Sha 1 : The Capture

Story by LadyVelvet on SoFurry

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Sha 1 : The Capture

He had watched the female with interest in his composed gaze, he had been observing her for about two months now. A little mixed mutt that would come to the homeless kitchens for a meal every night. She was dirty and parts of fur where matted but his keen eyes could see past that. They could easily imagine her cleaned up with her brown fur trimmed and brushed out. Those unique mismatched eyes of hers would catch more attention with the bangs of her head fur trimmed or maybe he would grown them out. The female was undoubtedly of assorted origin but he had worked with cross breeds before. A high quality training could easily out weight the fact she was not a pure female.

He peered at those timid eyes as they danced around the room with nervous fears. The little bitch would break easily enough with some firm schooling. A few of his buyers had asked about the possibility of some new bitches and the seller had to stock what the buyer wanted. He had a couple in training already but he had spotted this gem one day. A diamond in the rough as she passed him on the street, her ears and tail tucked low in the submission he did so enjoy. With care he casually followed her to find her home and ended up spending the day trailing her. The flighty female had ended up in a soup kitchen and the male realized she was homeless. What a terrible shame to let something with so much potential just go to waste he had thought.

The first moves went with meticulous caution as he began to take meals at the kitchen she frequented, sitting in various places every time and making conversations like the rest of them. The first meeting was crucial and he planned it out with care. She had been in front of him in the line and when her fingers, numb from the cold, dropped her bowl he caught it before it could spill. The shy female had met his eyes for mere seconds and then taken her food and run off while he of course did not follow. Over a period of a month he kept up the careful game with her. Sitting near her once or twice and occasionally making attempt at conversation with her. The female would barely whisper anything back before dashing away but that fact she had replied was a positive sign. Now that it was October he felt his plans coming to a glorious head. The female slept in the park and he knew she was going to need a warm place to stay soon.

On the evening of her capture he had left the building of the soup kitchen after her and saw his prey standing on the steps staring at the heavy falling snow with dismay. The temperatures where well below freezing and he knew she was chilled to the core.

"Hey, looks cold." He said while he moved towards her to stand beside the tiny wolf. The male reeked of alcohol as his cover. A drunk was usually the more placid and harmless of the homeless, he didn't need a drug fix frantically and a days worth of begging could get him his addiction. The female had no scents of cheap beer or drugs on her, she seemed free of a filthy fixation and he was pleased. It would be easier to break her if he did not have to clean her up of any bad habits first.

The small female glanced at him and clearly considered running off but she stayed. Her mind played all the times she had seen him and labeled him as a regular with no history of fighting or ever lashing out.

"You got a place to stay?" he asked and her body went ridged no doubt hearing the question as a obvious warning.

"Cause the shelter on fifth is still taking, it's a new one and not everyone knows about it." the male added and watched her as she looked up at the snow and glanced around with apprehension. The male stood calmly to the side and offered no other words as she watched him from the corner of her eyes. He lacked any cruelty in his looks but she knew how easily it could be hidden. He was a tall built equine with short brown fur and a dark long mane. The mane that made up his head fur way a shaggy unkempt thing that hung over his brown eyes which seemed unaware and slightly unfocused. To all appearances he seemed harmless and she decided being near him in public was a safe bet.

"W..where is it?" the soft voice asked and the male felt his groin swell at her sweet tone. Another bonus he had discovered was she had the voice of a soft spoken angel, sweet and pleasant. He would teach her to be a loud moaner and that pure timid voice would spill forth in vulgar cries soon enough.

"Fifth," he pointed to the bus coming up to the building they stood at, various bums crowding the street at the bottom of the steps they stood on. With such a crowd she felt it was alright and followed the male onto the transportation.

Sitting away from him though she kept a weary distance but he seemed unbothered by it. Not once did his eyes slide over to her and she felt he was not interested in her beyond a mere companion to speak with and be spoken to rather then spit on like the general public did. Their eyes cold and disgusted as they looked at the worn anthros who could not find their way up from the lowly places they had sunk into.

Sitting back in the bus she watched the others eventually get off as they passed the more well known shelters. The male stayed on and so did she, resting in her seat until he stood up and moved to get off. The female scrambled after him and looked around her when she stepped back into the biting cold. It was a better neighborhood but she could see churches and salvations shops, a clear sign of a shelter near by. Groups of people walked by her and she hung close to the male to hopefully keep them at bay.

