The Outer Rim - Episode 1. - New Friends

Story by TheLionWriter on SoFurry

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#1 of (NSFW) The Outer Rim (Series - Not Finished - Paused - Man+Lioness)

Maybe I have a new series coming. This is a sci-fi based love story with a few sex scenes between a human and a feral creature.

I wrote it for at least 7 days... you know I have limited access to PCs and time for writing. So if you have notice a few logical break in between the lines... just keep reading :)

Not to mention the grammar mistakes... I was in hurry most of the time. I read it through once or twice, I corrected here and there but I finished I think. So it's ready for you.

Question for writers on SoFurry: How can I change the section break's size in here? They are become too thick when I pasted from MS Word.

The Outer Rim

Episode I. - New Friends

The technology led us to the very edge of the galaxy. We can almost do anything we want. There are no boundaries, limits and restrictions anymore. The possibilities are endless like the universe.

We thought that.

But this is just simply not true. There will be limits always, and countermeasures by the universe itself. There is no such thing like "Endless knowledge and power". There will be always something to hold us back.

The year was 2344. I didn't know the month and day. There in the middle of the nowhere the time was seemed to be stopped. There were no points to compare; there were no days, nights, dusk and dawn... only the stars far away, only the blackness.

"What is the time?" I asked from my main computer while I was floating in my ship. I turned off the gravity and the lights. If you do this, it feels almost like you are the only thing in the space. It was peaceful for me.

"8 o'clock, local time." I got the answer.

"Perfect." I stretched my muscles and switched back the gravity. As I slowly descended to the floor I looked out from the window. I saw a small approaching ship.

"ID code?" I sat to the sensor's console.

"It is the Narwhal. United Space Military, U.S.M.-1443, Cargo Ship, on route to the planet Heaven." The computer told me. 'As I expected' I pushed the detailed information icon in front of me. 'No shields, small crew, weak weapons. The cargo is mostly food, water and supplies. It's a low priority package for the U.S.M.-22F, Kongo Research Facility, but I could sell it for gold in the Outer Rim. Oh, I will buy an own moon if I could stole, and sell it.' I thought with a smile as I scrolled through the screen.

"Prepare for the distraction" I sat to the captain's chair and turned on the main systems. I was in stealth mod so they were not able to catch me with the sensors.

"EMP mines are ready" I got from the ship. I called her Lyra. Yes I'm a little sentimental.

"Good. Let's do some firework. I hope they will enjoy the view." I was laughing.

The mines were blowing in a straight line. The bluish flashing lights blinded the sensors and everyone who looked out from the windows. Of course my ship was the exception. I prepared it for these kinds of missions. I was a mercenary. I hired sword... I mean gun. I could stole, defend, attack, transport things. Depending on the money, I could tell. In occasions I do jobs for my own entertainment. Like this, with the Narwhal.

The cargo ship was like a long worm, with a strange head. Or like an old train from the Earth. The head was the tractor ship the rest was the cargo in containers chained to each other's. The plan was simple. Detach the containers and escape with them from the sector, before they call the reinforcements.

I navigated my little cruiser closer. "Here I go." I told to myself and pushed the fire button. My thick and weak laser cut off the cargos. I floated above the first section and released the magnetic anchor.

"All powers to the engines" I said while I checked the sensors. 'They have no idea what just happened' I stood up and went to the FTL drive's console. I entered the coordinates and hit the button. The Lyra jumped into the D-Field. This is the space between the dimensions where we can travel f aster t han l ight. I do not know the technical details but you can trust me. It's complicated.


After two days I was in the Outer Rim with my precious cargo. I want to take a little check before I bring it to my buyers, so I landed in an uninhabited moon with atmosphere.

"I hope it's full with goods." I told as I stood in front of the door. I hacked the TST a.k.a Top Security Terminal within a minute and the huge metal panel slid to the right side. First I couldn't see anything but standard military boxes without any sign or writings. I walked to the first one and opened it.

"You are kidding me!" It was empty. So I opened the second and third. 'It's make no sense. Why they are transporting empty boxes?' I thought then I found the FSE device. I called it FSE, but the original name was Fake Signal Emitter. That was the reason why I saw the cargo as Food and Water with my sensors. 'It should be one of those Top Secret shipments for the Core Planets' I was guessing. 'Maybe Bio Weapons, information, prisoners, new shields or criogenised VIPs.' I walked along the container rooms.

The last section was closed with an energy field. It was unusual, but I was not surprised after all. The rest of the cargos were just empty boxes, there should be something important here.

"This is Tim to Lyra." I started. "Do you see any way to disable this field?"

