Demon Angles

Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Drako's War

Demon Angles

Luna looked out over the baron waist land at Luke her mate. His eyes filled with anger and hate. What happened to the loving caring gaze he once had? What happened to the funny way he acted? What happened to Luke? This is what ran through her mind as tears started to fall as Past and Future merged into one. The dream that she had about him had come true, so did this mean the others would too? All she could do was watch as the wolf she loved ran down the few hundred yards toward her Brother Drako.

Drako took a moment to let him come closer and as he did he whispered to Luna "I'm sorry for what I must do but I won't kill him." And he ran off leaving the pack behind along with Luna and his mate Demona.

Drako didn't want to hurt his friend but he knew that nothing could be done about it so he charged on. Drako didn't run down the twisting path way instead he leapt form level to level to get to the ground faster. Once he reached it he dashed off toward Luke's raging form. They closed in on each other like two missiles both leaping at the other at the last moment. They met in mid air hitting the other like a bomb.

To Drako's amazement Luke was the one that got the upper hand grabbing Drako by the back of the neck and once landing he threw Drako like a rag doll. Drako flipped in mid air landing on his paws but sliding back a few feet. Drako was taken aback by Luke's power; this made it easy for Luke to run at Drako again attacking without mercy. Drako was thrown back again but this time he was ready for Luke's next attack. Drako remembered what he was told about his children's power so he reached deep within himself and he pulled at it. When Luke was within feet of him Drako lunged out and took Luke and threw him like he had thrown Drako.

Luke wasn't so lucky to land on his paws; He hit the ground hard thrown far by Drako's use of his daughter's super strength. Drako waited for a moment to see if Luke would get back up and wasn't surprised when he did. Luke smiled at Drako his eye's still filled with anger and hate.

Luke spat out a glob of blood and said in a voice unlike his normal one "You can't beat me Drako."

"Luke why are you helping Talon." Said Drako

"He will help me achieve greatness and kill you and my traitor of a mate." Said Luke

"I don't understand how did you get this powerful and how did you get here so fast." Said Drako moving his head back and forth keeping an eye on the Demon animals moving closer to him

"That's easy Drako Talon has gotten May powers over the centuries and he has granted me some of them. I have more than my strength I can move faster than you can blink." Said Luke then he vanished and reappeared behind Drako

Drako jumped out of the way as Luke bit down right where his neck had been only moments before. Drako sprinted off but in a flash Luke was in front of him again. Drako dodged another close call to his life but instead of running he used the power of transportation to make himself move far from Luke.

"Nice try." Said Luke reappearing in front of him again

"How did you do that?" yelled Drako

"Super speed it's handy I know." Said Luke "and no matter how much you try you can't beat me."

Drako then remembered his other pup's power and he smiled. Drako vanished again putting a good fifty feet between himself and Luke. Luke let another smile pull at his lips. Drako watched him, intently waiting for him to make his move. Quick as a flash Luck disappeared and before he could reappear Drako pulled at his powers again searching for the one thing he needed. Once he found it he used the power, then everything seemed to slow down then stopped.

Drako looked around and saw Luke only a few feet in front of him. Luke was in the middle of a run stuck in the river of time which Drako was happy to see he had control of. It scared Drako a bit to know how much in the world he could control with his power. Drako looked over Luke's body trying to see what Talon had done to him. Luke's body was so different that he didn't even look like himself anymore.

Once his observation was done Drako closed his eyes and he used his power's to copy to find what powers Talon had put on Luke. Drako gasped a bit as the over whelming power filled his mind and body. Drako found the power of super strength and speed but also the power of fire and ice, the power darkness, and a power that made him invisible. Once he was done going through Luke's body and copying every power Drako made time speed up a just a bit.

Luke's body started to run again but this time it was almost like he was going a normal speed. He stopped once he got passed Drako then once Drako made time normal again he said "How did you do that?"

"You say you can beat me Luke well you should know something first. I got my memory back and my powers which are I can copy any power I want. I have everything you do." Said Drako

"It doesn't matter I'll still kill you for what you do with my mate." Yelled Luke and he attacked again

Drako attacked too using everything within him to overpower the enraged wolf. Luke tried and tried to overtake Drako but with Drako's power he was able to evade every attack. It only took Drako ten minutes to bring Luke down with blood and cuts all over.