"Much further?" she asked as the snow fell harder and the male still walked on. They left the crowd behind and she hesitated to follow but her eyes saw the promised shelter a few blocks up, a small group waiting to be let in.

"Not a big crowd." the wolf murmured in appreciation.

"Wha...." He slurred back at her and leaned in to hear her better.

The small wolf followed suite and moved closer to him to speak up but before she could his paw lashed out and grabbed her arm. The female felt full panic erupt as she tried to break away but the male was quicker. Her whirled her to face away and quickly got her other paw. Forcing her to the snow covered ground he held her tiny wrists in one hand and reached to hold her muzzle closed before it occurred to her cry out. The snow fell endlessly as the female looked around wildly. No one seemed to notice what was happening as the people at the shelter had their backs to her and the streets where otherwise empty. The wolf felt tears pool in her eyes as she prayed for someone to turn around and see her.

He worked quickly, handcuffing her with cold steel cuffs that he pulled from his pocket. Holding her muzzle firmly he dragged the kicking and twisting female into the alley they had been passing. Pushing her firmly but not harshly to the wall he pressed his knee into her lower back to hold her as his now freed paw reached into his pocket. Wrapping a cloth over her mouth he made sure she could breath before using thick tape to hold her mouth closed. The cloth material around her muzzle kept the tape from sticking to her fur but he wrapped it too tight for it to slip off. Pulling her from the wall he stuck his foot into the back of her knee and forced her down, the female fought wildly but the male was bigger and overpowered her. Forcing her down onto the snow once more as he knelt on her back and caught her kicking legs one at a time. Cold steel engulfed her ankles as he used handcuffs to kept them together.

"There, there, little one, no need to make such a fuss." He told her has he stroked her shoulder gently and the female shivered from the cold and her fear. Moisture blurred her eyes as he picked her small weight up and walked down the alley. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out keys and a car sounded as it unlocked automatically and the engine started.

He brought her to a black jeep and opened the back hutch and set her on the edge holding her squirming body easily in one hand while he opened a wire dog cage and lifted her up to force her in. The male grunted as she fought and he paused to give her a hard slap on her rump before firmly pushing her in the cage.

"Be good." He snapped once and closed the gate and locked it before he put the hutch up and went around to get into the drivers seat. There was a blanket over the cage and she could only see the tops of city lights from a crack near the edge as he got in and pulled away. The female sobbed and shivered in her soaked clothing as they drove on for what seemed eternity. But when they pulled into a building of some type and he turned the engine off her fears where born anew.

The male got out and she could hear the sounds of a garage door closing. The hutch was brought down and she could see they where indeed in a garage of what appeared to be a home. A lawnmower and a various common use tools hung casually. Her eyes looked around as the male opened the cage and pulled her out. It seemed like a normal garage, no instruments of torture hung anywhere but her suspicions of a painful death still sat in her stomach.

"Now listen girl." he spoke up in a firm tone as he held her muzzle and forced her to pay attention to him.

"Behave yourself and we won't have trouble, I'm not going to hurt you, I don't plan to kill you or anything like that. I am going to rape you though and we can get through this without me having to ever raise a paw to you and that sounds better then a hard beating doesn't it?" He asked as the female continued to cry.

"Nod your head girl." He commanded while he let go of her snout and she obeyed with a muffled sob as she nodded her head up and down. It was not going to be her first rape and the female knew just how brutal males could get.

"Good girl." He replied with a smile and he lifted her up gently as he carried to a door and after unlocking it, he took her into the house.

The dwelling was pleasant looking, a male's home clearly by the style and decoration but a fine home none the less. He set her down on the kitchen island and took a moment to fasten the cuffs that pinned her arms to her back onto a bar that was in the center of the island. It looked like a decoration but when he yanked roughly on it she realized it was deeply buried into the marble top. No doubt too strong for her to break free from she thought as he walked away. The male disappeared into one of the rooms and closed the door. The female wiggled and tugged on her wrists but the bar did not even shake. Looking around she noted the heavy curtains covering every window completely. No gaps hung to allow anyone to see in or out of the seemingly normal house.

The door reopened after a while and the female looked to the male. The horse was dressed in slacks and a black shirt now. Both where new and clean as he walked over to her. His mane was brushed clean and the hair from his eyes pushed back. He was handsome and well built she admitted to herself as he walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a pair of sharp scissors.

