Chapter two: closing the deal with one opening the path to the rest.

Story by x1gameguy2007 on SoFurry

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OK so there was apparently a few people that wanted the story series to continue. So here goes number two. I hope again people will leave comments. Legal ninja raptor cavalry go!

This is a M/M story with mind control drugs and people who are under age. Please do not read if it is illegal for you to do so, Or if you dislike this kind of thing.

Again thanks for all the support and here comes the story: to go straight to yiff hit ctrl f and type in [yiff]

Chapter two: closing the deal with one opening the path to the rest.

Jake snapped awake and immediately got up and looked around, "What who where?" He asked as the dark room around slowly seemed to have light filtering in. He shook his head and looked around a little his eyes adjusting to the glare he had now and then and finally being able to see everything. Then he noticed for the second time that he had woken up and still wasn't human. He yelped a bit much to the same effect as last time sending him to the ground, holding his bat ears and rolling around wings flapping and feet kicking. Finally when he had calmed down a bit and shaken his head once more to clear the sensation of floating from it he looked around to find a tray that had been apparently placed there for him. On it was a nice spread of fruits and vegetables along with even a little meat on the side cooked lightly.

He looked over at it a little cashously fearing it might be poisoned. but soon his hunger won out since... the change had taken away so much energy and he was so hungry, he walked over to it a little suspicious that at any moment something was going to snatch it away. but no one did and he eventually got it back to his bed and started to eat. His room wasn't much, a bed a toilet and a sink. and in the corner a small box. mounted on a wall. After he was done eating and it had taken a while to gulp down everything that was there, he walked over to it. It seemed to be some kind of intercom system with a button to send.

He was worried for the reaction but figured it couldn't be too bad... He had after all experienced the worst Mr. Conrad could come at him with, not to mention that for some reason his mind seemed more curious longing to know who the box was connected to and who was going to answer. He slowly pressed the button and spoke in to the box. "Um... hello?" he asked and then let the button go and waited.

It didn't take long for the person on the other side to answer and it was indeed Conrad's voice, "Aw Jake, so nice to see your up already.... O and I see you have finished your meal meat and all. I was worried I had screwed with your genetics so bad you could no longer eat meat but I guess I stopped early enough... Now dear boy, here's the deal. I don't want much... and I'm a very reasonable man. I will let you go back to your human body and leave this estate fully intact with nothing missing or changed from when you walked in.. and Ill I want in return, is a simple string of 7 numbers. I think you know which ones I want so just give them to me and it'll be all over.

Jake stood back and looked at the unit on the wall in shock like it had just bit his hand. "how... how did he know?" he asked himself. He and his brothers and sisters were the only ones that were supposed to even know they had a code... and yet this person was there backer who they kept almost everything from knew the number of did gets. he walked forward and shook his head thinking it could have only been a lucky guess. He pressed the button and spoke, "I'm sorry I don't know which 7 numbers you want..." with the best lying voice he could muster as bad as it was.

Conrad on the other side sat in his office. A computer in front of him and a voice box hooked up to Jake's cell on one side he sighed. "I guess there nothing to help with it then." he said as he leaned back his finger releasing the button so he could not be heard by the boy any more. "Damn... I was hoping he would break after only one session... I guess hell need more convincing." he then clicked on his computer screen and leaned over the voice box again pressing down the button and speaking to the lab this time. "Sory, the bat in cell 114 isn't cooperating after his first session. I think it was to near the change. Can you prep an injection and ... o who do I want for him this time." the man said his other hand moving to his chin and then he smiled down at the box and spoke again, "Actually sory as soon as your done go directly to the chamber and prepare it as you like. You'll be training him today, so make sure it counts." A small green light sent the affirmative and Conrad put the box to talk to Jake again, "well if yo9u don't know anything you'll be released then sorry for the hastle... O just one more thing.. I don't belief you SOOOOO I'll be watching tonight... love it like you did last night and there will be no problems." He then clicked it off and smiled it was going to be fun watching the emotions of the boy's face play like that tonight. But for now he had other things he needed to do, he picked up the phone and talked to the operator, "Yes... can you get Mrs. Zera Larzan on the phone I need to speak with her."

Jake sat back down in his cell... like last night but... He hadn't forgotten what had happened in fact it was nearly impossible to get it out of his head now that he had been reminded of it. He felt a weird tingling feeling at the base of his tail and got a rather worried look on his face. He... he didn't want that horrible thing to happen again right... no no he couldn't...

"And most of the time passed like that for Jake, sitting worried in his cell getting fed once more, until 7pm, when someone came and opened his door."

Jake looked up to see a large smiling rabbit walking in with a white lab coat. "Hello bat." he said like he had known Jake all his life. and like it was normal for a floppy eared pure white furred mammal as big as a human and walking up right with big furry feet with a nice poufy tail would.

Jake instantly backed away against a wall as the man spoke, though he had clearly done it softly so as not to hurt the boys ears. "Wh.. who are you?" he asked

The man just walked over grabbed his hand and said kneeling, "I'm Sory. One of the people that Mr. Conrad employs... I'm supposed to take you out of here and too my lab so we can get you all set up ok?" he said and nodded like he was friendly.

