Adventure in the Virtual Realm

Story by LucarioLover95 on SoFurry

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#1 of Digimon - Digital Monsters

Greeting fellas!

First of all, I want to apologize for taking too long to post a story. My plan was to finish this one like...2 weeks ago, but some unexpected stuffs happened, and as a result, it was delayed until now.

*My very first digimon story. Enjoy! *

Disclaimer: I do not own digimon or any related material. Also, this story features m/m sexual acts between a human and a digimon. Do not read it if you find the content disturbing. Thank you.

_Blaze _

Come to think of it...What had I ever done to deserve being sucked into my own computer and trapped in the middle of absolute nowhere like this?

For all I could remember, my life had always been so-so, not bad, but not very good either. I was an average 18 year-old college student. My grades were never high, just about somewhere in the middle. I wasn't good at sports, but at least I visited the gym weekly to work out (properly the only thing I could do to kill spare time beside dedicating myself to the PC and online games), so my body built wasn't half bad. As a matter of fact, you might say I'm fairly muscular, well-toned and, quite frankly, handsome too. Err, but that was properly the only good thing about me.

Of course I was well-awared of my status, but for some reasons, I'd never been popular with the girls. Sound pretty odd, didn't it? Not that I really cared either. Call me over-pessimistic all you want, but girls these days...yeah, most of them were nothing but troublesome sluts. Those chicks only came to you either for sex or money, and when they were done using you, man, they'd 120% ditch you to go suck another guy's cock. It was rare to find a person that would genuinely love and remain faithful to you, and in my case, 'rare' meant 'never', heh...

What the heck, I was still young. Shouldn't let that nonsense bug me, right?

Still, sometimes, I did wish to have an important someone. To love, to share, and to confirm...that I wasn't alone in this world.

Okayyy...Enough with this the stupid self-introduction, let's get on with the story, shall we? (then again, _everything _in this story is about me to begin with, right?)

(Earlier that day)

"Hey Sam, we're heading to the new burger store. Wanna go with us?" asked Tristian, my fellow classmate and the only one I considered a fairly close friend (nope, not best friend, just close).

"Thanks, but I'm not in the mood for burger to day." I replied and gave a half-hearted laugh. Getting up, I gathered my books and stuffed them into my bag, before giving my classmate a small smile and left, "See ya tomorrow."

As I left the classroom, Tristian and the other's voices and snickers were still audible, and I could vaguely hear what they were talking about.

"Told you he was a weirdo."

"Yeah, why did you bother inviting that guy from the first place? Man, what a killjoy!"


I couldn't help chuckling to myself. Sorry guys, but I had long ignored other people's opinions about me. Think of me whichever way you wanted, but that wasn't going to change the way I was. Yup, I was a weirdo, and your problems were? As long as my heart contented, everything else, I could care less about.

This world was overpopulated by that kind of people. Those who always tried to evaluate others, but failed to look at themselves in the mirror.

Man, school had always been boring, but today was like a long period of torment. What had I had again? Maths, Biology, Art and Philosophy...That sucked. Not sure if Philosophy could actually help anyone find their way of life, but for me, it definitely didn't. And our teacher of that subject, Mr. Boring (no kidding, that was his real name!), only made the matters worse. Why? because once that guy started talking about philosophy or any philosophy-related stuff, he would keep going until there was absolutely nothing more to say, without having to stop to catch his breath. Sounded amazing, didn't it, if you weren't the one that had to listen to him for nearly an hour. Really, it was a pain in the ass, and as a result, most of my time in Philosophy class was spent sleeping (I'd say my classmates did the same thing too. Wanna bet? Heh, Mr. Boring should really work in a hospital or some places similar. That would save them lots of anesthetics.). The only subject I found enjoyable was Computer Sciene, and I really wished to become a computer engineer or a game developer one day.

My stomach growled, a painful reminder of how hungry I was, and there was still a long way home. Sighing, I picked up the pace and took a shortcut into an alley, hoping to get home before I actually starved to death.

"Help me!"

"Huh?" I spun aroud. Had somebody just called me for help...Nah, there wasn't anyone. Perhaps my hunger had already affected my other senses too much, and now my ears were starting to play tricks on me?

Shrugging, I continued to run, but that same voice echoed in my head again.

"Help me!"

Okay, now this was getting a little creepy. I checked my watch: 5.30 pm. Wasn't it too soon for ghosts to appear at this time (I hardly believed in ghost stories anymore, but...). In this situation, any smart and normal person would stop listening to a strange voice that came out of nowhere, and ran as fast as they could to the opposite direction.

But somehow, I found that voice quite appealing. It didn't sound like the voice of a hollow, bodiless ghost, but a living entity, and it was so gentle, so pleading, almost like whomever it belonged to was really calling for me.

Before I even realized it, my feet started moving on their own as I began to instinctively follow the mysterious voice. I took a turn into another alley, then back to the main street. The longer I walked, the more I realized the pleading voice was slowly becoming less audible, and when it had completely vanished, my ears were filled with another sound, some sort of beeping noise.

Locating the source wasn't difficult, because it was right next to my feet, and I immediately recognized it - a virtual pet. This game had been quite popular in the last few years. It was fairly simple, fun, and interactive. As for me, I especially enjoyed virtual pet, mostly because I'd always wished to own a dog (my mom was allergic to fur, so yeah...). Unfortunately, I lost it when my family moved to our current place. Ah, this sure brought back memories...

Getting on my knees, I picked up the seemingly worn device up to take a closer look at it. Hmm, what was this? The model was quite different from that of mine. It was oval-shaped, with a large screen in the top corner, three buttons, and a very small signal receiver sticking out from the left side. The device was painted half white, half blue, with a black border, giving it a nice, shady look.

Overal, the virtual pet seemed to be in a good shape. Why would someone discard such a cute little thing? Functioning errors, I guessed, but even so, if I had been the owner of this virtual pet, I would have never thrown it away. Seriously, I despited people who cast aside their stuffs after they were done using them. Small or big, cheap or expensive, it didn't matter, each and every one of our belongings contained a precious piece of memory within them. To throw them away meant to deny your past, and without your past, you had no present or future.

"Poor thing. Don't worry, from now on, I'll take care of you. Oh by the way, my name is Sam." I whispered, and smiled when I realized that I had just introduced myself to a virtual pet. Putting the blue item into pocket, I stood up and resumed my walk home.


"Mom, I'm home!" I called and as usual, there was no reply. She was probably drinking at a bar, or playing cards with her gathered friends at one of their houses. No matter, not like I cared. She could do whatever she wanted, because in the end, she was my mother, and I was still replying on her to pay the bills. (once you're still depending on someone financially, then don't complain in their houses, because you don't have the right to. Sound pretty harsh and unfair, doesn't it? But that the way of life.)

Oh, did I forget to mention that my dad had no longer lived with us? Two years ago, he ditched my mom to chase after a rich woman with a wagging tail between his legs. Dad had his reasons for leaving us, so I didn't blame him, and I had already erased him from my memory.

Since then, my mom had to work twice as hard as she had been doing, in order to keep the family alive, so naturally, she found alcohol and gambling as means of self-relieving. Also, she had became increasingly distant towards me. Heh, couldn't help it, because I was the spliting image of my father. That was okay with me, because I was grateful for the fact that she hadn't kicked me out (yet?). Properly the last bit of motherly love I could ever hope to receive.

Sighing, I dropped the key into a bowl by the door, and immediately made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed a coke from the fridge, opened it, and took a sip. The carbonated liquid slid down my throat and into my stomach, filling me with a cool, smoothing sensation, and easing my hunger with its suger. Mmm, this felt good...

I went on to check the fridge while enjoying my chilled drink, and it was rather empty today. Didn't matter, mom had left me a few bucks this morning, so for now, I'd just order something to eat.

Let's skip the boring details about the delivery guy and his chorizo pizza. I took the pizza and brought it to my room. Closing the door, I disrobed my sweaty outfit and slid into fresh clothes. With the computer turned on, I sat down, chose a random movie to watch, and began munching down my dinner. While eating, my eyes occasionally drifted to the virtual pet, which was lying next to my computer. I had said I would take care of it, but where to start now? Fixing it? Recharging the battery? Arr, this was getting frustrating. If only I had known this thing's problem...

