Tangled, Another Story Prologue

Story by Silent Soul Ken on SoFurry

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The normal Tangled Story you know... but with a change that creates an entirely different story.

Tangled, Another Story

Written by SSK

Edited by Slicerness

Summary: Take the classic Tangled you know and put in a few... extra bits and you get a tale that is very, very different from the original.


A gamble that changes everything

There is a tale of a young princess, a charming rouge, a manipulative witch, a magic flower and a horse. Yes the horse is important too. Anyway the story begins long ago. Once upon a time there was a great kingdom that existed on an island ruled by a kind, wise and charismatic king and queen. The two were happy, loving, and it wasn't long before a child was conceived, but then the queen fell deathly ill and no medicine in the world could cure her. However there existed a magic golden flower with the power to cure any ailment known and unknown to man. A desperate search to find the flower was called and every guard and every townsfolk set out to find the flower for their beloved queen and unborn princess.

However the flower had already been found by a witch, who was vain, clever, selfish and cruel. She knew about the flower and all of it's powers, which also included the power to heal and restore youth for a limited time. To use the power she sang a special song. When she had finished her age was gone and she was young and beautiful again, oh was her vanity powerful. One night the guards found the flower and took it back to the Kingdom. They boiled it into a broth and when the queen drank the golden brew she recovered within seconds, right before their eyes.

Fully healed, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with long hair colored the purest of gold. They named her Rapunzel, and she was their greatest treasure, for she was their daughter. She was loved by everybody, and many came to see the girl with hair more radiant than the sun! But this golden hair which was loved by all would be coveted by one. The witch, Gothel, knew that the flower wasn't gone... no, it had reformed in the babe and was the reason for her golden hair. However, child or not, the witch's greed and vanity caused her to sneak into the baby's room.

She tried to take the power from the child, but when she found she couldn't she stole the baby. However her thievery didn't go unnoticed as the king and queen saw her leave. They never saw who she was but didn't take long to alert the guards to try and stop the woman. Gothel still escaped, but in that very night men and women rallied to each other and searched for the baby snatcher, hoping to find the long lost precious girl and her thief, but they never found her. The king and queen were heartbroken and all but drained of vitality. To keep their hopes up they took a floating lantern and sent it to the sky in hope that one day their daughter would see and find her way home. People still looked but were all fruitless and the years went by, and on her birthday of each year the people of the kingdom sent up floating lanterns.

The selfish witch had taken the child to a hidden valley, with large stone walls, a small pool of water, and a large tower set right in the middle. This tower was where Rapunzel and Gothel stayed. For 7 years Gothel would brush Rapunzel's hair singing the lullaby. When she did, the witch used the action to absorb the magical powers of the healing hair.

That changed one night she witnessed an extraordinary thing.

Gothel hummed as she stewed Hazelnut soup, Rapunzel's favorite dish. Suddenly she heard a loud thump, then a crash and a scream. She froze stock still and dropped the spoon, running up the tower stairs to see Rapunzel starting to sob, a mirror fallen and on it's back, pieces of mirror everywhere, including a large piece in her knee.

"Oh no! No, no, no, no!" Gothel ran forward and looked at the wounded knee. She looked around to find something to take care of the wound, at least temporarily, but knew what had to happen. "Flower dear, stay still, this will hurt. Paleta!" From above a beat of wings sounded and a woman with black wings that doubled as arms and bird-like talons for feet came down, her chest was bare and her bust covered by black feather's, however she had small leggings for lower garments.

"Hold her." Gothel instructed, the Harpy lowered it's head showing a rough yet feminine face with black feather's for hair and nodded. She raised a large foot and placed it gently on Rapunzel's shoulder. The harpy pursed her lips and began to produce a whistling tweeting, not unlike that of a blue jay. As she whistled Rapunzel started to cry less but she still gave weak little gasps and tears still fell. Gothel grabbed the piece of mirror, her lips already muttering the lullaby. Paleta raised her head slightly and she then began making sparrow tweets, it was then that Rapunzel began to sing in a cracked voice.