"Don't give me those eyes, I said I wasn't going to hurt you." he scolded when he saw her wide gaze as he took her cuffed hands and carefully slid the scissors blade under her jacket. He made quick work of the old material cutting it off her body followed by her shirt. The male tsked as he examined her fur and occasionally paused in undressing her to cut out mats in her fur. The wolf could not see him as her hands where cuffed behind her back. She held still but was prepared for a painful slash of the blade into her fur at anytime.

"Such a pretty bitch so poorly looked after." he lamented as he did her other arm and then moved around to her front. He went through each layer of shirts she had on from her stomach to her neck.

"Very good girl, hold nice and still and you won't get cut by accident." the horse praised as he removed her tops and then cut through her worn sports bra. The male put the scissors down and groped her as she winced at the perverse touch.

"Smaller then I had hoped but still good." he told her as his eyes inspect the female cupping her breasts and running his paws over her stomach, leaning close his hands went around and up her shoulders. He walked to her side and inspected her some more lifting her hair as he peered at her dirty fur.

"You need a bath and some more weight but your in excellent shape, no major scars or disfigurations at all so far." the male told her as he moved in front of her again. He reach down and pulled her hind paws up and the female felt her tears renew as he took off her boots and socks and then cut her half frozen jeans away from her body. He peeled them back as if opening a present, examining her legs as he ran a paw over each one slowly. The equine left her in her panties as he undid the fastening holding her to the island and pulled her down to stand on the tile floor. Holding her arm lightly he moved around her and inspected the female. He lifted her tail and pushed her thighs apart to scrutinize every inch of her.

"My gods bitch, your outstanding." he finally exclaimed with apparent pleasure.

"I paid for the other two females and the little hobo turns out to be the best one." he mused as he looked to her face. Picking up the scissors her held her hair and the female went rigidly still as he trimmed her hair out of her eyes. Stepping back he checked his handy work and seemed content with it.

"Hold still." he said once and ever so slowly slid the blade under the tape wrapped around her muzzle. He cut with small movements and took great care to make sure not to slice her.

"One scream and you'll be wearing a muzzle for a week." He warned her as he removed the tape off her face, the female wept but did not open her mouth to speak as he examined her face.

"Very cute." he decided as he opened a drawer and pulled out a small metal rod. He pushed it at her mouth and the female tried to pull away.

"Open up." he commanded firmly as he forced the bar against her teeth and the female opened her mouth wide as he stuck the bar far down her lips holding the ends on either side of her mouth as the rod forced her to open wide. The metal rubbed against her wisdom teeth as he looked in her mouth.

"A few teeth gone but they can be replaced." he said more to himself then her as he pulled it free and she licked her lips in distaste.

"w..why are you-" her voice was cut off as he quickly whapped her lightly on the muzzle with the rod. It smarted but was not a overly painful action, more of a minor chastisement.

"No talking bitch, you're a feral now not an anthro." he growled out firmly and the female dropped her ears low and looked down. The male was playing some kind of game and she felt it wiser to go along. The wolf knew if she fought him he could easily beat her black and blue. The horse could be lying and have every intention of killing her but if their was a chance of escape with minim pain she had to try for it.

"Good girl." He told her as he led her around to the living room, the female struggled to follow in small steps with her hind feet still bound. Sitting her in a chair he lifted her knees and spread them out. The arms of the chair curved upwards as they went out and he place her knees on top of either side of them. The female allowed him to as she simply hoped he would do what he wanted to her quickly. The male took a small length of rope hidden under the chair and tied her legs in their spread position before standing up and going for the scissors. Taking a knee in front of her again he cut her worn panties away and pulled the material from her body.

"Very nice." he declared to her as he spread her nether lips and examined her slit. The small wolf was dry and he spit on his finger before sliding it into her. Making a surprised sound at the snugness he pulled his finger free and raised two to her mouth.

"Get it wet or you'll pay for it." he spoke in an easy tone and the female felt humiliated as she parted her lips and he stuck his fingers into her mouth. The male rubbed them on her tongue as she let her spit coat them. None of her previous rapes had been like this, the males had just forced her down and took their pleasure quickly. It had never been so drawn out and she felt mortified by the actions he was forcing her to perform.

The male pulled his hand free abruptly and drool hung from her lips as he reached down to her slit again. But the male's fingers did not slide into her cunt but rather rubbed her tail hole before sinking into it with force. The female arched away from the intruders but she could not lift high enough to escape them.