"Hey you!" I said with a mouthful of pizza as I picked up the beeping item, "You called me for help, right? Then how about some clues. What am I supposed to do with you now?" (again, talking to a virtual pet, but...whatever, I'd already been a weirdo)

Still no replies. Why wasn't I surprised?

"Alright then, guess there's only one choice left. I'll break you apart to find your problems. But don't worry, I'll put you together once we're done. Piece of cake."

Shaking my head, I put the device on the desk and pushed the half-eaten pizza aside. I opened my Google +, to check if there was anything new. Found nothing much, though. Only a few notifications, most of which were replies to my recent comments on Youtube...wait a sec, I got a new mail? Wow, it had been ages since the last time I received a mail. Hmm, I wondered who had sent it.


What kind of name was that? Okay, I knew most people didn't want to use their real names on social networks (including me), but seriously, did you have to come up with a nickname that ridiculous?

Curiousity took over me, and I clicked at the mail to see what this so-called 'Flamedramon' had to say.

The moment you read this message is also the moment I'm finally freed from my digital prison.

Thank you, for hearing my voice!

Huh? What the heck was that supposed to mean? I couldn't understood even the smallest bit. Was this guy making a fool out of me or what?

It was then I noticed the device's beeping noise started to get louder every second. At the same time, my computer screen also glowed bright - a blusish white light which was so intense that I could barely see, and soon I had to cover my eyes, in fear of going blind!

"What in the world is going on?" I shouted and staggered to back away from the computer, my heart pounding in my chest.

"The Gate...has opened." came a soft voice in reply.

"Gate, what gate...Arggg!!!"

Intense pain spred over my body as I felt like every single one of my cells was being pulled forwards by an invisible force. My vision growed blurry, and soon, I blacked out in the white light, the beeping sound still vaguely repeated itself in my ears.


I didn't know how long I had passed out, but when my senses returned, the first thing I felt was coldness...almost like I'd just slid through an icy tunnel, and landed heavily on my back.

That feeling, however, was soon washed away by a welcoming and gentle warmth. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by the beautiful sunlight, shining brightly upon the world. The fresh air carried within it a harmoniously mixed aroma of various kind of flowers and grass.

Overall, it didn't seem like I was in a city, and when I scanned the surroundings...yeah, it was quite a shock, but I really _wasn't _in the city. As a matter of fact, I had no idea where this place was...some sort of grassland. Of course, I was totally oblivious of how on Earth I had managed to get here in the first place.

"I am dreaming, aren't I?" I murmured and pinched my arm. Ouch...Okay, I _wasn't _dreaming. Then again, could someone tell me what the hell was going on? Last I remembered, I was in my room, eating pizza and checking my computer, as well as trying to figure out a way to fix that virtual pet. I looked at my hand, and realized I was still holding the device. The beeping had ceased, however.

Suddenly, the ground beneath me started to rumble. At first I though it was an earthquake, but that stupid idea was quickly discarded. Come to think of it, why hadn't I felt much pain, because from what I remembered, I really had been shot out the sky and the result was certainly a hard fall. Something must have shielded me from the impact, and it felt kinda gross, slimy and fuzzy...Wait a sec, slimy and fuzzy? And why was it pulsing and rumbling? Oh gosh, I couldn't bring myself to look!

But then again, I had to. Mustering to last bit of my courage, I brought my eyes down, and almost fainted at what I saw.

I was sitting on a spider...if you could call this thing a spider, because it was huge! (in that case, I prefered 'monster' or 'mutant'). There was a skull and crossbones on its back. Okay, not exactly the sign I was hoping for.

Swallowing, I quickly leapt off the spider, only to get an even clearer look at its nasty appearance. The monster had red, spinky hair (or fur, whatever); and it seemed to be wearing some sort of yellow head protection, decorated with two curly horns on each side and nine green dots which were, apparently, its eyes. The bottom half was left uncovered, which exposed the spider's gaping mouth, and already I could smell the disgusting stench emitting from it.

"Who are you? You don't look like one of us..." came a hoarse voice. I looked around to locate the source, but found none, then I noticed the spider's mouth was moving. Great, a nasty, mutated spider monster with the ability to talk! What could possibly make this day better?

"But...Good timing. I was about to go hunting, and already a prey has brought itself right in front of me."

Had it just said prey? Oh shit, this couldn't be good!

Turning around, I started to run like I'd never run before, as if my life depended on it (which was true in this case!). I could tell, by the sound of crackling joints and trampled grass, that the spider was chasing after me, so I picked up the pace. If I ran fast enough, I'd be able to lose the spider and find a place to hide, and hopefully, the monster would give up and find itself another prey!

However, my efforts were in vain when I accidentally tripped and felt flat. Pain shot through my jaw as it hit the ground, but that was a minor problem compared to what was about to come. I tried to move my body, forcing myself to get up and continue running, but it was too late. With a swift move, the spider leapt over me and pinned my limps with its legs, its stinking mouth hovering over my face.

"Bon appetit!" the monster declared and slowly lowered its mouth. I could hardly believe this, but I was going to die here, in the middle of nowhere, getting devoured by an ugly spider-mutant! What had I done to deserve this? I'd always been a nice guy, at least to those who knew me, and to think I'd ended up becoming nothing more than food! Was it even fair?

"Flame Fist!"

As soon as I heard that shout, from out of nowhere, three fierce fireballs shot at my direction, but since the spider was atop me, it completely shielded me from the assault, or I would rather took the whole blast in my place. The nine-eyed monster let loose a horrible screech as it perished and turned into some kind of black dust!

Still hadn't recovered from the shock of almost getting eaten alive, I almost yelled when another monster landed right in front of me with a loud thud. This time it was a dragon (or lizard? I didn't know for sure, so let's assume he was a dragon) - an anthropomorphic blue dragon. Its hands and feet were armed with four flaming, eggshell-resembled gauntlets, each had three sharp claws sticking out from the front. The dragon also worn head protection with a horn/blade in the middle.

"Thanks goodness I made it in time. Are you okay?" the dragon asked me with a voice that clearly belonged to a male.

"No! Stay away from me!" I screamed and felt back, holding my arms up in a defensive pose. The dragon looked hurt as I backed away from him, but I couldn't help myself. My panicked mind didn't allow me to take this risk, at least for now.

"As you wish. But I just want you to know that I have no intention of harming you." the dragon stated, looking at me with his sad eyes. He then sat down cross-legged, facing me, and waited.

We just sat there for hours, and my head finally started to cool down. I ran my eyes at the dragon. He still sat there, eyes closed and seemingly relaxed. His face showed no animalistic hunger or murderous intent, only sheer patience and unbelievable gentleness.

But then again, I wasn't stupid enough to not realize the sticky situation I was in! Just by looking at the dragon's muscular legs, I'd never be able to escape should he decided to eat me. I was totally at his mercy right now!

Finally, I decided to break the silence, "So...I assume you're the one who shot those fire blasts, correct?"

The dragon slowly opened his eyes, and it was then I realized how beautiful they were. Two deep, brilliant crimson spheres which reflected everything they looked at, almost like a mirror - an exquisite mirror to add! He replied witha nod.

"Then tell me: Who were you aiming at? Cuz from the way I see it, your fire could have blasted me into cinders if it weren't for the spider. Honestly, were you trying to save or kill me?" I asked again, this time sounded like I was accusing the dragon. Don't get me wrong, I felt really bad for having done this, but I needed to confirm whether the dragon was my ally or enemy.

The dragon lowered his head a little, "I'm sorry. When I found you, Dokugumon was seconds away from killing you, but the distance was too great, I couldn't make it in time, so I had to use a long-ranged attack."

"Dokugumon?" I frowned, "You mean to tell me the thing that tried to eat me, it has a name? Oh I'm seriously going to lose it! I was just chillin' in my room, and suddenly I got transported to this weird place, with weird talking creatures and one of them tried to eat me alive! Dang it, can someone tell me what in the world is going on!"

