Gift of the Garif

Story by Devlin A Dreadwood on SoFurry

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#1 of FF Universe

Vaan and crew arrive in the village of the Garrif and one of the villagers offers Vaan a life changing gift, will he accept it and how will it change his life?

The Gift of the Garif

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Vaan's party had been sent off to the Village of Jahara, in search of the Garif for hope that they might be able to give them an answer on how to use the dawnshard that they had just received. Vaan did not know who the Garif were let alone what they looked like, so this would be an interesting trip out to the wilderness to see what this elusive race looks like and their customs.

As the group arrived, they were all separated, the females were taken off site to another camp that was located some distance off. As the male members stood talking, they were each given a individual member of the tribe to help them and to explain things to them about the Garif culture.

Vaan was taken into a hut and was greeted by a lone Garif. He was tall and covered in dense muscles. It was clear from the weapons that adorned the walls of the hut that this Garif was a warrior. His mask was heavily decorated with markings and ornaments, but he was sparsely clothed. He wore a simple Vest, much like Vaan, but other then a pair of leather bracers and a long leather loin cloth and some bracers around his ankles, that was all that he wore and it was a bit intimidating that so much skin was being shown to him in such a confined space.

"Garif hear you looking for gift" the Garif said in a slow deep tone

"Yea, we kinda are" Vaan said as he looked for a place to sit down but only finding a bed in the hut. "Hey, is there a place I can set my stuff down" Vaan added

pointing towards a corner of the hut, the Garif concentrated on lighting a small fire within the center of the hut. Once lit, the small fire cast an orange glow through the small hut. As vaan set his stuff down, he turned to watch the Garif he was paired with removing his vest. Vaan marvled at how built the guy was, muscles all over his back and chest as he was left in nothing but the loincloth he wore around his waste. Vaan noticed that all the males in the tribe wore almost the same thing and it worried him, how would he be able to tell one Garif from the other.

"It is getting late, you should strip down for the night" The Garif said as he turned to face Vaan.

This brought Vaan out of his train of though ... strip down to what, he wore just a vest some shorts and his shoes, what else could he strip down to. He suddenly blushed as he saw the Garif handing him a leather loincloth.

"You ... want me to ware that? Vaan said almost with shock in his voice

"Yes, it Garif gift, everyone in tribe wear it" The gairf said in a matter of fact tone

Nodding, Vaan started to take his vest off, his young youthful skin covered in a light layer of muscles, nothing like the Garif had mind you. While the Garif had a strong pronounced 6 pack, Vaan did not, Where the Garif had a pair of well defined and pronounced nipples, Vaan's were small and nubby. Another thing Vaan noticed was the thick trail of hair that ran from the Garif's navle and disappeared into his loincloth, Vaan's body was completely smooth. With a steady hand, Vaan unbelted his shorts and let them drop as he reached for the loincloth but the Garif stopped him

"Those too, body must be bare for Garif cloth" The Garif said pointing to Vaan's boxers

Blushing Vaan did not want to remove his boxers, but at the same time he did not want to insult his host, so doing the only thing he could he allowed his boxers to hit the floor, the fabric pooling at his feet as he stood there in his birthday suit in front of another male. His face was quickly covered in a blush as the Garif suddenly became intent with examining Vaan's body, for the Garif had never before seen someone so smooth. His hand started at Vaan's chest, going over his short stubby nipples, which only caused Vaan to moan softly at the sensation. Next, the Garrif ran his hands down Vaan's chest, examining his smooth muscles before his hand came to Vaan's flaccid uncut cock. Taking a moment to look it over as the Garrif had not seen a hume cock like this before, he chuckeled before standing up and offered Vaan the loin cloth.

Quickly taking the loin cloth and putting it on, Vaan blushed as he had become slightly aroused, but the loin cloth mostly hid that from view. Chuckling the Garrif stood upright, himself slightly aroused as well, his cock head making a slight outline in the thin leather material that made up his loin cloth. Before both of them knew, the sun had started to set and Vaan let out a soft yawn. He was getting tired quickly and looking around again he only saw the one bed and sighed as he climbed in and hoped nothing else would happen. Sleep came slowly, and after a bit of fitful movement, Vaan froze in place as he felt the Garrif climb into bed and spoon up with Vaan. His strong firm arms holding Vaan still, his mid-section and groin pressing against Vaans backside as this simple gesture helped Vaan fall asleep quickly.

