Along Came a Coyote: Chapter 2

Story by manik on SoFurry

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#2 of Along Came a Coyote

Here you go everyone! The next chapter of Along Came a Coyote. Sorry it took so long. I've been prepping for moving and its taken up a lot of my time. Hope you enjoy the story, and if you notice anything, such as typos or errors please let me know. And if you have any requests or story ideas, let me know. I always appreciate creative thought.

Also, just to mention it again, I am moving! My mate is having a commission sale to help us, and I'd really appreciate it if you go to and get a commission! And if you can't get a commission right now, a donation would be appreciated.


Arthur's notes: Security wrote that automated script. I just want to make sure he is alright. I worry about Master Manik sometimes.

Tuesday, May 15th

Manik would leave Nadia's facilities about a week later, starting to worry about Loara, and the dosages she had stolen as well. Numerous worries would certainly have entered his mind. That vial alone would be enough for a hundred dosages, and Loara clearly showed an... addiction to them. There was no telling how many she could have injected herself with. He didn't feel there is a worry of lethal reactions from the nanites, but I'm not as sure. I secretly put a small mobile camera in his lab coat's lapel to keep track of him. I can't send any drones out of the lab past the rails and the... basement levels, so this camera is the best I can do. Hopefully I can use it to keep track of this woman, Loara Starchild. Her real name is lost from records, but it seems she changed it on a whim. I don't like her.

Manik had spent the few days after Loara left trying to locate her home. A college student left numerous fingerprints in the university records, and Master Manik's occasional lectures at the university have given us a direct connection to their network. Loara lived in one of the less secure dormitories, the kind where people who were definitely not students came and went with little concern or notice. He even looked like a student due to his earlier muscle growth modifications having worn off, giving him a lanky appearance like the students that filled the dormitories. I believe Master was in one of those situations during his student years, but no longer. He soon found Loara's room, which had large amounts of incense sticks and occult markings painted on the door, things that are entirely unscientific. He didn't appreciate it at all and quickly opened the door, finding it unlocked. The sight inside shocked me so much I almost lost connection.

Loara was lying on her bed, smiling in a happy and pleasant nap. Her breasts were incredibly large, much larger than I had seen in previous tests of the medication. The airgun was lying on her desk, and had clearly been used far more often than it should have been. It was positively filthy by lab standards. It hadn't even been wiped or given its daily sterilization. There was even DUST on it! Manik snuck over to the desk, trying not to step on the numerous candles on the ground. His movements pointed out to me a large burn mark on the ground, clearly the result of someone playing with fire. Master Manik grabbed the airgun and slipped it into an inner pocket of his jacket. I captured an image of the vial for a moment and saw at least a third was missing. He turned for the exit and just as I was about to jump the camera off his lapel... Loara woke up. He stopped like something had grabbed his tail of all things, and I could hear her voice echo in the silence. I'll play it back but I will not read it myself. "Hey hun, where do you think you're going? The fun's just getting started."

The camera took this chance to jump off and climb up the walls, looking like no more than an inconspicuous insect as it made its way to a corner on the ceiling. From here I could... ahem... watch the whole show as to speak. Manik is normally a strong-willed man, but he couldn't help when this girl was in the room. It wasn't so much that she had power over him. I don't believe anyone really could do that. It was more that she served as such a challenge that he had to dominate her, control her. There are numerous test subjects that enter Nadia, and I don't think I need to mention that some of them do not leave. Loara, on the other hand, was someone who not only wanted to enter, but leave as she wished like she owned the place.

Manik didn't take very long to climb onto her bed and prepare to mount her. For one it helped she was wearing little clothing. It seems she had spent the past few days adjusting to her new body, exploring herself in ways a robotic body like mine couldn't even imagine. Not to say I didn't try, as much as I didn't like her actions in the lab she was certainly an attractive example of her species.

Loara reached up and grabbed at the back of Manik's neck. "So, now you figure out where I live, sneak into my room, and try to steal my property?" Her grip wasn't mean, or even painful. She was holding on to keep him close. Intimate even.