"Calm down, I'll try to explain everything, but it's a long story, so you might want to sit down first." The dragon said softly,

"I've already been sitting! Now hurry and spill it out!" I spat, but immediately realized my impudence, "Sorry..."

"Don't worry, almost everyone has the same reaction like you when they first arrived in this world." The dragon smiled, "This is the Digital World - a parallel world that exists separately from your world, the Earth. Everything here bears a great resemble to those of Earth, including time, space, and geographic features. Continents, oceans, islands, mountains, rivers, name it, you have it."

"A...parallel world?" I murmured in disbelief, feeling a slight clench in my stomach. The fact that I wasn't even on my home planet anymore...was really overwhelming!

The dragon nodded, "But there's one major difference. Everything here is made from data. Water, soil, air, even you, me and Dokugumon...all are data."

"Whoa, rewind and repeat! Last I check, there're still flesh and blood in my body, and even now I can still feel them? How is it possible that..."

"I've already told you. Here, things operate the same way as they do on Earth, and that includes your biological functions. You might feel no changes, but now your body is completely made from data. And that's not a good thing."

"Why?" I asked, sweating a little.

"In this world, the dominant lifeforms are digimon. We share some similarities with human, as most of us possess personalities, intelligence which equals to that of human, and the ability to talk. However, unlike you, we almost never die permanently."

As the dragon continued his explanation, I couldn't help but found his voice strangely familiar. Where exactly had I heard it before?

"When a digimon reaches an extremely old age or receives fatal wounds, its body dissolves into data, and that data will recompose itself into a digi-egg, from which an infant digimon will be hatched. That circle of life will continue unless someone manages to completely delete its data. However, human don't have that ability. Once you die here, you die for good, and since your body has been converted into data, it's in a very vulnerable stage."

"Great!" I murmured, facepalming, "That means the spider, or Dokugumon, reforming somewhere and waiting for a chance to eat me? Just great!"

"Don't worry, it takes a while for a newborn digimon to fully mature, until then, they're completely harmless. Beside, even if Dokugumon or any other digimon shows up and tries to harm you, I'll always be there to protect you."

I'll aways be there to protect you.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard those soft, gentle words from the digimon, and before long, I started to blush when I realized we were staring at each other. Turning away to avoid his gaze, I asked, "Why are you doing this? Why help me?"

"Because you saved me..." the dragon replied, "For years I'd waited, and you're the one and only person to ever hear my voice, Sam. Then you found and brought me home."

"When did I...Hold on, don't tell me you'd been in this thing all the time?" I asked and held out the virtual pet, to which the digimon nodded in respond.

"When I sent you that mail, I was afraid you wouldn't read it, because if you hadn't, my efforts would have been wasted." he said, "And, after all, who would read a suspicious mail from a stranger?"

"You sent the mail? Then your name is...Flamedramon!"

"Yes." Flamedramon smiled softly, "I'm glad that you remember. But when the gate opened, I didn't think it would drag you into this world too. I'm sorry!"

His apologetic voice was so pleading and innocent. At this rate, I could never be mad at him, even if I wanted to. Besides, the way he kept apologizing was kinda funny.

"Don't mention that anymore. We can't do anything to change the past, can we?" I declared, "Anyway, tell me more about this device."

"Oh, that..." Flamedramon became a little tense when he looked at the item, "That's a digivice - my digivice, to be exact."


"Eons ago, a digimon appeared and wrecked havoc in this world. The digimon itself was so evil and powerful that its existance alone corrupted other digimon and caused everything to fall into chaos. We knew that evil had to be defeated at all cost, but our strength alone wasn't enough. In order to combat the digimon and its minions, several brave humans were selected and brought into this world, to become our 'partners'. Those chosen human are called the 'DigiDestinied', and each of them was given a digivice."

"Like this one?" I asked, waving the digivice back and forth.

"Yes. Beside acting as prooves of being chosen ones, the digivices mainly serve as keys, allowing the DigiDestinied to enter and exist this world. As for the entrance, it could be a computer, a TV or cellphone...Any kind of electronic device with screens."

"I see...But that still doesn't explain why you were trapped in this digivice?"

Flamedramon's shoulder sank as he answered me in a deep and almost shaking voice, "When a digimon chooses its human partner, if that human accepts, a contract will be made and stored within the digivice, allowing the digimon to power up by harnessing its partner's emotions. And that contract can only be cancelled when both parties willingly do so.

Three years ago, the battle ended with our victory. That's when most of the DigiDestinied parted with their digimon and returned to Earth. However, my partner, for some reasons, left without cancelling our contract. As the result, I remained partially his digimon, and stuck in the boundary between two worlds. Since I was still connected to the digivice, I wasn't able to return to the Digital World, but without a partner, I couldn't appear on Earth either."

"That's horrible." I muttered. Just unforgivable! How could that heartless guy become a DigiDestinied, because that was no way to treat your comrade, "Hey Flamedramon...Do you hate him for doing that?"

"What's the point?" Flamedramon shook his head and laughed halfheartedly, "Hatred can neither solve anything nor undo the time I've suffered. Beside, he's properly forgotten about me. The one last thing I could do for him is to wish him a happy life, that's all."

This wasn't going very well. I could feel the tension on the air, and I had to do something about it.

"Hey Flamedramon, I was wondering...if you've already returned to this world, what will happen to your digivice." I asked in an attempt to change the subject.

"Nothing." Flamedramon replied, "The digivice retains most of its functions, but since it's no longer connected to me, I can't draw power from it anymore. Not that I mind."

"Most of its uses...Wait a sec, you mean it's still usable as a key? Awesome, now I really have a chance of returning to my world!" I exclaimed, unable to hold back my excitement. Digital World, yeah, seemed pretty cool and all, but I'd trade anything for a one-way trip back home. I missed my room, iced coke, delicious food, and most importantly, I wanted to live the rest of my life as a normal human, not ending up inside a digital monster's stomach!

"That's true, but we still need something to serve as the entrance, and where are we going to find a computer or anything similar in this desolated area?" Flamedramon said. Was it me, or he looked a little down when I said I wanted to go home?

"No biggie. Didn't you say the DigiDestined was here before? If that's true, there must be dozens of computer or TV scattered all around this world, otherwise it'd get really inconvenient for them. Even in this area, if we search carefully enough, I'm sure we can eventually find one." I continued. There was noway I would let this chance slip by. I had to make it home, no matter what, "But Flamedramon, I can't do it alone, so...will you lend me a hand?"

"Well, I..."

"Just consider it the first and only favor I ever ask you for, please." I asked, using the most innocent and pleading voice I could possibly think of.

Flamedramon brought his head down and stared at the ground. For a second, I was afraid that he wouldn't help me, but it turned out the opposite, "Alright, I'll help you, but it's rather late now, so I think we should rest to regain our strength. We can start tomorrow."

He seemed reluctant, but as long as I had his words, everything else didn't matter. Beside, he had a point. I was still worn out after the chase with Dokugumon, and the fact that I was trapped in this foreign world only made it worse. Perhaps a nice, refreshing sleep would help calming down my mind a bit.

"Where are you going?" I asked when I saw Flamedramon stood up and dusted himself.

"There's a forest next to us, so I'm going to gather some firewood. I'm not taking you lightly, but your human body won't be able to withstand the cold for all night."

"Oh..." I flushed. Everything he said was true, all right, but I really didn't want to look weak in front of others, "Hey wait, I'll go with you. There's no way I'd let you do all the jobs for my sake. Beside, I don't like the idea of waiting here to get eaten by another wild digimon while you're away."

"Aren't you glad I'm not fond of human meat?" Flamedramon chuckled.

I laughed too, feeling glad now that the mood had finally brightened, "Nah, if it were someone cool like you, then I have no problems. Feel free to take a bite whenever you want."

It was hard to tell because of the helmet, but I thought he just blushed. Dang, if only I'd had a better view, because he already looked pretty cute from here.

"We'd better hurry." Flamedramon said and trailed off. I walked behind him, and while doing so, I couldn't help but drew my eyes to his rear. The way his tail swung side to side was quite adorable, and between those constant movements, two perfectly round and firm globes explosed themselves to my eyes. Hmm, sexy...

"Are you always like that?" my mouth slipped, and I immediately cursed myself for that.

