The Spirits of Wyraach and Emeraude

Story by norz_tf on SoFurry

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A Wyraachur request!

He asked me to write a male and female TF story. A girl and a boy flee into a cave to escape a storm, they find that dragon spirits live there, they're possessed, and then they have a little sexy fun and transform.

I played with the scenario to my tastes and wrote an EXTREMELY raunchy female and male TF story. I warn you that both TFs are extremely explicit, involve lots of sex, ripping skin, and very detailed descriptions of sexual transformations--for both the male and the female characters. If you're squeamish about male TFs, especially given the strong anal themes in my stories, this is fair warning.

Here are the images I used for reference: Emeraude Wyraach

For me, the chance to write a male character is a chance to insert myself into the TF fantasy. I imagine myself in a scenario with a woman, imagine what I'd want to happen to me as I TFed. For others, this might interest them simply because the character is male. For the rest, it's a sexy couples story. I hope everyone enjoys it! :3

Please comment, especially if the new material is to your tastes! I'm always glad to hear what new elements or features excite my readers. Heck, comment anyways, it's why I write. It makes me feel like my stories are being read and enjoyed. :D Thanks!

Lo! Look afield, far in the high mountains of the Pacific Northwest, just below the timberline where the krummholz grows crooked. There lies a stretch of encrusted granite, many-hued in a paint of lichens and gripped in the claws of twisted firs.

There is a cave carved out of the dark stone, deep and broad but hidden from view. The upper lip of the mouth hangs in a heavy grimace, an expression turned towards the empty valleys, devoid of the magic that proceeded the glaciers 20,000 years ago.

A mustache of millennial trees grows over it, concealing the shadow of the cave in a curtain of ancient roots and sprays of dark evergreen needles.

There lies the future of the world. For good or for evil, when the cities of men have crumbled to dust and we've wandered into the wilds, we will look to those mountains for guidance.

I know this, because the first of the dragons have already returned.


Emily and Peter had gone together into the far Cascades, crossing through logging camps and cutting through rusted border fences. They'd trekked to a place deemed empty. It was still surprising to them, this void on the maps. No flights bothered the still air, nobody lived for a hundred miles in any direction, and no logging equipment lurked at road's end. The rocky valleys and high peaks were never settled, not even with a ranger's station.

Geolocation had discovered this place by circumscribing it. Hikers and pilots marked out the borders with their GPS units, but on the ground or in the air, they rarely found reason to pass through it. It was emptiness, wilderness, a useless land for a busy civilization.

"Nobody dug any mines out here," Peter had told Emily at dawn. They'd been hiking for four days, just now reaching the heart of the Forgotten Land.

"Forgotten," Emily had said with a smile. She'd coined their name for this desolation, this anomaly of human interest. She'd speculated last night that the place didn't want to be found, that people were discouraged by the land itself from entering.

"Why though?" Peter had asked.

She'd had no real answer, but she'd joked, "We were chosen."

Now, high on the face of a mountain, among the crawling krummholz--these trees bent low by snows and searing cold winds--they felt exposed and vulnerable. There was nothing chosen about this place. They'd come with windbreakers and warm clothes, because even in the summer while this far north and at this altitude, it was cold and rainy.

"Look down in the valley," Peter said, staring down into the wind blowing up the mountain, using a hand to brush away his hair from his eyes.

Emily paused below him. Halfway down the slope, almost two kilometers away, a base of dense clouds had rolled in from the west. They looked up; another cloud layer surrounded the peak of the mountain, drizzling slowly on their heads.

"How is that possible?" she asked.

"Feel the wind," Peter said, "Maybe it's carried in from the sea, over and over again." He shrugged his pack around on his shoulders. "If it storms, we'll need cover. It's too cold."

The clouds rose fast. Emily complained that they were chased up the side of the mountain.

Within half an hour, they'd donned yellow raincoats, and the swirling wind was forcing water through the gaps, up under the plastic, in through their hoodies. The rain was ice cold. Their shoes and shorts were soaked through.

"Fuck this!" Emily shouted over the wind.

Peter laughed, looking back down at her. "Yeah, the wind blows!"

She threw him the bird for his terrible joke. "Do you still see it up ahead?"

Going back down the mountain meant at least a mile of hiking in a torrential downpour. If they could find a place to hunker down behind tree limbs and throw up a tarp, they'd be better off than rushing down into a flooding valley.

Peter turned back and pointed ahead. "We're on the right track."

Just a hundred feed above, there was a curtain of twisted trees over what might be a hollow in the granite face of the mountain.

They struggled for ten minutes to reach it, limbs sluggish and chilled.

Along the face of the trees, they found a place where the roots were separated by an outcropping of stone. Here, they pushed their packs through and crawled between the branches, into the dim beyond.

Peter stopped on a hump of stone and helped Emily through. On hands and knees beside him, she looked up, tapped him on the shoulder and pointed. "It's a cave."

Peter threw his head up. Sure enough, the lip of granite formed a cover over the broad, tall mouth of a larger chamber. They grabbed their packs and stood. Behind them, the dim light filtered through the curtain of trees and illuminated their paths.

They walked over the hump and down into a single, smooth room, dozens of feet long in every direction and at least 12 feet high. The floor was dry and clean, and the walls were bare and gently curved. "Look at this," Peter said. "Jesus."

Emily touched the wall. Smooth and cool. "Someone must've carved this place a very long time ago. Look at how perfect it is."

Towards the back of the chamber, a chimney opened up towards the sky, leading back up to a hole somewhere higher on the mountain. Dim light and fresh water were cast down into a natural basin, illuminating the room and filling a pool of rainwater. At the far end, someone had carved a notch for overflow, and even now, a little water dribbled out into a crevice that led deeper into the raw stone, draining away the excess.

They could see. They had fresh water to pump and drink. And they had lots and lots of dry room. A sense of relief settled heavily on them. "It's perfect," Emily repeated.

Peter dropped his pack at his feet. "We're finally out of the fucking rain."


They opened their packs, unwrapped the water proof tarps holding their belongings, and spread out their equipment across the floor of the cave. Bedspreads were set, dry clothes were laid out. Food and other essentials were set down in a pile to be sorted later.

Then, without shame, Peter and Emily stripped nude.

They'd been dating for years, ever since they met as teenagers on the early internet. They'd shared interests, a love of the strange, a Fortean obsession with the unknown corners of the world. They were here because they believed it was the closest thing to the truly remote on a planet that had been fully mapped by satellites more than half a century ago.

They also loved the same kinks. Their first meeting at a small motel in Massachusetts began with them admitting that they were virgins and peaked with them browsing furry websites on a laptop between sessions of fucking each other's teenage brains out.

Now they were in their mid-20s. They'd moved in together, were sometimes employed and constantly searched for new experiences out in the wild. They were more and more at home in nature than in their room rented out over someone's garage.

Nudity was hardly the most exciting thing they'd encountered by now, but they still eyed each other as they dumped their wet clothes in a pile.

The first and maybe most striking feature on Peter was his hair. He'd greyed precociously at the age of ten, sliding rapidly beyond salt and pepper and into a sheer smooth silver by fifteen. Emily had cooed over that, amazed that he didn't have to bleach. Chemicals, she said, would have left his hair a little drier, a little more brittle like her own. As it was, his hair was longer than hers, tied back behind him but shoulder length when loosed. He'd been called a hippie for growing it out. That was fine with Peter. He called it style.

Emily on the other hand dyed her hair a rich emerald green. She bleached before soaking it with a strong color that went down to the roots, making sure to paint the green even into her light brown eyebrows, shading them a darker color like evergreen needles. It was punk, she often said, though she knew better. Her haircut was close to a pixie cut, a little longer though, leaving bangs to tumble over her eyes and locks just long enough to cover her ears and neck.

After lifting their shirts over their heads, their wet hair was clumped and messy, and they shook it out with their fingers and smiled. Peter was skinny but toned, clearly the build of someone who climbed hills, light but strong. Emily was similarly built but was slightly skinner and slightly shorter. She had fairly heavy breasts and wore a sports bra to keep them from rubbing her nipples raw while they hiked. Thanks to the way her bra bound her chest, she looked less busty in clothes than she did naked.

Peter glanced at the soaked bra and saw the darkness of her broad nipples visible through the cloth. Once she was naked, her breasts would spill out into their natural shape, each one easily more than what could be cupped in his hands, which on her small body meant Emily was stacked. He sprung a half mast erection at the thought, but he tried to keep calm.

They'd have fun after setting up camp. Right now, they just needed to warm up.

They stripped off shoes and socks. They pulled off their shorts. Emily had to wiggle to get her wet denim off her wiggly hips and tight hiker's ass. Peter's growing erection tented his boxers--hard. His cock was a little larger than the average, about seven inches and a bit thicker, but that was enough to make it look like he was packing a magnum in his undies.

Emily glanced over and saw his arousal, and she blushed and reached behind her back to unhook her bra. After a couple seconds of fussing, she pulled it off, threw it gently at Peter, and spun around. Her round, full breasts swung heavy on her chest, nipples stiff and erect in the cold. She put her arms behind her back, arched her spine and thrust her breasts forward.

Pleasing to her, she watched his cock come to full erection, pushing so hard on his boxers that the weak elastic was pushed away from his waistline.

She reached down to her hips, grabbed her panties, and pushed them down. They peeled off her pussy with a sticky sound and dropped down her strong legs to land on her feet. She kicked them off, then spread her legs a little. She felt an erect button of a clit, a swollen vulva, a lubed vagina. She remembered being filled with Peter's thick dick.

Then she turned around and bent over a little, as if checking something on her leg. Her ass was bent over, engorged pussy almost red with arousal.

Peter grabbed his boxers and pulled them off. From above, he didn't think seven inches looked impressive, but from Emily's point of view, his cock looked tremendous, the illusion of size improved by the heavy scrotum that hung at the thick base of his cock, balls looming large even when the cold and wet caused his sack to pull up tight against his body.

Then, laughing to herself, Emily pranced past Peter's throbbing dick and picked up a fresh pair of her undies, quickly putting them on. She was fond of teasing, if only because the foreplay and sex that came later was all the sweeter with anticipation.

He knew the game; he wasn't bothered. He'd fill her up sooner or later. He pulled on some fresh boxers and a white t-shirt. She pulled on a t-shirt of her own without a bra, and her damp stiff nipples tented the material, but she didn't seem to care.

They laid out their wet clothes to dry, then crawled into their sleeping bags, side by side, with sleeping pads underneath.

"Who do you think carved this place?" Emily asked.