"The power source is inside the field. There is no way to disable from this side." I got the answer.

"This side, eh?" I was smiling. "Prepare the mining laser and make a hole on the wall."

"Understood. The Laser is active." I got back.

The laser cut a big entrance into the right side of the section within 5 minutes. I could step inside the locked room in the next minute. It was dark there so I had to use my small and weak flashlight. The boxes were in the middle of the floor like they about to hide something from the unwanted eyes. I kicked away the first row and a cage appeared in front of me.

"A cage? It's weird." I whispered. I moved a few more boxes away then I could see something lying inside the cage. It was a creature covered with yellow fur. It looked like an animal... a beast.

"What the hell are you?" I whispered as I grabbed the grids. It was a little bigger than a human and it was sedated probably, because it didn't make a single move.

"Lyra, do you see that?" I turned on my radio.

"Yes. I'm getting weak life signals from its position."

"But what is it?"

"About the physical parameters... it's a female lion."

"A what?"

"Lions were creatures on Earth. The species has extinct in 2133 July. 1st."

"The World War 3."

"Yes. After the war the scientists tried to re-animate the species but there were only a few damaged DNA sample. The official date of extinction is 2135. May. 3."

"Then how she got here?"

"I have no information. Maybe the U.S.M. recreated the species for military purposes." It sounded like a possible scenario. The cargo ship was heading right to a Research Facility. 'I could sell her.' I scratched my chin. 'A secret military research, a deadly beast, designed to kill... it could worth at least 200 unit.' I was thinking.

I had to get her out from the cage, but fortunately she was reassuringly unconscious. She was heavy and in a strange way... beautiful. Her body was symmetric, muscular and warm. Her fur was flossy, smelled like a forest. Maybe I could keep her like a pet. 'Are you crazy? She will bite your head off.' I scolded myself for the idea. But I couldn't deny... I felt a warm feeling inside my chest as I looked at her.

I have a small cargo bay in my cruiser for important packages... sometimes for prisoners. So it was not a big deal to turn on the energy field around it. Instant cage for wild animals.

"Good job Tim." I smiled as I admired the view. "What should I do with you?" I sat down in front of the creature, I admired the view. Of course, outside of the field.


I knew a rich man called Mr. Strong. The name was misleading because he was a small and thin, old man. I set the coordinates to his planet. Yes, he had a planet. Did I mention that he was very rich?

"What could be your name? Do you have any?" I was sitting in the cargo bay next to the still unconscious lioness. In my left hand I hold a bowl of soup, I gesticulated with the spoon. "Maybe Leona." I guessed. "Yes it will be good. Nice to meet you Leona." I laughed. She moved a little. First she put forth her right paw, and then she raised her head.

"You are beautiful indeed." I admitted as she stood up and stretched her muscles. Her movements were more elegant then anything I saw before. She yawned once or twice then she noticed my presence.

The look on her face, the predatory eyes... It was frightening; I got myself on lowering the bowl and searching for my weapon. Yes, I almost shitted my pants. 'Without the energy field I would be dead already.' I thought.

"Hello girl." I waved my hand and waited for reaction but I didn't get any. 'Maybe she is just a dumb animal, not a military project.' I shrugged, but then I caught her to frown. 'Is she thinking?' It seemed so.

"Are you able to interpret my words?" I told her slowly and articulated while I put my bowl onto a crate. She didn't move even a whisker. "Lay down!" I gave an order. "Jump forward!" I tried another one. "Roll over!" But there wasn't a single reaction. She kept looking at me, but in her eyes I saw the spark of the intelligence. She bewitched me with her beauty.

I leave her alone for a while, because I had to do my homework. The shield generator was faulty, the FTL drive was crazy, and so I was immobile. Without the interstellar travelling ability I couldn't bring her to my buyer. I was still in the Outer Rim and this was the worst place for a malfunctioning ship.

"Come on you piece of scrap metal!" I swore when I successfully hit my finger with a hammer. The shielding of the FTL drive was an old model. I was in the cargo bay again so she could hear and saw my suffering. "Don't look at me like this!" I told to her. "I'm not an engineer." She did nothing. My stomach growled. I realized that I had no eaten since yesterday.

"I will grab some food. Are you hungry?" I asked but it was useless like any of my questions. 'I hope she will not starve to death' I was worrying so I unpacked a large portion of synthetic proteins, amino-acids and vitamins. It was a standard military food ration a.k.a. Junk-Meal. It was everything but food, I could tell, but you could live on it for months.

I had a best friend. His name is HEPEG. High Energy Photon Emitting Gun. This is a sidearm. Good buddy for all people in the galaxy with a job like mine. Not too legal in fact, but it could blow your head off.