Once he had stopped attacking Drako stood in front of Luke and he said "Luke your mind has been taken over by Talon. I never did anything to Luna, She's my sister and I wouldn't ever do that to her. Please don't let him take over your mind."

Luke looked up at Drako and said "My mind is my own and I will kill you one way or another." Then he vanished reappearing at the front of the demon army again. He smiled again letting his hatred of Drako show and he said "Kill them all."

The Demon's roared and attacked thousands of them running at Drako and the large formation. Drako looked back and saw the small force of wolves standing at the entrance to Drako's Peak. The demons ran around Drako surrounding him so that way he couldn't escape. They started to close in on him closing the gap little by little. Drako looked through the oncoming demons and he saw the Black wolf Talon.

Talon smiled and said in a louder than normal voice "How's Ariel doing."

With that said Drako's eye's turned blood red as anger filled him. His body started to let off an electrical Discharge, just as red as his eyes. Back at Drako's Peak Bain could see Drako's body starting to let off the discharge and his mind filled with fear.

"We need to get inside now and take shelter." Yelled Bain

"Why." Said Luna and Demona

"Drako's about to lose control of my power." Yelled Bain running off

"What does he mean." Said Demona to Sheba

Sheba started to back off her face filled with fear too as she said "The dead land was made by Bain's power it destroys anything but stone." And she ran off too

Demona and Luna along with the rest followed once Sheba had run off. If whatever Drako was about to do could scare her then it must be bad. Drako couldn't hold back the power filling his body any more. He looked at Talon again and he pushed some of it out and a blast of red light shot out from Drako's body. The Demon's that were hit by the blast seamed to dissolve then vanish. Once Drako let some of the power go a path was opened up to him where the demon's had been.

Drako was lost in his anger and he ran toward Talon's smiling face. Drako only made it to about fifty feet from Talon before the Demon's over took him. Drako could feel their teeth and claws digging into his flesh and his own blood started to flow.

Talon looked down at Drako and said "What, did I anger you with my talk about your dead and good for nothing mate."

Drako's eyes were still red as he looked up at the one that took his life away from him and the one that was torturing his sister and friend. The power that flooded him before came again overflowing in his mind. Talon only had a seconds warning and he disappeared along with Luke as Drako screamed. A large red blast of light blew out from Drako's body. The light domed out covering over two miles of land taking out not only the demon army that had been left behind but killing the trees and everything else in its path.

The blast hit Drako's Peak hard but did it no harm. Once the blast had stopped Drako took a look around. The land was flat and dead, like someone had dropped a nuke on the place. Drako's vision flickered as his body continued to lose blood. He tried to walk back to his home but he only got a few feet then the ground came up to meet him as he passed out.

Drako awoke suddenly looking for Talon and Luke. He tried to get up as he found himself in a small cave. A paw pushed him back down and then a voice said "Don't move I'm still working on you."

Drako looked up to see Luna and Demona sitting next to him. He could feel his skin moving around like someone was pushing his many cuts back together. Drako could see that Luna had her paw on his belly and her eyes were yellow again.

Drako smiled for only a moment and said "I'm sorry Luna."

"It's ok I know you tried your best." She said her eye's returning to normal

Demona kissed him and said "Don't ever do that without help again."

"I don't know what happened and I'm sorry." Said Drako

Sheba walked in at that moment followed by Bain, Ti, Ray, Tella, and Amy and she said "Drako we need to talk but first let me introduce you to Amy she is Ariel's sister and her pack has come to help us with the fight."

"I know who she is Ariel told me, It's nice to meet you." Said Drako

"It's good to see your safe my friend." Said Bain patting Drako on the shoulder as he got up

"Same thing to you Bain was that little wolf you had with you your daughter Sarah." Said Drako

"It was but we will get to that later. Sheba wants us all here to she can tell us something." Said Bain

Drako got to his paws moved next to Demona then sat down as he said "What is it Sheba."

Sheba said "I am going to tell you Talon and My History before I took over Sheila."

"Will this help us understand more about him?" said Drako

"More than that."

