Chapter 1: A Very Interesting Wolf

Story by Nachtwolf413 on SoFurry

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#1 of Those College Years

This is my first story, and I hope to work it into a story series; so, please comment!

The following contains explicit material of an adult nature, so don't read if you aren't looking for that. It also contains sexual material between two males...if that offends you, why did you click on it in the first place?


* * *

Tyler couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he pulled into the parking lot at Heading College. Returning here felt like coming back home, a fact which less than pleased the young wolf's parents. He was hardly sympathetic, though; they knew as well as he did that he was only ever happy when he was with his "family" at Heading. Of course, his real home had also become significantly less welcoming after his ill-advised decision to come out to his parents, but that was a story for another time. Suffice it to say that Ty was a very different animal when placed in the security of his school of four years.

On the way back to his room, Ty paused to admire himself in the mirror. He was pleased to note that the months of running and obsessing over his fitness (for which he received no end of well-natured teasing from his friends) were starting to show. He smiled into the mirror, and a 5'9" grey wolf smiled back at him, his well-toned mid-section barely concealed by the almost-too-tight shirt. Although smaller than that of most members of his species, the lupine's frame moved with a grace and poise that had taken months to acquire. Now all Ty needed was the warm weather to show it off.

Taking one last look at himself (and ignoring how conceited he felt because of it), Ty turned and unlocked his room, plunking his bag on the floor and looking around his room for the first time in a month. He certainly appreciated the relaxation he had gotten over the too-long winter break, but the wolf had missed his meticulously clean dorm room. Taking in a deep breath, he relished the long-awaited scent of his air freshener, the rich aroma filling his head with a feeling of peace. That is, until he was interrupted by his cell phone.

"Hello?" he answered slowly, not bothering to look at the caller's identification.

"Hey!" came the voice of Mike, the panther who lived next door. "Are you back on campus, yet?"

Ty smiled. He didn't know how they did it, but their group had always been able to sense when they were all on campus together.

"Yeah," the wolf said, smiling. "What of it?"

"Well," the cat replied sheepishly, "I need your help with zoology."

The lupine chuckled. Mike, a fellow senior, was in the difficult biology class this semester, and Ty had a reputation for being the authority on zoology within the student body.

"Mike, you haven't even started yet," he began. "How can you already have questions?"

"I just wanted to get a head start. I know how hard the class is."

Tyler shook his head, even though the cat couldn't see this.

"Dude!" he exclaimed. "Enjoy the break while you still can! Plus, I just got here; I need to unpack."

Without even waiting for a reply, the wolf closed his phone (his friends were often less than polite with each other) and reached down for his bag. Within moments, he had unloaded what few clothes had gone home with him, and he was soon on the computer and logged into AIM. Looking quickly at his buddy list, he knew that everyone was back. The "family" was together again, a fact which made Ty smile gently. Something told him this was going to be a great semester.

* * *

The first day of classes was always Tyler's favorite. Like most students, he relished the opportunity to start new things; but unfortunately for Ty, schoolwork came a little too easily. It wasn't long before his thoughts would drift to other matters, and more often than not, those other matters consisted of finding the cute guys in his class. After four years of school at Heading (known for having gained less than its fair share of straight men), Ty's gaydar was at peak performance, and he had made a hobby of finding people who were "playing for the same team," if you will.

Unfortunately for the wolf, he rarely had the time to get to know any of his "targets" very well, and the last time he had done so had left him hurting in ways he never thought possible. He had yet to get over how much his emotions had been abused by the last guy (a raccoon...Ty wouldn't be making that mistake again), and the sordid details of that romantic disaster had already spread throughout the small campus. This, plus the fact that he had every intention of moving as far away from Arcadia as possible, had doused any romantic flames he had once had. Suffice it to say that a relationship was the last thing on his mind when the small wolf dropped his bag on the floor next to his desk in physics.

