Rebuilding my Race - Pt.1

Story by Kraveing_volkf on SoFurry

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#1 of Rebuilding my Race

This is a story, I plan on only three parts, though if it proves popular I may make more. I wrote this in order to try and break out of my slump, and get a story out.

Reia sat, head down, watching the shadows move across the floor, her wings weakly twitching each time she felt the cold metal touch them. She was one of the last of her race, waiting for judgment to come down on if her race will be kept alive or made to go extinct. She doesn't know why, all she knows is that five years ago she was a seven year old Kausis, playing with her friends, laughing, living her life. Then came the gate, a massive energy field that opened up and swallowed an entire city. Out of that structure came an army of Fanira, bipedal rabbit like creatures, their armies swept across the land killing any they came across. And for the next five years Reia was moved from place to place, hearing tales of battles, of cities falling, of the Fanira killing everyone.

The Fanira was taking over, even the twelve year old girl could tell that much. Every city that fell to the Fanira was raised back, rebuilt and repopulated by more of the rabbits. The original city housed the gate which the Fanira entered through, and that was where Reia and the fifteen other Kausis was currently being held. "Your race was in the way of progress, in the way of expansion. You are beasts deserving only of a spot in a zoo." She could hear one of the Fanira say, "But your race continually fought us, repeatedly getting in our way, and causing many casualties. History shall remember you as nothing more than a blip." The screams of one of her fellow captives made Reia struggle, she could tell that the others were starting to struggle, pull against their binds, try and force their wings open. Each scream of pain making them struggle more, the shadows moving closer, the bodies of former friends slumping over, their hearts pierced. Reia could feel her heart pounding more and more as it came closer and closer to her time to die. She could feel the cold metal pressing against her back when, with a loud snap, the bindings came undone and she fled. Calls of 'get them' and shots ringing out, Reia ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

As she neared the bright light of the gate she shut her eyes and flew into it, afraid of where she would wind up, but knowing full well that if she remained behind she would die. Electric jolts passed through her body, she could smell her flesh burning, could feel her bones cracking. When the pain passed she opened her eyes and found herself in a clearing, Fanira all around, looking at her with fear in their eyes. Screams rang out and Reia spread her wings and flew, flying until she blacked out.

Reia's eyes slowly opened, looking straight up at a pale white ceiling. The wall above her head had a poster of a rather attractive woman hugging a gruff looking guy, both were Fanira. She touched around her and felt she was on a very comfortable bed, a fluffy pillow under her head, and rather nice silk covers over her body. Pushing herself up Reia looked around the room, lots of posters for various movies, some movies in a corner of the room, a tv was mounted on the wall, what looked like a radio hooked up to some speakers, a single window that currently held what Reia assumes is an air conditioning unit of some kind. The Fanira's technology was remarkably similar to the Kausis, Reia could probably work most everything in the room if explained what their symbols and color code was.

Standing up Reia gave a light yip when she noticed she was naked, her wounds were bandaged, she could feel that her wings were wrapped. Her fur was short, soft, currently matted down but it was a lovely shade of red, though some parts were stained blue thanks to her blood. Her wings, currently folded and bandaged, was nearly seven foot long, quite a bit larger than her four foot height, both wings were covered in beautiful sky blue feathers. Her hair went to her shoulders and was dark red, though looked black in most lights. Her breasts were small thanks to her only recently hitting sexual maturity among Kausis. Her vagina was pink, and gave off lots of heat now, she occasionally would touch herself. Above her clitoris was a sheath, it protruded out an inch, and hid within it her member, seven inches long and two inches thick. Her member had a funneled tip, it slightly bulged at the center but beyond that remained a consistent thickness right until the base where when she was horny it inflated forming a knot to link her to the one she is mating with. Reia giggled as she thought about what her mommy taught her, that all Kausis grow up to be extremely tall, have extremely long wings and long members. She could feel her tail starting to wag as she thought about masturbating.