Peter's erection was clearing, and he was game to talk shop about a weird cave in the mountains. "Indian tribes."

"The Native Americans, you mean?"

"Yeah, the natives. They must've built this place for shelter."

"There's no fire pit though," Emily said. "And it's so smooth."

"Who do you think carved it out then?" he asked.

"Aliens," she whispered. "No, seriously, I'm not sure. Maybe it's just an improvement on an existing cavity in the granite. Like they smoothed out a chamber that was already there."

There was a strange tingling on the napes of their necks. If they'd had hackles, the fur would've risen. Then, to their shock, a deep voice whispered, "We carved it whole from the mountain. We nested here when the ice came."

"Peter," Emily said sharply, "What the fuck was that?"

"That's not me," Peter said.

"I know it isn't!" She hesitated, listening. "Shh!"

Peter glared at her but didn't move.

"Vessels, small souls," said the deep whisper, "we are big spirits."

Emily looked around for the source of the noise, but it seemed to come from everywhere. She sat up and peered towards the basin full of rainwater. There was something about the way the light shimmered through the rain; she thought she could make out a shape.

"Already, you see us," whispered another, lighter voice, unmistakably a woman.

"Peter!" Emily said.

Peter sat up himself, still wrapped up in his sleeping bag. "What the hell?"

Out of the water and light came lines, out of the lines came borders, out of the borders came surfaces and from the surfaces shimmered shape and texture and life, and two small reptilian shapes flew out of the falling raindrops and storm-shaded light.

"Dragons!" Peter shouted.

"Fuck, I'm hallucinating," Emily said.

The two translucent dragons flitted about the cave chamber, each one as beautiful and fragile as a soap bubble. They were clearly anthropomorphic, shaped male and female, but they were sexless, without nipples or genitals. For that matter, they were mouthless and without nostrils, just blunt-faced abstractions of draconic life cast in water and refracted light.

Still, they moved with a living grace.

"We are spirits," called out the male dragon. "Small souls, we will enter you. We will take you. Then little vessels, we will reshape you and emerge from you."

"Emerge..." Peter whispered. Were they suggesting possession? What was emergence? He wasn't afraid of whatever ill intentions dragons might have towards them. He and Emily had fantasized about more gruesome things than mere possession.

"Real dragons." Emily marveled at their precise flight, their grace and poise.

"They're beautiful," Peter said.

The dragoness called out in her sweet voice, "No vessel can escape us. No force can repel us. We will fill you with our spirits and hatch from your mortal bodies."

"What are you talking about?" Emily asked the dragons. "Hatch from us?"

The voices spoke in unison. "Before the ice, there was the sun. Under the sun, there were the dragons. We led the mortal races, we kings and queens of paradise. When the ice came, we slept, but the ice never left. Our slow hearts stopped. Our flesh to dust, our bones to dust, then dust to essence, and our spirits remained, still sleeping beneath the ice."

The female voice shouted alone, "The sun is back!"

The male voice shouted alone, "The ice has left!"

The dragons circled near the ceiling, one chasing after the other in an endless rotation.

"Did we wake you?" Peter asked, excited. If they'd heard what they thought they'd heard...

"We felt your love," said the dragon.

"We felt your lust," said the dragoness.

"You are a mated pair. There can be no better vessels, small souls." The dragon circled down and landed beside Peter on the stone, a creature of light and water stopping without a sound. "We will carry you forward, small souls, within us."

"What do you want with us?" Emily asked. She was almost afraid to speak her fantasy aloud.

"To possess you," called the dragoness, now circling down to land beside Emily. "Dragons shall last as long as the Earth, but our material bodies may die. We will take yours. We will reshape them, and we dragons shall return to the world."

Emily turned away from the dragoness and found Peter looking her in the eyes. Both of them felt their hearts stir with desire. Had they not jacked off and fingered themselves to dreams of becoming creatures of myth? Was this not their very desire?

Wasn't transformation their shared fetish?

And even if it wasn't sexual, the mystery alone was irresistible. If they somehow escaped the dragons, the magic would be lost, and their lives would resume, humdrum, mundane.

That was simply unacceptable. They'd come here looking for a secret. They'd found one.

They nodded to each other, understanding. They would be a mated pair, a king and a queen of paradise, to last until the Earth perished, even if they might someday search again, as these two had, for suitable hosts to possess. Those victims too would come to appreciate it.

Emily grinned and turned to the dragoness. "You don't have to force anything. We want to become dragons. Both of us. We'll let you inside, if that's what you need."

"Anything," Peter agreed, "as long as we're still together."

The miniature dragon to Peter's side tilted it's head. It's clear eyes of glass were turned to observe him closely. "Mortals can still surprise."

The dragoness spread her wings. "I am pleased. Your joy will survive in me, your triumph and your memories. We will be one, but you will know what you've become!"

"You will only lose one thing," the dragon said.

"What?" Peter asked.

"You will forget your name," the dragoness said.

"They're human names," Emily said, immediately grasping the implication. "They don't matter. Your name is my name now, because I am you."

The dragons tilted their heads down low. "Lie down," they spoke in unison.

Peter and Emily quickly laid down on their backs.

The dragon leaned over Peter's face.

The dragoness climbed onto Emily's chest.

Then the dragons reached down with their claws and forced their mouths open. Compressing down into spiraling streams of light and water, they dove headfirst into their throats, filling their lungs and bellies with ice cold rain and searing hot sun.

Emily and Peter couldn't cry out, choking on this essence, backs arched, dragon spirits wriggling as they compressed and pushed down into their new vessels.

Within seconds, both dragons had mostly entered their humans, barring their tails, which finished last, trailing between their lips. Swallowed. Once the spirits were inside, Peter and Emily could feel the dragons turn about, swimming through their flesh.

Then with a soft gush, the spirits dissolved into them, suffusing them with draconic essence.

Emily closed her eyes, moaning, then gasped and said, "Pete, fuck! I'm feeling horny."

Peter rolled over to look at her, excited. "I felt it enter me!"

She opened her eyes to look at him and grinned. "I know! I'm getting wet just thinking about it."

Peter's stiffening cock snapped to a throbbing erection. She was so beautiful, so excited, so aroused. Emily was into this. "It's so weird. God, I can't believe this is making me this hard."

She reached down between her legs, in the sleeping bag, and started rubbing her pussy mound in slow circles. "Say it!"

"We're going to transform into dragons!"

Emily squealed with joy. "So hot!"


It was a fantasy built up over years, absorbed piecemeal through TV, film and books. It was a shared cultural desire, expressed here and there in parts by authors who could sneak the themes into common fiction. People wanted to become something that was more than human--something bigger, stronger, and sexier.

Dragons were everywhere, and they fit the bill. Authors and directors sold them as superior beings, so high up the food chain that humans were vermin against their majesty.

Animorphs inspired both Emily and Peter to fantasize about transformation.

Their adolescence made them fantasize about growth, sexual development, and masturbation.

They both jacked and killed their way to cumming whenever anything excited their sex-crazed teenage brains, and it turned out the superiority of dragons was too attractive to pass up.

It became a fantasy about becoming a dragon, then about having sex as a dragon, then about masturbating and transforming into a dragon at the same time--that's when it became fetish, and that's when they peeked around the furry belly of the internet for pornography.

They found whole communities willing to supply them with the stuff of erotic dreams.

Oddly enough, that's not how they found each other. Just generic, g-rated roleplaying sites brought them together. But they knew when they talked that they shared a deeper desire, and at the first opportunity, they divulged their secrets to one another and learned that they were two of a kind--two people who would give up their humanity for dragonhood.


It was only a minute before they felt the heat of the sunshine under their skin.

Peter no longer felt the chill of the high altitude storm. He kicked off his sleeping bag and laid back on the pad, beginning to sweat in his white shirt. His boxers were filled with his seven inch erection, and his large balls were relaxed and visible against the damp cloth, but he wasn't jacking off yet. His cockhead was throbbing and flared, pushing out of his foreskin. He was looking at Emily next to him, admiring her gorgeous curves and aching to pump her tight holes.

Emily pushed off her own covers and spread her legs. Her pale white shirt was becoming clear with her own sweat. Her big nipples were thickly erect on each large breast as they rose softly on her chest, and using her arms she pushed them together, watching with delight as her breasts thrust up against her translucent, sticky shirt. Between her thighs, she began petting her pussy and looking at Peter's cock. Her vagina was aching with a hunger to be filled. Her little clit was rock hard under its hood and her vulva was swollen and ached with arousal.

Peter reached over and cupped one of Emily's fat tits and gently started massaging her stiff nipple. She moaned and squeezed her puffy pussy lips, gripping the whole mound and gently jacking off her clit by rubbing its tiny, angry erection through her soft aroused labia.

"Your tits," Peter said. His cock twitched in his boxers.

She reached out with her left hand and slid her fingertips under the elastic of his boxers. They were already damp and slick with the lube gushing from her aching vagina. She gently rubbed her whole mound with her right hand and said, "Look at that big dick."

Peter gently squeezed her nipple and pulled up on it. Emily's breathing rose. Her tits were sensitive with erotic energy. Fondling them was unusually arousing, potentially orgasmic.

She reached into his boxers, found the side of his broad, long cock, and gently wrapped her slick fingers around his girth. She pushed his dick up away from his body, gently nudging his swollen glans against his elastic, until the boxers suddenly popped and slipped down his cock to land on his testicles. He presented seven veiny inches of ruddy megathick penis, the head almost purple with the tension of erection. She pulled down on his foreskin as far as it would go, and the flare of his glans made her mouth water. She could almost taste his cock on her tongue.

"Strip," whispered a deep male voice in Peter's head.

"Tear," whispered the dragoness in Emily's head.

Peter let go of her breast, lingering with a final long, gently tug on her nipple. After his touch, her breasts were somehow more aroused, each nipple now grotesquely full and tenting the cloth of her shirt. She pulled up on his foreskin, drawing it up over his cockhead about half-way, as far as it could go, rubbing the underside of his penis through the skin. Then she dropped his dick with a meaty slap against his belly and complied with the command of the dragon within.