"Please...." She began and the male frowned at her with harsh eyes. Pulling his fingers free he gave her a light whap on the muzzle once again.

"No talking bitch." he reminded as he stood and walked out of the room.

The female shifted in her confines but the chair was made of heavy steel and her light weight could barely rock it. Slumping, she bit her lips as she was trapped in the lewd position. The male returned quickly with something black in his hand and before she could see what it was he grabbed her face and slid the muzzle on her. Clipping the feral animals restrain behind her head he then stepped back. Looking down at her as she stared at the floor her ears low in submission while he dominated her without even speaking. Finally he knelt again and she watched him produce a small jar without a label. He undid it and took some of the slimy goop and slathered it onto her pussy. The wolf jerked as the cold sludge hit her and the male rubbed it over her snatch and reached down to smear her tail hole. He slid a finger back into her behind and then a second as he fingered her lightly. Moving back up he did the same to her pussy as he pushed the cold gel into her. Leaning back he wiped his paw clean on a cloth and gave a low whistle as he peered at her.

"I am impressed bitch, you're a little lacking in manners and you'll need a few new teeth but your high quality, show quality even. Still tight in both holes too, neither of the bitches I bought are as tight as you." he spoke as a examiner of some type would and undid her legs. The female put them down as the male had her stand and took her arm again to lead her. He moved her to the kitchen once more and opened up a cupboard to rummaged around.

"Now we'll use a training one until you get good enough for you own collar." the equine told her as he pulled out a choke chain and a steel linked leash. The female shook her head and tried to pull back from the male when he moved to lift it over her head. The horse grabbed her arm and snapped her forward roughly, her hips and lower stomach hit the counter edge as he slapped her hard on the rump aiming so her tail would not take the blows.

"Behave!" he roughly growled at her and the female whimpered as he forcefully put the chain around her neck and attached the leash to it.

"Get down." he barked and placed his hands on her shoulders to force her to the ground on all fours. Once she was down he moved around her still holding onto the leash as he crouched at her legs. The male undid the cuffs on her ankles and moved to her wrists. He undid one cuff and then snapped the ones from her ankles onto her freed wrist. Putting them in front of her he interlocked the two empty cuffs giving her some room to more her paws about.

The female sobbed as she was treated like a common feral animal. What did the male plan to do with her? He spoke as if her was going to keep her for a long time and not the quick rape and throw away she had hoped for.

"Walk nice." came his mild voice as he lifted the chain and forced her to move on all fours. The gel between her legs rubbed and crude sounds came forward as she moved. He held the leash taunt forcing her to move with her head up high or be choked by the tightening chain around her neck.

"Good bitch." he praised he as they walked through the kitchen and the living room and then back again. He walked her at a quick pace and she scrambled to keep up as he turned unexpectedly and led her down a hallway.

He moved to a closed door and opened it as he led her inside as he flicked the light on. The room war nearly bare with a few things inside. There was a high shelf that held various bottles, brushes, and leashes on it along one wall. In one corner there was a low table with a step up to it and in the other corner a large black wire cage with a plush bed. Heavy curtains hung over the high double windows as they had in every room, blocking out the world from seeing what was happening inside. It looked like a room for someone's pet she thought with dread as the led her to the table.

"Up girl." He commanded and pulled her leash taunt forcing her to crawl up the steps. He led her onto it and then had her turn around on the flat surface. A simple long hook was suspended solidly from the wall above her reaching out a foot or so and she watched as he wrapped her leash around it giving her some slack.

He took first her left hind foot and wrapped a soft leather strap around it then her right, making her spread her legs as he did so. The wolf began to cry once more as he undid her paw cuffs and strapped her to the platform with leather straps around each wrist.

"Time for the real test." he spoke as he stepped away and she heard him shuffling around for something on the shelf. He returned behind her and wrapped something around her tail, it was attached to a long rope that he wrapped around the hook holding her leash. Her tail was forced taunt against her back and her behind and cunt where exposed.

The male stepped back and she heard him pick something up. The female tried to drop her head but was forced to hold it high by the chain as she heard the tell tale sound. The flash of the camera lit the room up briefly as he walked around her and took shots of her uncovered body. Standing in front of her he held the camera in her face.

"Look at the camera bitch." He spoke in smooth tone that held something under it and she whimpered but looked up her eyes wet and her ears tucked down as he snapped pictures of her.

