Holiday Heatwave!

Story by Serban on SoFurry

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Drastic heat calls for drastic measures, when a horny cheetah girl meets a pack of dogs!

Ruby dropped the smoldering stub of her cigarette, grinding embers into the pavement with her heel. With a flick of her wrist, she checked her watch. It was 02:00AM already, and every bar and club she'd found was full of hot, sexy men, covered in glistening muscles and softy silky fur. The only problem was; they were all gay. She looked up at the sign above her, 'Barcode' glowing neon white against the night sky, and let out a disappointed sigh, whiskers drooping. Reluctantly, she set off back towards the hotel she was staying at, eying the throngs of furs grouped around doorways, who were all too intent on cavorting with each other to even notice her.

When she had booked this 'heat-holiday', she'd never really checked out the area. She needed to 'have fun', so, so bad, but trust her to be in what looked like the gay capital of the planet. There was not a single straight fur in sight - probably too scared to be out amongst this horde of cock-seeking muscle. Ruby was a cheetah, and a hot one at that. Her body was long and lithe covered with a coat of short tan fur speckled with black. A long tail twitched behind her, the tip turning into rings of white and black.

She wore - in her opinion, very sexy and revealing clothes - a low cut, dark tank top that was just tight enough the let her bust nearly burst free, and a short burgundy skirt with a hole cut out for her tail, letting the material stick tighter to her ass. Her slim but shapely legs were wrapped in fishnet tights, and she wore a pair of heeled leather boots. She reached the border of town, the bright lights and bars becoming more spaced out, until it was just a trail back to her hotel. The path was winding, surrounded either side by short grass and palm trees growing out of the sand. Coloured lanterns were looped through the palm leaves, giving the path just enough light to see. Even without them, her cat-eyes would have coped with the dark fine, but they were a nice touch.

A noise behind her nearly made her jump; a soft rustling in the grass, and the sound of paws stepping onto the gravel path. Her heart pounded for a moment - was she going to be attacked? Some strange part of her mind couldn't help but think God, I'd just love to be raped right now - the part of her mind in crazy heat. She nearly jolted out of her pelt when she felt fur brush around her ankle. Whipping around to face her molester, she found herself nose to nose with - no one. The fur bristled against her leg again and she peered down. The Great Dane stared back at her, with glittering puppy-dog eyes. Ruby let out a disappointed sigh, cleverly disguised as a breath of relief.

Dogs. It was just a damn, stupid feral dog. Two more sat nearby, watching their friend investigate. They eyed her with suspicion, no doubt due to discovering a cat not native to their homeland. The dog by her leg padded back to his friends and they sat together, looking at her, and then each other. Ruby shook her head, flicking her ears in annoyance. All the rough fantasies held in her head shattered, leaving her unfulfilled. She started back to the hotel again, crunching down the path.

The dogs followed. When she next looked behind her, one more had joined it. Four dogs now followed her.

_Four, thick, strong dogs - Wait! What was the hell am I thinking?! They are dogs, for God's sake! With big, feral cocks. No! And they'd fuck with their feral cocks, fuck so hard. _

A wave of heat suddenly slipped over her defenses, washing through her body like a splash of hot water. She groaned a pressed her knees together, clenching herself. Struggling to control her aching needs, she gyrated her hips, balling her paws and letting out a sharp breath. The dogs cocked their heads curiously, watching this odd behavior. Ruby could feel the fire growing in her hips, and the wetness growing between her thighs. She hadn't got any panties on - only her tights, now growing slick with her heatwave.

The Dane stepped forward again, and padded over to the struggling cat. Her eyes closed, trying to rein back control of herself, she didn't see him wander over and sit by her feet before pushing his wet nose right into her crotch. Her eyes flew open as the dog sniffed and, struggling to keep her legs shut from the rude invader, she raised a paw to swat him away.

Before she could strike, the dogs broad, pink tongue jolted out of his mouth and swirled across her pussy. Arm faltering, she shuddered in bliss as it rasped over her lips, soaking up her wetness. Her paw shot out, not to hit him but to pull his head closer to her, rubbing herself on his muzzle and savoring the tongue lapping across her, rolling between her thighs and over her sex, pushing into the holes in her fishnets and widening them, snaking through to get closer. He lapped faster, running through her fur and over her mound, tasting her folds and rolling over her clit.

