War of Revenge

Story by Patience Cottontail on SoFurry

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#1 of War of Revenge

a fiction of royalty that draws back to ancient time. Planets far off from any world we may know. Natural instincts and intellectual life in a whole new galaxy. One race cast to Exile wants revenge and they will stop at nothing to do so....

Chapter: 1

"Me lord we have 'em der new papers dat dem felines, visited de Reptiles place. der tryin' to coax Morgan to join them." A scruffy chocolate jack rabbit said, spitting out a wad of saliva on the ground. He appeared like a simple farmer, by the way he was dressed and the way he talked made him appear uneducated. Truth was, the rabbit was the King's right hand man and was his undercover spy.

"Well done Jack. Tell Morgan we'll give him twelve sun stones if he plays along. Tell him to join them and get as much information as possible. I want those cats to feel they have the upper hand then when the time comes crush them into oblivion. However leave Chester. I want him to suffer isolated upon that planet for the rest of his life." The king, Rex, instructed.

The rabbit gave a proud smile revealing his protruding front teeth. His small pink nose wiggled upon his Carmel snout before he stepped back. His shaggy chocolate hair covered his stern intense gaze of his deep mud brown hues.

"Is dat all sir?" Jack questioned. His fluffed up ears bounced up to get a better clearing for an answer.

"That is all Jack." The king said.

With that said Jack left the room. He entered a large hall way that held tall structured columns in the shape of large bones. The ceiling heavenly painted with angelic clouds and blue skies. The floor tiled with the finest of pearls and marble. The Hall was more like a balcony to the center courtyard that displayed a rich garden, banisters railed white and red. The view was exquisite beyond measures, within the garden, large trees and wild flowers of white red and golden yellow grew and bloomed.

"now dat der sight jus' makes me want to cry. So gosh darn beautiful. I bet dat der is Christina's handy work." Jack said as he leaned over the rail. From four parts of the center courtyard there was a stone trail leading to the middle and in the middle was an old oak tree as tall as any city building thick and healthy. The flourishing tree was surrounded by a small ringing pond, were little Milken fish lived.

A Milken fish was a long slimy yet very colorful eel like creature that never grew more than three inches. When scared they produce a white creamy substance that clouds them in the mist giving them a chance to burrow low in the rocks of the pond bottom or for them to make an escape. Three large eyes help them see from multiple angles and the light spots upon their back are actually filters to feel the differences in the water around them.

Jack took the left wing stair case to leave the large home from the back end. Upon passing through young prince Lucky - a rather uptight pup- passed him by in hopes to talk with his father. School has just let out and of course he was annoyed with something. Joining Lucky were his two sisters and his younger twin brothers. Lucky wasn't the oldest but he acted the most mature out of his siblings. Jack only chuckled once he caught the pup's annoyed features and made a small bow out of respect.

"Hello my handsome young prince." A heavenly tone chimed from an alternate direction. Christina made her way over to her son with open arms. She was fairly short but she never allowed her height to get in the way of anything.

Lucky blinked a few times before reluctantly turning to go to his mother's warm open arms. Once close enough he laid his head in her soft chest and rested a moment.

"Mom, where is dad." He asked in a soft mumble. His mother's sudden hugging embrace made it hard for him to speak, considering she was hugging around his head.

"Oh what do you need to bother your father for this time?" Christina questioned. She appeared to be pouting but not by much.

"Nothing just...I have to tell him something. Brian ha-

"What have I told you about hanging with that Bear?" Christina snapped, cutting Lucky off. "I told you he's dangerous, with all them gadgets and sciency stuff. You could get hurt in an explosion or he may decide to use you as a test subject."

Lucky rolled his eyes.

"Where is dad mom?" Lucky asked again, ignoring her nagging.

"Rex will fall to his knees. He'll beg for mercy and I'll be sure not to grant it. I want those mutts to squirm. His children will make great slaves and his head would look good on my mantel. "A raspy toned Cat said. He was frail and meek looking. Morbidly thin and covered in wrinkles. His skin sagged from his body showing he was very old. His eyes sunken in and face flat. He was missing his snout, but by some god means still very well alive. Upon his head was white gold crown and upon his shoulders was a silk and furred cape. His black furred body shined sleek, like any youthful feline, but all together he looked like a sack of bones and flesh.