"Then let's hear It." said Drako

Sheba sat herself down close her eye's and started to speak "I have told you all of how the gods wanted to make a new thing called a Demon Angel. They meant for us to be the heavens army towards Hell's Demons. They stared with Two Wolf pups that were orphaned at birth. One was black and the other white. They started the project by giving us powers and other things. By the time they finished we had lost out ability to live on earth without the help of a host body. At this point they only needed to get our personality's set for good deeds so that way we would do Heavens bidding. Unfortunately the lord of the underworld broke into the research lab and implanted a virus into the system. It got to Talon first and once it was done it started on me."

Drako looked at the white wolf and said "What happened next?"

Sheba shivered and said "Its easier if I show you all with my mind power." And with that her eyes went from a dull red to glowing and everyone's vision faded to be replaced by something else.

They found themselves in a large room filled with scientific equipment everywhere. The rooms were empty except for two wolves in large containers filled with a strange liquid. One had a large Black wolf in it his eyes shut and he looked younger than he did now. The other was the same only white. The liquid in the black wolfs container was a dark green but the one in the whites was clear but turning green.

An alarm went off and strange animal like humans ran in the room trying to figure out what was going on. One of them a tall husky anthro said "Someone put a virus in the system. Talon's already lost but Sheba's only thirty percent affected."

Another anthro this one a female wolf said "The virus is spreading the second host is now sixty percent affected and we're losing her."

"Shut down the system now." Yelled the husky

"If we do that they will die." Said the wolf

"And if we don't we don't know what they will do." Said the husky

The wolf pushed a button next to her and everything stopped. The two wolves in the containers twitched for a moment but didn't show any form of life. The anthro's in the room all started to relax but then the alarm went off again.

A voice came over the intercom saying "Warning, Warning, an evil presence has been found in lab D building T."

"That's where we are." Said the wolf

Before anything else could be said a crake appeared on the two containers. They all looked at the two and both the wolves opened their eyes. For a moment their eyes were a nice yellow like most wolves but they started to turn a blood red. A grin over came both their faces and the tanks exploded sending shards of glass and water all over.

The wolves got up looking around their red eye's glowing a bit. The black one smiled and said "Sheba my sister it seems we are free."

Sheba let a grin peel back her lips as she said "It would seem so Talon why don't we show our gratitude to the one's that made us this way."

"I like how you think sis." Said Talon his eye's glowing brighter as he looked at the anthro's standing in front of them. Their eye's went blank as he said "Tell me what we are and how we can get out of this place."

The husky walked up to him and in a blank voice he said "It's called Demon Angles a project started by Drako-Lupus himself to kill off the demon's from the underworld. You both had been taken from earth as pups and we implanted you with everlasting life and powers. The only way out is too use the key cards."

"So we are the only ones." said Sheba walking up to the husky

"No you are only the ones we have made as weapons. A similar project was started a hundred years ago on a family of wolves on earth. They were put there to protect the earth from Hell. Your jobs are to kill and take the power from demons on this side." Said the husky

Talon growled and said "Tell me what are our powers?"

The husky was trying to stop himself but the female wolf anthro walked up and said "Both of you have the power to control the minds of other so you could gain entrance into any world but earth, you can both take away the memories from anyone, you both have extraordinary strength, you will both live forever unless killed by someone pure of heart or a wolf from earth that has power, you can both summon angles or demons if needed to do you're bidding, you can both enter the dream world and see the future, but only Sheba can transport anything from one place to another and Talon can take the powers of demons for his own once he beats them in a fight or kills them."

"I see and you wanted to use us as weapons?" said Talon

"We did." Said the wolf and husky tears rolling down their faces

"Then you can die." Said Talon and he made them both walk over to a desk pick up a sharp object then stab themselves in the head

Sheba smiled at the blood pooling at her feet as she said "Now what do we do brother?"

Talon smiled and said "We use our power to enter the minds of some powerful wolves on earth and we take over. Once the earth is ours we can take over heaven too. They made us what we are and they will pay."

"I'm going to have to agree with you. It's a good thing they gave me the power of teleportation or it would be a bother the get out of here." Said Sheba and her eyes turned green and in a flash the two vanished

Everything changed to show a large pack of wolves in a white snow covered landscape in the far north. There were two wolves standing on the top of a large mountain looking down at the wolf pack. The two wolves looked a lot like Sheba and Talon but there eye's were both normal.

The white one smiled and said "Talon is this the pack?"

"Yes the two body's we're using came from a pack that was lead by the leader of this pack and they all have powers. For me it's like a feeding frenzy." Said Talon

Sheba smiled and said "It's been almost five hundred years since they made us and we still haven't take over."

