Krystal the Slut 2: Thorntail Hollow

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The sequel to my only Krystal story is here. I hope that you guys are happy, because I enjoyed writing this to some degree. Thank you, frozenfox, for commissioning this piece, and I hope that you guys enjoy it as well.

As this has sat dead for a number of years, I've removed the folder for this and am replacing it with links. I doubt that there will be a sequel, but there is a different series for Starfox stuff on my profile if you go looking in folders. Enjoy.

Chapter 1:

Krystal the Slut Chapter 2: Thorntail Hollow By Draconicon

Thorntail Hollow was a breath of fresh air after the Sharpclaw compound. Cut in two by a thin river, it seemed to be populated by kind four legged dinosaurs. The first one to talk to Krystal hadn't asked her about her cum-soaked body, but instead pointed her towards the river. She barely had the restraint to thank him before jumping into the water with a wide grin.

The blue vixen sighed as she sank into the fast-flowing current, already feeling some dried up cum washing away. She swam near the bottom of the river before twisting around, clawing her way back to the surface. Krystal pulled herself half out of the river and started treading water, savoring the soft warmth of the sun above and the river below.

Yet, she couldn't ignore what had happened. She looked down at herself, at the dried dinosaur seed that coated her from head to toe. Even the river's fast current hadn't managed to wash all of it away. Each cum-mark on her body had a memory attached to it, and none of them were good.

She hugged herself as she pushed her memories away. It hadn't been her fault that she'd been captured, and it hadn't been her fault that the Sharpclaw had raped her and used her like a sex toy. That wasn't her fault at all. It had all been their fault.

But what about -

She dunked her head in the river and drowned that line of thought. She knew where it would go, and she couldn't take it now. She was free from the General and his soldiers, and there was no way he was getting her back now. That was what mattered.

Still treading water, Krystal turned towards the path she'd used for her escape. Massive tread marks marred the natural path, but it was a disfigurement that made her smile.

"General, you have no idea what you're in for."

Just the thought of how General Scales would react to the machine from the heavens brought a smile to her face, and it helped banish some the dark thoughts lingering in her mind. Whether or not the fox in the machine was a fighter, he had a big enough gun to handle anything the General could throw at him. If she hadn't been so soaked in the Sharpclaws'...fluids...she might have gone along just to see the show.

Then again, she had been - and still was - naked, and she didn't want to make her situation worse. That stranger - Fox McCloud - had looked away from her as soon as he'd realized she was naked. It had been nice to not be stared at like she was a piece of meat or something to be fucked, but she was half-afraid that the Sharpclaws had left her ruined. What if he hated what he saw? What if he left her here alone after seeing her like that? What if the Sharpclaw had left her completely unfuckable, and -

She splashed herself as her thoughts started going crazy. Gasping from the cold, Krystal shook her head. The rut-leaf was still affecting her, apparently. She needed to keep her mind off of sex, and she wasn't going to do that by thinking about the Sharpclaw or about her...her...

"You're a mess right now, Krystal. Just...get clean, then get some clothes. We can figure out what to do after that."

Yes, that was a good plan. The vixen took a few deep breaths before diving into the stream. The water was clear enough for her to see everything, and she positioned herself carefully, angling her body to take advantage of the current.

There was a lot of cum to wash away. Holding her breath, Krystal reached down between her toes, dragging her fingers between them and scrubbing away the mud and cum settled there. More than a few of the soldiers hadn't wanted to wait to use her properly - she couldn't think that without a shudder - so they'd used whatever they could grab. Most of them had just slid their cocks between her toes, while others had ground along her soles. She'd been most conscious of that when she was running away, feeling it squelch under her soles and between her toes as it turned the earth to mud beneath her.

She'd barely managed to get her feet clean before coming up for air. Several of the hollow's inhabitants watched her from the riverbank, but they didn't look interested in her. They were probably waiting for her to be done so that they could drink from the river. Krystal felt a small pang of guilt for soiling their water supply, but at least the river current would take anything that came off of her downriver and away from them.

After taking another deep breath, she dived again. Dragging her fingers through her fur, she watched as line after line of cum was removed and carried away, slowly disintegrating in the water. As her fur was revealed, she felt like crying. It had been weeks since she'd seen herself without being saturated in seed, long enough that she'd forgotten what it looked like.

She repeated the process several times, each time surfacing with a bit less of a mess on her, until finally she was satisfied. For the first time in far too long, she felt clean, and it was wonderful.