"Father we are ready." A tall slender male cat stood in the doorway of the large conference room. The room was as big as a small apartment with a large table in the center and a monitor at the very end, plastered on the wall.

Chester the fairly old feline looked upon his young youthful son with slight envy but smiled showing how proud he was of them. "Excellent my child. I want full report of those reptiles decision. You know what to do if they refuse. Once planted activate it right away if they decide to stay loyal to those mongrels. If you suspect even the slightest thing activate it anyway."

The young feline nodded his head a bit before leaving his father. He was joined by two other scouts and three ninja squad members. They entered the ship keep, where their largest aircraft was awaiting them. Inside were four pilots, three kinds of offering, a mysteriously large metal box, a hundred ninja warriors, and twenty guards and two healers. The young prince sat in his seat next to the ship captain with lightened eyes of admiration.

"Hello your highness." The large panther figure said showing a devilishly handsome smile. He knew well how the young prince felt about him, considering how he'd sneak around and to see him our watch him, thinking one would notice him. He boldly and daringly reached over and rubs the soft black course hair upon the prince head and pulled back to focus on the ships launching sequence.

The prince held in the urge to purr or to even rub his head into the paw that so gently had stroked his head moments ago. He glanced off to the side for a while, having some frustration build up. Like his father he was seen as a hard ass and tough, cold and lifeless. He had some of those qualities but, the others he faked so that his father would never be disappointed in him. He knew his father highly praised and favored his sister more than anything. She was always told she'd do wondrous things. The prince was named Chester Jr. because his only purpose in life was to replace his father once he is gone and be exactly the same, to have consistency in their monarch world.

"You'll be sixteen soon huh your highness. Pretty much an adult." The captain said, trying to break up the silence.

"Yeah." Said the prince in a soft yet cold tone. "I'm pretty much an adult now." He muttered.

"Oh? You believe so. Well now let's see. I'm thirty-four now; I didn't become an adult till I was at least twenty years old." The captain teased.

The prince rolled his eyes a bit, but when the Captain wasn't looking he smiled. The smile washed away as soon as other pilots and passengers joined them. Settling down and buckling up to prepare for take-off.

"engaging launcher one." An engine controller announced.

"Sequenced notified, prepare to initiate turbo engines." Another announced.

"Turbo prepare to launch." The controller replied.

There was a bit of a shake and kick that jolted everyone, but no one seemed to panic. Calmly they all pulled out a small case from their pockets that held a few tablets that would give them the ability to breath in space. Once the ship lifted, it hovered from the holding into a clearing over a forest. Once completely in the clear they shot up violently and vanished into the sky above. Once in space their ship came to a dramatic decline in acceleration. Space slowed their ships down, but not by much. They were still able to travel to various planets within a few days or less.

The prince closed his eyes a little and rested in his seat. He hadn't been able to fully rest in a long while, considering he had to learn everything his father knew and more, he needed to learn how to be perfect as a fighter and a leader, more importantly how to run a monarchy life. He had to build a fan base with the public consistently, so that when he did become king he'd be as beloved and respected as his father.

"Your highness." A soft whisper called to the prince. A warm sensation up on his chest, which caused him to stir a little. The prince peaked his eyes open to see he was laid back in one of the ships resting lounges. Hovering over him was the captain.

"Captain...Fayte..." The prince muttered. He opened his mouth to speak again, but before he could the panther swooped in and planted their lips upon his. The prince cheeks burned under his fur, but he couldn't resist returning the heated kiss. His mind racing with many questions; the prince decided it was best not to ask.

The warm feeling upon his chest returned, seeing it was the large paws of the captain pressing against his bare chest and rubbing across his gentle furry frame. A gentle purr emerged from his throat and his tail slightly curled. The captain's moist tongue slipped into the young prince mouth and slithered across his. Soft gasps released once warm paws had traveled down to rub his once flaccid member. Slowly it bulged within his pants. The captain's large paws caressed and massaged the prince orbs making him squirm and moan faintly.

"Your highness...are you alright?" the captain asked sounding concerned.

Confused the prince nodded his head, but was unable to answer.

"Your highness?" the Captain said again, and soon enough the prince Jolted awake.

Chester glanced around, noticing that he was being stared at by most of the crew and worst of the entire captain himself. He'd been dreaming the entire time and the crew was concerned from the purring and soft moans coming from the prince, that he may have been having some sort of nightmare, or "happy" dreams. Chester wanted to melt into his seat from how embarrassed he felt.