Hours pass and Vaan quietly snores away as he presses against the Garrif that shears the bed with him, lewd thoughts go through the Garrif's head as he slowly becomes aroused, his cock tenting up as he wants nothing more then to move the pieces of leather that are keeping his body from that of the smaller humes, but before he can act out on the impure thoughts that are dancing in his head, two Garrif's enter the hut and have a conversation in low tones. Waking the sleeping Garrif, they pull him out of bed, only glancing down at the raging erection that he has as they tell him to wake the hume and bring him to the cerimonal cave.

Nodding as the two Garrif leave, the lone Garrif bends over and slowly wakes Vaan up. A mumble leaves Vaans lips as he rolls over, the loin cloth he wore had been pushed to the side exposing his erection as he slowly looked up and blushed as his face was right in front of the Garrifs erection, the thick foreskin bunched up as half of the cock head was exposed.

"Come friend, we go somewhere special" The Garrif said as he stood up, his cock giving a slight bounce

"Mmph ... wha ... where are we going" Vaan said as he slowly stood on shaky legs, his own erection pointed out with a slight upward curve

"Come, come with me, hurry or we miss it" The garrif said as he tugged on Vaan's arm.

As Vaan was pulled out into the darkness, his eyes tried to adjust as they made their way, only stopping when they were far enough from the village that the Garrif ensured that it was safe to discard the loin cloths that they were wearing. Blushing at the idea of being naked with such a larger stronger male, Vaan mumbled something when he felt the Garrifs hands remove the loin cloth, his hand briefly brushing along Vaan's erection, causing him to shudder and leak a bit of pre. Casting aside his own loin cloth, the Garrif quickly started move again, tugging Vaan along before Vaan stumbled, his hand grabbing the Garrifs erection for a moment, making the larger male moan out in bliss. As Vaan landed with a thud onto the ground, the Garrif got a perfect view of Vaans anus, tight and pink and inviting, He wanted nothing more then to dive right in and fuck that tight hole and his urges almost became too much as he went and moved his erection through the cleft of Vaan's ass, making the smaller hume moan.

Before much more could happen, the two got up and hurried towards the cave, an orange light being cast outward gave a hint that a strong camp fire was burning in the cave. The voices of several Garrif's could be heard and Vaan still slightly incohearent from sleep stumbled in, slowly looking around as he saw several elders, and a few other members of the tribe. They were all naked, all of them in varying states of arousal from fully flaccid to very erect. Once inside the cave Vaan turned to look around when the Garrif he had been with introduced himself as Hashink.

Hashink lead Vaan towards an odd looking contraction as he ensured him that everything was alright, the elders all nodded in mock aggrement as Vaan did not question anything but suddenly he was pushed down into the contraction, its odd shape forced him into a haunched over position, his ass high in the air as his cock slipped through an opening and down a strange trough as his cock head rested right before a long shallow like bowl. Mumbling something Vaan watched as to his left, he saw one of the ritualistic masks that the Garif all wear, the inside was dark, covered in some kind of smooth looking material as he swore that his eyes caught a myriad display of glyphs and runes that danced around the inside surface. Vaan still had no idea what was going on, nor what was going to happen. His train of thought was suddenly cut short when he watched one of the elders stand up, his enoumous cock, easily over a foot long moved behind as he spoke quietly with Hashink

"You wish to claim him as yours or will you allow your elder to take first" The elder said as they both glanced at Vaan's anus

" Hashink would love to be first but ... law says elder be first, can Hashink be second?" Hashink asked with a slight tone of disappointment

"Agreed, Hashink will be second, young one will be yours to teach" The elder said

Kneeling behind Vaan, the elder dipped a few fingers into a bowl of thick clear looking fluid and withdrew his fingers before smearing the fluid along Vaan's anus, giving a soft chuckle at the detection of a thin layer of pre already there. Wasting little time, the elder started to spread a thick amount of the same fluid along his cock as he positioned himself and with one swift move, deflowered Vaan who gave out a painful grunt and cried as he felt the thick head of the elders cock force its way into his ass

"Mph .. Garif give you special gift, very special gift" Hashink said softly into Vaans ears as the elder continued to push forward.

