Play Pretend

Story by Azombie on SoFurry

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I had some issues with the ending, I wrote a couple and this one I kinda liked the most.

I'm over all not super satisfied with this one :(

But I needed to be writing some more.

Play Pretend

***The Date***

Jack Morris, a rabbit, was driving into the city. His apartment was feeling too lonely. It was too quiet, sleeping alone. It had been a years since he had been in love and felt that the feeling may be gone forever. He was driving to meet Francis. He found Francis on a dating site a few days ago. They were going to meet for the first time at a popular club in the busier part of the city. Jack was excited for the date. Francis was the first guy in a while that seemed a good match for him. Every other date up to this one with the others had been disappointing, however Jack felt good about this one.

Outside the club, there was a long line of furs. Jack scanned the line, looking for the canine that resembled the pictures he saw. Francis wasn't in the line, he even mistakenly asked another dog in the line, but it was not the same man. With a sigh, Jack decided he would wait in line like the rest of them. He tried calling Francis' number, though never got an answer. The club was loud, it was possible that his call just couldn't be heard.

After an hour in line and a fifteen dollar cover charge, Jack made his way into the noisy club. He looked over the club for the lost canine. He searched the entire building to no avail. Francis was nowhere. He sent a few texts until he got a reply that said, "Hey, I don't think can do this, tonight" Jack sighed, putting his phone away, sitting down at the bar. It wasn't the first time he had been stood up. He was almost used to the feeling, now. That ache in his heart that reminded him that he was once again rejected. He ordered a drink, trying to hide the look of disappointment on his face. He already wasted fifteen on getting in here, he might as well try to get something out of it. The barman gave him his drink and refused payment, saying, "The fox over there paid for it." Then pointed towards a fox down a few people over at the bar. The fox raised his glass and winked at Jack. Jack nodded towards the fox. Jack had never been bought a drink before, he didn't know if there was some sort of rule to this. He figured he would get up and thank the fox face to face.

He left his stool and walked over towards the fox. The fox stood up as well. He was dressed formally, like he had just gotten off work. He looked a little worried and said, "Alright, if you're not into dudes, that's perfectly okay, I'll just leave you alone."

Jack smiled and laughed to himself, "No, it's okay, I'm gay. I wanted to thank you in person." He felt a little awkward.

The fox smiled and sighed, "Okay, good. I bought a guy a drink once and he nearly beat me up. You looked kinda mad walking over here."

Jack lowered his head, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I appreciate the drink, really. I just got stood up."

The fox nodded, "Oooh, I see. I'm sorry to hear that. Guy doesn't know what he missed."

"Thank you, that's very nice to say." Jack laughed, feeling himself blush.

The fox nodded over to an empty couch beside a tinted window, "Want to go sit down?"

"Yes, please." Jack said, following the fox over to the soft couch.

The two slumped into the cushions, taking sips of their drinks. The fox looked over at Jack. Jack was nervous, this was very sudden. The fox took another drink from his glass, "So, my name is Spencer, what about you?"

"I'm Jack, nice to meet you, Spence." Jack replied, "What are you doing here, tonight?"

Spencer shrugged, "The office was having a get together after work." He pointed over at a table full of furs in suits, laughing, then said, "They are going to get pretty drunk, so I ducked out before they start embarrassing themselves."

Jack nodded, "Sounds like it could be fun."

The fox rolled his eyes, "Maybe the first ten times, now it's just sad." He laughed, then asked, "What about you?"

Jack shrugged, "Figured I'd get some drinks in me and relax while I'm here." He sighed, looking down at his glass, feeling that well up disappointment again.

Jack felt a paw on his shoulder as he heard Spencer say, "Hey, it's okay. Everyone gets stood up once in a while."

Jack sighed again, "This isn't even close to the first time this has happened." The rabbit was starting to feel emotional. He tried to clear his mind of those thoughts.

"Dating can suck sometimes." The fox laughed softly to himself, "I usually try to avoid it."

Jack shrugged, "Yeah, I hate dating, but I dunno, I kinda don't feel right with the whole one night stand thing, either."

"Why not just fake it?" The fox said.

Jack looked at the fox, confused, he asked, "Fake what?"