"Are you alright your highness?" the Captain asked yet again.

Clearing his throat in attempt to redeem himself, the prince nodded his head and jerked his body to turn away from the staring eyes the best he could. He could hear small snickering, that was clearly trying to be covered by coughing or sneezing.

It took a while but the prince was able to fall back a sleep. the trip would take at least two days.

"De King wants ya to work wif Chester as a joke." Jack said holding a single hay straw in the side of his mouth. He stood in the laboratory in front to the monitor, built by the town genius, Brian Bear.

"I'm not a fan of Felines." Hissed a large serpant.

"Please Drake, tell Morgan to consider. I know ya in charge of de whole army thing, but Morgan is still ya leader ain't he? So Leader and Leader should make dese kind of decisions." Jack said crossing his arms. Like Jack, Drake was the right hand man for his leader Morgan. All information and details are told between the messenger and the most trusted before reported to the kings or leaders. This way it would avoid pure conflict if something wasn't agreeable and give the leaders a chance to think about their replies.

"Alright hare. I'll talk to Morgan but I assure you...he won't be too happy with the idea either. Just saying, he's more touchy about the subject than I am. It'll be hard to refrain from ripping into those pesky felines." The serpent hissed before disconnecting the conversation.

"I-is everything all set?" a short timid discolored bear asked. His fur was strikingly orange from a failed pumpkin experience he had many years ago.

Brian the genius bear hunched his shoulders and nervously approached Jack. He was roughly the same age as Lucky maybe a few months older. His hair always a crazy bush of brown, the only fur that remained unharmed by the experiment; however it left him permanently orange.

Jack stared at Brian hard and gave a sour twitch of his upper lip. This made Brian back up and leave the area quickly. He hated conflict and he hated getting on anyone's bad side. His only friends were his machines and Lucky.

He transmission from the reptilian planet beeped on the monitor and Jack answered almost immediately.

"Well?" Jack asked first, showing he was a little anxious. Brian made him nervous, since the cub was so smart, he didn't want to seem inferior.

"He says okay, but double the sun stones. We are low and the sun seems that it'll be late this year." Drake said.

"Ya slightly pushin' it, but I'm sure ol'King Rex will accept it." Jack said. He pushed back and signaled his paws in a galactic hand sigh that represented peace or greetings. Index and middle fingers held in a peace sign from both sides, crossed over top of each other facing in and thumbs folded, with the smallest digit pointing in. If the creature or figure didn't have those fingers they would make it the best they could. In drake's case, he didn't have any limbs only his tail which rattled behind him and bowed his head respectfully before leaving the communicator.

Sun stones were highly valued amongst the reptile community. Their sun came as a seasonal occasion. Their planet is heated by an underground volcano cavern. The sun stones shined like the sun and gave similar warmth. Each sun stone lasted for half a year. The Reptiles needed at least three minimum to heat the planet enough for everyone to survive. The sun season lasted for four earth months and then vanishes for seven months before showing again one last time before the season is completely over for the cycle to happen again. During this crucial time the reptiles often prayed the sun would shoot more magma rocks down, and they could then convert them into sun stones. During the time without sun, the Reptiles lived underground and during the sun season they worked and lived above, to worship the sun.

Jack turned to Brian who was standing beside a shelf near the room's door.

"I am Finished." Jack said as normal and educated as he could. Jack was far from stupid, he just didn't speak well, nor did he care about what he looked like. He made his way out of the room and through the lab aisles. Brian glanced around the room before shutting the door and locking it up.

The felines reached Reptile atmosphere and instantly thirty space cruisers shot up from the planet with ready fighters from any attack. The reptiles were considered the best allies for war considering their speed and hasty retaliation. Like snakes and other reptile predators they gave an initial warning before striking. However their warnings were short winded making the reptile planet very hostile species if not allied. The communicator rang violently, forcing the captain to answer it quickly.

"Call off your men Drake we come in peace to speak with your Leader Morgan." Said the captain, trying not to break a sweat. Their ship was large but enough damage they could be left stranded in space.

Drake hissed as he stared the cat dead in the face. His eyes narrowed and stern with intentions to kill. He was silent for a while which made the ship's crew feel uneasy in their seats. The silence was never a positive thing. Drake has been known to be merciless and if it wasn't for the communication earlier he would have surly attacked them.