They rose, and Emily grabbed the neck of her shirt. Staring with pulsing joy at Peter's huge penis poking out of his boxers, she groaned and pulled. In one long, soft rip of cotton, she split her shirt, peeling the cloth off her huge sweaty rack and erect horny tits. She threw the shirt aside and huffed, legs apart, breasts rising and falling heavily. "I'm going to swallow your cock," she said. She grabbed the elastic band of her panties and pulled it up until the crotch was crammed into her pussy lips and their fatness was peeking around the sides with traces of her trimmed brown bush visible. "With my mouth..." She licked her lips. "My asshole..." She slapped her asscheek with her free hand and thrust her hips back, big butt gleaming with sweat. "And my hungry, horny pussy." She pulled her panties against her thigh, hard, and the cloth gave way with a soft rip at her taint, elastic band simultaneously snapping over her broad hip, cloth whipping out of her thick horny snatch as she ripped her panties off, now nude and aroused.

Peter grabbed his own shirt and ripped it from neck to waist, peeling it back off his chest. He wasn't a broad or large man, but his pecs were toned and his belly tight. His muscles were visible across his sweat-slicked skin. He was a hiker and a climber by nature, and he looked like he could break a weaker man, bands of muscle flexing in his arms and legs as he moved. His boxers had slid up a bit over his hard cock while he stood, and he now reached down to the gap in the front--some old throwback to a design where someone could pull out their dick without pulling down the elastic. He gripped it with his strong arms and pulled, biceps and triceps tightening with effort, as the cloth began to tear--first towards his taint, his large balls tumbling out of the ripped boxers to hang in his fuzzy sack--and then up towards the band, splitting over his seven inch cock until the cloth gave way completely, elastic snapping, cotton tearing to his thighs, boxers tossed aside while his penis throbbed at full erection in front of his nude woman.

From where he stood, she seemed to glow with sexual energy, powerful, feminine. She was going to devour him where he stood. Salivating, dripping pussy, tight buttocks.

From where she stood, he looked powerful, dominant, masculine. From nuts to tip, his genitals looked slightly larger than life, enough stiff cock to stuff her holes to her limits and beyond.

"Taste her," whispered the dragon. "Taste Emeraude."

"Swallow him," whispered the dragoness, "Swallow Wyraach."

"Emeraude," Peter whispered, and Emily twitched, recognizing another name for the first time.

"Wyraach," Emily whispered, and Peter shuddered, feeling the beast stir to her call.

For a brief moment, the dragon spirits were at the fore, and Emeraude bounded forward within Emily's form, caught in Wyraach's waiting arms. She jumped onto him joyfully, clutching his neck as he swept her up and spun her around, lifting her, breasts smashing into his chest, cock jammed against her tight belly, her legs tight around his waist. They kissed, still fully locked in these unhatched vessels, but already accepted by their hosts, feeding off their love.

Wyraach held her up by her thick ass, cradling Emeraude's warm cheeks in his hands as their tongues wrestled and their lips played against each other, tingling, breath gasping, eyes closed, each envisioning the other dragon waiting beneath their mate's skin.

Then she unfolded and he released her, and they stood together, face to face, wrapping their fingers together between them, Peter and Emily once again.

"I want to eat pussy," Peter said, breaking the affectionate silence.

"I want to suck cock," Emily said, grinning.

They stacked their sleeping pads and Peter laid down on his back, holding his cock up and out from his body like a flag pole. Emily straddled his head, still on her feet, and looked down at him. A little lube dripped off her inner labia and fell on his cheek. He smiled.

She got down on her knees and squatted, sitting her throbbing pussy down on his face, feeling her fat buttocks come to rest on his forehead while his mouth kissed her sopping pussy lips and his tongue pushed into her, just the tip. She turned her hips, grinding, tongue sliding along her vagina, up over her pussy mound and right to her thundering little clit.

He sucked his girlfriend's clitoris and she moaned with a spike of pre-orgasmic pleasure. This first go round wouldn't take long, she could tell. She got down all the way, laying her chest and belly onto Peter's tight muscles, letting her knees and his hands support her hips over his face. With her back arched, she grabbed his cock and lifted it, giving it two quick jerks, hearing the wetness of foreskin sliding down his penis. Precum was already evident on his flared cockhead, and she hungered to taste its salty sweetness.

There was little hesitation. She opened her mouth and swallowed his dick three inches deep, laying the breadth of his heavy cock across her flat tongue and feeling his searing hot cockhead push at but not touch the back of her throat. She wasn't ready to go deep yet.

First she rubbed his penis across her tongue and palate, feeling the heavy hot meat disgorge a little more precum, pure seminal fluid, onto the back of her tongue. She loved the flavor, because when she tasted it, she knew she was swallowing a man, making him feel more and more aroused, making him want her more and more until he was so hard and horny that he could just pop. She gripped the rest of his thick cock with both hands and jacked him slowly as she bobbed her head, taking slow deep breaths, readying herself for what she really wanted.

Peter loved the feeling of her hot snatch all over his face and mouth. He pushed into her pussy, breathing the arousing musk of her hot wet vagina, feeling her engorged hairy lips against his tongue and mouth and cheeks. He lusted to suck her tiny clit, flicking his tongue against the center of her pleasure, feeling her twitch and moan every time he paid her erect button the attention it was due. He could tell it was giving her pleasure, and that turned him on more than anything. He could feel Emily's swollen vulva on his face, and he knew--from many intimate moments such as these--that she was feeling it hot and heavy and nearly ready to cum.

Before she cummed on Peter, she had to do this--she had to have him all! She took one final, deep breath, kept his cock steady, and then started feeding his dick down her throat. Inch after inch passed over her wet tongue and into her body. Emily could feel the blood pulsing along the underside of his dick, throbbing as he filled up her throat. He was shuddering beneath her, clearly unable to handle the intensity of her blowjob but trying his damnedest not to cum quite yet. He'd make it through, she was certain. The very act of swallowing him was pushing her to the edge, and she would squirt in his mouth first. Her pussy and clit would cum!

He held onto her hips, put his lips to her erect clit and started sucking, shaking his head from side to side, pulling on her vulva and clitoral hood. She would've screamed with pleasure if she wasn't swallowing him six inches deep. Instead, she pushed deeper, fingers weaved into his pubic hair, thick lips kissing down to the base of his penis, nose pushed against his testicles where they rested on his thighs. She almost breathed his crotch, cock and balls intimately mated to her mouth. Her throat was full, her tongue pressed against tremendous thick dick, and knowing her boyfriend was fucking her balls deep in the face, she felt her clit pulse.

Just short of orgasm, her back cracked. Her arms shuddered. It was as if the excess sexual energy was bursting out from her groin, keeping her from cumming by bleeding it away to her extremities. There was growing pressure on the crown of her head, another gentle pop of bone. Emeraude was growing inside her, feeding off their sex. She could feel the dragoness taking shape. The erotic heat flowed into her fingers. Her hands clenched tight, involuntarily gripping his pubes. Her fingertips throbbed. Then, with painful cracks, she felt her fingertips burst!

Claws ripped through her nails, fingers extending, skin splitting all over her hands like overfilled gloves, wet and meaty. She stared at her larger dragon hands, all emerald green scales. They were hers. She weaved them through Peter's pubic hair as she deepthroated him, and she knew now how the dragons would emerge from their bodies. Destruction, hatching! The very notion was arousing, that the dragoness was inside her already. The notion that Emeraude would rip out of her was too intense for words. The sight of her own claws pushed her over the edge.

I'm becoming a dragon! Yes! Yes! I'm cumming!

Her clit retracted, drawing in, and she cummed on Peter, thin sticky fluid, sweet and salty and gushing from her urethra, from the skene glands deep within. She hunched, involuntarily humping his face as she cummed, muscles of her vagina twitching, legs shaking. Still, she held on steady to his cock, fully sheathing him in her throat while her eyes rolled back with brutal agonizing, orgasm. He could feel his cockhead flaring in the heat of her throat, but he wasn't cumming himself. Instead, there was a physical pressure building in his penis. He felt he was growing harder as he drank her spraying female ejaculate.

Emily felt her orgasm shoot up through her vagina and into her belly. Her ass shook as she felt the deep, satisfying release of liquid from her aching pussy, emptying her fluid into her boyfriend's eager mouth and lapping tongue. She needed to shout, to gasp, to breathe. Slowly, she pulled her head back, feeling his flared cockhead rub on her throat, then her tongue, then her lips as she pulled away, a line of saliva drawn from his raging penis to her lips.

She took a deep breath, pushing up until she was squatting on Peter's face. He was still lapping, drinking, even as his bobbing penis fell to his belly. He tongued her vagina proper. Then she had a second, lighter jolt, a multiple orgasm, and she gasped and said, "I cummed on you, Peter!"

There was a crack of bone along her brow. She reached up with her dragon hands, skins fully split down past her wrists, baring emerald green forearms, and she touched her slimy scales to her forehead. Just above her fingers, the pressure was intense--too intense! She reached in with the sharp tips of her claws, flexing to push them out from her fingertips so they could cut, and she grabbed two hard nubs on her head, each one just at her hairline.

Her claws sank into the human flesh, into the nubs on the crown of her head above her ears, and she tore two small holes in her aching skin.

With a gasp of relief, green horns exploded out of her brow, ripping the skin the rest of the way, and they slithered out of her flesh, growing longer and sweeping back over her head, until the sharp tips extended several inches up and beyond the back of her head in a long shallow S.

It was maybe three or four seconds for her horns to grow, for her claws to relax back to her emerald fingertips, and for the erection in her clitoral bulbs to pass in pulses with her heartbeat, vulva softening until she was temporarily relieved of the orgasmic ache.

She pulled her wet sticky vagina off Peter's face and knelt down beside him. "Peter," she whispered eagerly. "Look at Emeraude. She's inside of me."

Peter had a dazed, pained look on his face. His silver hair was matted together a bit, given how he'd been shaking his head around while eating her out. He glanced over at her and sobered up immediately, a smile cracking on his damp sticky lips. "Green!"

She held out her hand to him, and he took it and felt the smoothness of her scales and the softness of her flesh and kissed her on a knuckle.

"You have horns," he said, voice strained, "they're so beautiful."

"Are you okay?" she said, smoothing his hair with a dragon hand, her old human skin flopping around at her wrists while she moved.

He nodded, looking tense. "It's my cock." He groaned and shuddered. "I didn't cum."

There was something odd about his penis. Emily's approach to blowjobs was to worship Peter's dick. She knew its shape and feel in her, its visible moods and states of arousal, but now it wasn't quite the same. If anything, it was bigger than before, and aching.

She scooted down over his groin and touched his genitals with her dragoness hands. Emeraude was touching Peter, she thought. She could feel the dragoness's instincts guiding her. With a finger, she traced the bulge on the underside of his penis from his nutsack up to the bowstring below his flared glans. He was still perfectly hard, totally aroused.

"Your hands feel so good."

"Does Wyraach feel my fingers?" she said breathily.