"Like what?" Flamedramon asked as he turned his head around and looked at me.

"N-nothing, ahahah..." I stammered and waved my hands awkwardly. The digimon shot me a puzzled look, but shrugged and continued to walk.

That was close! I let out a secret sigh of relief. What the heck had I been doing, marvelling at a guy's ass? But I couldn't help it, the temptation was just too great. Did this mean that I was gay? I had to admit I had always been slightly attracted to guys, but to be honest, the though of being homosexual had never struck me, even for once.

There was no telling if Flamedramon was the same as me. If he knew I was having dirty thoughts while staring at his backside, he would become so disgusted that he might eat me for real (well I'd said that I had no regret, but...).

Nonetheless, I was sure about one thing: Now wasn't the right time to confess myself. I needed time to confirm my thoughts. Did I really have feelings for him, or was I simply lusting after him?

If I could make it back to my world, I had to make sure there was nothing to regret about...

Gritting my teeth, I forced myself to look away from the tantalizing sight. Must resist, I ordered you to resist, Sam!

Our gatherings turned out to be quite a big haul, and by the time the Sun had gone down, we each was holding two big piles of firewood in our arms. And just when we finished making a fire, my stomach began to growl. Way to make your master look bad, you useless thing!

But man, I was hungry! That reminded me, I hadn't even finished my pizza before I was transported here. Could human starve to death in this world? There was a good chance, since Flamedramon had stated that everything in this world worked the same as they did on Earth.

Flamedramon apparently read my facial expression (or he just heard the sound of my stomach. Whatever, I didn't care anymore!). He chuckled, "Hungry?"

"Yeah," I groaned, rubbing my belly, "I was in the middle of dinner when that damn gate dragged me here."

"Don't worry. Like I said, there're only two ways for digital beings to 'die', and even if you can't reincarnate, those rules are also applied to you now. You might feel hungry, but it won't weaken or kill you."

"Who cares! How am I supposed to think right when my stomach is screaming for food? Is there really nothing we can do?"

"Thought you would ask," Flamedramon smiled (I had a feeling he was teasing me!), "That's okay. The DigiDestinied used to have the same problem, since they're also humans. Once they get hungry, they lose concentration, which the worst thing that can happen during a battle. In order to prevent that, we'd come up with a solution, and it's right there, in your pocket."

I tilted my head questionably and putted a hand into my jean pocket, only to pull out a not-so-strange bluish device, "This thing? What am I supposed to do, chew on it?"

"Almost correct," Flamedramon said, failing to hold back his laughter, "You chew on what's in it. Before those digivices were given to the DigiDestinied, they'd been loaded with a limitless amount of food data, so you can use them to relieve your hunger anytime you want."

"Cool! But...err, how can I use this thing?"

"Oh, sorry I forgot you've never worked with a digivice before. Come here, I'll show you." The digimon suggested, but glanced at his clawed gauntlet and quickly changed his mind, "On second thought...why don't I tell you how, and you'll do it yourself."

"C'mon, do you really need to wear those armors all the time? They don't even look comfortable." I scolded, facepalming.

"But I can't help it. This is how I was born. Beside, I always have to be prepared for battles."

"Against who? Look, I know you're a warrior, but that was like...three years ago. The battle is over now, and you've also waited a long time to be here again, so why don't you relax a little?"

"Relax?" Flamedramon asked as he made an incredibly naive face. Perhaps until this point, all this dragon had been doing or thinking about was fighting and fighting. Well, not that I could help it.

"Yep! What's your dream?"

"Dream?" yet another silly question.

This guy is hopeless! I thought irritably, "A wish that your heart itself makes. Simply put, it's what you desire the most. Think about it: What do you want to do beside fighting?"

"Well..." the digimon murmured. He glanced at me, and I think he was...blushing again. For the second time, I couldn't see it clearly because of those annoying armors. And speaking of armors, "Hey, are you taking them off or not?"

Flamedramon seemed torn between whatever he was thinking about. The blue dragon kept looking as his eggshell-like body protections, as if they were parts of him, but I was determined when I rejected his pleading puppy eyes (man, where had he learnt that from? I almost couldn't resist!).

Funny though, why should Flamedramon obey my order when I was the one depending on him? But it worked, as the digimon let out a huge sigh and started to loosen his straps and remove his armors one after another. I was quite surprised when his gaunlets came off. Yes, he did have draconic foot, each with three huge and sharp-looking claws, but his hands were quite humanoid. In fact, they were nearly identical to those of a human, the only difference being his nails, which were curly, slightly longer and sharper than a normal human's.

Finally, I could see every piece of Flamedramon's armors lying scattered on the ground, except for his helmet, which once again, really annoyed me. I was about to give the digimon another lecture, but Flamedramon's expression made it clear: This was as far as he could go, at least for now.

I crept closer to Flamedramon and gave him the digicive. With a few simple inputs, the screen glowed and started fuctioning like a projector, providing food images which instantly solidified. In a matter of seconds, a simple meal consisted of salad, steak and bread, had showed themselves in front of me.

"Wow!" I murmured, and immediately started devouring the food. Mmm, I guessed when you were hungry, everything tasted good, even salad, which I'd always considered to be nothing more than a plain bow of mixed veggies!

"Oh yeah, I live again!" I moaned and wiped my mouth, satisfaction washed over my body. That was, without a doubt, the best meal I'd ever had!

Flamedramon's chuckle brought me back to the reality, "You have quite an appetite, even for a human. I've never seen any DigiDestined eat as much as you do."

"Sorry...are you hungry too?" I asked, scratching my head kwardly when I realized how much of a glutton I'd just been.

"No, digimon don't get hungry. When tired, all we need to recover is a rest, long or short depends on our conditions."

"That's handy." I admitted, "But then...why did that Dokugumon want to eat me?"

"He did?" Flamedramon exclaimed. He seemed to be shocked, even a little sick, though I had no idea why.

"What's wrong? You don't look so good?"

"Dokugumon didn't want to eat you, he was trying to load your data." Flamedramon said, "In order to evolve, a digimon kills other digimon and absorb their data, until its body can't withstand that increasing power, leaving it with no choice but to take a new form."

"I'm weak and worthless. What can you possibly gain from absorbing me?" I asked with a hint of bitter sarcasm. Even now, my mind just couldn't seem to get over the fact that I was so feeble and powerless in this world.

"Quite the opposite. It's true human don't possess much brute force, but your spiritual power is potentially limitless. That's why we needed your help in the first place." Flamedramon said, "Beside, you're not worthless at all. You heard my voice, and you even helped me. Isn't that enough to prove you're special, at least to me." He quickly added the last line.

"Yeah yeah, whatever!" I turned away, trying to act as nonchalantly as possible. Not sure if that was compliment, but my heart was literally racing with joy, just from hearing him call me 'special'.

"Tomorrow will be a rough day, so we'd better get to sleep soon." I said and laid down. This was my first time sleeping outdoor, but it didn't turn out as unpleasant as I'd expected. The ground wasn't too damp, and grass felt pretty soft and comfy, almost like I was laying on a mattress. There was only one 'slight' problem...

The chill!

The night's wind slashed against my body, almost like dozen of icy blades were cutting into my flesh, and it only got worse over time. Despite laying next to a fire, I eventually stared shivering like crazy. Even my breaths began to turn slightly visible.

Suddenly, my mind recalled a story about those who went hiking but ended up stuck in a blizzard. They quickly lost body temperature and would fall asleep, but once their eyes closed, they never opened again! Was I about to suffer the same fate? Nah, that wasn't possible. But still, that story scared the hell out of me. For the time being, I'd try to endure, but how long would I be able to last? That remained a question which I couldn't answer.

"Are you cold?"Flamedramon asked.

"Y-yeah..." I managed to reply with quivering lips, "Is there *sneezed* any sort of blanket data in your digivice, because that *sneezed* would be wonderful."

"Unfortunately, there isn't." the digimon shook his head, "But...if you really need to keep warm, I have an idea. Works like a charm, looks a little weird, though. Do you want to try it out?"

"Just hurry up and do it!" I groaned.


Flamedramon hadn't been kidding at all. His method damn sure worked like a charm!

