Tale Of The Apprentice: Chapter Seventeen.

Story by Andalite on SoFurry

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And another one down. There's a little twist in this one, so enjoy that... Or hate me for it, if you so desire. If you liked it I ask you to please hit vote/favorite, they are but simple button clicks and I greatly appreciate seeing feedback on something I put so much time into. And of course make sure to start from chapter one, as it goes without saying that you will miss everything up to this point. Happy reading.

Chapter Seventeen

The next day found them in the more lively part of the forest, the trees growing larger and the plants in general more abundant. She followed passively along as Falren led them between the trees, ears and eyes silently watchful. They'd decided to keep their way near the stream Velanis had found, the water running off to their left. It was a reasonable decision she thought, as it at least gave them a source of water and a potential outlet for food. They still had to make their way through the forest growth despite that though, sometimes having it grow thick enough to make their passage difficult.

Her ear twitched as Velanis gave a quiet growl, pushing aside some of that growth blocking her way. She chuckled to herself at that, in turn pushing it out of the way as she followe. Naleen found it a bit annoying at times too, but they would find no better or easier paths. Perhaps walking their way up the streambed would prove less bothersome, but that brought about its own issues. She simply accepted that, and persevered until they were eventually free of this Rain Wood.

She always wondered why the humans had named it so, whether it be for its habits or something else. She found that it didn't achieve much to question why they did certain things though, so she simply let it be. The time spent walking did give her time to think though, and at the moment those thoughts were about Falren. Namely being how she would come out to him about who she was. It was something she didn't want to come as a surprise, but then again that was probably a silly wish.

Still, surprise or no, she would try to tell him in a manner that wasn't... abrupt. When and what that manner was, she wasn't sure just yet. It wasn't something she wanted to rush though. Naleen shifted her green eyes to her companions, the two forging ahead in front of her. Falren would receive the information in a good way she hoped, but for now he seemed happy and content enough. She would be patient until she was able to give it to him lightly.

Naleen shifted her spears weight in her arm, claws digging into the soft ground underfoot as she walked. It had been many moons since she'd set out on a long venture such as this, the last one being when she had departed Nel'Vrak. That had been a tough decision for her, to leave her home like that. Having to witness both her clans crumble, and in the process the people she had held dear, diminished her desire to stay. She still loved the land as her home, but at the time she couldn't find a reason to stay and bare the pains anymore.

Still, it would be... nice to see it once more, though what she would find there now she was unsure. It had been years since she left, and she knew not what events had transpired in Nel'Vrak during that time. Her clan had been a fractured mess, pulling itself apart at the seams. It made her wonder if that clan had somehow lived on, but if it had... she wasn't sure if that would be for good or ill. Those that were numbered on Vrelik's side had been fewer than those that wanted their ways to continue on like they had been.

Her ears twitched at that, expression dropping. Vrelik had been unwavering in his views to the point of stubbornness and pride. He had been so adamant on trying to change the course of that clan, to try and change their ways. He was old, older than her, and she didn't know what his earlier life had been. She'd heard stories of course, about his place as the War Master. None of them seemed to fit how he was when she'd met him, besides his air of calculating calm.

Some stories had portrayed him as a person to fit his title, a person that waged war as a lifestyle. And she had seen those traits in the clan around her, how much they loved to fight. But she had never seen it to such degrees in Vrelik, never seen that person who apparently loved the bloodshed. Perhaps he had simply changed as he grew older, or perhaps the stories were exaggerated.

She knew he had seen his share of fighting though, and she wouldn't have called him a pacifist in the time she knew him. She saw him fight before, and even taken a place with him in some battles, but he had never seemed like the bloodthirsty person some had made him out to be. Naleen took a breath, blinking her eyes as she looked ahead. Maybe Vrelik had never lived up to those tales, but the clan they were part of surely did.

She had been young when she was forced to survive on her own, and had never learned a lot about her home. When she'd joined Vrelik's clan she knew nothing about its history, until she eventually learned some of it during her stay. They'd had a reputation it had seemed, one that revolved around them being a large and strong clan that held an influence in that region. Usually one that involved blood and violence against those that challenged them... or those they just felt like doing so to.

Vrelik had tried to change that, she'd realized. Why and to what end though, she had never truly figured out. He had never been very forthcoming with his motivations... Her gaze shifted to Falren, as was evident in a lot of things he did... That endeavor had proved too much for even he though, the majority of that clan deciding in time that they wouldn't heed his command, regardless of the position he was in. Naleen swallowed, remembering the day that decision and discontent had reached its culmination...

"Naleen?" Her name was said softly, making her lift her head up to find Velanis looking back at her with a frown.