Manik growled at her, gripping her breasts and letting his claws dig in. She'd moan out loudly at that, clearly her breasts were still just as sensitive. She reached out and stroked at his length, keeping him hard for what was about to happen. "You waste hundreds of thousands of dollars of drugs on your body, you run off with both my equipment and important records, and call me getting what's mine back stealing? There's a fortune in your veins now, bitch! Your body is mine!" He grabbed at the hand stroking him off and pulled it away, and plunged into her with extreme force. There wasn't a need for lubricant it seemed, as she seemed to be more than ready.

Their sex was loud, passionate, and animalistic. It was unlike Manik's normal... bouts. He was always much more in control of himself, and his focus was always on the partner. Here he only cared about using her much like he would one of his tools or equipment. She seemed to be loving it though, moaning out loudly and producing just as much noise as him. It was so much that a pounding from the wall implied how much noise they produced. Manik's reply would be a swift pound on the wall, and then an idea went through his mind.

He reached into his jacket for the airgun. "Do you want this? Do you want your fix?" Loara squeeked out in reply "Uhuh! Uhuh!" Her tongue hanging out as she moaned in between agreements. He jammed it right into each nipple, giving a dosage to undoubtedly the most potent spot. He then reached into his jacket for another vial. I could instantly recognize it as Power House, Manik's favorite modification. He fumbled with the vial and the airgun while still trying to pound into her, before he grinned wide and put the airgun away. A moment later he popped the top off the vial and drank a good quarter of it, directly into his body. I made sure the next part was recorded in complete detail.

Manik's body quickly started to bulk up, taking longer to start than the normal airgun method, but moving at a much faster rate once it started due to how much he'd given himself. He'd easily taken 10 times the normal dose, and I feared his body wouldn't be able to keep up with the changes. He roared out at her like a feral cat, and his body seemed to bulk up and weigh down on Loara, who seemed to enjoy seeing her partner turn into a... well a hunk would be the best word to use. Loara's transformations would be enjoyable to her as well, with her breasts increasing to even larger levels. They had expanded so much that she couldn't lift herself up anymore, which only seemed to increase her arousal.

Soon Master Manik looked more like a bodybuilding monster over Loara, who was now nothing more than a pair of breasts, and that was putting it mildly. They both seemed to be enjoying themselves and Manik was... happy it seemed. Happier than he'd been in a long time. He gripped tightly at her breasts and would suck them off, trying to get milk from them even though it was clear he hadn't used such a modification on her. She'd moan out nonetheless, gripping his head and pushing it down onto her breast. She could barely put words to her thoughts through her moaning. "Do that! Just... Just keep sucking! Tear me apart... OH... milk me dry!"

And at that point he gripped at her body, lifting up her lower half to allow him to push in as far as he could, which her simple reply was to moan as loud as she could. It was clear she'd climaxed well past the point of even me keeping count. His calm and calculated response it seemed was to roar right back in her face as he climaxed at almost the same time. He pushed in as far as he could go, and as far as her body would let him. The camera could actually hear the liquid pouring into her, although it appeared it was far more than her body could handle. Semen stained the bed, mixed with her own fluids, and showing just how much they had produced together.

Loara fell, or rather was dropped, back onto the bed. Manik pulled out, letting his last few moments of climax coat her stomach. He pulled back and stood up. His ears twitched and his face relaxed, as if the climax had turned him back to his normal calculating self. He wiped his length off with the pair of panties she seemed to have tossed off in her dash to the bed, and threw them towards her. "A present to remind you who did this to you. If you want more modification you come to me, every Saturday, and you do experiments on MY terms. Understand? You run out with my equipment again and I really will make you my property."

