New Beginnings Ch 3

Story by Redarian_Foxhood on SoFurry

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#3 of New Beginnings

Vael arrives in Alcoa while travelling with and training his new companions, rewarding them for their efforts and also running into a new character

New Beginnings Ch. 3 (A Bumpy Encounter)

(I realize that, yes, in the pokemon games there are a limited number of times a move can be used...but they never seem to run out of them in the I will treat them as unlimited for story purposes as you will read later. Also note that, by now, it's apparent that I am actually making a story. Although there is sexual interaction in each chapter, the story doesn't revolve around it. It's just an added bonus. Though there will be times where it's actually a crucial part of the story to thicken the plot, which you'll see in the next chapter. This is an adult fan base after all. So expect even more sexy, albeit sinister, stuff soon. ^_^)

Vael woke up well-rested. After an exciting day with new experiences, he had been more exhausted than he thought. He yawned and stretched, causing the still sleeping Eevee to stir. She was so light that Vael hadn't even noticed her weight throughout the entire night. As he stretched, so too did Eevee, raising her ass up and stretching out her forelegs. As she did so, he got another great view of her assets, and blushed, remembering how much he had enjoyed devouring her flower last night. He was mesmerized by the view, staring until she finished stretching.

Eevee then turned around and nuzzled his head, winking a bit as she knew what he had been looking at. She murred out her name excitedly and then hopped down, allowing him to stand up, which he did, albeit a bit crouched as he was still in the tent.

Vael stepped out of the tent after slipping on his shoes, wearing only his pants and a short sleeve shirt, which caused the crisp morning air to send shivers through his body. But it didn't stop him from taking another stretch, much grander than the small one in the tent.

Eevee followed him out, taking a few laps around his tent to get the blood flowing. She wasn't quite so cold with all that fur.

He grabbed his backpack from the tent and took out his hoodie and Eevee's bowl, pouring her some pokemon food, which she eagerly hurried in to start nibbling on. Vael's breakfast had to wait though, putting on his sweatshirt and called out Burmy before he started to take the tent down. "Go ahead and share you two. I'll buy another bowl for you when we get to town Burmy."

The bug nodded and started to approach the bowl. Eevee moved aside, nudging some food Burmy's way as she then moved to the other side of the bowl.

Vael started humming a random tune to himself while he busily put everything away back in its proper place, and even Eevee and Burmy started to catch on to the tune, speaking out the pattern of the song he was humming. "You've got the beat down. Good job you two."

He chuckled as she stopped her tune to carry the now empty food bowl to him and then jumped into his hood when he knelt down to attach the sleeping bag to the backpack. Burmy started to organize his leaves, content after the meal.

"Thank you Eevee. I appreciate you bringing it over to me." He put away her bowl and then grabbed a sandwich from his bag, standing up and then starting to walk. "Today, we will make it to Alcoa. I figure we'll get there around lunch, have some food at the pokemon center and maybe get a head start towards Noir. What do you guys think?"

"Eevee." The cute little pokemon said, at the same time as Burmy, nodding her head as he looked up at her while he walked.

"Good then! Burmy I want you to practice using protect as we walk, but don't do it too close to you, because I want Eevee to keep trying to penetrate it. Perhaps we can make it stronger and more reliable if you use it more often."

"Burmy!" The bug nodded and then watched as Eevee jumped down from her seat in Vael's hood, landing next to him.

Vael watched as Burmy put up the shield, a bit further ahead of them on the path, and then watched as Eevee made an effort to tackle it, bouncing back from the defensive barrier. "I figure if Eevee keeps bouncing into the barrier, she'll start to get tougher, since it's like hitting a brick wall. Just don't use your head. You might have sore shoulders, but I'll massage them later tonight. I promise." He winked to Eevee and the little pokemon blushed and smiled, nodding happily. "And don't worry Burmy. I'll help you out too. After'll be walking faster and using more energy on those short little stubby legs. I figure I can give them a massage later. I want to take care of my pokemon after all."