Blood rushed to my face and instantly heated it up when Flamedramon laid down by my side. The digimon's muscular form gently pressed against mine, as its owner tried to share his warmth with me. I smiled in content and let the blue dragon do his works while I secretly took the chance to explore his body (wondered if this was what people called molesting?). He was strong, but soft and silky at the same time.

"Feel any better?"

"You're so warm." I murred and snuggled up to him. This warmth wasn't just coming from the lovely creature laying next to me, but also from the depth of my chest, where burnt a yearning sensation, craving silently for care and affection - The very feelings which I had sealed away long ago, in order to make people think I was strong and independent.


The following days in the Digital World were quite enjoyable. First, we scanned the grassland. The whole area was huge but clean, so our search went rather smoothly. We devided the field into various sections, and once we'd been done with one, Flamedramon would mark it with his fire.

During that time, I stumbled across many new digimon. Some of them were very cute, like moving little plushies (No, I didn't have a fetish for plushies, so don't worry!), the other...err, not so much. A few ugly ones tried to attack me, but Flamedramon scared them away with a single of his fiery glares. Pretty cool, wasn't it?

Except one small issue: We hadn't found anything!

Two days we spent on the grassland, wandering under the burning sunlight, and you could imagine how frustrating it was to return empty-handed.

We spent the nights trying to refresh ourselves. I told Flamedramon about my life in the human world, something I thought I'd have never done, because, life was pretty boring, obviously, but Flamedramon seemed to think otherwise.

"You need to spend more time hanging out." Flamedramon remarked.

"Said the digimon who knows nothing other than fighting." I retorted, and we burst out laughing.

In return, Flamedramon told me about the previous Digital World war. The enemy was Nyxmon, a primordial beast digimon who controlled the power of shadow and corruption. Apparently, the digimon was also a pyschopath, as its ultimate goal, according to Flamedramon, was to 'gain absolute sovereignty by covering all realms there were in its shadow'.

To defeat Nyxmon, fifty humans around the world had been chosen as DigiDestinied. The battle went on, and despite the reinforcement, casualties were massive: A great number of digimon was killed, corrupted and loaded by Nyxmon and its minions, although no DigiDestined was harmed. When I asked why, Flamedramon just smiled softly, "We digimon were the ones who dragged you into this, how could we let you die for our sake?"

Why must he think that way? Why must he carry that burden alone?

"Are you okay with that? Thinking so little for yourself, ignoring your own well-being? Have you any idea who would be sad if you were gone?" I asked.

Flamedramon blinked and seemed to be caught off-guard by my question, but only for a few seconds, before his face broke into a bitter smile, "Two years, I'd been pleading for help, and no humans heard my voice. Even my partner, the one I chose and cared for the most, forgot me? Tell me, who would be sad of I were gone?"

"I would." as soon as my mouth slipped, I immediately wanted to slap myself. Shit, what had I done? In a careless moment, I'd let my feelings take over, and now, Flamedramon would properly suspect me for saying that weird thing to him!

"Thank you."

I almost couldn't believe my ears when Flamedramon said that. Glancing at him, I realized the digimon was avoiding my gaze, while his cheeks were slowly turning to a bright red color.

'Cute' wasn't the exact word people would use to describe an anthro, flame-shooting blue dragon, but I really couldn't find anything else to say about Flamedramon right now. Dang it, the longer I was with the digimon, the more I seemed to grow attached to him.

The rest of the night passed in silence, as neither of us could say anything to the other, but somehow, I got a feeling we were gradually warming up to each other, and bonded more than we'd ever realized.


People usually said 'third time the Charm' and indeed, they were right. On the third day, we changed location and headed for the woods. I thought it would be a pain in the ass to search for something in the forest, and I were right. Although we were able to avoid the sunlight, there were simply too many places to check. And just like the previous days, our entire morning was wasted without any progress.

Exhausted, we didn't bother coming back to the grassland. We both leaned against a tree, our backs facing each other. Looking up, I watch as the light shined through the tree's canopy and turned into hundreds of sparkling dots, "Hey Flamedramon..."

"Uh huh?"

"Just asking...what will you do after I return to Earth?"

Silence. There was a soft sigh mixed together with the leaves' rustles

"I don't know. May be I'll become a wild digimon again, and if I'm lucky enough to live without getting loaded, I'll do anything to protect my world should it is threatened again."

"What about your dream?" I asked.

"There's only one, but I don't know if it can ever come true."

"Is become stronger and evolve?" I asked, and shuddered as the imagine of a murderous Flamedramon, roaming around, wrecking havoc and killing every digimon in his way to consume their data flashed through my mind. Sure, that was the law of nature in this Digital World, but I still didn't want him to turn out that way. He had so kind and gentle with me.

"No..." Flamedramon laughed softly, "I know what you're thinking, but I can assure you I've never killed a digimon to sate my lust for power. I evolve thanks to the digivice's power, for one purpose only, to defend the weak and protect my world."

"And you still won't tell me what your dream is, right? Oh well, I guess it's pointless trying to ask."

"Catching up quite fast. You're getting better." Flamedramon chuckled, "Now rest, I'll keep the guard."

"Thanks." I said and slowly drifted off as my eyelids lowered and blocked the light from my vision.

(Later that day)

"It's getting dark, let's go back." Flamedramon called. I looked up and noticed the sky was assuming a orangish gold color. Another fruitless day had passed.

"Yeah." I replied, trying to suppress a sigh. Somehow, watching the sunset always made me feel a little sad, as if something precious was slowly fading away in that golden light.

Turning around, I began walking out of the forest, but stopped halfway when the digivice in my pocket started beeping, for the very first time since I had come to this world. Further more, the sound seemed to become even louder when I pointed it at a certain direction.

"Where are you going?" Flamedramon asked, but I signaled him to stay quiet. A couple of minutes later, the digivice eventually led me to a bush, which looked just like any other in this forest.

I spread the shrub opened and started searching inside it. A short moment later, the forest's quietness was disturbed by my shout of joy.


"What happened, Sam?" Flamedramon asked as he arrived and caught the scene of me laughing like an idiot.

"Look what I've got here!" I exclaimed and held out the item I'd just found - a ten-inch, black netbook. The outside was badly scratched, but its screen and keyboard remained pretty much intact. The battery was at 30 percent, more than enough for it to last until the gate closed.

"With this, I can finally return to my world." I said, caressing the notebook as though it was the greatest treasure in the universe.

"Yeah..." Flamedramon agreed, but his voice was nowhere near as enthusiastic as mine.

"What's wrong?" I asked, wondering why he looked so sad, until the obvious truth hit me like a ton of bricks: Our time together would come to an end soon.

Suddenly, the mini laptop became a lot heavier in my hand. Just seconds ago, I was overexcited the thought of coming home, but now I became all reluctant and didn't want to leave this world? Back to Earth, I could resume my normal live, going to school, playing games, enjoying food, and most importantly, not having to worry about becoming a digimon's snack.

But that was a world without him...

I'd enjoyed our time for granted, and it wasn't until now, when we were about to separate, that I realized how much the digimon meant to me.

At that very instant, my mind raced like crazy as it told me what to do. I'd promised myself that I'd leave this world without any regrets...without running away from my feelings, even if they were one-sided.

"Uhm...may be we can wait until tomorrow, cuz I'm really tired now. Beside, it's already been three days, one more night won't make any difference." I suggested, to which Flamedramon replied with a curt nod.

As we left the forest, the leaves were still rustling, as if they were bidding us a silent farewell.


And I thought I had myself prepared, but expressing your feelings to a blue, anthro dragon was no easy task. Now I understood why people looked so nervous when they confessed to each other.

We sat there, on the ground, face to face, but our gazes weren't connected. The air between us, which was usually carefree and relaxing, now had turned heavy and uneasy, as if it had been condensed into an invisible wall which separated us.

At this rate I wouldn't be able to tell him anything. No, my effort couldn't end like this!

"Flamedramon!" I said loudly, making the digimon jolt, "Wha-what?"

"Don't play dump, you know damn well what I meant! Ever since we came back, you stopped talking and started avoiding me. If you consider me an eyesore, then perhaps I should just open the gate and leave right now." I spat.