"I will switch off the energy field and drop this food to the front of your paws. If you want to attack, I will make a new hole into your head. Understand?" I told her the situation. She didn't move. "I don't want to kill you because you are beautiful. I would hate myself for the rest of my life." I thought some flirting won't hurt anybody. I turned off the energy field and leveled the gun. With my left hand I slipped the food to her and then I switched back the field. "Bona Petite!" I smiled. She sniffed the package and took a look at me. "I know it's not too tasty. It's not even food I think, but it contains everything what your body needs. It will keep you handsome." I explained. She took a bite and almost puked out... then she took a bite again. After a minute or two she ate the entire portion but her face was more than unsatisfied.

I spent the rest of the day with repairing that stupid FTL drive. I tried everything but it didn't work. I almost gave up when I got an idea.

"I will remove the energy source and connect an alternate one" I told it to myself. "What could be the perfect replacement?" I was thinking then my face went white. "The energy field on her cage." I whispered. 'If I want to get it work again I had to turn off the field and connect it to the FTL drive. But then she will be free, and I will be dead.' I jumped off from the crates.

"Dear beautiful lioness. As you can see, we are stuck here in the nowhere. I have to release you from your cage to repair the FTL. If you eat me, you will die alone in the space, because you can't drive my ship without the authorization codes." I stopped for a few minutes. I still believed that she can understand my language, but I had no proof. "So here is the deal. I release you, and you won't eat me." I was waiting for some reaction. She didn't move. I grabbed my gun, and pointed to her. "I don't want to shoot you down, just because you try to kill me. I like the sparking life in your eyes. I like the symmetry of your body and your superior posture. So please don't make me kill you." I lowered the gun and turned off the field. My heart was in my throat but she just stood up and shook herself.

"It is almost over" She told me with fluent English. I dropped my jaw.

"What?" I breathed, but she couldn't answer because the proximity sensors of the ship were alarmed.

"Warning! Unknown object approaching our position. Impact in three seconds." Lyra informed me about the threat.

"Shit!" I jumped and started to run to the controller room. After the second step I took, something felled me off from my feet. It was the lioness. She unarmed me with a single punch.

"Kill me! Just be quick!" I told her but she didn't bite my head off. She grabbed my neck with a paw then everything went black.

"Sleep." She whispered into my ear.


I woke up in a dark place. First I thought something happened with my eyes, but then I realized there was no light, just a weak glowing symbol on the wall. It was two curved line, crossed with a straight one.

"What happened?" I stood up slowly. I had had my second biggest discover on this day... I was naked. I stumbled around the small, cubical room but I didn't find a door or some way out. There was no any sign where the hell I was.

"Anybody hear me?" I cried to the ceiling. My eyes got use to the darkness so I could see the shapes. 'If there is no a single hole in this place, how did they brought me here?' I was thinking.

In a sudden moment I was almost blind. The walls became white and glowing. It was like someone stubbed my eyes with a hot knife.

"Listen human." I heard a voice behind me so I turned. I could only see blurred spots, but the sound was familiar. It was her, Leona, the lioness.

"I'm listening." I replied and blinking furiously to earn the ability: seeing.

"You freed me up from the ferocious prison of your species. You gave me food when I was hungry. You lowered the shield of your cage and showed me trust. You speak with me on the voice of respect and honor." She stopped. I got back my vision so I looked in her eyes. "I give you a chance to live."

"What?" I sighed.

"I will not execute you right now. You must fight for your life." She answered.

"Fight against what?" I asked but I didn't need the three guess to figure it out.

"With a T'koa'ke Warrior." She raised her nose to show me this is something big. I though this is something to kill me with a single punch.

"What is T'ka... T'ok... that strangely named warrior?" I couldn't spell the name.

"A T'koa'ke Warrior is your last chance to live. If you win, you get the permissions to leave this place or you could stay to regain your power, then leave."

"If I lost?"

"Then you become a food. I will enjoy your meat." She smiled on me. I was surprised.

"You are that warrior!" I pointed to her nose.

"Indeed I am." She licked her mouth, and then went out from the room. The wall slid back so I was in a prison again, only with my thoughts.

They brought me food and water. I asked for cloths but they denied my request. They were lions also, males and females. As I know I was on a space ship, maybe in a space station because I could feel it moving, changing its direction. Despite that I had no idea where was I or my ship.

"Leona. I will get insane here. Fight me, kill me, but don't leave me alone for another week!" I begged after the second week. First she told me I have to fight, and then she leaved me rot here. It was cruel.