Burmy seemed just as excited, glad that Eevee wasn't getting special treatment over him. "Burmy!" He put on a determined face, knowing that he'd be taken care of, making another wall further up on the trail that Eevee barreled into.

Vael watched them closely as they travelled, making sure neither were straining themselves too hard. By the time Alcoa was in their sights, Burmy's protect was more reliable than not, and more solid to boot, but he was breathing heavily after all the walking mixed with concentration on the protect skill. Meanwhile, Eevee was limping a little, but she had been hitting a lot of walls, so she could probably take more than a few hits as well as hit harder too. It's hard not to get stronger after repeated beatings against a wall.

"Alright that's enough you two. We're almost to town. You've both worked so hard, that I think I'll massage you as soon as we get to the pokemon center. Then we'll get you checked out."

Eevee and Burmy both seemed quite thrilled that they'd get their massages earlier than planned and that made him smile. They gave each other a high five, Eevee's forepaw tapping one of Burmy's own forelegs.

He laughed and knelt down, picking them both up. He held Eevee in his left arm and Burmy in his right. "'s the least I can do. Hard work pays off and neither of you slacked you deserve it." They were both hot to the touch, Eevee warm under her fur and Burmy under his coat of leaves. It took about another 30 minutes to get to town, but by then both Eevee and Burmy were pleasantly napping against him by the time he arrived at the pokemon center.

Nurse Joy looked over to the sleeping pokemon and smiled pleasantly to him. "Your pokemon look a bit tired. Would you like them looked at?" This particular region's nurse Joys used Chancey as the assistant like most of the other regions and said pokemon rolled a cart around from behind the counter. The cart looked like a pool table would, rectangular in shape, having six pockets for pokeballs, one on each side of the cart, with the longer ends of the cart having two pockets.

He looked at the cart and shook his head. "Not just yet. I promised them I'd do something first, but I will soon. Do you have a spare room I can borrow for a bit? I don't want to stay the evening, just get some time with my pokemon."

Nurse Joy nodded and smiled. "Of course! We have room, so no need to worry." She held up a room key and offered it to him, pointing down one of the halls. "This is to one of the rooms in the back. Since you aren't staying, I won't charge you, just don't stay in there all day okay?"

Vael woke Eevee up and set her into her usual area in his hood and then took the key, nodding to Joy. "Sure thing. I don't think it will be too long anyway." He smiled and waved to her before heading in the direction. Once he found the room and opened the door, he set Burmy down on the bed, reaching up to pick Eevee up and setting her next to Burmy, then hopping onto the bed himself, sitting Indian style and patting his legs. "Okay, let's start with Burmy. Drop your leaves and get over here."

Burmy nodded and dropped his leafy coat, exposing the cute little bug's body underneath. He seemed a little shy as those leaves were like his protection, but he made his way over to his trainer.

Vael chuckled and then picked Burmy up turning him around so his back was against Vael's inner thighs. "You can help too Eevee. You're so good at cleaning why don't you give him a good washing with that amazing tongue of yours while I take care of his arms." He took the first two of Burmy's many legs and started to gently rub them. His fingers appeared way too big compared to Burmy's little nubs for legs, but he was careful and never squeezed, only rubbed lightly

"Eevee." She nodded and approached Burmy, who, by now, had his eyes closed, savoring the work Vael was doing on his legs. As soon as her tongue licked along his head, Burmy blinked his eyes open in surprise, but Eevee just cooed softly to him, reassuring him that she wasn't going to do any harm until he once again closed his eyes, now enjoying the soft bath he was receiving.

Vael moved to the next pair of legs and then the next after that, Eevee's washing moving in time with her trainer's movements.

As Eevee's tongue moved lower down Burmy's front, the pokemon started to squirm a bit. Eevee's scent had started to rise up again as she was moving lower, enjoying the bath she was giving Burmy.

