The Sanctuary, chapter 2

Story by Selina Talok on SoFurry

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Your story continues as a second monster girl arrives in your home, a taurine! (Minotaur girl) lots of breast-play and a domination scene happens!

The Sanctuary, chapter 2:

"Nnnnnnnoooo." Shaira complains as you try to get her off of you. She's got you tied up in knots again, and she's taken to sleeping on top of you. Not initially, of course, but during the night, she drapes herself across your chest and sleeps with her face against your shoulder. Her arms snake in around your neck, securing herself to you.

You tell her that you have to get ready for work.

"Quit your job." Shaira grumbles, nuzzling against your ear. "It's too cold." she adds, her coils tightening around your waist.

You remind her that the heat will only be off for a few more hours while the basement is being re-wired. It's part of the joys of being a new homeowner.

Oberon wasn't kidding when he said he'd compensate you. The first payment was a lump sum that was intended to buy out your landlady's interest in the property. Thankfully, the old dear was just renting it out because she was too old to take care of it anymore, as it was her house before she retired to a condo. She was all too happy to have the money and the knowledge that a 'nice young man like you' had interest in her old home. It was a good deal, the woods on the outskirts of the property could hide an emergency shelter if it was needed for cover, it had a barn in relatively good condition, and a drainage field which fed back into the water supply, eliminating water bills should you come to host an aquatic 'Myth' at your home.

Of course, that meant that you had to inspect the property and update the old farm house. The first thing that had to go was the wiring. You have some knowledge of home repair, but electricity is something you'd rather have a professional do. In addition, to be sure the house could be made comfortable for various species, a top-of-the-line heating and cooling system was ordered and would be installed soon.

Not soon enough, of course, for Shaira, who pretty much stayed in bed while the work was being done. It was easy enough to excuse her eremite behavior with a sudden case of the flu. Even if one of the workers got curious, without the heat on, Shaira did look convincingly sickly, and even though it was almost May, the nights still got pretty cold.

You reassure Shaira that the heat will be back on today, and struggle to get out of her coils.

"No. Mine." she whines, and nibbles on your ear. You remind her that you work in a call center, and they have ridiculous attendance standards. You can't call in sick.

"I could bite you." she flicks her tongue against your ear, making you squirm. "Instant win." she whispers.

You sigh, and tell her she's being a brat, which she acknowledges by uncoiling herself, begrudgingly.

"I know, I know." she looks up at you adoringly as you rise out of bed. All of her attentions and the fact that the two of you always seem to go to bed naked together have you at full mast, and she grins, laying a finger on your penis, playing with it like a diving board.

"Heee. Penis." she says stupidly, then flops back into bed, cradling her large breasts in her hands, a pouting look on her face.

"Are you sure I can't tempt you back into bed? I mean, you've got a hard on, be a shame to waste it."

You groan, and tell her that if she had an ass, you'd spank her. Her reply is only to stick her tail in the air, curl it to give the impression of a butt, and wiggle. You promptly smack dat tail, causing her to squeak out and grin back at you.

"I love you." she smiles. "Have a good day at work, or at least, try not to strangle anyone."

You reply in kind and head on out, looking at your house getting smaller in your rear-view mirror, covered in tarps and with two work vans on the front lawn. You can hardly believe that you own a house now, and that it's fully yours, no mortgage to worry about. Not only that, but you'll be getting your second Myth to care for tonight after you get back from work. You're not really sure what to expect. Unfortunately, Oberon is too busy to give you a full briefing about who's coming in, so you'll just have to play it by ear.

Your work is child's play in importance next to the responsibilities that await you at home. It actually makes the job that much easier, knowing how trivial it is by comparison. You relax, take things a little more in stride, looking forward to seeing Shaira and hearing what she's learned.

When you pull up to the house, you notice a plain black van has pulled up to it. It has no distinguishing marks, no company logo on it. As you approach, the lights blink on a couple of times. You flash your brights in response, figuring that it must be your new guest arriving. The lights are all back on inside your house, and you breathe a sigh of relief as you pull into the driveway, grateful that the wiring work is complete. The fewer humans hanging around your place, the better, and the more you can relax.

As you get out of your car, someone shines a light in your face for a moment.

"Yes, it's him." someone says, as you put your hand up to shield yourself from the glare. "Good evening sir. As you've probably guessed, we're here on behalf of Lord Oberon. Your new house stay is already getting herself orientated in your home, and all the pertinent information about her biology is in a folder on your desk for you to peruse at your leisure. She has her own furniture, we'll leave it to you to find a place for it all. Believe us, she won't need any help moving it." the person says. You're unable to get a good look at whoever it is, and their voice sounds awfully unisex. You can't even tell the gender before the mystery 'agent' disappears back into their van and drives off into the night.

You open the garage door that leads into your kitchen, and announce your presence. Shaira is seated on the floor, sitting on her coils as she talks to someone else just barely hidden from your sight by the fridge. As you round the bend, you see that your new house guest is very large.