Ruby started to pant and purr, grabbing him with her other paw and pushing him deeper into her pussy, feeling his breath on the damp fur, and the ecstatic tingle coming from his tongue. She moaned, legs quivering as he licked faster, tongue darting over her most sensitive spots, vigorous and daring. Her eyes shot open again as he probed into her hole, the tongue-tip disappearing inside as the rest of it rubbed against her whole slit, pushing on her clit as it rubbed back and forth. Grinding down on him, she yelled louder and louder, grinding her nub onto his nose. Legs shaking, gripping his ears, she felt her thighs clench as she released, letting her orgasm gush out. The dog carried on lapping all the way through, right up until she fell on her back - squirming and twitching.

Euphoria set in, clouding her mind with soft bliss and seeping into every muscle like a hazy drug. Her body felt like it was thrumming, vibrating in pulses like the strumming of a harp. It took her a moment to discover it was her own purring, louder than ever. She also began to realise, despite her earth-shattering orgasm, she was still not fulfilled. Not yet.

The dog still stood at her feet, tongue lolling out of his mouth as he panted in excitement. Ruby looked down his long body, all the way down to his sheath. It was broad, coated in short black fur. Two big, heavy balls hung behind it, looking full and round. She knew what she wanted - she just needed to let him know. She kicked off her boots, letting them roll away, curling the toes on her foot paws. She had no socks on, only covered by the thin, fishnet tights.

Reaching out, she patted his head, running her paws over his ears. She sat up, slowly caressing down his neck and onto his back, rolling through the thicker fur. The Great Dane looked to be enjoying this, stepping closer to her and butting her face with his nose. Her paw rolled down his sides and onto his underbelly, before coming to his sheath. Her plan had been to seduce him, but to her surprise he was already starting to poke out. Clever, she thought, closing around it and sliding her paw up and down. He was hard as solid wood, starting to slicken as she rolled his precum all across the contoured shaft. It grew a deep red-purple as it swelled to her touch.

The dog stepped forward again, back legs clumsy from the giant rod hanging between them. Ruby rubbed faster, before leaning forward and sliding her tongue across the shaft. It didn't taste strong, just watery with a hint of salt, if anything. Giving it another experimental lick, she closed her eyes. She gripped it at the base with just her thumb and forefinger, before moving her lips to the pointed tip and letting it into her mouth. Immediately, the dog shifted his hind legs, moving them so her head could better access him and pushing his cock slightly deeper into her mouth. She curled her tongue across it, stroking it as she slid back and forth down his rod. It was still leaking precum into her mouth, short dribbling spurts that she collected with her tongue and lathered across his shaft.

With one paw circled around the base of his hard cock, she let the other wander down to her soaking pussy. She patted her clit, rolling it with her palm, pressing and rubbing it. One of the other three dogs - a German Shepherd, saw the fun his friend was having. Bold at the thought of a sloppy dog blowjob, he bounded across and put his head between her spread legs, licking at the back of her paw. Surprised, Ruby moved her paw, letting the new dog get to work. He immediately began to lick her as fast as he could, drawing cock-muffled moans from the cat. Her free paw, rubbed on the Shepherds head, grabbing his fur as he flicked his tongue up and down her clit. She began to suck faster and deeper, letting out her sexual joy on the cock filling her mouth, feeling the dock buck his hips gently against her.

The Shepherd gave her whole slit one long, pressing lick, before his tongue darted straight into her hole. Ruby let a cry of pleasant surprise on the shaft pushing through her mouth, feeling the long tongue wriggle into her. The dog dug deep, swirling around her walls like a fleshy roller-coaster, licking up everything he could. He buried his nose against her clit, panting into it as the full length of his tongue shot through her. Ruby squirmed in delight, nearly gagging on the cock in her mouth. She drew the cock out of her mouth, mouth and whiskers dripping with precum, the fur on her muzzle soaked.

The Dane stepped to the side, squatting between her spread legs. The Shepherd drew back to let him through, curling his long tongue back out of her pussy. Ruby lusted at the big, thick cock dangling under the Dane, swinging like a red pendulum beneath him, and bent her knees pushing her hips up of the ground. The Dane stepped close to her, lowering himself and searching for her. She gripped his sides with her paws, swaying her crotch up to meet him as he lowered himself. The glistening tip of hard dog cock felt wet pussy, and drove forward.