Vael knew what that meant. She was getting excited. Her scent had a strangle hold on him and he breathed it in, hearing Burmy do the same thing. He looked down at Burmy and noticed that he was actually excited too, seeing the bug's shaft had started to reveal itself from the sheath that housed it. He watched as the shaft was surprisingly large, compared to the creature's size anyway. In the Burmy community, he was sure this one would probably be considered well hung, which caused him to laugh a bit.

Eevee hadn't actually stopped licking Burmy's body. She noticed his shaft too and since that was her and Vael's next stop, she moved down and circled her tongue around its length, then moved her tongue from the base of his sheath all the way to Burmy's tip. He arched against Eevee's tongue, gasping and opening his eyes wide as Eevee boldly engulfed his shaft in her mouth.

Vael didn't know what to do. He was mesmerized by the sight of his Eevee blowing Burmy. He had no idea she could suck cock too, and apparently well enough to get a nice reaction from Burmy. He grinned to himself, now making his massage a little more sensual to Burmy. Rather than small rubs, he pulled back his fingers so that he was barely touching Burmy's legs. Instead, he used feather light touches on the digits, sliding his finger tenderly across the length of the arms, still watching Eevee go to town on Burmy's cock. Her scent was rising even more and it was driving him mad with excitement. He felt his pants tighten as Eevee stayed put, now focusing her attention on sucking the bug off. No doubt the blankets under her were getting soaked with her juices.

Burmy started to shake a bit, thrusting into Eevee's mouth. Eevee was a small creature, and Burmy not too much smaller than her, yet she had no problems moving in time with his thrusts, despite how well hung he was. She was deep throating him, yet Vael still held Burmy back from thrusting too far into Eevee as he was getting caught up in the cock sucking.

All he could do was watch Eevee skillfully maneuver around Burmy's shaft. She would pull back from him as he pulled back, almost releasing the shaft before Burmy would drive back up in a powerful thrust at the same time she went down on him. It was working wonders on Burmy and after a few more times of full thrusts, Burmy finally froze in mid-thrust and he saw Eevee's cheeks bulge, signaling Burmy's release more than the small grunt of his name. Not a single drop left her lips, drinking it all in.

Burmy collapsed against Vael, brushing against his own hard-on, panting heavily from the release, which made Vael groan a bit as rubbing against his already tight pants sent a shiver of pleasure through him.

Eevee finally released Burmy's softening cock, licking her lips and smiling at him and then moved up to nuzzle Vael's crotch. Sure enough, where her hindquarters had been sitting might as well have been a puddle.

He gasped as she nosed his crotch against the tight pants. Having moved from her previous location and standing up, the bed was no longer covering her scent and he moaned as he caught another whiff of her sweetness. " want more?"

She nodded, cooing softly and nuzzling him again, pawing at his trousers.

He had to admit that, up until now, he had only been pleasing her and giving her release, yet always left himself alone. She wanted to return all the favors he'd done for her and that made him smile. He picked her up and cradled her body against him in a loving embrace. Since she was so wet from excitement, when he picked her up it fell right on to Burmy. This seemed to rejuvenate the bug, causing him to stir once more, the contentment of the blow job finally passing. He noticed this and smiled. "Burmy...why don't you clean up her little mess she made."

Burmy nodded enthusiastically and went over to her small puddle of juices she left behind, eagerly beginning to lap them up, while Vael set Eevee down and started to undo his pants.

When he had his pants undone, he slipped his cock out. He wasn't exactly small for his age either, and he knew Eevee wouldn't be able to take as much of him as she had Burmy, but he didn't mind. The fact that Eevee wanted him was more than enough to keep him hard.

Eevee didn't seem intimidated by him at all. She slowly started to trace her sandpapery tongue along his shaft, making sure she got each and every inch of his shaft covered with her tongue, making it nice and wet before she slowly wrapped her lips around the tip of his shaft.

That alone made him gasp and moan. The heat of her mouth was just as warm as the heat of her pussy had been; only this time it was her lips and tongue on his sex instead of hers. He leaned back on his elbows, moaning again as she took a little more of his shaft into her mouth.

