Pokemon, A Night Before Christmas.

Story by Logan Storm on SoFurry

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#2 of Holiday Shorts

Loosely based on the old poem 'Twas the night before Christmas' this short story revolves around a Trainer and his Pokemon, it's an old short story that I created some time ago and using it to get the feel for submitting stories here on SoFurry.

The picture provided is the property and creation of hattonslayden: https://hattonslayden.sofurry.com/ Who supplied full written permission to use this picture so Please do not steal or re-post with out his permission, Thank You!

It was the night of Christmas-eve all was quiet, nothing stirred not even a Rattata, in the guest bedroom Gardevior slept soundly in the arms of Blazekin; her womb filled with cream as she slept her pleasant dreams. In the master bed room the lamp would flicker as balls of paper went flying across the room, their trainer still awake writing and fussing over this and that, dressed only in a black night gown his hands blurred furiously across the keyboard as words rushed across the screen but try as he might and might as he try all inspiration eluded him.

** "Punny?"**

Came a soothing voice from the door way as Bunny his faithful Lopunny entered his room, with shadows playing across her curves this sluttish Pokémon did smile a most perverse and wicked grin, the corners of her muzzle turning upwards with a most intriguing idea.

"I'll come to bed in a bit Lopunny, need to get this done! "

He sighed not even looking up to see the seductive pose she had taken, now many will tell you a Lopunny denied is a most dangerous thing, they will pursue you unto the ends of time just to satisfy their needs. Narrowing her eyes and with a purposeful bound the Pokémon did bound and hop towards the unsuspecting trainer slipping under his desk to reach up between his legs, of this there was no doubt. Her lips did quiver and pucker as they did part, with eager paws holding his length in place before with one swift swallowed down his member deep and hard.

To this the trainer did yelp and squeak; looking down he did see two red eyes full of hunger and mischief. His hands did claw and grasp on here had with shock but still she would not stop, her long fluffy ears did drape over his lap as her head bounced like a demonic pogo-stick gone insane, her cheeks would hollow as along his man hood her lips upwards would travel until once more Lopunny's head would descend, in no short order more or less. The poor trainer would plead and beg for her to stop only to feel her muffled answer vibrate through his hard swollen length. He watched as her head did bob and nod as with practiced skill she did work, not once slowing or letting up until with a powerful burst she tasted his seed as it poured forth from his bulbous girth with considerable ease. With much greed she did moan as her treat she did swallow and gulp yet still her muzzle held his quivering length. With no remorse or concern the Lopunny pulled free her and her lips did smile with a resounding cry.


Only then did our trainer realize she had only just begun! So with a whimpered and a cry he did as he tried and tried as he did to stand or pull back but with no avail as she held him down. With breath returned and an eager lick of her bunny lips, from between his thighs she did rise so that her hips could slip across his lap and hungry lower lips so moist and slick began to grind against his stick. Her name he did whisper as his lips she did kiss.

** "Lopunny please wait!"**

He did bleat while her ears and arms slide around his neck , once...twice then thrice did her opening press against his bulbous end until finally on the forth try it had its way, as up it went penetrating her tight hot passage way. Pressing and squirming Lopunny sank further, her cries giving voice as she engulfed and swallow him whole; she could feel it part and stretch her well as it eased through her passage as he could so easily tell. Twisting one way then other the Pokémon pressed him to her pouting hole, until finally with a jolt he was buried deep inside her vault. Rocking her body she did groan, sliding her trainer's man-hood through her tight horny womb; with her muzzle against his lips her moans where muffled as her pace did quicken with a furious pace.

Her soft warm fur caressed his skin it was too much and he just gave in, with hips pushing into her strokes he felt her body stiffen and jerk. Lopunny's muzzle pulled from his lips as she did squeal, and her body convulsed. Orgasm pulsed though her senses but still she continued bounce upon her trainers engorged length, her maw was open with her eyes had glazed over. Her arms and legs clamped tightly around his body while her ear rolled and curled in pure ecstasy as her trainer she had bred and her heart now hammered as she screamed and howled caring not who heard or who should awaken from this late night lust. The Lopunny's eyes clenched tightly closed as her body bares down to take his entire length so to seal away his cream that erupts, flooding her deep from the inside out driving her further over the edge she slips from consciousness her needs satisfied and her needs fulfilled.

So all that remains to wish all a Happy Pokémas and to all a Good Night!
