#5. Rebellion

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#10 of Origins


Names have been altered on purpose to protect the identities of the living and the deceased. Comments are welcome like always but, please keep all negative feedback to yourself. Merely out of respect for those that I've lost recently and over the years, Thank You.

Special Shout Out;

In loving memory of all those that showed me the way whenever I got lost or distracted. I miss all of you horribly but, I know you're still watching over me from above.

(Launa Moon Viander, Sabrina Breckenridge, Lady Azrealle aka Azzy, and Sayber are all owned by, https://xennydiemes.sofurry.com/ )

I kept my grip on the handle of the large sword then delivered a back spin kick. A loud crack sounded as my dark persona went flying and landed hard close by. Poor Azzy was frozen she just didn't know how to process what was going on. "HEY, DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO GET YOUR FEATHERED TAIL OUT OF HERE." I stated. The second my attention was elsewhere that gave my dark self time to recover.

Launching himself into the air Azzy watched him and her eyes went wide. This alerted me to his attack spinning on my heel then swung the large sword backwards. As he came down Ravenaire's pommel met him halfway and slammed his windpipe. The heavy impact stopped him cold, quickly I reeled back then struck again. Catching the air inside his throat and forced him to stumble back by several feet.

While I had moment to myself I summoned all the power I had to the surface. Next I focused all my power into Ravenaire the sudden influx made it change. At this moment I didn't know that Launa and her sword shared a link of the soul. She felt a strange warmth as she tried to understand what was going on in there. Sadly before Launa could get a handle on things the link with her weapon was cut off.

As more of my energy poured into it the faster the large weapon morphed. Using the strength of my will to bend Ravenaire until something very fierce. I felt bad for Azzy she stood there trying to figure out what she was presently seeing. Though instead of leaving some force begged her to remain and wait for an opening. For the time being she gave us all the room we could possibly need for our fight.

Once the energy transfer ended Launa's Ravenaire was no longer a sword. From the pommel all the way up most of the blade had remained fairly normal. As looked at the rest of the blade it had morphed into a double bladed battle axe. Seeing this kind of hybrid weapon you actually feel sorry for who's on the receiving end. When It gazed upon the modified weapon It wisely refrained from rushing in blindly.

In my current frame of mind I wasn't going to allow It to have another chance. Crouching slightly then launched myself right towards It with like a man possessed. The axe portion of the morphed sword began glowing again then burst into flames. With a heavy stomp of my right foot and using the inertia to swing the weapon. He tried dodging the large weapon at the last second but, it was already to late.

It pierced his flesh above the right hip and continued at an upward angle. Followed up by a blood curdling scream as the blade exited from his left shoulder. Upon exiting Ravenaire had reverted back to it's normal state but, I struck again. This time around I went from left to right across the sternum earning another scream. I struck three more times in succession creating a glowing six pointed star pattern.

Harnessing the energy still stored inside of Ravenaire into a single point. Swinging my arm and the large weapon up onto my shoulder then paused briefly. Leaving all parties in this strange realm on edge as my true plan got underway. When the sounds of energy chains clattering gained their attention and surprised them. <Whoa, I wasn't expecting that tactic unless he knows something I don't.> She thought.

"I don't know who or what you are but, killing you doesn't interest me at all. Besides something told me if I went ahead anyway I'd be sharing in that fate also. Those energy shackles should suffice for now, until I can learn more about you. Please feel free to enlighten me seeing as you can't do much else at the moment." I stated. Of course It refused to say anything and tried to break free from the energy restraints.

Seeing as It wasn't a threat for the time being Azzy decided to come closer. My ear twitched upon hearing footsteps then I turned to the left to see her coming. Removing Ravenaire from my shoulder and hilting into the ground then turned. As the lovely raven stood before me, I bowed politely to her then spoke clearly. "Lady Azrealle I thank you for the assist but, it's time for you to return to your body." I stated.