She's at least a head-and-a-half taller than you, with dark, almost reddish brown skin. A mane of curly dark-red locks fall over her cute, rounded features, and a pair of huge bovine horns curl out from beneath that hair at the sides and point forward. Her ears are animal in appearance, and remind you of a cow's ears. Her eyes are larger than a human's, with long locks, her hazel eyes addressing you with a cool, measuring gaze. She's not wearing a whole lot, probably because any clothing she wears would have to be custom made, and if she was shipped here in a hurry, they might not have had time to give her a proper wardrobe. The main piece of clothing you notice is her thick, highly reinforced spandex sports top that supports two enormous breasts, each one easily dwarfing your head. If she hugged you nude, your head would utterly vanish into her cleavage. Shaira has an athletic build, but the bovine woman is positively amazonian in stature. She's not cut like a sprinter or gymnast, she's a power lifter, large, but smooth bulges of muscle apparent under her skin. At her forearms are thick tufts of hair that end right at her hands. Her fingers end in smooth hoof-like material instead of fingernails. She wears simple sweat pants to cover her legs, though you can see that like her forearms, her shins are covered by fine, long hair and her feet end in proper cow hooves. A cow tail, too, flicks back and forth behind her. It's a good thing the house has a solid bench at the dining table for her to sit at, because she looks like she weighs well over three hundred pounds. She's not fat, though she is chubby, and she looks like she's sitting hunched at a child's table. You'd guess at her height being a little over seven feet, just barely able to fit through the house's hallways and comfortably stand without worrying about banging her head on the ceiling.

"Hi sweetie." Shaira smiles to you. "Good timing." she adds, then looks to the woman seated across from her at the table. The large woman looks over to you, gives a little wave of her hand, but doesn't say a word.

"Well, don't be shy! This is our host, say hello!" Shaira scolds the large woman by inflection.

The bovine woman stands up sharply, regarding you with cool eyes.

"All right, all right. My name is Kaylie, thank you for this opportunity." she says. She has a thick Scottish accent, not something you were really prepared for.

"I'm a taurine. NOT a cow, is that understood? I'm not going to be producing milk, I'm not domestic, and I'm not going to put up with any bull." she says, then pauses.

Shaira grunts, and rubs her face. "I see what you did thar."

"Unintentional." Kaylie says, flicking her eyes towards the lamia.

"Maybe you could try being a little more polite since he's your host and he's going to be taking care of you and you were selected to come here because you need to learn some human manners?" Shaira says in a disapproving tone.

"I'm doing my best! It's not like we're coming here by CHOICE." Kaylie responds curtly.

You assure Kaylie that you're going to make her as comfortable as possible, so she can adjust to human civilization.

"Well, you can start by making something to eat, I'm starving." Kaylie says, sitting back down and folding her arms.

Well, that was charming.

You decide that it's probably a good idea to dig into that folder that was given to you about Kaylie's species and biology, to be sure you make something that's compatible with her diet. As you put your hand on the folder, Kaylie swats your hand with her tail.

"You want to know something about me, you ASK me, don't be sticking your nose into that folder until I tell you I'm comfortable with you knowing certain things about me, I'm NOT a lab animal." Kaylie barks at you.

You roll your eyes, and then ask what she wants to eat, then, since she didn't say WHAT she wanted you to make.

"Well I don't know, what do you have?" Kaylie says smugly, an odd twinkle in her eye, as if she's enjoying testing your patience.

Little does she know that you once stood politely in line at the DMV and smiled at the teller when she said they were closing for lunch in five minutes after you were waited for half an hour, and THEN told her YOU'D come back later. Challenge accepted.

You politely show her what you have in your pantry, and ask if there's anything she sees that she likes.

"This is what Earth has to offer, huh?" Kaylie says flatly.

You call her out on her crap, saying that you know Myths have lived on earth before, and if she's not going to tell you what she wants to eat, you're just going to make whatever you think she can eat.

Kaylie smirks, standing close behind you.

"All right, so you've got some guts, I'll give you that." she says, arms folded as she regards you. "Whatever you have in meat, just don't spice it up too much and don't cook it too long."

Did you hear that right?

"I don't know how much mythology you're familiar with, but in the classic Greek work, the minotaur in the labyrinth is a carnivore. While most classic mythology gets most events wrong, the little details tend to be right, including diet." Shaira informs you. "Ancient encounters with taurine inspired the minotaur story."

"All right, Britannica, he can read if he wants." Kaylie interjects.

Shaira shoots Kaylie a telling glare, and her rattle sounds her irritation.

"Thank you for your consideration." Kaylie suddenly blurts out, and puts a little more distance between herself and Shaira.

Shaira slithers over to you and gives you a peck on the cheek.

"Is it okay with you if I find Kaylie a room? You trust my spatial judgement?" she asks.

You nod. The upstairs was generally just used for storage while you were renting the house, but now that it's all yours, it's been cleared out, and there are three other bedrooms up there, plus another small bathroom, which will come in handy. Unless you move your computer den upstairs, there really isn't another bedroom on the ground floor.