"I know but we have only found a hand full of the family with powers. I have only gained eight but after this we will be able to do what we want." Said Talon

"I know, but I'm scared they may be able to kill us." Said Sheba

"They may have power but we are still Demon Angels and we can't die only the body's we use can die." Said Talon

"I forgot about that." Said Sheba smiling harder "Let's get to it then I haven't had a good fight in years."

The two wolves moved down the hill working their way toward the large pack. This pack was bigger than normal because it was a large family of over fifty wolves. As they moved closer to the pack one of the wolves spotted them and he ran up to them.

"Tank, Rose it's been a long time what brings you here?" Said the wolf

Sheba walked up to the wolf and said in a sweet voice "Could you get the pack to assemble we have news for you all."

"What could that be you've been gone for almost a year what could you have to say to us?"

"We are of your pack would you not let us come back even after such a long time gone." Said Sheba

"True you are of my pack but you are not family. You and Tank left the pack for some reason and I had nothing to keep me going. This pack was formed out of the family with power you are not of the family." Said the wolf

"What is your name?" said Talon

"What do you mean Tank you know me its Ramrock." Said the wolf

"Sorry Ramrock he was hurt and is having problems remembering things." Said Sheba

"I see then tell me what brings you to us?"

"The wars with the packs all around has gotten worse and seeing is how my brother and I lost our pack and are in need of help we need a place to stay for a few nights before we can figure out what we need to do. I remembered you and thought I would ask for your help." Said Sheba, Talon almost giggled at his sister. She was always good with words.

"It's true that we were once close but after you left I moved on to another and I now have a mate. But since you are my old pack mate I will let you stay for a few days. I'm the leader of this pack so it should be ok but you can only stay a short time." Said Ramrock

Sheba smiled and in her mind she said to her brother "This male is too trusting but he's cute."

Doing the same Talon said "We will need to attack them soon so tell me do you want to have some fun with this wolf before we do so?"

"I think I do let's see what I can get out of this so called Leader." Said Sheba

"Fine with me I'll get everything ready while you have fun." Said Talon pulling away from her mind

Sheba smiled and said she to Ramrock "We have news for you all that may come in handy for you that we would like to tell the rest of the pack about."

"Concerning what?" said Ramrock

"An attack on your pack." Said Sheba with a smile

"I see then I'll get the pack ready at once." Said Ramrock getting ready to run off

Sheba let an evil smile pull her lips back as her eyes turned red and so did Ramrock's then she said "Let's go back to your cave and talk about it before we talk with the pack."

"That would be fine." Said Ramrock in a toneless voice

Talon walked off to start his investigations into the pack and there powers as Sheba followed Ramrock back to his cave. Sheba passed by many different wolves as they went their minds pulling at her begging her to take them over. She ignored the impulse like she always had to when she was around wolves of power. Many times in the past years she wished she could have her own body to wonder the land in instead of using the body of a weak wolf like she was now.

"This is the only way." said Sheba

They arrived at a large underground cave. A few caverns melded off away from the main entrance and Ramrock lead her away into one of them. She soon found herself in a large cave that was hidden away from the rest. Sheba smiled at the wolf she had under her control. Ramrock moved forward his eye's still blood red. He went behind Sheba and started to lap up at her wet pussy.

Sheba closed her eyes and let out a small moan of loving pleasure. She pushed her hips back into Ramrock's muzzle telling him to dig his tongue in deeper. Ramrock did as he was commanded pushing his tongue in to Sheba's moist folds. This made her moan louder than ever as he did his job. After some time went by Sheba started to get board of his playing so she moved some of his thoughts around making him pull his muzzle away. Sheba looked back and saw his member was hard as a rock. She frond at the seven inch cock wishing he was bigger but knew that she had to take what she could get.

"I was hoping for a nice time but I guess that little thing will have to do." Said Sheba as Ramrock jumped on to her back

Ramrock pushed his cock up to her wonderful pussy letting it slowly slid in. Ramrock started to push hit cock in and out getting faster and faster. As he pumped in and out of her Sheba heard someone moving toward the cave. Sheba moaned a bit as Ramrock's knot slipped in and out. The sound started to get louder and without warning Talon entered the cave a small smile on his face.