Although Ty paid diligent attention as class began, it wasn't long before he realized it was a review and let his mind drift. His eyes did so, too, and he casually appraised his fellow classmates. Most of them were familiar sights; Heading was a very small school and the science majors all knew each other. However, it wasn't long before Ty noticed a newcomer in the third row. He had never before seen this strange wolf, which meant he must be a transfer student. He was like nothing he had ever seen: silvery-white across his entire body, save for his belly, which was so white it almost hurt. It wasn't long before Ty, who had a reputation among his friends for being somewhat superficial, was staring.

"Tyler Dougan!" the voice of the professor rang across the classroom.

Ty turned slightly to face the front again. The professor, a slight kangaroo, was indicating rather pointedly a formula on the board. Her expression indicated she was looking for an answer. The wolf hurriedly ran the numbers in his head before replying.

"Negative 63 degrees," he said firmly. He didn't really care whether he was right or not, but he could tell from the professor's face that he had come close.

"Very good," she said, smiling, "but not quite. Who can tell me what Tyler did wrong?"

She gazed across the class, and as usual no one answered her. After briefly surveying the problem, Ty himself knew the answer, but he didn't feel like denying someone the chance to one-up him.

"He forgot to add 180," said a strong voice.

Ty was surprised that someone else had had the courage to answer so quickly, and he turned to see the new wolf wearing a very satisfied look on his face.

Dr. Weast smiled.

"Very good, Mark!" she extolled him, before turning to the board to resume the lesson.

Ty turned once more to regard this newcomer, catching his eye in the process. He nodded his own silent compliment, and Mark smiled back. But there was something else in the other wolf's smile that caught Ty by surprise. He couldn't quite place it, but this new wolf was starting to look very interesting.

The day went by quickly from that point, the image of the cute white wolf burning in Ty's mind. He hadn't felt this way in a long time...ever, really. His stints with his two old boyfriends had never really satisfied him. Yet Mark had excited emotions in Ty that he had sworn never to allow in. And they hadn't done anything more than exchange smiles!

His wind ensemble rehearsal provided a distraction, as usual. Although Ty was a gifted and enthusiastic scientist, he was an equally gifted - and likely more enthusiastic - musician. His repertoire had grown fairly large: violin, trumpet, French Horn, piano, and trombone. It was the last he was playing today, and he was quietly hoping that he hadn't lost his lips after a month of not playing.

As always, Ty was one of the first people there, beaten only by his neighbor, Mike, who was the band manager, and his girlfriend Melissa, a mare who was also part of Ty's second family. A few chairs over sat Mike's twin, a panther named Jake, who played tuba and shared many of Ty's classes (being an equally avid biologist and musician). Sitting next to Mike was the only other female in the family, a well-liked otter named Christine.

As Ty was warming up, it registered in the back of his mind that the chair next to him was unusually empty. The other first trombone, Tim, was seated as usual, but the wolf counted and noticed that there was, in fact, an extra chair. He was elated at the chance of gaining another trombone (even if it meant more competition for solo lines), but his heartbeat stopped when he saw the silver-white wolf from physics appear in the door with a trombone case in hand. Ty couldn't believe his luck; what were the chances that the first guy in years to really catch his eye was his stand partner?!

Ty's heart nearly skipped a beat when the wolf plopped himself into the empty chair. It wasn't long, though, before the grey wolf took the chance to survey him. His beautiful fur was, it turned out, the least of Mark's assets. The warm air of the rehearsal hall had forced everyone to shed their coats and sweaters, and Mark had followed suit. If Ty had spent months getting toned, that was nothing compared to the wolf sitting next to him. His six-pack was clearly visible through the close-fitting Abercrombie t-shirt, and moving his eyes surreptitiously down his body, Ty noted with growing excitement that his stand partner was obviously an athlete; his limbs oozed power and grace, and it took a better part of Ty's effort to tear his eyes away from the other wolf as Dr. Fervens, an ever-excited lemur, took the podium.

"Welcome back," she began as always. "I hope everyone had a great break, and I'm really looking forward to this semester with you. The music we have lined up..."

Ty's attention drifted once more to his left, this time traveling the opposite direction up the white wolf's body. Mark's chest moved steadily up and down as he breathed slowly, and for the first time, Ty caught a glimpse of his eyes. They were deep blue, not at all the amber of most of the species or the highly unusual green of Ty's. It was almost as if someone had made Mark while reading a list of everything that Ty found attractive! Even as he just investigated the other wolf, he could feel his pants tighten; thank God he was in the back row.

