A Dragons Tale-Chapter 28-Factory Spec

Story by Tyro619 on SoFurry

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#28 of A Dragon's Tale

The year is 1999. Retried Marines John Alex Mason,friend Hudson James Weaver and brother Issac Tyler Mason,have stepped back into the Corps to rescue their fellow Marine and brother in arms Wyatt Nolan Clarke. The friends are overjoyed to get the team back together. Little do they know that this is 30 year old John's last mission.....as a human anyway....

Tyro's POV

And it was only Monday. Two days after Shadow's,Ator and Vanlith's eggs hatched. Ator had gone completely nuts,he was so exited to finally be a father. Even when the hatchling's began clawing at his scars,he gritted his teeth,and smiled,I only saw one tear roll down his muzzle. I loved Ator like a brother. He was always cheerful,no matter the situation. Even the pain of having his scars clawed at wasn't enough to ruin his day. The day after Ator eggs hatched,Vez gave birth to two cubs,a boy and a girl,just like the vets had predicted. They looked every bit like their parents. Good times abounded for Raven and Talon. A few days after Vez's cubs were born,Shadow and Nina made the decision to have their DNA tested,to see if Taro really was their son. And sure enough,the test results came back positive. Shadow and Nina were overjoyed that Taro really was their son. All over Romeo,Taro became known as the Lone Survivor. The nickname suited him. As the days dragged by,I learned that Nesenth was Romeo's hatchery guardian. Even after what had happened at the temple,we all trusted him with our kids. Romeo was good to all of us. A few days after things had settled down,I woke to Adelind's soft snoring. Her head was wedged under my muzzle and she had her tail wrapped around mine. I lay my wing around her as she slept,just listening to her heartbeat against mine. After a few minutes of this,she awoke.

I nuzzled her,"Good morning my love",I said softly.

Adelind smiled and buried herself underneath me.

"And good morning to you too",she said softly.

"How did I end up with you?"I asked smiling.

"Weird,Adelind said,I was about to ask you the same thing."

I smiled. Adelind pulled herself out from under me and rolled me on to my back,she then lay across my chest.

"I love you so much,she said softly.

"Likewise,I said pulling her into a Draconian kiss.

The entire time we kissed,I pictured us with our kids,back home at Tacoma. Shadow and Nina were going there with us,along with the dragons from Raven when this was allover. Adelind reluctantly broke our kiss and lay her head just inches from my muzzle,trying to tease me into going back in.

"I love it when you do that",I said kissing her again.

We broke again,"Who do you think will walk in on us today?" Adelind asked with a smile.

"Probably Shadow,i said warping my forepaws around my mate,he and Nina seem to be the worst about the spying."

Adelind and I kissed again,just as the door clicked open,and Shadow walked in.

"Unbelievable,Adelind said,why do you guys always spy on us?"

Shadow smirked,"Sorry,but I can't help myself."

"Well learn,I said sarcastically,because the next time you walk in on us,I'll tear your wings off,you got me?"

"Whatever,Shadow said smirking,Nolan want's to see you Tyro,he said he has a mission for you."

"Give us a minute,I said turning my attention back to my mate."

"More like a half hour,Shadow mumbled under his breath.

I spit a ball of fire just above his head,Shadow ducked and it exploded with a hiss abouve the door. Shadow looked at me with a surprised look.

"Get out",I snarled.

Shadow smirked,glance at us and left.

"Wish he wouldn't do that,Adelind said laying her muzzle just inches from mine,her heartbeat against mine,her slow,rhythmic beat was intoxicating,it drove me crazy. The heat coming off her filled my body. I belonged with her,it was as simple as that. I pulled Adelind in to another kiss. We kissed for ten minutes,but it felt like forever,and I loved it.

"I love you",I said looking into her eyes.

"I love you too",Adelind said as we rolled on to our sides.

Adelind was just inches from me,so I pulled her close,wishing that I could pull her closer still. Adelind was not the kind of Dragoness that was just anywhere. One like her comes around once in a lifetime. If I lost her,my world would fall apart. I would lose the will to live. Adelind lay her head on my shoulder and I lay my head over her's.

