The Outer Rim - Episode 2. - The Garden of the Blessed

Story by TheLionWriter on SoFurry

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#2 of (NSFW) The Outer Rim (Series - Not Finished - Paused - Man+Lioness)

This is the second part. I will continue it as soon as I can. If you ask me I don't know when could I publish the third part. Maybe next week Monday/Tuesday.

Have a nice reading!

The Outer Rim

Episode II. - The Garden of the Blessed

I was in an ancient temple, I found it two days ago with Lyra. In fact it was just a couple of rocks, worn walls and some old dusty road but I had to do something before I gone mad. I'm not a homebody type.

"I think this is not a good idea." Lyra told me when I set the impulse cannon to the only door. It was made from stone and I didn't want to waste my time with finding the key or some secret hatch.

"It's too late to find a better solution." I said while I pushed a few holo-icons on the console.

"I hope, you know this is a Lion temple. They will eat you if you ruin it." She warned me but I was too stubborn to listen for wise words.

"Shut up and watch for unwanted visitors." I ordered and pressed the fire button.

After a sudden blow and lightning the stone-door was lying in a million pieces. There was dark inside, so I grabbed my gear, landed with Lyra then I was about to investigate the hole when my communicator made some noise and I heard a voice.

"Where are you Tim?" It was Leona. I stopped and hesitated to answer. "I know you can hear me." She said so I had no choice

"Hey honey." I stopped.

"I'm waiting for you. The diner is ready, I brought a yummy deer." Her voice was joyful.

"Sounds good. Listen, I will late a bit, because I..." I stuck in the middle of the sentence. 'God! She will be angry with me if I tell her the truth.' I thought.

"I'm still here." She interrupted my thoughts.

"Look I have to go. I love you." I said and turned off the radio.

"Someday she will really eat you because of your lifestyle." Lyra marked for the record.

"I know." I sighed and grabbed the flashlight.

The dark tunnel led me under the ground. It was cold and dank so I was happy. It was not used for at least thousands of years. 'Maybe I will find something valuable.' I thought with a smile as I scanned the walls for signs.


I was on Oharet. This was the main planet in the territory of Lions. They called themselves Tao'kale Mira, but they accepted my appellation as Lions. Just like Leona. Her original name was something else, but she let me call her that way. She liked it.

Oharet was deep in the Outer Rim so the U.S.M. couldn't reach me here. The Life Spaces was nearby and they had strong weapons and shields. There was no chance to breach the lines. As the Lions kept going further they destroyed the fleet and every military object of the humans. Fortunately they didn't destroying the planets or wiping out the colonies. The Lions only fighting for the freedom and as Leona told me five years ago: they only want to teach a lesson to humans. They were not cruel.

Yes, my first encounter with this species was five years ago. For me it was only a moment. I met with Leona... all right I saved her from the U.S.M and I was about to sell her... but after this little disagreement I felt in love with her and she did the same. We were a couple... a strange but happy couple so she brought me home... to Oharet. I was a Lion, I mean this was the paper form, I earned it with my dumbest act in my life. I attacked an entire fleet with a small ship to save them. It was unnecessary as it turned out but Captain Black Mane (As I called him) appreciated it with this rank. So I was the only human among a bunch of Lions. I liked it.


As I kept going further into the tunnel I reached a small room with writing on the wall. They were small rectangles in different sizes and groups.

"It says this is the temple of the... something and they want .... something from something." I wasn't good at ancient signs.

"Lyra please help." I changed the channel and asked my ship.

"How can I help you?" She was really willing.

"There are three passages and I can't translate the writing." I turned on my head camera to show her.

"The left says this is the way to the past. The middle says this is the way to the present, and the right one says this is the way to the future." She told me but I wasn't smarter. 'Stupid riddles. Now I have to figure out the meaning of this.' I was thinking.

"Could you tell me with the sensors what is inside of these?"

"I can't see much. There is some water inside of the middle tunnel. I see magnetic fields inside of the right passage and nothing from the left." She enlightened me.

"Thank you!" I smiled and took the left way. 'If there is nothing, that means there is something.' I thought.

The tunnel was long and not designed for tall creatures. I had to bow down so my back was hurting after ten minutes.

"Why they couldn't build bigger tunnels?" I murmured to myself after a half an hour. 'I was stupid. Maybe I must give it up and turn back.' I thought and almost did it, but I saw the end of the line.

It was a huge cavern; my flashlight's beam couldn't reach its other end. There was a small river near the walls and I heard some gurgling water. The ground was overgrown with plants... mostly mushrooms but I could see flowers, grass and others as well. It was a small garden under the ground.