The Feline race was heavily disliked for their arrogance, their selfishness and their cunning trickery. They often lied to get what they wanted and used their alluring charm to get close to their enemies. Over the thousands of years the feline race had proven to be untrustworthy and they were usually the first to initiate trouble. They were banished to the outskirts of the planetary ring of planets and worlds to be as far away as possible. The other creatures did not care if they survived or not. Out raged the felines manifested in anger and often plotted their revenge.

"You have permission to land..." Drake finally said before disconnected. Suddenly the cruisers descended back down to their positions.

With a great sigh of relief the captain signaled the okay to land. Twelve men approached the metal box they brought with them. They would need to be hasty with their plan. They had picked the best time to come. The reptiles will be slow on their planet due to the lack of sun and sun stones. Once on the ground the captain and the Prince got off the ship. Young Chester was groggy from his nap being disturbed from his nap. He had slept majority of the way there with no one to bother him, which was the best sleep he's had in a long time. With surprise they were greeted by Drake instantly. Drake was very large and thick for a snake. His gaze sharp as usual. The massive snake was at least fifty yards long and eighty inches thick. His fangs were so massive they rested outside his mouth occasionally dripping venom.

Drake towered over the feline visitors and gracefully slithered off in the direction of their base. While Drake took the prince and the Captain, the other crew members got to work. They hauled the box out of the ship and to the desert wasteland a few miles off from the main city of the planet. Inside the box was King Chester's newest invention. This set off different frequencies and vibrations throughout the planet and injected an odd substance of mist into the ground. This would brainwash a planet in a few months and Chester would be able to convince any leader to be on his side.

Drake lead them underground, over a bridge of lava. He room was filled with working serpants and various reptiles. There was a waterfall clashing with a lava fall. The teams of workers were gather magma rocks, and towing them off to their small buildings, crafting new homes and building structures. He magma rocks collected heat better and stayed heated for longer periods of time.

It was a large Chasm of glowing lava and rivers. Glittering in the walls were diamonds and gold ores these stones weren't worth anything, except for fashion or a child's collector's item.

"Hmm...you bring me his runt child to negotiate. The boy is merely a fuzz ball." Morgan laughed in his baritone voice. "Tell me, how do you negotiate with Kittens? Would you like a yarn ball?"

The prince's eye twitched in aggravation.

"Hold your blood serpent tongue you overgrown Lizard. I'm just as reasonable as my father and as any other World Leader. Now if you are finished insulting me, I would like to get back to business." Young Chester hissed.

Morgan was a large alligator who was also part dragon. His father married a dragon princess, which put the two on exile from the enchanted world. They were accepted by the reptile people and after earning their trust started new a life an emperor and empress.

"Very well. Alright Kitty, tell me what it is you wish to discuss? I'm sure it's very important considering you came all this way from the banish worlds." Drake hissed.

"I want to bring you an uprising opportunity to join ranks with the feline clans and fight on our side, help us rejoin the flourishing enriched lands of the ring and we'll share our riches of the unknown with you." The prince paused. "We have brought you three gifts as an offering. Five sun stones, three hundred thousand Yoklis and two moon tears."

Yokli was the galactic money all planets shared and it didn't come easy. The moon tears were very valuable in the trading markets and amongst planets that heavily depended on technology. It was could power mechanical objects, restore damages, purify smoggy water, and could be used as a fuel source for long trips throughout space. It was also used for many other projects and still being examined for more uses.

All of these offers were beyond exceptional. It would have left Morgan in a bind if he didn't already agreed to previous terms with Rex. He simply nodded finding the offer practically free.

"Of course we'll join your side my fellow ally. How could I ever turn down such wonderful riches? Mmm yes, your world and ours shall unite at once. Tell your father we greatly welcome your people." Morgan said.

Chester was beyond surprised but he felt a bit off. The Captain felt it to but both said nothing, instead they appeared to be relieved and smiled before giving their galactic signs and leaving the meeting ground. Once they boarded the ship young Chester gave the signal to launch the device planted in the wasteland. Instantly it shot a beam and injected large prongs into the soil of the ground. It began to work its magic over the world. It wasn't long before the captain pulled off and the cats made way for the next world.