Tactical Alliance of Intergalactic Life

Story by WhitePawPrints on SoFurry

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#33 of Legacy of the Veiled Stars

This is a general description of all my characters. There are more details pertaining to my story trilogy, Legacy of the Veiled Stars, but a good portion of all this information applies to all my stories and characters.

My previous document that gave a further in depth of my characters has become outdated so this is the new one. It might also be noted that the use of Unified Defense of All Species has been dropped and replaced with the Tactical Alliance of Intergalactic Life.

I have also removed anything that may be interpreted incorrectly and/or cause conflict.

My characters are Anthropomorphic Animals, which are animals with limited human physical characteristics. In fact, they really only share two characteristics such as they stand in a bipedal stance, and they have opposable thumbs. This is vastly different than the typical "Furry" image, which holds a wide variety of meanings to different people.


Physically my characters do stand in a bipedal stance, and have flexible digits such as opposable thumbs on their paws; fur covers their entire bodies but otherwise my characters do not have any additional hair. There are many factors that distinguish my characters from the two listed examples of anthropomorphic animals above. I have taken to calling my characters "Anthromals", and I will attempt to further explain what makes my characters unique in this document.

One of the first things to note is that I don't use domestic species, extinct species, most aquatic species or hybrids. I try to use a variety of earth animal species from around the world but the most common that I use are North American mammals. The origin of the "Anthromal" civilization in my universe is still unknown but for now, some species in the civilization have gone extinct and those that survived, their anatomy (besides the human traits) are evolved only to the point that their realistic animal counterpart is here on earth. In an attempt to explain the lack of hybrids, but the successful reproduction of the species as a whole, here's a cut from a profile I wrote for the civilization a long time ago:

Reproduction: Despite resembling so many different species and animals, this entire race reproduces as mammals with litters over one being uncommon. The reason why are these creatures are the same species is because they can reproduce together among all other subspecies, and no hybrids are a result. Reproduction success is heavily determined by the species' similarities, so less common similar species interbreeding have a significant less chance to produce offspring successfully. Despite success rates of reproduction varying based on the species breeding, the offspring does not differ that much from their parents except for the fact that there is a species-identifier gene that will determine what parent's species the offspring will represent. If an anthropomorphic cheetah were to mate with a anthropomorphic fox, then there is roughly a 50/50 percent chance that the offspring will be either a cheetah, or a fox regardless of gender.

It is very important to keep in mind that my characters are NOT humans with animal characteristics. This is highly notable in their appearance, but also in their development. Taking into consideration the difference in time on their home world (as described below), their development varies greatly from that of human development. Infancy and toddler stages are very short in comparison. A list of the an individual "Anthromal's" development has been created and I'll copy it here:

Anthromal Body and Age Development

New Born - (0 - 0.028 Years) ?From birth to two Canideran ?weeks old, the new born is ?blind and deaf with very ?limited mobility capabilities.

Infant - (0.028 - 0.2 Years) ?From two weeks to three ?months, their eyes and ears ?start to open which allow ?them to explore and learn ?more motor skills.

Toddler - (0.2 - 0.8 Years) ?From three months to fifteen ?months old, the individual?learns masters their motor?capabilities allowing them to?freely explore and play.

Primary Youngling - (0.8 - ?2 Years) Fifteen months to ?two years old, they have the?body of a young youngling ?and are capable of learning?basic mathematical systems.

Youngling - (2 - 4.75 Years) ?The body has grown more, ?and their mind matures ?to allow them to understand ?more complex mathematical systems.

Pre-Puberty - (4.75 - 6 Years) The individuals' bodies have matured enough that their body will soon begin early stages of puberty.

Puberty - (6 - 9 Years) Their body starts to mature as they grow into an adult.

Young Adult - (9 - 12 Years) With the end stages of puberty ending, the body is fully matured. Through this stage of development, their youngling appearances will fade.

Adulthood - (12 - X Years) The individuals' body has reached optimal height and maturity but is still flexible to grow stronger, leaner or flexible.

The lifespan of an Anthromal has never been documented but it is believed that they could outlive a fully healthy human by up to 10x the amount of time. It is unknown on why these creatures live for such an extended period of time but several factors could be beneficiary to their lifespan:

First factor is that Anthromal's live very simplistic lifestyles. Politics and currency are not a factor in their society which drastically reduces their stress and has eradicated all stress-related physical and mental illnesses from the gene pool.

Secondly, is that most Anthromal's grow their own food with very healthy habits, especially since pesticides and poisons do not exist in their culture; resulting in a very healthy population, gene pool, and planet. Cancer in any form has never been found on any Anthromal.