"...The little sparrow goes t-tweet, tweet a-as it f-flies home..." And she continued unaware that Gothel and just ripped the mirror shard out or that her hair was glowing.

Gothel grabbed a length of hair ready to place it on the wound when she suddenly a large flash of golden light. She turned and her mouth opened slightly as she saw golden tears falling on the wound. As it did the tears began to sew up the wound, skin forming, and a layer of flesh growing in then the skin covered it. All this took less than 3 seconds. The witch blinked, utterly speechless. She then raised her hand and let a tear fall on it. When it fell her hands quickly lost all signs of age, and she felt a sudden burst of energy! She felt like she was a young teen again. She gasped and looked at Rapunzel, who was still tearing slightly but was singing away while the harpy twittered. Gothel stood up and went to the mirror she kept in her room. When she looked in she gasped as she looked at herself. She was much younger than usual, at least in her late teens! The tears were far more powerful than Rapunzel's hair!

Gothel stood there then went back down as she heard the call of a mocking bird. She saw Rapunzel wasn't crying anymore, and that she was now giggling as she played with the harpy. Gothel though knew why she was called, the soup was boiling over. She went back down to the stove, her mind pondering what she saw. It was clear that when the power was in fluid form it was stronger. The only other question was, if it was in liquid form would it be able to hold it's power? As she had seen, cutting the hair utterly drained the strands of hair of all power and made it useless... but if she could turn the power into a liquid form would it be able to retain it's power?

There was only one way to find out, she needed to use something else that was a liquid and while she shuddered at the thought it would be the only way to test it.

-Several Minutes later-

Gothel stood in front of Rapunzel a cup in her hand, "So you just want me to spit in this while you're singing that song?" She asked raising a golden eyebrow and looking at her 'mother' with some skepticism.

"Yes I know it's odd but trust me Rapunzel this is for your health. I'm checking to make sure you are perfectly healthy!" Gothel insisted.

Rapunzel thought about it then nodded. She was still a child and Gothel was an adult, it was simple logic that she knew better. The witch began to sing while the young girl built up as much saliva as she could, she saw her hair glow and she raised her head and then spat into the cup. When she did she saw the glowing golden saliva looking like molten gold. She stared at it wide eyed.

"Wowwwww!" She muttered mystified.

"Alright Rapunzel, off to bed." The adult dismissed.

"Awww but I wanted to see what you would do with it!" The young girl pouted, Gothel turned her head glaring hotly.

"Bed." She ordered more firmly.

Rapunzel walked to her room, stomping slightly, her long hair trailing on the ground. Gothel watched her go then she noticed that the glow of the spit was lessening. She turned, opening a cabinet and pulling out a large flask. She turned the cup and the spit slid into the flask. When it did, it stopped dimming. She sighed and closed the flask.

She had bought this flask on a whim one day. According to the seller it had the power to perfectly preserve whatever was poured into it. The exact time limit was known but the seller admitted putting in a soup then several months later drinking it and it was just as hot as if it had been made hours ago. Gothel had yet to test this theory as she had nothing worth saving; after all she was resourceful and could acquire any foodstuffs with ease. She would have to see if her theory was right.

-A week later-

Gothel went to the cabinet that contained the flask she had used the normal method for the first 6 days, but today she would see if the flask still had what she ultimately desired. "Moment of truth." She said, and she opened the flask.

She smiled as she saw that it was still gold and the exact brightness as before. "This could work." She muttered as she poured the spit onto her hand, shuddering at the feeling. "Ugh, disgusting! I need to find a substitute." She said absently as she began slathering it on her body. When she did she felt her age melting and her energy returning - doubling, even. "Oh this is gonna be good... but there must be another form this could take like... milk or sperm or... sperm...?" She paused at that then began to stroke her young chin.