"Yes?" She replied, flicking her tongue out to lick over her drying lips.

"It's getting late, Falren wants to stop and make camp." Velanis told her.

She looked around at the forest, the trees dark around her. "Ah, I suppose it is..." She'd lost track of time it seemed.

"You've been quiet and just staring off into the distance." Velanis added quietly, a hint of concern in her amber eyes. "Are you alright Naleen?"

"I am fine youngling." She reassured her with a small smile. "Just thinking about some things, and old memories."

The female hummed at her response, ears twitching.

"Let us go and help Falren make camp now, yes?" She said, walking over to her.

Velanis gave her a nod after a moment, moving with her as they went to the spot Falren had chosen for their overnight camp. It was about a good of spot as any in this forest, and she deposited her pack from her shoulders to the ground before routinely helping gather wood for their fire. There was certainly and abundance of it, and it didn't take long to gather enough to see them through the night at least. She brushed her arms off after dropping her share, moving to where she'd placed her pack and taking a seat.

When the fire had been lit and they had gotten settled, Falren handed out some of the meat from the deer Velanis had caught. She accepted hers with a thanks, laying her spear across her lap and tearing chunks off the strip to be swallowed down. Her greens eyes stared at the fire as she ate quietly, content to simply rest for the time being. Her mind briefly drifted back to her previous thoughts, but she pushed them aside before she fell too deeply into them.

"Falren?" She heard Velanis utter, flicking her gaze up to look across the fire at them.

He gave a hum in response, prompting her to continue.

"How many times have you been through this forest?" She asked.

Naleen rested her head in her hands, interested to hear this conversation.

"A fair amount of times." He replied with a shrug. "Enough that I can find my way through it without much trouble usually."

"Ah." Velanis mumbled. "For the work you did?"

"Sometimes." Falren nodded.

"Have you always stayed in Rindal, Falren?" She spoke up, voicing her own question across the fire.

"Yes and no." He replied to her, silver gaze flickering in the firelight. "I've never gone so far as the cities across the sea, nor have I ventured back into the lands that lay between Nel'Vrak. Mostly I've stayed close to Rindal, picking up the odd job on occasion."

"I see. And have you been to these mountains that we journey to?" She asked, Velanis looking over at him curiously at the question.

"Once or twice, yes." He responded, glancing at Velanis as he caught her interested gaze. "Though, they are a big place, and prior to meeting Vel I didn't know there was a clan of Sergals there. A lot of secluded, cut off places to hide in those mountains."

"Yes, there are." Velanis agreed. "I used to find all sorts of places to hide when I explored my valley. I never met any one outside of my clan until I left, so I suppose they had picked a good spot to be left alone."

Naleen gave a hum, returning her gaze to the fire and working on finishing off her meager meal. Eventually they'd all finished eating, the night silent around them as their conversation grew quiet.

"If you two wish to sleep, I will take first watch." She soon stated, looking up at them.

Velanis answered for them both, wordlessly wrapping her arms around Falren and dragging him down onto the bedroll with her. She chuckled to herself, giving a smile at the scene as Vel left little arguing on Falren's part.

"Wake me when you want to sleep." Velanis said to her, before resting her head down with her mate's.

"I will." She agreed. "Sleep well." She added quietly as the two ventured to sleep together.

Naleen curled her legs comfortably, rolling her spear idly between her hands as she sat and listened...

The night was peaceful, the night's cacophony of sounds reaching her ears. Once or twice she heard some manner of creature moving in the dark around their camp, but whatever they may have been they skirted around and left them undisturbed. Naleen smiled to herself; the darkness of night wasn't something that changed much. Many nights in Nel'Vrak she had sat in the darkness, much like now.

During those times there had been different things to watch for of course, other sorts of thing to be mindful of. Her smile stretched to bare her teeth. But then there had been times when she hadn't cared at all what was out in the dark. She reached over and pulled her pack into her lap, flipping open the top to rummage around in its contents. She quickly found what she was looking for; pulling the item free from a special place she kept for it. She set her pack aside, looking down at the trinket that glinted slightly in the firelight as she cupped it in her hands.

She looked at it fondly, running a claw over the flickering gem that sat in its center. It seemed so long ago that he had given it to her, yet she still remembered the night clearly. She turned it over in her hand, tracing a claw over the engraving that laid there as she worded it out in her mind.

"What is that?" Came the quiet question, making her flick her gaze from the thing in her hands to find Velanis staring across at her, head on her knees.

"This..." She replied quietly in turn, lifting the trinket up by its chain after a moment to show her. "Was a gift from my mate."

Velanis' amber eyes stared at it intently as the golden pendant slowly turned around, flashing the green gem in its center.