Her thoughts were brought back to reality when she heard the door, she quickly spun around and readied herself to be attacked. She watched as a black furred green eyed Fanira entered the room holding a tray of food and medical supplies, "Oh, good your awake." She smiled, her black fur accented by blue stripes on her sides, nose, cheeks and tips of her long ears. Her tail was quite long which is the first that Reia's ever seen of Fanira with long tails as she's always seen ones with small puff balls for tails, but yet here was one with a tail that was probably close to ten foot long; it was also accented by lots and lots of blue stripes. Her feet were slender, and held quite fuzzy tufts of fur on her heels. She was wearing a bra covering two large breasts that Reia doubted would fit in her hands, though she wasn't wearing anything else so her cyan colored vagina was quite visible. She stood at about five foot nine inches tall, and perhaps the most unique thing, aside from her tail, was that the woman didn't seem to have buck teeth like the other Fanira.

The Fanira placed down the tray of food before moving over and laying her hand upon Reia's forehead, even while Reia retracted even more. "Good, your temperature has also gone down. You've been out cold for about a week now." Reia protested as she was suddenly picked up, the Fanira sitting on the bed and putting Reia down onto her lap. Reia struggled in the stronger Fanira's arms as the woman started to feed her, though after about six bites Reia started to struggle far less. "You crashed down in my yard, luckily no one was home at the time, I'm sure my room mates would have freaked out. Anyway I took you inside and started to tend to your wounds. I don't know how you got them but they were quite extensive, practically the entire week you were running a temperature, shifting around in your sleep, sobbing. Anyway my name is Kira." "R...Reia..." Reia stated, looking down as she was let go of, sat down onto the bed. She could feel Kira unwrapping the bandages, a light hiss coming from Reia's lips as one of her wounds started to be cleaned. "Well at least you've finally stopped bleeding, that was quite worrying." Kira dabbed at Reia's wounds with some peroxide, "I mean I'm no doctor, and I doubt if I took you to the hospital if they would even know how to treat you either. What are you exactly?" "Kausis..." "Hmm, don't think I ever heard of that race. Well anyway at least now you should be healing up." Carefully Kira unwrapped, cleaned, then rewrapped each of Reia's wounds before she left the room.

It was about four or so hours later when Kira returned, she climbed into the small bed with Reia, wrapped her arms around her, then fell asleep as if this was perfectly normal. Reia however was having a much harder time falling asleep, especially with Kira's breasts pressing against her body. For a Fanira Kira was quite beautiful. Reia gave a sigh and pushed herself up, letting the covers fall and reveal Kira, adjusting Reia sat on the woman's stomach and looked her over. "Your race murdered mine, I should be angry at you, I should kill you right now." Reia growled, her hands moving to Kira's neck, "I should strangle you while you sleep like nothing happened..." Slowly Reia traced her hand downward, moving her finger under the strap between Kira's breasts, then with a quick flick of her fingers Kira's large breasts were freed from the bra's confines. Reia ran her fingers over the blue nipples, drawing a light moan from Kira. Her hands were too small to cup all of Kira's breasts at once so instead she let them roam. She watched as her member started to grow, her attention slowly drawn downward. Her fingers ran down Kira's fur, running over her belly button, pushing herself up she backed up and looked at Kira's slit, her clitoris was small, barely noticeable, her slit was tight, and spreading them with her two fingers Reia observed the bit of flesh inside. "You haven't had your rite of adulthood yet? Mine was supposed to happen on my birthday...but your race interrupted, killing everyone I've ever known and capturing me..."

Reia placed her member against Kira's slit, this instantly bringing a wicked idea into Reia's mind. "I suppose since I'm the last of my race, I'll need to repopulate." Reia wriggled her hips, laying down and wrapping her lips around one of Kira's nipples. "Kya~ Wha? Nnn, Reia?" Kira woke up to the feeling of her hymen breaking, she moved to push Reia off but found her body's strength fading as Reia started to thrust. The girls thick shaft pushing deeper and deeper into her tight virgin hole, her legs instinctively curling around Reia's back. She could feel her milk coming out, granting Reia a drink as the girl thrust faster and faster.

