White Wings in Winter

Story by Brunvindr on SoFurry

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A long overdue follow up to "White Wings," a story about a feral dragoness courtesan and one of her human lovers. It was still winter when I started writing this, hence the title. Hope you enjoy.

White Wings In Winter

By Brunvindr

Caius awoke from a pleasant dream, and the first thing he noticed was that his pants were curiously absent from the lower half of his body. The second thing he noticed was that he had an erection, and the third was that Valeria had her head buried between his legs, nuzzling and licking the tip of his shaft. It didn't take long for the dragoness to discover that he was awake.

"Good morning!" she chirped, tail swishing enthusiastically on the stone floor. "Sleep well?"

"I was having a good dream..." Caius replied, groggily.

"I could tell..." Valeria purred, motioning towards his erect member. She gave the tip of his shaft another lick, teasing him as she was apt to do. "Dreaming about me, I suppose?"

Caius took a look around. To his right was the entrance to Valeria's cave. It was snowing outside, just as it had been the night before. A storm had hit just as he was preparing to leave the brothel. Not wanting her favorite customer to lose his way and freeze to death, the dragoness had offered him permission to spend the night in her cave. It was an invitation he simply could not refuse. Now, deep snow banks almost concealed the entrance. Inside the cave, a fire kept the cold at bay. The flames illuminated most of the cavern, but much of the area to the human's left was still obscured by shadow. His trousers were nowhere to be found, and meanwhile the dragoness continued to lap at his member.

"Where are my pants?" Caius asked.

Valeria looked up, ceasing her oral assault for just a moment in order to answer his question. "I hid them." she hummed, matter-of-factly. "I've finally figured out how to undo the buttons." With that, she then returned to work, shamelessly enveloping his erection in her mouth.

"Well, that much is clear," he stammered. "But where did you put them?"

Again, the dragoness looked up, allowing his slick member to slide out from her toothy maw. "Why should you care?" she asked, perplexed. "Don't you like this?"

"Of course I like it," Caius replied. "It's just that my gold pouch is in my pants pocket."

"Forget the gold," Valeria snorted, waving her paw dismissively. "This one is 'on the house,' as they say."

Caius sat in silence for a moment, wondering if he had really just heard what he thought he had heard. "Say again?"

"You heard me." the dragoness said, running a paw across his chest. "Just relax. You don't have to worry about a thing..." Once again, she began to lower her head towards his crotch. Her thick tongue lashed out, brushing against his balls before travelling up his shaft.

Caius watched her, still not entirely believing what he was hearing. It was December, and he and Valeria had shared many passionate nights together since his initial visit to the brothel in May- including the previous night. They had become close friends, but never before had she offered her services for free. Discounts, yes, but never free sex. She said it was against her policy. For a second, Caius wondered if he was still dreaming. "Are you sure about this?"

Valeria grinned a licentious, toothy grin. "More than anything, I'm sure of this." she purred. "You see... down there, in the brothel, I operate under a set of rules. You pay me, and I'm all yours..."

Extending a claw, the dragoness hooked the human's tunic and pulled it off slowly over his head, rendering him completely nude.

"...But up here, I make my own rules," she crooned. "Up here... you're all mine."

The dragoness stared at him, and as Caius stared back, he could tell that Valeria was, in fact, completely serious. Her eyes said it all. They were full of fiery lust, expressing an undying need for sex. Ravenous, unbridled sex. Sex with him, specifically. The thought of being mated once again - and free of charge, no less - by this breeding machine in dragon form aroused him like nothing else. Between his legs his stiff manhood throbbed, yearning for more attention. He held his arms out by his sides, inviting her to do with him as she pleased. "Well, here I am," said Caius, smiling coyly. "Come and get me."

Valeria made no attempt to hide her eagerness. Her body quivered as her lower regions started to leak feminine fluids. She grinned provocatively and grasped his member with her digits, squeezing and tugging on it with newfound excitement and vigor.