Shaira leads Kaylie to the stairwell while you cook up the meal. Shaira doesn't so much climb the stairs as she just coils her tail around her and launches up to the second floor. The only downside to Kaylie sleeping upstairs will be if she has to get up during the night. Her hooves sound like sledgehammers on the hardwood floors while she walks around. You hear Kaylie and Shaira talking about something, though mostly Kaylie saying things, going silent for a few moments, then saying some more things. You're fairly certain she's not the type to just talk to yourself, so you assume that Shaira's higher, gentler voice just doesn't carry through the old, thick hard wood. Kaylie's mumblings are soon drowned out by the sound of sizzling meat while you get some pork chops going, however. You only use your standard spices with it, and make sure that the juices just barely turn clear to be sure they're safe to eat. You set them to one side and let them rest, then make some additional side dishes that are more suited to both you and Shaira's appetites. You can only assume that Kaylie will eat a fair share, so you make sure to have back up food in case Kaylie decides she's omni-curious as well, which you wouldn't be surprised if she did. She seems to delight in seeing if she can make you lose your temper with her.

As you cook, you have to wonder if it's just her defense mechanism. She's so huge and powerful, yet she's utterly incapable of preventing her world from being destroyed. She's obviously not happy about having to come to Earth. Why shouldn't she be angry? She's losing the only home she's ever known and coming to a hostile place. Suddenly you feel a deeper understanding of how refugees all around the world must feel. You steel yourself, and make a decision to try harder with her, let her know that this is her home too for as long as she's here. She should feel safe and comfortable, whatever that takes. You need to show her that living in the human world isn't so bad.

After some time, Shaira slithers down the stairs, Kaylie following right behind her. Your lamia lover moves swiftly to your side.

"Hey sweetie, we're going to move Kaylie's stuff upstairs, she'll get the old master bedroom because of her size, and it's the first door from the landing. If we get some carpet laid down, it'll help muffle the sound of her hooves. Sound good?"

You nod. Carpet would also help Shaira get around too, she could slide down the stairs at least a little more comfortably. That's something you all can handle yourselves, and you'll make it your first home-improvement project together.

"Pardon our noise, then! This won't take long! Ooh, that smells good!" Shaira slithers behind you to your opposite side while you're moving a large pot of water.

"I think I'll tuck in right now!" she adds. You're about to turn around and tell her not to touch those pork chops, when you feel her mouth on the back of your neck.

"Om nom nom nom!" she teases you, tickling and surprising you to the point you almost drop the pot. You turn around quickly to chase her out of the kitchen, causing her to cackle evilly as she flees.

Lamia or not, she's sweetly playful and adoringly affectionate. For a moment, you forget she's not human. She's just your girlfriend, and she loves you. You feel immensely lucky. Your eyes follow her slithering, swaying hips while she moves back to the staircase, where your eyes meet with Kaylie's body. Your eyes reflexively flick up to hers, and you see an odd, appraising smile on her face. Is she just amused by your relationship with Shaira? You simply shrug at her, wordlessly asking, 'what?' and Kaylie moves up the stairs, her eyes on you until her line of sight is broken.

That was weird.

Kaylie marches up and down the stairs several times, moving a dresser, colossal bed frame, and other miscellaneous furniture she requires by herself, without even dragging them on the floor. You're too busy working on the meal to really notice most of it, though you do catch a curious glimpse of a chest Kaylie carries upstairs. It looks ancient and heavy, and Kaylie matches eyes with you when you watch her haul it up, the look that says, 'I see you watching me'. You assume Shaira is upstairs coordinating the placement of her furniture.

You finish up cooking, and head over to the staircase landing to inform the girls that the food is ready.

"Okay babe, we'll be down in a sec!" Shaira responds.

"I guess the next thing we should put on the house improvement schedule is a new table and chairs, something a little taller." Shaira comments as you and her set the table for the meal. Kaylie just grabs some of the meat off the serving plate at the counter and starts noshing on it, causing you to protest.

"Wut'th th' prothlem?" Kaylie asks with a full mouth.

You inform her that it's bad manners to start eating before the person who cooked the meal sits down.

"Why should I care about mannerth? I'm hungy." Kaylie says dismissively.

You remind her that she's here to learn human customs and to make a good first impression on other humans she meets. You yourself don't really care all that much if she starts eating at the counter. Frankly, before Shaira moved in, you did that most nights, but you're trying to help her, and despite wanting her to feel comfortable, you want her to practice.

"Fine." Kaylie grunts, moving to the table and sitting down, waiting.

You thank her, and bring the food over to the table on serving plates.

"Oh my, how fancy." Shaira grins, resting her chin on her hands while she watches you serve them. "Are you trying to impress our new housemate?"

You admit that you are. You consider your role to be an honor, and you want them both to experience what proper human hospitality can be.

Kaylie raises a brow at your answer.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Kaylie asks, looking you up and down.

You tell her that you're just trying to welcome her into the household, and understand how stressful it is to move someplace new with nothing familiar to comfort you. You didn't go through the extra work to make her feel obligated, you did it to help her feel at ease, that she's with people who want to help her make this house a real home.

Kaylie doesn't say anything for a while, and just rips into her pork chops after you sit down.

"That's really nice of you." she finally says.

You tell her that your family lives far away, that you moved to this end of the country in the hopes of finding the work you went to school for, but the industry you went to study dried up by the time you arrived. You didn't know a soul in the city when you moved here, but after some time, you adjusted.

"And the secret is?" Kaylie regards you coolly.

You tell her that you learn to get over yourself, and understand that while there's a lot of douche bags in the world, if you don't learn to trust, you'll never find the ones who aren't.

