After Party 12 - The Return Home

Story by Otter Miqmah on SoFurry

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#14 of After Party

After Part 12 â€" The Return Home

Warning â€" The Great Peanut God commands that all who are under the age of 18 shall not

continue reading this. If he catches you, you will promptly be cut up and made into the

ingredient that makes natural peanut butter not separate, even when it's not in the fridge.

But if you are over the age of 18, then the Great Peanut God commands you to read this

smutty dramatic story, and enjoy it, and favorite it, and watch the ever so talented Otter

Miqmah because he is awesome in every way and stuff, ‘k?

To my readers â€" Sorry this took a while to write. I've been busy with vacations and new

classes and distracted with a random artistic urge to draw instead of write. Hope you enjoy

it and will celebrate my 6th month anniversary of posting my first story here on YiffStar with

me. *does caramelldansen* Anyways, here it goes!

John whimpered as he clung tight to Allen's body; his muzzle pressed firmly against his

mate's shoulder and his arms squeezing his torso.

"... Allen... no... Allen..." he whined in his sleep as he nuzzled the cheetah.

"John?" Allen asked, awakened by the distraught wolf. John didn't answer and Allen

attempted to shift positions, but was prevented by John squeezing tighter around him.

", you can't have him... he's mine!" John whimpered again.

"John, sweetie... I can't breathe," Allen said as he tried to squirm from the tight grip. "JOHN!"

he finally yelled.

John jolted awake and looked around nervously. When he saw the cheetah in his arms, he

gave a sigh of relief.

"Oh Allen, I was having the worst dream that they tried to take you away again..."

"Well I'm here, so don't worry."

"I love you..." John said as he kissed the cheetah on the cheek.

"I love you too, but... do you think you can let go of me?"

"Huh?" John noticed he was still squeezing Allen around the waste. "OH! Sorry..." He let

go, and Allen slowly spun around and winced as he put weight on his wounded arm. "Oh

sweetie, be careful" John said.

"Yeah, I forgot about that..." he said rubbing his bandage.

"How's it feeling?"

"Like I've been shot."

"Want me to make you feel better again?" John asked as his paw petted the cheetah's


Allen felt his cock start to stir in his sheath under his medical gown as he thought about it.

"...maybe..." Allen said in a cute voice.

John gave him a kiss and slid off of the bed. He slowly pulled the sheets off his mate and

lifted up his gown. Allen was fully aroused at this point and his stiff erection pointed straight

in the air. John grasped the wanting cock and slowly started to rub against it softly.

Allen closed his eyes and purred in pleasure. John's paw glided up and down his stiff rod

until a bead of slick pre formed at his tip. John rubbed his thumb over the bead and covered

Allen's head in the clear liquid before bringing the thumb to his mouth and having a taste.

"Mmm, I love the taste of Cheetah in the morning," he giggled. He bent down and gave the

underside of Allen's dripping cock a big lick with his wide canine tongue. He massaged the

tip with his warm wet tongue before taking it into his muzzle. Allen moaned in pleasure as

the pain in his arm started to dull.

John began sucking, and Allen's cock released a squirt of pre to the back of John's throat.

He started taking all of the length inside of his muzzle; his tongue brushing against the

sensitive appendage and making Allen purr. John began pumping on Allen's cock as he

began to breathe heavier.

"Oh, John..." Allen said as he could begin to feel his orgasm building inside of him.

There was a knock at the door. John pulled off quickly and looked at Allen, who was wide-

eyed. They both moved quickly to cover Allen up with the sheet and finished just as the

doctor poked his head through the door.

The doctor was a rather tall, lean red panda male. He walked in and looked at the two who

were trying to hide their blushing faces.

"Good morning, I hope you are feeling better Allen," he said as he looked through a clipboard

he carried with him.

"A little yeah."

"Well that is good. I just want to take a look and do a few tests to make sure there are no

complications. It seems that you were very fortunate and the bullet didn't manage to do any

serious permanent harm, but we want to make sure, just in case."

"All right."

"I am going to ask that these test be performed alone, if you don't mind," he said to

John. "You can wait in the lobby, and I will have a nurse come and get you when I'm done."

"Why can't I stay with Allen?" he asked not wanting to have someone take his mate away

from him again.

"It is to avoid distraction. If there is something wrong with Allen's arm, it is best to know

now, and what the problem really is, so we try and have as little distraction as possible

during the test. It will only take about a half hour, as long as everything is alright."

John sighed. "Alright..." He grabbed Allen's paw and gave him a kiss as he reluctantly

walked outside of the room and made his way to the lobby.

