wuffie tails ch.2 club time

Story by Kinton d. huskie on SoFurry

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Zack and Sanca Ch.2

Ok to start get started is the content and introductions, WARNING interactions between males if your not into homosexuality or rape postions

then I suggest you leave. Or if your not sure or do enjoy m/m relationships or rape then Enjoy!

As for introductions the characters all belong to me and they are:

Zack wolfclaw and Sanca the happy couple ^_^ remember m/m relationship.Also a new addithion, presenting Zeo! Now On with the story! ^_^

Once they were dressed and got outside sanca looked zack up and down

and said "you really gonna wear that". Zack just asked "You think I'm over doing it?" he looked himself up and down and sanca said "No I just dont want you to get in the same trouble as last year."Zack began thinking "Man I owe alot to sanca for saving me a year ago, man hope that doesn't happen again." He snapped out of it as he heard sanca say "hey its almost 6'oclock and I want to get there by 7!" he was pointing at his watch. So they both headed for the car and drove towards the club. The big sign in lights read

"CLUBS G & L club and bar!" as they went in the strong musk of furry bodies hit his nose and they headed for the bar.

Sanca ordered some hard liqor and zack got a non alchohlic drink,

zack replied "so you planning to get drunk before you find a sub? and he said

under his breath "sanca can get pretty aggressive when he's drunk." A few hours later and zack looks at sanca who was obveously drunk already and thought " man he's already drunk, I hope I can drive home!" he just sat there and began to fiddle with his fingers when sanca turned to him and asked "whats the matter wuffie...wernt you...looking for a fur to fuck?!" then he almost fell on zack who was trying to hold him up and help him lean on the counter. Zack began to chew on the tip of his tail thinking that this was a bad idea. He looked back at sanca who was trying to catch his tail and growl

every time he failed due to his blurred vision. zack looked at the vulpine behind the counter and asked "can you watch him for me?" and she replied "no prob...he's kind'a cute when he's drunk." and zack just looked at sanca and said" your right...well thanks." He stood on his toes as he scanned the crowd, there he spotted a lonley fox just sitting huddled up on the wall. He thought he'd just walk over and introduce himself, so he stood up and walked over and squeezed through the crowd getting rude comments like hey baby or nice ass and so on. He finally made it through the sea of furs and was near his destination when he felt to paws grab him and pushed him against the stage and held down firmly.

He then heard the voice behind him say "your gonna be fun to fuck." and the other furs just watched and shouted "Get on the stage!" thinking it was an act. Zack tried to get free, but was lifted up and was carried up the stairs, but couldn't see the fur holding him. He saw a tiger in front already to get the fun started and zack heard the fur say "hey buddy can you help me with this one?" and the tiger took zack muzzle in his paws and saw the fear in his eyes and replied "sure, why not?" and zack tried again to struggle but wasn't strong enough due to the fur behind him, he just gave up. He was wishing sanca wasn't so drunk at the time, but it looked like his hero wasn't gonna show up. The furs on the dance floor were chanting "FUCK HIM! FUCK HIM

good!" still thinking its part of the show. suddenly zack was thrown on his hands and knees and his pants were swiftly removed revealing his lower half, then his vest was swiftly removed and he was left bare. He then saw a tube hit the floor and thought "at least he lubed himself" and then he felt the cock shove in his tight tail-hole the lube not helping a bit. He was gonna shout for help but a cock was slammed into his muzzle and he was slapped against the side of his head and was told to suck. Zack immeditly began to bob his muzzle along the barbed shaft. The tiger's fingers twisted in zacks head fur as his wet muzzle took the large shaft. Zack let out stiffled moans around the cock as he was split open from behind. He couldn't think strait under the pressure as a tear slid down his cheek.

On the other side of the bar sanca was still sitting there with the fox. Just then she shouted "Hey isn't that the wolf you came in with!" and sanca looked on the stage spotting zack caught in the middle of to furs, he got up in anger noticing rape when he saw one, but he lost his balance and fell back on the stool. The fox looked at him then she spotted a wolf walk in and she called to him and he came over. She told him about what was happening and the wolf said "REALLY, I'll help him!" and he ran over and climbed on the stairs, the furs all confused. He spotted a microphone and picked it up, he then shouted "This is not an act, its a rape!!!" the furs were looking at eachother with confused looks. When the rapist heard this they slipped out of thier victim and went strait for the wolf, the tried to double team him but missed every punch, the wolf got one right in the stomach and the other in the crotch, he the tackled them to the ground, he spotted a rope and picked it up and when the two ran at him he dodged and knocked them it the wall, he then wrapped the rope around them and tie it. He finished up and walked over to zack picking up the clothing on the way, he handed them to him while introducing himself "Hey, are you alright" and zack replied "yeah, thanks, I'm zack" and the wolf said "your welcome, my names zeo, glad to help."

Just then they heard a noise and everyone looked towards it, zack spotted sanca being restraind by two very large furs. He was shouting "wheres my mate! wheres my MATE!!!" zack ran over and told sanca he was right there and that he was alright. The furs said to watch him, zack agreed as he looked down to find that sanca was fast asleep. He then called to zeo and asked him "Can you help me get him to the car?" and zeo replied "sure I can." so they both grabbed sanca and walked out the door to the car, after he was buckled in zack asked zeo if he could follow home really quick and zeo said "sure, but why?" and zack smiled and said " to get him in the house silly wolf, and maybe stay a while." and zeo said "Okay." so they drove to zacks house. after they reached the house, they unbuckled him and took him inside, after they both sat on the couch.

the end of ch.2

What will zeo and zack do? will be fun or just

plain boring. Is it to YIFF or not to YIFF?

that is the question, and what about sanca,

find out in ch.3

wuffie tails ch.1

Ok to start get started is the content and introductions, WARNING interactions between males if your not into homosexuality then I suggest you leave. Or if your not sure or do enjoy m/m relationships then here you go. As for introductions the...

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