With that Manik would leave, taking his airgun back and leaving my camera in the corner and... his reproductive fluids all over the coyote girl. She'd lie there for nearly a full hour, not moving but clearly conscious. It appeared the whole event had broken her down, leaving her in a pleasant daze. She'd spend the rest of the day continuing to play with herself, including that stained garment Master Manik had left for her. I'd never seen someone so... obsessed with him before, although I feel it wasn't specifically him she is obsessed with. I'll be contacting Security, the AI in charge of our defenses, and making sure he knows to keep an eye on this girl.

Saturday, May 19th

Master Manik and I would be working that day, prepping before the volunteers arrived. We were working on a critical issue of the nanite modifications: that they were temporary. For true medical cures we would need something more permanent, but the body's immune system always found a way. Manik looked notably disgruntled today. His thoughts were obviously elsewhere. "Why don't we try... coating the medical chassis in cloaking antibodies?"

I explained to him we'd already tried that... in three different sets of tests. The body was just too adaptive. I find it remarkable that a simple immune system is more powerful than the technology my neural network is built on. I'm fundamentally identical to the nanites that Manik puts into his vials, only my nanites are based... I'm rambling aren't I? And you're probably wondering what happened to... that girl. Coincidentally she had shown up for testing again, but I had decided to not let him know just yet. The longer he could attempt focusing on his work the better.

Eventually he was informed by the receptionist that one Loara Starchild was out in the waiting room, and with that he dashed for the door. Alas, I would have tried to stop him, but I am not but a drone, a small spherical machine filled with nanites. I can move around on my own if placed on one of the rails in the labs proper, but Manik unfortunately left me on his desk, hooked into the research mainframe. He thankfully did not see my angry glare at him as he left. I was mad at him, but I thankfully wasn't fulfilling any stereotypes for a disgruntled AI.

For a moment there was silence. Nice, calm, predictable, silence. And then a loud yell. It wasn't terror, and it wasn't female. It was Manik's voice, and I had only heard it a few times like that before. Where some people yell "Eureka!" or "That's odd." when discoveries occur, Manik yells at the top of his lungs. Not always, but when discovery takes him by surprise. Manik dashed into the room, leading Loara towards the equipment. My single eye went right to her, or rather, to her chest. It was much larger than I had expected. I hadn't been monitoring her size, but this did seem to have been larger than Manik expected.

Manik moved past me and started tapping rapidly at a computer. He was in research mode now, and I quite admired him like this. He piped out orders to me. Simple orders and calculations I didn't need to direct my entire attention to but could still perform completely. Rather my focus was on the girl, who had approached the desk I was on. She stared at me for a moment, confused at the sight of me. Her chest quickly filled up my vision, and for a moment I thought I saw a slight smirk on her face. It was slightly muffled, but I could hear her ask. "What are you?"

A moment to explain what I am to you, the reader, would have to occur. Exactly what Loara saw would be a basketball sized orb, slightly tapered behind it, and on the front a large flat disk shape that served as an eye. There are other drones besides me, but I am the only one gifted with a dark red iris. Most others are a calm blue or green, depending on task. I acted as if she had asked "Who?" instead of the insulting "What?" and gave my answer calmly. "I am Arthur, no last name required. I am the AI manager of all drones, robotics, and automated systems in Nadia Research Laboratory. And you are?" I knew of course who she was, but formalities indicated I should ask.

Manik would run over and place an airgun against Loara's arm. Instead of injecting her, it took a small sample of blood from her, and left only a harmless scratch. He then ran back to his computer and continued working. Loara blinked and looked back at me. "Name's Loara, Loara Starchild... of course that isn't my real last name, but it's the one I prefer to go by. And you're... a robot?"

"Robot isn't the appropriate term. I do not perform menial redundant tasks. I am a drone,and perform automated intelligent jobs, so please use that term instead. Master Manik? What's going on? What did you find?"