"Sorry, Nova I'm glad you're free but, I've gotta job to do please move." She replied. I'm still kicking myself for this even today as I picked then aimed the sword at her. Nobody predicted that I'd defend the creature responsible for my imprisonment. "Forgive me milady but, any action against him in this place will cause me harm also. If you still want to help than help me regain control of my physical body." I said.

"It won't either of you any good your primal instincts have taken control. Oh and by the way you can't regain control unless I'm destroyed or we unite." It smirked. Fortunately back out in the real world my body hadn't moved or even breathed. Much to the relief of the others but, they knew something would have to give. The only question that remained left unanswered was who would be first to break.

"Look, I trust Azzy immensely but, I hate to say it's been way too long, Launa. Is there anything we can do lend her an extra set of hands or join her in there?" Sabrina asked. Shaking her head side to side saying no didn't ease the super werewolf's mind. She was just as frustrated as they were about their feathered friend's safety. "I'm getting feed back from Ravenaire what ever cut our link is gone." Launa began.

"Azzy, is fine ladies the body's true owner is free but, there's a third party. What ever It is seems to be an equal part of who the true owner is but, not conjoined. Trust me I'm trying my best to sort what information I'm receiving from my sword. I've got a weird feeling we're going to be getting back into the fray soon enough." She stated. For now all they could do was have faith in Azzy's ability to do the right thing.

What they didn't know at the present time was how right Launa happen to be. Now things between Azzy and myself had become a bit quiet as she stood nearby. Even though things have cooled off for now it wasn't about to remain that way. As I went to retrieve Ravenaire and see to it Azzy returns the weapon to it's owner. The second our attention was elsewhere It silently rose to his feet and smiled evilly.

Pulling the large weapon from it's current resting place then handing it to Azzy. "Thank you I've got things under control, besides your friends must be worried. Besides I'm pretty sure that the owner of this would really like to have it returned." I said. As I handed Ravenaire over to Azzy, she retrieved the crystal that brought her here. Suddenly a small blue portal appeared a few feet away from where we were standing.

Escorting the tall raven to it she turned to say goodbye then without warning. Azzy's face went from relax to trembling with fear causing me to turn around. Only to see this menacing black aura of soul energy radiating around his body. Black lightning started to crackle lighting up the entire area like a large search light. Not liking what I saw, quickly I shoved Azzy through the portal just as the chains shattered.

As the portal closed shards of energy chain tore my body apart like saw blades. At the same moment Azzy gasped for air as she returned to her physical body. Ravenaire appeared before Launa in a vibrant flash of white light seconds later. My body at the present time stood roughly sixteen feet tall and muscled beyond belief. Seeing as It was once again free I knew was in for a universe of hurt and far worse.

Struggling to stand back on my feet and fight back the pain I was feeling. The crystal in Azzy's hand turned a bleak color telling her something went wrong. Her spell was still active so she dove back into my mind only to meet with resistance. A web of energy wires slowed the raven down a great deal but, she managed. Landing nearby and let's just say It was less than pleased to see Azzy had returned.

Unfortunately I wasn't strong enough to summon Ravenaire back to me again. Luckily for me Azzy wasn't sitting on the sidelines this time when she attacked. Hands radiating with energy Azzy had unlocked her full power and readied herself. When It got back on his feet a giant red fireball smacked him right in the snout. Sending him tumbling ass over tea kettle for several feet before coming to a stop.

My strength was rapidly leaving my body as the wounds began taking their toll. Still I summoned what strength I could muster to stand back on my own two feet. Drawing upon the energy that filled this place into a tight ball and like a missile. I fired it at our enemy with a soft pop the beam of energy raced across the floor. Just as It stood back up though by the time It noticed the energy It had no time to react.

The ball slammed into It's stomach then detonated with a deafening bang. Before It could have a chance to recover and while I had the strength to continue. I launched a steady barrage of energy beams, not wanting to be left out Azzy joined in. With our combined power tore up the astral floor filling it up with smoke. Releasing a defiant roar I called forth every last scrap of energy that hadn't faded away.