John sat down in one of the ugly purple and green chairs that lined the room. There wasn't

much activity other then and old turtle who was nodding off every couple of seconds. He

looked over and found an old magazine. He picked it up and thumbed through it, and quickly

tossed it back from lack of interest. He sighed again and propped his chin up with his arm

on the chair and looked at the clock. It had been two minutes so far. He closed his eyes

and tried to picture Allen.

He pictured them sitting under the tree happy and calm; the wind blowing through their fur,

the sun shining brightly, the world at ease. Allen's head was lying on his stomach, his cute

face resting peacefully. But then the dark image of Allen's dad found its way to his mind's

eye. His glazed over eyes filled with rage, his drunken stagger, his loaded gun.

John opened his eyes and shook his head to get rid of the horrible memories clouding his

mind. He looked back at the clock; it had been another minute.

He sighed and tried to find a comfortable position in the ugly chair, but no matter what, the

pointy wooden arm rests poked him somewhere. John returned to the magazine and started

reading an article about different countries' potato salad recipes.

‘Who the hell would write this article?' he thought to himself. ‘Must be some potato salad

freak out there. I wonder if there is a whole cult of potato salad lovers. Come; worship our

lord potato and his all powerful salad of chunky goodness!' He chucked the magazine back

on the table and stared at the old turtle who was now completely asleep and slowly sliding to

one side.

John looked around for anything that could provide some form of entertainment, but the room

was full of nothing but multicolored furniture and dozing reptiles. John felt around for his cell

phone and called his parents.


"Hey mom, it's John."

"Is everything alright?" she said sounding concerned.

"Yeah, Allen's fine. They are doing some sort of test or something on him to make sure that

there aren't complications, but they booted me out of the room for it so I'm bored."

"We can come over if you want."

"Nah, that's ok, I was just giving you guys and update."

"Alright. We'll probably be over in an hour or so. We are going out for breakfast, do you

want to come?"

"No, I don't want to leave Allen alone."

"Ok, do you want us to bring you back something? Maybe something for Allen too?"

"That would be fine."

"What do you want?"

"Uhh... I don't know. Bacon, maybe some eggs, a few pieces of toast, me and Allen can

split it."

"All right dear. We will see you real soon."



They hung up and John was once again sitting in the lobby bored to wit's end. Then he got

an idea.

"Hey stop that! Please respect our guests!" one of the females behind the desk yelled at

John as he threw a small crumpled up piece of magazine at the sleeping turtle. There was

already an accumulating pile on the poor creature's stomach.

John apologized and lobed the rest of the little pellets he had made at the old turtle when no

one was looking. He woke up very confused and covered in little pieces of ethnic potato

salad recipes. John looked away and faked innocence. He caught a glimpse of the fur that

yelled at him, and she rolled her eyes as she went back to her work.

John looked at the clock. It had almost been a half hour. He tried to get a look down the

hall of the hospital, but from what he could see there wasn't much going on, and no signs of

the nurse who was going to tell him he could return. He slouched down in his chair, and

waited some more.

He waited and waited for what seemed forever. He looked up at the clock, and it was a full

five minutes past the original half hour. He wondered if everything was alright. Five more

minutes past, and John started getting more concerned. Another five, and he began tapping

his foot nervously.

He got up and walked over to the desk.

"Umm, could you tell me..."

"No," the female interrupted.

"But I didn't even ask..."

"No," she said again.


"No, now go sit down," she said to john.

John glared at her and turned around, but right as he did, a wad of paper hit him square in

the back of the head. The old turtle laughed, and John turned around to see the female

looking away and faking innocence. He gave her another glare and sat down again.

Another ten minutes passed before the nurse showed up and told John that he could go

back. John hopped up excitedly and began to run to the room.

"No running please!" another nurse yelled as the wolf darted past.

John slowed down, but only to a jogging run; he was too nervous to walk. He got to the room

and quickly opened the door. Allen was sitting alone in the room and smiling at him.

"What's wrong, why did it take so long?" John asked as he ran up to the bed.

"Oh, nothing, the doctor and I just started talking at the end."

"Oh... well that's good."

"Yeah, they said that I could probably go today, but they want to wait and redress my wound

one more time. They gave me a weird sling thing that I am going to have to wear though. Oh


"At least you are ok."


"Oh, and mom and dad are going to be here soon, and they said they would bring some


"That will be nice. The food here kinda sucks. Want some pudding? It's the only good part."

"No, I'm good." John smiled, and Allen smiled back.

John sat down in the chair next to the bed and held Allen's paw.

"So what do you want to do when you finally get out of this place?" John asked.

"I kinda want to just relax at home. I've had enough excitement to last for at least a week,

don't you think?"

They both giggled. Lucy and Adam appeared through the doorway with a doggy bag full of

breakfast for the two of them. The smell of the food filled the room and replaced the sterile

smell of hospital.

"How are you feeling Allen?" Lucy asked.

"It's getting better."