"What does it say?" Velanis asked, cocking her head.

"I... wish to keep the words to myself for now, child. I am sorry." She said with a small smile, bringing the object back down into her hands. "It was a token for how much he cared about me."

"Ah." She mumbled. "The gem matches your eyes."

"Yes, it does." She chuckled quietly. "He said it did too."

"Why don't you wear it?" Vel asked curiously.

"I just always wanted to keep it safe..." She said, looking at the pendant.

She realized then that reason was perhaps a bit silly, but still true. Maybe she would start wearing it. Velanis was silent for a few moments, letting her think quietly to herself.

"Falren has one a bit like that." The youngling spoke eventually.

"His is a bit different, I think." She replied, looking over to where Falren slept. "They mean different things, youngling. His... bears the sigil of his master's bloodline."

"I... see." Velanis uttered, glancing down to where he slept beside her with ears perked in interest.

"This is not the time nor place to discuss that topic though, yes?" She stated, careful about what she said with Falren so close.

"I know..." She said, though it was clear in her voice she wanted to discuss it further.

"We can talk about it another time." She stated, drawing that subject to a close. "I would quite like to get some sleep now, if you're ready to take your watch."

"Oh, yes, I'm ready." Velanis replied, turning her gaze back to her as she spread her bedroll out.

"Thank you Vel." She uttered, giving a smile as she lay out on the bedding.

"Goodnight." The female offered.

Naleen gave a hum, curling onto her side facing the fire. She continued to cup the necklace, giving it one last look before she clutched it into her chest and closed her eyes. She drew a bit of comfort from it as she slowly let sleep take her, the good memory hopefully serving to ward off the less pleasant ones for now at least.


The gray morning soon came, Velanis nudging him awake for them to all shake the sleep from their minds and get ready to start another day. It started relatively the same, the three of them taking their small breakfast around the low ambers of the fire. No one really talked much beyond the simple greetings, and Velanis of course making her presence known by sitting up against him. He supposed there really wasn't much to talk about at the current hour anyway, undoubtedly saving any conversation to pass the time when they got moving again.

Naleen was her usual self, though as she ate her green eyes seemed to be staring thoughtfully down at her free hand. He didn't disturb her, but his unspoken question was soon answered after she swallowed the last of her food. She brought up the hand she had been staring at, a golden object slipping free until it dangled on a chain. The female ducked her head through the loop of metal, slipping it over her ears until it rested around the base of her neck.

He was able to glimpse a small, gem-set pendant before she tucked it away under her armor, hiding the chain and pendant from view. Naleen gave him a soft smile when he looked up to her, brow quirked slightly. He didn't questioned her as to what it was right then though, not that he needed to ask to know it was a personal keepsake. He had his share of those to know one when he saw it.

Both he and Velanis soon finished their food as well, packing up the few loose things before standing to their feet. With little reason to be waiting around, he continued in the prior day's direction with his companions in tow. The small stream still flowed slowly past them, the way he followed trailing alongside it for now. It wasn't so much a path he followed as much as it was some form of game trail, or simply a cleft that the forest hadn't decided to overtake yet.

No such paths ever truly offered a straight route from one point to another, the majority usually winding in odd ways. Certainly not something to rely on for direction, but perfectly fine to help make the going a bit easier. He found that attempting to hold a straight course in this forest never seemed to work out, the trees quickly throwing some obstacle in the way. Better to work with it, than work against it.

So he'd learned to take the more natural trails in this sense, rather than fighting against something that was prone to win, or at the very least put up a struggle. He was fine with taking a slightly longer way if it meant paying less of a toll in the long run. An ease to the effort definitely wasn't unwelcome, and on this journey there was no sense in not taking whatever ease they could...

The day passed by in the usual fashion, the hours of trekking through the forest culminating to their overnight stop come the evening. They traded idle conversation around the fire, but nothing of any significance. Naleen didn't show the pendant she'd taken to wearing, but every now and again he would see her reach a hand up to the chain, as if to reassure herself it was still there.

"Naleen?" He started curiously, making her look up to him with an ear quirked. "That necklace, can I ask how you got it?"

"Ah." She aired, hesitating a moment before she answered. "It... was a gift from my mate."

He gave a hum, quickly understanding why it was important to her. Velanis was motionless as she sat up against him, ears listening intently.

"He... died many years ago." Naleen continued on her own, eyes blinking as she looked down at the fire.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He offered to her.

"It was not your fault, Falren." She stated, green eyes flicking up to meet his.

"What happened?" He wondered.

"It was..." The female started, gaze darting to Velanis quickly before going back to him. "Inner turmoil amongst out clan." She finished slowly.