Caius grunted, feeling the heat of her breath on his nethers as she brought her snout to the base of his shaft and sucked softly on every inch, listening to the dragoness moan to herself as she tasted him. Rivulets of drool trickled down her chin and coated his balls. All the while, she continued to stare at him with that same fiery, seductive gaze. His eyes traced her body, admiring her curvy figure and the way her rump swayed as she bobbed her head on his cock. The sensory overload was almost too much for him to handle. "Oh, Gods..." he moaned.

The dragoness did not let up. She scrunched her snout against his crotch, pressing it down as far as it would go, until the tip of his cock nearly butted against her throat. She held the position for several seconds, using the entirety of her powerful tongue to stroke his shaft. She squeezed it rhythmically with her flexible organ, deep purrs resonating within her all the while. Female juices continued to leak from her vent, running down her legs and filling the cavern with the intoxicating scent of female musk. Her tail snaked between her legs and began to massage the pliable flesh of her delicate pussy.

Caius squirmed, breathing in air through gritted teeth as Valeria continued to tug, pull, and suck hungrily at his cock. She certainly knew how to pleasure him, and the way she toyed with herself made the show all the more delightful. Gods, she was simply too good at this! The pressure in his loins was building rapidly. With every passing second it grew more difficult to stave off his fast approaching climax. "Wait, stop..." he groaned, clenching his jaw. "It's too soon."

Valeria's eyes, which had been closed in concentration, suddenly shot open. She wore an expression of feigned surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry," she teased. "Am I getting too carried away?'

"A little." Caius panted. "Don't you think we ought to make this last longer?"

"Yes, we should." Valeria concurred. Outside, the howling blizzard raged onward, with no signs of slowing anytime soon. If the storm did not relent, why would they?

"How about I take over for a while?" Caius proposed. "I'd feel like a bad guest if I made you do all the work."

"Oh, you're such a gentleman!" Valeria chirped. "I was hoping you'd say that..." With that, the dragoness rolled onto her back and spread her hind legs wide, her tail-tip pointing towards the parted lips of her vent. Peering at her human lover from between her legs, she watched carefully for his next move. "Come on," she hissed excitedly. "Now, make me cum and maybe I'll show you where I hid your pants."

Slowly, Caius rose onto his feet and closed the distance between himself and the 'ness. The dragoness eyed him intently as he grasped her tail, gently laid it flat on the cavern floor, straddled it, and then clambered onto her. Before long, his head was resting in the space between her legs, mere inches from her waiting vent.

Up close, her vent was all the more mesmerizing. Nestled between the cleft in her silver scales, the meaty lips of her labia were parted wide, revealing a fleshy, moist passage - with her fleshy tailhole resting just beneath it. The way it gaped, her vent seemed almost like a secondary, toothless maw: slightly intimidating in appearance, but oh, so irresistible.

Ever so carefully the human grasped her thighs, and the dragoness felt the tip of his tongue lash out to trace her folds. She cooed, toes curling in the air as she finally received the attention she so desperately needed.

Again, his tongue flicked across her slit, and again she moaned, ears flattening against her head. Then, for the briefest of moments, his organ brushed against her clit. The dragoness gasped sharply. "Yes!" she cried. "More!"

Not wanting to disappoint her, the human repeated the motion. "You like that?" His tongue dragged across her sensitive nub, and then traveled down to prod at her entrance, parting her folds ever so slightly.

"You must've done this bef-ore!" she yelped, legs flailing excitedly in the air as his tongue danced across her clit again. It had been too long since anyone had gone down on her - human or dragon.

Caius stared up at her, smiling. "A few times. Never with a dragon, though."

Valeria laughed. "In that case, you're doing very well for a first timer!"

" Well, I do learn from the best!" The human flirted, planting a kiss on her netherlips.

The dragoness shivered with pleasure. "I'm flattered..."