She didn't have much of a muzzle so she couldn't take as much as she wanted, but the length of her tongue more than made up for it as she began to suck on what she had of him at the same time as she wrapped her tongue around his shaft, clenching around it and pumping in conjunction with her suckling.

Even though he had never had this done on him before and had nothing to compare it to, he didn't need to. It felt amazing. He controlled himself not to thrust, clenching and unclenching his fists instead as his body shook with pleasure.

Some pre leaked out and into her mouth and she redoubled her efforts, only to gasp and stop for a moment.

Vael opened his eyes, afraid he had hurt her, but instead saw Burmy was against her hindquarters, having thrust himself into her pussy. Something about drinking her juices must have invigorated him and made him ready for another round, much quicker than Vael would have expected. Once he saw what had happened, he smiled and nodded. "How's that feel Eevee."

Her only response was to thrust her hindquarters against the bug, taking him deeper into her folds at the same time as she closed her mouth and started to suckle Vael even harder. Both males gasped and moaned at this. Eevee murred, vibrating Vael's cock while she rocked back and forth in time to Burmy's thrusts.

Vael once more closed his eyes feeling her tongue caress and pump him, clenching and unclenching his hands to stop himself from thrusting into the sexy mouth blowing him.

Burmy was moving rapidly against her, pressing himself as deep as he could with each thrust, which, in turn, excited Eevee even more, causing her to moan into Vael's cock. She wrapped her forelegs around the rest of Vael's shaft that wasn't in her mouth, squeezing both paws around the sides and pumping in time with her sucking.

Her furry paws felt so soft and amazing against his cock, that the combination drove him closer to the edge. He felt his shaft starting to pulse as he prepared to release his load. "Oh Eevee...don't stop. I'm almost there." Between panted breaths, he ferociously gripped the blanket; using all the willpower he could to avoid thrusting into her, which only served to drive him even wilder.

Burmy was now jackhammering into Eevee while her body bucked against him. She trembled as she too was getting closer to the edge, but never once stopped jacking Vael off with her paws. She pulled back some from his cock, preparing for the release he had promised her as she closed her mouth around his tip.

Vael could hold it no longer and finally groaned, crying out in release as he fired jet after jet of seed into her waiting mouth.

She drank all of it, noticing the difference in taste and relishing it as she lapped and sucked through his orgasm, quivering as her own climax hit her, clamping down on Vael's cock without her teeth to prevent herself from crying out too loudly.

Eevee's spasming pussy pushed Burmy over the edge a second time and he filled her with his seed as well, collapsing on top of her as he kept pumping into her through his entire orgasm until there was nothing left to give. When Vael was no longer cumming, she released his cock from her mouth, panting and nuzzling against his naked thighs.

Vael slowly stroked her as the orgasmic high finally released its hold on him and he smiled. "That was so wonderful Eevee. You're so amazing! How did you learn to do that?"

All she could do was murr her name pleasantly, resting her head into his stroking hands, shivering a bit as Burmy finally pulled out of her protective folds, sending a jolt through her.

"Okay...we have to clean this up." He slid away from Eevee and redressed himself, Eevee jumping to the floor and beginning the task of cleaning herself while Burmy put on his leaf coat again before jumping down. Vael pulled out some toweling he picked up and began to thoroughly wipe down the mess they had made, drying as much as he could. By the time he was finished, both Eevee and Burmy had finished cleaning themselves off. " let's get you guys checked out by Nurse Joy. After that hard work out before getting to town and that fun we just had, you both must be exhausted. She'll make sure you're good to go so we can get out of here."

Vael left the room with his two pokemon and nodded to Nurse Joy, placing them on the cart along with their pokeballs in two of the pockets. "Thanks Nurse Joy. Can I get two bowls of food for my pokemon and a couple of cheeseburgers for me?"

Joy nodded. "I'll have them right out with your pokemon as soon as we finish. It shouldn't take too long to get them checked out. Give me about 15 minutes."