"I see." He mumbled with a frown. "Not an uncommon thing, it seems."

"No... I suppose it isn't." She uttered in reply, eyes lowering.

Naleen seemed thoughtful about something, but he let it be for now. With their stint of conversation finished though, and the night getting later, it was time for them to get some rest.

"If you two want to go to sleep, I'll watch first." He declared to them both.

Naleen didn't argue, giving a nod of agreement before promptly spreading herself our on her bedroll with her back to the fire. For as quick as she was to agree though, Vel was reluctant, pressing up against him as she was.

"You should get the sleep while you can too, Vel." He stated to her, rubbing one her arms gently.

All she did was give a hum, pressing up against him a bit more firmly and bending her head down to nuzzle him. The way she was pressing up against him made it obvious what was on her mind now, the Sergal's arms wrapping around him while she licked at his neck.

"Vel." He stated as she continued. "Much as I want to agree with you, now isn't the best time for that."

"Why?" She questioned with a quiet growl. "Because of Naleen?"

"Partly, but..." He gave a sigh when she started to press into him more insistently. "I'll make you a deal Vel. We can do what you want..."

She gave a grin as he spoke that, just about to roll over onto him.

"...Or, you can ask me any question you want." He finished, stopping her.

He knew that would get her interest, Velanis giving a growl of annoyance as she settled back to her sitting position.

"Why not just both?" She muttered with a snort.

"It isn't that I don't want to Vel." He reassured her, stroking one of her arms again. "It's just that it's a bit hard to stay focused on anything but you when we do... that. Nothing may have happened yet, but this forest has a way of punishing those that are unaware. You know that from experience, no?"

"I... understand." She said with a sigh, ears drooping.

"Don't you have anything you want to ask though?" He reminded her, nudging her side.

"Well... yes." She replied, amber eyes looking down at him.

"What is it then?" He questioned with a chuckle.

Velanis didn't speak up immediately, ears twitching as she seemed to think. That struck him a bit odd, considering how many questions she used to have for him. But then... maybe she didn't wish to berate him with so many questions about his past now. Regardless, he had to wait a few minutes while she thought, before she eventually decided on something.

"What was your clan's name?" She asked.

He raised a brow at that; it wasn't the first thing he'd expected her to ask. He had to wonder what it would mean to her, or if she just wanted to know. Still, there couldn't be any harm in her knowing at this point.

"Blood Fang." He answered.

"Blood Fang..." She mumbled thoughtfully. "Fitting I suppose, considering how you portray them to have been."

"I like to think that name applied more to my master than to the rest of the clan." He said with a frown. "To my understanding the clan had been a smaller line of warriors, until they eventually grew larger. My master was of the clan's original bloodline."

Velanis gave a hum. "Does that mean I can call you Blood Fang then?" She asked with a grin, looking down at him.

"I... think not. I'm not sure if that surname even applies to me." He replied, giving a frown. "Besides, I think I said 'a' question, and you already asked one." He added lightly.

She snorted at that, ear flicking dismissively.

"I'm curious though; what is your clan named?" He wondered.

"You didn't say asking me a question was part of the deal." She retorted with a tooth filled grin.

"No, I suppose I didn't." He agreed with a grunt.

Vel chuckled, nuzzling into his neck.

"I will tell you another time... maybe after you make up the other part of your deal." She murmured into his ear, licking him briefly. "I think I will sleep now, though."

"Aye, alright." He replied, reaching up to stroke one of her ears.

Her amber eyes stared at him a moment, before she gave a small smile and pressed her snout into him. She pulled away and shifted onto her own bedroll, laying down and peering up at him.

"Goodnight Falren." She mumbled up to him, closing her eyes.

"Sleep well, Vel." He responded.

He was left in relative silence as she drifted into sleep, with only the crackling of the fire and the occasional noise from his horse. Blood Fang. He thought to himself. It had been some time since he'd brought that name to mind, yet alone spoken it to anyone. Velanis deserved to know it by now, having kept enough from her. He wasn't as concerned telling her that as much as he would have been before; she could just put a name to the clan he came from now.

Velanis wouldn't think differently of him, he knew, but there were still things that he didn't like to bring up. Falren hummed, looking around what served as their campsite. Vel slept near to him and Naleen across the fire, leaving just his horse standing under one of the numerous trees. He let his gaze rest on the red-furred female, mulling thoughtfully to himself. Her recent answering of his questions had been an interesting discovery, and one that left him with more questions.