"I'm glad I have you,I said licking across her snout,I coludn't have asked for a better female to spend my life with."

"I coludn't have asked for a better male either,Adelind replied kissing me,because there aren't any."

We broke our kiss and lay there for what seemed like forever,just listening to each other's heartbeats. They were in perfect sync,the feeling that it sent through my body,I loved it.

"Promise me you'll comeback safe,Adelind as I stood to leave.

I was reluctant to leave her side,I wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed with her.

"I will,I said kissing her one more time,I promise."

I left the barracks and went to the command tent. My team was already there.

"Vez,I said noticing her beside Val,you ready to go back to combat?"

"Hell yes,she replied.

"Is everyone here,Nolan asked entering the tent.

"Yes sir,I said,we are ready to begin."

"I take it you are Vez,Nolan asked glancing at Vez,are you sure you are ready for combat?"

"Yes sir,Vez said,I'm ready."

"Very well,Nolan said rolling out a map.

"The informants you rescued,plus the intel from the raid on the Russian compound have graced us with the location of the DK production facility."

"Bout time,I growled.

I had wanted to find the place for weeks now. Shadow had told me that when we were double crossed by Jackson,he'd killed Cloud. I had gone into hysterics. My kids had loved Cloud almost like a second father. He would play with them and would often cause trouble with them whenever they got bored. When they found out,they had cried for hours,along with me. As Nolan finished briefing us on what to expect,I turned to my friends.

"This is for Cloud,I said.

"For Cloud",the others replied in unison.

"You guys have got four hours to get ready,Nolan said,that's all I need from you".

We left the tent,my friends going back to what they were doing,while I went back to the barracks. When I walked into our room,the kids were gone and Adelind was sprawled out on our bed.

"Where are the kids,I asked.

"They went out to play with Sozenn's boys,Sozenn and Cora are with them."

I quickly ran through my vest and then lay beside Adelind.

"So what did Nolan want",she asked shoving herself against me.

"They found the DK facility,I said,were going to blow it sky high."

I rolled onto my back and Adelind lay on my chest,laying her head just inches from my snout,she seemed to be begging me to kiss her,so I did. Breaking it,Adelind ASKED

"When was the last time,it was really just the two of us?"

I listened,for the first time,I realized the barracks were empty,It really was just us.

"The day before Ace was born,i said quietly,and staring into my mate's beautiful blue eyes. Her heart beating against mine made me want to take her right there. Adelind and I kissed each other agian,it seemed like it lasted forever.

Breaking it,I said,"I love you."

"I love you too,Adelind said.

We never wasted a chance to say those three words. We'd heard about two dragons back on the preserve. One had left to go hunting and was accidentally shot and killed by a human hunter,he hadn't told his mate goodbye. That's really when it started.

"So what you wanna do with four hours,I asked warping my forepaws around my mate.

"I say we just lay here,Adelind said. I wasn't about to disagree. I took every chance I could get to lay with her,to feel her smooth,warm scales against mine,to listen to her soft breathing and slow,steady heartbeat against mine,I loved her with every fiber in my body. I rolled onto my side,keeping my forepaws wrapped around my mate's back. She wriggled around a bit,and then rested her head on my chest,falling asleep shortly after. I looked at her for a minute,licked her and feel sleep myself. Hours later,Mnerloth and Hunter stirred us.

"Tyro,Hunter said,it's half an hour to departure,get your stuff and get to the Osprey."

"I'll be there in a minute",I said turning my attention to my mate.

Hunter and his daughter left the room,leaving me alone with Adelind once again. She was awake,but barely,I could see she was trailing off. I licked her,and then let go standing up. I was reluctant to pull myself out of the warm bed,but I had a job to do. I took my vest in my mouth and started for the door. On the way out,I pt my vest down and walked back over to Adelind.

I nuzzled her,"I love you,I said.

"I love you too,she said nuzzling me back.