"Alright! In that case, I'll head over to the pokemart real quick and pick up some supplies. I'll be back!" And with that, he dashed out the door and across the street to the mart. Once he walked in, he immediately saw a crowd gathered around the back of the store, a store clerk standing up and directing people around a table. He couldn't see what was on the table with all the people huddled around it, so decided to get what shopping he could done, grabbing a small carrier basket to put some potions and herbs in. Over-the-counter pokemon medicine was just as easy to obtain as regular human medicine, so he grabbed some of the common cold items, for both him and his partners, making sure to separate them. He also grabbed a larger backpack, with a rack and everything since he knew he'd likely get more pokemon soon and would need more supplies. When he was done grabbing medicine, he placed 5 more bowls into his basket, since he already had one for Eevee, each the same color as hers. There was no need to have them argue over who got what color.

There was some cheering coming from the crowd huddled over the table and he could contain his curiosity no more, having subconsciously moved closer to the crowd with each step as he shopped. Suddenly the crowd opened up and he could finally see what the hubbub was all about. Sitting behind the table was a female. The brunette had two thin ponytails, each starting as small buns on top of her head to hang loosely behind her. She couldn't have been more than five foot nothing, but she had a mature, serious demeanor about her. Each move she made appeared calculated and then he found out why the crowd had suddenly parted as a Gray mouse, with white hair that protected the body as a coat, appeared on the edge of the table. It was a small little mouse, no more than one foot tall, but it looked so pristine and clean that Vael couldn't help but whistle at the beauty of it. Vael pulled out his pokedex as he caught another glimpse of the female, realizing that she also had a cat in her lap, scanning the two creatures and learning one was a Persian and the other a Cinccino right before the crowd shuffled back in with appreciative oohs and aww to pet the mouse.

He rolled his eyes and went to check out, seeing the clock behind the clerk as he paid, gasping as he realized the time. It had went so fast, he must have been so focused on what the crowd was worried about while shopping that it took him longer. He grabbed the bags with his stuff and ran out of the pokemart and right into another person, hard enough that they both bounced back and fell. The wind knocked out of him, he slowly opened his eyes to catch his breath, only to stare into the face of a very angry looking poochyena. He nearly lost his breath again in surprise before gaining it back.

The pup growled at him menacingly, but stopped as soon as a girl's voice called out. "It's okay poochyena, it was an accident."

He looked up, lucky he still had a grip on his bags instead of having the stuff flown around everywhere, and saw a young female, who looked no older than 15 rubbing her head. Her hair was long and wavy, with just enough red and brown mixed in to make her hair appear chestnut in color, neither brunette nor redhead. Her clothing of choice was a dress, but nothing fancy. It was more of a thin summer dress that hung loosely around her surprisingly fit looking body. He couldn't help but admire her appearance, giving her this naïve look of innocence.

She had already stood up and the poochyena was by her side. She moved in to offer him a hand to help him up. "Sorry about that. He's pretty protective of me."

Vael took her hand, still having both hands filled by bags, but that didn't stop him from noticing how soft her touch felt and he smiled as she helped him up. "He has every right to be. It's my fault for bumping in to you, please forgive me, but I was in a hurry."

The girl nodded. "Of course, I understand. Where were you headed? Would you like a hand?"

"Sure...I don't mind. Let me buy you some lunch at the pokemon center. It's where I was headed before I bumped in to you. I'm getting a couple pokemon looked at so I didn't want to miss Nurse Joy telling me how they were."

"Okay sure. I was just going to get some food anyway. Come on." She laughed and started to jog, surprisingly well in that dress of hers, to the center.

Once they both walked in, Nurse Joy was already there, looking up as they came in. Eevee and Burmy were both sitting on the cart that Chansey had carted them back with. She smiled and waved when she recognized Vael. "Ah good you're here. You're Eevee and Burmy are both well, they were just a little tired. Were you doing some training before you dropped them off?"

Vael nodded, and barely had time to set the supplies down on a nearby booth seat before Eevee dashed over and pounced into his arms. He caught her of course, having seen her coming out of the corner of his eye. Burmy wasn't as excited, merely jumping down to walk over to the booth Vael had placed the supplies in and hopping up.