It was an odd coincidence that her clan had suffered something along the lines of his, though he couldn't say it was a rare occurrence. As the clans grew larger the chance of such things happening increased, especially with those like his where the ideas for the clan differed. Naleen had never said what clan she came from though, and if it had indeed been a larger one there was a chance he might know it. Getting her to tell it, however, would prove a bit of a challenge no doubt.

He dropped his gaze back to where Velanis slept next to him, lowering his hand to lightly run over her ear, making it twitch slightly. Naleen seemed more eager to talk to Vel than he, and he had to wonder why. He wouldn't try and get the answers out of Vel, but it still made him curious. The feeling that the female was familiar still stuck with him in the back of his mind, but so far it was still just a feeling. He took a breath, continuing to carefully stroke Velanis's ear as she slept peacefully.

Her fighting style was certainly familiar, in the sense that he recognized it from those amongst his clan, and she did seem to know her own share about where he came from. That didn't mean he would somehow know her though, but then again... Falren frowned. He had no recollection of her name or her appearance, and surely he would recognize her uncommon coloration. He'd rarely seen such a shade of red, at least among his clan.

Red... He mused to himself, his frown deepening.

He shrugged that thought away, bringing his gaze down to the fire and pulling his hand awake from his mate, leaving her to sleep. Despite brushing that thought off though, it still hung in the back of his mind as he waited silently...


She fiddled with the chain around her neck as she sat, Velanis having woken her earlier to take the last watch of the night. The leaves and branches above rustled in the dark, the dark not having relinquished its hold quite yet. She sniffed at the air curiously, her inspection bearing a scent of rain hanging in the air. She hummed to herself; it seemed this Rain Wood might be living up to its name once more.

Although, she imagined it would be nothing more than rain this time at least. She couldn't feel a storm in the air, nothing heavy, simply the clean scent of rain. The morning would come soon enough in any case, and then they would be off once more.

The night wore on, the fire dancing as it shed its light and warmth in the small vicinity. It was inevitable really that the sound of raindrops soon rustled the leaves above, a few stray droplets finding their way through the branches. The fire hissed quietly when they encountered its flame, some of them landing on the exposed fur of her head. She cast a glance upwards at the canopy, a few more drops falling onto her face as the rain picked up slightly. It wasn't quite as dark above them, a sign that the morning's sun was waking.

She rather doubted they would see much of it though, the sky above undoubtedly being obscured by the clouds that birthed this rain, accompanied by the ever present trees.

"Well, that was to be expected."

She brought her gaze back down, finding Falren sitting on his bedroll peering up as well in an attempt to glimpse the sky.

"Yes, I suppose it was." She replied, ear twitching as another drop fell against her. "It has a habit of raining in this forest though, does it not?"

"Indeed it does." Falren mumbled in reply. "Morning looks to be coming soon."

She gave a hum in agreement. Falren was quiet after that, though when she looked over at him he had a thoughtful look in his silver eyes. She'd noticed that look on his face quite a lot recently, as if something was troubling him and he was trying to find the answer to it.

"Falren, may I ask something?" She said to him.

"Go ahead." He granted.

"Do you blame your master, or... hate him, for what happened?" She asked slowly.

Falren took a slow breath, staring down with a frown. "The only people I blame or hate for what happened are those responsible, not him." He replied sternly.

"I see..." She mumbled, ears twitching.

"Why do you ask?" He questioned, silver eyes looking up to him.

"Curiosity." She replied simply, meeting his silver gaze with her green.

His jaw tightened at that answer, clearly seeing there was more to her question than just "curiosity". He didn't pursue it with her though, giving a sigh as he looked upwards.

"We should start getting ready to continue on." He stated, gently rustling his mate's shoulder.

Naleen gave a nod of agreement, a somber cast to her features. She didn't wish to upset him so, but she wanted to be slow in her approach. She scoffed to herself; she kept telling herself that, but she knew she was over complicating it. Funny in a way, given how sure and knowing she usually was. Few times had she ever been unsure or unconfident in her matters. Falren's mate was quickly awake though, and after she greeted him -which brought out a chuckle in her- he went to distribute each of them some food.

They set about taking their morning meal, Velanis leaning up against Falren as she did so, and she herself thinking. They didn't waste much time eating though, each of them packing up their things once they'd finished. The forest around them had brightened to a gray light enough to be considered morning, and she thought it was about time they set off to make as much progress as possible. The three of them shouldered their packs when they'd silently agreed they were ready, Falren starting to lead the way once more after he'd double checked their camp.

She and Velanis followed with him, the female giving her a happy smile in greeting. She gave a small smile in return, nodding to the youngling as they walked. She gave Velanis credit for how she didn't seem to let matters spoil her mood, at least for very long. Naleen knew she thought about both her and Falren's matters though, as well her own that she kept in her mind.