She swam to the far bank, pushing her hair back before pulling herself out of the water. The sensation of water running down her body reminded her of her nudity, and she blushed. With no other choice, she pulled her tail over her front, covering her crotch and breasts. She was glad that she could still blush. She'd been worried that she'd lost the ability to feel shame.

One of the larger dinosaurs thumped over to her. He rolled his head to the side and looked up at her.

"Weeeere youuuu aaaaa tooooy foooor Scaaaaalessss?"

"I think a better name for it would have been slave."

The dinosaur nodded, slowly, like it did everything else.

"Youuuuuu looook liiiiike oooooone offfffff theeeeee shaaaaaarpclaaaaaaw. Wheeeeeere's youuuuur coooooverrrrrrriiiiings?"

"My coverings? Do you mean my clothes?"

He nodded.

"They took them away. Do you know where I can get any?"

"Maaaaaaybeeee iiiiiin theeeee stooooore, buuuut ooooonlyyyyy iffffff youuuuu haaaaave scaaaaarraaaaabs."


"Paaaaaaay scaaaaaaraaaaaaabs fooooooor thiiiiiings."

Scarabs must be this planet's currency. She would have to find some of them, considering she didn't want to go around naked. Nodding her thanks, she started exploring, still holding her tail against her.

It didn't take long to realize that wasn't going to work. Walking while covering herself with her tail kept her modesty intact but it completely threw off her balance. She barely managed to walk on the riverbank without tripping, and the rocky areas further away - not to mention the ruined courtyard to the south and the big stone building on her left - looked much more difficult. As much as she hated - and loved - showing herself off, she needed to let go of some of her modesty if she was going to find anything.

The fact that a part of her liked it when she uncovered herself was disgusting, and Krystal grimaced as she felt a small heat between her legs.

"That general has turned me into a pervert. I didn't want this. I don't want this!"

Then why did I like it when they raped me?

There was the thought that she'd been trying to ignore. Krystal shuddered as it got through her defenses, hugging her arms around her chest.

Putting the blame on the Sharpclaw for what they did had been easy. She didn't blame herself for getting raped. It hadn't been her fault. She'd never enticed them, or asked for it. At least, not of her own free will. It had been easy to blame them, since they'd not only kidnapped her, but drugged her, and made it damn clear that they were getting what they wanted no matter what she wanted.

The hard part....the very hard part...were the memories of enjoying it. They were vague, but most definitely there. Krystal remembered being on her back, shouting encouragement to the soldier on top of her, begging for more cock and cum. She remembered...she remembered cumming on two cocks at once, and moaning for more. The thought that she could orgasm during her own rape sickened her...mostly. A part - a terrible part - of her wanted more.

She'd blamed the rut-leaf for a while, but now, it wasn't so easy. She'd always felt embarrassed while being naked in public, but here she was, completely naked and out in the open, and she already felt her juices running down her leg. It was hot and fragrant, forcing her to notice it every time she breathed in.

She sat down on a rock, pulling her legs up and wrapping her arms around them. That helped, but not much. The flow got no worse, but she still felt the urge to spread her legs and show her sex. The thought disgusted her. She didn't want to relive her experience as a slave, but her body had other ideas.

As she bemoaned her fate, she felt something wriggle against her leg. Concerned that it might be something dangerous, she looked down. A green bug had brushed against her upper thigh as it moved over the rock. She almost let it go by, but then she remembered.


Krystal reached down and picked it up. It squirmed before going still. It seemed to petrify, the shell turning a bright green and feeling heavy in her palm.

"I...guess this could be it. Maybe I should ask."

She leaped off of the rock and walked back to the dinosaurs. Most of them were having a drink, but one of them - the one she'd talked to - lifted his head as she approached. Krystal held out the bug.

"Is this a scarab?"

He nodded.

"Thank you. Um...where is the shop?"

Curving his neck, her 'guide' pointed his head towards the large stone dome behind them. It loomed over everything else in the hollow, but it only had one entrance, a tunnel on the ground level. She smiled, giving the dinosaur a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you."

She ran towards the tunnel before he could respond, blushing again. First she was enjoying naked walks, and now she was kissing strangers. She needed to get a grip before she started offering handjobs or something. Her blush got worse as the idea prompted more heat between her legs, forcing her to pause at the mouth of the tunnel to get used to the feeling.

Not now, not now. You don't need anymore of that. You just got raped dozens of times. You can go one day without anything.

That was probably true, but she still stumbled as she walked down the tunnel. She had to lean on the wall, both to support herself and to keep her hands busy. With the building heat between her legs, she knew where her hands would go if she didn't use them for something else. Once she started, she honestly wasn't sure if she could stop.