"He's not wrong, Kaylie." Shaira says, swallowing down a chunk of food. Her eyes meet yours, and she looks down, in regret. "When we met, despite the fact he basically saved my life, I didn't trust him. I used my venom to knock him out, and I was going to just make my escape and take my chances in the storm, but then I saw the mess he made bringing me inside, my own bloodstains on the couch he lay me on." her tail coils around one of your legs as she talks.

"He only wanted me to be safe. He gave me no reason to doubt his intentions, and if I didn't give him the benefit of the doubt, I would have missed out on something really special." Shaira's eyes sparkle at you as she finishes talking.

You smile, and mention that you still don't think it was ENTIRELY necessary for her to strip you nude and climb into bed with you.

"Oh yes it was." Shaira grins naughtily.

"I get it, I get it." Kaylie grumbles, eating more of her meal. "Trust and shit. Can I just eat, here?"

You tell Kaylie you don't mean to lecture, and you understand that it's just her first night in a new home. You're not going to push her.

"Why not? Aren't you in charge?" Kaylie asks, talking out the side of her mouth while she chews.

You say that you're all living under the same roof, it's not like you're 'the dad'. She's free to do as she pleases, as long as it's not destructive towards sharing your culture.

"So you're not in charge, is what you're saying. Good." Kaylie grins.

You decide to change the subject and ask how the food is.

"Super good, honey." Shaira tilts herself towards you, with a big, cheesy grin on, showing her fangs with half-chewed food stuck between them. She waits for you to notice before she leans back, laughing brightly when you do.

"It's fine." Kaylie says, though the way she's looking at you is decidedly different than the way she was a little while ago. She's got that 'evil genius' smile that she had on back when she saw you and Shaira being all cute together.

After the meal, you and Shaira clean up the dishes and put what little leftovers there are away. You look at what's left in your fridge, and realize that you're going to need a good-sized freezer to keep food for all three of you. Shaira eats twice as much as you do, and Kaylie eats twice as much as Shaira. It's like you're feeding a family of four. Thank goodness Oberon is picking up the bill. Kaylie comes in from outside, holding a huge punching bag on her shoulder.

"Hey, you have any chains I can use to hang this up in the barn?" she asks.

You scratch your head, and seem to remember seeing some out there.

"It's okay, go help her look, hon. I'll finish up in here." Shaira says, smiling sweetly to you.

You head out to the barn with Kaylie, figuring that exercise is her way of coping with things. She's so tall, she probably just needs you to find the chain and then will promptly tell you to leave her alone. After unlocking the barn, you head up to the hayloft, where you last remember seeing a chain suitable for hanging up the punching bag. You helped the landlady get some of her old antique farm equipment out of there while she was moving her things out for the house sale. After you climb the ladder up to the loft, you find the chain right where you figured it'd be. You turn around, and you see the ladder get pulled down, away from the loft.

You run over to the edge of the loft, calling for Kaylie to put it back, when she suddenly leaps up onto the loft with you. Thank goodness the barn is still in good shape and made out of better quality wood. You back up as she approaches you, a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"So, you're not in charge here, huh?" Kaylie asks, her hips rolling as she steps towards you, fingers teasing at the straps of her sports bra.

You ask her what she thinks she's doing, and stop it, because it's not funny.

"No, it's not funny. There's nothing funny about the way you've been treating me." she smiles, a dark, menacing smile as you feel your back brush up against the barn wall.

Remembering what she said earlier, you ask her what she wants from you as your heart starts pounding, wondering exactly what she's going to do to you. She's so much bigger and stronger than you, there's not much you can do to get away from her, and you're certainly not going to jump from the loft. The barn is a good hundred paces from the house, and with the windows all closed, there's no way Shaira will hear you if you yell.

"What do you think I want from you, 'sweetie'?" Kaylie says, mimicking Shaira's voice for a moment. She gets within arm's reach, and grabs you by the shoulders. You try and struggle away, but she picks you up in a bear hug, squeezing you up against her enormous breasts. As the wind is knocked out of you by the sudden squeeze, she grabs you by the shirt, and yanks it up over your head before tying it up behind your back, securing your arms in the sleeves with a practiced knot. Your arms are pinned behind you, and again you back up against the wall as she begins to take off her top.

"So skittish. I thought you said looking after us was an honor. Was that a lie?" Kaylie teases you cruelly, stepping towards you and blocking you from moving every time you try to create space between you.

You ask what she means by that, mind racing for ways of getting out of this situation.

"You introduced me to human hospitality. I'm introducing you to taurine gratitude. It's a cultural trade, isn't this what you wanted?" she says, and slips her top off, letting her gargantuan breasts spill out and bounce freely as she closes the gap between you, her breasts pressing up against your cheeks while you stare up at her face.

You ask her not to do this. You love Shaira, and you should talk to her about this first to prevent a misunderstanding.

"Oh, how adorable. You need to ask your lamia for permission for everything you do?" Kaylie smiles as she caresses your cheeks with her breasts, lazily bobbing one up your face, then the other.

"The bond between you two is strong. She may have told you that she's willing to share you with other females when you first slept together, but she adores you now. Do you really think it's still all right with her? Perhaps if you please me, I'll let you go before she gets suspicious, or you can resist me, and risk her catching us together."

You're stiff, unable to think of anything to do or say. You've had fantasies about a woman like her chasing you down and having her way with you, but now that it's happening, you're too stunned to react, but if she's giving you the option to end this quickly so you can get back to Shaira to tell her what happened, you're going to take it.