He began to breath harder and harder, nearly panting. "Oh my God, the pressure in my dick."

She pulled his legs open a bit, then got down on her belly between his thighs, grabbed his hips, and slid forward until her heavy, horny breasts settled down on his cock. She gingerly lifted his dick below the head, pulling it up through her deep cleavage until the cockhead was just below her nose. She breathed on it, then gently kissed his dick on the tip.

"Something is happening!" Peter shouted.

"Wyraach is getting hard between my breasts," Emily said sweetly.

She felt his cock pulse, thick and hot between her soft tits.

"Oh my God!" Peter said, clenching his fists at his side. "I'm so erect it hurts!"

Her nipples stiffened sympathetically, and she felt her clit and the bulbs behind her labia get a little harder. "Watch Wyraach's penis grow," Emeraude whispered. "He is handsome."

She felt so hot, cradling her boyfriend's already thick dick, warming it with her soft fertile chest, encouraging it to grow and blossom into something bigger and more arousing to her.

"My dick!" Peter groaned.

Emily could feel his penis swelling just above the base of his cock. It was growing wider, rounder just there. She'd seen this on animals, feral and magnificent. He was growing a knot, to stuff her with thickness. It was still swelling, the skin stretching tight over the bulge, all hidden down and snuggled in her cleavage. "You'll grow hard enough to break," she whispered. "Wyraach's penis will burst out of yours, ripping open your genitals. I can feel him inside you."

Peter could hear excitement in Emily's voice, approval and desire. He could feel it now, the dragon filling out his flesh, becoming harder than he could be, the draconic erection swelling inside of his human penis until it would no longer fit. It turned him on to become the dragon, to give Emily and Emeraude the penis they desired.

"You're making me so hard--hngh!" Peter could feel his dick grow. His throbbing glans pushed up in slow meaty cracks and snaps, lengthening almost a full inch towards Emily's face, now nine inches long.

She stuck out her tongue and ran the tip around the edge of his glans, along the top, then put his cockhead in her mouth, sucked gently, and pulled her head back, letting it pop out of her lips. "Mmm," she whispered to his dick, "You taste good, Wyraach."

The dragon grew harder at her words. Peter's entire cock stiffened somehow tighter, blowing up, bulking. With another moment of tension, he could feel the tip of his dick tent, the skin being stretched towards a point, the edges flaring harder...

"Emily!" he cried, "I can feel him! He's going to cum! I'm going to cum!"

Then the slit over his urethra dilated, the skin on his glans split open, and a black spike-shaped dragon's cockhead thrust its way through his ripping human cockhead a full inch, directly into Emily's lips, and she swallowed him as Wyraach began to burst from his penis and cum.

One gush of jizz in her mouth. Peter roared with orgasm. Wyraach's dick bulked again. Another gush, and again he swelled. The rip shot down from his sundered glans and down the bottom of his human penis, baring inch after inch of superthick, swelling black dragon dick. She swallowed him, drinking a third gush, a forth gush. Below her breasts, he could feel his nut sack tighten. Draconic testicles swelled in his human scrotum, heavy with more cum for Emily.

Her mouth ran up and down his spiked head as little barbs rippled out along his dick below the glans, each barb simple and pointed--tough enough to tug on flesh, to scrape her tongue and mouth but not to scratch her open. Emily was excited at the prospect of that feral roughness inside her pussy and ass, like bumps on a hard dildo tickling and scratching her sensitive insides until she cummed again and again.

She sucked hard, pulling up, and with the motion of her head, his black dragon dick shot forward another inch from the increasingly meaningless wrapping of his human dick. He cried out, gushing another hot load into her throat, and his nutsack burst open beneath her tits, massive black draconic balls tumbling out of the split skin to snuggle against her breasts.

She pulled up and up again, drawing his increasingly massive cock out of his shredded human penis and up through her soft breasts, coating them in the mucus of his transformed dark genitals. Ten inches. Eleven. Twelve. Peter arched his back, thrusting up through her breasts, shouting, and his knot exploded outwards to its final size, three inches long and as broad as a human fist, forcing his cock to a mighty fourteen inches, six of them jammed in Emily's mouth as Wyraach blew one final massive gush of salty hot cum into her swallowing, eager throat.

She threw her head back, gasping for air, watching tiny aftershocks of orgasm shake through his massive penis, tiny squirts of cum spitting out to dribble down his cock and into her cleavage. She pulled back, and he pushed up on his shoulders, looking at his steel hard dragon penis.

"Holy shit," Peter said, grabbing with a hand at his broad knot, gasping when he felt its sensitivity. He could barely hold onto Wyraach's oversized supercock, now twice as long as the human he'd burst out of. Going up to only half the length and barely coating the top, there was the ruins of his human penis, damply stuck to his barbed dick. "Look at how small I was."

She moved his hand aside with her claws, peeled the human skin back as far as it would go, and found where it was still mostly attached, just at the base of Wyraach's dick. With Emeraude's claws, she gently cut away the empty human hide, discarding the remains of Peter's cock and pulling off the tatters of Peter's testicles, until Wyraach's brand new dragon penis was clean and bare. Then she reached down and cupped Wyraach's tremendous balls and ran her left hand up and down his shaft, feeling the barbs rough on her palms, feeling the spiked head throb at her touch, feeling the heft of his knot in her grip. He reached down and grabbed her hand as well, and he held her there, trying to avoid any more stimulation so soon after emerging.

"You need something a little softer to put this in," Emeraude said through Emily.

Wyraach could hear his mate. "My tail is emerging soon," he said, and Peter's eyes lit up when he recognized the words in his voice. "Turn around," he said, and it was difficult to tell if it was the dragon or Peter who had the idea. "Get on your hands and knees."

"Oh?" Emily asked innocently. "What will the big black dragon do if I'm not looking at him?"

Peter pulled her hand off his cock. "I'll find something soft to put this in."

Emily turned around gleefully and got down on her hands and knees. Her thick, broad butt and wide hips were bared towards Peter. After cumming from her pussy, she was ready to accept a little dirty butt play, even eager for it. She wanted to swallow his dragon dick with her butthole, filling her anus with that spike, those barbs, that fat fisting knot--oh God, she was so horny!

Her clitoris was erect again. Her pussy was running freely. She arched her back and bent her knees, pushing her ass up towards Peter while lowering her chest until her breasts touched the pad and her head was nearly on a sleeping bag. Her butt cheeks were split apart in this position. Her tight rosy asshole was bared at the bottom of her deep crack. She reached between her legs, collected a little lube, and then used two fingers to push into her sphincter, forcing her asshole to relax, then pulling it gently open until it gaped just a little. She'd need the room to make him fit, to really enjoy that kind of animal girth, and her lube had slicked her butt a little bit. With the slime on his newly grown dick, it'd be more than enough to help him slide in.

Peter crouched down behind her, putting one hand on her ass and one on her hip. He ran his right hand up and down Wyraach's monster dick--his new dragon penis. He pushed down on his knot, leveling the massive spiked cockhead with her soft smooth ass, touching it down into her crack and putting the point into her open asshole. She pulled her fingers away, and her sphincter winked down on the tip of his dragon dick.

"What's that?" she asked innocently. "I feel it on my rear, Mr. Dragon."

She was slick and inviting, and Emily had always had the most exciting and enjoyable anal sex with Peter. It was a practiced art, and she reaped the rewards of her experience. Shoving his bulk through her asscheeks, Peter pushed his massive fourteen inch dragon cock up her tight human butthole, and she accepted him with a squeal of joy.

She relished this first moment, when she felt that hard hot spike spear her ass and spread her sphincter, wide, wider, and wider still. Her asshole clenched down around the head, tingling, eager for the buttfuck to continue, but the first stroke always had to be slow. Then Peter pushed Wyraach's cock in a little deeper, and she felt the barbs scrape the sensitive rim of her sphincter as he gently packed her butt full of monster dick.

"Mr. Dragon!" she cried out, voice lilting with joy, "What's in my butt? It's so warm! It's so hard! Aaaah," the scrape of the barbs, "it feels so fucking good!"

This shouldn't have been possible, at least not so incredibly pleasurable, but the dragon spirits within them had changed them. They could safely enjoy such extreme sex.

Peter grunted and kept pulling her asscheeks aside, sinking his fourteen inch monster deeper and deeper into Emily's behind. She moaned and felt a gush of pleasure in her pussy and butt, a combination of arousal and anal stimulation. She could feel the bulk of his throbbing erection scraping tenderly against the bottom of her anus, pressing on her vagina and g-spot from the other side. Then the knot touched her asshole, and she knew the best was yet to come.

Peter had to push harder now, thrusting aside her asscheeks with his smooth knot, spreading her butthole more and more. Her stretched asshole was stimulated, white hot with pressure and pleasure. He thrust a little harder, and she could feel the knot push her sphincter in...

"Thrust hard!" she shouted.

And he slammed his cock home, shoving the fist of his knot up her ass, feeling her sphincter clench down around his knot and feeling her entire bottom full of probing animal dick.

"Fuck yes!" she shouted, "Wyraach's dick is in my asshole!"

"Your ass," Peter said, face wrenched with intensity, "My knot in your ass!"

He was buried to the hilt, heavy black nuts laid gently across her asscheeks and bumping against her damp pussy mound. The first stroke was half done. "Pull it out!" Emily said eagerly.

He pulled back, and her asshole stretched back, hooked over his knot until the pressure forced her to open and slide over his hot smooth fist of flesh, causing her entire butt to shudder with pleasure when her sphincter closed back down around the barbs, and he dragged them through her sensitive asshole on the bulk of his cock. He went out half a foot, tugging on her sphincter, then started sliding back into her tight ass.

"Faster!" she shouted.

He rammed his cock up her ass all the way to the knot, inducing a surge of pleasure in her butthole, slamming the knot against her asshole but not pushing it inside. "That's all I can do fast," he said. "I can't just plunge the knot in."

"Shove it in my butt when you're ready to cum," Emily said quickly, "Just fuck my ass now!"

He pulled out a little faster, six inches out--then slammed in--six inches up to the knot, which stopped between her thick butt cheeks. In and out, in and out. Peter picked up the pace, realizing that he wasn't hurting her, that in fact he was making her shudder with pleasure. He grabbed her hips and started to hump her freely, getting his cockhead to rub on the inside of her ass, his barbed penis stimulating her stretched asshole better than a smooth dick would.