As stealthily as he could, Ty leaned over.

"Hey," he said quietly. "I don't think we've met. I'm Tyler, but everyone calls me Ty."

Mark smiled. He obviously wasn't used to Heading, where it was nothing to strike up conversations with people you'd never seen before.

"Hi. I'm Mark. Hey...aren't you in my physics class?"

Now was Ty's turn to smile.

"Yeah, I noticed you in there, too. I had no idea you played trombone, too!"

"Yeah, I love my 'boner,'" he said, smiling stupidly at his cliched pun. "By the way, I hope I didn't embarrass you in class. I hate it when people call me out," he finished, his ears dropping in what seemed like shame.

Ty waved the concern away, smiling.

"Don't worry about it. I say stupid things all the time; I've gotten used to it. Besides, you're the first person to actually talk in physics, besides me."

The white wolf perked up at the encouragement, but was cut off before he could reply.

"Well, let's take a pitch," Dr. Fervens finally said, bringing her opening speech to a close.

As usual, the music was less than challenging, and Ty used the opportunity to watch the newest piece of eye candy. Once or twice, though, he could have sworn that he caught Mark doing the same thing.

Yes, this wolf was very interesting, indeed.

* * *

The semester continued much in this way at first. Although he was growing more enamored by the day with the mysterious white wolf, Ty could never summon the courage to say anything. Instead, they spoke casually when they saw each other in physics and wind ensemble. The more they talked, the more the grey wolf knew there was something special about Mark. Every day, his soul ached for him.

It turns out that Mark was a transfer student, having moved from California after an unfortunate incident with his parents. He was a biology major, too, but he never let the rigor of science studies distract him much. It seemed Ty simply couldn't go to the gym or the music building without running into the cute white wolf. But still, they never did more than chat during their brief encounters.

During wind ensemble rehearsals, it took the better part of Ty's self-control to resist pouncing on the wolf during a rest. He wanted nothing more than to rip off the other animal's clothes and run his hands through that luxurious white chest fur. In the close proximity that they were, Ty could feel the heat rolling off of the larger wolf, and his mouth ran dry whenever he looked upon his stand partner's face.

* * *

After practice a few days later, after the usual evening of silliness and apparent stupidity expected from a group of relaxing students at the dinner table, they broke to their separate rooms for what little studying they had been assigned. Ty, as usual, was avoiding his homework, and he chose instead to follow Ethan and Jayden to their double room.

Within minutes, the dragon and the golden retriever were attacking each other on Smash Brothers while the wolf looked on with interest. However, it was not long before Jayden had destroyed Ethan and had moved on to other pastimes. Ty, who had grown tired of video games, soon found himself wandering aimlessly to the music building. He often found it relaxing to play around on his violin when he got bored.

The night greeted him warmly as Tyler walked to the music building. It was across the small campus from his house, and he relished the walk. As usual, the building was apparently empty (how the music majors got in their practice time was beyond him), so he quickly trudged down the stairs to retrieve his instrument. He then returned to the ground floor, hoping to claim his favorite practice room. The door was closed, which was usually a sign that the room was occupied, but not a sound issued forth from the darkened room. Not wanting to be denied the only practice area with good acoustics, Ty opened the door...only to find Mark staring him in the face.

Ty was caught off-guard; he wasn't used to people practicing at this hour.

"Sorry," he sputtered, "I didn't think anyone was in here. I'll just go over..."He pointed toward the door. "Yeah...see ya."

The white wolf stopped him.

"No, it's ok. I was just getting ready to leave." He smiled. "My lips are just about shot anyway."

Mark's eyes quickly traveled to the instrument slung over Ty's shoulder.

"Um, that's not a trombone," he said matter-of-factly.

The smaller wolf chuckled.

"No, this would be my violin...probably my favorite instrument."

Mark's eyes widened slightly.

"Really?! I didn't know you played violin!"

"Yeah," Ty sighed, "I got bored with brass and decided to break into strings." He grinned. "One of the best decisions I ever made."

