Casual Sex Stream Story 1: Theater Fun

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The first story of the Casual Sex stream was requested by Sigma, and showcases some of the antics in the town of Cockton.

Theater Fun For Sigma By Draconicon

3 Act Theater was one of the older movie theaters in Cockton, but there were few better places for a couple to go when they wanted to go to a movie, but didn't want to see the movie. Sigma smiled as he passed the money through the ticket booth window, patting his gecko pet on the head as Obrum nuzzled at the lizard through the lower hole.

"There you go, two tickets in the back for 'Dreams of Desire'. Do you need anything - mm - else, sir?"

"No, I don't think so. But thank you for asking."

He tugged the gecko's leash, pulling his pet away from the little slot on knee level. Obrum groaned, but followed his gesture, as he had been trained.

"Don't worry, you'll have your mouth busy for a while."

"Yeah, but he tasted good."

"So do I."

The king cheetah chuckled as he walked into the theater lobby. Other couples were already lined up for the different individual screenings, having picked up their condoms and lube from the concession stand as well as some popcorn and other treats. He didn't see a single face that wasn't split by a grin, except for the occasional person who was wearing a mask on their face.

He made his way over to the concession stand himself. The wolf ahead of him - one of the only people around that wasn't with someone else - was absently fingering the kneeling fox ahead of him while he talked to the vulpine's owner. Taking a leaf out of the wolf's book, Sigma dragged his tail along the back of Obrum's legs. The little shiver that went through the gecko's body made him smile.

He continued to tease the gecko as they moved forward in line, though he was interrupted at one point by the feel of a hand rubbing his rump. Looking over his shoulder, Sigma spotted a leopard groping him, and chuckled.

"Don't think I'm what you're looking for."

"Oh, don't mind me. I just like to grope."

"Well, if that's all you want to do..."

The leopard nodded, and Sigma turned back to the line in front of him. He had to admit, the leopard had a nice set of hands, and the groping was as good as a massage for his sore ass. Having to stand around all day with barely any time to sit down didn't give one's legs much comfort, and his ass didn't fare much better.

Eventually he reached the front of the concession line. Looking down, he saw a lion underneath the line of candies, and from what he could tell, the sabre-tooth tiger serving food had his cock in the lion's mouth. It explained the moans from the employee, at least.

"So, uh, what can I - mmmph - get you today?"

"Oh, I'll take some strawberry lube, a large you have any knotted toys?"

"Sure do. Small, medium, or extra large?"

"How big is the extra large?"

"Five inches wide, fifteen high."

"Nah, we'll stick with the medium, thanks."

With a nod, the sabre-tooth reached around the counter, never moving from his spot. The soft suckling sound of the lion below confirmed his earlier guess, and he chuckled.

The toys were soon assembled, and the popcorn was buttered. He took the bags and handed over a few bills, waiting for the sabre-tooth to finish his orgasm down the lion's throat and for him to take it. He tugged Obrum along behind him, moving him out of the way just before another pet could start sticking its tongue down the gecko's ass.

Their tickets were collected with a rip and a fondle, though the ticket-taker seemed a bit surprised when he didn't find a cock between Sigma's legs. The king cheetah smirked, patting his crotch a bit so that a little moisture appeared between his legs. With an understanding nod, the ticket-taker let them through.

Their seats were in the back of the room, on one of the series of loveseat-esque chairs that the place had. Plopping himself down on it, Sigma shucked off his pants and let them fall to the floor. As Obrum tried to follow him onto the couch, though, the c-boi feline shook his head.

"Ah ah ah. Down."

The gecko groaned, but stayed on the floor as Sigma reached for the bag. He pulled out the toy and poured some of the lube over it before passing it to his pet.

"I'm pretty sure you know what to do."

"Yes, I do. Thank you, sir."

"Mmm, you're welcome."

He watched with a smile as the gecko started rubbing the tip of the toy against his hole, grinding against it with a smile on his pale face. Several other customers coming in noticed them, but barely gave them a nod before walking down. It wasn't like Obrum was taking a Thor or something worthy of a show, after all. It was just some foreplay and fun before a movie.

As the gecko started going up and down the toy, taking more of it into his hole, Sigma spread his legs, running his fingers over his sex. Already a bit wet from the fondle earlier, he was quickly brought to a soaked slit by his own fingers. He grinned at his pet, spreading his legs further to make sure that the gecko could both see and smell him.

The enticement brought his pet over to him quickly. Having only paused to slide the knot from the toy into his hole, Obrum slid between his legs and shoved his face down into the feline's crotch. Sigma leaned his head back, sighing in pleasure as that tongue started digging into his sex, licking him and drinking his juices.

The movie started to play in the background, showing a pair of naked unicorns starting to prance around, chasing each other and playing around. Doubtless the movie would go on to show their love for each other and have the usual five to ten fucks along the way. It's what the director usually did with his movies, the prude. At least the stories tended to make up for it, and if not that, then the cute guys.

As the gecko continued licking him, he moaned, arching his back from the couch as Obrum's tongue got particularly deep. He panted, thrusting his hips forward to meet the licks, and grinned.

"Almost got me, little guy."

His only response was a deeper moan from the gecko, and he felt some pre leaking over his feet. Not that he cared. That would be licked up later. All he wanted was to -

"Oooooh yea...."

The sound of someone else cumming further down the theater was enough additional stimulation to bring him over the edge. Squeezing down on Obrum's tongue, Sigma squirmed with pleasure, moaning as he rode out his climax. He only released his pet when it was over, and even then he held the gecko down with his hand.

"Mmm, that's a good start. But keep going."

The gecko groaned, but continued. The feline leaned back, turning his attention back to the screen just in time to see one of the unicorns start sucking the other.

"Ah, there we go. That's how you do it," he said as the movie continued. Maybe this one would be more enjoyable than the last ones. Then again, with Obrum between his legs, he doubted he'd notice.

The End

Casual Sex Stream Story 2: Mounted in the Mall

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