You tell her you'll give her anything she wants if you can avoid hurting Shaira.

"Good boy." Kaylie smiles, and pushes you down onto your back. You close your eyes and open your mouth, expecting her to dump one of her huge breasts into your mouth or force you to lick her vagina. Instead, you feel your pants being pulled to your hips. You look at her, and find her propped up on all fours, smiling up at you as she hovers her lips over your penis.

"What I want is your total submission to my body, pet." Kaylie whispers, then plunges you into her lips.

Her mouth is very talented, every bit as strong as the rest of her. The anxious excitement running through you surges to your penis, and you become hard in her mouth quickly. She bobs up and down on your shaft, her head turning to and fro as she devours you, one hand gripping the base of your shaft tightly to pull the skin tight and squeeze, the other is inside her shorts, busily fingering herself as she pleasures you. She keeps this up for a while, then smiles up at you, jacking hard at your cock.

"The faster you give up and cum, the sooner you get to go back to her." she whispers to you, and then angles herself forward, dropping her huge breasts onto your thighs. She spits on your cock, then on her cleavage, slicking up the soft skin between her tits. She lays on you, her free arm cupping her breasts tightly around your member, the other arm still busily rubbing at her clit.

"Let me feel you cum between my breasts, pet. Do this, and I'll let you go." she grins at you.

Her breasts feel amazing around your cock, though she doesn't move, just lazily squeezes your hardened prick between those amazing breasts that have utterly swallowed up any trace of your penis into their warm embrace.

"Don't just lay there, pet. Fuck them. Squeeze them around your cock. Fuck them like you fuck your lamia's wet pussy." Kaylie smiles evilly.

Desperate to finish with this, you begin thrusting in between her titanic breasts, hard as you can. Her soft breasts have just enough give to allow you to slide through, but are firm enough to keep from deforming too much.

"Oh my, you're so hard, pet. This is why Shaira is so fond of sleeping with you. Shoving that rock-hard dick in so recklessly, ramming your willing lamia's pussy, is this how you fuck her? You're more of a beast than I am." she leans down, and begins licking over one of your nipples while you tense, her words tickling your ears. Shaira mostly just moans and squeaks, it's been a long while since you've been talked to in such a lustful way. You squeeze her breasts harder, and you feel her breath quicken on your chest, making you realize that she's rubbing herself harder while you molest her breasts.

"Ah! Yes, pet. Good boy! That's right, you love fucking your monster girl, don't you?" Kaylie hisses, feeling your penis begin to kick every so often, encased in her breasts.

The urgent pace of your thrusts jiggles her huge breasts with every impact while you hold onto them, crushing them in on your penis. It gets a little easier to move between them as your pre-cum smears over her flesh, bringing your climax all the closer. She watches your face closely, smiling darkly when you begin to pull your brows in, your teeth gritting while the tension builds to the breaking point in your loins.

Needing to fight back against Kaylie, however, as you pound her breasts, you move your hands inward and find her thick, hard nipples, pulling on them hard as you thrust upwards as hard as you can, gasping, grunting, and finally painting her cleavage with your cum in heavy spurts. When you grab and pull at Kaylie's nipples, she suddenly clenches her eyes shut and lets out a low, growling groan of pleasure. Feeling your cock springing to life and dancing in her cleavage is the last push she needs, and she climaxes on top of you, a small, but satisfying climax while she slowly pulls off your body, your cum dripping out from between her hanging breasts.

"Very good, pet. Very good. That was exactly what I wanted from you." Kaylie says, pulling her top back on. She undoes the knot in your shirt, giving you the opportunity to move again. She grins at you in a superior way, rubbing your face up against the outside of her breast.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" she says, and takes the chain from the hanger. Tucking you under her arm, she just jumps down from the loft and sets you upon the ground, handling you like a toy. You back up from her, unsure what to think of what just happened. She grabs you by the shirt and kisses you hard before you can think too much about it, then shoves you towards the farm house.

"Go on, talk to her. I'll find you again." she grins.

You hurry back into the farm house, panting, your face flushed with sex. You take a few moments to try and compose yourself, and when you open the door, Shaira just looks sidelong at you with a wry smile.

"Well, that didn't take long at all." she smiles warmly.

You approach her, steeling yourself and trying to find the words to describe what just happened in the barn.

"Did you have fun with Kaylie?" she says, a knowing look on her face.

You ask how she knows, that cold sensation welling up in the pit of your stomach. Any second, you're expecting her to call up Oberon and tell him that the program is canceled, then leave your life.

You stammer, trying in vain to grab at the words that would make the most sense. Sure, if you try and think of all words at once, you must find the right ones that will fix this disaster.

Shaira slithers up to you, grinning wildly. She puts her arms around you, tongue playing along your ear.

"It's okay, love. Who do you think suggested that she play with you to see how she likes being with a human?" Shaira says, winking to you.

You tell her that you're sorry, you didn't hear what she just said over your blood pressure exploding.

"I was getting tired of her insolent posturing. When she arrived this afternoon, she tried to assert herself as the dominant female, but she wasn't expecting to find a lamia here. Taurines naturally fear lamias, that's why she backs off whenever I tell her to. She thinks I'm the alpha around here, but when she asked you if you were in charge of the household, if you had said yes, she wouldn't have made any advances on you." she explains.