Mark was obviously excited.

"I have always wanted to learn a string instrument!" he shouted, before dropping his voice and asking sheepishly. "D'ya think you know...teach me?"

Ty was taken aback, but he wasn't about to let this opportunity pass him by. It wasn't often that he found someone as excited about music as he was. And cute, to boot.

"Sure. It's a lot easier than it sounds," he lied, placing the case on the nearest desk and removing the instrument. It took only a moment to tune the strings and rosin his bow, at which point he handed it to the other wolf.

Mark took it gently, obviously intimidated by the foreign instrument. He clumsily tried to hold it as he had seen, but it was soon clear that he had no idea what to do. Whimpering slightly, he looked to Ty for instruction. This quickly brought a smile to the smaller wolf's face as he remembered his own attempts to first master the awkward instrument.

"Here, let me show you," he said, gingerly placing the violin under his chin and making sure that Mark could see. "You have to cradle it, like this."

He handed it back to the white wolf, who this time succeeded in holding the instrument between his chin and shoulder. Unfortunately, he hadn't the slightest idea what to do with the bow. Grinning broadly, Ty reached to grab the larger wolf's hand and mold it into the proper bow hold. An unfamiliar sensation rippled through his body when their hands touched, and their eyes made the briefest contact before Ty looked away in embarrassment.

Having mastered holding the violin, Mark hesitantly drew the bow across the strings, producing an unpleasant crackle and forcing both animals to close their eyes in musical pain.

"Sorry," Mark breathed, red-faced at the clearly un-musical results of his first time playing the instrument.

Ty merely smiled, visibly calming the other wolf.

"That's nothing. You should have heard me when I first tried. I think every canid on campus was in pain for weeks afterwards," he joked. "Here, let me help."

Ty moved behind the larger wolf grabbing his right hand to help him bow a little more gently. Together, the two of them were able to coax a passable A out of the instrument.

"Not bad," Ty chuckled. "Now let's try stops."

Very slowly, Ty grabbed Mark's paw, secretly relishing in the chance at prolonged contact with his crush. He could feel a familiar tight feeling in his crotch, but he ignored it for the time being. Ever so delicately, he placed Mark's fingers in first position and helped him draw the bow across the strings. A beautiful note rang across the room in response.

"Wow!" exclaimed Mark. "I just played violin!"

Ty laughed, "that you did, little wolf. Now let's try something a little more complicated."

He moved in closer now, almost rubbing up against the backside of the other wolf and trying to focus on the music. That was difficult, to say the least; he was having no small degree of difficulty keeping his mind from the enticing rump of his fellow musician.

Now, with Ty's help, Mark "played" a simple etude. Ty had all his concentration in helping the other wolf get the right notes; only when he finished did he notice that he was now rubbing up against him.

"Sorry," Ty gasped. "I didn't mean to..."

Mark cut him off, "it's ok. I don't mind."

Ty's heart jumped in his chest. Was this really happening? He smiled stupidly and moved close to the other wolf again, tenderly rubbing up against him. It vaguely occurred to Ty that his hard-on had to be palpable through his pants, but he dismissed the thought. This moment was too good to ruin.

After a few more minutes of their intimate playing, Mark suddenly turned around to be face-to-face with Ty.

"Ty, I have a confession."

Those words made Ty's chest nearly explode.

"Y...Yeah?" he stuttered.

Mark took a deep breath. This was obviously hard for him to say. Then, suddenly and without warning, Mark pulled Ty into a kiss. Ty responded in turn, and they were panting by the time they broke apart.

Grinning broadly, Ty spoke first, "you know, the practice room might not be the best place for this sort of 'confession.'"

Ty's message was clear. They quickly stored their instruments and nearly ran across campus, pausing only when they reached the smaller wolf's room. Ty opened the door and stepped in, trailed by Mark. Just barely, Ty heard the door lock behind him. He turned to see Mark smiling slyly, and the white wolf had never looked more attractive.

