Making a Deal

Story by Runakei on SoFurry

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I woke up on my back. I tried to move my arms, but they were tied behind me. I sighed, because my legs were also tied up. I had been so close to escaping. It seemed like the whole world had been against me beeing free. Not really fair for me when you think about it.

I think I was back in the shack, because what little bits of the room I could see were looking similar to the inside of the shack. Wooden walls, a bed, and a nightstand were to my left, and to my right there was a wall-clock, door, t.v. and a couch. No, this couldn't have been the shack, this place was more furnished. If I wasn't back at the shack, then where was I being held at this time?

I glanced at the clock. It read 2:38 p.m. Well, I thought, at least my mom knows I'm going to be late. I had given up most of my thoughts of escape or freedom, for none of them were seeming possible now. I closed my eyes, hoping to just sleep until whatever pain I was about to endure would go away.

"Did you enjoy your nap dear? I know I did."

Racheal sounded a bit out of breath, of course she had been masturbating, I didn't know why I was surprised to hear this.

"Why do you put my through ever-ending hell?" I asked, hoping to get a non-nonsense answer.

"I've already told you the official reasons, weren't you paying attention last night?"

"I can only remember the beatings you were giving me last night, sorry if I can't recall hearing some fucked-up reason for why you think you are able to do this to me."

"I think you need to watch your mouth young man, unless you want me to punish you again. Anyway, the other reason I kidnapped you was so I could have fun with you. Then you had to go ruin that for me, so I was left with nothing to do except torture you, which is kinda fun."

Racheal said that last part with a slight giggle, which almost scared me. Almost. I was just too tired to care, and my body was still kinda sore. Racheal stood up off the couch where she had been sitting and walked over to me, her face shining with curiosity rather than malevolence, her pale gold eyes shining in the dim light. The wolfess was dressed in a pink bra that barely covered her large breasts, a pair of tight jeans, and pink socks. Whether or not this was to seduce me had yet to be seen.

"You know, I had really expected better of you Spencer. The way you've been acting tonight

was really childish-"


I was cut off as the wolf's fist was brought down upon my balls, crushing them against the table I was tied to. I held in my cry of pain, not wanting to give Racheal the satisfaction of knowing she hurt me. I was completely winded, I took a deep breath and tried not to think about the new pain.

"If you keep yelling she's going to make me gag you, It took me forever to get her to agree to let you stay unblinded and ungaged."

This statement left me speachless for two reasons. The first one was that there was another woman involved with my kidnapping. The second reason was that Racheal had the kindness to ask for any comfort for me. It almost made no sense, since everything the wolfess had done before suggested the complete opposite. I decided to focus on my second reason first.

"Why did you ask for me to be unblinded and ungaged? Wouldn't that make it easier for you to do whatever to me?"

"It would, but I personally think it's unfair to you."

"Wait, if you think that then why did you have me-"

"Quiet, she's coming in here."

I immediately shut up, for Racheal sounded almost scared. The door opened and the cop from earlier walked in. At least I think it was the cop, this panther was wearing dark green tee shirt and a pair of loose jeans held up with a brown belt. She wasn't wearing any socks. Her green eyes were staring with annoyance not at me, but at Racheal.

"Rach, what are you doing out here? I told you to stay in the bedroom." The mystery woman sounded annoyed as well. "You weren't planning to hurt our little friend here, were you?"

"No ma'am, I was just talking to him. Really." Racheal sounded terrified, which scared me. The wolfess had been a symbol of fear to me for the past couple of hours, so hearing her voice tremble and seeing her start to shake was really starting to get to me. I once again felt sorry for her.

"I'm going to count to three, and if you aren't in that bedroom, you're gonna piss me off."

The panther wasn't even able to finish speaking before Racheal was through the door, leaving me with a new captor. The panther sat down on the couch and turned on the t.v. Leaning back, she pulled a cigarette and lighter out of her pocket and let the cigarette. I stayed quiet, not want to piss off the person that frightened Racheal like that.

