The Wolf's Requiem Chapter 2 (Part 5)

Story by Infernos_Flame on SoFurry

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#14 of The Wolf's Requiem

I never like endings but things shouldn't be dragged out, so here's the final part of The Wolf's Requiem. I may do a prologue series involving Jake's sister, the two tailed German Shepard and the horse/fox hybrid, but it's not confirmed yet.

As always please comment, vote and fav!

Jake's eyesight grew a red tint as the shot blasted through the air around the clearing, the sound of shouts and screams grew in the seconds that followed. Jake turned round, the piece of Eden still in hand, and saw Gales father pinning Leo to the ground with his strong elbow on top of his neck. Jake looked to the ground and saw Gale curled in a ball with a puddle of blood forming under his clothes. The sight of Gale like that sent waves of anger through his body, making his hand grip the piece of Eden stronger.

Jake raised his arm and aimed it at Leo, lifting the metallic ball as Leo followed its aim into the air. The rest of the clearing slowed down to a stop as Leo floated in mid-air, Gale and his father being the only ones exempt from the slowed time.

Jake breathed in and out, a trick Gale taught him to keep calm, before he spoke. "Why Leo? We trusted you!"

"You really didn't realise, did you?" Leo asked, his eyes showing anger and hatred that Jake had never seen in them before. "Why do you think all of this happened? The man that shot you, the father who didn't understand, the brother that fucked you like a dog's bitch!"

Jake moved his arm to the side, swinging Leo across the clearing, making his body hit a sturdy tree with a loud thump, then brought Leo back in front of him. As angry as Leo made Jake, he didn't want to kill the lion, just make him go through pain.

"You made that happen?" Jake half growled.

Leo laughed in a half choked voice, "I saw the future, the Templars showed me. They showed me the future you brought if you continued down your path."

"The future I brought, how is having me raped, nearly killed, and having my father want me died better than having a peaceful life? I was a kind and honest man before all this happened, before that bloody gun started it all. The path you brought on is more likely bring the future you fear more than if you didn't change it."

"That's what you think!" Leo laughed with an almost insane look in his eyes.

"Jake, don't listen to him." Gale's father said, finally coming next to him. "He's trying to make you a bitter killer, and trust me you don't want it to kill because your bitter, let me deal with him will you sort Gale."

A tear ran down Jake's eye as he passed the piece of Eden to Gale's father, hesitating to give it to him. "You won't get over your head will you?"

"Don't worry, it's not the first time I've held one of these."

Jake didn't ask the wolf, something people learned with the old wolf, you don't ask him. Jake went over and knelt next to Gale, the wolf now on his back with his eyes shut trying to relax himself. Gale opened his eyes slowly, focusing on Jake and gave Jake a small smile.

"Hey there Jake," Gale said in a small voice.

"Hey Gale, you doing ok?" Jake asked as more tears formed in his eyes.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Gale said with a cough.

Jake bent down to Gale and pressed his lips against the wolf's, bringing a hand to his furry cheek. As the kiss broke they looked deeply into each other's eyes, their eyes connecting them in a way that neither of them could explain. Jake pressed his nose against Gale's, which lead to their foreheads rubbing together, expressing things words could not.

The sounds of the people around them returned as time sped up again. After a minute of chaos Jake looked around sadly, Trevor was curled up in tears with his knees to his chest while the two tailed German Shepard who was trying to console the sobbing dog, Gale's father pinned Leo down by a knee on the neck in a more painful way than he could, the fox/horse hybrid was still on the chair, wincing in pain with the priest looking over at him with a disproving look.

Jemma, Jake's sister, walked over to the couple and knelt next to them, "So you're married?"

"Yeah, we met five years ago nearly to the day." Jake said.

"I can see the resemblance," Gale said.

"It comes from our father unfortunately," Jemma said. "How is he?"

"H-he's died," Jake said.

"How?" Jemma asked.

"There was a... assassin with a contract out for him and the ox in the room, it seemed this man had a grudge against the others in the room." Jake didn't have the guts to tell her the whole truth, not yet at least.

"Well, I'm sure lots of people have their reasons for killing father. But I can't say I'm sad, not after he was responsible for Thomas' death." Jemma's eyes turn dark at the memory of the coyote she had once been with.

"Yeah I heard about that, I'm so sorry about him."

"It's ok, I've tried to move on from it. Anyway, whoever this assassin is, I hope it was a good betrayal to dad."

"I hear it wasn't that quick," Jake said, not sure whether it was a hint to him being in the creed or not.

Jake looked back down at Gale, seeing the flash of negative colours similar to a camera. When a wolf's eyes turn negative that way it is a tell tail sign of him using eagle vision.

Gale looked at Jake and whispered in his ear, "the one not yet born."

Jake didn't know what he was talking about for a moment before he remembered the dream the wolf had. Jake turned his eagle vision on and looked in the same direction Gale did. A round, golden figure burned inside Jemma's midriff, small hairs grew from the body unborn child. Jake didn't say anything but just gave Gale a small nod. Jemma didn't seem to notice anything and looked over to the hybrid.

"It looks like the priest doesn't approve of my friend over there, I think I should have a talk to him."

Jake and Gale followed Jemma with their eyes as she went over to the two men.

"She really is full of surprises, isn't she?"

"She sure is, just like you." Jake said, giving him a kiss.

"You know we'll make it in the end, right?"

"Yeah, I know." Jake said, the sound of sirens coming in on the wind.

"I love you Jake," Gale said.

"I love you too," Jake replied, moving down and giving him one last kiss on the forehead before the sirens came into the clearing.

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