"No, I was just..."

"Look, this may be the last time we talk to each other, and there's something important I really need to tell you, even if you might think of me differently afterwards. But I can't do that if you refuse to listen, so I'll ask you one more time: Are you willing to hear me out or not?" I continued to push, pouring as much determination into my voice as possible.

That did the trick. Flamedramon spaced out for a good minute, before giving a submissive nod.

I smiled, "Two days ago, when Dokugumon nearly ate me, the only thing in my mind was figuring out a way to escape this crazy world, as soon as possible, but now, I'm really glad that I picked up the digivice. You know why?"

Flamedramon shook his head, looking at me as he made an innocently bewildered face. I chuckled and pat his shoulder, "Because thanks to it, I was able to come here. A harsh and dangerous world, but also one where I can be myself. Then I met you, who I consider more of a best friend than any humans in my world, despite our short time together."

The digimon listened attentively as I continued my narration, "But that isn't where it ends, Flamedramon. At first, I thought we were nothing more than really close friends, but my feelings for you seem to grow stronger every second we're together, to the point where it eventually went beyond friendship..."

At this point, I thought Flamedramon had easily figured out what I was about to say, as I noticed his face began to assume a deep shade of red, and mine was no different! Even when I'd prepared myself for this, those three words were nearly impossible to say. Oh goes nothing!

"This is really hard to say, but in short, all I've been trying to tell you is...I love you."

Flamedramon's reaction was...exactly what I'd anticipated! The digimon looked so shocked that he wasn't able to move whatsoever, even his mouth was agape for a while. I didn't blame him though, cuz I'd react the same way if I had been him.

"Look, I know it's really out of line, because we're both male, and we aren't the same species. Weird, disgusting...think of me any way you like, but that's my feelings, and I'm not gonna run away from them, much less than hiding them from you." I said nervously and looked away from him, prepare to face the best, or worst.

When I've gathered enough courage to face Flamedramon again, I was surprised to see him quivering. At first I thought he was cold, but then I remembered how he'd used his own body to keep me warm all these nights, how could he possibly get cold?

Wait, could it be...he was quivering because my confession was too disgusting? Oh man, now what? May be I should apologize!

Leaning closer to him, I said, using the most comforting tone I could think of, "Are you okay, Flamedramon. I'm sorry if I've said something wrong to upset you."

"Say it again..."


"What you've just told me. Say it again!" Flamedramon grumbled

I was caught off guard by that strange request. But for now, I would willingly do, or say anything to help calm down my draconic friend, "Well, like I said, I love you, Flamedramon, and I really meant it, every single wor-...Whoa!!!"

The digimon didn't let me finish my sentence, as he suddenly launched himself right at me and tackled me with a bear hug.

"Ouch!" I groaned as we both hit the ground, with the digimon atop me, but that was nothing compared to the bone-crushing embrace Flamedramon was giving me, "Ack...Flamedramon, I...can't...breath!"

The blue dragon loosened his grip a little, but still holding me tightly. At the same time, warm drops started rolling down my back. Was he...crying?

"You don't much I've wished to hear those words from you." Flamedramon whispered.

Huh? What had he just said?

"You once asked me what was my dream? Well, here's my answer: I want to spend my life with you,to protect you and see your smile every day, because I...I also love you, Sam." The digimon confessed.

He said he loved me! Was I dreaming or what? Somebody pinched me and waked me up! Wait...on second thought, let not do anything, cuz I wanted this to go on forever!

We eventually parted, faces decorated with crimson blushes, but I knew neither of us had ever been this happy before.

"So, how did it happen, you fall in love with me?" I asked while softly wiping away the glistering trails on his cheeks.

"Well, it started when you picked up the digivice. At first I thought you were a former DigiDestinied, otherwise it'd be impossible to hear a digimon's voice. But I was overwhelmed by curiosity when I found out you were a normal human, and at the same time, I started wondering if there's some kind of connection between us."

I continued to caress the digimon's face as he continued his story, "I've always known I'm more attracted to males, especially male human. As a matter of fact, my first crush was none other than my previous partner. But once I found out he'd already liked someone else, I gave up on him, because pursuing a delusional dream wouldn't do nothing good but hurting us both.

And then, you arrived in this world, and when we finally met, I immediately took a liking to you. How to put it? Love at the first sight? You're the most gorgeous human I've ever seen. Still, I doubted my feelings. I thought you were a fantasy of my old partner. But no, aft're very, very different. I eventually come to fully accept the fact that I really love you, not just the way you look, but also the way you are.

Can you imagine how sad I was when you said you wanted to leave this world? Needless to say, I was devastated when you found that computer. I really don't want to live in a world without you, but at the same time, I'm well aware that I have to right to keep you all for myself."

I was almost moved to tears. No kidding! I'd never been a fan of overly romantic dramas, but hey, when you were in a situation like this, you'd understand how I felt right now. Confessing to someone, getting worried that your love might be rejected, only to be overwhelmed with joy when you realized the feeling was mutual.

"So, I guess this means we're officially lovers now." I said in gleefully, "But there's still one little thing to do."

"What?" came the digimon's honest reply.

Grinning, I leaned towards the digimon until our distance was reduced to a merely one or two inches. Being this close to Flamedramon, I could feel his warm breath spread over my face, and I bet he felt the same too.

"Close your eyes." I ordered, and Flamedramon obliged without any hesitation. But when Flamedramon thought he was about to receive a well-deserved kiss, I stopped half-way and poked his nose.

"Hey!" Flamedramon complained, and I couldn't help smiling at his disappointingly denied face, "That's not funny!"

"Sure, it wasn't." I replied, still smiling, "Sorry, didn't mean to screw around with you, but something just happened to get in my way. I'm afraid you'll have to get rid of it before we continue."

The dragon tilted his head and looked at me questionably, "Get in the way? What is it?"

"This." I said and ran my hand along the blade/horn sticking out from his flaming helmet, "Last time, I asked you to take off those armors, and you did, except for this piece. You said you weren't ready, but now we've confirmed our feelings, what else to be afraid of. I want to look at the real you, not a fire-shooting, armored dragon, but the kind, gentle one that I love."

The digimon blushed red as he heard my compliment, before giving a nod and closing his eyes. To my amazement, the head protection began to vanish, slowly gaining me a full view of my lover's face for the first time.

Like the rest of his body, Flamedramon's face was also colored blue, except for a white patch around his snout and cheeks, which travelled down his chest and abdomen. The digimon had two horn-like appendages, which apparently were his ears; and three v-shaped, yellow markings, one between his eyes and the other two each at a high corner of his cheek. But, perhaps Flamedramon's most astonishing feature was his hair: Long, spiky silver hair which looked just like a human's.

"This helmet was coded so that it can't be removed by normal means." Flamedramon said timidly, "I don't want to be seen like this, because I...I'm the only one of my race to have hair. I'm a freak, even for a Flamedram-..."

Not letting the dragon finish his sentence, I pulled him close, letting his head rest on my shoulder as I pressed my face against his hair. Despite its spiky appearance, his hair felt surprisingly soft and had an amazing smell to it, almost like cinnamon and burnt dried woods.

"Are you kidding me? This is the coolest thing I've ever seen. I mean, you already look handsome in those armors, but now you're totally irresistible!" I said while inhaling his intoxicating scent.


"Yup. There's nothing wrong with being different. As a matter of fact, I think it's quite cool to have something unique that helps you stand out among others, and if you're still doubting yourself, then how about I give you a name? Let see...Flamedramon obviously won't do. Flare...too simple. Flamey...nah, too fruity. Hmm, Blaze...Yeah, it suits you perfectly! The most brilliant, most gorgeous flame, just like you, my wonderful, one-of-a-kind Flamedramon. What do ya think?"

The digimon stared at me for a moment. His face then broke into a huge smile as he literally knocked me on the ground again with a surprise tackle!

"I take that as a 'yes', but next time, if you want to hug me, either do it gently or give me a warning beforehand." I managed to chuckle as my lover almost knocked the air out of me. Deja vu, now he was laying atop me again, and when I noticed how close our faces were to each other, I realized I still owe him something, and whispered, "Let's finish what we started."