The door was hardly closed before Mark leapt onto Ty, engulfing him in his sturdy arms. Their eyes met for just a moment, and in that moment, more was said than an eternity of speech could convey. Without speaking a word, the two dove into a deep kiss. Ty could feel Mark's strong paws wandering up and down his back, pulling him close. Ty's hand very quickly started to do the same. He made his way down the other's spine before running his claws roughly across Mark's chest. The larger wolf let out an appreciative moan and renewed his erotic efforts.

Their lips soon parted, and the two wolves made short work of exploring each others' muzzles. Ty was pleased to discover that Mark was experienced at this; he caressed the smaller wolf gently, but with enough strength to establish his dominance. When they finally came up for breath, Ty could barely speak.

"Mark..." he gasped, "you're...amazing."

That old wry smile snaked its way across the larger wolf's face. He gently nuzzled his small companion, sending a new surge of hormones through both animals. Ty let himself sink into the strong arms of his companion, slowly letting his guard down for the first time in ages. Mark felt this and squeezed the other wolf playfully before once more bringing their muzzles together. They kissed passionately, slowly making their way to the bed, onto which Mark firmly placed Ty, though the small wolf didn't resist at all.

"You have no idea," said the white lupine, "how good I can be."

Roughly now, Mark and Ty resumed their kiss. Their clothes began to slowly migrate to the floor until both males were adorned only in their boxers. Completely enraptured by the passion of the moment, Ty once more raked his claws across Mark's well-built chest, earning another moan from him. Very quickly, Mark grabbed Ty's face and kissed him once more, as deeply as ever. Both knew what was coming next, and neither had any intention of stopping.

"Mark," Ty said slowly, "you have no idea how long I have wanted this."

Mark smiled in response.

"Ty, you couldn't take your eyes off me when we first met. You're not so good at the subtlety." He kissed him again. "And I don't think I've seen anything cuter."

With that, Mark's hands worked their way under the elastic waistband of Ty's boxers. There, they found Ty's well-hardened shaft, long ago freed from the prison of his sheath. Mark playfully massaged the grey wolf's member, causing him to grunt softly in excitement. His cock was primed after his extended contact with the other wolf, and the slightest touch sent shivers of sensation down Ty's spine. Mark kept at his work, slowly pawing off the smaller wolf until his entire body was shaking in anticipation.

He stopped, and removed his hands, leaving Ty laying on the bed, breathing in short gasps. He slipped his hand under his own boxers and began to slowly massage himself, aroused by the sight of his companion so totally consumed by pleasure. The best, however, was yet to come.

After a short moment, Mark pulled Ty's boxers off, leaving the throbbing member exposed and begging for more attention as it glistened with the pre from the pawing. The large wolf took one look at the grey lupine, whose eyes were still closed, lost as he was in the moment. He gently licked up the side of Ty's shaft, eliciting a shuddering groan from the wolf.

"Oh gawd, Mark..." he said, his voice trailing off in another moan as Mark's tongue journeyed once more over the trembling cock. Ty could feel a pressure building in his balls, and he knew from what little experience he had that he was close to climax. Mark was significantly more practiced, and he could feel the same. Not wanting to lose his opportunity, he took all of Ty's wolfhood into his mouth, slowly sucking and massaging the base, where the knot was beginning to form.

Ty could hardly take this new stimulation. He gasped as Mark started to suck him off. All he could do was run his shaking claws through the hair of the larger wolf and moan in ecstacy. Mark responded by slowly applying pressure to Ty's knot, and the smaller wolf began to whimper in anticipation. This was incredibly arousing to Mark, who picked up his pace as a result, sucking and massaging Ty's cock, taking only brief pauses to gently lick it.

"Gawd! Mark!" Ty exclaimed. "I'm gonna..."

He didn't even finish his sentence before his balls tensed up and he started blowing his load all over Mark's face. The larger wolf licked the hot cum with relish before embracing Ty in another passionate kiss. Ty found the taste of his member, fresh as it was in Mark's mouth, highly arousing, and his cock stayed rock hard as Mark milked the rest of the cum from its tip. The extra stimulation was too much for Ty, who began to moan and whimper. Mark put a finger gently to the smaller wolf's lips, silencing him. Both knew that their fun had yet to reach its climax.