Thankfully, the tunnel wasn't very long. After a few minutes, she stepped into a large antechamber. Several archways on the other side of the room led to other tunnels, and each one was marked with a different symbol. There was an egg over one and a map over another. The third she didn't recognize, but it definitely wasn't clothes.

At least there were a line of torches along the wall, so she wasn't in the dark. Who knew what sort of things called this place -

"Hey now, who are you?"

  • home. Bringing her tail around herself quickly - and doing her best to ignore her pussy getting wet at the male voice - Krystal glanced around for the speaker. The leather 'curtain' that hung in the map archway was pushed aside, and a snake-like thing floated into the room. He wore a purple hooded robe with a feather sticking out of the top, and around his neck hung a medallion that looked a lot like the bug she held.

"You here to buy something?"

"Um, yes, yes I am."

"Well hurry up and choose something. Or get out."

She bit back a retort as she raised the bug. That got his attention.

"How much can I buy with this?"

"With one scarab? Nothing! Nothing at all. You think that I'm running a charity here?"

This was only...Well, she probably should have expected that. She sighed.

"Can I at least look around, so I know how much scarabs I need to get the things I want?"

"You'll buy them later?"

"Are you calling me a thief?"


She glared at him, and he eventually gave in.

"Fine, fine, you can look around. But then get out if you're not going to offer me something for my goods."

Ignoring his shouting, the vixen walked around him to the map archway. The leather 'curtain' was heavy enough to require both hands, and she blushed as she felt the shopkeeper looking at her ass. She hurried through it, trying to limit her exposure as much as she could. No need to give him the idea that she was trying to bargain with that.

After a short slide down a ramp, Krystal found the map room. Each one was labeled, but she didn't recognize any names. She barely knew Thorntail Hollow, let alone the other parts of the planet. Still, it gave her a place to start.

She found the Thorntail Hollow map and looked for any paths connecting it to other locations. There was a pass, she saw, that led towards Cape Claw. That seemed to be the one she'd followed and met the Lightfoot during her escape. There was another pass north of the shop that seemed to go up to a mountain, but she didn't want to go too far from the hollow. Who knew where the General had sent his troops before she'd arrived. Or after, for that matter.

She started to turn away, but something caught her eye. There was a small chamber along the northern part of the map. She leaned in, trying to read the writing around it.


Well, that could be anything. She had no idea what the map-maker considered magic. For all she knew, it could be something technological, or it could be something more like the Krazoa.

"Are you done yet?"

She almost fell to her knees at his tone, something she thought she'd shaken off. Thankfully she avoided that, but she had to pull her tail back down. It had gone up as high as it could, and she was blushing from how much she'd shown off.

"I'm sorry. I was just looking at the map."

"Unless you're going to buy it, stop staring at it and get on with it."

"I just saw that there was a magic pit around here, though."

"Yeah, so what?"

"Well, what kind of magic is it?"

"It's magic. What else do you need to know?"

"But is it like machines, or is it more like the Krazoa?"

"All I know is that there's a lot of lightning in the room, and it has energy gems in it. Some weird hole in the middle, too, like some sort of stick or something goes there."

Her eyes went wide. That description matched the charging chambers she'd found on other planets almost exactly. Her staff drew her to them before, pulling her towards them whenever they were close by. If her staff had fallen in the Hollow, this pit could have attracted it.

She had to find it.

"How do I get there?"

"You just looked at the map -"

"That told me where it is, not how to get there. Please, this is important!"

The shopkeeper smirked at her, and she realized that he wasn't going to tell her anything without some payment. For a moment, she almost wished that she still had some rut-leaf; at least then she'd feel fine about offering herself. But it was only a momentary feeling, passing quickly.

"Forget it. I'll find it myself."

He smirked at her before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. She stared at the spot that he'd been at, shaking her head. At least that explained how he'd snuck up on her. If he could teleport, no wonder he was able to move so quietly.

Krystal turned to the map again, drawing a finger from the pit marker back through the hollow. Even with a rough drawing like this, she should be able to figure this out. No need to pay the shopkeeper for his help after...that...

A sharp, salty smell filled her nose, causing the vixen turned her head. It was incredibly faint, but familiar. It only took her a couple of sniffs to determine what it was, and she immediately covered her nose.

Rut-leaf. This store had concentrated rut-leaf.

" no no no, not more..."

Krystal ran out of the room and back to the antechamber. The shopkeeper teleported in and started shouting at her, but she didn't listen. He was another male, and he could be drinking the rut-leaf too. She had to get away from him. Darting to the side, she ran down one of the other hallways.