"If this is your wish I can eat you right now." She smiled and took a step closer.

"It's better than being a prisoner. Take your bite, my beautiful lioness." I offered my neck to her, but she just frowned.

"I don't understand you. I can see and smell, you are afraid of me. But you keep calling me beautiful and so on. Why?" She sat down in front of me and cocked her head.

"You are beautiful, but you are dangerous also." I admitted both of her primary attributes. Like a master piece gun. Good to gazing your eyes on it, but it could kill you in the next second. In fact I suspected that my feelings to her was more than I thought. Maybe... just maybe... I felt love.

"Give me your hand." She stood up after a minute of silence. I did it, raised my hand to her. 'What could be the worst scenario? She tears of and I bleed to death? I don't care.' She pushed her cheek to my palm.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a low voice, her fur was soft so I started to caress her face.

"I want to prepare you for the fight." She told. I was amazed how she speaking with a muzzle like she had. "The first lesson is: know your opponent's body." She took a step closer. I hugged her in instant and buried my face into her fur. It smelled like a forest just as I remember. She hugged me back with one paw and caressed my back.

"Thank you." I whispered. In fact I couldn't even touch another living thing in the last few months so I was longing to feel another body. I could sell my soul even for a handshake of her.

There was a problem with that romantic scene. As I said there was no a single soul around me for a long time... not even a woman and as I was thinking about women, I got an erection. It was more than awkward in this situation. I tried to hide myself with my legs but there was no way. She pulled back and smiled on my maleness.

"Interesting." She whispered.

"I'm sorry, but your body was warm and I was not with... anybody for months. When I hugged you I remembered that I was not being with a woman for too long." I explained my shame.

"Don't worry." She touched my jaw with her paw and caressed. "As you see we are all naked like you now and I'm used to being attractive to males... who got erection often around me."

"Really? It's strange." I admitted.

"I can... how should I put it to you in your language..." She was thinking. "Let's say, I can make you to forget this problem." She pointed to my erection. I was suspicious and frightened both. 'She could rip it off from my groin.' I thought and I backed off to the wall.

"Please don't do anything with my erection. It will fade away if you scare me out of my skin, like this." I reassured her, but she was just laughing.

"Maybe I was too sophisticated." She came close to me again and I grabbed my member to protect it. "I meant, I could satisfy your needs. I could make you ejaculate your semen." I drop my jaw. "As I see you understand it now." She laughed for a minute while I put myself together.

"Do you mean sex?" I asked just to be sure. My hearth was trembling because I got excited. The thought of sex with her made me harder.

"No. I won't have sex with you now. But my mouth is also a warm and wet cavern of joy." She licked her lips.

"I doubt it" I snorted. "Your mouth is the cavern of pain, suffering and death." I told her as I saw her fangs and incisors.

"It's true." She shrugged and pointed to the fact that I'm right after all. I was not happy with this small victory. "Get away with your hand. I want to do it."

"I don't want to try it, but thanks." I tried to slip away but she cornered me.

"You have no choice. I will put it in my mouth. If you allow me to do, I will release it after you ejaculated. If you resist I will devour your entire genital after I finished chewing on it." She looked in my eyes and I was one hundred percent sure she will bite it off if I do against her will. 'Shit! I should choose between bad and worst!' I was thinking but then I held my hands up resignedly.

"Good decision." She said and leapt forward engulfing my entire package with a movement of a predator. I yelled... I would not have been able to do anything else. My cock was inside of a deadly muzzle. She smiled up to me and she start to suck and playing with her tongue. It was a shame I know but I blew my load into her thirsty throat after two seconds. 'Son of a bitch! She is a professional cock sucker!' I thought while released my last drop.

"It wasn't take too long, was it that good?" She asked me with a smile, after she licked up the semen.

"I love you." I said and collapsed to sitting. Then I realized what I said. She dropped her jaw and looked like she saw a ghost or something. "I... I don't know why I said." I excused myself quickly.

"But you did." She pulled herself together. "And you thought it also, I can see in your eyes." She stood up and left the room quickly.

I wasn't sure about my feelings, but I couldn't deny the fact that I felt in love. 'How can I love a creature like her? She is beautiful and her scent drive me crazy... it's like my village where I born. Pine trees with river and the salty wind of the near ocean... but I couldn't believe! I'm in love with her! She would kill me and eat with pleasure I'm sure, but she is also the best thing in my life. I'm happy with her.' I thought as the lights went off.


She kept visiting me and teaching the rules of the fight. I didn't mention my feelings to her, and I tried to keep distance from her. As I saw in her eyes, she was unsure about my confession. Maybe she didn't know how to handle it. I'm a human after all.

