Just for a Game

Story by Kyodra on SoFurry

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#1 of Just for a Game -series

This is the first story I've written that I feel confident enough to post here. It's a rather simple story based on a fantasy of mine, where a young dragon ends up doing something, which he was not prepared for. I hope you will enjoy.

John was annoyed. Not just annoyed, but bored out of his mind. He was lying on his back in his bed, idly throwing a tennis ball into the air, then catching it as it fell. It was the summer vacation, and both of his best friends were out of town, visiting their families. John was not into partying and didn't consider himself that outgoing a guy, he preferred to have familiar company to talk and play video games with. He'd just finished Journeys of Racron for a second time, and couldn't think of what to do next. He had already used his allowance for the month - fifty dollars which his parents gave him monthly for helping around the house - so buying a new game was out of the question.

John caught the ball one more time, placing it on the bed next to himself. It was ten in the morning, and he was yet to shower. John got up, walked to the bathroom, locking the door as he went in. He undressed himself, glancing in the mirror. What he saw a silver scaled western dragon, just a couple months past fifteen. He had two white horns on his head, a relatively common draconic trait, which he got from his father's side. His body was slim, with slightly less than average muscles for a male dragon of his kind. Although he wasn't especially sporty, he somehow managed to stay slim no matter what he ate, which he was extremely thankful for.

John stepped into the shower. As the water warmed up he started scrubbing himself with a soapy sponge. As he rubbed it over his body, his thoughts went from how to ease his boredom into girls. John was yet to have a girlfriend, or any kind of romantic relationship for that matter, something which both his friends had experienced, and for which he was slightly jealous about, even though he wouldn't admit it. John didn't have any particular girl in mind, just an image pulled from his imagination, which at this point happened to be a red, curvy dragoness. John wrapped his soapy claw around his hardening cock and began to imagine the things he'd do with her, things which he had only seen in pictures and videos on the internet. It didn't take more than two minutes for him to reach his climax, as his vivid teenage imagination and lack of real experience made his thoughts incredibly stimulating. John let out a quiet moan as he came against shower window, still rhythmically moving his claw until the feeling had washed away.

After finishing cleaning himself - as well as the shower - from his morning routine, John dressed himself in comfortably loose jeans and a t-shirt and walked downstairs. His parents had left him a note on the kitchen table.

"Good morning (or good day if you're up late) sweetheart! We will be home a bit late tonight, we've left you money for pizza. See you in the evening, or possibly even tomorrow, in case things at work get complicated. xxx Mom"

John picked up the $20 left by the note. He was used to this kind of thing happening, since both of his parents had busy careers. As he picked up the money, John thought of what he might buy; there would be plenty left over after buying a pizza. Then he remembered, the sequel to Legend of Akhul, a game he had been looking forward to, was coming out today! John cursed in his mind the fact that he didn't have the money for the game which would have easily filled his spare time for the rest of the vacation.

John put on his shoes and went out, the day was clear and warm, ideal for a walk, something which he loved to do. He'd walk usually an hour or two a day, listening to podcasts or music as he walked one of his routine routes. He wanted to at least keep in a decent shape that he was in, and he found this form of mild exercise pleasant. Putting on his earphones, he selected a random playlist of electronic music and set off.

Around half an hour into his walk John began to feel uncomfortable; he'd not been to the toilet after his shower routine. Fortunately to him there was a park nearby on the route with public toilets. John didn't much care for using public toilets, let alone ones in a park which would not be cleaned that often, but he really had to go. He hurried through the park, noting it was rather quiet considering how good the weather was. Entering the men's toilets John saw the kind of thing you'd expect to see in a public toilet; the walls were scribbled full of graffiti. Surprisingly, otherwise the toilets seemed relatively clean. Must have been recently cleaned, John thought to himself. He picked a stall at random, entering one which read 'cockslut' on the door, not giving it any thought.

As John unzipped his pants and started to relieve himself, sighing quietly as he did, he heard footsteps, then the door next to his stall close, slightly rattling the other stall doors. Pulling up his zipper after finishing his business, John suddenly heard a voice from next stall.

"Hey there, I'd like the usual." John was confused, who was this guy talking to? He took off his earphones, about to ask if he was being talked to. Suddenly John noticed movement in the corner of his eye. Looking down, he noticed to his shock that there was a hole between the two stalls. This sudden realization was made more shocking as John saw that the movement he saw was a dick being inserted through the hole, standing semi-erect next to him.