She stumbled and rolled down the ramp, coming to a stop when her body collided with a pillar. She grunted at the impact, pulling herself to her feet, only to freeze. All around her were the same pillars. Some held eggs, some held gems, but most held vials containing a thick green-brown syrup. They gave off visible fumes, and the stench she'd picked up in the other room filled her nostrils. Her pussy clenched hard on nothing, and it felt emptier than ever.

Falling to her knees, Krystal clasped her arms around herself to keep her hands from playing with her pussy. It begged for attention, oozing her juices down her thighs and leaving her soaked and stinking of need. Her scent mixed with the rut-leaf's, and she felt like she was on fire.

"What are you doing? I told you to get out!"

No, no, she couldn't take this sort of temptation now. She had to get out of here before she gave in. Her pussy needed something, and if he saw how weak she was...

Krystal tried to stand up, but her legs buckled. The shopkeeper looked down at her in obvious confusion, but as she started walking towards the other end of the room, she saw him putting it together. It didn't take long for his eyes to go for her ass, and she saw his robe lift in response.

No, please, don't. Not now. I just got it out of me.

"So, you're one of the toys that the General had, huh? I should have guessed it from the start. Rut-leaf addict."

"I didn't want it...didn't want it..."

"Doesn't matter. The more that you take, the more you want. Either more of the drink, or more sex."

He fondled himself, and Krystal paused to watch. She tried to move her arms, but her body could only think of what might be under that robe. It consumed her as she wondered how big he was. Was he bigger than the soldiers that she was used to, or was he smaller? Would she need to take him in her ass to feel him, or would he leave her pussy gaping open again? She really hoped that it was the latter.

No, no she didn't. She didn't want any of this. Her body was just reacting to the serum.

As she struggled to clear her mind, the shopkeeper moved behind her. One of his three fingered hands grabbed her ass and squeezed. His thumb brushed against her pussy, the touch making her push back against him, chest against the floor and her ass up in the air. Her tail flicked up and to the side by instinct, displaying her holes to the male.

"The Sharpclaw used you bad. You look so loose. But at least you're wet, even if it's with someone else's cum."

She shuddered, a small tear sliding out of the corner of her eye. She thought that she'd gotten it all out. Her arms trembled, and she tried to pull away.

"Ah ah."

His thumb slid inside her, and she gasped. She hadn't thought a thumb would feel so good, but it was so thick and ridged and bumpy like the Sharpclaw. After her body had been denied what it wanted for hours, it wouldn't leave the person giving it pleasure. Krystal rolled back against the intrusion, moaning out loud and wiggling her hips back and forth.

"Looks like you do have something to pay with. I won't tell anyone what happened to you, if you give me something."

"What...what do you want?"

The shopkeeper laughed. She heard him moving something around before he shoved his medallion in her face. He pulled at the edges of it, and it opened to reveal a scroll. It showed her with her face buried in his crotch, sucking on an unseen cock.

"You pay this much."

"Couldn't...couldn't you just be a good person...and not tell anyone?"

"No chance, mammal."

"Maybe...maybe I could jerk you off instead?"

"No, that's too low."


Against her will, her pussy heated up in anticipation of what she was about to do. The knowledge that her body was turning against her left her shaking. She'd hoped that she'd left this stuff behind when she escaped, but something about her had changed. She just hoped she could get this under control..

Please, please don't have much stamina, she thought as she lifted up his robe.

"Been a long time since I got payment like this."

Shut up, shut up, shut up, she thought as she looked at his cock. It wasn't as huge as what she was used to - something she wasn't sure she was thankful or annoyed about - but it was still six inches long and as wide as three of her fingers. Her jaws ached looking at it, but only because she was clenching them shut.

She took a deep breath to try and calm down, which was a mistake. Her breath sucked in not just the musky fumes of the shopkeeper's cock - which were considerable - but also the powerful smell of the rut-leaf. Her eyes rolled at the scent, and she humped air before she brought herself under control. Kneeling as she was, her juices ran over her legs, soaking them.

"Get to work, mammal."

He pressed her down against his cock, forcing the blunt tip over her tongue. She tasted dried cum on his cock, but rather than gagging, she moaned. Her thoughts were slipping away as she bobbed her head up and down on the shopkeeper's cock, one of her hands slipping down to her folds and rubbing herself.

It didn't take long for the shopkeeper to hilt his cock in her mouth, and by then she barely noticed the smell. All she cared about was how small it was, how it barely stretched her mouth. Her fingers pressed deep inside her as she slurped and slobbered over his shaft, suckling along the head as it pulled out before pursing her cheeks in as it went towards the back of her throat, too short to actually fuck her throat. It rewarded her with plenty of pre-cum, and she grinned at the flavor, sucking and swallowing eagerly.