Vaan wanted to say something but his mind started to haze as he stared into the fire, the other two elder Garifs were adding something to the fire that was making it produce a strange green smoke, that started to flow out and move towards Vaan. So intranced by this Vaan did not notice the Elder behind him bottom out and start to fuck Vaan's tight ass. Long steady strokes, each time in the elder hit Vaan's prostate, each pull back, his cock would nearly slip out only to be pushed back in. Only when Vaan blinked did he notice that the other Garif around him were starting to stroke their cocks in time to the thrusts that the elder was making. Each forceful thrust made Vaan moan louder and breath in the smoke that was surrounding him more and more. With each intake of smoke, Vaan started to cough and wheeze, the green smoke filling his lungs as the runes on the inside of the mask next to Vaan's head started to dance more and more, their shimmer glowing brighter as now along with the smoke the other two elders started to chant.

All of this was starting to make Vaan's head dance and haze over, his moans started to diminish as the coughing and wheezing started to grow more and more. With a deep hacking cock, Vaan moaned loudly, his body giving out on him as he pressed against the elder that was fucking him and his anus clamped down hard, milking the thick cock inside his ass as his own cock jumped and pulsed as he started to cum hard. Thick white jets of semen launched forward, the thick fluid ozzing down the make shift trough and into the collection vase down below.

"Yes, Yes spill your essence Vaan, Spill all of your essence" Hashink said in a low whisper

Moaning louder and louder, Soon Vaan's balls sagged low, a majority of his semen having been spilled out into the bowl below as he heard the Elder start to chant and thrust harder, it was coming, all of those attending knew it and as all of the Garif looked at Vaan they could see it, the smoke started to concentrate around the hume, swelling and hanging in a low thick fog around his body, the hume was coughing louder and louder, the hacking becoming stronger as his face looked like he was about to pass out. For Vaan, he was finding it harder and harder to breath, his lungs did not seem to be working like they used to and each breath was a labored gasp. With each labored gasp that Vaan made, his vision started to get darker and darker, his life fading away.

"Now Hashink, before it is to late" The elder spoke in a solid tone.

Nodding, Hashink reached for the mask and in a brief moment, the helm was over Vaans head and as it slipped over, Vaan could sware he saw the runes dancing and glowing brightly, and then a sharp gasp as Vaan took a deep breath, the air rushing in through the nostril vents in the mask as he filled his lungs with air. At this moment the elder roared and with a forceful thrust, released his pent up energies into Vaan's ass. Flooding his body. At the same time, the fire in front of Vaan seemed to come to life, enveloping him and burning away what he once was, as the fire started at his head and raced down, in its wake, Vaan's once blond hair was now a deep fire red. As the fire raced down his chest, Vaan gained some muscle definition in his chest and abs, each filling out with what in the future would be well defined chest, pecs, and abdominals. As the fire reached the elder Garif, it went out like a puff of smoke, the Elder slowly pulling out with a wet slurp but nothing came out with the elders cock. Motioning to Hashink, the elder stepped aside as the younger Garif moved in and slowly pushed his own large cock in. the reaction was almost instant as it was like Vaan had not been fucked at all. None of the semen that the elder had just depositied was there, it had all been absorbed by either the strange magical fire or into Vaan's body but reguardless, Vaan moaned deep in lust as he felt Hashink push in to the hilt, his cock eagerly waiting to give his friend his most precious of all gifts.