"That's good. The doctor talked to us in the hallway and said that we could bring you home

today, so we'll do that and we can have that dinner I was going to make for you."

"That sounds lovely."

Allen and John dug into the doggy bag and ate all the food. After they had finished, a nurse

walked into the room and rebadged Allen's arm. John caught a glimpse of Allen's wound.

The area around the gash was all shaved, and there was a long cut across his forearm from

where the bullet hit him that had a series of stitches running along it. The wound was

starting to heal, but still very painful looking. A tear ran down John's cheek fur as he looked

at his wounded mate. Allen caught a glimpse of him wiping away the tears.

"Oh sweetie, don't worry, I'm going to be fine," he said before wincing as the nurse put a

brand new bandage tightly over the healing spot.

John nodded and wiped the rest of his tears away as the nurse finished the wrapping.

After the nurse finished, the doctor came in and checked Allen's charts over once more, and

told them that he could be released, but would need to come back in periodically for

checkups to make sure everything is healing properly. In no time, they were all walking out

of the hospital and driving back home with a big bottle of pain killers and an even bigger bill.

They passed the park on their way back, and Allen shrunk into his seat as he looked over at

the big oak tree. It was once a place of comfort and happiness for him and John, but now it

was stained with the memories of what had happened. John's paw found Allen's and he gave

it a squeeze, which made Allen look away and into his mates comforting eyes.

They heard Lucy whisper-yell "You shouldn't have driven past here!" at Adam and him saying

that he forgot the park was on the road.

John gave Allen a kiss and the park was soon behind them.

They pulled up to the house and they all got out. When they got inside, they all sat down in

the living room. Lucy left to start dinner, and Adam turned on the TV. John wrapped his paw

around Allen and he leaned against John's shoulder and rested.

"You've been awfully protective of me lately..." Allen said to John.

"Well... I almost lost you. I don't want to ever have to feel the way I did again. You are

mine, and I'm going to protect you from now on."

"Well thank you, but I think I can protect myself too. Besides, we are home and my dad's in

jail; what else could go wrong?"

"True, but still... if I ever did loose you..."

"You won't. Together forever, remember?"

John gave Allen a kiss, and they went back to watching the television until Lucy called

everyone to the table to eat.

"We're using the good plates and silverware tonight, so be careful, don't go breaking

anything," Lucy said as she put a bowl of mashed potatoes next to a plate of broccoli.

They all gathered around the table, and Lucy brought out a large plate of steaks and put it

amongst the other bowls and plates with various other side dishes. They all started picking

at the food and placing it on the plates, but before any of them could start eating, Adam

raised his glass.

"To Allen's quick recovery!" he said as the rest of them raised their glasses too repeating the

toast. They all took a drink, and John gave Allen a big kiss. Allen stuck a chunk of the

steak in his mouth, and they all dug into the delicious meal. The room was quickly filled with

the sounds a silverware hitting plates and chewing as they enjoyed the food.

Allen was having trouble cutting his steak with only one hand and ended just pushing it

around on his plate almost pushing his potatoes on the tablecloth. John noticed this and

after a few giggles between them, they managed to cut up the large steak into bit sized

piece on his plate.

"Thanks," Allen said to John.

"Well, I'm used to handling your meat..." John whispered in his ear, making him blush.

John's paw wondered under the table and cupped Allen's crotch. Allen jumped at the

unexpected sensation and he quickly swatted the paw away and looked to see if anyone had

noticed. Lucy and Adam seemed to be focusing on the food, but Allen shot John a glare


John shrugged and grinned and they went back to their food.

When they had had their fill, they all went back into the living room and watched a movie in

the dark. Lucy and Adam sat in the chairs, and Allen and John sat on the couch. Allen laid

across John's lap, and John petted the cheetah's head fur loving as they both watched the

screen. Lucy and Adam fell asleep somewhere around the middle of it, and their loud

snoring interrupted the show.

John nuzzled Allen's shoulder with his muzzle.

"Want to go to our room?" he asked

Allen nodded and they both got up and walked away leaving the snoring couple in the glow of

the television.

As Allen crossed the threshold of the room, John scooped him up, making sure to avoid

hitting his arm, closed the door with his foot and brought him over to the bed where he gently

laid him down. He leaned over and gave the cheetah a gentle kiss on the lips. Allen purred

as John's muzzle began moving lower down his neck.

John's paws lifted up Allen's shirt, and his lips worked down the middle of the cheetah's lean

torso. Lower and lower John went until he found his nose pressed against Allen's shorts.

He nuzzled into his bulge and felt the hardening cock underneath. John continued to nuzzle

until the tip of Allen's member poked out from the band of his shorts. He gave the peeking

head a quick lick and made Allen shiver in pleasure as the warm wetness met his sensitive


John's paw cupped Allen's balls as he gave his tip another lick. Allen's back arched and his

breath quickened. A drop of pre fell from him and darkened a patch of fur on his stomach.