Third, the Anthromals do keep their homes clean but they do not separate themselves from nature as the majority of their time is spent outdoors. Their immunity systems are always strong as a result of fighting off small harmful bacterias; their immunity systems are so effective that even the stronger viruses and bacteria rarely can cause a reaction such as a cold.

Finally, they had never even noticed the biggest reason why Anthromal's have a long life span. Their bodies have an additional lobe in their liver that reproduces a specific protein at a rapid rate. This protein has been classified by humans as GDF11, and has been documented that when transfused into an elder individual to actually reverse aging. Being very common in younger lifeforms, the older an individual gets they usually cannot sustain the reproduction of this specific protein. Anthromals are capable of reproducing this protein at a rapid rate that keeps the levels of it steady throughout their entire lives.

The physical attributes of the species are of an?anthropomorphic animal, focusing on far more animal?traits than human. Standing bipedal, my characters have ?kept their digitigrade hindlegs allowing for enhanced ?speed and mobility. Their paws are more flexible but still?resemble the paws of their animal counterparts with the?addition of opposable thumbs. Their tails are an extension?of their spine, connecting directly to their pelvis bone. ?(As appears to the example on the right. This may seem to?be an obvious notion, but comparing one of my characters?to the furry model, the difference would be plain as ?"furries" typically have tails protruding from higher up on?a spine to give way to a humanistic buttocks.)?Comparatively, on average my characters are of a smaller?stature than most humanoids. This is partially due to the?fact that the planet my characters live on is colder and ?less humid, which would typically allow for native species ?to grow larger.

Varieties of Anthromal's exists, but some species require?different environments to be comfortable in, or even ?survive in. While some can tolerate more extreme ?weather conditions that are found on the further?planet of Fellorian, others cannot and are forced to stay ?on the milder planet, Canidera.

The planets that this civilization habituate is not Earth?so the planets rotate and orbit at different rates than ?Earth does. Canidera, the primary planet they they ?inhabit, rotates almost fifty percent slower than Earth ?does their days are 32 hours long and not approximately ?24 hours long. The planet is further away from the sun ?as well so one year for the planet is measured at 470 ?days. The year is split up into 18 months (with ?approximately 26 days in each month) which is ?determined on the the position of Lutracha in relation to Canidera that appear in different phases in the night sky. There are two other planets in the same solar system, the Huli solar system, that can sustain life. Lutracha and Fellorian. Lutracha is closer to Earth temperature and time but the planet was destroyed by a rebellious exiled civilization and is no longer habitable. Fellorian is colder and further away from the Huli star so its years are long but the small size makes it days shorter.

There are a total of five planets, including the three mentioned, orbiting the star "Huli". Two gas giants and half a dozen meteors are also in orbit of the star beyond the two asteroid belts. Star Huli is one of the many stars buried deep in a cluster of black holes that keeps them invisible to most of the galaxy. The cluster of black holes is what is commonly referred to as the "Black Line" because it also makes most of the galaxy invisible to the stars within the cluster.

The origin of the "Anthromal" civilization, and how they've become scattered across the planets in this solar system are still currently unknown. Here is another fragment of a document that I wrote on the civilization to explain their origin:

Origin: The origin of the race has been debated for thousands of years among the many governments that have existed during the development of "Anthromals". Although very little evidence has been found, and no more believes to still exists, the most common theory of the origin of this species is that an asteroid that carried the basic lifeforms that evolved to the "Anthromals" was fragmented and scattered across the four habitable planets in the Huli System. All species of "Anthromals" on each planet are different however, each evolved or adapted with the necessary traits to survive on their own unique planet. This theory is heavily criticized however but the critics admit that they cannot come up with a more convincing theory to replace the fragmented asteroid theory.

The compound currently named "Leathilium" is one of the most valuable resources known to this civilization. Currently it is the main fuel for the warships of the unified military forces but it has recently been developed into a weapon in the form of a missile. Another fragment of the documentation helps explain a little more on the resource:

Resources: In the Cayaxenda System, the "Anthromals" control a planet that provides the fuel Leathilium. It is believed that only .00001% of all systems have this resource at all, and less than .000000001% of all systems have enough to harvest.

What was left out is that the natural state of the compound is extremely hazardous and requires processing in order to turn it into a sustainable fuel. Found naturally, it is in the form of ice and sometimes evaporated gasses but once harvested and processed, it takes form of a liquid that must be maintained at a very specific temperature. Otherwise it'll freeze, or evaporate and ultimately destroy whatever ship it is on. The weaponized form of the compound freezes anything it touches instantly to a temperature of almost absolute zero. The ice crystals pierce through just about anything and if ignited, nothing can withstand the sustained burn.