Gaining confidence, Caius brought his hands off her thighs and repositioned them near her slit. His fingers spread her lips wide as he buried his face in her vent, his tongue adding slippery saliva to her already moist sex. He began to experiment with different paces and patterns: a few slow licks along her outer lips here, and a few delves into her inner passage there.

The dragoness writhed and squirmed, her undertail growing wetter each time the human rolled his tongue deliberately across her clit. She huffed, exhaling a quivering moan as she gazed at longingly at Caius with half-lidded eyes. His tongue thrusted in and out of her folds, and she moaned again and again - each time with an increasing amount of desperation. His movements were agonizingly slow. She arched her back, legs clenching as the tension in her loins mounted. "Good, good..." she churred.

Feeling more adventurous by the second, Caius extended two fingers, wetted them, and prodded at the entrance to her vent. Instantly, her passage clamped around the intruding digits. Valeria yelped with pleasant surprise, tossing her head to the side as the human slowly withdrew, only to thrust back in again. She growled and squealed with feral bliss, hips grinding against his knuckles as his fingers curled against her inner walls. She was on the brink of climax.

It was then that the dragoness became aware of something hard prodding at the underside of her tail. Immediately realizing what it was, she churred with utmost enthusiasm.

"Ready to move on?"

Caius looked up at Valeria once more, glanced down at his erection, and then looked up at her again, smiling and nodding. "More than ready."

Giddy with excitement, the dragoness suddenly rolled back onto all fours, barely giving Caius enough time to move out of the way. She then eased herself down onto the cavern floor yet again, tucking her limbs beneath her so that her rump rested atop her back paws - just at the right height for the human to have his way with her.

Caius approached her slowly, placing his hands on her plump rear, kneading and toying with the firm cheeks as he leaned in close, brushing the head of his member against her vent.

"Mmm, Caius..." the dragoness sighed. "It's been too long since I've felt your cock in me."

The human shot her a perplexed look. "Too long?" he laughed. "It's been twelve hours at most!"

"Precisely." Valeria giggled.

Caius shook his head, but smiled nonetheless. "Are you always this insatiable? I mean, I always knew you dragons had high libidos, but this is just absurd."

"Oh, this is nothing." she grinned. "You should see me when I'm in heat."

The human's smile widened at the thought. "Is that an invitation?."

"Maybe." Valeria said with a wink. "Now, enough dilly-dallying!" The dragoness pressed her rump against him as if to emphasize her mounting impatience.

She didn't need to ask twice. With one motion Caius drove his hips forward, sliding his stiff erection between the damp, wanting lips of her sex. Her vent clamped greedily around his girth, swallowing him an inch at a time. The ridges of her soft walls guided him deeper and deeper, squeezing him tightly all the while. His cock glided along the ridged walls of her curvy canal, urged ever onward by her low moans and sharp gasps.

Valeria shivered with desire as her human took her from behind, plowing her feral vent with long, powerful thrusts. This was all highly unusual for her... she rarely offered males the privilege of being on top, and this was the first time one of her bipedal lovers had ever lain with her in the comfort of her own home. Everything was different, and she liked it! She rocked her hips slowly, hugging Caius's member all the way down to the base. Sticky strands of female fluids coated both of their midsections.

Caius pumped his hips with all the eagerness of a wild dog, pounding her female sex with short, deliberate and rough thrusts. He adjusted his grip on her hips, holding on tightly as each new thrust increased in both speed and ferocity. Her walls rippled against his shaft as he glided over them.

The female cried out with glee, claws gripping the cavern floor for stabilization as the human spread her hind legs wide and lifted her rump further off the ground. Her oncoming climax, which had ebbed slightly during the lull between foreplay and intercourse, was already rising at record pace. She squirmed, shivers of pleasure coursing through her entire body as her tail flailed wildly above her human's head.

Valeria's mind went entirely blank with pleasure. Her human wasn't far from his peak, either. He repeatedly drove his cock into her, slamming her tight passageway with as much force as he could muster. He leaned into each thrust with all his weight, biting his lower lip and exhaling sharp breaths through his nose.