Ruby nearly let out her claws as her aching hole was filled with thick meat, driving deep into her leaking depths. She yowled out, bucking her hips against his as he started to thrust, slapping his meat into her. It was the biggest cock she'd ever taken, much bigger than any cat back home. The big dog was rough and vigorous, hunched over her, front paws set either side of her head, strong back legs driving into her like oiled machinery.

The Shepherd returned, coming around to the side of the yelling cat, watching her bouncing on the ground, banging on her mate to go faster and deeper. With a wide, feral eyes she shot her gaze over to the other dog, reaching out with a paw to take the growing length hanging below his body. She began to pump it in her paw, sliding over the oily shaft to the quickening rhythm of her rod driving through her pussy. She was fast losing control of herself, a slave to the burning desire pounding between her pussy lips.

She opened her mouth, yowling and hissing in need. She pulled the Shepherd over by his leg, the Dane sitting back a little to let his pack-mate closer, never missing a beat with his thrusting cock. Ruby opened wide and took the Shepherd in her mouth, letting him hunch over her face and fill it with cock and fur. She licked and sucked, fucking him with her mouth, pushing her face up his cock. She swallowed down the river of precum the Shepherd was releasing, lapping it from his pointed tip with her tongue. The Shepherd began to buck his hips, sliding up to the sheath in her mouth. She opened her mouth, wide and greedy as his cock drove down her throat. It grew, longer and thicker, still swelling as it pumped her mouth.

The Dane's cock was also swelling, his knot growing at the base as he hammered away, frantically fucking Ruby across the ground. Her squealing muffled again, by cock and fur it was impossible to tell what she was saying. His knot started to widen her tight, cat pussy, pushing it open oven more. It was taut against his hard rod, almost struggling to accommodate his massive prick. Her paws waved around, grabbing onto the Shepherd and Dane as the filled her holes to the brim with cock. With a heaving push, the Dane squeezed his knot into her, tying to two together as he reached climax.

Hot cum erupted into Ruby, her toes curling as she felt him fill her insides. The Dane kept pushing, the endless torrents of seed rolling inside her, building up. Not a drop leaked out, plugged by the ball of flesh. Ruby couldn't even feel when or if he stopped cumming, her pussy hot and heavy from the load that had filled inside her. The Shepherd began to swell too, knot forming as he smothered her lips, driving deep down her mouth. She cat tried to draw him out, but the Shepherd kept thrusting, oblivious to Ruby's attempts. The horny dog fucked her face hard, pushing her head against the ground as his big balls began to swell and his cock started dribbling.

Ruby's paws shot to the dogs hips and pushed, but he pushed back, burying himself to the sheath in her lips, letting his knot swell into her mouth. Her face was stuck to his dick, locked in her jaw by the fat knot. The Shepherd let out a howl as his cum started to pour out, filling the cat's mouth. She mumbled and groaned, rolling her head side to side as she swallowed his cream, struggling to concentrate on still breathing as the haze of her heat enveloped her, knowing that she'd been filled to the brim with cum giving her a vibrant tingle in both her crotch and her mind. Bred like a bitch in heat - just as nature intended.

The Dane gave an apologetic look to his other pack-mates as he tugged on his knot, trying to unwedge it from Ruby's squeezing walls. Another dog - a Husky stepped over to the Great Dane, rubbing his nose on the others. They seemed to come to an agreement, and the Husky stepped behind his friend and pushed. There came some muffled squealing from the cat, but the Dane could feel his knot making headway out of her - luckily it wasn't too big.

With a sticky pop, the knot came free, and the Dane was free to step away from Ruby. Her hips dropped to the floor, and a river of dog cum came dribbling out of her slit, pooling on the ground beneath her. She reached down with one paw, tentatively feeling her stretched hole and the gloops of cum dribbling out. The aftertaste was still in her mouth, now stuck slack around the Shepherds knot. Carefully, she felt her way across the ground beneath her and tried to get free of the cock in her mouth, but she definitely stuck. The dog was in no hurry to escape, and his knot was very big - bulging out her cheeks. Slowly, she managed to turn her head without straining her neck, cautiously moving onto her paws and knees, hoping a different position might free her mouth quicker.