I grabbed my vest and ran for the Osprey,finding two readying for take off.

"What's going on here,I asked Shadow,who was ordering around some humans.

"We got a mission,he said,while you guys hit the DK source,we gonna hit a huge shipment of the stuff going across the Golden Gate Bridge." "

Lucky you,I said,you get to go to California,while I'm stuck in Somalia."

Shadow laughed,"Stay safe brother."

"If you get killed,I said placing a paw on his shoulder,I'm coming down to hell to kick your ass,you got me?"

"I got you man,he said,and I'm borrowing your Dad,he said turning to Mnerloth as the V-22's began to spin up and the wind blew over us.

"Get him back safe,Mnerloth said,I'll kick your ass if you don't!"

"I got it,I got it,Shadow said laughing,good luck guys!"

"Good luck,I said.

Hunter kissed his daughter goodbye and then stepped onto the V-22 as we stepped into ours. I found a place to lay as the Osprey picked up speed. I fell into a light sleep as we flew. I was roused not ten minutes later as we touched down. As we stepped out of the V-22,the cool air of the night desert hit my scales,I liked the feeling.

"You got your C4 Ator,i asked with a smirk.

"You don't know me very well do you?",Ator asked,"a better question would be,how much."

"Let's move I said,the facility should be just ahead.

"Anthro's,I said turning to Syralth,Tesselth and Mnerloth,no noise,knives only."

"Dragon's,claws and teeth,now lets move."

We sprinted the mile that we had between the factory and ourselves. The sand between my claws as I ran reminded me of the fighting ring. As we approached a hill,we stopped to catch our breath and then crawled on our stomachs up to the edge,which over looked the massive factory. I could see large numbers of guard's trolling around. The light from the factory's many lights shone into my eyes and stung them. Taking her G3 from her back,Mnerloth began to scan the area.

"This place is worse than the refinery,she snarled,I count at least 200 guards,40 dogs and six MG nests."

I scanned around through the zoom of my 105. Mnerloth was right,there were 200 guards,and only thirteen of us.

"Let's ghost these guys",Rolland said as he,Val,Wyatt and Mnerloth snuck off,leaving me,Ator,Vez and the others behind. Slowly,we descended into the factory perimeter.

"Split off",I ordered,"Vez,you go with Hudson and Logan,Ator,you and I will go with Issac and Trent."

As Hudson's team broke off,my team went for the main generator. I could see the building,the smell of the burning diesel stung my nose.

"Get to cover",Val called,"you guys got a large patrol coming right for you."

At Val's word,we ducked behind a small building,our black combat fatigues allowed us to perfectly blend into the dark. The patrol moved by,but a lone guard stopped,and started into the shadows we were hiding in. I pounced,pining him under my entire form and breaking his neck with a single blow from my paw,he did not suffer,I made sure of it. Issac patted me on the shoulder.

"That was flawless little brother."

Quietly we entered the generator room,Issac in the lead,with me and the others right behind him. A lone guard,asleep in a office chair,blocked our advance. Issac drew his knife,and plunged it into the guard's head.

"Ator",I ordered,"plant your C4 on the generator's fuel systems.

"Yes sir",Ator said entering the generator room.

Ator quickly planted his C4 and we slipped out of the generator building.

"Give us our next target Mnerloth",I said into the radio.

"Get across the compound,she called back,It's the ammo storage,a single block of C4 will be enough to blow it sky high."

"Understood,i called back,were moving now."

We sprinted across the compound,sticking to the shadows.

"Rolland",I called,were right outside the ammo storage,can you see anything on Flir?"

"Two guards just inside,Rolland called,there mine."

Rolland's suppressed 20mm echoed in the distance,the bullets ripping through the steel doors,the faint sound of two bodies hitting the floor bounced through the steel walls.

"There down,Rolland called,get inside."

We entered the building. The warehouse was full of DK ammo. Crates were piled on top of each other and reached the ceiling.

"Oh this is gonna blow up real nice",Ator said rubbing his paws together.