"Your species and mine are enemies?" I asked once, while she was teaching me some ritual movements and words.

"We are the result of your conquest. This galaxy is not just yours. When we told to your leaders, keep away from the Outer Rim, they attacked us. So we will show your race where are your place in the food chain."

"At the bottom, I suppose." I guessed. "Will you wipe out my species?" I held my breath.

"No. We won't. We just teach you a lesson like I'm teaching these lessons to you." She smiled.

"I will die after this lesson." I pointed to the fact. "So the prospects are not good for the humanity."

"Why do you think you'll die? You have the chance to win and survive." She was uncomprehending.

"I won't fight with you." I told her seriously. There was a moment of silence

"Because you love me?" She asked and I nodded. "We have to. If you deny the fight it would be like an execution."

"Then you will execute me." I said factually. She could not speak just staring me with pure surprise.

"But... Why? How?" She stood up and looked angry.

"It just happened. Call it love on the first sight." I shrugged.

I sat to the corner because she didn't continue the lesson. She was busy with her thoughts. I wasn't sure about my decision but I had no choice. I was in love with her so I couldn't make a single harm on her.

"Get up and come with me." She broke the silence.

"Is it the time to die?" I was calm... I'd already accepted my destiny.

"No. I want to show you something."

She led me out of my prison so I could become absolutely sure about I'm in a space ship. I could saw the stars through some small windows. The corridor had made from... I didn't know. When I touched, it felt like a dry bone.

"What is this?" I asked.

"It's a synthetic bio-polymer. Stronger than any metal based material." I was amazed. As I could tell every millimeter of the ship was made from living cells. The windows were made from chitin; the lamps were bio-luminescence bags. They should like bio-things for sure.

Then my foot rooted to the floor, and I drop my jaw. We arrived to our destination; it was a huge forest inside of this ship. I couldn't even see the other end.

"What the hell?" I sighed.

"We call it Life Space. This is the number 17th." She told me. We were above the ground, so I could see it all this incredible thing.

"I can't believe! That is a river among the trees!" I shouted and laughed at the same time. 'This is the reason why she smells like pine trees and water.' I slapped my forehead. "How big is this?" I asked.

"The forest is fifty thousand cubic meters large." I dropped my jaws again. It should be the biggest ship in the space. 'She said it is the number 17th. So there is at least another 16 ships like this.' I thought with growing appreciation and respect.

"Thank you for showing me this. It's... I can't even find the words." I smiled as I saw a rainbow above the forest. Then I realized there was a transparent energy-field around the landscape. "What is that?" I pointed to it.

"The containment field. It is also a holo-projection generator. It can control the day-night switches, the raining...etc. The residents of this Life Space could feel the wind among the leafs, the heat of the sun, could see the blinking stars next to the moons... it's a perfect simulation." She told me.

"So it's like a home for you." I guessed.

"Yes... it's living, breathing, changing like on Oharet." She said. "Like on my home planet." She smiled at me and I returned the gesture. They built a piece of home in the space. I saw flying birds, a deer-like creature ran across among the tress... it was a small paradise in the middle of the darkness. I was truly amazed.

"May I spend the day there? This is the last day of my life." I asked for it.

"Yes. Come with me and I show you something."

She showed me a lake in the forest. A small lake with smooth beach covered with sand. I was naked but it was not a problem anymore. I jumped in the water, swum for a few minutes then I laid back, next to Leona. The sun will dry my skin. I knew this was just a fake-sun but I didn't care. It felt good.

"May I ask something? You can take it as my last wish." I rose to my elbow.

"Go ahead."

"I would like to show you how much I love you. I would like to be with you." I asked with no little concern. She looked at me and sighed. I could see in her eyes, she is not sure about this.

"I don't know." She answered and I bowed my head as I became sad. "This could be your last time to... love me, I admit it. I don't want to be rude, but don't you think it's weird?" She sat up.

"Yes it is. But I can't help on it. I see you as the most beautiful thing in the galaxy. If this is my last time, I would like to spend it within your hugging paws." I made my confession again. She did nothing but staring at me with a frown. I laid back on the ground. 'She will not fulfil my desires, she does not like me, not feeling the same way. I will die tomorrow and I will die with the thought that I couldn't express my feelings more. I couldn't make her happy.' I became sad again and disappointed. She suddenly licked my belly.

"If this is your last wish, I will let you be with me." She showed me a weak smile. She still had doubts about this idea.