"...oh... stop teasing..." Allen said out of breath.

John's paw moved and unbuttoned Allen's shorts and unzipped the zipper. He pulled them

down and threw them across the room. He brought his nose up to Allen's red briefs and took

a deep whiff; the smell of his lover driving him wild. He felt a release lower down and noticed

that his full erection had popped the button off his pants. He unzipped his zipper and took off

the rest of his clothes, tossing them across the room.

He stood up and slowly got on the bed and straddled John's stomach, his fuzzy bottom

tickling the tip of Allen's still confined cock. He gently and carefully undid Allen's sling and

removed his shirt. He pressed his thick cock against the cheetah's soft chest and started

thrusting softly into his fur. Allen moaned at the hot rod brushed against him while the fur on

John's ass continued to tickle his own member.

Allen tired to get John's cock into his muzzle as it inched closer to his face, but when he

tried, John pulled back.

"Uh uh... not yet..." he told him as he turned around and focused his attention back to

Allen's groin.

He pulled off Allen's red briefs and threw them across the room with the rest of the clothes.

Allen's cock stood straight up in the air, a small flow of pre dripping down its side. John

leaned forward and took his length in his muzzle. Allen moaned as John's head bobbed up

and down on his stiff member. John's tongue rubbed against his cock; its warm softness

bringing Allen closer to his climax.

John continued pumping on Allen's dick, his own enormous member moving up and down as

he moved. Allen watched John's wolfhood bob in front of him, gently tapping on his chest.

Allen grabbed the hot erection between John's legs and started rubbing it with his good paw.

John moaned on Allen's cock, making the cheetah shiver again. Allen started pumping his

paw quicker on John's cock until a string of pre fell from him. He brought the enormous head

of his cock to his short muzzle and began sucking on it, the pre flowing to the back of his

throat. With his paw still working the long shaft, he massaged John's tip with his tongue,

making John moan again.

John's knot started to form, and Allen moved his paw up and gave it a tight squeeze. A large

squirt of pre shot from his tip, and Allen gulped it down. Allen's paw moved up towards

John's ass, where he started to pull down, making the long thick cock slide deep down into

his throat. John pulled back out then thrust back in, the tight sides of Allen's esophagus

enveloping his girth.

John continued thrusting and sucking Allen, until he started feeling his orgasm coming. The

pressure built up inside of him. He moaned again as the pressure shot though his cock and

he unloaded deep inside of Allen. The thick cock pulsed with each shot sending Allen closer

to his own climax.

Allen sucked the cock dry as John pulled out of his throat and his cock flopped back into his


"Oh John..." Allen said as he felt the pressure start to build up in him as John pleasured

him. But John pulled away and sat back up, leaving Allen's cock sticking up in the air

begging to be sucked on again. "... What are you doing?" Allen asked confused to why his

mate pulled off before he could cum.

Instead of answering, John just turned around to face Allen again and leaned forward and

gave him a long kiss. His tongue explored Allen's mouth, and his hips gently grinded into

him, his fuzzy ass once again teasing Allen's poor cock. John reached behind him and

loosely grabbed the hard member. Allen's cock pulsed as the pressure still built up inside of

him desperately wanted to be released. He brought Allen's slick tip to his hot pucker and

slowly started pressing against it.

His head pushed through his tight ring, and his length disappeared into the wolf. Allen

twitched as the pressure inside of him built up beyond what he could handle. John pressed

all the way down, and then pulled up, and as he went back down, he gave his ring muscles a

tight squeeze. Allen moaned loudly, and his cock erupted in a giant load of cum.

John's bowls filled with the cheetah's hot fluid as load after load emptied inside of him.

Allen's body convulsed as the teased orgasm rocked his body. When his orgasm finally

ended, Allen laid there with his eyes closed and a large smile on his muzzle, breathing

heavily as his body and mind returned to him.

John leaned forward and gave him another kiss as he pulled off, and his cock shrunk back

into his sheath. After what seemed like minutes, the last of the aftermath had faded and

Allen opened his eyes and looked at John who was lying next to him.

"Wow..." was all he could say. Allen gave the wolf a kiss and they both rolled onto their

sides, John's arms wrapped around Allen.

"Night sweetie. I hope your arm feels better," John whispered into his ear.

"It does when you hold me..." Allen said gently pushing himself closer to John.

John squeezed a little tighter and Allen smiled as his mate's warmth covered him. He

leaned forward and gave the cheetah a kiss on the cheek. Allen closed his eyes and the

room and the pain in his arm faded as sleep took him over. Soon it was just him and his

mate embracing in the night; happy and healthy.