The Husky gave her cum-soaked pussy a long, vigorous lick, startling Ruby. In her sex-clouded mind, she'd forgotten all about the other dogs. How many were there again? The Husky lapped at her again, reigniting the feeling of heat within her. She stretched her paws, gyrating her hips as the soft tongue stimulated her clit, rolling and swaying up and down her slit. She spread her legs wider, giving the Husky unbridled access to her pussy, her face still buried in Shepherd cock. He had turned around now, his cock rotated 360 so that her face was pushed up against his fuzzy balls, lips locked around the root at the base of his sheath.

The heat grew inside her as she felt the rasping tongue taking advantage of her exposed position, making her needy again. Incredible horniness seeped into every fiber of her body, filling her mind with primal thoughts. She felt so fixated by these dogs, savage and feral. Their big cocks, so big that had to swing underneath them, so swollen that they could lock all their hot cum deep in their bitch. Raw, wild and untameable fuck machines. Fuck me! She moaned into the cock, Fuck me, and fill me with cum! Purring, she gave the cock in her mouth a soft suck, wriggling her tongue trapped under the ball, and stuck her rump out for the curious Husky.

He drew his tongue out of her puffy mound, letting it loll out of his mouth. He gazed at the pink folds with piercing blue eyes, instinct taking over. He bounded up, wrapping his paws around Ruby's body. He adjusted his back legs, lining them up with the cat's curled toes. Bucking his hips, he pressed his hardening length into his bitch's pussy, letting it stretched walls engulf his tip sniffed around her. Driving forward his slim length drove to the hilt in one thrust, eliciting a surprised and aroused gurgling from Ruby. Hunching down close, wrapping her in his white and black coat, he streamlined himself an began to fuck, pink cock pistoning her pussy. His balls slapped against her thighs and mound as he thrust, his cock never leaving her pussy - constantly sheath deep.

The cat pushed her legs further apart, spreading as much of her pussy as she could. His heavy balls were really smacking her as he fucked her harder, pushing her face into the Shepherds cock with each thrust. She could feel the Husky's breath on the back of her neck, panting to their rhythm. His growing, wet knot smacked into her pussy, tugging her legs up and down, her toes curling to the rhythm. Smack me with your balls! She screamed to herself I'm a bad, fucking slut! With each deep thrust, the Husky's cock was swelling - and not just at his knot. The whole cock, after starting off slim enough to slide through her, was inflating, growing thick and meaty. Ruby's walls were once more stretched wide, as this dog swelled even bigger than the Dane. She beat her paws on the floor, raking the gravel with her claws as she was plugged with Husky dick.

He had to slow down, now an effort to slide through her. As his gigantic knot swelled, he had to resort to walking into her, pushing with all his might until, with a stifled moan from his bitch, it plunged into her hole and locked them firmly together.

The feeling of him filling her, jets of burning cum setting fire to her womb, piling up over the other dogs cum, sent Ruby into an overload. Legs shaking around his ridiculously thick shaft, her walls began to twitch as she released herself. Her screaming orgasm, muted by knot, reduced her to little more than a quivering bitch spit-roasted between rods of cock. Her fur rippled and trembled as she became limp between them, breathing heavily through her nose. Her wide, orange eyes clenched shut as she sank down between them, feeling the Husky still rubbing her walls with his massive girth, the occasional hot spurt of cum giving her shocks of horny naughtiness.

By now, the fourth dog had grown impatient. He'd watched his pack mates fuck this new bitch silly, using her for all she was worth. He paced around them, his dick rock solid from the anticipation of breeding this slut. Watching her, trapped between a knot and a hard cock, sent this Rottweiler over the edge. He bounded forward, sniffing all over Ruby's body, taking in the smell of her sweat and pheromones. The only thing his senses could pick up, multiplied to the point of overloading his nose, was sex. Almost crazy with desire, he hopped up and tried to mount the dazed cat, still twitching from her thunderous orgasm. He tried pushing the Husky down and out of the way but that knot was firmly jammed in her swollen pussy and there was no way it was coming out anytime soon. Growling, her tried none the less, rubbing his oily prick over the soft fur that covered her butt cheeks, hot-dogging her crack with his cock.