She felt him put his other hand on her head, forcing her down to the base. She pushed against his crotch with him, trying to pull the head of his cock into the back of her throat, but no matter what she did, that was impossible. All she could do was fake swallowing around it. Such a pity it wasn't bigger. It would have been so much better if he had a cock like the Sharpclaw.

There was a small whimper in the back of her mind at that thought, but it was quickly forgotten as the shopkeeper dragged her up and down his cock, using her mouth like a toy. At least he had the right attitude, even if he didn't have the right dick.

Every time he growled at her, forcing her down, she grinned. It made her feel like he actually knew what he was doing. Krystal pursed her lips around his cock, pushing her tongue up along the underside as much as his size let her do it, and he moan. He wasn't far from cumming, she realized. Would he cum on her face or make her swallow it? Oh, she hoped he would cum on her face. It didn't feel right to do something like this without something to mark the occasion.

He must have read her mind. She was pulled back and forced to look up at his cock as he jerked off. She grinned, opening her mouth wide in anticipation.

His cum was hot and plentiful, splattering over her muzzle and soaking into her fur. It felt heavy and slimy, and she giggled at the sensation. The smell of his musky cum mixed with the rut-leaf fumes, driving her over the edge. Her pussy spasmed, squeezing her fingers as she squirted onto her legs, and she collapsed in a puddle of her own juices, a slut if ever there was one.

The shopkeeper panted as he shook his head. She wondered if he was thinking that she hadn't given him enough. If that was the case, she hoped he'd fuck her hard. After all, both her holes were eager and waiting. To her disappointment, he turned away.

"Your secret is safe, mammal. Now get out of here."

"Hee hee, one shot wonder, little guy?"

"Get out!"

She left - mostly because he started throwing things at her - and walked towards the tunnel to the surface. Maybe she could get the other dinosaurs to fuck her. The four legged things had to have bigger cocks than the shopkeeper, at the very least. She felt like she deserved a good stretching after tolerating his tiny cock.

By the time that she reached the hollow, however, the scent had faded enough for her to recover. She realized what she'd done, and she collapsed against the side of the tunnel, hugging her arms around her middle in shock.

He just...he just fucked me...and I liked it.

She couldn't believe it. Every other time that had happened, she'd had rut-leaf in her system and she'd been with someone else that drank it too. Even then, she'd been able to fight it, at least for a while. This time she'd given in as soon as he'd touched her. No fight, no drinking the damn stuff. Just a touch and a smell, and she'd offered herself to the shopkeeper and enjoyed every damn second of it.

Even now she was soaking wet, her pussy begging for something big. Her juices ran down her drenched thighs, coating them with more of her juices. Every breath she took was saturated with the smell of the shopkeeper's cum and her own stench, which led into a loop of arousal, making her ooze more and smell even needier.

But the thing that frightened her was how little it disgusted her now. After sucking that filthy man off, she wanted to be on the verge of vomiting, or breaking down, or, or something. Anything to show that she wasn't getting into these situations because she liked them. Oh, she felt disgusted, but not enough to keep temptation away. Her proper self felt weaker than ever, while the strange, perverted part of her that took pleasure out of this felt like it was getting stronger and stronger. Even after what had happened, she could barely keep herself from running out and begging for more cock.

"My staff...If I get my staff, I can defend myself."

It couldn't reverse what happened, but she needed something to protect herself. Failing that, she needed something that could help her say no to cock, even if it was only from buying her time.

It took her a few minutes to get to her feet, and she had to lean against the stone wall as she walked towards the north side of the hollow. She praised the wind that blew through the clearing and pushed the smell of sex away. Even better was the lack of temptation; the further north she went, the less dinosaurs there were to see.

I might just have to become a hermit if this gets any worse, she thought.

The two-legged dinosaurs scattered when the Landmaster broke through the trees. Fox kept the tank's cannon trained on the more dangerous looking ones but kept his finger off the trigger. If they didn't attack him, he wouldn't attack them.

"So these guys were the ones that were screwing up the planet?"

Peppy nodded from the holographic communicator.

"That's right, Fox. According to the briefing, they're led by someone called General Scales. If you can find him, this should be over quickly."

"Let me guess. Taller than everyone else and has a clawed hand?"

"How'd you know?"

"He's leading a charge at the Landmaster right now. Hang on a second."

The fox watched the soldiers charge across the open fields, shaking his head. They obviously had no concept of what technology of the Landmaster's sort was capable of. They were still using swords, for crying out loud.

