magnified as Dominator started to drove around on my body with his scale-covered claws and messaging my stomach and later my sac.

I sighed in enjoyment as this big Skaarj tightened his grip and started to rip the rest of my clothes off with his claws.

It only lasted a few seconds, before I was laying all nude under him and my cock throbbing in enjoyment, also with some drops of pre leaking out already.

"So, we got you unclothed, I think now it's my turn.", told Dominator to me and raised himself back up.

With the slowest speed I could ever imagine the big Skaarj undid first his body armor and then his belt with the loincloth.

But the reward for the torture of waiting until he was finished was more than worth it: A big, scale covered cock with big drops of pre leaking out of his tip was standing proud in front of me.

I had seen big cocks before, but that thing beat them all.

"I guess you know what to do with it, right?", Dominator asked me with a smile.

I just nodded, still looking on his penis.

He came closer to me, so that I almost could taste his pre on my tongue, but it was only his scent which made me go crazy.

As he came close enough, I couldn't stand the temptation any longer and just took it as deep in my mouth, as it was possible.

Because of the size of his cock it filled my mouth very quickly, but my lust only got stronger.

I started to move my head back and forward, along with sucking hard the cock of this hot Skaarj.

Dominator moaned and groaned in pleasure as I sucked him off.

"Oh yeah, little human, just like that.", he told me and rested his claws on my head, slowly imitating the moves I was doing.

Soon, his movements became harder, he pushed his cock in and out my mouth, he really started to fuck my face and I enjoyed it as hell.

At first I had to choke a little bit, but when I heard him groaning, it only made me hotter.

I even sucked harder than before, I wanted to taste this Skaarj.

I wanted to swallow every drop of his seed, which kept ready for me in his big green testicles.

But soon, he stopped of pushing my head forward and back.

He was panting and he said: "I don't want to cum this soon, you're damn good, little human."

I was smiling, giving him some last few licks and then I layed back on the pillows of the bed, stretching my legs apart as far as I could and lifted my butt a little, so Dominator could get a good view of everything of me.

"Go on Dominator, dominate me!", I ordered him with a grin.

He didn't wait too long, but he did something different than setting his cock at my hole: He went down with his head, between my legs and started to lick over my sack and my hole.

I almost screamed of the lust and the enjoyment I was experiencing, in the fact, it was the first time I got rimmed and it felt so damned good.

But finally, the moment came I was so looking forward the whole time: Dominator grabbed my legs roughly and pushed his big green member with one hard thrust deep inside me.

I moaned loudly as he penetrated me and the sensations were only magnified when he started to thrust powerful in and out.

His big green cock was sliding all the way in with every thrust he was doing and I felt how my cock shot a little bit of pre out when Dominator fucked me hard.

"Ugnh, harder!", I ordered and grabbed my hand around my own member, stroking and jerking it feverishly.

"Argh Fuck me, dammit!", I screamed, wanting more and more.

"I'll fuck the cum out of you, little bitch!", Dominator roared at me and slapped my hand away, so I could not jerk off anymore.

With every second from then on the big Skaarj became harder and more brutal - he fucked my like it was the last thing he was doing in his life and I enjoyed it so much, that I couldn't say anything. I was only screaming at the top of my lungs.

Also Dominator started to scream, which announced his orgasm and seconds later his hot seed shot inside my body and I could feel how it became warm in my insides.

I groaned a little and also came seconds later when the Skaarj finally making his last thrust into me.

My cum shot out of my cock, landing all over my stomach and my face.

Dominator and I were panting, unable to say anything, even if I tried it: "That was...that...."

With the last strength Dominator got, he pulled himself out of me and fell down, right next to me.

I cuddled myself at the warm and muscular body of Dominator and whispered: "Too bad, it was just a dream."

Dominator, still tried to catch his breath and replied slowly: "I told you before...that's..."game", not dream."

Soon we both fell asleep.

When I woke up, it must have been very late, because the sun was standing high outside.

I blinked several times, trying to get my view back into focus.

The first thing I noticed was something unusual - I wasn't sleeping alone in this bed and it wasn't my bed at all!

I turned over to my right and almost screamed when I saw who was lying next to me - it was Dominator!

I raised up and looked around in the room - it was the same like the one in my dream.

"That's impossible.", I whispered, still unable to realise that I was IN this world.

"What happened to me?", I continued and touched myself, to make sure, I was still the one like before.

Again I looked back at Dominator, who was still sleeping and I had to admit to myself, that he was looking like a cute litte cub, when he was asleep.

"Well, maybe it is not THIS bad, when I stay in this world.", I thought to myself and laid again down next to the Skaarj warrior.

To be continued...?

Well, that was my first english story, hope you liked it. Anyway, I know there are some mistakes in it, but also I hope the story is not this bad, so please tell me what you're thinking about it.