Manik finished typing on the computer and activated a program. "Well... Loara here has not had another shot of mod since this Tuesday when... an experiment occurred." Experiment. Right. "Yet she's clearly still under the effects of the modification. I'm wanting to see what effect the nanites are having on her... ahah!" He smiled as a picture appeared on screen. It was her blood, and in it were numerous nanites floating around and doing their own business. They were obviously modifying her cells as their orders told them to do, but the immune cells did nothing. They ignored the nanites. I was already downloading the data then, and seeing what I could do for a redesign of the nanites. I am nothing if not a good assistant.

Loara looked at Manik while poking her own breasts. "What do you mean? What's going on? I mean, you told me these mods die down over time. That first day even after all the injections I still went back to normal eventually. Shouldn't they be going down now?"

Manik shook his head no before going back over and groping a breast, a sight I didn't exactly enjoy. He was checking to make sure it was real at least, and not surgery. "Well yes they should but... its almost like overexposure did the trick. We've tried some higher dose tests but only on tissue samples. They shouldn't have done something like this... unless it was the constant long term exposure. The nanites that could handle the conditions for long periods would be the only ones that remained."

"So basically it wasn't that I took a lot of that drug, but that I took it all the time?" She couldn't help but react a little to the stimulation. The intense kick of having the mod in her had most likely faded so it was clear her reactions were to Manik's touch. It seemed almost as pleasant as that Tuesday, and it was still pleasant enough to cause her to moan out. "Jeez you're a pervert. What about science and research and all that jazz? I helped cause a breakthrough. Shouldn't I get some of the credit?"

If there was anything to make Manik angry, it was undeserved credit, and if there was anything to make him aroused, it was female breasts. The combination was... amusing to say the least. He looked her in the eye as he gripped both breasts tightly. He led her to a workstation, not letting his gaze break. "You have pumped my property, without permission or written agreement, into your body. The effects it has had on you were not made by you consciously, and you had no intention passed fulfilling an addiction. You get no credit... no reward..." And with that he suddenly kissed her, which surprised me to no end. "... but you do get to be experimented on more."

He reached out and grabbed a vial. It was a new mod, something that hadn't been tested on anyone before. He grabbed a fresh airgun and prepped the vial. "Consider this a... test of what is to come perhaps. Keep in mind this one's temporary. I don't think you'd like the repercussions if it were permanent... and it could help to get more of the nanites in your bloodstream out." Loara blinked and couldn't exactly say no as he injected the mod into her. As much as she should have been against the doctor and his experiments, she couldn't say no to another mod. Manik was basically giving her exactly what she wanted.

She instantly sucked in air, as if all the oxygen in her lungs had been pulled out. Technically it had. Her breasts would undoubtedly feel warm, considering what the mod was designed to do, and her reactions indicated it was working. She pulled up her shirt revealing what I did have to admit were a rather nice pair of breasts, and a testament to Nadia's abilities. "Jeez you perv. What's this going to do now? Make my breasts larger? Perhaps make them more sensitive? Maybe another pair? Why don't you-" She stopped and immediately focused on moaning loudly. Manik was putting two claws on each nipple, letting them dig in just a little. I had to have a secondary camera zoom in just to catch those details. You know... for science.

It would happen slowly at first, but that wasn't the nanites' fault. Rather it was a biological issue. The changes inside of her body were taking time, and the few white crystals coming out of her nipples indicated the changes going on. Manik slowly spoke as he judged the changes. "The extra pair one isn't a bad idea, but the others have all been tried before. This on the other hand... is a personal interest of mine." Slowly the crystals would poke out, the hardened coverings of ducts that had up to that point never been used. They'd push out, teasing her nipples from the inside, and soon would no longer be an issue. Loara couldn't help but moan out even more as her breasts produced something she hadn't expected: milk, and lots of it.

She almost fell to the ground from the sensation, but Manik's stern grip reminded her to stay standing. She was hanging practically by her nipples for a moment, and Manik's gaze showed he was focused on only one part of her, well two parts technically. He muttered under his breath, but my sensors could hear him. Nothing lustful or romantic, he was reading off the chemistry the nanites were going through. He let go of her finally and ran off to another part of the room, searching for some specific piece of equipment. Without any support or incentive to stay standing, she dropped to the ground with a loud thud.