"Fake love. Just find someone and spend one night as thought you both were already madly in love."

Jack shook his head, "I don't know if that could work."

"I know, maybe it would never work. But hey, might be worth a try." The fox replied.

Jack smirked, "Why? Are you offering to try?"

The fox nodded, "I would be willing to try if you are."

The rabbit thought for a moment, taking another drink from his glass. After a brief moment, Spencer said, "You don't have to if you don't want to. I was just being-"

"I'll do it." Jack cut in, "I'm tried of dating, and I think I could do it."

Spencer smiled excitedly, "Really? You would do it?"

"Sure, I don't see why not." Replied Jack. He was sick of spending his nights alone. He hadn't even had sex in over a year. He didn't question whether it was curiosity or pure desperation that he agreed to this fox's suggestion. Deep down he thought that maybe things will bloom from this experiment.

The fox gulped down the rest of his drink and got up, "Alrighty!" He bounced, looking excited, "So how is this gonna work?"

"Have you ever done any acting?" replied Jack.

Spencer shook his head, "Not really, you?"

"I did a little back in high school. I guess you just fake it 'til you make it." Said Jack.

The fox nodded, "Okay.. Lemme try this.." He approached Jack, wrapping his arms slowly around the rabbit's waist, pulling him into a deep kiss. Jack was shocked, though let it happen. When he recovered from the awkward and sudden kiss, he wrapped his own arms around the fox, returning the kiss. It wasn't that intimate of a kiss, however Jack still enjoyed it. They had all night to practice this.

Spencer stepped back and said, "How was that?"

Jack nodded, "That was pretty good, but you have to pretend you are someone that actually feels in love."

Spencer shrugged and frowned, "I dunno, I can't really picture it. I've never really been in love."

"Just go with it, maybe we can make up some kind of back story." Said Jack, drinking the last of his alcohol.

Spencer sat back down on the couch, "Like, how we pretend met and all that?"

Jack nodded, "Yeah." He sat down, "Let's say we met at a club."

"I saw you and just had to ask you out, so I did." Replied Spencer.

Jack nodded in agreement, "Then we went on a romantic date and everything just clicked."

"So, then we went on more dates and fell in love." Spencer grinned, his paw reaching over to Jack's.

Jack held the fox's paw, "Which leads us to where we are now."

"You decided to meet me here after I get off work, and then we head back to your, no wait, our place."

Jack couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster, letting himself give in to this fantasy, "Yes, would you like me to give you a ride to our apartment, hon?"

Spencer blushed and said, "Yeah, I got a ride from Bill, from work, today. A few of us carpool."

Jack smirked, "Ah, so that's why your car was still there this morning." He improvised, trying to keep the scene going.

"Mhmm" Spencer nodded, "Let's get out of here, then, before it gets too late. Alright, babe?"

Jack stood up and extended his arm to help Spencer up, "Yeah, follow me, my love."

Spencer giggled, "Now you're going a little far."

"And you're breaking character." Jack grinned.

Spencer laughed, "I was in character, my character thought that your character was being a little too romantic."

Jack leaned over to peck the fox on the lips, "Isn't that what you love most about me? Or have all those years been a lie?"

Spencer shook his head, "It is endearing, if I do say so myself." He then leaned over and gave Jack a romantic kiss. Jack returned the kiss in full. He pulled the fox into a loving embrace. The people around him disappear in his mind. He didn't know if the Fox was feeling the same, but he really did start to fall into his character, maybe even sparked real love with this stranger. He didn't know, and deep down, he didn't care. All that mattered was this fox in his arms.

Jack took a step back to look at his fox. Around the two, were the staring eyes of those they had obviously discomforted. He blushed and took the fox by the paw and led him out of the bar and to his car. He opened the door for Spencer and walked around, getting into his seat. The door had just clicked when he felt the fox's lips against his own. The kiss was lust filled. Jack looked into the fox's eyes and could almost feel like they've been together for years. Before he could stop himself the words, "I love you." escaped from his mouth.

Spencer didn't miss a beat, "I love you, too, Jack." he replied.

Jack's heart fluttered, "Let's get home before we get into trouble." he blushed.