"Sperm... there's no way she could produce it but if she did it would be more favorable, but wait a minute there's... that spell." She said and she turned heading for Rapunzel's room. She looked at the sleeping girl and she raised a hand up and muttered in a low tone. Magical runes hovered around Rapunzel and then vanished with a small 'poof' now the girl would be asleep till morning, no matter what happened. This was crucial to her plan, it had to be this way.

She grabbed the blankets and flung them aside to reveal the small girl dressed in her night gown. Gothel smiled then she brought her hands to their girl's crotch and began muttering the spell. As she did green magic flowed from her hands and hit the girls groin, there was a bright glow, a puff of air and a flash of light. Right above the girls pussy was a flaccid penis and testicles; the penis was about 2 inches long and her balls were about the size of pebbles. Gothel smiled and began to touch and stroke the cock, and as she did she began to sing the song. The cock began to harden and then she gasped as the cock began to glow gold and so did the new testicles.

Suddenly they began to surge up, becoming bigger and bigger, the cock stiff with blood in an erection while the balls ballooned bigger. It was during this that Gothel heard Rapunzel's light moaning and crooning. She looked at the glowing male parts again, the glow wasn't blindingly bright nor was it room filling light, but it was enough that it lit Gothel's face. She continued to watch it surge bigger, then it stopped, fully erect.

She gaped then reached with her hand and carefully measured. When she touched the head Rapunzel gave a sharp inhale and moaned, her hands gripping the bedding. Gothel though wasn't focused on that. She was more focused on the fact that Rapunzel had a 12 inch long cock, a full foot! No man had a cock that long, and it was at least an inch thick. The balls though were also bigger, at least 3 inches in diameter big. The cock stopped glowing but the balls still radiated light, and so did Rapunzel's hair. However Gothel brushed it aside, opened her mouth, and engulfed the length. She began to raise and lower her head rapidly, sucking hard and licking the length and head with her rough tongue.

It was a blowjob that lacked any sort of finesse or grace, having the sole goal of hitting as many pleasure spots as possible to get the girl to erupt faster.

Rapunzel moaned and even muttered, her body trembling and even giving a light spasm. Gothel kept working her tongue and lips, sucking and licking as hard as they could. Trying to drain the girl's seed.

Rapunzel panted then she gave a soft keening cry and Gothel was surprised as a flood of cum entered her mouth. The cum shot in a huge tide, filling her mouth and bloating her cheeks. She swallowed what she could and expected more but only felt a small spurt and then the girl was panting on her back, sweat clinging to her trembling body.

Gothel raised her head, her lips pursed and she began to swallow, almost shuddering as she did. The moment she swallowed the last bit she felt it. Her body began to change, her skin becoming smoother, her hair becoming longer, and, to her great surprise, her breasts and butt becoming bigger, fuller! She felt her dress tightening as it tried to contain them. She was out of the door within seconds and in front of a mirror where she observed herself. "Well now... I've never looked so good for a very, very long time." She said observing her enlarged bust and butt posing as she did. In Rapunzel's room the Harpy put the blanket over the girl her eyes expressing a worry that she wouldn't voice... not now anyway. As Paleta stood there she remembered the beginning of this unhealthy friendship.

-6 years ago-

Paleta flew through the air her wings beating down within a 40 second interval the sound of the beats echoing in the air deterring any would be predator or aggressor. She lowered her gaze, her nest below, her eyes spotting it with ease being sharper than even an eagle. They softened then hardened as they saw that her egg was missing. Rage filled her and she angled her body down leg's straightened her wings turning so that she dive bombed with speeds that would've snapped a human in half if she collided with them. 'My egg has been stolen!' when she was 20 feet above the nest she opened her wings and leaned back her body jolting to a near total halt and she glided down and landed in the nest.

