The New Familiar

Story by TheSarcasticBandit on SoFurry

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#1 of Of Fur and Broomsticks

The first of a series with adventure, magic, and sex between a bunny and a witch.

Samuel was thrown out of the orphanage the day after his seventeenth birthday. He spent so much time learning to survive inside he hadn't considered how hard it would be outside. The people were mean, especially to beggars in ratty clothes. So, in less than a day he decided to leave the city. Had he been younger he may have heeded the murmurs about a witch living on the outskirts of town and were he older he probably would have waited for morning to leave instead of racing out as twilight fell.

When night fully encompassed Samuel, darkness seeming to cling around him, every noise became a new monster that stalked him. His mind turned shadows into the hideous, rotten demons he had heard so much about as a child. He grew weary and began to stumble about his path to nowhere until he fell flat on his face and sobbed a bit as blood dripped from his nose. He welcomed the icy grip of death, a death that would surely come from whatever fiend was currently rustling his way. It was better than living in a world where no one wanted you.

"Hey, are you alright? What are you doing out here?" Samuel opened his eyes to find not fangs nor claws, but a rather pretty girl. Her skin was pale, reflecting the moonlight, her eyes were gleaming emeralds, and her body-

"Uh, I'm good. Just, uh..." He actually didn't know what he was doing. He just wanted to get away from the atrocities of the city.

"Okay, you do that." She bent down to painfully touch a finger to his nose and smile, before whirling around and walking away. He watched as she walked, her silky brown hair falling over the small of her back, almost reaching her swaying hips. Samuel scrambled to get up and follow, drawn to her.

Through bushes and trees and thickets he followed, though he had lost sight of her he was never unsure of his path. He came to a clearing and found a simple cottage with a single lamp lit in the window. His fingers met cold iron as he turned the handle and pulled open the door.

"Took you long enough. Shut the door, it's cold out." Samuel obeyed the odd girl, who seemed lost in a rather large, leather bound tome as she sat on a cushioned chair. Then he stood by the door and waited, peering around at her collection of odd specimens in jars, books, and seemingly random objects. The heat from the fire place made the room cozy and warm. "Are you just gonna stand there?" He took unsure steps into the strange territory before choosing a chair across the room from her, although he wanted to be much closer. Silence loomed over them for a moment as Samuel pondered what to say, before blurting out the first thing that came to mind.

"Do you live out here by yourself?" Then he realized how rude that sounded.

"Yeah. Well, now I do."


"I'm a witch. Actually, more of a witch in training." She didn't even bother to look up from the book to see his shocked expression. "Relax, if I wanted to hurt you, would I have bothered to fix your nose?" He poked at his nose to find it didn't hurt at all. "Since, you're probably not going to ask, the one I lived with before was my familiar, but she's... gone now."

"What's a familiar?"

"Kind of an assistant."


"So, how about it?" She clamped the book shut.

"How about what?"

"You want to be my new familiar? Usually familiars find the witch and you kinda just stalked me through the woods." She smiled, her teeth practically sparkled, but Samuel looked more than unsure. "With your help I'll be able to accomplish fantastic, wonderful, other worldly things." The room fell quiet once more. "I treat my familiars really well!"

"Okay..." Samuel had nowhere else to go, nothing else to do.

"Alright, first things first. Let's get you out of that tired old human body." She picked up a vial that was already close at hand and broke the wax seal.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that a familiar is usually an animal and this will make you into one." She held out the vial to him and he took it, but paused just before he drank it.

"What will I become?"

"There's no real way to tell, except for drinking it." Although Samuel was unhappy with the answer he drank the murky liquid inside, almost all of it, before he felt like he would vomit then he dropped it, gagging. The glass shattered and contents spilled across the wooden floor. "You're supposed to drink all of it! There's no telling what-" That was all he heard before he began to feel odd, very odd. His bones ached, his skin itched, his muscles jerked unnaturally as he fell to the floor. He could feel his face stretch out, his feet growing larger, bursting through his ragged shoes. White and brown fur forced its way through his pores and his ears contorted, growing longer. His hands became covered in fur and grew paw pads and finally a tail popped out of his back. For awhile he laid on the floor, panting.

"What... What am I?" Samuel wheezed out.

"Oh my god, oh my god, ohmigod!" The witch squealed.

"What? What is it?!?"

"You're... adorable." She began to pet the fur on his face and head before he forced himself up and staggered over to the window to look at his reflection in the glass.

"I'm a rabbit!?! Change it back! Change it back!"

"I don't know if I can... It kinda took me forever to make that potion..."

"I don't want to be a rabbit!"

"Well... Maybe if you stick with me, we can figure out how to undo it. And at least you're still kinda human."

"I guess... I kind of don't have a choice, do I?"

"Not one that I can think of. So, does my bunny have a name?" He winced as she called him a bunny.