At the last moment, he activated the hover-jets. The Landmaster lifted into the air, allowing the dinosaurs to charge harmlessly below it. He waited until they were clear before turning them off, rotating the cannon to face them again. The main gun knocked half the reptiles off their feet before they could turn around, and the other half looked like they were about to retreat.

Training the cannon on the biggest of them, Fox pushed the tank hatch open. He leaned forward, training his blaster on the General.

"Okay, General. I think it's time that we talked business."

The reptile growled something, and Fox's translator beeped before passing along the message.

"Another mammal. Pity you came in this metal thing. We could have used you just like the other one."

He squeezed the trigger, a blaster bolt burning into the General's leg. Scales flinched but didn't go down. Fox shook his head.

"You don't want to remind me of that right now. Let's talk about how you're going to fix the planet instead."

"Filthy -"

Fox pointed his blaster towards the General's face. The gesture was enough to silence the dinosaur. He obviously wasn't too stupid. Pity, Fox thought. He would have liked an opportunity to hurt this guy a little more. After seeing what had happened to that vixen, the perpetrators needed punishment.

It didn't take Krystal long to find the cave entrance, though it was hardly inviting. The tunnel was dark and wet, and the stones underfoot were slick and slimy. It smelled old, which was normal, but hardly appealing. If she hadn't been so desperate...

She sighed and entered the dark passageway. Though it was slippery, the floor was smooth enough to make it comfortable to walk on. She kept her hand on the wall anyway, just in case she hit a particularly slick spot.

The darkness was surprisingly comforting, and it didn't take her long to figure out why. She could barely see her own hand in front of her face, and that meant no one else could see her in the dark. She let her tail go, smiling as it swayed behind her. That felt far more natural than keeping it clenched to her chest, and it made it easier to keep her balance, as well. She didn't even feel wet, since there was no one around to look at her.

That thought was almost disappointing, but she pushed that feeling away. She wasn't going to become a slut again. So long as she avoided the rut-leaf, she shouldn't have any more problems.

Her relief was short-lived as the tunnel turned into a ramp. Stumbling forward as the floor disappeared from under her, Krystal flailed around as she ran down the steep incline. She barely caught sight of light ahead before she realized that she was going to run into a wall.

WHAM! The vixen saw stars as she came to a sudden and painful halt, and she slowly turned to lean her back against the wall. She shook her head a few times as she tried to remember how the charging chambers were laid out. So far this 'magic pit' had followed what she remembered; a long tunnel, followed by a ramp and a sudden stop. That meant that there should be an arch to get in somewhere around here.

Following the light she saw earlier, she found the archway easily enough. Krystal paused, looking around the opening. This would be the place for traps. Not all of these locations were so friendly, and she had run into more than a few that would have made her leave, were it not for her staff's insistence. She swore, sometimes the thing had a mind of its own.

Thankfully, this one seemed safe enough. She leaned around the archway, and smiled at what she saw.

It was almost exactly as she'd expected. Admittedly the plants with jewels hanging in them were new, but the old stonework that lined the walls, the deep moat, and the slight well on the raised island in the middle of the room were exactly like what she'd seen before. This was indeed one of those charging chambers that she'd encountered on other worlds.

Best of all, her staff was on the island. Krystal sighed in relief, pressing her hand to her chest as she smiled. Things were finally turning around for her.

Fear forgotten, the vixen walked through the arch and across the room. The plants didn't move - something she was half surprised at - as she stepped between them. She jumped into the water, laying on her back for a moment before diving. The shopkeeper's cum was washed away as she submerged herself, and when she pulled her head out of the water, she felt like a new lady.

As she swam to the island, she pondered paying the floating snake a visit after she was armed. Revenge wasn't something she normally thought about, but to take advantage of her like that - knowing she had been used by the Sharpclaw - was too evil to let go. Even if she could, she should teach him a lesson so that he didn't pull that trick on any other female.

Krystal grabbed the edge of the island and pulled herself up. It was big enough for her to sprawl out, so she did, taking advantage of the silence and solitude. A strange blue light beamed down on her from above, and she basked in it. The mucky smell of the cave faded away, leaving her feeling warm and calm. Even the desire for revenge slipped away as she closed her eyes.

Unfortunately, it didn't last. Even as the calmness filled her, she felt something intrude on her happiness. Something salty, musky, and altogether too familiar. Krystal's eyes snapped open at the scent of more rut-leaf, and she flailed around for her staff.