The Husky moved underneath the Rottweiler, trying to get comfortable under the big dogs efforts. He lay down, cock still lodged firmly in Ruby's sloshing pussy. In this new position, the Rottweiler found something rather interesting indeed - a new hole, nice and tight, lay just before him. Pressing the tip of his long, red cock to the entrance, he gave an experimental push. The was a little give, and a dazed murmur from the cock-crazy cat, so he decided why not? And promptly jammed his cock deep into her ass, the dogcum collected from her savage fucking providing just enough lube to push inside.

Eyes flying open and toes curling into their nylon tights, Ruby screamed into the cock filling her mouth as her asshole was violated, something long and hot pushing its way inside, filling her virgin canal. It slid through her like a hot knife through butter, bulbous knot collecting leaked cum and pushing it all over the shaft, giving his lance enough give to drive her into the ground. He was really rough, balls filled with the tension of watching a bitch being filled, and jack hammered her fast and hard. Her yells filled the air, but he paid no attention. His prick swelled with each thrust, getting even harder at the sensation of actually fucking this naughty bitch. The Rottweiler cock started to push out, squeezing against the giant knot lodged in her pussy. Ruby let out a faltering moan as she began to feel both the uncomfortable anal and the rubbing of her filled pussy. With a dog rocking on top of him, the Husky was moving too, twisting and pushing his cock about. The sensation was crazy, the heat making Ruby to horny to resist. Finally, the Shepherds knot had deflated enough, and with a pop her slid out of her mouth. As soon as he was free, Ruby screamed.

"Fuck my ass! Fuck me!" she howled loudly, dropping her face to the floor. Resting on her cheek, she slid her paws up to her breasts, pulling her top up and tugging on her hard nipples. She twisted her hips, rolling to two cocks around in her hole and let out a whimpering moan. "I'm a bad bitch! Fucking dogs in the street, oh, God! I'm so full of cock! Cum in me! Cum in all my holes!" She was yelling, her pupils dilated and wide. Her pussy twitched as the layer of skin between her ass and her cunt got thinner and thinner, swelling cocks stretching them wide. Closing her eyes and arching her back, she pushed back with all her might, forcing her holes onto the cocks in rhythm, letting them slam into her as fast as possible. Digging her claws into the ground, she gave a big push backwards as the Rottweiler gave a vicious thrust forward. She roared out in orgasm as a softball-sized knot punched into her ass, and the feeling of hot cum filling her began again.

"Fill meeeeeee!" The cheetah squealed, pounding her paws against the ground, scratching the gravel with the claws.

The Rottweiler erupted like a spooge volcano, his cum splashing inside her. His knot, smaller than the others, was not watertight and steaming gloop began to bubbling out of Ruby's ass, adding white spots to her already sticky tan and black fur. All the stimulation had worked up the Husky too, howling as his cock began to squirt again, both her holes now being filled with a monsoon of cum. Her eyes rolled into her head, tits swinging under her as the Rottweiler kept bouncing forward and the Husky kept pushing back, both sating her needy holes with fresh seed. Her orgasms hit again and again, almost as constant as the jets squirting from the canine cocks. Eventually they stopped, and Ruby just knelt there, two dogs stuck the her rump. For some time, they just lay there, until the knots came popping free, unleashing a river of gooey dog cum.

She rolled onto her back, writhing and twisting on the ground, rubbing her paws all through her fur. All she could smell was cum, all she could taste was cum and - sliding her paws down to her pussy, all she could feel was cum. She lay there until for what seemed like forever, even when the dogs left, she carried on squirming in her orgasm-mad euphoria, rubbing her paws on her clit, a slave to the quivering heat that filled her body.

Some time later, a twig snapping brought her back to reality. Lying spread-eagle on her back, she looked up to see three anthro horses on the path in front of her. They watched her with mischievous eyes, tall dark and muscular. Just looking at them made Ruby shiver with heat. Giving them a coy smile, she put a paw down to her pussy, spread her lips and beckoned them toward her. They looked at each other, before unzipping; their thick swollen horsecocks hanging from their pants as their jeans hit the ground.

It was going to be a very long night.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because there is nowhere near enough feral double-penetration!

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