You ask why she had to put you through that emotionally battering experience, a swell of anger stirring in you.

"Sweetie, there are going to be more challenging myths to deal with than taurines. You haven't even scratched the surface yet of their culture, or mine, for that matter. Right now, however, the point is to get Kaylie to trust you as I do, and for that, she has to have sex with you. They're a very physical species." Shaira says, stroking your cheek.

So all this was a lesson in dealing with myths that don't have such a bubbly personality?

"A vital one. I saw how you stammered and hesitated when she seemed less than thankful to you. You weren't prepared for it. There are going to be tougher challenges ahead, some cultures won't make any sense to you at all. You can't take it personally. They're not human, neither am I. You forget that sometimes, don't you?" she smiles to you, holding you close.

You admit that yes, sometimes you don't even see the snake tail. You just see her.

"And I love you for that sweetie, but there are some aspects that you just won't be able to assimilate out of us. No matter how used I am to human culture, I'm still a lamia. All we can do is our best to understand each other while retaining our differences. It doesn't always work in human culture where the physical differences are negligible, and it's going to be even harder for us Myths, but if we can love each other, there's hope." Shaira cups your cheek, and kisses you softly.

You mention what Kaylie said, about one-sided sharing, and whether it really is all right with her. You had accepted earlier that you would have multiple partners, but now that you've been with her for a while, you don't think it's something you can take quite so lightly.

"Honestly hon, if it comes up, I'll talk to you about it. Lamias are not monogamous by nature, but I love you, and I'm not going to do anything to hurt you, and if there's someone I DON'T want you to sleep with, I'll tell you, all right?"

And she doesn't mind Kaylie pulling a dominatrix scene on you?

"Actually, next time, I'd love to watch."

There goes your blood pressure again.

Shaira grins as she loops her arms around your shoulders, her tail wrapping up your legs, her eyes closing halfway, going full bedroom on you.

"I'm a shameless voyeur. I'd love to watch your sexy body at work, to see you cum, to see you reduce other females to jelly like you do me, then, when you're exhausted, pounce upon you and make you go one last time so you know who you truly belong to." she flicks her tongue against your ear, and you notice her hips grinding into yours. She's gotten turned on just thinking about it.

"And because Kaylie considers me the alpha in the household, if I commanded her to, she'd indulge my fetish whenever I desire." Shaira's sudden forwardness brings a bright blush to your cheeks, and you stammer over words, nervously.

She laughs, and nuzzles your cheek.

"Babe, you're too easy to manipulate! I'd TALK to you about it first! I'm not dumb." she grins, keeping you in her embrace.

"So, DID you have fun?"

You tell Shaira that it was kind of terrifying, mostly because Kaylie used your fear of losing Shaira against you to force you to submit to her, telling you that you could either escape quickly, or be subject to her whims for hours.

Shaira's tail sounds a little, and she blushes.

"Oh sweetie." she grins, then hugs you tightly once more. She eventually pulls away, a sly smile on her lips.

"Unfortunately, now that you've submitted to her once, it means that in order to NOT be turned into her personal pet the moment I let you out of my sight, you have to defeat her to become her equal."

Defeat her?

"Well, in a physical contest, there's no way you'll win, but in bed, if you make her submit to you out of sheer lust, she'll stop treating you like a toy."

You comment that behavior like this would be unacceptable in human society.

"In a weird way, that's partially your fault. You charmed her with your unfailing kindness but firm will, and because you didn't claim a superior position when she asked you and told her she's allowed to do as she pleases in the house, in her culture, you basically gave her permission to do with you as she pleases."

That's not exactly helpful to her, as it would still get her in a lot of trouble if she was loose in human society.

"Kaylie is a 'problem' case. Taurines are incredibly willful, and Kaylie especially so. I'm only able to control her because she's scared of me. She needs your help, sweetie. You're going to have to tame her, or she won't be allowed to stay on Earth at all." Shaira says seriously.

You steel yourself and nod, brow furrowed. Shaira cups your cheek and smiles to you.

"You can do it, sweetie. I know you can."

For her sake, you have to. You rub the back of your head, looking out towards the barn. So, you're going to have to outlast a seven foot amazonian in bed before she'll even respect you enough to listen to you so she can be trained out of spontaneously raping any man that strikes her fancy in the future? Yeah, no problem.

Shaira kisses your cheek, slithering to the bedroom.

"I'm not going to tell you how to do your job, sweetie, but there IS something to keep in mind, almost all Myths have a weak spot. Why do you think she was so adamant about you not looking up details about her biology?" Shaira says, and starts to close the door, but not before blowing a kiss to you.

"Good luck, sweetie. I'll let you get to work." she says, before she closes the door.

Taking in a deep breath, you turn, and find that while you were cooking, Kaylie must have hidden her file on you. Fine, you'll figure it out the old fashioned way. As you stand there, arms crossed, you hear Kaylie's heavy hoof falls as she walks up the porch outside, and opens the door. Steam is pouring off of her, and she's sweating heavily. Seems she really DID get in a quick work out while you and Shaira talked.