"Brother...What's wrong..." said Sheba still moaning

Talon's grin widened as he said "It's seems your having fun...but I wanted to tell you that the pack has gotten ready for the news."

"This so called leader should be done soon...he wasn't what I...thought...he" Said Sheba

"What's taking so long?" said Talon

"He's holding...back...his...knot." Said Sheba

"I'll help with that I haven't done a male for a long time." Said Talon walking around to the back of Ramrock

Ramrock's eyes widened as Talon walked behind him but he couldn't get control of his body as Talon jumped up on to his back. Talon's hard red twelve inch cock came out and started to pock Ramrock's tail vent. Talon paused for a moment then he pushed hard making his thick member enter Ramrock's ass. The wolf howled in pain as his ass was stretched wide. He momentarily stopped his humping but do to Sheba's control he started again.

"Yes... That's it...he...getting bigger..." said Sheba closing her eyes

Talon didn't care one bit he pulled his cock out of the leader's ass then rammed it back in making the wolf howl again. Blood started to drip off Ramrock's ass as Talon molested his ass. This was made worse by Ramrock pushing his own cock in and out of Sheba and he pushed hard into Talon's cock. Tears fell from his eyes.

Ramrock held on harder to Sheba as his knot entered her and stayed. The feeling of the moving cock in his ass made him cum hard filling up the female. Sheba closed her eyes not Cuming herself but liking the feeling of his hot cream filling her. Ramrock wanted to fall to the floor but he was unable to do to Talon who was still pounding his cock deep into Ramrock's ass. Talon didn't care one bit for the wolf under him only that he got what he wanted.

"Hurry up Talon I don't want to be under this wolf much longer." Said Sheba annoyed with her brother

Talon just ginned and he pushed his hips hard making his knot push deep into the wolf's ass. Talon came as the Ramrock yipped in pain. Talon waited a moment then he pulled hard on his cock ripping the knot and cock out from Ramrock's ass. Once Talon was out Ramrock pulled his cock out of Sheba then fell to the ground.

Talon walked over to his sister his cock still hard as he said "Let him speak Sister."

Sheba let some of her control waver a bit and Ramrock said in a weak voice "What did I ever do to you?"

"Nothing." Said Sheba "Now clean off my brother's cock."

Ramrock started to cry as his body moved close to Talon and he started to lick off the filth covered rod. Once he was done Talon laughed and said "You did a good job but now I'm bored with you so tell me what your power is."

"Tank, Rose when did you get powers and why would you do this to Me?" said Ramrock

"Haven't you realized buy now that we aren't Tank and Rose. I'm Talon and this is my sister Sheba. We are Demon Angles made by the heavens but only live to do what we want. So I'll ask again what is your power?" said Talon

Ramrock started to cry then it turned into a laugh as his body started to vanish. Sheba smiled and she took hold of him again making him stop as she said "I don't think so Ramrock."

Talon smiled and said "Invisibility I don't have that one yet." And he started to move toward Ramrock's crying form when another wolf walked in

"Ramrock I was wondering what's taking so long..." Said the wolf but she stopped when she saw the three wolves

Sheba's eyes went wide as she smiled and said "Well well look at this Talon."

"Who are you and what are you doing to my mate?" Said the wolf backing up. She was large with pure white fur and dark yellow eyes

Talon giggled and said "She looks like you're real body Sheba."

"I know." Said Sheba smiling at the wolfess

"Run Fen Run." Yelled Ramrock but it was too late Sheba pulled herself away from the body she was using as her own. She locked her sight with Fen's and she used the connection to transport herself over to the wolfess.

The body of Rose shook her head as she awoke from the spell of Sheba and said "What's going on?"

"Nothing." said Talon taking the wolf his sister had been in only moments ago by the neck and biting down hard. Blood pooled as the wolfess fell to the ground dead.

Fen started to scream as her eyes turned red "What are you...Get out of my head..." then she stopped then looked up at Talon and said "She's a perfect fit brother now hurry up and finish up with Ramrock so we can take the rest of the pack." The voice had changed to sound like Sheba

Talon smiled as he moved over to the wolf that was on the ground his eyes filled with fear. Ramrock realized that he could move after a moment and he got up and tried to run passed Talon. He only made it three steps before Talon grabbed him by the neck too and he bit down hard. Ramrock let out a gargled yell as Talon's body started to glow a dark blue. Something white stared to flow from Ramrock's body and into Talon's. After a moment it stopped and Talon returned to normal.