Each thrust, Vaan made a melodious moan through his mask, the front of it was very plain for the moment but the sounds that Vaan was making were music to those around him and it was evident as they were all working their cocks furiously, some had already made puddles of cum from when the Elder fucked him but now, he was openly aware of his surroundings as he was being fucked in front of an audience. Panting heavily, Vaan moaned louder and flexed his anal muscles tightly as he felt Hashink behind him thrusting at a steady pace, his hips slapping into Vaans ass. Each thrust that Hashink made brought a buck from Vaans hips, his cock bounding and surging as it grew in length, the low hanging green smoke seemed to center around his cock, as the spent semen in the bowl seemed to have disappeared and the suddenly the magical fire focused around the base of Vaans cock. Before, there was nothing, but as the fire raced up Vaan's cock and ended at the tip, it left in its wake a thick dense bush of fire red pubic hair. More of the smoke started to collect around Vaans hips and this was when Hashink decided the device that Vaan was suspended in was no longer needed. With a quick motion, Vaan was lifted while not disturbing the motions and as the platform was removed, Vaan was lowered onto an all fours position like a wild animal.

As the fucking session continued, more of the surrounding Garif started to spill their load, some of it landing with grate arcs into the fire, adding to the enchanted smoke that now clung to Vaan's body heavily, some collecting around his thighs some around his hips and lower back. As Hashink thrust harder and harder, his breathing grew more and more heavy, each thrust made the fire around Vaan's body burn more and more until with a shuddering cry, Both Vaan and Hashink climax together, Vaans stream of semen lurched forward, splattering across the ground as Hashink erupted with such volume that some started to leak out from around his cock and dribble down onto Vaan's balls. As their combined climax started to fade, the fire that surrounded Vaan started to fade, leaving more of that bright fire red hair along parts of his body. Panting and breathing heavily, Hashink slowly pulls out of his partner and looks down and admires the leaking semen that ozzed out of Vaan's ass.

As the rest of the collection of Garif's finish climaxing they all gather around their new brother and hug and hold him tightly, Vaan was still in a state of recovery as the last Garif hugged him. As Vaan and Hashink turned and headed out of the cave, the sun had just started to rise, casting a soft orange hue into the morning sky. One of the elders having stayed behind, moved towards Vaan and offered a loin cloth with a nod

"Welcome brother, wear this, the morning air has a slight chill to it still" The ender said, he himself having donned a loin cloth as well.

"Thank you" Vaan said softly as he put the offered loin cloth on, his memory still foggy from what happened

"Come brother, let us rest, it has been a long night" Hashink said as he placed a hand on Vaan's should

"Wh.. What happened, I don't remember anything" Vaan said, shaking his head as if to shake away the fog

"You have been away for a long time brother, but lets not dwell on that, lets go back to the hut and get something to eat" Hashink said as the two slowly walked back towards the village

As the two arrived at the village, the rest of the party were starting to get up but Hashink decided to go to a more remote location of the village, Vaan chose to remove his loin cloth and squatted down onto the haunches of his feet as Hashink stood in front of him, helping him learn the things about Garif life that he needed to know. As the two talked Balthier and Ash rounded the corner and there they saw the back of a Garif butt naked, a pair of low hanging balls and the lower section of his cock before Balthier spoke up

"Excuese me, but have you seen the young blond hume that was with us the other day, we cant seem to locate him" Balthier spoke as he adverted his eyes from the bare ass of the Garif

"Ahh yes him ... he is the bashful one, but he is no longer in the village, he caught wind of a hunt and ran off to take up its challenge, he felt he would be able to do it himself. He should be half way to the highlands by now" Hashink said as he looked up at the two, a wide smirk behind his mask

"That's odd of him, but thank you, we will go looking for him" Ash said as the two turned and left.

Vaan looked up at Hashink and turned his head to the side as he pondered for a moment "That name .. they said Vaan ... it sounded familiar, have I heard it before" he asked as he went back to reading a piece of paper that had been handed to him

"Do not pay them attention brother, they are just hunters making their way through looking for their next mark, we get them all the time" Hashink said as he rolled up some paper

"But enough, let us go back into our hut and continue reading there, yes?" Hashink said as he helped Vaan stand up and they walked back into Hashink's hut, Vaans belongings had since been removed, the contents would be sold by the local venders to anyone passing by with the coin to buy the items.

As Vaan and Hashink entered their hut, there were several pairs of leather pants and a fair sized pile of leather loin clothes set to the side, leaning forward Hashink rubbed Vaans back and held him close " Soon, brother, you will get your first mask markings, then you will be a true Garif." Hashink said as his former party members left, leaving him behind and for his new future to start.

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