"Hi, pet." Kaylie smiles to you as she clops by, heading to the bathroom. You watch her curiously, and she notices the lack of fear in your expression.

"Let me guess, you talked it out with her and you think now I won't toy with you because there won't be any sport in it?" Kaylie grins darkly. "There's still PLENTY of sport to be had, wee bairn." she says, as she grabs you by the shirt collar and drags you to the bathroom with her.

You ask what she could possibly need you for in the bathroom.

"This is hardly built for someone my size, I can barely move. You're going to have the honor of scrubbing me, pet."

Kaylie strips off her clothes, showing quite plainly that she doesn't wear underwear. She smiles devilishly at you over her shoulder as she ducks her head under the shower curtain, but before she can step into it, you leap in and lay down the shower mat before she slips on the tub with those hooves and smashes a hole in the wall with her head. That was close.

Kaylie pauses, her brows raising a bit as you impress her with your considerable nimbleness and single-minded desire to help, even if it meant all but darting between her legs to do it.

"So eager to continue serving me, are you?" she asks. She reaches down with her arm and takes your shirt in her hand, hauling you up to your feet with your back to the shower stall wall. You're starting to see a trend forming here.

Kaylie undresses you forcefully, yanking off your shirt and then steps on your pant leg with her hoof, simply lifting you out of your pants that way with her hands under your armpits. You're like a toy in her grip as she pulls your underwear off with her finger, and lowers you down until you're at eye level with her.

"My sweet pet still cares so much for my safety, looking out for ME, of all Myths. Don't want me to hurt myself. So considerate, so loyal, so mine." she licks over your neck, and you groan as she presses you up against the wall, the pressure of her breasts crushing up against your body helping to keep you up where you are, your legs dangling at least six inches off the floor.

You know somehow you need to find her weak spot, so, tentatively, you begin to explore her body with your hands, in return. This makes Kaylie pause, smirking at you.

"So you finally realize your position, then? Good." she whispers against your ear, and then steps back, dropping you onto the tub.

"You will do something first before you wash me with soap. You will wash me with your tongue." she says wickedly, and forces your mouth full of her enormous, sweaty, salty breast. You obediently suck and lick at the flesh she presents to you. It seems she didn't wash off the cum you splashed on her breasts, because you taste some of it as she maneuvers your head over her breast, cleaning off the sweat from her huge slopes of reddish bronze skin. You hear her moans of appreciation as you worship her breast. When you come to her nipple, you take a risk and pull on her other one. They're so big that it takes all your fingers to get a good grip on her to toy with her bumpy, crinkled nub the way you did when she made you fuck her breasts.

"You remember what I like, pet." Kaylie moans to you, her huge hands holding your head in place, the other at your shoulder. You feel her tail playing around your crotch as you stand before the taurine, trapped against her body. It wraps around the base of your penis and begins stroking back and forth, hardening you up as you suckle and caress her mammoth bosom. Your hands can't even come close to containing how much breast there is. You realize that stroking the breast you're suckling on is futile, and instead try to overload her senses by reaching for her vagina. It's not hard to find her clit, because it's two inches long, and looks like the head of a penis without the slit. As your fingers touch over it, she jerks against your hand, and pulls you off her nipple, lust smoldering in her eyes.

"Oh, the pet wants to play down there" Kaylie asks, and shoves you down onto your knees. Grabbing the back of your head, she shoves her clit into your mouth.

"Get to sucking then, pet, and if I feel your teeth, I'll crack your head between my thighs." she growls out, thrusting her hips into your mouth and pulling on your head. The scent of her sex is overpowering, and you can taste her juices running out of her mixed with sweat dribbling out of her puffy, sex-swollen vagina below the firm bulge that is penetrating your mouth. You suck gently at her clit, cradling the underside of it with your tongue. It's an odd sensation, and as you look up at her, you can see she's wantonly rubbing her nipples up against the cool shower wall. With her hands keeping your head in place, she can't rub her own nipples, but your arms are just long enough that you're able to reach up and grab onto them, trapping the hard flesh between your thumb and index finger. This causes Kaylie to lean over in the first show of sexual weakness that she's shown you.

"Oh pet!" she cries out, her horns grinding against the wall as she hunches over you, her hips bucking forward into your mouth firmly.

"That's right, you worship ME. You enjoy this, servicing my body, don't you? You're sucking my clit so hungrily! You want me to cum in your mouth, don't you!" she snarls as she keens and thrusts at your face. Teeth gritted, a little bit of drool runs down from her lip as she violently fucks your mouth, your nose taking a bit of a beating from the force her hands slam your face into her crotch, her clit starting to pulse between your lips.

"Don't stop pet! Good boy!" she gasps and moans, her thick fingers curling into your hair painfully as she squeezes your face into her crotch lewdly. Suddenly she throws her hips forward into your mouth and squashes your hands against the shower wall with her breasts while she arches her back and cries out, the firm stub of a clit between your lips going into a series of contractions, winking backwards towards the hood rhythmically. Her body slumps over yours, and for a moment, you think you've secured victory, but you pull away too soon. After all, you're on your knees in the tub, not the most comfortable position to be in.