She lowered her head to sniff when her ears heard a rustle, she turned and she could see a figure running away. She sniffed quickly her nostrils registering several scents, but the most important one that she wanted to find was that of an intruder... the scent of the same intruder that was running!

She opened her wings and gave a beat heading for the tree branches and hopped from one to the other using her bird feet to grip on solidly before hopping to another. She quickly caught up with the thief and gave an eagle cry the intruder didn't even turn just ran faster. Paleta could see her egg in the intruders arms and she began to move ahead of the thief, when she was several paces ahead she gripped the branch and swung down and shrieked the thief slid to a halt and held the egg up! The harpy stopped realizing the meaning of the action.

"Stop or I'll smash it!" Paleta didn't move, her body frozen like a statue only blinking, and breathing. "Good... now then I won't destroy this as long as you do a few things for me understand?" The harpy nodded. "I am Gothel I need a harpy for a certain job and a full grown one would be far more preferable over a chick... so then... what's your name?" Paleta swallowed.

"Paleta," Gothel smiled and she lowered her hood and the Harpy saw a woman in her early 40's with graying hair and slightly wrinkled face.

"Well Paleta this will be the beginning of a wonderful friendship."Paleta though felt that in future she would come to kill this woman for more than just stealing her egg.


She was right, she knew that Rapunzel wasn't Gothel's her scent was wrong and so was her demeanor. But she kept quiet and let the witch slowly use the girl as a tool, but now... now was too much. She wanted to say something but she couldn't she... couldn't. She lowered her head to the sleeping girls and nuzzled it gently then went back to the rafters to watch her.

-Next Morning-

Gothel awoke to a shrill scream and she sat up, blinking blearily then she remembered about last night, she smiled and threw off her covers and stretched when she did though a certain weight she had been expecting wasn't there. She blinked then looked down and frowned as she saw her bust was back to it's normal size. "Well that's a bit of a disappointment." She said, "Well it wouldn't hurt to have another hit." She gave a dark smile at that. And she got out of bed.

When Rapunzel woke up she expected it to be another day of playing with Paleta, and reading with her Mother. She never could of thought that she would have a... thing just above her privates. Her first instinct was to scream and she did, Paleta dropped down and began to croon to the girl trying to calm her. But Rapunzel was terrified she needed Gothel, and within a minute Gothel was inside her eyes wide with surprise and worry. "What's wrong Rap- Oh my!" She put a hand to her mouth Rapunzel turned to her sobbing.

"M-Mother why do I have this?" The harpy turned her head to the witch wondering what she would say.

"It seems now's the time..." The clever snake said, in a sorrowful and somber voice, the harpy turned away not wanting to hear the lies. "You see Rapunzel you're..." the fox got to the bed and sat there her face a look of sad, yet deep wisdom on her face. "You are different you always have been." Rapunzel sniffed.

"D-Different?" She asked.

"Well yes you're hair for one is very different, but there was another way you were different and it seems now it has finally has revealed itself." And she reached forward and lifted the attachment quickly. "This is called a penis, normally men have this but since you're different you have it as well." She explained. Rapunzel began to give large panicked breaths.

"A p-penis!?" Gothel grabbed the girls head and rested it between her bosom.

"Calm down now dear... deep breaths... in-" She inhaled deeply, "-and out," and she exhaled slowly. She kept doing this and Rapunzel was calmed within seconds. "Better?" Rapunzel nodded. "Good." She pushed the girl away slightly to look at her. "Now Rapunzel because you're different you must understand a few things. One, normal people will treat you... badly because they are deeply afraid of things that's not normal even if it's a tiny difference. Two, your penis has testicles as you can see, there's seed in their which does something special for women but your's is very special, for it does more than that. You see it has the power to restore youth to a person and because of that you will be sought by rich and old people who want to be young forever. The would come and take your seed every day, to keep their youth all the time! Do you understand? They wouldn't treat you like a person they'd treat you like a tool, no compassion, no love and if anybody else knew they'd call you a pet!" Gothel cracked her voice.