Spencer nodded, his paw reaching over to grope the growing bulge in Jack's pants, "Someone missed me."

Jack turned the car on, "I miss you so much when you're gone." He gave the fox another kiss before heading out of the parking lot. Driving was hard for Jack when there was a horny fox in the passenger seat. He didn't mind, in fact, he loved it. They were around half way to his place when Spencer took out Jack's member, leaning over, giving it a lick.

The sensation sent shivers up Jack's spine, "Oohh.. Dear, we should wait til we get home.." By way of his reply, Jack felt his member totally engulfed in the warm wet felling only a mouth could provide. He felt the tongue pushing against his shaft as the fox's head started to bob up and down. He breathed deep, trying to stay the course. He drove carefully, trying to stay at a normal speed in case a cop saw him. He let out a moan, which only fed the fox's desire. He saw his apartment complex and turned into the street, saying, "Hey.. Sweetie.. We are home.."

Spencer continued until they were parked, Jack felt he was about to burst. As he stopped the car, he looked down at the fox glued to his lap, "I'm.. I'm about to explode.." His breathing was heavy, unbuckling his seat belt, closing his eyes as the fox continues in earnest. Jack moaned, "Oh.. Oh Spence.." He let out a groan as he could feel his orgasm take over him. He spurted hard into the mouth of the fox, who swallowed every drop he had to offer. Once his cock had stopped throbbing, Spencer sat back up and smiled at Jack, "How was that, baby?"

Jack grinned, "That was just.. Wow.."

Spencer smirked, leaning over to kiss Jack deeply. Jack could taste his own seed on Spencer's tongue. They both moaned softly, kissing lovingly. After they kissed, Spencer opened the door and got out of the car. Jack stuffed himself into his pants and followed, locking the car after him. The fox had an erection tenting his pants. He didn't try to hide it. They were both alone in the garage. Jack took his lover by the hand and led him to an elevator. He pressed the button for the third floor, then the doors closed, leaving them alone.

As soon as the elevator made it's ascent, Jack was pinning the fox to the wall, kissing him passionately, kissing down his neck. The elevator made a slight lurch as it stopped just as Jack's knees hit the ground. Spencer hit the manual stop button. He looked down at Jack, giving his a lust fill stare as the rabbit made quick work freeing his member. With a moan, he went straight to the task at hand, giving it his all in a furious lust driven blow job. Spencer moaned, scratching the walls beside him, thrusting into Jack's throat.

"Oh god! Jack! You need to do this more often.." Spencer nearly screamed.

Jack would have replied if it weren't for the large amount of fox cock shoved into his muzzle. He just gave a moan, feeling the precum shooting against the back of his throat. He was out of practice, gagging every so often. He powered through it, trying to live as someone who was far more accustomed to this.

He didn't let up on his assault, he wanted to return the favor, and to milk the fox dry. Spencer bucked his hips, holding onto Jacks head, rubbing his long ears, "If you keep going like that, I'm gonna cum real quick.."

Jack didn't pay attention, just kept at it, gliding his tongue up and down Spencer's smooth rod, swallowing every drop of precum, reveling in it. He held onto the fox's hips with one hand and his other gripped Spencer's knot. With a small thrust, Spencer went still, his warm seed shot into Jack's mouth, filling his muzzle with the taste of sperm. He murred and swallowed it all, looking up at the satisfied fox, looked down at him, panting softly.

Jack stood up as Spencer pushed back the manual stop. The elevator lurched up as it made it's way to Jack's floor. The doors opened just as Spencer finished getting his clothes sorted. There was an impatient older man and woman staring at them on their way out. Jack didn't know them, personally. He was a little worried about them being able to smell the remnants of their act in the air of the elevator.

They got into Jack's apartment, undressing each other on their way to Jack's bedroom. Spencer only had on his boxers by the time Jack threw him onto the bed. Jack pounced on top of the fox, wearing nothing but his socks. They were soon locked into a passionate kiss, holding each other close, Spencer's open legs accepting Jack between them. Jack ground his naked member against the fox's crotch through his boxers. Spencer inched the last remaining arcticles of Jack's cloths with his toes as Jack traced his hands down the fox's sides until he was gripping the boxers.