"Lovely." he commented as he put the digital camera back onto the shelf. He moved to a closet behind the door she had not noticed and slid the door open. It was filled with various sized boxes all neatly stacked on shelves and labeled clearly. The female watched him pull out black thin straps and a small device of some sort. He dug in another and pulled a small dildo out along with a case of batteries.

Walking back to her he latched the straps around her thighs and up over her tail. They sat in a way that the ends met up over her back side. The male held them in place as he undid the end of the dildo and slid the batteries into it. Twisting the cap back on he moved it over her tail hole and placed the straps on the hooks on the dildos end. Letting it go he watched as the straps forced the tip into her back side as the female tried to tighten her hole and keep it out.

"Bad bitch, let it sink in." the dominate male told her as he gave her a slap on the cheek of her behind. Reaching to the toy he turned it on and the fake cock hummed to life as he pushed it into her tail hole, the four inch toy sliding down into her warm snug anus. The straps where adjustable and he tightened them, holding the toy in place as he watched her shift in her binds.

"Feels good huh?" he asked with a laugh as he kneaded her rump with strong firm fingers. The gel had lubricated the entry and the toy was small and did not induce pain on her. The female felt humiliation roll through her as the toy did stimulate some pleasure through out her body. She was held by bonds that where snug but not uncomfortable and as long as she held her head up the chain on her neck was slack. The wolf sobbed through her muzzle as she felt her traitorous body begin to respond to the situation. He had not hurt her and then female felt no intent to do so from him. His warm large hand cupped her pussy and massaged the nether lips while his middle finger rolled over her clit, pleasuring her as he took his time.

"See Not too bad is it? You'll come to love this attention. I'll train you up real nice and well find you a wealthy buyer. A young male with a wife he hates maybe, he'll send her on trips around the world and keep you in his bed. You'll be a well trained bitch by then, eager to please and with the knowledge how to pull any trick he desirers." the horse told her as she broke down in tears once more, finally knowing what the male had planned for her. She pulled against her restraints but they held her firmly and she tried to cry out but her muzzle muffled her.

"Enough of that." He snapped sharply and pulled his hand away a harsh sting speared her as he slapped her sensitive pussy once roughly. The female struggled even more and the male gave her another hard slap but she kept fighting.

"Fine." He growled out and the horse moved away from her but she paid little heed as she couldn't twist her head to see him. Her collar pulled at her fur and it dug into her neck as she pulled against it. The male came to stand over her again and she closer her eyes to block him out. Her wiggling was ignored as he undid the clasp on her leach and slid the collar off her neck. Another thicker one wrapped around her neck but this one had a buckle on it. The male did it up tightly but not enough to cut off her air as he redid the leash. He slipped her muzzle off and the female began to scream out loud. As she opened her mouth to cry he stuck something into it and she tried to yank her head away but the leash held her in place. A metal ring held her mouth open as he did up the clasps behind her head. The female sobbed as her spit drooled down her chin and she whimpered as she tied to bite down but the metal was thick and she couldn't bend it.

The small wolf opened her eyes to watch the male pull out his erection from his slacks. The equines cock was long and thin reaching nine inches long at least. Suddenly she knew why he put the ring in her mouth and yanked her head back the few inches the leash allowed her to. The male jerked his shaft as he smeared the pre from the tip along the cock. Reaching out a hand he took her head fur in a tight painful grip and dragged her to the dick. She tried to pull back but his hand tightened and he yanked her closer callously.

"Behave bitch, your gonna get used to this real quick." he told her as he pushed the tip of his cock through the wide ring at the end of her muzzle.

Letting go of his shaft he stepped closer and took her hair in both hands as he pulled her nearer to the phallus while sliding it over her tongue, the salty taste of his pre cum making itself known. Inch by inch he fed it into her mouth as she was held firmly by his hands.

"Your not gonna like this but you need to be punished." He informed her as the shaft began to move too deep, her throat gagging. But he ignored it and pushed until his groin rubbed her nose and his balls slapped at her chin. Drool hung down her face and the wet dangles smeared onto the ball sack as they rested against her chin. He held her there for a movement listening to her gag and feeling her tongue jerk under him. Pulling back he let her drag in deep breath before he began to move. Her humped slowly at first and yanked her head into every thrust he gave her. With each movement salty seed spurted from the dip of his cock and it ran out of her mouth down her chin and neck.