"You're being awfully quiet for someone who should be screaming his lungs off, unless you like the torture."

"I wasn't sure if I was allowed to speak," I quickly said, "The last time I spoke out of turn I was punished."

"Well don't worry, you can speak freely to me. I'm not going to hurt you."

This statement sounded false, and probably was. 'I'm not going to hurt you' had to have been one of the most obvious lies ever created. But I couldn't help feeling relieved. The pantheress sounded like she was telling truth, which at this point was all I needed to relax.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Natalie. I believe your name is Spencer?" I nodded. "Well Spencer, I'm going to tell you right now that I do plan on letting you go, quite intact. I just have a few questions for you first."

"Alright." I said, barely able to hide the excitement in my voice. Natalie was going to let me go! All I had to do was answer a few questions and then I was free!

"Good boy." That comment almost killed my hopes, for it sounded like the panther believed that she owned me. "Now then, I have only one rule. It's don't give me excueses. As long as you do that then prety much any reasonable answer is fine with me. Are you ready to begin?"

I eagerly nodded. This Natalie was becoming my favorite person in the whole world. She was even looking more attractive than Racheal, even though the wolf was larger in height and breast size. Natalie started to gently rub my sheath, surprising me. I had thought she was only going to ask my questions. My cock, almost as if sensing no immediate threat, quickly hardened to it's full length. 4 inches was making me feel ashamed of myself at that moment. Natalie made no comment about it.

"Alright then. My first question is why did you send that picture of my niece to people in your school?"

"I didn't send those pictures! I did take the picture, because she allowed me too. One of my friends got a hold of my phone and found it, so he sent the picture to his phone, and then he sent it to some of his friends, and then-"

My response was cut short as Natalie's cigarette was jammed into my bare penis, its burning tip searing the flesh of my poor cock. I screamed. This was a pain I had never felt before. Thrashing around in my bonds, I almost couldn't hear Natalie speak, her voice dropped to a whisper.

"I told you that I didn't want to hear excuses. Now then, are you going to behave for the rest of the questions?"

"YES! YES! I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!" I really was willing to give up anything to have that cigarette removed from my cock. Natalie gave me a look of satisfaction as she pulled the cigarette away from my poor penis.

"Next question. What were you planning to do if you got free?"

Panting, I could barely form the words to respond.

"I was going to tell the police about Racheal, and hopefully get back home. But it looks like I missed my chance to get home."

"No you didn't," the pantheress said, "I told your mom that you were staying a friends house and you would be home tomorrow. Ok, next question. Why did you bite Racheal?"

"She had been torturing me! I was just trying to get even with her."

"Ok, that's all of my questions. I'll be right back."

Natalie left the room, leaving me all alone. I heard some muffled voices and then a few footsteps. The door opended up again as Natalie walked back into the room closely followed by Racheal. Racheal had a look of pure excitement on her face, which was starting to scare me again.

"That was all of your questions," I said, "You said you were going to let me go."

"I am, I just have a few conditions for you first. The first one is that you aren't going to the police when you're let free."

Even though I had been planning on going to them first, I agreed to the condition. Natalie was still holding on to her cigarette.

"Second, you are to forget this even happened to you. If asked where you were, you're going to say that you were at a friend's house. The third condition is that every Saturday you are to come over to our apartment and clean it for us, as an apology for all of the trouble you've caused us. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, now then..." Natalie pulled her shirt off of her head. Undoing her bra, she gave Racheal a smile, causing Racheal to start furiously removing her clothes.

"What are you doing? You said you were going to let me go."

"I am, if you earn it. Me and my girl here haven't had a good fucking in a long time, thanks to the noise your games created. So now you get to fix that. And I warn you, if I'm not satisfied, you will be punished."