"Yay! Sammy, my bunny!" She hugged him as she bounced a bit and he actually felt... good. "My name is Kalmithe. That makes you Kalmithe's bunny." She said as she poked his nose and he wriggled his new whiskers. "Now, one last thing. Are you absolutely sure you want to be my familiar? This last part binds us until death..." Why did she make it so creepy?

"Uh, yeah. I mean I don't think I could do much else like this." Samuel explained, peering around at his new body. Kalmithe began reciting an incantation which sounded like a whole lot of nothing to the rabbit. She touched her hand to his and bright blue sparks trailed up his arm before circling his neck, leaving a speckled blue line as they faded. It took a moment for him to notice her hand still clutching his paw. She began to pull him closer. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, c'mon. I'll show you around." She dropped his paw, but as she walked away he still felt himself being pulled toward her. Her home was fairly normal, save for her collections of grimores and strange plants. Kalmithe showed him almost the whole house, but seemed to avoid one door. This peaked Samuel's interest, considering the things she bothered to show him. "... and this is my bedroom." The lantern on the nightstand lit with a glance from her gleaming eyes. She stretched and yawned, her shirt lifted ever so slighty and her tensed muscles pulled it tight against her chest. "I'm getting kinda sleepy so... oh! Hmm.... I don't really have a place set up for guests... Are you alright?" She noticed his uncomfortable shifting.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just, uh, itchy." Sam lied and scratched beneath his torn shirt.

"If the clothes are making you uncomfortable you can take them off, I've seen plenty of bunnies without clothes." Kalmithe said, nonchalant.

"N-no. I'm alright."

"Okay. Like I was saying I don't have a place for you to sleep unless you wanna sleep with me." Samuel wondered if she did that on purpose.

"Um, I guess that's okay." With a snap her clothes turned into a loose night gown, one that Samuel seemed to believe he could see through, if only he tried a bit harder. He quickly shook the idea from his head. He watched her slide beneath the fur covers atop her bed and hesitated before doing the same. She turned the light out and they said their goodnights. He waited until she was asleep then his paws explored his new body, he jolted when they met his unsheathed erection. It was so sensitive it was almost painful.

"Obviously you're uncomfortable just-" She pulled off the covers, the lamp lit and she barely caught him with his paws down his pants. "You're touching yourself?"


"Don't lie."

"Yes." The word slipped out.

"Why? Tell me the truth."

"You're p-pretty and I've never really been this c-close to a girl before." Samuel couldn't seem to stop himself. Kalmithe stopped to think for a moment.

"Get up. Now." The rabbit seemed to be forced out of the bed by his own body. "Take those old rags off." Samuel couldn't help himself. She crawled across the bed, her night gown showed the deep crevasse her breasts made. As her hand reached toward him he clenched his eyes shut. Her fingers wrapped around his flesh and she stroked his pink length slowly. "Does my bunny like that?" He bucked into her clenched hand and he held onto her arm as he nodded. Her hand was softer than his rough pawpads. "Good. If my bunny is good then I can help him." He wanted to whine as she let go. "Open up." His eyelids lifted themselves to reveal Kalmithe's gown draped over her spread legs, she was idly rubbing herself through the thin material. "Come here, bunny." She beckoned. "Put your tongue to work." Shaking he fell to his knees and leaned forward, sniffing her sex. He offered an exploratory lick at her dripping slit. "Mmm- hurry up." Her hand on his head forced his muzzle to her pussy and he lapped at her juices. "Yeah." She toyed with his ears as she grinded against his tongue, helping guide him to all the right places. "There, harder!" She squeezed his ears, his tongue rubbing almost painfully on her clit. She could feel her heart racing, it was getting harder to breathe, but she loved it. Her legs clamped against his head as the warm, tingling feeling spread throughout her body. She held back a scream as a wave of pleasure crashed down on her. Kalmithe huffed a bit as she relaxed, feeling her heartbeat in every muscle she had. A moan disrupted her after glow. "Don't touch that! It's mine."

"Please? It hurts..." The rabbit pleaded, hands forced to his sides. The witch sat up.

"Stand up, let me see it." He obeyed her command. She took his already dripping cock in her hand, examining it. "It's so weird..." She pet his furry scrotum "and soft."

"Please..." He shifted, practically trying to fuck her hand.

"Fine. Baby." She licked her lips before crouching down to engulf his length, sucking down his slippery pre. Her mouth was so warm and her tongue felt so good as it circled his tip then wrapped around his shaft. Her lips met his sheath each bob. Her fingers trailed down the small of his back. The rabbit felt himself getting close, his balls drawn painfully close to his body.

"Oh!" He gasped as she grasped his tail, pulling it, teasing it until spurt after spurt of cum flooded her mouth. She swallowed it, watching his animal like anatomy at work, milking out every drop. As he went limp she let him fall from her mouth and his dick slowly began to retreat to its furry covering. Kalmithe laid back down and the lantern flickered out once again.

"Go to bed now, bunny. We have work to do tomorrow." She commanded and he bent to retrieve his discarded clothes. "Leave the rags."