You look up at her, and see that her eyes have just turned more wild. She grabs your neck in her hands, and stands you up. She shoves you up against the widest stall wall and spreads her legs. Despite yourself and the rough treatment, you're at full mast and ready as she squats over your standing body, shoving you directly into her steaming vagina. It feels ridiculously warm inside her, and the muscles grip at you with an intensity you would never have imagined from someone her size. You grunt in response as she pushes her chest forward, crushing your head between her breasts, utterly engulfing you as she holds onto your shoulders while she pistons up and down on your member. It's impossible to breathe like this, and you push desperately on her breasts to get them away so you can catch a breath, or at least turn your head to one side as she pounds away at your hips. As you struggle, she only responds by moving on you more wildly, enjoying the feel of your resistance.

"There's only one way out, pet, and that's to cum. I'm not going to stop until you do! Can you withstand it?" she growls out. You just barely manage to get a lungful of air when you grab her nipples and pull her breasts away from each other, then turn your head to one side. You have to hold out as long as you can, get her to exhaust herself, but something about the fury and raw lust she channels is intoxicating. She pushes her breasts inwards, defying your hands, and then fills your mouth with one of her nipples once again. You cry out around your salty, throbbing gag of flesh, biting down in one last show of defiance. This only causes her vagina to clench down further and her pace to quicken.

"Oh my pet is trying so HARD! Do you want to feel me cum on you? Is that what you want?" Kaylie asks, her vagina twitching cruelly around your penis. The heat, wetness, texture and friction massaging at your cock is too much, and you feel your insides knotting up trying to hold back. You swallow hard around her nipple, and nod your head as best you can, before she switches you to her other nipple, allowing you another gasp of air, your head spinning from the whole encounter. After she's secured you to her other breast, she reaches between your bodies and drums her fingers over her engorged clit while she grinds at you. Her powerful body locks up, and suddenly she grabs you around the waist and stands up, puling with her arms and lifting you up into her body as deep as you can go while she arches her body and howls out her climax.

Unable to take any more, you give in and paint her with your cum for the second time that night, shuddering in her powerful grip. Your head is once again sandwiched between her breasts, and squeezed up against the wall, pinned to her needy body. Her vagina sucks out every drop, and only when you slip out of her does she set you down on your shaky legs. She looms over you, stroking your cheeks with her breasts, wobbling them around your face teasingly.

"How about it, pet? Do you want more?" she asks, licking over her lip.

Your jaw hurts, your ribs feel bruised, and your hips are sore from her pounding at you. Not just that, but the orgasm you had while suffering partial suffocation was so intense that you truly feel too drained to go again. You don't let her know that however, and you grope at her breasts.

Kaylie throws your hands off of her, smirking.

"You're very brave pet, but I can tell you're spent, aren't you?" she asks, a victorious curl upon her lips. You regretfully nod your head in submission.

Kaylie's expression turns soft as she leans down and kisses you softly.

"There there, pet. You did your best, and you DID please me! I came twice, and you pleased me with the way your helpless little body twitched and kicked inside me. That dedication deserves reward." she says, nuzzling your cheek affectionately. She turns on the shower, and sits in the tub, taking up almost the whole space, leaving you with just a little room to stand.

"After you wash me, you will allow me to wash you, my lovely, hard-working servant. You may then return to your lamia. I will be done with you for the night."

Exhausted, you comply, washing Kaylie's body with the same dedication you throw at all your work. Every so often, Kaylie stops you to caress you and kiss you, giving you words of encouragement before letting you scrub her body again. When she's been fully cleaned, she gets her front all soapy again, and beckons you to her. Lifting you effortlessly, she washes your body by rubbing you up against her, threading you between her enormous breasts, toying with you the whole time, her slippery, sudsy nipples tickling your skin until she puts you down and scrubs you properly with a washcloth. You almost feel like a child next to her, being washed by his mother, and when you're both rinsed off, she steps out first, and lifts you out of the shower, to kiss you fondly before she puts you down. She uses four towels to dry herself with, leaving you with one. As you leave the shower, you see Shaira on the couch, having sneaked out of the bedroom while you were occupied with Kaylie. She's only wearing one of your old t-shirts, her bottoms left entirely nude, and it's clear that she just finished masturbating, scales glistening with wetness. She smiles to you and leads you to the bedroom.

You groan, and tell her that Kaylie roughed you up quite a bit, asking if there's any chance she'll be all right with just cuddling.

"You've earned your rest, sweetie. Did you win?" she asks, as she closes the door behind you with her tail.

You groan again in response, laying over your new bed like you just lost all your bones.

"Didn't find her weak spot, huh?" Shaira asks, laying next to you and playing over your chest with her slippery fingers.

You shake your head. It seems you're going to be her 'pet' for a bit longer, but you're not going to give up.

"Good." Shaira says, as she climbs on top of you. You jerk and grunt, asking what she's doing.

"I said you earned your rest, sweetie. I didn't say anything about agreeing to just cuddle. This IS after all part of my fantasy too. You can just lay there and let me do all the work." she licks over your cheek, and pulls her top off. You whimper, but don't stop her as she moves down your body to begin sucking you to hardness once more.

End of chapter 2! If you like this story, leave a comment, and tell me what monster girl you'd like to see next!

The Sanctuary, chapter 1

Thanks for your interest in this story! This is a very experimental story series written in a very experimental format. It's told entirely through first person, similar to as if you were roleplaying, only not, but it does give the reader a greater...

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