Azzy noticed real quick I was going for broke with this semi suicidal attack. The smoke had cleared It stood there bruised, angry and certainly out for blood. When It saw the large ball of energy It watched as my knees gave out from under me. "AZZY, THINK FAST!" I shouted tossing the large energy ball towards her. Holding the large orb she learned that it had some kind of purpose but, what was it?

(Present Time.)

_Sadly I was unable to tolerate discussing this anymore and jumped off Sayber's lap. From there I vanished in a plume of smoke before anybody could even get to their feet. As they got up seconds after I exited and when they went to give chase Launa spoke. "No, girls this is my mess after all I did ask him to share that so I should make things right." She said. Before Launa could make it to the nearest doorway Sabrina grabbed her shoulder. _

Telling Launa to remain with everyone while she handled this problem herself. Next the super werewolf left the dining room, went upstairs to check my bedroom first. As she poked her into the empty room, next she went upstairs to check the gymnasium. When the lights for the spacious gym came on she noticed the room was empty as well. From there Sabrina scratched her head trying to think of a place I'd go to get some privacy.

Folding her muscled arms across her chest and pieced what she learned together. Until she heard footsteps approaching from behind her causing the canine to spin around. Launa walked towards the tall canine and of course Sabrina wasn't too thrilled about it. "Launa, I thought I asked you to stay behind with others while I took care of this?" Sabrina asked. She didn't anything to her friend except point a finger up suggesting sh check the roof.

Thanking her Sabrina walked past Launa then up the staircase leaving her behind. As she opened the access door then stepped out she looked around until she found me. The rain had stopped a while ago, allowing the moon to shine through the clouds. My ears swiveled back when I heard Sabrina walking towards me but, I didn't move. It wasn't until the nearly thirteen foot tall super werewolf stood besides me that I looked up.

"You gonna be alright Nova you've got everyone myself included pretty worried." She said. Lowering my ears, then looked away from her then my tail wrapped around my legs. With a strong exhale I asked my fellow wolf to give me a few minutes of alone time. Sabrina looked at me with her silver gray eyes when I looked back up to meet her gaze. A brief moment of silence passed between us until she took a deep breath then spoke.

"Look, I may not be the best person to offer advice but, I try to be a good listener. And besides the last thing you need right now is to be left alone to your own devices Nova. OH!, Don't even think about using your magic or I'll come back here to kick your ass." Sabrina warned. When she cracked all her knuckles for emphasis telling me that she was truly serious. For some reason I couldn't help but, laugh as Sabrina wrapped her arm around my neck.

"Talk about show casing ones spots, huh, be honest Sabrina I show cased mine?" I asked. Sabrina didn't say anything right away, gave me a gentle pat on the back then smiled. First she had me sit down next to her then she shared a few not so pleasant memories. While I listened to her story when she finished I expressed my desire to castrate her ex Richard. Ruffling my hair she told me that she got even already and is with someone ten times better.

"Umm, not to change the subject here but, how are you able to summon, Ravenaire. That sword is an extension of Launa and to see you call it leaves all of us pretty confused. Even more so when we escorted you to your girlfriend's wake you really had us freaked. When Vincent deliberately accused of killing her when that wasn't how things happened. Before we knew it he was pinned against the wall and Ravenaire was aim at his throat." She began.

"You had all of us convinced that your dark self had broken out of his damn prison. If it wasn't for the tears streaming down your face and returned Launa sword said differently. Granted we were thankful you restrained yourself but, you should've throttled his ass. Anyway getting back to my original question, how the hell are you able to do that with Ravenaire?" She replied. I stood there thinking about it and the only thing that came to my mind was a simple theory.

"If I have to guess Launa merged a piece of her very soul into the steel of Ravenaire. Seeing as my specialty is soul magic, perhaps I'm able to utilize that piece of energy. Naturally I'm not a hundred percent sure on how I'm able to call forth her prized weapon." I said. Sabrina could tell that I was perplexed by this myself but, my theory did sound solid. Before she could reply my ears twitched then I turned around to see Azzy standing nearby.

