030 What Happened After The Party

Story by ziusuadra on SoFurry

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#9 of Sythkyllya 000-099 The Age Of Azatlan

Confused? Consult the readme at https://www.sofurry.com/view/729937

Cut Scene: What Happened After The Party

Terrowne wakes up three times after the party.

The first time, he briefly opens his eyes and vaguely notes that Cleo has fallen asleep on the same bed next to him. Confident that everything is alright, he goes back to sleep again. The warm light of the firepit shines reassuringly through his closed eyelids.

When he wakes up again, a weight against his side informs him that Cleo has shifted up sideways to him in her sleep and is using his chest and abdomen as a sort of improvised headrest. She's surprisingly heavy, but it's a weight he could get used to and she seems to feel safe with him. The fire hasn't quite died yet, but it's warm enough and she murrrs as she turns her head to the side and works her muzzle comfortably up against him.

The third time he wakes up it's only because, he is surprised to find, Cleo is already kissing him. Neither of them seems to be putting up any resistance. His mouth is already wide open and she's exploring his mouth gently with her long, slightly rough cat tongue. Her long sharp white lioness teeth are pressed up against his lips, and he seems find that he feels perfectly safe like this. The fire has almost burned down, the light from the glowing ashes no stronger than a candle.

Suddenly a small sound from outside startles her, and she pulls her head away swiftly. Her main canine snags just barely on the edge of his lip, and instantly and almost painlessly opens a small bleeding cut. She halts, presses one clawed forefinger up against his injured lip for a moment, then dashes over to the wall opposite the door and presses herself up flat against it, almost lost in the shadows. The door has been left open and movement interrupts the light from beyond.

Someone goes past, but he can't tell who. It could be anyone, going back to any room.

The moment passes, and then Cleo is back sitting astride him, exploring gently with her tongue. "I haven't finished my ride yet," she whispers almost inaudibly.

Now that he has time to think about it, he's already quite hard, in that not specifically sexual way on just awakening from the comfortable warmth of sleep. Cleo seems to have noticed, but there's no distress to it. In fact, she's licking his cock with her rough tongue, huffing hot cat breath onto the head of it with a look of love in her eyes. It's a strange expression, hard to describe, made of less than certain parts of pity, compassion, and forgiveness mixed together. It seems that whatever he may feel for her, she understands.

She presses her heavy breasts together up against him as she licks, and he's awake enough now to notice that her nipples are widened and hard. She has four silver place-keeper studs in her ears instead of the usual rings. At some point, someone has wound a ribbon up and around the base of her tail, the colour of the silk somewhere between pink and purple, choking back the small thresh of golden fur that connects the base of her tail and her pussy. He can't help but notice the way she flexes her heavily clawed toes, which are sticking up into the air as she rests her weight on her knees and leans into him.

"Ready now," she murmurs, a statement not a question, and rubs the terracotta pink tip of her nose up against his cock, sniffing him, taking in his smell. She casts a quick glance to check the door again, but everything is quiet. Then she leans forward and takes a moment to lick the dried blood away from the healed nick on his lip. It's like some sort of strange dream in which she is sealing her contract, so that she can find him again wherever they might be.

She seats herself and they ride.

He comes first, like a shot deep between her thighs, but she catches up a few seconds later, claws clutching at the bedding as she stretches it out, flexing all her muscles as she climaxes. "C'mon.... let it all out.... yeah," she purrs contentedly as she basks in the afterglow.

There's no need for words afterward. It seems perfectly natural that they should curl up together again with the minimum of movement, her with her muzzle up against his shoulder, him with his arms around her. Cats enjoy their sleep; he enjoys this moment of peace.

In the morning he wakes up and she is still there.

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