John froze, not knowing what to do. He thought of running out, but as he was about to make his move, he heard the deep male voice.

"Fifty bucks, right? I'll pay you through the hole after we're done. Stroke it if you want it." John paused, Fifty bucks..! That would be enough to buy the collectors edition of Legend of Akhul, he thought, before shaking his head. No! What the hell am I thinking!

John's heart raced, but to his surprise he began to consider the proposal. He had seen this sort of thing on some pictures on the internet, with females doing the stroking of course, but yet John suddenly felt tempted. He didn't find men or their dicks sexy, but he'd only have to stroke it, right?

This wouldn't be different to what I did to myself this morning, he thought, besides, it would be rather easy and quick way to get the bucks which would make a difference between having a dull couple weeks or having a blast. John was in two minds about what he was about to do, he could do with the money, but would he really be okay with himself doing this?

"Hey, you want it or not?" the stranger asked, and before he realised what he was doing John had already placed his claw around the cock intruding in his stall. Shocked, John felt his heart pumping faster still as he thought what he had got himself into. He felt the pulse of the stranger through that dick wrapped in his claw. Regaining his composure, John now begun to slowly rub the foreign, yet familiar feeling object. The stranger on the other side let out a short moan.

"There you go... Knew you'd want it" the voice said to him. Blushing, John looked away from what he was doing as his claw kept pumping the thick cock, which was certainly bigger than his own. He had looked at it of course, it was mostly green, a tint of yellow at the base, with balls that could be seen through the hole, covered in small, smooth scales. It was strange for John, holding another guy's dick in his hand, for usually he associated this feeling on his claws with feeling pleasure, but this time it wasn't John feeling the pleasure from his actions.

"Mmm... That's it... Now lick it all over..." Those words echoing from the next stall sent John's thoughts into panic once more. He hadn't considered that this would be part of the deal! He felt weird enough rubbing a dick that wasn't his, but the thought of his face near it, or his tongue on it sent shivers down his spine.

Wouldn't that be gay? What would my friends or family think? John asked himself, as he considered abandoning his task and rushing out, while another part of his mind was rationalising his actions again. He had tried to suck his own penis before, wanting to know what a tongue and mouth on his cock would feel like, yet despite his best efforts being only able to slightly lick the tip. Would doing this be really be that different? Besides, no one would know what happens here.

Kneeling down, John's face felt hot as he blushed, slowly gaining the courage to move his head towards the cock his claw was rubbing. He could smell the musk of the reptilian male he was pleasuring from this closer distance, and to his surprise he didn't find it that unpleasant. John swallowed out of nervousness before opening his mouth, letting his tongue wander out, making contact with the tip of the penis he was stroking, feeling it jolting slightly upwards as his tongue touched its surface. The slightly salty taste was not entirely strange to John, as he'd had a small taste of his own, but hearing the unknown reptile moan, and the thought of the cock belonging to another male made this a completely different affair to him. Regardless, he did as the voice had instructed him, and began licking best he could, there would be no backing off and running now. From the tip John ran his tongue along the left side of the shaft, before licking back to the tip, then repeating the motion on the right side.

John closed his eyes as he worked his tongue on the reptile cock, finding the situation easier to handle this way. He tried his best to imitate the kind of things he had seen females do in videos, such as twirling his tongue around the smooth tip of the stranger's penis. Judging by the moans and grunts coming from the other stall, John thought he must have been doing something right.

"That's fucking great, keep doing that," the unknown reptile said in his deep, rumbling voice, which for reasons that John was not entirely sure about, made him smile unconsciously. After a couple minutes of John's licking and rubbing the voice could be heard again.

"Alright boy, now take it in your mouth and suck it." John opened his eyes once more, as he ceased his licks, now mulling over how to proceed with the new demand. He was aware that his draconic teeth were sharp, worrying he might accidentally hurt the stranger, in the worst case making him really pissed off as well. John nervously placed his scaly lips around the tip, for the first time feeling a dick entering inside his mouth, a thing he had never even in his weirdest dreams thought of doing. The smooth, scaled penis didn't have a strong taste to it, since it had already been thoroughly licked by John's tongue. To his relief, John realized he could keep his teeth a good distance off the cock, giving him the confidence of slowly taking more of the its length inside his virgin mouth. He could not get far past the halfway point of the considerably sized cock, when John felt his gag reflex come in effect, pulling his head back and sliding the penis out of his mouth.