As soon as she grabbed it, her fingers were coated with a sticky syrup. Her pussy went from slightly wet to completely soaked, and she fell to her knees, her fingers tightening unconsciously around the middle of her staff. The syrup coating her fingers was unmistakably rut-leaf potion, and it was just as powerful on contact as it was when she drank it.

The effects continued at a rapid pace, her eyes rolling back as her pussy clenched down on empty space. Her breasts tingled as well and her nipples hardened, becoming stiff points on the ends of her breasts. She felt her juices running down her legs, tainting her with her scent again right after she'd cleaned it off. Her hips twitched and thrust, trying to find something, anything that would give her some sort of stimulation. She needed something in her, and fast. And this time, there was nobody else around that would give it to her.

Even as she cried, the vixen's thoughts were far from clear.

She hated this, but she loved it at the same time.

Her body was betraying her. No, it was telling her what it needed.

She wasn't a slut.

Yes she was.

Her clouded mind realized that she still had her staff. Though it had extended as soon as she'd touched it, the tip looked like it would be the perfect fit for her. It was thicker than the shopkeeper's cock by at least an inch, and she could slide it in as far as she wanted. With no worries about it being too short, she'd be cumming hard and fast.

NO! something inside her shouted, but the drooling vixen couldn't stop herself. Her pussy needed something or she was going to go insane. It didn't matter that the staff was something sacred. Right now, it was hard, thick, and long, and something like that had only one place to go.

Laying on her back, Krystal spread her legs wide. The jeweled tip was a bit too wide for her to take immediately, so she pointed the bottom half of her staff towards her pussy. Just knowing that she was going to slam it in had her leaking like a waterfall. Some of it even ran down over her ass, soaking her other hole for later.

She rubbed the end of the staff against her, and it didn't take long to leave the end soaking. The vixen grinned as she held the base with her hand and pushed it towards her pussy with her feet, pushing it closer and closer.

The blunt tip slid in easily, and she gasped in pleasure as she was spread open around it. Her hips arched towards it, pulling at least another five inches in immediately. Her eyes rolled back in her skull as she finally got what she'd been craving. But it wasn't enough.

The residual bits of rut-leaf syrup had been forced into her as well, and it was setting her pussy on fire. It filled her before splashing back out, oozing over her ass. Her other hole twitched as it absorbed the syrup, and she growled as it begged for something, just like her pussy.

Rolling onto her hands and knees, Krystal used one hand to steady her staff as she started rocking back and forth against it. The wooden shaft was as thick as the General's cock - oh, what she'd do to him if he were here now - but that was it. It was just wood. There was no throbbing, no twitching like a real cock. It didn't even warm to her touch the way a male would. She panted as she forced over a foot of the wooden 'cock' inside of her, feeling it barely take the edge off of her arousal.

After making sure that the head of her staff was lodged in place, she started rocking back and forth against it, her juices dripping onto the stone island. As she found her rhythm, she slid her free hand under her tail. The space between her ass cheeks was soaked, so her fingers didn't take long to get slick. She panted as she slid two, then three fingers into her ass. Filling both her holes at once pushed her over the edge, and she squirted hard, a puddle growing under her.

It wasn't enough. She needed more.

She fucked herself hard on the staff. Her pussy was so slick that it was letting more and more of the weapon inside of her, past a foot of wood filling her up. She was stretched so far, but she needed more. She needed something living, something that could squirt. Something that could fill and use her as much as she was using it. Her mind went to the dinosaurs outside the cave. Enticing, but she couldn't stop fucking herself. There was no way that she could keep her hands or her staff away from her holes long enough to make it up the ramp again, and even if she did, she would be too exhausted to get to the dinosaurs. Who knew if they would even say yes?

"I'd even fuck that...that shopkeeper if he'd teleport his ass down here..."

And she would, too. She would take any dick, as long as it could use her.

"Peppy, the situation down here is under control. Call General Pepper and tell him to pay up."

"Already? But you just got there."

"Yeah, well, you know me. I like to finish a job quickly."

Fox shook his head at the restrained General. The dinosaur was obviously furious at being captured, but even someone as big as him couldn't break out of those cuffs. They'd been tested on steroid boosted inmates, and if those psychos couldn't break free -

"Do you want me to bring the Landmaster back up, Fox?"

"Not yet, Peppy. I got one more thing to take care of. Take this guy and put him in the cargo hold, though. I think Pepper would like someone to try for this."

"Got it, Fox."

The General was surrounded by an array of light before disappearing. The only sign that he'd ever been there was a small burn mark on the grass. Fox chuckled, taking a quick look around. None of the other soldiers had stuck around after his show of force, and he doubted that they'd be a problem from now on. He slipped back into the Landmaster and closed the hatch.