Blaze didn't need another invitation. Slowly, the dragon lowered his muzzle, while at the same time, I tilted my head slightly, so we were at a perfect angle for the kiss. My whole body quivered in excitement when Blaze's soft lips came in contact with mine, as we shared out first truly intimate moment. My mind froze in bliss, as I brought my head towards my digimon lover, and wrapped my hand around his neck to pull him closer and deepen our kiss.

The pleasure was intensified as I parted my lips, allowing Blaze's tongue to slide into my mouth. The slippery appendage began to explore my mouth, licking every surface it could reach. Felt kinda ticklish, but wonderful at the same time. Overwhelmed by this new sensation, I returned the favor and started sucking his tongue. Soon, we were making out passionately and swapping saliva. I found his taste quite pleasant, so I couldn't help wondering what he thought of mine.

I wished this would go on forever, but unfortunately, we ran out of breath and were forced to break the kiss, both gasping for air. Still not taking eyes off each other, I was the first to speak, "That was amazing...Honestly, have you ever done this before, Blaze?"

"No..." the digimon panted, smiling, "You're, and will always be the only one. I love you, Sam! I really do!"

Gosh, had him any idea how much that affected me? Looking at me with those dazzling crimson eyes, saying those soft, loving words. Blood rushed to my face and heated it up so much that I thought I was going to daze out, had it not been for the glowing digivice.

"What's going on?" I questioned aloud as the digivice began to shine brightly. Two white data streams burst out from the screen and caught us by surprise as they enclosed our hands. This lasted for a short moment, before the streams slowly released us and returned to their source.

My eyes widened in shock when I looked at the digivice again. Its shape remained the same, but for color scheme had completely changed, from white and blue to red and gold, with the outline became silver.

"Blaze..." I stammered, awaiting an explanation from my lover.

"A contract has been made..." Blaze said, looking almost as bewildered as I was, "You've been chosen as a DigiDestinied, and my partner."

My mind became blank for a few seconds. Me - a plain, ordinary human, having no special talents or charisma whatsoever, was now a DigiDestinied, one of the very few human to ever be chosen? This must be a joke, right? And here I'd thought there was nothing that could possibly make this night better!

"I'm really glad I got to meet you, just please, don't ever leave me...I've had enough loneliness for a lifetime." Blaze said as he nestled against my chest. I briefly wondered who was the dominant one in our relationship. Clearly Blaze was way bigger than me, but sometimes, he seemed so emotionally fragile.

"You have my words." I replied and softly brushed his fragrant hair.

"Your words aren't enough. I want something else...I want you!" the digimon said, grinning mischievously.


I'd almost smacked myself in the head for having fallen for Blaze's trick so easily. At the same time, I made a quick mental note to never judge a book by its appearance, ever again! One minute ago, he was the sweetest, cutest digimon in the universe, and the next thing I knew, he turned into an unbelievable trickster!

"You tricked me! That's not fair."

"Life's never fair. Why did I have to suffer all that time after fighting my ass off to save this world?" Blaze smirked, before lowering his voice into a seductive whisper, "Beside, someone did say I could take a bite whenever I wanted, didn't he?"

"But...mmmph." my protest was cut short, muffled as Blaze once again pressed his lips against mine. The gentle caressing quickly escalated into a tongue-wrestling contest, which Blaze easily won.

My mind became foggy. All reasons worn out as the digimon orally pleased me with his skillful tongue. With a sigh of content, I surrendered myself to Blaze and let the digimon did as he pleased.

Having obtained my approval, Blaze slowly withdrew his tongue from my mouth, only to lower it to his next target, which, by the way, was my neck. The dragon's warm, slickly appendage provided me with ticklish delight, while his lips pressed firmly against my sensitive skin, eliciting gasp and moans from my mouth, which only got louder as his hand sneaked under my shirt and began to stroke my bare flesh.

"Oh god, Blaze..." I moaned as the digimon bathed my neck with his saliva before attempting to remove my shirt, but as soon as the piece of cloth was lifted, I shuddered violently as the cold breeze hit my exposed belly.

"No! Blaze...Please don't..." I stammered, "The cold...I'll freeze to death!"

"Don't worry, I'll keep you warm." the digimon whispered huskily as he ignored my plead and forcefully tugged the shirt over my head. I was about to complain again when Blaze brushed his body against mine, lightened me up with his amazing heat. Of course I knew the heat wasn't only from him, but from the crimson flush over my face as well. Sure, Blaze had hugged me before, but this was the first time we actually shared this physical closeness. I trailed my hand over Blaze's body, marvelled at the digimon's powerful, yet slender frame. The surface felt incredibly smooth, but hidden underneath it were unmistakably rippling, mighty muscles belonged to a brave warrior who always fought for the sake of others.

Blaze was enjoying himself as much as I was. The digimon didn't hesitate as he ravaged my body. Every now and then, he would pinch my nubs, one after another, while lapping away at my torso, replacing my sweat with his drool (no kidding, his warmth was so overwhelming that I actually sweated a little).

"Ngh...Gah!" I gasped and squirmed as Blaze abruptly groped the bottom of my crotch and began to rub my groin teasingly.

"Someone's getting hard, isn't he?" Blaze mused.

"And it's all your fault." I scolded playfully, "Have some responsibility!"

"My pleasure!"

I closed my eyes and let Blaze did his work. There was a *zip*, and the next thing I knew, my pants were removed and unceremoniously tossed aside. I waited in anticipation for my last piece of cloth to be taken off as well, but Blaze took his time and continued to rub the needy bulge between my legs, earning more moans from me. Already I could feel pre-cum leaked out like crazy from my cock-slit, drenching the fabric of my boxers!

"Damn it, Blaze, enough with the teasing! I can't take this anymore!" I cried out as my ragging hardon begged to be freed from its restrain.

My eyes fixed on Blaze, and judging from the lewd smile on his face, I knew for sure that dragon had some evil intentions in his mind, though I was n't sure what else could he do to sexually torture me any further!

"No problem, but don't you think it's selfish, having all the fun for yourself? So, here's how we're gonna do it: You're in for a special treatment, but in return, I need you to take care of something."

I barely had time to figure out what he meant by that, before the Flamedramon shuffled his body, still atop mine, but in reverse order now. My mouth was agape, because right now, in front of me wasn't Blaze's handsome face but rather, his rockhard, throbbing member!

'Enormous' was probably the only word to describe his monster of a cock. Coated in blood red color and veins, the shaft was approximately eleven inch long and four inch thich, with a bulbous ball of flesh at the base, tapering to a spade-shaped tip.

Every now and then, Blaze's phallus would pulse and a drop of his viscous, transparent pre would fall onto my lips. Almost instinctively, I extended my tongue to lick away the pre, tasting it for the first time, found myself drunk in that overwhelming heat, that incredible musk, that salty, intoxicating flavour...Delicious! If this was how his pre tasted like, I couldn't begin to tell about how much I was looking forwards to drinking his semen. (Oh man, that sounded pretty dirty, didn't it?)

"Aahh...Ngh!" I moaned as Blaze dragged his tongue along my stretched boxers, then progressed to slide them down my legs. My penis twiched as it was exposed to the night, but my lover wasted no time warming me up as he slurped away at my shaft. The rough, sandpapery texture of his tongue somehow felt incredible against my sensitive cock. Every lick made me want to jump from the pleasure, and it wasn't long before Blaze engulfed shaft in the warmth and wetness of his maw. Man, I'd played with myself before, but that was nothing compared to this!

Blaze eventually increased his tempo, now bobbing his head up and down rapidly onto my cock. At the same time, his body suddenly lowered even further, and the tip of his pulsing member touched my lips. I immediately got the hint. He wanted to be pleasured, to be taken care of just like me right now. I wasn't going to disappoint!

Although, I was kind of nervous, considering this was the first time I tried sucking another guy off.

Gulping, I parted my lips and rolled my tongue over Blaze's pointed tip, savouring the digimon's taste and unbelievable heat, with his pre came as bonus. Heh, and I thought I was sensitive, but Blaze literally writhed around when I stimulated his penis. He was as much a virgin as I was. Alright, you'd started this, so be careful what you wished for, big boy!