He dropped the lifeless form of Ramrock as a grin came to his lips as he said "Let's go make some new friend's my sister. The land will be filled with scarlet blood tonight."

Sheba smiled too, happy with the new body she had taken. She turned and made her way out of the cave. Talon fallowed her using the Ramrock's power to tune his body invisible to hide from the rest of the pack as he moved. Sheba made it to where the pack was assembled. Once she was in front of them all she stopped and sat down in front of the pack of almost fifty wolves.

"Fen where is Ramrock." Said one of the pack members

"He will not be coming I have heard what the visitors have come to tell us. It would seem that an attack on our pack is coming. They are not normal wolves they are Demons and they wish to take our powers for themselves." Said Sheba

"How many of them are there?" said another pack member


The pack laughed and one said "We could kill them in moments with our power."

"You think you can then let's find out they have already arrived." Said Sheba

"Where are they?" yelled a wolf

"We are here." Said Talon making himself visible again and attacking the first wolf he could reach. The wolf fell fast under Talon's attack. Talon used his power again to steel whatever power the wolf had as he moved onto the next one

Sheba attack at the same time as Talon making the wolf pack run and scream at her power. She was so strong that she was able to rip one wolf in half staining her white fur with red. After the first few wolves died the rest started to get their heads together and they all attacked the two wolves. Talon used his numerous powers to dodge and attack the wolves every time he could. When one fell he would steal the wolf's power right before he died.

Sheba ran though the pack attacking any wolf that attacked her or got in her way. She would kick or bit making sure the wolves would know her power. Whenever one was close to hitting her with an attack be it a bite or power's she would use her power to transport herself form one spot to another. Without their leader around the pack fell fast under the two Demon Angle's attack. Not even pups were spared in the horrible attack making sure that no one would be left to pass on the power.

Most would think that the two Demon Angels just wanted the power for themselves but in truth they were scared the wolves with power could kill them some day. It only took a half hour of fighting for only one wolf to be left. Talon and Sheba had tried to kill him a few times but the wolf's power was great. He could merge his body with shadows to make it so he could escape every attack the two bloody wolves used on him.

But his luck soon ran out when he was cornered without any shadows from the high noon sun to help him. He watched as the two wolves moved close to him and he said in a voice of fear "Oh Drako-Lupus god of war and king of them all why have you let these two demons kill us?"

Talon giggled in an evil way as he said "No use in calling for help from that one he won't ever help you."

Talon went in for the death blow when a flash of light filled the land. Talon stopped and looked back at a large Red and black Wolf larger than life. He looked down at the two blood covered wolves and said "You two have done too much damage to the world of the living. For your crimes you shall be sent to hell."

"Drako-Lupus I never thought you would come down to try and stop me." said Talon grinning up at the wolf god

"Talon and Sheba you have done great evil." Said the war god

Talon's grin widened and said "I'm not scared of you and I'll take your power too making myself the ruler of all." And without another word he ran toward the god

"Talon no don't." yelled Sheba but she was to late with a flash of his paw Drako-Lupus hit Talon so hard that he was thrown from the wolf's body he was controlling.

Talon's real body fell to the ground only a few feet away from Sheba. Talon smiled looking at his pitch black body and he looked up at the god with his blood red eyes and said "You have given me the ability to have my own body in the world and now I'll be more powerful than ever."

"No I haven't I only made you separate from the wolf you took control of. Now your body will start to fade and it will go to where it has to. Since you are only evil you will go right to hell where the leader of the underworld will imprison you forever." Said the god

"What but why, he made us this way." Said Talon as his body started to smoke and he screamed "No one can imprison me forever."

"He did make you but he didn't know how powerful you had become. We would have never found you if it wasn't for that wolf prying for help. Now rot in hell Demon Angle." Yelled Drako-Lupus

Talon screamed more as his body started to melt away and he could feel the pain of his powers leaving him. He looked at Sheba and said "Don't let him get you...too...I'll be...back all...of them." And with one final crazed laugh he vanished into a puddle of dark goo.

"Now Sheba it's time to stop you too." Said Drako-Lupus and he slashed his paw at her to but before he could hit her Sheba screamed and she vanished in a flash of green light.