Emily's whole ass felt erotic, with fourteen wrist-thick inches of dragon dick sodomizing her, nearly holding her ass up with his girth and strength. This was the bestiality she'd fantasized about when she first realized as a teenager that dragons might not have human dicks, that they might have exotic, rough, powerful cocks to fill her with. Instead of one of her strange dildos, Peter now filled her with his living heat. She could feel the blood pulse up the length of his cock, a pulse she felt with her erotic asshole. She could feel it match the beat of his strokes, his hips slamming on her round buttocks, his barbs scraping even her cheeks and making them jiggle and slap and shake to the beat of their buttfucking.

Her feet twitched beneath her. With every tug and push on her sphincter, she could feel a pressure growing in her toes, heels and soles. The pleasure being packed into her ass by Peter was changing her, it was giving Emeraude energy and form. She cried out lightly as her toenails cracked open, and thick black claws scythed out of her human toes. Up and down her feet, the skin was stretched tight with a crack of bone--then with a satisfying rip, her soles split open with a meaty rip, and larger, longer dragoness feet pushed out of her wet human skin like her humanity was a pair of thin socks pulled up too far on Emeraude's legs.

"Emeraude," Wyraach said, his voice now deeper than Peter's when he spoke, "I can feel it."

"Hnngh, my butt," Emily said, concentrating on the explosive anal pleasure of his dragon dick pumping her happy girly ass. He was reaming her so quickly, and her breathing was pained with desire. She needed even more speed, even more pleasure. She was greedy for buttsex!

Peter leaned over her further, now resting his hands on her strong shoulders to steady himself, still using his legs to lift his weight and his hips to thrust down and into her anus. "A tail!" Peter said, his voice a little more human. "I can feel Wyraach's tail!"

"What's happening?" Emily said, barely able to concentrate.

"My ass," Peter said tersely, "The dragon's tail will push out of my asshole!"

Emeraude supplied Emily with an image of Peter mounted over her butt, bending over as far as he could manage, his skin tented, his asshole opening--

"Oh my God!" Emily said, realizing that her boyfriend was about to become even more draconic while buttfucking her, maybe because he was buttfucking her. "Hatch!" she shouted, thinking of his skin like the shell of Wyraach's egg. "Cum in my butthole and hatch!"

Peter could feel his spine shifting. His girlfriend was squirming on Wyraach's dick--on his dick, as he was becoming Wyraach! Through the years, he'd enjoyed many fantasies of transformation. After seeing Company of Wolves, he'd even imagined tearing off his skin to find scales underneath. Most perversely, he'd dreamed of this scenario happening to Emily before--a subconscious manifestation, an actual dream one night of her tail coming out of her asshole--and the thought had turned him on. He'd even jacked off the next day in the shower, fantasizing about changing with her and feeling his ass clench with the vagal pleasure of pushing out a tail. It'd been something he wanted to share with her, but he hadn't been able to. It'd just been too weird, even in their already kinky relationship.

But here she was, imagining it and demanding it, and he wanted it too. He wanted transform with his woman, transforming as she would soon! Together, they'd change!

There was a crack of bone. Peter could feel Wyraach's thick dragon tail sliding down under the skin of his ass, down between his buttocks to his asshole. Above his heavy dragon testicles, his sphincter tented. "Come out of me Wyraach," he whispered, pumping harder and harder into Emily's butt, "Fuck my girlfriend's ass and rip out of my asshole!"

"Hatch!" Emily shouted, "Hatch and cum!"

Wyraach's dragon dick twitched, on edge. A final crack of bone, his sphincter tenting heavily as his tail thrust against his asshole from the inside. Peter cried out, slamming in as hard as he could--his thick knot pushing her sphincter in deep, popping through, jamming up her round butt and into the warmth of her girly asshole.

"I'm hatching!" Peter shouted, as he cummed and became a beast. Wyraach's dick unleashed a powerful load of sperm deep into Emily's ass, and Peter's asshole bloomed open as Wyraach's black tail ripped out of his ass four inches at once. He could hardly move, his knot swelling with coitus, his hips pulling back only to find himself locked by her tightening sphincter as she started to cum. Her girly squirts ejaculated onto his testicles and and underneath them onto the sleeping pad. She cried out wordlessly, delighting in an anal orgasm.

The knot had been thrust into her, and she could feel the rumble of his spine! It was gloriously depraved to feel her butt cum as he cummed too. He shook from the double pleasures of burying his shaft in her asshole and pushing Wyraach's tail out of his butthole. With every struggle to release himself, he brought his dragon dick back to coitus, every pulse of sperm matched by a pulse of thick tail thrusting from between his buttocks, stretching his asshole with anal rebirth, the shadow of his tail cast over his dragon testicles. He cummed and cummed, becoming Wyraach! She could feel him filling up her anus with jizz, yet still he cummed.

"Our butts are cumming!" Emily shouted, aroused by their shared anal experience.

Pleasure rocketed around his body, shooting to his extremities, tingling under his human skin. Peter could feel tender lumps of keratin crackling under his scalp, tenting up under his long silver hair, digging into his skull to root, forming buds, then shapes, then--

With a meaty rip, two white horns sliced backwards out of his scalp near the back of the crown of his head. They were angled back and low over his skull, both straight, pointed and smooth, unlike Emily's ornate, textured green horns.

Peter's pleasure rose in ascending steps, his tail pushing his asshole open wider and wider, a fist, a football in width, the orgasmic relief and joy of growing a tail out of his bottom while he cummed in his girlfriend's behind.

His hands clenched on her buttocks. His fingertips tented. With a grind and crack, his hands bulked and burst from their skins at once, thick white claws ripping through the annihilated nails, black scales gleaming and wet as the shredded skin fell off like ruined latex gloves. He flicked his hands to clear the skin down to his wrists, then clenched Emily again and pulled her ass in tight, another violent pump, another burst of anal tail growth.

This continued until several feet of tail had emerged, and the growth slowed. The pressure in his ass rose, explosively rose, as three inches grew, then two more in slow shuddering cracks. The skin on his ass began to tent, his stretched sphincter hooked over his black scaled tail. Then one more inch grew--and no more. Peter's butthole was full of Wyraach's dragon tail. Emily's butthole was full of Wyraach's dragon dick.

He was at his limit. The pressure in his asshole was intense. His prostate was clenched with sexual strain; for a brief moment, cum didn't flow into Emily's tight, round girly butt. Her eager asshole had swallowed all fourteen inches of his thick dragon prick, writhed on him, worshiped his dragonhood with anal fervor, yet still he was trapped by this. His testicles were drawn up, urging to ejaculate one last time in Emily's butthole. Wyraach's tail could no longer fit.

Emily arched her back, squeezed with every muscle she could manage, and tugged on his dick with her entire thick butt. "Fill my ass with dragon cum!" she cried, shuddering with delight.

Peter clenched, forcing Wyraach out of his ass, and his tail jerked one final inch, surpassing the human limit. His asshole erupted, ripping apart with a final orgasm that rocked his entire groin, splitting the skin up to his back and down to his testicles, taint tearing wide. His dragon's tail straightened out behind him, stiff and stretching--longer than his torso and balancing his weight over Emily's humped ass--and he jizzed deep and hard, unloading a torrential surge of sperm into Emily's leaking, already cummy behind. Even with the knot in place, cum overflowed from her butthole, it slicked down the length of his dick and yet he had more.

The stimulation made him spurt one last time deep into Emily, who felt it and purred with a secondary assgasm, her snatch squirting gently onto his heavy testicles as they relaxed.

Peter pulled back, feeling his knot soften. It popped through her reamed sphincter with a dollop of cum instantly dripping into her crack. Then, slowly, he released inch after inch of sticky fat dragon dick from his girl's asshole. When his pointed cockhead popped out, she gaped, and with soft little gasps, she slowly tightened her sphincter until she closed on his load.

"How was that, Mr. Dragon?" Emily asked, her voice sultry.

Peter was resting with his hands on his knees. Behind him, he turned and twisted his tail slowly, testing out the new appendage. "I don't know how you do anal all the time." He raised one hand, "Don't stop. I love your sexy ass. That was just a little extreme for me."

She changed positions, lowering her bottom but only looking over her shoulder at him, still on her knees. "That sounded like it felt good. Well," she grinned, "It all felt amazing to me."

"It felt great, but I can only stand to grow a tail once." He smiled. His cock had relaxed a little. It curved down a touch. "You're such a butt girl."

She laughed and patted her muscular ass with her left hand. "You're such an asshound. You let a black dragon buttfuck me." She reached down and found the slick of cooling dragon cum on her taint, then scraped it up with a finger. "I can feel Wyraach's cum inside me. Emeraude is drinking the spirit out of it. She's growing under my skin."

Peter's feet itched. The pressure was growing in them. He stretched, pushing up onto the balls of his feet, and with generous rips, they expanded out of their skins, white claws scything through the flesh, everything human now shredded and shedding from Wyraach's broad feet.

Emily could feel a tightness in her butt, a potential that Emeraude was forcing her way into. It was as if Wyraach had cummed dragonhood into her human rear, and now her human rear would birth a dragoness back out. "My tail will hatch from this vessel soon," Emeraude said.

Emily grinned manically, hearing Emeraude's silky voice override her own. The dragon spirit inside of her wasn't going to stay locked up long. She couldn't wait to become a part of the hatched beast--to become Emeraude and be glad she shed little human Emily.

Wyraach's dick snapped erect at the sound of his mate. Peter could feel the dragon push to the fore of his thoughts, the deeper words bursting out of his throat, "You will be beautiful, Emeraude. You will hatch, and your little vessel will celebrate being broken."

Emily felt aroused, feeling a greater pressure beyond the beastly cum inside her. Feeling the urge to make dirty gestures, she rubbed Wyraach's sperm on one erect nipple, then the other, feeling the cold sticky liquid smear over her stiff, erogenous tits.

"Do you remember when we watched Company of Wolves?" Peter asked.

"Which time?" She was trying to listen, but her nipples and ass were so fucking horny.

"I dreamed about you ripping off your face and becoming a dragoness."

Emily touched her cheek with a dragon claw, wondering...

Peter continued, "I also dreamed about you growing a tail."

Emily raised her bottom, rolling back onto her knees. Both Wyraach and Peter wanted this, didn't they? And she wanted it to. She wanted the beauty, the pleasure. She arched her back and groaned, pushing her ass towards her lover. Her little clit was erect again, and the clitoral bulbs were deeply engorged. Her vulva felt impossibly swollen, her vagina intensely tight. She could feel the blood pulsing in her clit and beneath her pussy lips, a rapid heartbeat, urgent to cum and become. Her pussy cried out for Wyraach's cock. Her asshole clenched over the pressure of Emeraude. "Fuck me, beast," she said, "and make her grow!"