She was lying on her back and hugging me while I pushed myself inside of her true cavern of joy. It slipped in without resistance and I couldn't hold back a sigh as I felt her warmness. I pushed myself in her as much as I could. She engulfed me with her pussy. First it was strange because she had muscle rings inside... moving muscle rings. It could be like in a milking machine, but I fought with the urge to ejaculate... I wanted to please her as much as I could.

"Don't hold back." She whispered to me but I disobeyed. I started to pull out and pushing back rhythmically. This was the perfect moment of harmony as I looked in her eyes and she looked in mine. We were together in this joyful event, I could see that she was not resisting anymore. She wanted me fully, not just with my body, but with my soul, with my spirit. In that moment I was her mate, her other half and as we joined our body, we became one.

She reached the top of the pleasure and as she climaxed and clenched her insides around me I came with her. I spurted my liquid as she did with hers. My groin was soaked in body fluids. I didn't want to pull it out. I want to stay in this moment forever.

But the time is a cruel bitch, I slid out after a few minutes. I was laying on her as we learned to breathe again.

"Wow." She said and I was proud to myself.

"Wow, indeed." I replied between breaths.

"What a shame that I have to eat you tomorrow." She continued.

"Yes. Sex is better than rummage in blood and intestines." I hugged her encouragingly and laughed. I just felt sorry about that we cannot be together one more time.


As I said, the time is a cruel bitch, so it tricked me again. I just had been with my love and it already changed the today to tomorrow. I was standing in front of Leona in a huge circle. It was like a playing ground, but not for child, covered with sand and surrounded with a small railing.

There were other lions around the place, males, females, young ones and adults. One of them was sitting in an elevated area close to the battle ground. He was a big male with black fur and red eyes. Just like a living demon straight from the hell. He was the captain of this ship, the leader of these lions.

"Are you ready for the fight?" He asked us with a terrible deep voice. I felt my bones shaking.

"I'm ready." I replied just like Leona.

"You know the rules human. If you defeat your opponent, you will be free; you will become a guest instead of a prisoner. If you will lose the battle... you will become her food." He looked in my eyes and I caught my glace. A terrible power radiated from him.

"I understood." I nodded.

"Let the fight begin." He said.

I knees in front of Leona, rose my head as I offered my throat to her.

"You know my feelings. I won't harm you, not even for my life." I gave a small break in action. "Take my life. I love you." I said. I couldn't see her thoughts because she looked like she was angry and confused at the same time.

"I know." She said and turned to the black lion. "He is the winner. I give up the fight." She finished. Shocked murmur ran through the crowd. I agreed with them because I didn't understand her words.

"Explain." The black lion commanded.

"I can't kill someone who is in love with me." She started. "I can't kill someone who has a so opened mind like him. He felt in love with a creature like me. What is this if not a proof for his true hearth?" She said and my eyes become watered. I was touched.

"I see." The black lion nodded. "Then he is the winner." He nodded again.

Leona came to me and hugged me. She whispered a sentence in my ear and my hearth throbbed.

"I can't kill someone I love."

I was happier than ever.


The next weak were my best period in my life. The sex was fantastic with Leona... to be honest my cock was ached after a few days. It wasn't rare that we did it six times a day.

"You said you can't kill someone you love. But you do." I complained when she tellingly rubbed her head to my chest.

"Come on. Just one more time." She pleaded.

"I can't. Look it flushed, and it's hurting." I pointed to my maleness.

"If I have no further us to it, then I will eat it." She licked her mouth playfully.

"Enjoy your meal!" I lay on my back. She opened her mouth threateningly and lowered it to my groin. I just looked at her with a bored face. When she reached and put it between her incisors I said: "I hope you will like it." She released my member and stood up.

"Come on!" She cried plaintively. "I'll be quick I promise." She looked at me with a smile.

"You will kill me woman!" I sighed. I was about to give her what she wanted but the entire Life Space had shuddered

A siren blared up not promising good things. It was an alarm signal. 'Is it an accident or an attack?' I was thinking as I stood up, ready for everything.

"We have to go up to the bridge." She said and we ran together.

Everyone was in hurry, running lions passed through our way as we were close to the Hunters. They were small attack ships, with heavy weapons and armor. This was the shortest route to the upper sections of the ship.

"What happened?" Leona grabbed a lion from the crowd.

"The humans are attacking. They have an entire fleet." He told and ran away.

"Do you know how these things are working?" I pointed to the nearest Hunter.

"I can fly with it, what is in your mind?" She should have trust in me because she headed her way to the ship.

When we were inside, she sat to the driver console and I was next to her at the weapons controller. My plan was simple like a slap: I know the U.S.M. fleet weak points and the tactics. So with a small luck I could make some distraction for the Life Space. If they have strong weapons they can destroy the fleet, or at least do some serious damage.