Mark pulled away from the small wolf, causing him to moan in disappointment. The larger lupine smiled at the cuteness of his mate before working his boxers down passed his rock-hard wolf cock. Both noted with pleasure that the front of Mark's boxers was spotted with pre, and his large member was pulsing in its own excitement. He was ready for his turn.

Before Mark could do anything, Ty grabbed him unexpectedly and pulled him close. He could feel the near-panicked breath of his companion on his chest.

"Breed me...take me...make me yours" he breathed through his teeth.

Mark was taken aback. Ty had suddenly taken charge, and the larger wolf found his independent streak hotter than hell. He could barely control himself as he grabbed Ty and placed him on his back on the floor. Bracing himself on his arms over the smaller wolf, Mark slowly sunk down on top of Ty, who wrapped his arms around the big wolf. They could feel each others heartbeat, and the smell of musk was nearly overpowering. Ty pulled the two close together, almost willing them to become one. They kissed once more before Mark rose and lined his cock up with Ty's pucker.

The white wolf looked at his companion, concern obvious on his face.

"Are you sure?"

In response, Ty flipped himself onto his hands and knees and raised his tail. That was all the encouragement necessary.

Moving in close, Mark grabbed Ty firmly by the sides. The small wolf surrendered himself completely, dropping all of his weight onto the support of his companion. Almost agonizingly slowly, Mark pushed the tip of his cock against Ty's virgin hole. The small wolf whimpered him encouragement, and he slowly pushed in. Ty, being penetrated for the first time, let out a loud rapturous moan as Mark slowly sank his wolfhood into him.

Mark was himself awash in pleasure. Ty was tight, as tight as anything he had ever fucked. He had to fight to pace himself, waiting until he was hilted before beginning to pump. He quickly hit Ty's prostate; the small wolf gasped in pleasure: he had never experienced physical pleasure like this. He unavoidably clamped down on Mark's sizable cock, eliciting a new set of throaty murrs from the mounter.

"Holy fuck, Ty," was all he could say.

As gently as he could, Mark slowly began to pump, being careful to pace himself. Ty was slowly expanding and moaning the entire time, causing Mark to pick up the pace and groan.

"Ugh...gawd you're tight...ugh"

Mark spoke rhythmically, all of his body intertwined with the action of their fucking. Slowly, he reached around Ty's waist and began to pump the smaller wolf in time with his own thrusting. They both began to breathe in sync, letting out periodic blissful moans as Mark's pace began to pick up. The larger wolf's other hand slowly worked its way up Ty's back, tracing deep furrows in his fur. He reached Ty's head and slowly pulled it back so that he could whisper into the smaller wolf's ear.

"You're mine, now."

Mark's thrusting had now reached a fevered pitch, and he was close to climax. His knot rammed at Ty's tailhole, begging entry. Mark looked at his partner, whose intense moans carried an implied message. Gathering all his control, he thrust once more into Mark, and the knot popped into the smaller wolf. Ty almost screamed as the wave of sensation ran over him, his body shaking in pleasure. He himself was getting close to a second orgasm.

Losing all semblance of control now, Mark thrusted furiously into Ty's ass. The pressure had built to a peak, and his balls pressed themselves against his body as he emptied his load into Ty's gut. He bit down on Ty's neck, trying to stifle a howl as strings of his own cum spewed into the smaller wolf's tailhole. For his part, Ty whimpered and moaned as the hot wolf cum filled his insides. He had never felt so good in his life. Aroused by the steamy feeling in his gut, Ty came again, spewing another load all over the carpet of his room. Before collapsing under Mark from the intensity of the experience, it vaguely occurred to Ty that the wolf cum would be a pain in the ass to clean up the next morning. But he never got the chance to think more before drifting to sleep.

Now panting from blowing his load, Mark gently turned the two wolves so that he could spoon his new companion. Once his member had relaxed, he pulled out, earning a fretful whimper from the sleeping Ty. Smiling, he placed the small wolf on the bed before cuddling up next to him and drifting off to sleep himself.

* * *

In the room next door, Mike pulled out his phone and sent off a quick message to Ethan, Jayden, and Jake: This is going to be an interesting semester.