Peter grabbed his dick by the knot and aimed it at her desperately hungry snatch. He had to start so far back, he couldn't even touch her with his hands. He guided the tip of his broad, spike-shaped cockhead down into the tenderness of her labia and her inner pussy lips.

Emily groaned with anticipation. She wanted him to hurry. Emeraude would be born soon!

Peter pushed, finding her pussy to be absolutely drenched, so wet that her pussy lips made a sticky sound as his massive cockhead spread her open and forced her pinkness to relax, to accept. Her vagina could handle this girth. The whole head slid into her, swallowed by her fat labia. Peter paused, enjoying the heat of her pussy. If an asshole was pleasant, a pussy was divine. He pushed in a little deeper. The clitoral bulbs were forced to spread apart by the increasing girth. The pressure in her clitoris rose quickly, massively. This is why she loved dicks. This feeling of fullness, of accepting a male and holding him inside her horny fucking cunt. Length might not matter much in a vagina, but no girl could ignore a beastly width.

And still, a knot was coming down the shaft.

Deeper Peter went. Wyraach's cock was thick. Emily could feel his dick throughout her groin, pushing on her insides, making her feel more and more sexual, more female, more alive. With every sliding inch, Emeraude whispered triumphantly, "Deeper, deeper. I can feel Wyraach!"

The barbs were scratching past her pussy lips, tugging so gently at her labia, rubbing against her tight vaginal walls, bumping through their tightness even against her enraged clitoral bulbs. Her untouched clitoris was throbbing. If she reached down and touched herself, she would cum. And below his dick, she could feel her g-spot squeezing on his massive prick, tightening.

Yes, yes! "Keep fucking my pussy!" Emily shouted.

Emeraude followed that with, "My tail is coming!"

Emily could feel her spine tensing. There was a gunshot of snapping bone. Slowly, terribly, she could feel her tail unraveling and extending beneath the skin of her rump. It thickened rapidly, and Peter touched the tented skin, feeling Emeraude's new limb slither inside. The dragoness slid down between Emily's buttocks, the tip reaching towards her asshole.

"You're so fucking hot," Peter said, "I can see her inside you."

Emily groaned. With another crack, the tail thrust against her asshole. Her sphincter tented, and her well-reamed butt exploded with pleasant pressure. She clenched, squeezing down on Wyraach's dick and straining to force the dragoness out of her throbbing muscular ass.

The pleasure increased, and Emily took her turn to encourage the spirit within her. "Emeraude," she pleaded, "come out of me. Be born out of my body."

Peter pushed in farther. Deeper, fuller. He was being swallowed up by rippling living warmth. The most room Emily would have, if her cervix retreated, was fifteen inches. He would fill her to the greatest extent she could comfortably endure. He only had to put in this fist of hard flesh at the base of his cock. He only had to knot her pussy.

His hard dragon's knot kissed on her spread labia, and he stopped.

Emily was quaking violently, shivering up and down his dragon cock. There was another crack of bone. Her sphincter tented again, deeply, and didn't relax. Emeraude was pushing on the inside of her asshole, thrusting against her humanity. She was threatening to explode!

"Emily?" he asked. No response. "Emeraude?"

Emily suddenly shouted, "Be born!" She arched her back harder, strained harder, and shoved her ass into Peter. Half of Wyraach's knot was jammed into her pussy lips, putting a new intensity of pressure on her clitoral bulbs, making her clitoris rush to threshold, making her g-spot clench, making her whole pussy pulse--

Peter grabbed her hips and slammed his knot fully into her pussy, filling her vagina, thrusting the bulbs of her clitoris to maximum pressure, her g-spot to unleash. She swallowed his beastly dick to the base, testicles slapping on her thighs, and her clit jerked inward--

"Be born from my ass!" Emily screamed, and her asshole bloomed open above her fucked pussy, and a scaled emerald tail slimed out of her blossoming butthole in a single jerk, four inches of hot tail thrust between her buttocks and dripping with Wyraach's cummy load as anal lubrication, smearing her thick asscheeks in dragon cum. Her clit retracted under its hood, and she cummed a massive, soul-shattering load, urethra blasting in a single hard jet of girl jizz onto Peter's balls. She was cumming from her genitals as well as her asshole, just as Peter had, enjoying her human orgasm and the anal rebirth of her dragon spirit at once.

Emeraude's tail poked Peter in the belly, her cum dribbled down his testicles and thighs, and he knew his fantasy had come true. There was a dragoness inside his girlfriend, and she was cumming and coming out. The intensity of her anal experience was drawn in the orgasmic grimace of her mouth, the clench of her shoulders.

Emily was having her first and last human double penetration, fucked up the pussy by one dragon and fucked out of her asshole by the other.

Peter pulled back about two inches, the most he could manage given Wyraach's knotting, and then thrust back in. His barbs scraped deep within Emily's violently tight cunt. With his pump, her g-spot involuntarily released a tiny gush of girly jism, and Emily cried out, still cumming, still pushing Emeraude's tail out of her cum-smeared asshole.

She could feel Emeraude squirming underneath her skin. She could feel Emeraude's dragon asshole rubbing beneath Emeraude's tail, her anus filled with nothing but Wyraach's beastly load. Every clench to release Emeraude was met with a slimy gush of sperm underneath her tail and skin. The dragon's asshole was cumming too, and Emily could feel everything, both her and Emeraude at once, two anal queens triumphantly cumming in concert.

With cracks of bone in her back, pumps of giant cock between her legs, tiny squirts of girly cum unrelenting in their squeeze from her aroused pussy, and Wyraach clenching her spread buttocks tight, Emily and Emeraude shared the joy of buttfucking and being buttfucked, and Emeraude's emerald green tail slimed out of Emily's bulbous rear in slow wet jerks, thickening and lengthening and rubbing across Peter's stomach in a sticky line, wrapping around his hips.

Peter admired the beauty of her new appendage. It was green on top and a soft white on the bottom. She was two colored, Wyraach remembered, one color for her back and limbs, the other for her belly, breasts and genitals. Peter could recall Wyraach's knowledge of what she was becoming, and she was beyond gorgeous.

Emeraude was seeking Wyraach's tail. She ached to rub their tails together, to wrap them tight in a spiral curl. She wanted the draconic pleasure of tails tightening into a knot, muscular. She wanted to squeeze her dragon mate, touching scales to scales. Instead, she curled about his waist, pulling him into her, making each pump sharper and harder, his hips slapping her buttocks, his testicles sloshing under her engorged mound.

Her raging clitoral erection, the thickness of her engorged labia, was all spread and split and shoved by that monstrous thrusting beastly knot in her sopping, sloppy wet human pussy. She cummed again and again, her entire groin clenching with orgasm, squirting endlessly as Peter had when his dick was up her ass. She painted his balls in her hot, translucent female cum.

Together, they felt the spirits surging up through their throats, into their mouths, into their lengthening tongues. With a joyous crack, Peter felt Wyraach push on the back of his face, the dragon sliding its teeth into his own, wearing his flesh. With a pleasurable snap of bone, Emily felt Emeraude don the mask of her humanity, then push into it, breaking it beneath the flexible skin. At once, they felt their teeth scythe longer out of their gums. At once, they felt noses flatten, muzzles jut forward an inch, lips stretching a little tighter over the new shape.

The dragons were in their heads. Wyraach's thoughts were in Peter, I feel alive, I feel myself wrapped up in this human. I feel the pleasure of hatching out of him. Emeraude's thoughts flooded through Emily, this is my pussy underneath her lips, these are my breasts throbbing within her skin, this is my tail splitting open her asshole. I'm cumming!

Emeraude's tail was merciless, stretching open Emily's butthole wider and wider. It was several feet long now, and almost as thick as a football, green, slimed in dragon cum, and searing hot. Emily's sphincter was stretched to a white-hot ring of pulsing anal pleasure. Assgasms rung through her muscular buttocks in time with Wyraach's eager thrusts of his knot. She kept cumming as the dragoness was born from her ass, over and over, her hard clit cummed!

She clenched to push the dragon out of her asshole, and the pressure rose in her ass, in her groin, throughout her body. On her chest, her breasts were insanely aroused. Now, slowly, brutally, each nipple began to grow, swelling thicker and thicker, tits becoming fully erect. Emeraude's nipples were thrusting into Emily's dark pair. They were even thicker, harder, broader. Emeraude's breasts were inflating Emily's tits, making them grow. In erotic pulses, they began to fill with weight and heat. Emily felt more fertile and sexual.

She felt like Emeraude's tits were going to start cumming inside her own. Sweat ran in rivulets over her expanding breasts, sloshing slowly to the beat of Peter's humping, nipples swaying between her arms. She felt like Emeraude was going to make her cum and destroy her everywhere, ass, pussy, breasts and face. It was the greatest pleasure to be shed!

And Emily wanted it. She desired this more than anything! She clenched again, and Emeraude's green, cum-slimed tail pushed out one more inch, hooking Emily's human sphincter, pushing the skin on her buttocks up and away, stretching her rear out like rubber.

Peter could feel her buttocks swelling into the space, filling out Emily's bottom, becoming even more incredibly buxom and sexual. He could feel her dragon ass slapping against his hips, and knowing that Emeraude was just inside, he felt more aroused and he could imagine.

Emeraude was going to be born from his girlfriend's asshole!

Emily was at her limit. The dragon was forcing itself out of her butthole. Her clitoral bulbs were throbbing, straining. Her full vagina blossomed with sensitivity, extending deeper into her, the dragoness transforming her vagina, strengthening it, making it feel every hot tense inch of Wyraach's penis, the shape of his head, the scrape of his barbs, the bulk of his fisting knot. Her clit retracted one final time. Her g-spot clenched. Emeraude squeezed Wyraach's dick, choking her bulbs down around his knot, human pussy becoming dragoness pussy around his girth.

Peter felt the spike in pressure, he tried to withdraw, and she had him trapped. And in that moment, the dragon Wyraach knew he was mated to Emeraude, and he cummed. His balls pulled up. His glans pulsed. His penis disgorged a vast jizz deep into her scorching pussy.

As the dragon cum surged into her belly, Emily unleashed Emeraude. Gushing out a full pint of girly cum, clit becoming a supernova of pleasure, Emily pushed out her inner dragoness, and Emeraude's tail shoved its way past the human limit. She ripped Emily's asshole in twain with a meaty schrip, shocking her up through her chest with an anal orgasm so devastating that it might as well have been described as a full body cum, eyes rolling back, long tongue lolling. Her taint split, her skin split open up past her rump, tail whipping out to straighten.

