Lesson VI

Story by Lee Fox on SoFurry

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Equality is a illusion brought upon the person's senses by Nature's construction. However, Illusion or none, this will effect us.My child, you may or may not have heard of the oncoming illusion the humans of modern society have been bringing upon our door. I am going to explain it simply to you so that you may understand that while they may speak truth, their reasons are far from the truth. You walk around by the garden and street and see all of the wonderful different colors, flora, fauna, scents, textures, feeling, and variedness. Now you must realize that we are all connected by the strings of the soul and of Nature. These are not objects of desire, destruction nor of power. These are simply objects that are in existence, made not for our purpose or the purpose of humans. Nah, they are simply here for the same reason you are here, to be in existence, to be alive as the humans put it.Now then, look at our garden as the humans see it; Resources, food, art, evil, good, black and white. They label our garden the same way a machine would. Yet they do not see it for what it is. They give each substance a name, design, description, a mission, and even a quality of life. Do not be ashamed of this however my child, for you must remember this is simply how humans are. They can not help how they act same as how you or I can not help but be on this plane of reality.They see everything as wildly different things, starting from lethal and passive, to beauty to disgust, to edible or toxic, to use and disuse. They see all things as needed or not, or in a simpler way think of this.Whenever you are in your little sandbox, you always play with your toys and sand. You pick out the ones you wish to play with for the day and leave the rest behind, deeming them as not useful for today. This is how the humans see the world, only to a larger extreme.They look for tools that they can use, manipulate, and reproduce. Else they will simply ignore or destroy it, this has been their way for centuries now and I see no sign of it changing. Yes, they may seem to be striving to change that, however this is only for a select few, and those few have been shunned or isolated in communities of closed minded fools, thus their teachings have been for naught.What does this have to do? Well my child I see you have noticed once again that I ramble on so let us get back on the correct path.The humans advertise in propaganda, media, and in schools as well, the importance of everyone realizing that they are all equal. This is most notably in the Human country known as The United States of America, as they have been 'liberated'm under the famous quote, "All men are created equal.". Thusly they have taken this quote to heart and have taught this to their kin, just as I am teaching you these lessons.Why yes my child. I have been teaching you something of similar construct. "All are equal under

the sun and under the moon, only in the eyes of another are they different." Is how my quote goes. However the humans have this very differently. While I teach that all are equal by the standards of Nature and of mortal spirit, they teach that all HUMANS are equal. Meaning that any human or beast who should stray from the definition, frame, morals, intelligence, philosophy, or simply out of their perception of what it is to be human then they are considered inhuman, unnatural, or a monster. Simply put, you shall not be treated with the same respect as another human.Those who do not bow to their will, who rebel for a greater or lower cause. Who wish to change the way their life is lived, be it physically, mentally, religiously, or just simply live a calmer and easier life, shall be put down. They shall be made to conform, or else they shall be considered outsiders and unworthy to be a part of this commune of men.They call it equality, however what they truly mean is conformity. They hide it under a cloak of vague mist, using media and propaganda to warp the minds of the young and foolish, to think that to be equal is to be strong, and to be strong is to be happy.No child, I am not exaggerating. I know it may be hard to perceive it. Those they call paranoid see it however, how their governments force them to change, how their communities demand for them to be as they are, and how they teach others to be as they are or else they shall be mistreated. It is unnatural, it is strange, it is unfaithful, it is unjust, it is not how the gods or god saw this, you are a freak of nature. They shall bash those who are different to be as they wish them or else suffer from the greatist wrath they can force upon them.Their version of equality is not true equality, it is a tool. A tool to change the healthy into sick and the strong into weak.Well yes I suppose I am getting rather exicted aren't I? However I should be, in my youth this topic would cause me to fret and snarl at them for such ignorance. So perhaps this lesson is more of spit than wisdom. I shall let you decide my child, however do not tell me your decision. I wish not to hear your truth upon my perseptions, for remember, I have my own.

Lesson III

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