The horse shifted his weight and spread his legs out. Holding her hair in a tight grip he began to fuck her face carelessly. Using hard strokes he slammed himself into her throat and listened to her gag as he ground against her nose.

"Bitch your going to be great." he laughed as he pulled out of her throat and more cum ran down her chin. His balls slapped her chin every time he slid home and she cried as he abused her mouth with hammering thrusts of his hips.

"Drink it down this time and maybe I'll stop." he offered to her and he pushed back into her throat and held himself their as she gagged on him. The female sobbed as she began to swallow the fluid down drinking the male's repulsing semen.

"Good girl." He grunted as he held himself there still even as she drank the warm cum down. She began to convulse as the sickening feeling of needing to vomit rose but he pulled back before it over took her.

The male stayed in her mouth moving lazily back and forth as he watched her. She looked utterly humiliated already and they were still alone. The little homeless wolf had some pride to her it seemed and he grinned, he loved breaking them in.

Pulling out he dropped his pants to the floor and stepped out of them. Walking to the closet he pulled out the full length mirror and set is up against the wall in front of her.

"Take a look at that." he told her as he stepped back to admire her. The wolf did not want to see herself but she looked anyway before he could force her and her spirit crumbled at the sight of herself. The male had spewed more seed then she realized as it hung all down her chin and upper body. Long strands attached to her chin also clung to her shoulders while more of the thick slime dangled from her muzzle. The ring held her mouth open and it was painted white with his semen, she could feel and taste the warm spunk on her tongue.

Crying she watched the male move behind her and she whimpered at what was going to come next. The male bent to pick up the strange toy he had discarded earlier when he put the dildo in her. It was still humming in her behind and the female could feel the terrible slickness of her cunt from it's vibrations.

Watching the male she saw him slip a tiny battery into the small device and then slide it along his cock. It rested at the very base against his balls and vibrated with a buzzing sound.

"Now lets check here shall we?" he asked as he smacked her backside lightly and pushed at the dildo in her tail hole.

"Still good up here..." he laughed and she felt his finger danced lower to her gaping cunt. The slit was drooling her excitement and she felt shame as her rubbed the soaked hole.

"Well this little bitch loves being used already." he chuckled as she tried to shake her head in negative.

"Your body doesn't lie little mutt." the horse told her as he rubbed the head of his cock over her engorged pussy.

"Your more then ready for a good hard fuck." he explained as he slowly pushed the tip into her while reaching around her to squeeze her clit.

Bit by bit he fed her his long shaft until about half way deep he stopped. Riding her with small thrusts he gave a satisfied groan.

"That vibrator feels great." the male said as he leaned over her, untying the end of her leash and taking it in his own hand, pulling on it as he saw fit.

"Wanna feel it?" He asked her once and with smirk to her in the mirror he lunged forward and speared his cock deep into her wet hole. The female under him jerked as he ground himself at her, fully hilted in her. The wolf twisted as the sudden rough invasions mixed pain with pleasure. The small toy at the base of his nut sack was shaped so it rubbed against her clit when he was buried completely in her. The female shifted and tried to pull away from it as he held her in place.

"Not bad huh?' he asked her with a chuckle as he grinded his hips against her, his finger pushing her clit onto the humming toy.

With a laugh he sat back up and moved to rest his knees against the end of the table. A soft leather edge cushioned them as he began to ride the small female strapped into a doggy position.

"Common bitch, fuck." he commanded her as he slapped her rump and shoved away at her. Her pussy clamped down on his shaft and wet vulgar sounds filled the room as his flesh smacked against her. Every time he pushed deep she arched at the discomfort mixed with the pleasure of the toy rubbing her clit.

"Nice and tight still, you'll make me some good money." he spoke as he grasped her hips and yanked her back into the thrust of his own body beginning to really hammer into her.

"Your little snatch is fucking gripping me." the horse hissed at her as he began to savagely fuck her body, taking pleasure as seed kept spurting into her unprotected womb. What if he got her pregnant? She thought with a shiver of fear even as the pleasure of the mating was beginning to bite at her.

The warm spunk spurted out loudly every time he pulled back and she could feel it running down her spread thighs. The male reared up and pulled her leash taunt as he kept thumping away at her. He groaned as he felt the female's inner walls milking his cock for more even as she fought her restrains. The hole was good and not loose or dull at all. She would be an excellent prize, he could clean her up and after breaking her and training, the male would enter her in shows. After she won some titles and trophies the bitch would be worth even more.