"B-But not me! You are not a pet! You... you are my little flower, my precious little flower." And she reached for the red faced girl and stroked her cheek. "I'll protect you... and I'll take care of your seed because it will build up and when it does you need to expel it! But mommy will take care of it... do you trust me Rapunzel?" she said almost tearing up. Rapunzel nodded fiercely, Gothel hugged her just as fiercely then she held the girl at arm's length. "Alright I'll show you one thing I'll be doing to help... now it may feel strange but trust me it's for the best."

Rapunzel nodded and blushed as Gothel lowered her head to the penis and she grabbed it with her fingers and began to play with the head. The stolen princess gave a gasp as she felt the touch it sent jolts through her body and she could feel the blood flowing down to her penis. She clawed at the bed and tossed her head, but she managed to look at her penis and gaped as it began to swell becoming bigger and bigger swelling like some bizarre balloon. She could feel the skin hardening and the head becoming thick, swollen and shiny.

Gothel kept pumping and touching the length, during the action she had sung and the little girl's balls were glowing, then the witch opened her mouth and once again engulfed it, sucking hard and licking it all with vigor. Rapunzel's world went white as a sensation began to build in her pushing aside her hesitant oddity and filling with a demanding want. The more it was sucked the harder she wanted it to be sucked. She even gave a weak thrust. Gothel nearly choked as she suddenly had an extra 3 inches stuffed into her throat. She however controlled it and kept working though she gave a light warning nibble that made the golden haired girl squeak.

'I'm in control girl not you!' she mentally hissed, though she wouldn't remember this particular warning in future. Rapunzel was giving loud huffing gasps and her legs were stiff her arms tensing as she grabbed the bedding, her knuckles white! Something was building up in her testicles, her cock was becoming bigger, it felt like.

"I-I'm gonna pee!" She cried, but the vain witch knew what she meant and she pushed her head down and felt the small splatter's of cum in her mouth.

'Hmmm not as much as last night.' She felt her dress tighten slightly. 'But good enough,' and she raised her head. The little girl was on her back panting, her head to the side her body giving off a sheen of sweat. "See that wasn't so bad, now Rapunzel rest up you don't want to spend the whole day in bed would you?" Gothel said, she smiled and walked out. In a corner Paleta watched utterly emotionless yet there was a slight flush on her face and her lower garments had a small wet stain.

-1 year later-

Gothel walked down the path heading for the valley where Rapunzel was kept she paused though when she saw the black winged Harpy that was Paleta. She was on a log her wings raised her teeth bared and her eyes radiating with hatred. Gothel raised a hand to her hair and pushed it back her other hand reaching to her back to grab the knife she had hidden away,"So what exactly are you doing?" she asked the Harpy.

"I'm ending this insanity!" The birdwoman said. "I cannot allow you to treat the girl like that anymore, nor can I let you hold my chick hostage! Release them both! Do so and I won't end your life and tell Rapunzel the truth of your so called 'love!'" The witch sighed and she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"This is by far the most stupid thing I've heard from you yet. I'm not the bad guy here, is it wrong to be young for just a little while longer?" she said, but the harpy bared her teeth and gave a eagle cry "I hope you're not forgetting that your egg is currently on top of the tower being held their by MY magic, you know what that means?" Gothel began to circle the Harpy walking toward the ridge where the valley lay below. She then turned and pointed to the tower that was below. "There it is." Paleta huffed as she could see on the top a shimmering sphere; that was the magical cage that contained her chick.

"I can just snap my fingers and that egg goes crunch on the ground. Do you really want that to happen?" The witch said and she held up two fingers ready to snap them. Paleta hesitated then she raised her wings even higher.

"You're despicable! Terrible! Horrible! I could say a thousand curses in every tongue and it still wouldn't be enough to describe your depravity and selfishness! I'll end you now so that your evil never terrorizes anybody else!" And the Harpy lunged.