"You know Nova that theory is pretty accurate when you look at all the evidence. There's a way to test it conclusively is for you to call, Ravenaire while Launa holds it. Though we can test that theory tomorrow right now we need you to come back to sooth her. She feels rotten for asking you to share that painful sequence of events with us. Granted it happened almost a year ago but, to you those wounds haven't healed, yet." Azzy stated.

"Okay, Azzy I'll be down in a few minutes, Sabrina thanks for being a good friend. Do you two ladies mind going ahead, I'd still like some time to myself, please." I replied. Both women smiled then calmly went back inside the giving me the privacy I desired. Once the door closed I turned around and looked to the sky then took a shaky breath. Asking for strength from the spirits of my tribe when this strange energy source pinged.

The signal was close but, faint almost like it was buried, jumping off the building. Next I contacted the others telepathically as I landed softly just outside the main entrance. When they joined me a few minutes later I informed them about the weird energy signal. My eyes had already glazed over in an attempt to pinpoint its exact and sadly nothing. Before the others could do anything I finally zeroed in on the source then chased after it.

Granted it was strange they didn't sense it so I was determined to prove that to them. Sayber chased after me as I ran in a westerly direction right towards the energy source. Over a half mile later I stood in front of an old factory where the signal was strongest. Taking a good look around to find a way into the building with out alerting anybody inside. Upon closer inspection the energy signal turned out to be mechanical and not biological.

Wisely testing the rusty doors to see if they would open but, they didn't even budge. Asking Sayber to stand back as I sunk my claws into the metal doors then began pulling. Once the rusty doors creaked I slowly increased my strength until the old hinges snapped. Stepping back a few steps then with a low grunt I tossed both rusty metal doors aside. Next we ventured inside the building and as our night vision kicked in it was hard to navigate.

Raising my left hand I created a light orb this would provide us with plenty of light. The vast space was cluttered with all kinds of crap and reaked of mildew, paint and rust. Luckily the energy signal I'd been sensing the entire time peaked upon reaching the source. What I didn't expect was for the energy signal to stop then Sayber's rather odd question. "Nova, what are those symbols glowing around your feet?" Sayber asked pointing down.

Turning to look at her just as the ground beneath me began glowing with this red light. Followed by an even brighter flash that took a while to fade but, revealed a long staircase. After moving clear of the opening I carefully tossed my light orb down the metal steps. Judging by how dim the orb became when it finally reached the bottom told us plenty. "Sayber, I think it's time that you go fetch the others while I go down and check for traps." I informed.

Naturally she expressed her dislike about me venturing off alone into the unknown. "Sayber, I know you're worried about me but, I can take of myself now let me do this." I started. She growled softly at me while her large muscled arms moved across her large chest. "Look by scouting ahead I can discover if there's anything dangerous hidden down there." I replied. Naturally she refused and it reminded me just how stubborn Gina could be when she wanted.

Sighing to myself I sent Azzy a telepathic message stating that we found something. I hoped Azzy could convince the others while we carefully walked down the staircase. When we reached the bottom I soon heard footsteps moving around directly above us. Waiting a second then I gave a loud shout signaling our locale and waited patiently. "Alright, Nova just what in the hell are you getting us into this time around?" Sabrina asked sourly.

To be continued.

Appointment 4

**File Name: Panda-demic** "Yes, I've also come to tell you this will be the last time you have me as a client." She replied. I leaned forward in my seat then placed my hands together just under my nose. Showing her no outward reaction but, mentally...

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Chapter 6

Sadly my fur couldn't hide my blushing for long as her fingers moved south. When her hand started fondling my balls the shock in her voice just got worse. The poor woman still couldn't believe that a young man like me was so endowed. Reaching up with...

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#6. Legacy Revealed

"Sabrina your guess is as good as mine cause right now even I don't have a clue. What I can tell you is that what ever called me here didn't feel hostile but, it feels important." I replied. Sadly what I wasn't expecting was for my dark persona to...

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