Hatch, Emeraude, Emily thought, arching her back in convulsive pleasure. Hatch!

Her humongous breasts felt the burst of orgasmic energy from her sundered butthole, and Emeraude's erect nipples thrust outward. The skin on Emily's dark aeroelas was drawn tight, thinning, tenting and translucent over Emeraude's white breasts and her rosy red tits.

"Emeraude!" Emily cried, "Cum from your breasts!"

The split remains of Emily's human butthole slid back away over the dragoness's buttocks, as she thrust her giant white and green asscheeks through the split. White towards her genitals, on her inner thighs. Green on her hips and on her calves. Emeraude's rosy asshole was bared to the air, dripping with a final dribble of Wyraach's dragon cum.

Wyraach saw his mate's two-tone rear and cummed his last squirt of sperm into her pussy.

Emily groaned as the pressure behind Emeraude's erect nipples became too much, her breasts too gravid, and with an incredible, unreal pleasure, her human nipples dilated as Emeraude's red nipples thrust out through her human skin. Her human literally burst open, ripping, and Emeraude's erect tits exploded as they pushed out her skin, gushing hot sweet milk in two long thin jets that spattered on the floor beneath her massive cumming chest.

Emily's face cracked and jutted forward another inch, and she relaxed, feeling the orgasm in her ass, pussy and breasts pass away in pulses, liquid squirting, dribbling, then dripping. Slowly, her clitoral bulbs relaxed, and Wyraach began disentangling his knot from her groin. Her hairy snatch was only externally human now. Inside that fat pussy, the dragoness was sated.

Wyraach's cockhead popped free of her cunt, and Peter felt his face crack and jut in a satisfying aftershock of orgasm, the dragon taking shape behind his eyes.

There was so little left to change. Emeraude and Wyraach were firmly in control now. With her anal rebirth finished, they'd found their seats in the souls of the humans.

"These small souls are ours," Wyraach said.

"These little vessels are breaking open," Emeraude agreed.

"He is happy, I can feel his triumph."

"She is happy, I can feel her love."

Wyraach reached down with his dragon claw and grabbed his half-soft cock, then started rubbing his barbs with the palm of his black hand. "I want you, without the filter of the human's mind. I want your ass." He started to harden, looking at his mate's green and white buttocks.

Emeraude rose to her feet and pushed back into his groin, smashing his dick between her fat soft cheeks. "Fill me," she whispered.

She bent over, still standing, and he grabbed her hips and tail to hold her up. Then, in one eager thrust, he sank his dick back up her dragon asshole. There was no hesitation, no slow buildup. He simply started pumping her, and without the slightest sign of struggle, she purred, a deep feminine rumble, and she enjoyed a swift buttfuck in her dragoness rear.

The knot slapped on her buttocks, thrusting against her asshole. She pulled up her chest up, angling to keep riding his dick, and said, "Peel back this skin. Bare my breasts!"

Wyraach reached around and hugged her belly, thrusting intently, barbs scraping her dragoness sphincter. He slid his hands up her human flanks, up the undersides of her massive breasts, briefly lifting them. Then he traced over her milky dragoness nipples, bringing his hands towards one another in her cleaving, meeting down at her sternum, between Emily's breasts.

Then Wyraach sank his claws into Emily's skin, and he ripped her chest open, peeling her pale pink, sweaty flesh off the vast, creamy white breasts of the dragoness Emeraude.

Emeraude purred, feeling Wyraach's dick stiffen further as he undressed his mate.

The dragons pushed on those human faces again, a third time, feeling satisfying snaps of skull reshaping, now drawing the skin tight and stretched. Their jaws fit their dragon teeth. Their tongues nearly fit the shape of their heads, but not quite. Emily and Peter were still there, silent but aware, as their faces were pushed on from within by their possessors.

From below each shoulder blade, there was a pinch of pain. A long, slide of bone and flesh, brachiating, forming limb and structure. A sense of thickness spreading out in sheets. New limbs, forming, expanding, bulking up. The skin on their backs was filling up. Wyraach could feel Emeraude's nascent wings inside Emily, tight against Peter's chest. His own wings were clenched tightly beneath Peter's skin, expanding in breadth.

Wyraach reached around and grabbed Emeraude's tits, stroking them, then squeezing them towards her erect nipples. He thrust his monstrous dick harder and harder up Emeraude's ass, threatening to knot her anus, splitting her white asscheeks with his bulk.

With the massage on her breasts, she felt pressure building again. It was time to milk, the sign of her great fertility--not to bear young, but to prove that she was a goddess of women! And Wyraach's penis--oh goddess of sky, she was sitting on his dragon dick and it was divine!

Their wings cracked, ready to burst into final form. Emeraude fell forward, pushing her ass back to balance, feeling Wyraach grab her hips. Then he thrust home, and his knot slid into her tight asshole with a wet schlorp, swallowing his thick sensitive bulb into her warm butt.

His back burst open, one long meaty rip from tail to nape of neck, and the skin was thrown aside like sheets of cloth as two massive wings expanded out behind him, and his cock gushed a somewhat normal squirt of jizz into Emeraude's behind. The limbs and backs of his wings were black, but the undersides of his wings were a heavy crimson, regal, to be seen from below.

Throbbing her assgasm, her own back ripped open a little slower, and little more sensually. Skin slowly tore in a wet rip where her human spine would've been, revealing inch after inch of her folded emerald green wings tensed, ready to unfold. She shuddered, milk gushed from her massive dragoness breasts, and her wings unfolded slowly, skin sliding off and flopping onto her flanks as the breadth of her green wingspan grew and grew, shading the floor of the cave in the shadow of her unfurling dragon shape.

He pulled out, momentarily satisfied by this slower, more intimate moment of transformation. What it lacked in intensity, it made up for in relief. Their arms and legs were bulking. Wyraach's muscles were expanding faster, heaps of flesh breaking apart his thin human arms and legs, biceps, trips, calves all causing the overtight skin to simply burst. Emeraude was slower, toned, but growing relatively taller than Emily--though still shorter than Wyraach. Her limbs slid out of their skins as if they were tubes, before finally the pressure of expansion caused them to split and shed. They stepped apart and started at one another, admiring their shared beauty as they grabbed at the human flesh stretched over their arms and legs and ripped it away in tatters and sheets, throwing the empty human skin at their draconic feet.

Wyraach's pecs were swelling. He placed his hands over his muscular chest, then clenched vast swathes of his skin as if it was a thin t-shirt. One a long, satisfying rip, he tore Peter's skin open, from his sternum down to his cock, and ripped away as much human flesh as he could manage, violently baring the dragonself everywhere but on his head.

Emeraude's chest was already split, but something more important was still whole. Starting at her belly button and going down over her pussy mound, Emily's genitals remained unbroken. Flesh sticking to her hips held up her skin. In a sense, she had yet to take this from Emily. Emeraude had saved this part of her humanity until last.

Emeraude purred, running her dragon claws through Emily's pubic hair. "She felt so good when you fucked her here." Her green hands cupped the thickness of Emily's fatty labia and rubbed. Emily, what remained, could feel her gentle touch, and her human clit pulsed, erect, against her dragoness fingers. "Would you like to open up so I can let Wyraach in?"

Emily was shouting into Emeraude's mind, tear me apart! Pull me open and birth your dragoness pussy from within my body. Pull my pussy open and show me the dragon inside!

Wyraach's cock began to rise, becoming a standing broadsword of black flesh. They'd taken many hosts before the ice came, and while the humans tended to prefer the earlier stages of their hatching, he loved this the most. He ached to see that creamy white dragon cunt, which he could fill and knot at will, with joy and love, free to feel pleasure when it suited them!

He adored seeing Emeraude bare her pussy to him!

"Looks what's inside little Emily," she said, reaching between her thighs, cupping each pussy lip with one dragoness palm, fingers hooking in towards her vagina. Emily was so aroused by this moment, she was ready to cum again. She'd cum instantly!

"Show me," Wyraach said, clenching his fists. His massive cock was erect for his mate.

"I'm inside her pussy!" Emeraude shouted, threw back her head, and roared triumphantly as she clenched up handfuls of Emily's labia, then yanked once, twice, and with a furious grip, she ripped Emily's human pussy apart. Emily cummed uncontrollably, clit retracting down through the skin, becoming Emeraude's clitoris. Emily's pale, hairy lips came apart with a meaty, slow rip, labia peeling away from Emeraude's massive, smooth white pussy lips, still gushing from Emeraude's urethra, gush after gush of thin girly cum. Her ripping crotch was so satisfying to open, to bare, like the first time she'd pulled aside her panties for Peter in a motel room, showing her pussy to a man for the very first time. The skin snapped through her taint, ripped up through her bush towards her belly button, fully unveiling the pink blush of Emeraude's swelling, horny white dragoness snatch, thicker and fatter than Emily's. Still cumming, still roaring, Emeraude pulled further, peeling back the skin from Emily's groin, up away from her hips, pulling it off where it'd been attached, ripping it the rest of the way, until there were two halves, loose and empty, which she tossed away from her naked hips and thighs.

The fuzzy flesh of Emily's pubic mound fluttered onto the cave floor, having bore Emeraude's more aroused, beautiful pussy to Wyraach.

Emeraude stopped roaring, stopped squirting, but her dragoness clit was stiff under its hood and between her thick labia. Her clitoral bulbs were so engorged, her pussy lips were pink. She grinned through Emily's face, through her half-muzzle and her stretched red human lips.

They'd torn off so much human skin. All that remained was on their heads, hooked by their horns and tented by their growing muzzles. Their tails flicked energetically. Peter could feel Wyraach's face pushing behind his own. Emily could feel Emeraude staring through her eyes.

Wyraach's voice was deep. He spread his broad, strong arms. "Come here, my dear!"

Emeraude darted forward, spritely, jumped up into him, grabbing and pushing up on his shoulders, while he caught her hips and ass and held her high, her massive white breasts cuddling around his half-muzzle. He opened Peter's lips and his tongue snuck out, lapping one milky tit, then the other, sweet and beautiful.

"Love me," Emeraude said.

Wyraach lowered her body down, her legs wrapping around his waist, her buttocks bending, her fat pussy coming down to touch on the heft of his massive cockhead. Then, slowly, shuddering, she sank down onto his dick, swallowing his cockhead, his barbed shaft, and even the heft of his knot. Sheathed in her perfect dragoness pussy, her bulbs clenched with erection, trapping his knot inside her searing hot body, and they were mated.