Wrapping my arms around Blaze's waist, I pulled him closer to me, his cock went straigth into my opened, awaiting mouth. I tried to take at least half of the breeding organ, but it turned out to be a first-timer's stupid attempt. Blaze was simply too big for me, as I gagged around the shaft and quickly let go of it. The feeling was almost like someone tried to shove the other end of a baseball bat into my mouth, not good!

But I wasn't gonna let my inexperience get in the way! I brought the digi-cock into my mouth again, albeit much slower this time. I tried to relax and enjoy the experience as much as possible, tongue coiling around the tip, collecting the musky fluid, before brushing itself against the shaft, drowning in the amazing heat and silky-smooth texture. After a few minutes of trying nonstop, my effort finally paid off, as I managed to take about eight inches of his cock in my mouth, with the tip even poking my throat. Sure, I wanted to feel thw whole thing, but for now, this would do the trick!

Another minute passed, and I finally began to suckled that delicious, meaty pole, bobbing my heat up and down rapidly. The more I tasted Blaze, the more I got addicted to him. Mmm, at this rate, I'd never be able to let go of his cock!

Meanwhile, Blaze was doing an awesome job to pleasure me as well. His wet tongue constantly dragged along my shaft, coating it throughoutly with thick, warm drool, sending chills down my spine. The digimon particularly enjoyed playing with my tip, as slurping and sucking at it greedily.

However, much to my dismay, Blaze suddenly lifted himself up, taking along with him the delicious, meaty length I'd been servicing.

"Hey, what's the deal? I'm not done with that!" I complained.

"Sorry, enough with the warm-up." Blaze said, now face-to-face with me again, "It's time for the real fun?"

Real fun?

I didn't have time to ask what he'd meant by that, or to prepare myself when the digimon lowered himself to my groin. My mouth shot open for a gasp of pleasure as Blaze roughly spread my cheeks and ran his tongue across the crack between them. I moaned, feeling his nose pressed against my virgin pucker, tongue lapping away at the surrondings, then finally managed to break through the tight ring and enter me. It hurt, being stretched like that, but at the same time, the sensation was surprisingly delightful, having something so warm and slippery rub against my inner flesh. Was this what they called a rimjob?

The wet organ continued to snake its way deeper into my arse, drenching every surface it could reach with its master's hot drool. A few more licks, and Blaze finally withdrew his tongue, leaving me there, dazed and paralyzed in pleasure after having been penetrated for the first time.

"That should do it." Blaze declared, before giving my cheek a tender lick, effectively shock me back to reality, "I really want to mate with you, Sam, but I'll never force you to do anything you don't like...So, if you want to back out, then now's the time to speak up."

Never force me to do anything, he said? Wasn't he the one who lured me into this mess in the first place?

Still, what was the point of avoiding the inevitable? I knew we would come to this point, sooner or later. Looking back at Blaze, I found it impossible to deny those hopeful, pleading crimson eyes, not to mention the fact that I actually wanted it too.

Already, I could feel the tip of his cock press against my sensitive entrance, adding more fuel to the raging fire that was lust in me. He wanted to enter me, I needed him inside me!

"Go ahead." I smiled, "I'm all yours..."

Eyes beaming with joy, Blaze leaned in and kissed my forehead, "This will hurt, but only for few seconds. Trust me, it'll feel good really soon."

Immediately he thrust forwards, forcing nearly an inch of his erection into me. Immense pain flared my rear, making my eyes water as the montrous mating tool invaded my innards. The sensation was similar to when his tongue penetrated me, except now it was ten folds more painful. I bit my lips to prevent myself from crying out in argony as Blaze continued piercing my ass, but at this rate, I wouldn't be able to hold back much longer!

Thanksfully, when I thought I was about to reach my limit, Blaze ceased pushing as he'd managed to bury nearly all of his length within my depth. I gasped at the unbelievable sensation of having something so hot inside. The heated pole of flesh nestled snuggly against my fleshy walls, transforming the intinial pain into something new, a pleasure far greater than any one I'd experienced before.

"Oh..." I moaned involuntarily when Blaze shifted a little and twisted the head of his cock inside me.

"Good, now you're ready." Blaze told me and licked my face comfortingly. When I gave a slight nod, the digimon began to pull out. I groaned as the pulsing cock left my body, leaving behind an empty feeling before Blaze, without any warning, thrust his hips forwards again, causing me to moan in delight as his shaft ravaged my orfice and spread me even wider.

As the digimon built himself a smooth rhythm, steadily fucking me with amazing vigour, I found myself rocking back to his thrusts. No words could describe this experience, being taken by the one I loved, having such a sexy thing touch the deepest, most intimate part of my body. My body shock violently with every plunge, as I tried to savour every second of having that cock lodged in my ass, a unique but satisfying fullness, warm and twitching with life. One second, it felt so empty when he pulled out, but that aching hunger was quickly replaced by a warm glow that washed all over my body as Blaze's cock returned to the place where it always meant to be.

My vision blurred, tongue rolled out from the side of my mouth as I entered a stage of heavenly bliss, completely submitting myself to the mighty dragon. Wrapping my arms around Blaze's neck, I pulled him to another breathtaking kiss, our lips massed together hungrily as our bodies united in the purest, most primal form of lust and desire. I moaned into my lover's mouth as our passion skyrocketted, Blaze slammed into me repidly, trying to get his pulsing shaft as deep as he could, his knot grounded into my rear repeatedly.

At some point, I lost count of how long had we been at it, but eventually, Blaze's speed became more frantic and instinct-driven, and I could tell he was close to finish. Of course nothing would please me more than being filled by my lover's seed, to be bred properly like his true mate. However, one thing was still bugging me. Despite Blaze's effort and the increasing force he put into every thrust, his knot just couldn't seem to get inside me. This wasn't how I wanted things to turn out. I needed Blaze...every bit of him, including that big, fat knot. I needed it all inside me!

"Knot me, Blaze..." I groaned, looking pleadingly at my lover, "Give me everything you have!"

Blaze didn't need to be told twice. Nodding, he began to pound away at me with such force that each plunge seemed to drive to the ground, making way for the knot to enter. Even with the anticipated pleasurable feeling of being tied and filled, it really hurt being spread so wide. In his last attempt, Blaze pulled himself out until only the head remained inside me, and with one immensely savage push of his hip, the knot finally slipped into me.

My ass felt like it was about to tear in half, having been stretched to the point I'd never thought was possible, but at the same time, the sensation was beyond wondrous, being filled with such a warm, solid ball of flesh. I barely had time to enjoy the brilliant feeling, before the throbbing cock inside me began to tremble.

Thick, gooey blasts of fertile digimon semen began to spray inside me. The steaming, creamy fluid coated my innards throughoutly, before running deep into my bowels, soothing the pain of intrusion. I gasped in amazement as Blaze's orgasm seemed to be never-ending, his shaft throbbed and rentlessly unloaded jets after jets of boiling-hot spunk into me, washing over my prostate in a flood of hot wetness!

As Blaze deposited his warmth inside me, all the pleasure I'd been feeling seemed to gathered at my groin and kept increasing, until it exploded like a ballon. My own cock twitched rapidly as I acquired a mind-blowing orgasm, possibly the biggest one I'd ever had! My sticky load shot all over the place, spurts after spurts splashed against Blaze's belly, only to end up dripping onto mine.

After what seemed like an eternity of bliss, Blaze seemed to run out of steam as he collasped heavily onto me. I help him tightly, never wanting to let go. As a matter of fact, we actually were kinda..._stuck _at this moment, his knot still lodged firmly inside me, and it would take awhile until it deflated enough for us to separate. In the mean time, I'd just lay there, enjoying Blaze's warmth, and savouring the fact that we were now truly mated. Oh, who was I kidding? Here I laid, cum-filled, overheated, dizzy, and I was the happiest person in the world!

Blaze looked at me, and our distance was slowly closed. Words weren't necessary for us anymore, because whenever our eyes met, there'd only one message to be found.

I love you...


Finally, I'd found the most important person of my life in this world, the Digital World. Now, all I must do was to prevent my new home from falling apart.

(To be continued)