That was the reason for this venture at first after all; because she wanted to see the land she'd come from and learn about her father. She wished she could help the female in that respect, but without knowing a name -or better yet a clan name- there was little she could offer.

But while, she imagined, Falren's reasons for coming were so Velanis wouldn't have to face the challenges and dangers alone, she thought it had turned into something more than that. Not just because the two had become mated, but because of her impossibly expected reunion with Falren. She felt this journey was a bit more than a simple trip now, the time helping to rekindle old memories as well as create new ones. Perhaps fate was finally being kind in some small way, or at least balancing the scale.

She wondered if her companions felt the same as her. Velanis might with what she knew and felt now, but she doubted Falren did. She didn't doubt he held the time dear, but rather, if he was anything like Vrelik he wouldn't believe in fate. Vrelik had always believed in his own hands and what he could shape with them, and she imagined Falren had some of that attitude as well. She herself didn't necessarily believe in fate either, but after all she'd been through she'd come to hope in a small way that things would improve.

Arguably they had, but she hoped that things would not happen like they had before in her life... and she was determined to make sure they wouldn't.

More cool rain fell against her from above, serving to at least remind her of the present and take her out of her minds wanderings, casting an emerald gaze upwards at the gray branches. The rain hadn't picked up much; still just an audible pattering that became the drips of water down below the trees. It wasn't enough to sink in to her fur, and she didn't really mind the weather anyway.

Her ears perked up at the sound of snapping, darting her gaze to the direction of the sound. She hummed to herself, relaxing her ears when nothing came in to view. Naleen turned her gaze back ahead, walking with her companions once more. Most likely just an animal, especially in this particular forest. She'd been aware of plenty of creatures during her watches at night, so it wasn't anything usual. Still, she'd make sure to remain aware as always, just in case that animal decided not to skirt away from them...

The rain continued on as they trekked, fluctuating between the light shower and a heavier one through the hours. She remained watchful the entire time, keeping her ears open. No more noises out of the ordinary reached them, and as the afternoon wore on she guessed it had simply been a stray animal. She couldn't smell any unusual scents to indicate other wise either, so that seemed a reasonable conclusion.

She found herself walking near Falren and his horse, the creature staring at her with one eye, before it butted its head into her with a snort. She gave a small growl at it, one that didn't seem to phase it, and slapped it on its thick neck.

"Demanding one, aren't you." She stated, rousing a quiet chuckle from Falren.

Naleen stared level with it, the horse staring back with a blank expression. She shook her head at that, turning her gaze away. Quite the interesting thing it had grown into, nothing like the hatchling it had been, barely able to stand. It recognized her in some way, obviously, but she wasn't sure how much credit to give the animal.

It seemed to possess some higher kind of intelligence over its kin, but by all accounts she could say that it seemed an odd one. Perhaps growing amongst Sergals had changed its behavior somehow, or perhaps it was just a gifted one indeed. Regardless, it appeared to have served Falren quite well in his life, and even had an unarguable bond to him. And... she supposed that he may have even saw it as his last living friend from growing up, if only because he didn't know yet who she was.

That was something she would reconcile soon.

"Alright, I think it's time we stop for today." Falren stated, bringing them to a halt.

She came to a stop, ear twitching as her splayed feet settled onto the soft ground. The light under the trees hadn't dimmed much, still just a gray ambience. But while some may have disagreed with his decision in favor of gaining more ground, she knew it was the right one. The light may not have visibly lessened, but once the sun started to go down the already existing shadows would grow ever deeper quickly.

Best to make their camp before that happened so they weren't fumbling in the dark, and with that in mind she went about the ritual task of gathering their fuel. She noted as she foraged and filled her arms that this part of the forest seemed a bit tamer at least, able to move easily along the ground. But even the wildest of places had their tame moments occasionally she supposed, however small they may have been.

She brought her share of wood to their camp, depositing it on the ground for Falren to use. Velanis did the same with hers, choosing to settle down near her mate after she had. Naleen for her part chose to stand, rolling her spear idly between her hands as Falren worked on the fire. She waited for him to finish with that task, standing after he'd given the fire life and fed it enough fuel to get going. She stopped rolling her spear, gripping it in her hands as she quirked her head at him.

"Care to spar, Falren?" She asked as he brushed his hands off.

He paused a moment, as if contemplating it.

"Alright." He said with a quick nod, moving over to his horse to retrieve one of the wooden swords. She smiled, bending down to her pack to sheath her spearhead in the meantime.

When he walked back over to her she stood waiting, spear sheathed as she held it in both hands. There wasn't a lot of room to move around in their area, but that was fine; not every fight would be on clear, open ground.