"Start the engines and follow my orders." I said when the icons were appeared in front of me. It was a risky and maybe a suicide mission but if I have a chance to protect the lions I will.

"Weapons are ready." I commented the green signal.

The ground under the ship started to dividing, and then we fall down into the space. As soon as she took a sharp right turn an energy-beam hit our shields.

"Shields are 80 percent." She said. My hearth was about to jump out from my chest. The Lyra wouldn't survive a direct hit by that big battle cruiser in front of me. This ship was stronger than I thought.

"Approach the dorsal bay from left. Use sharp turns to avoid the beams." I told her as I started to shoot the incoming enemy. They were single fighters with light weapons.

"Ohm... Something is happening with that ship." She drew my attention to the U.S.M. Raptor, next to our previous target. It was a huge Destroyer, designed to abolish the difficulties with the main weapon called Spectral Break. I do not know the technical details but it can convert the matter into energy inside the target. It can vaporize everything. And it was about to recharge that weapon. I was not believed that the Life Space could survive one hit from the Raptor.

"Forget the cruiser, let's stop this monster." I gave the order. "We will shoot with everything we have. Do you see that red energy barrier near the beginning of the ship?"

"Yes, but we won't survive a hit from that." She was worrying.

"Take the guns, I take the wheel." We switched the places. The controller interface was not too difficult so I could dealt with it. "Fire at will." I said and pulled the ship from a missile. It was hard to avoid everything from a Destroyer.

"The shields are failing." I read from the display.

"The weapons are not working." She commented when we got two hits. 'Just a missile to the energy distributor and they had to stop the recharging process for at least ten minutes.' I thought but then the power went off. The Hunter was dead... as we will be soon.

"I'm sorry Leona. I love you" I step to her and hugged. One hit and everything is over.

I had a great view on the Life Space from the window. It was huge indeed and beautiful in the lights of the exploding beams and missiles. The shields were still working. 'Will I see the end of this peace of paradise?' I thought sadly. Leona started to purr. I didn't know that she is capable of. I hugged her with more power as I felt the incoming end of our life. We will die together.

A few vortexes appeared near the Life Space and six new sips materialized from the nowhere. They were also Life Spaces.

"Do you see that?" I was happy. Seven ships of the lions could destroy the fleet without any problem. The first row of fire blew up the Raptor, the second row destroyed another two cruisers. The U.S.M. had no chance to survive. I grabbed Leona's face and kissed her in her mouth. She returned the kiss as she pushed her tongue inside my mouth. 'If we would die now, I would not regret anything.' I thought in the moment of joy.


"I could not decide..." The black lion said to us when they saved us. His name was something like: Alkin or Alkyen. I couldn't even spell it because of the voices what only lions can pronounce. "...was it a very brave act or was it the stupidest thing I ever saw?" He was walking up and down in front of us.

"I thought we can help. I know the U.S.M well." I started but he motioned for me to stay silent.

"I would say, both. But I appreciate the intents of your acts. You are an outsider, not even one of our species but you want to help. It's honorable."

"Honorable?" I was surprised. I was expecting some reproach and even punishment. Not kind words.

"I will appoint you as an honorary lion." He smiled on me and his demonic mask had fallen. He was wise and kind after all.

"Thank you. I do not know what this mean... but thank you." I said in embarrassment. Leona just poked me with her head and she looked very happy.

"You are now one of us." She said.

"Oh. You mean I became a lion?" I was gasping my head between them.

"Exactly." They nodded all at once.


We were in the forest as she was about to hunt down something. She was hungry and I wanted to escort her. After a good lunch she could be very... craving.

"I got an idea." She started. "What if we hunt together?"

"I'm not a good hunter. I don't have even a cloth not to mention a gun." I pointed to the facts.

"But you can help me. You can distract the prey and redirect to me." She gesticulated with her paw.

"Let's give it a try." I accepted my role.

I spotted a deer among the trees. It was not too far away from me. Leona was approaching from the other side so I only have to make some noise and disturb the animal to the right direction.

"Run! Run! I'm big and scary!" I jumped out from the bush and started to wave my hands. It worked.

When she killed it I sat down near her. I would like to see her other half. I would like to see her as a true predator.

"It could be disgusting to you." She warned me but I was stubborn. If we want to live together I must see it.

She was right. I almost throw up when she cut the flank open and the guts slid straight to the ground. When she started to lick them up, I turned away and started to thinking about the stars and the moons. 'Don't look back.' I kept whispering inside my head.