Jake looked confused for a second... ready... ready for what? to get turned back in to a human... he was all over that but he wasn't sure. "Um... ok..." he said thinking if anything he could kick this guy in the shins and run as soon as he was outside his little cell. He walked away from the wall and followed Sory in to the hall way. it was the same hall that seemed to keep all of Conrad's... collection... as there were others here, none of them human, most more animal than normal from the look of it, like he had screwed up a few times before also.

Sory walked with him to an elevator and they started to ride it up. As soon as the door closed however he bent over and stuck Jake in the arm with a needle and pressed in a small amount of florescent green gel. "there we go... all right now." he said laying Jake down and then truly picking him up and carrying him like a cradle.

Jake at first fought back when he was injected then as soon as the stuff seemed to hit his system he calmed down, a warm fuzzy feeling came over him and he got really tired. He started to topple over but was caught and laid down by Sory. He then felt himself be picked up and he nuzzled in to the rabbit's chest. once again blacking out.


As soon as Jake woke up he felt something other than tiredness. he was in a dark room and again everything at first was dark. He tried to sit up only to realize that he was bound again. This time he was at the edge of a platform, his butt barely hanging off his legs held up by bands and his arms and wins spread apart. But that wasn't all he noticed. He felt a great need. His tail seemed to ach and the hole under it wanted to be filled.

He did quickly find though that he could move his head and as soon as his eyes readjusted he looked around to find none other than Sory at the back of the room smiling, and above him in the glass booth Mr. Conrad. and the man spoke. "Aww Jake... so pretty there aren't you? well I will give you one last chance... give me the code and I won't force this on you... don't and you'll know need and desires like you couldn't imagine.

Jake just looked up at the man and two words fame out. "Fuck you." and that sent Sory in to a fit of laughter.

Conrad smiled and pressed the button saying, "No thank you bat.. but I will give you that pleasure, Sory you may continue however you wish as long as he's left alive and ... mostly unharmed.

Sory smiled at that and walked forward Jake watching every step the rabbit made. and on his way he seemed to be losing clothing fast. Soon a fully nude rabbit was before him looking down a signal syringe in hand and a large throbbing member between both of their legs. "This is going to be fun, and were both going to enjoy it I know!" he said and put the needle almost gently in to Jakes leg pressing it down feeling the liquid enter him.

Jake felt... funny, he got a floating feeling when the stuff went in and looked at the rabbit... all of a sudden his situation didn't seem so bad... in fact this could be really good... after all the rabbit was well endowed and he needed a good riding. his own member starting to inflate at the thought.

Sory smiled, "Estrogen extract how I love you..." he said throwing it away and pressing a button to the side of the table. The whole thing started to raise until it was just at the perfect height and then he stopped it. "How does this feel?" he asked taking one paw and rubbing Jake's cheeks with it, playing with the crack as he slowly spread them fingering the tail hole.

Jake moaned as the other male started to play with him, his member hardening all the time as he lay back nod whimpered, wanting no needing something inside him, "..please... please " he said between quick breaths as he waited what seemed like an eternity.

Sory smiled and eventually stopped his torment. It was so fun though. He slowly moved forward and spread Jake again, this time using one hand to prop his member in place sliding the head in to an excited moan from the bat below him. "Does the little bat like the big bunny?" he asked not stopping but continued to feed his cock in to the bats ass.

Jake couldn't do much else but nod and moan as all 8 inches of the hare was fed in and then stopped so suddenly as the rabbits balls softly touched his tail. "He breathed in a little waiting for the next part as he was so anticipating it.

Sory just smiled and started. He slid in and out slowly at first always at an even pacing though he was slowly speeding up. He had already lubed the bat when he was ko'ed so it was nice and gentle now and the little tightly was such a good fuck. He huffed a little and continued to drive in to him every second of it like music as his hips bet the bats.

Jake just continued to moan. every second pure bliss. the feeling of the rabbit entering and leaving him was so great and scratched at such a delicate and wonderful itch he couldn't help but to cry out in pleasure saying things like "more... please..." and "Faster... faster!" while he was being rammed.

And the Rabbit was only too happy to oblige. slamming in to and out of the bat was feeling so great. nice and hot and tight and warm.. it was nearly like heaven. He realized only to late though that he had gone a little too fast, as he felt the feeling of climax approach and knew he was already way past the point of no return. He continued and slammed in to the boys ass suddenly stopping squirting sticky load after sticky load in to the boy who just seemed to drink it all in. His ass milking the rabbit for more and more.

Finally when Jake thought it was done a hand reached down and grabbed his member. It had been twitching the whole time and more than once had spurted pre on to his furry chest. it slowly started to stroke up and down on the pole and kept him moaning.

Sory looked down and milked, "Aww I think he enjoys it like this too still... well let get him to finish then." he said and squeezed the base running his hand up and down the boys member faster and faster until he felt it lose everything.

Jake couldn't take it after a few moments. He felt like he was going to pee himself. and then it all ended again and he only heard voices, fist Sory's "Sir he's done for tonight... should I put him back, or can I keep him for now?" and then Conrad's. "Do what you like.. by tomorrow with all the things floating in his system hell be begging for it, and willing to give the code to get it.." he said then to Sory again, "On second thought... clean him up, and make him messy again, then return him. I don't want to hear this job has no fringe benefits any more got it?"

and then all was black The end... again... for now.

Ok so guys how'd you like it? anything I can change next time to make it better let me know :)