As we had at the Russian complex,Ator rigged some of my 105 rounds with his C4 and we then buried them in the crates. The needle tipped DK ammo poked through the cloth covering my paws,feeling the needles against my scales was creepy.

Ator put a paw on my shoulder,"It won't hurt anyone after this Tyro",he said trying to calm me down.

"I know",I said re-closing the box with the rigged 105 round inside,"and good riddance to it."

"I'm gonna enjoy watching this explode,Trent said,"shits about as nasty as it gets."

"Rolland,I called,is there any one outside?"

A faint crack echoed out.

"Not any more,Mnerloth called.

"Good girl,I called,anything else worth hitting?"

"No,Mnerloth called,just get out."

"Rodger,we'll meet you at rally point Alpha."

Ator and I pulled our masks over our snouts and crept out of the warehouse.

"Raven,Nolan called,this is command,what's your OS?"

"Complete,I called as we sprinted to get clear of the facility,we are about to blow the explosives and call Punisher 1-1 to finish it off,over."

"Rodger that Raven,Nolan called,nuke that rat hole and haul ass back here ASAP,we need you guys."

"Rodger,Raven out."

"That didn't sound good,Ator said as we ducked behind the sand bar.

The sounds of foot and paw steps came from behind. Hudson and the others were approaching us,their weapons ready and trained at us.

"Star",Hudson called.

"Texas",I replied.

They sprinted towards us,sliding in behind the sand bar and pulling their masks off. Ator and I pulled off ours too.

"Not like that 5.56 would have done that much anyway,Ator said,his green scales standing out against his black clothes.

"Ready,Hudson said.

"This is gonna be epic",Ator said.

We turned our attention back to the factory.

"Blow it,I said turning to Ator. He brought his paw down on the detonator,sending the factory up in the biggest inferno I'd ever seen.

Ator laughed,"Oh my god I love my job,there is just something so beautiful about blowing stuff up!"

I felt a smile cross my muzzle as I patted my friend on the back.

"Man,and nobody does it like you do,now,let's get the warthog in here to finish it."

I called into the radio.

"Punisher 1-1 is wheeled up in the overhead and ready for tasking",the pilot called.

I handed the radio to Ator,"You want the honors?"

"Oh yeah",he said taking it. "Punisher 1-1,this is Sargent Ator Kelorth,requesting fire package at Target Delta Echo,334,how copy?"

"Rodger that Ator",the pilot called,"Punisher 1-1 is visual on friendlies and tally targets,weapons away,time to fall,12 seconds".

The jet engines of the warthog grew close,the sound now clearly audible. Hudson the humans and the Anthro's took their IPod's from their pouches and began to record. The warthog closed in,the sound of it's engines,plus the sound of it's 30mm nose cannons,made a sound that seemed like it belonged in hell. The evil sounding jet strafed the compound,leveling it.

"Effects confirmed,factory destroyed. Punisher 1-1 is bingo fuel,exiting to the north".

"Rodger that Punisher 1-1,Ator called,thanks for the assist."

"Raven,Jack called over the radio,I've gotta leave in thirty seconds,get here now,or get left behind."

"Lets go,I said as I took my radio from Ator and shoved it back into my pouch. We ran as fast as we could to the Osprey,making it just in time.

'Everyone here,Jack called from the cockpit.

"Yeah I said,let's go home."

I found a place to lay as the V-22 took off. Ator was smiling as he placed his head between his paws and feel asleep. I looked around at my other friends,all were smiling as they fell asleep,seeing them happy made me trail off as well. I woke to Ator nudging me.

"Adelind's waiting for you brother."

I smiled as I stood and stretched. I stepped off the V-22,Adelind was waiting for me with the kids.

"Daddy,Helix cried as she ran to me and threw herself into me.

I warped my forepaws around her and hugged her tightly. After letting her go,Adelind nuzzled me.

"It's nice to have you back,she said softly,I missed you."

"I missed you too,I said wrapping her with my wings and pulling her into a kiss.

