Emotional Bonds Part II: The bad side of love

Story by MechWolf on SoFurry

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Tanya makes it home just as the sun finishes setting over the park as Tanya arrives home that evening, she was exhausted, but also somewhat upset for what happened, had she embarrassed herself in front of Mitch with that kiss may have given him a bad impression of her, what if he wasn't interested...or just was only a friend. She sighed heavily as she gets off her bike, feeling very low for what she did, cursing herself for going to fast she slowly opens the door to her room...sulking she takes off her clothing...allowing her body to be free in her own room, she covered her pussy and breasts with her hands for a moment, resting them softly against the sensitive parts as she breaths in strong...and out with a pleasuring sigh. She quickly puts on a pair of white and blue striped panties and her usual white silk top.

She brushed her teeth and let her hair run long down to her shoulders while her bangs fold over the right side of her face, pushing it aside so it didn't cover her eyes. She slowly lumbers to her bed, she felt so alone to the world, messing up like that before could crush her whole feeling for him. As she lies there she hears the landing of feet on the balcony, she quickly tenses up...the fear grows back as she quickly looks for the key chain...it was still in her short pocket as she yanks it out, holding it in her shaking has as a claw begins to jiggle the lock to the balcony door.

She didn't know what to do, she pressed the button once...the blue light lit up, but nothing happened, soon there was a click as the door opens and a shadow figure walks in. The wind outside howls as the door stays open

"Well...well looks like I finally found you missy" says the female shadow figure, as she enters the room Tanya can see she was a raccoon, dark brown fur with black stripes on her back and arms. She had white chest fur which was tainted gray, long black hair flowed from her head down to her back and a two pairs of pangs on either side of her face, her chin was the same color as her chest fur and her black noise glistened in the light. Her eyes masked like any other raccoon...yet the eyes alone were fearful, a deep purple yellow color. She wore a black skimpy leather bra and panties with a knife holstered on her thigh. She grins reveling her sharp teeth

"wh- who are you?" Tanya asks afraid

"The name is Carline...I'm the one you heard about on the radio...I'm that girl" she says, quiet pleased with herself about what she had done. Tanya was shocked, she only looked in her 20's and already she was wanted for killing two girls! This was insane, she keeps staring at her, not lowering her guard for an instant.

"Your that monster who raped and killed those girls!" Tanya exclaims "but-but your only 20! How could you do that when you have so much to live for?"

Before Tanya could get any respond, Carline was upon her, pinning her to the bed "Why do that when its more fun to make out then kill... more pleasure for me" she says slowly licking Tanya's cheek, the fox tries to push away but the Raccoon was to strong. "S-stop...I d-don't like this!" she says trying to squirm out. The raccoon only smiled in pleasure...she kept a hold on Tanya's arm, pressing it hard against the bed while she moved her other arm onto the fennec fox's breast...cupping it and then slowly rubbing it.

The fox moans in pleasure and pain, the feeling of her sensitive spot being touch, was heaven, yet hell at the same time. It wasn't of love, but more of game. She continues to get free but with no avail as Carline begins to remove her silk top "s-stop...." She manages to say as the raccoon only moves down and being slicking Tanya's nipples.

"Your breasts are so firm...are you turned on by this?" Carline says smiling as she moved her leg atop of Tanya's Pussy "So warm..." she says as the juices begin to come out from the girls Pussy.

"Stop it!" Tanya says as she shoves the raccoon off her and then clambers to the backside of the bed, holding her breast and pussy so they were covered "y-you monster!" she says as The raccoon only grins evilly and gets right back atop Tanya, this time passionately kissing her, sending her tongue into Tanya's mouth, cleaning every inch of it inside her muzzle. As she did that she tore off her silk top and began to press her own breasts against Tanya's, she starts to moan as she rubs Tanya's pussy again, this time under her black panties

"Why do you resist...girl love is much better then anything a guy could do" Carline say as she pulls away and licks Tanya's cheek. The fox only moans louder from this and slowly begins to lose her strength.

"There...that's a good girl," Carline says softly as she removes her own leather bra, reviling her D size breasts and pressing them close against Tanya's "Can you feel it?" she says as the red fox opens her eyes a bit, still in pleasure as the raccoon presses her full body against Tanya's Pussy to Pussy and breasts to breasts as she rubs her whole body against it.

"Feel the warmth of my body against yours" she adds as Tanya only moans even louder, the juices flowing onto Carlines Pussy as she smiles "there we go." she adds slowly moving down to Tanya's stiff breasts and licking the left one's stiff nipple, Tanya breaths in as her body jolts up a bit from the sudden feeling on her body. The raccoon licks the nipple for a bit then the other and the slowly runs her tongue down Tanya's stomach, her whole body lifting off the bed as she starts to lick Tanya's pussy.

As the raccoon licks the fennec's fox pussy, she smiles "your one of the best girls I had to do this too..." she says as she turns around on Tanya her Pussy to Tanya's face whole Tanya's was at hers. "Now lick me," she says softly. Tanya, not wanting to but with little choices does as she is told. Licking the raccoons wet, pink pussy, she can hear her moaning...Tanya finds this disgusting...she hated every minute of it, but every time she saw the knife on the raccoons thigh she had to follow...what was taking Mitch so long...she felt abandon as this...this slut was doing this to her. Suddenly her body flushed with heat and jolted again as she reach ecstasy...her pussy spurting into Carlines mouth "Mmmm tastes good..." she says as she puts her fingers in and pushes them back and forth, Tanya shakes her head moaning loudly, her whole body tingling and shivering as the raccoon turns back to her face. She kisses Tanya slowly as she rubs her breasts with cum filled fingers. She sits up on Tanya, her pussy to Tanya's as she thrust it in a few times to give the added effect.

Tanya lay on her bed; breasts, mouth and pussy dripping with come, she panted as she opened her eyes to look at Carline drawing her knife

"You're a good girl...I hate to do this," she says drawing closer.

Suddenly there was a BANG as the knife was shot out of the raccoon's hand, turning to the door both girls see the blue fox

"MITCH!!!" Tanya exclaims happy to see him.

"Get away from my girl" he says, his pistol draw and his targeting eye scanner over his right eye, aimed right at Carline. The raccoon growls

"So your boyfriend came to save you...no matter..." she says as she lunges at the fox. Mitch dodges and slams her into the wall. She gasps as blood comes from her mouth and she slumps to the floor "Sweet dreams bitch" he says as two other cops enter.

"Whoa..." one says seeing Tanya, nude and wet on her bed

"Hey...I got this" Mitch says "take her to the jail...and for god sakes clean her up." Mitch orders as the two officers pick up Carline and drag her limp unconscious body out. "Sorry I took so long.... I needed to get some backup" he says putting his gun away and eye scanner whilst he walks up to Tanya's bedside. The fox only sits up and kisses him "I'm so...so glad you're here" she says hugging him, she didn't care if she was naked...Mitch was here and that's all that mattered.

Emotional Bonds Part I: Secret Passions

(note) Ok this is my first Yiff story, the first part dosent have alot of Yiff in it, but the other 2 parts after it do...so dont expect much out of this, just read this so you can get an idea of who the characters are and how they feel towards...

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