Unicorns a brief history II

Story by WoLf2Tails on SoFurry

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#2 of Unicorn

This is the second part of the tail of unicorns. Be warned it is sad, and a bit theological.

Inspired by CS Lewis, Shel Silverstein, Casey Sledge, and Lady Brendana. Two of which I have had the honor of meeting and working for a short time with At Hawkwood Fantasy Faire.

She awoke to find herself on a green meadow the grass inviting, she bent to eat, her hunger was greater than her fear, and the grass was more delicious than anything she had ever eaten, the grass was wet with dew, all was peaceful. As her hunger subsided so did her fear and sadness.

And she said to herself "it all must have been a dream, a real bad dream."

"Sadly my dear unicorn it is not," a strong voice from behind her said.

Turning to face the voice she beheld a Great lion. His mane shone like the sun itself. Instantly this unicorn, who had never felt fear save for once, fell to her knees trembling. This lion was not a creature set beneath her people as the stories told, he was more, beautiful and terrible at once. The lion approached the prostrate unicorn breathed into her nose in the greeting of her people.

"Be still my child, I will not harm you"

She looked into his eyes and felt peace.

"I have herd your prayers my faithful one, I will grant you this you will be given a great appointment to guard these summer lands, but first I have a task to set before you, you are to leave this place to remind your family of the Truth and try to convince them to put their faith in me, those that choose will follow you back here to live."

"But, how sir they all know the stories but they don't believe."

"You will have to try. Now my dear go" he indicated a path and she solemnly obeyed.

As she set a hoof upon the path he said to her "I will be with you, my luv, have strength"

She raised her head and walked on.

"Please, stop playing and listen to me the waters are rising you will all drown if you do not heed, the tales are true, I've seen the summer lands" No one listened to her, with each one that laughed or turned from her, her strength shrank. Soon she was too was ready to believe that the lion was just a dream.

One night she slept and found herself in that beautiful glade with the lion standing before her, "have strength" he said and she awoke and refreshed she thought of the moots where the unicorns gathered to tell stories,

"I'll go there and tell my tale and beseech all to listen the story teller is always listened to, they'll have to listen to me"

"..... Then He said have strength." As she finished her tale before the gathering all was quiet.

Then the elder said "A good tale my dear heart it is fresh and new thank you for giving us something we have been lacking for generations"

"...then you believe me if we are to survive you have to believe me"

"Yes dear I believe you story is one to be told from now on."

"But it is not just a story it is real I saw him he breathed with me, he gave me strength and returned me here to save you." she began to cry

"You are not well, Dear Heart" then the elder turned to the others some "Someone take and care for this young one see that she does not hurt herself"

"But, I am well I just weep for you I don't want to see you die"

An old mare approached her and steered her away from the gathering "come my darling, I'll care for you and make you better you'll be able to run and play again soon"

Unicorns a brief history

A note to the audience. This work is unpolished but I would love to get feedback, Please be constructive. This is a work inspired by CS Lewis, Shel Silverstein, Casey Sledge, and Lady Brendana. Two of which I have had the honor of meeting and...

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Jerrod III

Warning. This is a work in progress; there is a lot of story to be had here. Also let me warn potential readers. This story deals with many touchy subjects, such as rape, child molestation, M/m, m/m, murder and suicide. if any of this offends you...

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Jerrod II

First let me tell you this is a work in progress, there is a lot of story to be had here. Also let me warn potential readers this story deals with many touchy subjects, such as rape, child molestation, M/m, m/m, murder and suicide. if any of this...

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