"Ahh~ St...stop, th...this isn' I virginity." Kira cried out, eyes tightening closed as she felt a bulge slamming into her vaginal walls. "Your race killed mine, so now you will become my breeding stock, helping me rebuild my races numbers." Reia thrust with all her might, pushing forward and kissing her bunnies snout while also forcing her knot into the girls slit. Reia's eyes rolled back in her head as Kira's vagina tightened around her member, squeezing her, Kira screaming out in pleasure as she orgasmed. Pushing forward Reia started to pump her hips, her muzzle locking against Kira's, kissing her as she fucked her bunny.

Reia gave a squeal of pleasure as Kira's vagina squeezed her member again, her hips pushing forward as she felt herself release, her muzzle moving away from Kira's to let her bunny scream out her pleasure at the feeling of being filled up. Kira could feel her mind and body melt as Reia's seed released, burst after burst, pumping through her cervix into her womb, her womb filled up, the seed having no place to go. As Reia nuzzled against her, licking between her breasts, Kira reached down and felt herself. Her vaginal lips bulged out around Reia's knot, her stomach bulged with the girls seed.

"Let me up." Kira ordered, "I have to clean myself." "No." Reia gripped Kira, "You can't, your mine now. Your my fluffy cute bunny." Reia started to hum as she returned to pumping her hips into Kira, "My very cute fluffy bunny." "" Kira weakly sobbed as her mind started to melt again. As her mind started to focus only on the pleasure Kira started to moan out, Reia's lips wrapping around her nipples to drink her milk again and listen to Kira's moans of pleasure. "I can't...mmm...take much...ahhh...more seed..." Reia ignored Kira, pumping her hips, thrusting into her lovely bunny, watching the other breast bounce with each thrust, switching nipples when she wished to taste the milk from the other breast. As she neared another orgasm she thrust faster, wishing to make Kira scream at the same time, she wasn't expecting that when she attained orgasm Kira would tighten up to an extreme level, screaming out her pleasure, forcing some of the seed out past the knot which made Reia howl out. Reia collapsed, using Kira's breasts as pillows as she slept, Kira quickly following suit.

Kira woke up the next morning feeling a soft Reia still inside her, their mixed juices pooling around them both, her fur matted down as she's sure Reia's was too. Pushing Reia off her Kira stood up, giving a weak sob as she moved toward the bathroom, only to pause at the door and look at Reia. The girl was sleeping peacefully, similar to when she saved her, her lower body was matted by seed, it still covered her member. Before Kira even realized it she was back on the bed licking Reia's fur. She watched as Reia's member grew, comparing its size to herself and being surprised that it all fit inside her. Slowly Kira licked downward until she reached Reia's vagina where she pushed her nose against it and thrust her tongue inside, licking the girls hymen. This drew repeated moans and squeaks from Reia, the girl shifting and lightly humping her hips. "I'm going to buy something to shove in you like you shoved your part in me." Kira growled, trying to sound mean only to find her voice sounded more excited. "I hate you." Yet again, even when she said that she found her voice sounded somehow excited, or happy rather than hateful.

Kira inched up and wrapped her lips around Reia's member, finding herself disgusted at the fact she was actually liking the taste. Her hands working on the girls part, one rubbing up and down the shaft that wasn't in her mouth the other caressing her knot. The girl raped her, but yet her thoughts were of giving the girl pleasure and tasting her seed, or getting ontop of the girls member and riding her, she even felt...excited when she thought about carrying the girls children...what was wrong with her? Kira's thoughts were interrupted by the sleeping Reia giving a howl and releasing her seed directly into Kira's mouth. The surprise caused Kira to stumble back causing the last burst to coat her face, then Kira gave a yelp when she heard her door opening. "Don't come in!"

Rebuilding my Race - Pt.2

"Don't come in!" Kira yelped out as her door opened and in ran one of her roommates. "Ha! I knew you would find someone to plow you. Aw you look cute with his seed coating your face~ So who's the lucky guy? Red fur, lots of bandages, wow look at that...

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Fox Lust Ch.3 The Mall

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Mouse and her Dog

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