The female that had walked in with him was still there by the table and giggled. "Your pokemon are so cute and that Eevee seems to be the happiest to see you."

He chuckled. "Yeah...she's special to me." He nuzzled Eevee, giving her a tender hug. She cooed softly and returned the hug, before looking to Nurse Joy. "Can I get that food now...and add an extra bowl of pokefood and burger to that order please."

"Sure thing!" Nurse Joy smiled and went to the back.

Vael pointed to the booth seat, gesturing the girl and her poochyena to sit, before doing so himself. "My name is Vael, and this is Eevee and Burmy. No nicknames or anything, I just like them as they are."

"Alyssa." She sat down. "And like you, this is simply my poochyena, nothing fancy. But he's still just as special to me as I'm sure your Eevee is to you." She giggled and pet the puppy, to which he leaned in and closed his eyes, tongue lolling out as he enjoyed her touch.

"Oh absolutely. So what brings you to town here?"

"I actually came here to speak to Vivian, but she's so busy that we were just travelling around. I hope to be an excellent pokemon beautician and Vivian, the gym leader, is supposed to be one of the best in the region. What about you?"

"Did you say gym leader? I didn't know there was a gym here. I was only passing through to head to Noir...where I was going to challenge the gym there."

Alyssa giggled again. "Yeah, I'm not surprised you didn't know. Anybody who has travelled the world battling gym leaders knows that Vivian is like the last stop before the Kazan league. She only battles 6 on 6 so there was no real reason to tell you about her since she's so on top of her game. Even if you had captured a full team of pokemon before coming here...if you haven't gotten the other badges, she'd accept your challenge, but she'd likely mop the floor with you. She's relentless and if your pokemon aren't up to par...she'll do some serious damage. So even other gym leaders won't recommend battling her until you've gotten the other badges. She's challenged the members of the Elite Four numerous times for their positions, but she's always just shy of winning."

Nurse Joy came out of the back room with the food catching some of the conversation. "That's true. I can't tell you how many times I've worked on some overconfident person's team. She is a tough trainer, and many think that the reason she has never won against the elite four is because she's a normal-type trainer."

Vael whistled in surprise. "Wow...normal-type like Eevee?"

Nurse Joy nodded. "Yep! And many people underestimate her ability because of that very reason, but she knows the ins and outs of almost every normal type. She could probably tell you anything you wanted to know about Eevee, but today she's busy moving around town to check on things. You may have seen her at the pokemart. I think that's where she was scheduled to be. She is even scheduled to be here later. Even though she's a relentless gym leader she cares deeply for all pokemon, even those that aren't her or her type specialty." She walked away after setting the food down on the table.

All of the pokemon started eating while Alyssa nodded. "Exactly! I was going to try and talk to her at the mart when you ran in to me, but that's okay. She's a busy person. I gotta get going soon anyway." "I really am sorry. On a good note though, I doubt you would have been able to talk to her. She was completely surrounded by adoring fans." He laughed. "But why do you have to leave so soon?"

"The truth is, I'm from Sunnyside town, and it's hosting a huge pokemon tournament. There's supposed to be a ship with pokemon not found in this region arriving, and the top five winners are going to be able to pick one from that assortment. I was hoping to enter and get a rare pokemon."

Vael raised his eyebrows. "Really? That's so cool. You know...the quickest way to Sunnyside is through Noir now. I think there's a road going south that leads right to it. If you wanted to go the way I came, it would be a roundabout way and take longer. We together since I'm heading to Noir anyway."

Alyssa blinked. "Seriously?" She seemed to think about it for a moment, hesitating as she looked to Poochyena, who was all ears now. And Eevee seemed to be quite interested in the conversation too. Burmy was just munching on his food still. "I don't know...I'd hate to be a burden and slow you down or get in the way of your gym battles."