They were now both naked, pressed against one another. Their cocks grinding the same way their tongues were, locked in a lover's wrestle. Again, Jack breathed, "I love you, Spence."

Spencer moaned, his member giving a horny throb as he replied, "I love you, too, Jack."

Jack moaned into another series of deep kisses, reaching over to his side dresser, grabbing a bottle of lube. Spencer looked down at the bottle and grinned at Jack, "Mmm, Fuck me, baby." he winked, biting the rabbits lower lip softly.

Jack opened the bottle, applying a good amount of the goo onto his hard member and letting it drip down to Spencer's inviting hole. His lifted the fox's legs into the air and got into position. He looked down at Spencer, leaning over to kiss him lovingly as he pushed forward. It was the moment he had looked forward to all night. He went slow, pushing in, inch by glorious inch. They both moaned, their tongues entwined as Jack made love to his pretended boyfriend, or husband. They hadn't really established that. Jack didn't think on it, all he knew was that he was in love with this man. At some point, the fiction he needed had become reality and by the looks of Spencer, the true was the same for him. He could see it in his eyes, in some way he could feel it.

They wriggled and writhed on the sheets, getting into a steady rhythm of thrusting. It was a passionate blur to Jack, they made out while Jack pounded the fox's hole until he could feel his orgasm approaching. Like clockwork, Spencer moaned into their kiss and muttered, "Fill me up, babe..". On command, Jack let go and pumped his seed fiercely into his lover. They were both panting and out of breath, it was only as his bliss subsided that he could feel the paws gripping the fur on his back and the pulsing cock rubbing his stomach, shooting it's own load onto both of their chests.

Jack slowly pulled out and collapsed next to the fox. They looked into each others eyes, lost in a world of their own, as if they had never been apart. Jack smiled at his lover and said, "So, anything you want to do tomorrow, hon?"

Spencer smiled back at Jack, "Maybe breakfast at the place you like."

Jack laughed softly, "No, really, I mean it, would you like to keep this up tomorrow?"

Spence gave Jack a smile, though something in his eyes through Jack off a bit. He said, "Jack, I would love nothing more." He then kissed Jack deeply. He turned his body around, wrapping Jack's arms around him, "For now.. I think I'm going to sleep, babe. I love you."

Jack pressed himself against the fox's back and kissed his neck, "I love you, too."

***The Morning After***

Jack woke up by the sound of his alarm clock. Groggily he switched it off, sat up and stretched. His fur was hard. He sighed and got up, he needed to get ready for work, but he was excited for tonight. He crossed the room to his door and heard something behind him. It sounded like someone sobbing. He turned around and saw a figure hunched over in his bed.

Jack walked into his room and said, "Who are you and what are you doing in my apartment?"

The figure stood up and walked into the light, it was a fox, he looked like he was getting dressed. The fox burst into tears, "I'm sorry! They said it was irreversible, but I needed you!"

"What are you talking about? Who are you!" Jack nearly yelled.

The fox stepped closer to Jack, "You have a rare degenerative disease."

Jack took a step back, "That's impossible, I'm in my twenties"

The fox frowned, "You're forty-three, Jack."

"You're insane! You need to leave." Jack could feel himself shaking. He had no idea how to handle this situation. The fox didn't have anything other than clothing on him. He must have left his door unlocked last night.

The fox walked over to Jack, who avoided the fox. The fox eventually stopped and sighed, "I just wanted to feel you again. I'm sorry. I will leave peacefully." Tears rolled down the fox's face. "I love you, Jack." was the last thing he said before he left the apartment. He stood in the doorway as if waiting for something. Jack slammed the door behind him.

He was confused and mad. All he could think about was how someone could just break into a house and sleep in the bed with someone. He looked down in horror, thinking if this fox just went into his house and cummed on him. He felt a little sick at the thought. He quickly made his way to shower.

It did help ease his mind. The sooner he got past this intrusion the better. He wanted that fox off his mind. When he got out of the shower, looked at himself in the mirror. His muzzle looked a little on the gray side. He was shocked, he was too young to be going gray. He frowned, taking some dye from under his counter and applied it to his fur, he needed to look good for his date tonight.

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