Anthromals have very advanced technology and resources but this is only plausible because the Anthromals have learned to live in sync with their planet rather than exploiting it for easy resources. Their behavior is to respect their home planets, and care for them since they recognize themselves as an elevated intelligent civilization that can protect their planets from destruction; but also recognize their capabilities to easily destroy a planet if neglected. Technology on the planet is advanced by building their homes usually underground in ways that does not disturb the local natural ecosystems. Cities do not exist since most homes are self-sufficient in growing food and gathering power.

The culture of the Anthromals is defined by their behavior. Their population never seems to exceed a certain limit for a variety of reasons. While it has been debated on which reasons have this seemingly maximum capacity on their population, it is considered to be because of their behavior. [Snip] While some inter-species have very low reproduction success rates, it has been documented that this increases if the local population is lower than average. The cause has not been determined on why this is.

There are no expectations of placed on any ?individuals in the Anthromal society, such as?family members. This results in there being?no such thing as mundane taboos such as ?the type of relationships that exists ?between any Anthromal individuals. It is ?common for two individuals to love one ?another and to live together for their ?entire lives, regardless of their species, ?gender or relationship.

There is no distinction between an ?Anthromal wearing clothes, or an ?Anthromal wearing no clothes because ?there is no taboo on nudity. Mainly because ?Anthromals are do not see nudity; they ?would not focus on uncovered gentiles ?anymore than they would focus on any ?other part of an individual's body.

Clothes are occasionally worn by?Anthromals for warmth or based on an ?individual's preference. Their attire is very?simple, usually composing of one or two ?simple cloths that can be worn in various ?styles depending on how it is wrapped ?around and individual's body. It is far more?comfortable than other methods ?considering that if fur is pulled in the ?opposite direction of its growth, it can be?considered uncomfortable; and that the?unique body structure of the Anthromals?makes other methods more complicated to?wear. It also makes acquiring clothes easy since there are few sizes in their clothes, only variating for different species. Younglings often do not wear any clothes because there aren't clothes made small enough for them usually, but can wear the clothes of the adults if wrapped in a creative way.

Anthromal activities are basic because rather than seeking to gather together for an event, or to go do a dangerous activity, they would rather lounge around with another that they love whether it be family or their friends. Exploring by either hiking or swimming is one of the Anthromals' favorite pass times, and they would even rest for hours on the shore of a lake or in a grassy meadow. They do not gather in excessively large groups since most gatherings with family and friends would not usually be more than a dozen individuals.

Music and entertainment do exist, but there are no concerts or theaters. Music is created because individuals enjoy it, and have learned to create it. Through their pride in their creations, it is often uploaded to the interstellar network for easy download. Entertainment exists mostly in the form of books, animations and simple video games. Live action entertainment does not really exists because there is no desire for large crews to assemble to create live action entertainment. Instead, the live broadcasts are footage from individuals, or from their past usually covering the wars the Anthromals have suffered through. Their video games are rather tame because most are more puzzle or creation games rather than focusing on violent themes. Few games do contain violence but are usually roleplaying games of a certain wildlife predator. Anthromals recognize that certain wildlife are prey, and can accept playing the game that would require a hunt and be capable of distinguishing a game from reality.

Violence does not really exist among the Anthromals since there is a severe lack of greed and jealousy in the Anthromal population. It is also not in their gene pool to be aggressive or territorial. Younglings to participate in competition more often, which allows for them to be adapted in violent encounters if they are ever unfortunate enough to be subjected to them.

The Anthromals and their society is not commonly seen but they live in a very peaceful world that had its own share of trouble. It is far from the human world or society, not only because it's very advanced but also because it is very simplistic.

Blood on Ice - Chapter Fifteen

Two large round moons slowly sailed across the dark sea of stars. I was see the full moons clearly and the thousand stars accompanying them in the sky because I was lying on the ground off of the road leading from Arktiline to Sirmiq. My eyes were...

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Ten

"Are you two all packed?" questioned the wolf, Nate sneaking up behind the otters in the crowded hallway. The final bell for the school day had just wrung, and with no school following next week because of Chymerage, the students were more than excited...

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Nine

School continued normally for the next couple weeks, and as time passed, the newly formed couple grew more comfortable with their relationship while around their friends. Several times after a long day at school, the otters and their friends would find...

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