"I finished." She told me after a half an hour. The scene was a bit tolerable when she ate the soft parts and only the meat remained.

"You look frightening." I admitted because she was covered with blood and other fluids from her nose to her back.

"Good. Because I want some dessert and that would be you." She lowered her head and started to climb to me like she did with her prey.

"Good kitty, nice kitty." I was in. I knew she was playing with me, but she was covered with blood, her pupil was just a narrow line and menacing growl erupted from her throat. I swallowed.

"You smell like food." She told me with deep voice. I took a step backward but I stumbled on a branch. When I hit the ground she jumped on me. Her blood soaked face was only an inch from mine.

"As you see on the deer, I used to start with the lover parts like the groin. I will start there in your case also." She told me on the voice of a pure and savage predator. I was in the edge of panic despite the fact that I knew she could not hurt me intentionally. She bent to my soft parts and took a little lick on my cock. What could I say instead of:

"Oh my God!"

"Don't worry. Just a few bites and the pain will fade." She showed her evil laugh and I was hesitating. She opened that carnivorous mouth and took my cock and balls in it. She didn't give me time to shout because she started to suck and chew on it. She was careful with her teeth but the view was more than an average man could deal with: A full grown lioness, covered with blood, chewing on your penis.

"Son of a..." I let out an appreciative sigh. Her tongue bent and curved around my member, she tightened and loosened her jaws as she sucked it rhythmically. She was an expert and as I became super hard she released me.

"Good, my little meat pile. I ate you, now it's time to do something more exciting."

"How did you just call me?" I asked but got only a smile. She turned around and laid on the ground. I called it: lion-style sex. 'I give you meat pile you little kitty.' I thought as I kneel behind her.

"Are you ready for the meat-rod, soft, little fur-ball?"

"You called me what?" She asked it indignantly but I had not given her the chance to turn back. I grabbed her hips and pushed myself inside. She let out a weak purr. "Apology accepted." She said.

"Do the lion-thing please." I pleaded. I was fully inside her and she start to move her vagina muscles. It was like hundreds of finger tried to massage your member till you came inside.

"Now, move your hips" She said and I pulled myself back. It was harder than you thought because she clenched around me. She told me that I was better than a lion because I don't have spikes on my penis, so when I was doing this, It was good to her.

"As I see you longing for my milk, little kitty." I said as I slid it back slowly just to pull it out again.

"Yes." She agreed in a voice of pleasure. She was close to the end so I pulled it out and sat back to the ground.

"Ah... I bored, let's have a drink." I said. She turned back to me with an O face, then she became very angry.

"What? You are kidding me?"

"I don't want it anymore." I pretended to yawn.

"Ok! I got it! This is your revenge because of the yesterday. Good, now continue or I swear I will bite you." She showed me her teeth.

"I do not know. I'm tired. I sleep maybe an hour or a few." I laid on my back and got comfort.

"Don't you dare!"

"Help yourself as you can." I threw to her indifferently.

She came over me and looked in my eyes. I saw a storm coming in her eyes. I knew I got too far, but she did almost the same with me yesterday.

"As you wish. But if you dear to soften, I will bite your arm off, I swear." She took a step further and sit on my lap. She reached back and aligned my still hard member into herself.

"Just be quick, I have some paper work to do." I yawned again but I only got an angry roar right into my face. Yes I got too far.

She started to rose and lower herself. She rode me! 'Oh God! It's amazing!' I thought. It was a strange view as a huge predator moving on me to gain pleasure. She was breathing heavily as she sped up and I see in her gestures that she was close. So I lost in the moment and when she let out another roar, but with pleasure, I came inside her too.

She laid next to me when she finished.

"Ok. I will not do it with you again what I did on yesterday." She said.

"I love you too." I replied and kissed her nose. She was laughing.

We were a perfect couple until she started to look for a male who could give her cubs.

But this is another story.


The Outer Rim - Episode 2. - The Garden of the Blessed

**The Outer Rim** **Episode II. - The Garden of the Blessed** I was in an ancient temple, I found it two days ago with Lyra. In fact it was just a couple of rocks, worn walls and some old dusty road but I had to do something before I gone mad. I'm...

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The Assistant

**The Assistant** The sun... How beautiful is it on a warm summer morning. It ignites the horizon with orange light; filling it with life and hope. I couldn't think about the meaning of the life. Are we all here just to see the perfection of the...

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The Escape - Part Two

**The Escape - Part Two** "Up to the roofs?" I whispered to her "What an idiot would climb up to the rooftop?" I showed my uncomprehending face to her, but I only got a frightening deadly predator look. "If you have a better idea, I am...

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