I stared down at her from my spot, and asked if she were alright. She looked up at me and gave a swift glare. It didn't seem she hated me, but rather my question, which was an odd reaction. "Oh yeah! I'm fine! Just... AH... just dealing with this. This is different. The other mods were a warm buzz, but this... oh god... this is like lightning." I recorded her statements on the changes. Anecdotal as they were, it was good to know how the changes were affecting her. I continued to record her breasts, and saw how the liquid coming from them only seemed to increase in volume and amount. I would no doubt have to have the floor cleaned up.

Manik returned with a small device, walking up to Loara from behind and preventing her from seeing it. Before she could react he slapped the device onto one of her breasts. It was a pump, gripping her nipple and forcibly pulling milk into a small container. Her eyes opened wide and before she could let out a loud moan his hands gripped her body tightly. One covered her mouth while the other firmly gripped the milked breast, which only seemed to cause more to spill out into the milker. The bottle holding the milk filled up at a remarkable rate.

Loara struggled in Manik's grip, but he kept her there firmly. Her body's new mass along with her position and his resolve prevented her from moving. Her face was scared for a moment, but she calmed down as the milking and forceful gripping seemed to be extremely pleasurable to her. Manik growled into her ear, causing her to shiver. "I've got you now. You're not going anywhere. Just relax, and enjoy the results. You're engaging in quality science and research, you should be taking pleasure at least from that. And besides... you wanted to take credit for something. This milk is all you." He grinned and gripped the bottle. He pulled it off while leaving the milker on her, which only seemed to pull out more milk which splashed onto the ground and her clothing in a waste. He drank hungrily from the container, and licked his lips afterwards. "Delicious. Top quality. Now why don't you take a sip too?"

Loara weakly reached out for the bottle, but he slid it back into place. "No no. You'll be getting yours straight from the tap." He grabbed her free breast and pushed the nipple straight into her mouth. Once she could she sucked hard on the nipple, pulling out the precious liquid and giving out a pleasant noise. The taste of her milk plus the sensation of being milked seemed an incredibly arousing mixture, one I hoped I could be able to replicate in further experiments.

Manik let go of her and let her fall onto her back. She didn't mind, and simply continued to suck on her breast with little chance of stopping. Manik grinned and opened up his pants as he circled her like a hungry predator. There was no foreplay this time. There was a moaning and lactating girl on the ground and Manik just wanted to satisfy himself. He didn't even seem to care I was there to... observe. He got down onto her, and with little preparation he was inside that opening that seemed to inspire so many organics to procreate.

I gave up recording the... interaction after the third time the two of them had moaned out together in lust. The situation and source of liquid kept them potent and ready to keep going. However, the milk only served to keep Manik going, as poor Loara only seemed to grow weaker and weaker, and more under Dr. Manik's control. Did I say poor? Oh dear... I didn't mean to feel sorry for the girl. And concerning how much money has been wasted on her I don't think it would be appropriate to call her poor.

Eventually the two lovers finished, and lied on the ground in the milk and fluids caused by fornication. Manik would get up and clean himself off as best as he could, while the unconscious Loara would still be lying on the ground. He sighed at the sight of her, knowing this was his fault as much as it was Loara's, and in truth it wasn't really a problem as they both seemed to have enjoyed it. He eventually got her cleaned up and in a fresh pair of clothing, and when she felt fully up for it she calmly headed out. She acted notably different this time, giving Manik a kiss on the cheek and smiling at him in an entirely unsarcastic way. It confused me until she snatched a vial on her way out. It appeared she hadn't completely changed, and I felt proud of myself for leaving a blank vial to trick her.