"Not a long spar today, I think." She said to him before they could start. "Just something to keep limber, yes?"

Falren gave a nod of approval, taking his stance now that she'd stated that. She took her own as well, eyes locking on to his as they both focused on each other. It was equal measures fun and curious to spar with him, never having done so as he grew and received his training, always merely watching. Fun because he was the child she had raised, and curious because she was able to experience the results of his training firsthand.

She wasn't able to finish those thoughts though, the son of hers lashing forwards with his sword. She dodged out of reach, using her spears length to keep him at range as she swung her spear haft up in an uppercut. He turned it aside with his sword, silver eyes watching intently for any sign to give away her movements. She smiled unconsciously, memories flashing through her mind of when she had sometimes sparred with Vrelik.

She danced away from another strike, Falren cautiously pursuing after her as she prepared for another blow from her spear. Beating him wasn't what she was intent on doing though, this spar for as much practice as fun. She swung her spear around, aiming a blow towards his head with a grin. Still, she would at least put some effort into it, if only to keep them honed.

They continued to circle each other, both bearing their own intent looks of concentration as they traded blow after blow. As their breathing became heavy and her mind started to be consumed by the fight however, she had to remind herself of what she'd stated at the start. When she and Falren parted from the most recent flurry of blows, she had to hold up her hand, plant the butt of her spear into the ground.

"I think that is enough for now, yes?" She declared, taking a calming breath. "Any longer and I'm afraid we would go until one of us is no longer able."

"Aye..." He breathed, letting his sword arm fall to his side.

She chuckled as she stepped back over to her pack, sitting herself down on the ground as she pulled out her waterskin.

"But..." She said to him, taking a swallow of water. "A good spar as always, yes?"

Falren gave a nod, packing his skin back into his pack. "I think... I'll go wash quickly at the stream before it gets dark." He stated.

"Alright, we will watch over things here." She replied, giving a smile.

He turned in the direction of the water, beginning to walk off between the trees. Before doing so he stepped past Vel, passing his hand over her ears on the way by until he departed their small camp to clean himself. She chuckled a bit, directing her gaze to Velanis after he'd disappeared from sight.

"Do you not wish to go with him youngling?" She asked.

"Ah... not this time." She responded with a twitch of her ears. "My fur is fine so far, and... well, that's all."

Naleen caught the tone in her voice at the end, but left the unspoken words to her, looking downwards. It was quiet as they waited for Falren, neither of them speaking more and the forest around them remaining vaguely silent. At least, until Vel put voice to a question that was.

"Naleen?" She started slowly.

"Yes?" She hummed, urging her to continue.

"Since you were the one who raised Falren, and Vrelik brought him to you..." She began, quirking her head. "Do you know what happened to his blood parents?"

Naleen breathed a sigh at that question, mind recalling the story she had been told about that subject.

"Yes, I suppose I do child." She answered. "Vrelik told me, when I first asked him how he found Falren."

"Can I... hear it?" Vel asked sheepishly.

She had to think about that request for a moment, debating if she should reveal that piece of Falren's past outside of his presence. It was not such a unique story, the manner of what happened typical in Nel'Vrak. Vel did deserve to know it in a way, as well as Falren, and she supposed for now there wasn't any harm in telling her some of the truth behind it.

"Perhaps..." She mused, thinking back to that story...


Falren walked between the trees, occasionally having to weave around one as he made his way to the stream. It wasn't that far away from where they'd camped, but still enough that he lost sight of his companions shortly. After a small time he arrived at the small flow of water, standing on the moss that lined the ground beside it. The view above only opened slightly, the branches reaching across to block the space over the stream. There was still enough light left though, and he intended this to be quick so he could head back.

He knelt down, quickly unbuckling his mail shirt and pulling it off, laying it down beside him. The linen shirt underneath followed, though he dunked that in the stream and scrubbed it together first before setting it aside. With that out of the way he went to work cleaning himself of the road's toils, cupping his hands into the cool-ish water and splashing it onto his exposed torso. It wasn't the purest of water, but it was clear and would serve the purpose of cleaning himself with.

He bent down after that, dunking his head into the water for a few seconds before pulling back, blinking the water free from his eyes as he looked down at the slightly reflective surface. There was a quiet rustling behind him as he wiped the water from his face, making his ears tense at the sound. The rustling was accompanied by the visage of a Sergal being reflected on the water, and for a split second he thought it might have been Vel trying to sneak up on him.

That thought quickly changed though with how his body was tensing, the sight of three scars across the Sergal's snout proving that it wasn't her at all. His hand darted to the knife in his boot on reflex and instinct, body whirling around and muscles straining to get him out of the bad position he was in. He was quick, almost able to get a good footing and face the Sergal...