After letting her go,we walked back to our barracks,I shrugged off my gear and washed the sweat and sand off me and then lay beside Adelind as our kids played. She rolled me onto my back and lay on my chest. Her eyes locking with mine,teasing me. The kids played beside us as we lay together. They were making a lot of noise,but I didn't care. It was just us,our family. It was days like this,that I missed. I put my right forepaw around Adelind and rolled on to my side,putting my back to the kids.

"Do we want any more,Adelind asked.

I smiled,"Can we wait and see how the five of them turn out?"

Adelind laughed,"Just kiss me Tyro."

We kissed for at least a half hour. After breaking it,Adelind lay her head on my leg and I pulled her close.

"I love you,she said softly.

"I love you too,I returned licking her across her snout.

We were drifting off when there was a knock on the door. I rolled over to face the door and Adelind lay her head on my neck.

"Come on in,I said.

Syratlh opened the door.

"Hudson's throwing a party to celebrate the destruction of the DK factory,he said with a smile,you guys coming?"

"I don't see why not,I replied standing.

"Come on then."

We followed Syralth out of the building. He had traded in his riot gear for a white shirt and brown shorts. A little overused around the base,if you ask me,but it worked for him. When we exited the barracks,we found Hudson and the others gathered around a large fire,laughing,drinking and just having a good time. Adelind and I lay beside each other as all the kids began to play with each other.

"I enjoyed that mission Ator said,watching that nasty ammo go up in smoke was so satisfying."

"No kidding,Sozenn said,I wasn't even there and just the thought of not having to worry about that DK crap anymore gives me peace."

"We'll still have to worry about it for a while still,I said as Adelind lay her head on my paws,there's still many caches of the stuff all over the world."

"Then we blow them up too",Ator said with a smirk.

"We will,Hudson said raising the bottle in his hand,"for Cloud."

"For Cloud",we all replied.

We sat around the fire for around an hour or so,talking about the mission and what we had all planed to do when the war was over.

"I hope my Dad's okay",Mnerloth said changing the tone a bit,"It's gonna feel weird with out him around."

"Maybe you can finally talk to that male",Syralth said.

Mnerloth raked her claws on Syralth's arm.

"What",he asked laughing,"what did I do?"

Mnerloth rolled her eyes and gulped her drink,"Your an idiot,she said.

Syralth opened his mouth,but Tess stopped him.

"Don't give her a reason to beat the crap out of you",she said leaning on him lovingly.

When the excitement was over,Syralth was drunk off his tail,and Tess once again announced she planed to work him over. We all laughed as she carried him into the barracks.

'That's it for us too",I said standing.

"You gonna",Hudson started but I stopped him,

"I don't want my kids to hear that stuff",I growled,"there too young for it."

"No need to act like that",Hudson said,"a simple shut up would suffice.

I shot Hudson a scowl as we returned to the barracks. Upon entering our room,I put the kids to bed and then lay with Adelind.

"I actually enjoyed that",Adelind said burying herself underneath me.

I lay my wing over her,"Until Hudson started talking trash."

"Yeah",she said yawning,"until then."

Adelind placed her head on my paws and I lay my head acros her neck. After a few minutes of this,Adelind feel asleep. I licked the top of her head before giving in myself.

A Dragons Tale-Chapter 29-Down Time

As was the MO,I woke to Adelind nuzzling me. "Good morning my love,she said,softly did you sleep well?" 'Of course I did,I said,you were beside me." Adelind laughed as she pushed me onto my back and lay across my chest. She lay her muzzle just...

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 27-Magnificence

Adelind's POV I woke the next morning to the light coming in the window. I gently nuzzled Tyro awake. "Good morning my love,I said softly,did you sleep okay" Tyro smiled and licked me just below my eye. "I didn't have another nightmare,so...

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 26-A Vision From Hell

That night I had the worst nightmare I've ever had. It was around 3 in the morning when the gunfire started. Several humans carrying shotguns entered our barracks and dragged our friends out. They had come in for us. I sent Adelind and the kids behind...

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