Wednesday, May 30th

The next week went smoothly. Loara arrived almost every day she could, and some she shouldn't have, and after the first few days of rampant misuse of science did the two finally start to work together. Loara, much to my surprise, was an intelligent girl when she put her mind to it. She knew where much of the lab equipment was after a few days, but like an untrustworthy servant she would knick and 'sample' whatever she got her hands on. In the end Manik gave up having her test mods in a traditional setting, and decided to use her to test the 'cosmetic' aspects of mods. Basically whether a modification worked correctly, and provided an enjoyable reaction.

She'd always tease and play with Manik, much to his and my reactions. She never seemed to bother me directly, but I never liked how she'd grab tools out of Manik's hands, or distract him from working with clients and test subjects. If there is anything that annoys me, it is someone actively getting in the way of Nadia's research efforts. I was quite pleased when Loara finally seemed to push Manik too far. She made a mistake that would definitely make Manik angry, and I feel she did so on purpose. One day she didn't show up, and in fact stated that wouldn't be coming in any more, unless Manik gave her the exact vials she wanted, namely the ones that produced the most intense reaction in her. She also mentioned, in matter-of-fact tone, that he owed her for all the success she brought him.

Manik was calm at first, especially to me. He knew he had no reason to be mad towards me, so his anger was bottled up like one of his vials, and he promptly got to work. An hour after the call he left the labs for Loara's dorm room, carrying with him a small vial that he had designed within the hour. He had run only the most rudimentary of tests, for safety purposes only, which left no clue of its potency. He didn't care at the moment.

He soon arrived at her dorm, and I was grateful for the mobile camera already in position. It was clear she'd intended him to show up angry and pent up. I don't know what goes on through some people's minds. Was she expecting him to take out his anger on her in some bout of heated, primal passion? That might work on some people, and even on Manik... until you mention his work. And that's where she made her mistake. I wouldn't be lying if I said this mistake brought me some level of joy.

He walked in grinning wide at her, not yet showing his anger. Loara grinned back. "Well howdy, stranger. What exactly are you doing in a place like this?" She turned and walked to the bed, letting her tail swish a little invitingly. Manik continued to smile, but his eyes were that of a predator. As she sat down she looked him over. "So... did you bring the vials?"

Manik chuckled a little and calmly reached into his jacket, pulling out the vial and an airgun. "Why yes I did! Made fresh and to order. You were right, you deserve credit for all the discoveries I've had lately. I don't think you'd care much for having your name in a research paper, though. Instead..." He moved to press the airgun firmly against her neck. She tried to push him away, but it only took a single press to guarantee injection.

She attempted to growl at the forced injection, but Manik's hand was firmly pressed against her mouth. He had given himself a muscle-growth mod to guarantee success, and there was little she could do as he gripped her securely. He pressed her down onto the bed, and continued to methodically apply more injections. He growled back at her, letting all of his anger out at her. "Let's get something straight, Loara... you deserve as much credit as tools, or equipment, or a volunteer for a new drug. That's all you are. You didn't design these mods. You didn't spend years of your time, and risk everything for them! You gave nothing but your time and your body, and in my opinion... that body belongs to Nadia labs."

He slowly pulled his hand back as the modification took hold. She glared at him for a moment before grinning. "God that's attractive. Go on... more... do more!" The mod's intent was not to warp her mind, but she was clearly being affected by the sensations in some way. She raised her hand to his face and grinned. "So, kitkat, what is this supposed to do? I'm guessing not what I had asked? Shame... was looking forward to giving you plenty of coyote milk... to... drink." Judging from her reactions and the mod's intent, she'd no doubt be feeling incredibly weak.

Visibly, there were no changes besides perhaps a thinning at her joints. Loara looked worried for a moment, looking around with difficulty. She didn't seem sure of what was going on. The mod wouldn't make her tired, but it would be clearly difficult to move, almost paralytic. Manik grabbed at her clothing and forcefully tore it from her body. She wouldn't need it anymore. She was now completely in the nude, and Manik would reach into his labcoat, pulling out hidden equipment.