He saw the haft of a spear being swung at his head a split second before he tried to evade it, the weapon already having been in motion. As it was he couldn't dodge it in time, both due to his unfortunate position, and not having enough time to react. Perhaps if his mind hadn't thought it to be Vel in that split second he would have had enough warning, but that was not the case.

The wood of the spear connected with his head, the blow knocking him off balance to fall onto the moss. His vision flashed, growing muddled until darkness quickly crept in, his sight fading to black as unconsciousness took him...


"It was not Vrelik that technically found him first." The female started, looking at the fire. "A scouting party can claim that."

"A scouting party?" She questioned.

"Well, as I told you youngling, that clan had a tendency to be violent and that behavior made them foes." Naleen said to her. "It was common for groups to be sent out on patrol or whatnot, to keep watch for any who may wish to attack us. Unfortunately, they had a habit of acting on their own."

"So... how did Vrelik find him?" She asked, quirking her head. Her mind was making guesses, but she wished to hear it from Naleen.

"Vrelik told me that Falren had been with what he assumed were his parents at the time." Naleen uttered. "Neither he nor I know who those parents were, but it perhaps wouldn't be a far guess to say they were merchants or some other. Humans did not live in Nel'Vrak, and it was very rare for any to venture there."

"Regardless." She said with a shrug of one shoulder. "They evidently were not well defended, and this scouting party took their presence in the clan's territory as an invitation to attack them. By the time Vrelik had gotten report of it, the dust had already settled. He went to the scene personally, and was less than pleased at what they had done. Not so much at what they'd done to the humans, but rather the fact that they would circumvent his authority and attack individuals that didn't pose a threat to them."

"And that was when he found Falren?" She queried.

"That is what he told me, yes." Naleen nodded. "His parents had apparently hidden him, and kept him away from the party that attacked them. He had started to make noise, and that was how he found him. I cannot say what drove him to keep him alive, but perhaps he felt enough blood had been spilled."

"I see." She mumbled to herself.

"An unfortunate turn of events, but... some good has come out of it, no?" Naleen stated, smiling slightly.

"Yes." She agreed. If they hadn't have happened, she might not have ever met Falren.

With Naleen's story over, she noticed that the light had begun to fade, expecting Falren to be back soon. His horse gave a snort then, making her ear twitch and turn her gaze to it. The creature appeared restless, tugging at the loosely tied reins with its nostrils flared. She climbed to her feet, walking over to the creature with a frown. It turned its head to her, staring at her with a large eye as she pat its neck.

"What's wrong?" She uttered to it, curious as to why the animal was acting strangely.

Its response was to tug at its reins again, unraveling them from the tree and turning in the direction Falren had gone through the trees. She stared between the trunks a moment, before a realization hit her: there was only one reason his horse would be so agitated. Her feet were in motion faster than she could will them, launching her through the trees as that thought dawned on her. She heard Naleen jump to her feet as well, but she wasn't paying attention to that now.

Her sword was in her hand as branches and leaves whipped past her, darting through the trees as fast as she could. She reached the stream in a few quick minutes, crashing out of the trees onto its bank. She turned her head left and right, amber eyes looking but finding no sign of Falren besides his mail shirt on the ground. She growled, fighting down the nervousness that was starting to rise up. She stepped over to his shirt, crouching down and sniffing at the air.

Velanis couldn't smell any blood in the area and it didn't look like there'd been a fight, so it was likely he was still alive. There was another strange scent mixed in with his though, one that she vaguely recognized. Her lips lifted in a snarl as she remembered whom it belonged to, grip squeezing around her sword. Now it was anger she had to restrain, trying to keep calm so she could focus.

Naleen showed up a few moments later, casting her emerald eyes around the scene and giving a worried expression when she saw no sign of Falren.

"Did you see anything youngling?" She asked her.

"No." She replied in a half growl. "But I recognize the scent in the air."

The female gave an inspecting sniff of her own, her eyes narrowing.

"Track them child." Naleen said flatly, green eyes a mix of coldness and subtle anger. "I will follow shortly, they couldn't have gotten far."

She didn't have to argue that decision, turning and setting off quickly after the scent. She glimpsed Naleen stooping to grab Falren's mail, before she darted back in the direction of their camp, presumably to get the horse and their supplies. That was all she saw though before she set her gaze ahead, tracking the scent trail left behind.

She was stalking different prey now, and if they'd harmed Falren she would make very sure that they didn't walk away this time. She only hoped she'd be able to catch them before anything happened to him, quickening her pace with that in mind...