"You want me to be the bad guy? Fine... I'll be the bad guy." Gothel said in a dark tone and she held up a hand and there was a purple flash, blinding the Harpy she raised her wings to shield her eyes but in that moment she felt a cold blade slding into her gut. She stood there then the blade was removed and her neck was slashed. Paleta fell forward strength leaving her body and she weakly tried to move her body stiffening weak wheezy gasps of air emitting from her throat and she gave a gasping groan. Her eyes focused on Gothel as she gave a final gurgle and died. Gothel held a knife in hand then she held it up and dropped it and wiped her hands and walked forward to give the bad news.

-Several Minutes Later-

"Rapunzel dear? Mommy's home!" Gothel called as she opened the door, come next year though that door would be removed as Rapunzel had started demonstrating interesting strengths with her rather large amounts of hair.

"Hello mother! Hello Paleta!" And the young girl came down, completely nude small developing breasts bouncing and her large erect 13 inch cock bouncing to and fro while her huge swollen balls swung like pendulums.

"Rapunzel how many times have I told you to put on mommy's special dress?" Gothel scolded.

"But it's so uncomfortable and it makes me hard too easy!" Rapunzel whined.

"No but's young lady, go and put on the dress, go on! Or no Hazelnut soup!" She ordered.

The girl frowned but went back upstairs.

Gothel went to prepare everything and heard footsteps a bit later. She turned to see Rapunzel wearing the special dress that she had painstakingly made. The dress was a normal light purple dress but there was an enchantment that would hide the girls dick and balls from sight regardless of it being erect or flaccid. Rapunzel looked around then up.

"Where's Paleta?" She asked, the witch paused, then she gave a sorrowful sigh.

"Rapunzel do you remember my warning of people looking for you for your seed?" Rapunzel gave a small note of acknowledgment. "You see, while on the way here we were attacked by men hired by those people. Paleta sacrificed herself so that I could escape... she's dead... that's what it means by the way." The silver tongued thief said. "Sacrifice, it means to selflessly give ones life for the sake of another." She pretended to wipe a tear off her face, "I'll never forget it..." she sighed again. "How about you make mommy better and we get to lightening your load?" She suggested.

Rapunzel was stunned but at those words but she recovered and gave a sound of agreement. She was in turmoil on the inside, these people that wanted her were willing to kill her family to get to her. A fear grew in her, a fear that she would lose her mother to these people as well... and she would rather sacrifice herself to make sure she didn't die. Her need for Gothel strengthened, she now resolved to make Gothel as happy as possible. She went to her room to get ready while Gothel gave a sly and dark smile.

But it faded when she remembered something. She had predicted that Rapunzel's balls would've been bigger by now. However they were smaller than what she expected. It was clear to her why; the hair. While the flower was starting to move down to Rapunzel's new male parts enough of it's magic was being focused to the hair still to make her annoyed. It was one of the main reasons why it was growing still. What she would have to do next is cut the hair, not all of it but just enough that Rapunzel wouldn't notice.

She would have to do it when Rapunzel was unaware... and it dawned on her, just do what she did for Rapunzel's penis. "While she's asleep" Said the clever witch. She moved to finish her business first.

-Later that night-

Gothel stood above her 'daughter', scissors in one hand and candle in the other. she walked forward and searched carefully and found the very end of Rapunzel's hair. She held up the scissors and grabbed all the ends of the hair and snipped. Instantly the hair lost its otherworldly color and began to turn a light shade of brown, working all the way down to the very root. The young princess gave a slight groan and she turned over in bed slightly. The snake of a woman smiled and she looked at the girls length, which was hardening slightly and while she already took the girls load earlier it was tempting to take more. She had noticed that her bust and butt were getting larger each time she did it with the girl. She bit her lip and in a silent show of will she walked away. She had the rest of the girls life to become even more beautiful, may as well let her little faucet rest for now.

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