Relieved that his gagging had seemingly gone unnoticed by the unknown reptile, John quickly placed his mouth around the cock once more, beginning to slowly move head back and forth, his lips around the stranger's thick length, this time making sure not to go past the point where he would become uncomfortable. Imagining how his efforts were feeling for the large male as he sucked his scaly cock, John noticed his jeans were tenting with an erection. He could not believe that he was actually getting aroused in a situation like this, It's just for the money, he told himself. Doing his best to disregard the current situation in his jeans, John instead concentrated his efforts on making his unplanned customer feel good.

Doing his best, John ran his long tongue around the shaft as he sucked, his jaw starting to feel a bit uncomfortable, not being used to keeping his mouth open like this. John began to stroke the base of the shaft, which he was not able to take in his mouth. The stranger's moans were getting louder by the second as minutes passed, John still doing his best despite his discomfort. John did not have the time react to what was about to happen, as he heard the stranger's loud words echo.

"Fuuuck... Oh yeah, here it comes!" John quickly paused, realising what the words meant, but reacting moments too late. John suddenly felt the smooth, and by now rock hard cock jolt in his mouth, a spurt of cum hitting the roof of his mouth and tongue. Instinctively, John swallowed once as some of the liquid entered the back of his throat. John quickly opened his mouth in disgust, taking the shaft out his mouth, fortunately not scraping his teeth on it by accident. John backed his head away and spit cum remaining in his mouth on the floor, eyes wide open in shock at the fact he had swallowed some of the stranger's cum. John was still holding the cock in his claws. The scaly cock jolted a further four or five times, cum landing on John's face, shirt and jeans. After roughly ten seconds the jolting ceased, some of the stranger's cum dripping on the floor. Letting go of the penis, John looked down at his shirt and jeans, which had been stained by multiple spots of ropey cum.

"Seems I took you by surprise. Sorry about that," the stranger said, as his cock disappeared through the hole. The sound of a zipper going up could be heard as he continued, "Here's the money, as promised. I'll most likely be back again this Friday at the same time, if you're interested."

A scaly green claw came through the hole, holding the fifty dollars which John had been promised. John paused for a second, looking at the money, still fazed by what had transpired. He pulled the money off the stranger's fingertips, staring at it in a feeling of disbelief for what he had done to earn it.

A stall door unlocked and opened, and footsteps could be heard leaving the building. The scaled stranger was gone. John felt bizarre, the last ten minutes of his life felt unreal to him. The proof of what had transpired was all over him, and in the form of his payment.

Why did I do this? John asked himself, not finding an answer. He noticed his cock was still hard to the point where it started to be painful confined inside his jeans.

Why the hell is this happening? he cursed at his erection. He knew he could not leave the bathroom like this, he was covered in cum, and furthermore his hard on would be easily noticed by anyone, even through his loose jeans. Knowing he had to clean himself up, John, to his great relief, noticed his stall had toilet paper. He wiped his face clean first, before moving onto his clothes, doing the best he could to remove any signs of cum. After John finished wiping himself as clean as he could - which took several minutes - he found his erection had not ceased.

Dammit, I can't believe this, John thought, he couldn't think when he had last been this aroused. John stood up, unzipping his pants and let his cock out, its tip covered in precum. He would have no choice, he wanted to go back home, and he had to take care of this immediately. John wrapped his claw around his cock like he had done this morning, beginning to stroke himself off fast. John did his best to think of girls, but the recent events and the smell of the stranger's cum made doing so difficult. Despite this, it took John less than half a minute to reach a powerful climax. He found it hard to sustain his moans, even in this public space. John pointed his cock at the toilet in his stall, his jizz hitting its inside surface, making the evidence of his public masturbation easy to dispose of.

The climax came to an end, and John's erection began to shrink as his heartbeat slowed down. He zipped his jeans back up, turning towards the door, unlocking and exiting the stall. Washing his hands well with soap, John also splashed some water on his face to try and remove any possible signs of drying cum. He exited the public toilets, walking towards home at a much faster pace than normal.

I'll just shower and go get the game. Playing it will put my mind off this, John thought to himself, feeling unsure how this day that had started out so normal had turned out to be this way.

To be continued...