Bringing up the navigation systems, he programmed a route towards his initial landing zone. The hollow would be a better place to return to the Great Fox from, what with the coordinates already stored in the system. And besides, there was someone there he wanted to make an offer to.

The Landmaster retraced its path as he leaned back. The image of the naked vixen still filled his mind. Even disregarding her nudity - which had been amazing, even considering what she'd gone through - she was beautiful. He wondered what she looked like when she was clean and dressed. He chuckled. She'd probably still make him blush.

Hopefully she was still around. He was sure that she wasn't a native, and she'd probably like a ride to get back to her homeworld, wherever it might be. Maybe she'd even -

"Aaaaah, don't go there, Fox. She just got raped to hell and back. There's no way that she's going to want to do anything like that with you."

He shook his head, looking over the Landmaster's inventory. While he was dealing with Scales, he'd set a few drones to go and collect some of the samples that the Cornerian sponsors wanted. Most of it had been fairly scarce, but the rut-leaf stuff had been in high supply around the General's camp. It looked strange, what with the leaves looking bright pink and smelling like a locker room after a long day of work. One plant had snapped in two, and the juices from inside the stem had soaked his fingers when he'd tried to collect it. The smell still hadn't faded.

At least he could shower later and get it off. He shook his head, idly adjusting his shorts as he looked up at the navigation system. He was almost there.

It had taken her thirty minutes to get the staff folded up so she could use it as a proper toy, but it was still barely enough for her. Krystal thrust it deep with every step as she forced herself to walk out of the tunnel, her vision hazy as she crawled towards the tunnel exit.

She couldn't believe it had taken her so long to think of this. Using her staff as a toy was a little difficult while she walked, but it let her walk around without losing her mind. The smaller shape didn't fill her up as much as she wanted, though, and she didn't dare shove the jeweled bulb at the end in. The old Krystal might have been worried about the embarrassment of it getting stuck. Right now, she knew that it would leave her without a toy, the one thing that was letting her function.

She panted as she leaned against the tunnel wall. The breezes passing over the hollow brought new smells to her, and this time, the sexual scents weren't hidden. She could smell each and every dinosaur in the hollow, and she could even tell which males were in the mood. Every thought was filtered through her need for sex and her need for cock in particular. She needed real cocks with real cum after having to settle for a toy for the last hour.

A roaring engine distracted her, and she looked down the path to see Fox and his vehicle returning. She smiled. That would do. That would do very well, at least as an appetizer.

She stumbled along the path, but she moved so slow that she'd barely left the tunnel before the vehicle reached her. The top opened again and the fox popped out. This time, rather than looking surprised, he looked worried.

"Are you alright?"

"Get out..."


"Get out...want your...cock...cum..."

Krystal pulled herself onto the tank, one hand still ramming her miniature staff into her pussy. The base slammed against her folds, almost shoving in. Fox pulled back from her, and she whimpered, growling as she grabbed his arm.

"Need your...need your cock."

"You're sick. You need -"

"I need...your cock..."

"Krystal, I'm really, really sorry about this, but -"


He pulled his weapon out. Normally, she could have reacted to that, but she was too eager. She could smell the rut-leaf on him. She could see the bulge in his pants. It was right there; she could finally have what she needed.

Then the blaster went off.

It was a stun blast, she belatedly realized as she fell off the tank. She landed on her ass, the angle driving the rest of her staff inside of her, leaving her stretched around the base. Krystal spasmed in orgasm as her eyes closed, the last thing she saw being Fox climbing out of the tank.

He shook his head at her. That hadn't been anywhere near the same vixen that he'd seen the first time. She'd been quiet - not to mention a bit afraid and ashamed - last time, but now, she was going crazy, begging for him to fuck her. And he'd been tempted, no doubt about it. Even now his cock was throbbing hard in his pants and begging to be released.

But that wasn't the right thing to do.

Fox shook his head. At least with the girl stunned, they could do something to help her. He reached for his communicator.

"Peppy? I'm ready to head up. And I have company."

"Another prisoner?"

"No, a...a girl."

"...Fox, is there something you want to tell me?"

"Not like that! She's sick, and needs help."

"Oh, yes. Yes, I'll adjust the teleporter."

"Thanks, old man."

Fox turned it off, shaking his head. Krystal was out cold, but he could still hear her moaning in her sleep. And...what was that sticking out from her pussy? He shook his head, looking away as the teleport field covered them.

How was he going to explain this to the rest of the team?

The End