By this point, the human's thrusts had grown so powerful that the slightly larger dragoness was surprised to find that her body was being pushed forward every time their hips met. She loved the way his strong hands gripped her rear end as he railed her from behind, pounding his thick fleshy member between her hind legs. She pressed her chest firmly against the fire-warmed stone of the cavern floor, pushing her rump back further as she rested her chin on her paws.

"Oh, Valeria..." Caius sighed. "Will you lie on your back for me? I miss seeing your gorgeous eyes."

The dragoness emitted a sound that was part moan, part laugh. "Calling the shots now, are we?" she teased. "My oh my, the tables have turned." In spite of the taunt, she did as she was instructed, twisting her limber body around without even releasing his manhood from the vice-grip of her vent. Of course, she was as careful as she could be to not sweep Caius off his feet in the process.

Caius grabbed a leg in each hand, feeling the heat radiating from her underbelly as he leaned into his next thrust for an extra deep lunge. No words were exchanged between the two of them as they both adjusted to the new position. He looked deeply into her yellow eyes, which were now nearly narrowed into slits. She stared back at him with a saucy gaze, with her head tilted and her ears flat against her skull. Valeria pressed her tailtip between his shoulders, gently easing him further forward. She let out an echoing squeal of sheer delight as his member hilted within her once again, hitting all of her good spots along the way.

"Mfff, Caius..." she cooed, legs tensing. "You're so deep inside me..." The dragoness was relishing the feeling of being dominated. She relaxed and allowed her body to go limp, feeling his weight pressing against her, trilling at the sensation of his warm cock piercing deeply in her passage.

Caius was now gaining at record pace. Her unrelenting sexy stare, combined with desperation in her trembling voice... it was just too much for him. He couldn't pull out - her tail made sure of that. All he could do was continue thrusting as deeply as possible.

The dragoness yowled and whined, pressing her head against the cavern floor as the human had his way with her. "Don't stop! Don't stop, I'm going to cum!" she cried. Her shaking legs tried their very best to wrap around his midsection as she squirmed beneath him, her trembling maw emitting great noiseless gasps. She curled up into a near ball-shape. Then, without warning, she let out a piercing shriek that surely would have put all the citizens of Adasia on high alert if it hadn't been masked by the storm. Her vent clamped down onto Cauis' intruding organ like a tight-fitting glove. The powerful contractions of her orgasm pulled him in, encouraging him to release his own seed. She thrashed violently as her climax swept over her body, her claws and teeth alike both searching for something to grab a hold of - but there was nothing.

Her repeated, gasping moans were too much for the human to take, and the powerful shakes of her ferocious feral climax finally drove him over the edge. His thrusts briefly went into overdrive before coming to a screeching halt. Starting at the waist, he felt his entire body begin to tense up. Then, with a bellow, he released a wave of pent-up cum directly into the depths of her vent. Her walls were contracted so tightly that the dragoness could feel every pulse of his shaft as it delivered its sweet load. The human collapsed onto her belly as her tender passage continued to spasm, milking him of ever last surge of seed he could possibly muster. He panted, feeling the rise and fall of her underside as both their climaxes slowly melted away.

As the sounds of sex faded, the sounds of the howling storm outside became increasingly more apparent. The blizzard, it seemed, was still going strong.

"Well..." Caius gasped. "That was... primal."

Valeria chortled happily. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

The human glanced back at the cave entrance, and then looked up at her, smiling. "I don't think I'll be leaving anytime soon." As if in response, a sudden gust of wind blew directly into the cavern, tingling the human's bare skin. The fire at the center of the cave seemed to spring back to life, crackling with energy as the flames danced frantically.

Valeria smiled back at Caius, craning her neck forward to plant a slobbery kiss on the side of his cheek. "Good," she purred. "I'm not done with you yet."

-The End