He shook his head. "Don't worry about it. It wouldn't be a bother, and it's not like I'm in a serious rush. This is an adventure to me and I just want to see places I've never been before. And we could still have our own separate tents, so you could still have your privacy. It wouldn't be a bother at all. I love being with Eevee...but having someone else around that can speak my language would be great. I'd like to know more about this beautician stuff anyway. Eevee takes good care of her fur, and I like to help her out with it too." He looked to Eevee then and gave her a tender smile, which she returned.

She thought about it a moment longer and then smiled. "Sure...that could be exciting! Count me in."

Vael gave a small fist pump at her. "Yes! Alright...and our pokemon can get to know each other better too."

Eevee looked at poochyena and smiled, giving him a simple "Eevee" which Vael assumed meant hello. He returned her smile and licked her face. "Pooch!"

"Alright's settled. Since you gotta get going we can head out as soon as we're done eating. We were going to head out anyway after the checkup was done. We'll still have to camp out, but at the pace we move, we should hit Noir midmorning tomorrow."

Alyssa giggled at his motions and rolled her eyes, but she did start to eat her burger, with Vael following suit.

Though he ate much faster than her and finished when she was about halfway done, he took the opportunity to repack his equipment in the new, much larger backpack, showing off the bowls he got to Burmy. "See...I told you I'd get your own bowl...and I even bought enough so that when I get a full six pokemon, I will be ready."

Burmy hopped around excitedly jumping into one of the bowls since he was small enough to fit.

Vael didn't mind, since he was busy packing the other stuff and smiled once Alyssa had finally finished her lunch. His last things to pack were the bowls, and so he playfully tipped Burmy out of the bowl and onto the table.

Alyssa stood up and patted the suddenly distraught Burmy on the head. "There there...he didn't mean it."

"Yes I did. He's just playing anyway." He chuckled and playfully yanked one of Burmy's leaves from his coat, causing the whole thing to collapse and flutter down to the table, leaving nothing more than a naked looking caterpillar.

Burmy danced around hurriedly to pick up his leaves, covering his nakedness up then sticking out his tongue at Vael.

Both Vael and Alyssa laughed, but she spoke up first. "I never knew under all those leaves you look like just a normal bug. You looked pretty good."

Burmy looked down and pawed at the tabletop bashfully, like a kid who's a bit embarrassed, but he pulled off one of his leaves and offered it to her as a gift in thanks.

"'re so sweet. Thank you Burmy!" She, of course, took the offered gift and then opened up a makeup case, licking the leaf and blinking a bit, licking her lips again as if wondering what she had just tasted.

Vael held his breath, wondering if she had gotten a taste of something from earlier, but when she just shook her head and then attached the licked leaf to the lid of the case, he grinned and picked up Eevee, who had been snuggling up against him the whole time he had been packing and placed her on top of his head, knowing full well where she'd want to go, stroking her fur softly.

Eevee nuzzled into his strokes. "Eeveeeee."

Alyssa squee'd a little bit, as she moved in to help Vael pet Eevee. "Oh that long drawn out sound she made was soooo cute!" She giggled and Eevee appeared to be in heaven.

Vael caught a little wind of Eevee's scent the more attention they gave her and pulled back a bit, blushing as he remembered what they had done just a short while ago. He knew that meant Eevee was getting a little excited, though Alyssa seemed oblivious to the change. He cleared his throat as he stepped back a bit, placing Eevee out of reach. "Yeah...she's definitely cute, but we should get going." He didn't want to excite Eevee too much so soon, and he also didn't want to be effected by her aroma, since it definitely worked on him, no matter how much Alyssa didn't notice.

Poochyena was looking at Eevee, his nose tilted up a bit, licking his muzzle lips and closing his eyes as he took a deep whiff.

Suddenly, Alyssa seemed taken aback a bit. She took out a jacket to place over her bare arms since her dress was short sleeve. She looked down to Poochyena, smiling before picking him up and cradling him in her jacket, so only his head was poking out of the opening in her jacket.

Vael grinned. "Now that's a creative way to carry your pokemon." He chuckled and gave a final wave to Nurse Joy before nodding to Alyssa, the two of them heading out of the building together, leaving the town in the distance.