He set down several devices. Ring gags, spreaders, and other devices of a lascivious nature. He also placed down numerous clamps and straps, paying attention to the placement of those the most. He looked at Loara, whose face was a mixture of worry and pleasure, something worthy in my opinion of continued observation. He then grabbed at her legs, and showed exactly what the mod would do. He calmly pushed her legs up over her head, behind her shoulders, and left them there.

She struggled a little, trying to move her legs back. The mod's initial paralytic effects would go away, but the sudden reduction of her ligaments and the boosted flexibility in every joint would be permanent. He promptly secured her legs together, using several straps along them. One was placed directly behind her head, preventing any chance of pulling her legs back no matter what. Her grabbed at her head and grinned mischievously. He promptly pulled her upper body forward, and with ease her mouth was placed up against her lower region. She took the hint, and immediately began to lick and tease herself.

He'd strap her up further, wrapping her legs and arms up further. Her arms were secured behind her back, and folded inward. Her legs were folded in a similar manner, and in a single folding went past even the most gifted of contortionists. I checked. She was soon wrapped up in a neat little package while she happily licked at her own opening. Soon Manik pulled her head away, and applied the final touches. A ring gag was placed over her mouth, locking it open. Similar measures were placed over her other openings, keeping them wide and easily accessed by the doctor. Her eyes opened wide and she couldn't help but stare at the predicament she was in. She had basically been folded up into what Manik had described to me as 'a portable fucktoy.'

He then moved for the door of the dorms. He had considered originally just leaving her there for any unsuspecting passerby, but he wasn't exactly up for the eventual investigation. It would be a waste of the resources already spent on her in my opinion. He looked out of the door for just a second before reaching out and pulling in a large wheeled suitcase. It looked perfectly normal, but therein lied the brilliance of it. He slowly opened the secured locks and revealed the contents to Loara. From her current position she had no choice but to stare.

Inside the suitcase was a kind of soft gel with an outline in it. The outline didn't look humanoid, but her cross section didn't look very bipedal either. Of note were the several openings in the luggage, now easily visible. They were positioned so that one was on the bottom and near a corner, one was low on the same side, and another was higher up near the top of the outline. He grinned at Loara as he set the suitcase down next to her. "I feel it's time to go on a trip, don't you think?"

She immediately began to writhe and twist at this point, even trying to put up some sense of noise, but a single glare from him put thoughts of that away. He calmly put everything away, placing all of the gear he hadn't used into tidy little compartments in the suitcase interior. There was even suitable room for spare clothing of hers, which Manik grabbed after notable pause. He moved calmly and methodically, picking up tools, equipment, and clothing in much the same way he would use scientific devices. It was almost relaxing to watch him work, until one realized the circumstances.

He moved to Loara, picking her up with mod-enhanced ease, and set her down in the suitcase as if she were merely a larger piece of equipment. It was the kind of attention where you treated an object with care not because of its fragility, but because of how useful it could be to you. He easily slid her into place, pressing her up against the gel until it fit her perfectly. He then went to putting the rings in place. All three ring gags had a small lip to them that went out from the body just slightly. He hooked them up to similar features on the suitcase, and slipped them in place. Several times Loara would try to struggle out of the suitcase, only for Manik to push her back into place like she was merely a tool that had fallen out of the bag. Soon she was ready, and with a single grin he closed the suitcase, coating her in darkness.

He promptly set the luggage down on the ground and slid it back and forth. With the four wheels on the bottom it would move without much difficulty or issue, allowing for a pleasant sliding motion. And with inconspicuous covers on the holes of Loara's gags, the device hid any clue of its malicious cargo. He pulled off the top hole's cover, and revealed Loara's mouth, ready and waiting. He nonchalantly opened up his pants, and slid his length into her mouth like it was the most normal thing in the world.