Grunting has he lost control of his breathing he slammed home into her cunt without care for the female. He rammed at her and would pull back until only the head was still in her, feeling her hips roll and her snatch suck at him hungrily. With a gin he shoved it all back into her grinding against her as he felt her muscles convulse and grip him tightly.

"Your getting ready to orgasm." the male laughed as he rode on, his hands biting into her hips as he pulled her leash tightly. Lunging at her fuck hole he pounded away at the female as the table under them shook with the sheer force of the ride. Her pussy was letting out lewd sloppy sounds as his cum and her own honey ran down her thighs and smeared on the table top.

"Little bitch, your enjoying it!" he shouted as he panted and did his best to fuck her senseless, pulling her back into every thrust as she cried out around the ring in her mouth. The seed and saliva was everywhere now, the motions of the screwing having splattered it all over her. Strands of it jumped up over her muzzle and into her hair while sticky layers coated her small breasts and arms.

The female felt shamed and utterly humiliated as the males words rang true. The feeling of his cock spreading her small body was good. The friction every time he moved made her shiver and the constant stream of seed was making her bite the ring hard to subdue her moans. The leash kept her head tilted back as tears streamed down her face even as she humped back at the male. He was harsh but not painful, the male had done nothing to truly hurt her yet. He had not hit her with full force or cut her in anyway and the female so used to agony felt only pleasure as she was fucked so wonderfully.

"That's it bitch, ride." he muttered out as he watched her move with him, shoving herself onto his long cock as the dick speared into the soaked cavern over and over. Looking up he stared at her eyes in the mirror, clearly seeing her passion as she tried to hide it and looked away from the image of herself.

"Come on, I'll give you something good, look at me in the mirror." he commanded as he gripped the flesh of her ass and wrenched her back into each drive of his hips, the cock in her was pulsing and shuddering and her walls clamped down on him. Making it nearly impossible for the male to move in her as they gripped him tightly. Her tear filled eyes met his own in the reflection as he smirked at the wide eyed bitch.

When those already tight muscles constrict on him hotter then any mouth or virgin slit the male threw his head back and drove as far into her as he could the female jerked under him. Her muffles cried signaled she was climaxing with him. Holding her tightly to him he felt his cock enlarge in her and suddenly piss out a load of semen much more potent then the small splatters from before. The hot gunk filled her womb as the male ground his hips to her the vibrating ring pushing on her clit and making her convulse and jolt under him.

The male finally slumped over her as he struggled to breath again, his hips still twitching in small spasms as his orgasm subsided. He weakly reached up and tied her leash back up to keep her from bowing her head.

"You are going to my best one yet." He breathed into her ear as he slowly moved off her. The male slid back slowly and reached up to grasp a dog dish from the high shelf. Placing it under her slit he moved back inch by inch before his cock head finally slid out. A hot gush of cum splashed free and dribbled into the dish. Setting it down he let it continue to fill as he removed the vibrator off his flaccid cock and undid the straps holding the dildo in her ass. The small thing popped free from her backside and she shuddered as he pulled the toy out completely. Turning them off he took out the batteries and cleaned them off while her pussy still dribbled his semen into the dish. He walked over and fingered her sore snatch a few times to get and last bits out before sliding the dish down to her face. He undid her collar and using his fingers he scraped the excess seed and saliva off her muzzle and chin and let it drop into the dish. Finally he undid the strap to the ring in her mouth and let it fall from her sore jaw.

"Not much but it'll make you a good enough breakfast tomorrow." came the comment as he undid the females bindings on her wrists and legs and she slumped to the table. The wolf laid there so very well used and confused by her traitorous bodies enjoyment of her rape. Her male left her collar on and he took her small weight in his arms. Walking over to the large dog cage her knelt and using the top entrance her deposited her into the bed. It was plush bedding with matting under it and he knew she would be more comfortable then she was used to. Looking down at her he lifted a blanket and draped it over her nude body before sliding the top back into place. Locking the bolt he pulled the key out and checked the other lock. Making sure she was firmly trapped he smile down at his newest little bitch.

"You can try screaming all night if you want dear, the room is sound proof." he told the dazed wolf as he flicked out the main light but turned on a smaller lamp. Taking the dog dish he moved to the door.

"Good night little bitch." he called softly to the female who laid in her kennel too worn out and mentally exhausted to even acknowledge him.