Everything changed again showing Drako and the rest the cave they had started in. Drako shook his head for a moment then looked at Sheba and said "You were a monster."

"I was and I know what I did was wrong. But now you know what we are." Said Sheba her eyes filling with tears

"I don't understand it all what was that world you were in?" said Drako

Sheba grinned and said "In heaven they look different and they have what is called a scientist. They look like animals but also like humans. They took mystical energies from the earth to give us our powers. That's how your family, Talon, and I were made. The war god has great power but he was not the one that made us. He wanted to make a new power, a new weapon. The bodies we had as pups had been destroyed to make sure Drako-Lupus could keep us in that world. He didn't know how powerful he made use."

"Then how can you live in our world now and not then." Said Drako

"Drako-Lupus gave me a real body and Talon made his own. What I showed you was only a small bit of what we did together. The pack was the last of the power wolves like yourself Drako. The only one that lived apart from the wolf Talon was controlling was Called Venka. He was a relative of yours from way back. If he would have died then none of you would be here now. After I vanished I stayed hidden for many years until the body I had control of died. I used the world of dreams to find minds to live in. After three hundred more years passed I found Sheila and you know the rest." Said Sheba

Drako looked over at Demona thinking about what would happen to her if he hadn't been born then he said "Sheba I'm glad you told me this and the rest of the pack but we all need time to ready ourselves for his next attack. We will need fighters and a plan if we are to win."

Luna looked over at Drako and yelled "What about Luke?"

"Luna I already told you I would help you free him. But I'll talk to you about it in a moment." Said Drako "Everyone else does what you can to ready our troops and to get more. This is now a war and Talon has aimed it at me. From this day on it will be known as Drako's War."

Everyone cheered and did as they were told. Demon kissed his cheek before walking off with Ray and Riley. After they were done only Sheba, Bain, and Luna were left with Drako. Drako waited until he knew no one else could over hear them then he said "Luna you and I will be going out to save Luke, but first I will need you Sheba and Bain to show me how to control some of this power."

"Same goes for me." said Luna looking at the white wolf

"So then Drako does this mean we will fight my brother?" said Sheba

"It does because I know if anyone can take him down it's me." said Drako standing tall

"Fine then we starts training you both right now." Said Bain getting to his paws

Drako and Luna looked at one another then once Drako looked away Luna whispered to herself "I'm coming to save you this time my love please hold in there..."

A few miles away in a field not far from Talon's cave a flash of green light flashed. A moment later a large wolf stood in the middle of where the green light had just been. This wolf was larger than any that had ever been seen before, he had dark grey fur with black stripes going down his back, some of his fur was longer on the top of his head flowing down him like a mane, his fangs were long and sharp the k9's pocking out of his mouth, his body looked powerful, and his claws were black and bloody. But nothing could compare to his eye's which were large one blood red the other black. He smiled with an evil grin making him look even uglier.

The monster of a wolf sniffed the air and said in a deep but failure voice "It's nice to be home again."

"Who's there?" yelled a voice from the woods and Talon emerged his black fur rippling with power

"Well hello Talon long time no see."

"Who are you." Said Talon with an edge of fear in his voice which shocked him, no one had ever scared him before but this wolf made him want to run and hide. Talon didn't like the feeling and he summoned one of his many powers shooting an ice beam at the monster yelling "Who cares I'll kill you anyway, you abomination."

The wolf smiled and with a flash of his eyes made the beam vanish. Then without a word Talon felt an invisible force slam him in to the ground. Talon could not move as the monster wolf walked up to him and said "You want to know who I am fine then. I am the most powerful wolf ever to have lived. I have gone by many names in the past but now I am known by only one name and that is Drakonis."

A sliver of fear ran down Talon's spin at the name which in wolf speak meant Bringer of Death or Grim Reaper. This wolf's name told him all he needed to know, This wolf was Death itself...

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed the new installment of Drako's War. Who is the new evil Character Drakonis you ask well keep your eye's open, your ears up, and keep reading to find out.

Drako, Demona, Bain, Sheba, Talon, Ti, Ray, Riley, Sarah, Amy, Ramrock, Fen, Venka, Drako-Lupus, and the rest are all my characters

Luna, Luke, Trixey, and Kent are Sonic Fox's

Drakos Return and Goodbye

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