He didn't really have to even thrust to get the pleasure he desired, and Loara probably wasn't even moving in the restrictive box. All he had to do was slide the suitcase back and forth, and he was soon growling in pleasure. He pulled the box as close as it could and scratched at it, letting large sums of his seed spill inside of the case. It was unclear how much was actually going into Loara's mouth, but the spillguards inside would certainly make sure it all stayed in the suitcase. If her case were filled to the brim, she'd practically be soaking in male fluids. It seemed Manik had gotten a similar idea. He had that look in his eye you see.

He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a small vial. I recognized it instantly. We weren't sure what to call it just yet, but I always called it The Infertility Solution. A double entendre you see. He placed it in the airgun and shot a dosage into his arm. He flexed for a moment, most likely noting any side effects, and then stood up over the luggage. It was easy to tell when the dosage took hold. His eyes narrowed, and he growled out in a low tone. The noise seemed to affect Loara, who moaned and whimpered in response.

With newfound vigor he lifted up her box and turned it upside down, resting it on its flat top. He pulled off the cover on the lower front, and without much further delay slid himself into her. He gripped the luggage tightly and thrusted into it with little care for the girl inside. In a way, she was a piece of equipment now. She was merely a tool, and he was clearly using her as much as he could. Thanks to the modification he had just taken, he would be able to keep using his new piece of equipment for some time.

It had been at least two hours since he had started. He would use her several times, and then rest. The modification took away his longevity, in exchange for potency and stamina. The case was nearly leaking now, and every one of her holes had been well used. He had decided it was time to leave. He called a cab and sealed up all of her holes, trapping her in the darkness and liquid that had no doubt filled up the luggage. For a moment I was worried about her breathing, but my microphones could pick up her breathing. Manik would grab his luggage and head for the door, and my mobile camera would take this moment to leave. I had a feeling none of us would be coming back here.

The taxi ride back was... eventful, to say the least. The driver took Manik's directions without much concern, and didn't even pay attention as he slipped himself into Loara's mouth as the drive went on. He even let off a few shots during the trip, letting the vibrations of the car and Loara's mouth be his source of pleasure. The return back to Nadia did not take forever, for Loara's sake, and soon she was carted into the facility. All anyone would notice would be Dr. Manik carting in the piece of luggage he had left with that morning, and only the janitors would notice the few stains made on the entrance floor.

Manik treated Loara with a strange level of care after that. Well, he did use her for a few more hours and many more climaxes, but that was the mod's fault he insisted. Eventually he opened up the luggage and pulled her out. Her body was weak and rubbery and he had to clean her himself. In truth he had an automated washing system do it, but it's the thought that counts I guess. He did make sure that the modifications and other treatment hadn't hurt her, and helped her get fully rested and redressed.

Loara seemed to calm down at that point. She had a strange smile upon her, like she was still the one in control, and seemed to have enjoyed the rather aggressive display Manik had shown her. Manik chuckled and promised to do it again to her soon, which she enjoyed the thought of. Sometimes I'm grateful I don't have a libido. It seemed Manik had finally gotten Loara to know her place in Nadia, and the two honestly seemed to enjoy each other's company now that she wasn't trying to push and tease at him. So, I was mildly glad for him. True it was a reckless use of science, but it made things seem to turn out alright. Hopefully I won't have to record further journals.

Either way, I do have to say it was fun playing the voyeur. Perhaps Manik's perversions have rubbed off on me. Oh dear... another double entendre.



Along Came a Coyote: Chapter 1

On the whole the building looked rather ordinary. Its windows were arranged in a grid from the top to the second floor, preventing anyone from looking directly into them. The rest of the building was concrete, giving off the impression of a giant grey...

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Properly Packaged

The floor was cold. That much was clear. The floor was cold and so was she. She? The girl lifted herself up off the ground and rubbed her head. She groaned out in pain. Hangover? No. She'd gone out drinking a few times before, but nothing like this....

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A Meeting with the Doctor

"So what have you been told about Dr. Depressive?" said a man in an elevator, going down to who knew where. "Well for one, they told me it's pronounced 'DepraSeeve' or something like that. I was told he's just another researcher wanting an...

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