They were now eye to eye, Peter and Emily. The dragon spirits had broken them to pieces, shed them, burst out of them, hatched out of their skin. All that remained was their distorted faces and their searching gazes. Peter could see Emily staring out at his tenting face. Emily sought to understand how Peter felt. They opened wide, staring. Wyraach and Emeraude shared them.

Emily felt an incredible joy. She would become Emeraude fully, merged, one.

Peter was triumphant. He would become Wyraach fully, singular, strong.

They saw it, and they loved one another, and their love became the dragons love.

Emeraude grabbed Wyraach's shoulders, pulled up with her core, tugging up a few inches, tightening her grip to the limit on his knot on the inside of her aching vagina, then slamming back down, feeling his head thrust through her, his barbs scrape through her, his knot smash her clitoral bulbs from within. And over and over again, she pumped him.

Their faces cracked again. Eye to eye, their muzzles extended a fourth inch, then a fifth. The skin began to tent so far that it froze with tension. Peter could feel Wyraach's explosive pressure, throbbing just underneath his face. Emily's eyes fluttered with the punch of Emeraude on her stretching human cheeks, her flattened nose.

Her ears itched, stretching. His jawline tented, reforming underneath with ridges made of thicker scales. Then his ears stretched. Her jawline shifted. And all the while, Peter and Emily could feel the dragons fucking--no, making love. This was a sweet, final act of sex, creating a true connection between mates. No longer the insane intensity of rebirth, but the real satisfying ache and soon orgasm of people whose hearts overflowed with love for one another.

Peter and Emily could no longer distinguish their love from the dragon's love. There was no need to, and in the mixture, it seemed to gush into their chests, filly their bellies and loins with fire. Another crack of bone. Another. The shape of their skulls was changing, becoming fully draconic, the skin becoming so thin as to be translucent in places. They could no longer move or open their mouths, lest Peter and Emily end too early. They could only wait until...

Emeraude's tail snuck between her legs and found Wyraach's twitching appendage. Between their legs, between their knees, their erogenous, horny tails began wrapping together, slithering into a coil, tightening, rubbing their entire lengths together, still a little sticky and slick with their many juices. Together, between and beneath them, their dragon tails squirmed to cum.

To cum, Emily thought. To cum, Peter thought.

Emeraude pushed forward and kissed Wyraach, forcing her dragon tongue through their human faces and into Wyraach, where she filled his mouth, found his tongue, and he filled her back, wrestling. Peter kissed Emily, lips pushing together, and they all four cummed at once.

Wyraach's cock burst into his mate, gushing up into her, testicles pulling up as they jizzed one final load for the day into her ruddy, tight, fatty pussy.

Emeraude's bulbs and clit squeezed on his massive knot, clit retracting under the hood, pussy squirting as she cummed on his crotch, making a mess of their genitals in slick and sticky fluid.

His cum shot out of her overfilled pussy and mixed with her sticky load. It dribbled onto their writhing, cumming tails, lubricating their hefts, sending their tails to climax. With tailgasms, they spasmed, flying apart, tails whipping away to stand behind them erect as they shuddered with pleasure, adding to the orgasm in their mated crotches.

And releasing their kiss, Peter threw his head back and ascended through this glorious orgasm, feeling Wyraach's joy shoot up his throat and burst out of his mouth in a roar. With one final crack, Wyraach's thick black muzzle punched through the skin, and Peter's face split in one violent, meaty rip, lips snapping, muzzle snapping, nose shredding to pieces, brow splitting, horns ripping through scalp, cheeks pulling open and baring the teeth of his mighty jaw.

Wyraach pushed his dragon head through Peter's annihilating face, and Peter was Wyraach, there was only Wyraach, roaring and wriggling as the human skin slid back over his broad black muzzle and broad draconic visage, long black ears bursting forth from the little human ones, split rushing down to his thick neck and up along his scalp.

Emeraude saw the first moment of Peter's destruction, and she too thrust against Emily's skin. In one last crack of bone, Emily ascended in the glow of draconic sex, and she threw her head back and roared. Her lips were pulled back by the pressure, and a green and white dragon's muzzle pushed through the O of her open lips. Momentarily, it seemed as if Emily was gasping in surprise, with a dragon's roaring snout rushing out of her open mouth. Then the illusion was gone as Emeraude pushed forward, wriggling and tearing, and Emily's lips and face ripped apart, her brow splitting open. Her muzzle was white on her cheeks and throat. It was emerald green on top of her snout and up to her eyes. She was beautiful, perfect, alive!

Emeraude pushed out as far as she could go, obliterating Emily's face, and Emily was fully Emeraude, now and forever, still roaring with joy while the tatters slid back over her ridged cheeks and the rip reached the end of her skin at her throat. She was a little more slender than Wyraach, vastly more feminine, gorgeously elegant. Her ears elongated, slipping out of their skins, green and pointed. Her green hair pushed aside a little as her skin split up her scalp.

Their roars ended. The reborn dragons met eye to eye.

Then, with one arm supporting her, Wyraach reached up with his free claw, grabbed a handful of Emily's green dyed hair, and yanked violently. In one meaty rip, he pulled Emily's scalp in two and ripped her open, lines cut by Emeraude's horns, pulling off the last shred of her humanity. Where her human hair had been, a short, wet mane of green feathery hair tumbled. It was beautiful on Emeraude, falling down onto her dragoness brow in bangs and resting between her horns and over her neck in soft little clusters.

Wyraach threw down the human skin that'd hosted his woman.

Emeraude took her hands from his shoulders, leaned into him for support, and grabbed two handfuls of Peter's long silver hair. Then with a single yank, she split his scalp and ripped the remainder of Peter's skin in half. Wyraach's head was bare but for a single spiked fin, which unfolded from his crown down to his neck, short and webbed with the same crimson as his wings. It was a perfect, aggressive complement to his smooth, sharp white horns.

Emeraude threw down the human skin that'd hosted her man.

Wyraach's knot softened. Emeraude's clitoris softened. Slowly, he slid his dick out of his mate and relaxed. Finally, for the first time since their transformation began, his penis relaxed fully and began to compact. The bulb shrank until it was almost invisible but for the smoothness. His barbs were clustered together like a band wrapped around his compact cock. His spiked head was no longer flared, and seemed to naturally fold up onto the shaft. At seven inches flaccid, it comfortably hung at his crotch, resting over his emptied testicles.

Emeraude's breasts tightened up as her milk dried. They'd always be tremendously large breasts, but they were manageable so long as they were pert, firm, and no bigger than her draconic head. It was a comfortable reduction when she wasn't swollen with arousal. She stood on her own feet and looked into Wyraach's eyes.

They kissed again, this time slowly, feeling their scaled lips touch and their tongues rub gently, lovingly inside their muzzles, warm bodies pressed together not for sex but for comfort. After tens of millennia, the ice age was over and they were reborn together. There'd been humans through the cave now and then throughout the centuries, but always one at a time or two of a single gender. Only today had they found a suitable pair to possess, and the happiness of the humans they'd taken still suffused them. Though Peter and Emily were gone, they felt a continuity of memory, as if they'd been Wyraach and Emeraude their entire human lives, and only today had they shed their skin to find their natural form.

Maybe it'd been fated from birth. Maybe not? Wyraach and Emeraude never questioned such mysteries. They broke their kiss and cuddled. Emeraude felt complete in Wyraach's arms.

Then she pushed away, flapping her wings, dancing on her feet, and she leapt, wings spread for an instant, a flap, then folding in as she fell into the pool at the back of the cave. With a magnificent splash, the dragoness landed in the water, drinking deeply.

Wyraach followed her immediately, diving deep, down to the bottom, drinking his fill as well, then kicking about in the clear rainwater, washing away all the fluid and mess. The water would flow away in time, becoming clean again. Emeraude circled near the surface, looking down at him. Their wings flapped lazily, not really used for swimming but just to enjoy feeling them move in the resistance of the water. Soon, they'd feel the resistance of wind.

They were dragons of the sky, equally storms and sunlight.

Emeraude kicked away and shot out of the pool, landing on all fours.

Wyraach swam up to meet her, and she grabbed his hands as he surfaced, dragging him out onto the cave floor. They were naked, but they felt so complete.

She was dripping, shaking out her hair. "The humans were so willing!"

Wyraach laughed, a deep throaty sound. "They did their kind a favor."

Emeraude smiled, carnivorous rows gleaming white. "We did their kind a favor, didn't we?"

"We did." He stood and stretched his muscles. "Remember the island civilization of the previous age? Humans always rise too high, then fall very far. They'll need gods to guide them."

"Will these vessels last that long?" Emeraude asked.

"A thousand years is more than long enough, if mankind has led itself."

Emeraude pondered why dragons could take human bodies and shape them to live again. There was purpose in this, though they could never quite figure out what. Only that they could help. "They'll need dragons to lead them again, as they always have, age after age."

"Correct," Wyraach said.

They crawled over the floor, picking up the tatters and detritus. They had piles of skin, clothes, and various other goods, which they clutched in their hands and held to their chests. The dragons walked down to the mouth of the cave and looked out between the curtain of krummholz, to see the cold rain blow over the mountain.

"Goodbye," Wyraach said to his former life. He tossed the tatters of Peter into the air, and they scattered on a blustering gale, falling over the mountain to be picked at by the birds.

"Thank you," Emeraude whispered to Emily. She threw them high, and they too dispersed over the valley, to land in the trees and rocks and wither away in the sun, gone, gone.

So ended Peter and Emily. So began Emeraude and Wyraach. Their time would come.

Kate's Werewolf Girlfriend (3rd TF of 3)

Kate's Werewolf Girlfriend (Final TF) It was easy to count Kate's boyfriends--one for every year since 7th grade, and one even before then. Seven total, including her senior fling. She knew their names like a grocery list: Eric, Dennis, Matt, George,...

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The Werewolf Cumming Out of Gwen (2nd TF of 3)

The Werewolf Cumming Out of Gwen (Second TF) It was a crisis. Youth was squandered. Things were left unsaid. Gwen lay silently in Kate's arms while terror churned in her heart. She'd seen a werewolf born, and the beast had bitten her. -- She could...

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Amy's Werewolf Infection (1st TF of 3)

A little more than two weeks ago, a werewolf had bitten the young Spanish teacher Amy Primrose on the wrist. There'd been a lot of confusion about the attack. It'd been a cloudy night and only a half moon, still waxing. She'd stumbled up to a ranger...

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