Racheal nodded, giving me a look that suggested that the wolf had found this out personally. Natalie walked over to me, fully naked, and grabbed some sort of wire that was laying next to me. Giving the wire a sharp tug, Natalie grinned as I suddenly cried out in pain again. Something had just tightened around my balls, crushing them. Once again almost brought to tears from the pain, I was untied from the table and carried to the bed. Racheal climbed onto the bed next to me, the look of curisoity back on her face.

"Ok boy, now we get to have some fun!" Racheal sounded really excited.

Natalie climbed onto the bed and positioned herself above me. I gulped, about to experience hetero sex for the first time. I was nervous, because I was promised pain if I couldnt' satisfiy Natalie. Racheal sat down on my chest, giving me an amazing view of her pussy, which I saw, with pride, was still red from my bite. Natalie lowered herself down onto me, my cock sliding into her, a content look upon her face. This feeling was a little strange, but it felt right compared to my earlier experience.

Racheal slid down until her slit was right in front of my mouth. She turned her head and gave Natalie a look.

"If you bite Racheal again I'm giving her permission to bite you." she said.

Racheal spread herself open, and just sat there. I took the hint and started to drag my tongue across her pussy. A look of pure extasy settled itself onto Racheal's face as I felt Natalie raise herself off of me, then jam herself back down upon me. She was tight, I found out. I closed my eyes and focused on pleasuring Racheal.

The wolfess was starting to pant as I increased the frequency of my licking, licking a bit deeper each time. I heard her moan as my work continued. I wanted to quickly get her out of the way so I could have more time to focus on Natalie. Natalie herself was sounding like she was having a good time riding my cock. I felt pleasure in a way I had never thought possible, which was a welcome change to the pain from earlier. Every time Natalie lowered herself, I felt the insides of her body clenching down on my cock, which was exciting me.

I started to bury myself into Racheal, who was moaning loudly at this point, growling every now and then. Each lick caused her to moan, a sound that was encouraging me to continue. I started to lap up her juices as I felt her hands grip the back of my head. Locking her fingers into my hair, she started to pull, making me cry out inside of her, which Racheal seemed to like.

Natalie was riding me faster now. I could hear her moan as I felt my penis scrape against the inside of her pussy. I took that as a good sign. Focusing on Racheal again, I could feel her start to tremble. I started to lick, slurp, and gulp her up as fast as I could, for I knew she was getting close. The smell of her excitement was filling my nose, a slightly musky sent. Racheal was no longer moaning, she had moved on to crying out with pleasure. I felt myself start to get close as well. I did my best to hold it in.

My hips were bucking up and down in rythem with Natalie's, meeting her downward thursts with my own. Her loud moaning was an indicator that I was apparantly doing something right, further encouraging me.

Racheal was practically screaming now as my tongue started to play with her clit, apologizing for what my teeth had done earlier. I felt her tremble violently as she screamed out again. A rush of her juices covered my face as they flooded out faster than I could keep up with. Racheal, in the midst of her pleasure, rolled off of my body. One down and one to go.

I opened my eyes and saw that Natalie had hers closed, with a pleased look upon her face. I did what I saw once in a porno and grabbed her hips, pulling her down as forcefully as I could each time the panther lifted herself off of me. Natalie opened her eyes and smiled at me. I ingored the look as I focused on thrusting up harder. I heard Natalie start to cry out in her pleasure, start to scream something. I couldn't hear what she was saying though. I was too focused on earning my freedom. I felt the panther reach her climax rather than saw it. I came about the same time she did, each of us getting soaked in the cum streaming from her pussy.

I lay back panting as Natalie climbed off of me. Closing my eyes, I waited for her judgement.

"Ok Racheal, let's get him cleaned up."

I was lifted off of the bed and carried through the door. I realized that I had just live the dream of many guys, having sex with two hot women. But that wasn't important to me right then, for I had something else to think about. As I was cleaned off, I started to drift to sleep. A feeling of accomplishement settling into my mind. I had done it. I was going home.