"Ok, I found something." I admitted. I took a step inside when lights lit up along the walls.

It was a garden indeed and in the middle of the place there was a stone stanchion, like an obelisk, with writing on it. I went to the base because I want to know what was on it.

"Lyra, are you with me?" I told to my radio.

"Yes I can hear you loud and clear." She replied

"Please translate this." I asked.

"All right. This is the Garden of the Blessed. You are safe here if you are came with peace and with the desire to obtain the knowledge of the ancestors."

"What?" I interrupted.

"I quoted." She told me.

"Just continue." I motioned not to stop.

"So. It was hundreds and hundreds of years ago at the beginning of the time when the great Goddess called Mira wanted to choose a body shape from Oharet. There were only animals, mindless beast but she wanted it for long time. She descended from the home of the light and possessed a zebra. She didn't like it, because that creature was not good for her. She wanted something else so she possessed another living being in the guise of a gnu. She spent three days but she was unsatisfied. She thought that she will give a last chance to it so she possessed a young antelope. It was almost only a cub. When she got thirsty she went to a river but she had weak legs and felt into the river. You have to know my fellow, when she possess a mortal being she become mortal herself. So as she drowning in the water, something grabbed her and saved her life. It was a male lion, of course he want to eat it. But while he grabbed her neck to break it or choke it, he pardoned the fragile, young life and he released it. Mira was surprised and grateful also. She found what she looked for. A creature with true hearth. So she gave him the ability to speak and think, she changed her shape into a lioness and she became the Lion Goddess." Lyra stopped and there were a few minutes of silence as I processed the heard story.

"That name Mira...They call themselves as Tao'kale Mira." I said and started to walk up and down in front of the obelisk.

"It means the Children of Mira." She translated.

"Now we know why." I marked. "What do you think? Should we tell it to Leona? It could be a huge archeological discovery." I gesticulated to the air because there was no a single soul.

"I wouldn't do that today. She could be angry about that you broke in a sacred place." She put her finger on the point. Leona could be very changeful sometimes. I didn't want another debate after the last time. She almost bit off my forearm. Fortunately they had advanced medical knowledge so they could stop the bleeding and save my arm also. She was very ashamed after all, but it didn't change that she almost killed me. If I would not put up my hand she would bit in my neck.

"I will see what is her mood, then decide to tell her or not." I agreed with myself. I toke some picture about the environment and the obelisk then left this temple.


"You did what?" She asked me on a voice of an upcoming storm.

"I found an ancient garden under that old ruined temple." I explained.

"No, you blew up a sacred place." She was arguing.

"It was just a door. An old worn rock, nothing more."

"It was sacred! You desecrated the place!" She shouted.

"But it's a huge discovery!"

"Yes, it will be engraved on your tombstone when they executed you!"

"Come on honey!"

"Don't call me honey after this!" She started to growl and lowered her head threateningly.

"I found the Garden of the Blessed." I told her as my last argument. She picked up her head and she looked surprised.

"The Garden of the Blessed?" She asked and I nodded. "It's..." she stopped. "Wow!" She laughed.

"So you won't bite off my arm?" I sat down in my chair. The storm had passed away. She became ashamed then I realized what I said. I didn't want to remind her to her biggest mistake. "I'm sorry. I know it was just an accident." I said and stepped to her. She hugged me.

"I love you." She said and started to purr. I gave her a tentative kiss but she returned so I continued.

We were in the bed, forged together in the bliss. Our body was the temple of the pleasure as we moved rhythmically like the waves of the ocean. There were no time and space... we were one... we were alone in the timeless and endless universe. Nothing else existed but us.

"You know I will never get tired of your apologies." I said in the hug of my true love.

"You are so romantic. I'm a lucky girl." She said ironically.

"Don't do this! This was a praise." I caressed her belly.

"All right. Thank you." She licked my face. "Will you show me the Garden of the Blessed?" She changed the subject.

"Of course. It's a fantastic place, you will see." I caressed her head.

"It should be. As the legend says Mira built it for the first Lion. Maybe we could speak with her."

"Speak with Mira?" I was surprised. They were a technological advanced species. They built huge space ships and could travel across the galaxy but they believed there is a superior power, a Goddess? It was a little sentimental to me.

"Yes. She must be beautiful." She told me like a little girl talking about her mother. She was cute.


We were standing in the garden as I promised to her. Her mouth was open as she marveled on everything here. I admitted that in the architectural point of view it was an amazing building. Not just because it survived the last few hundreds of years but it had also a working small ecosystem. Small flies, lizards and frogs lived here in harmony with the flora in the complete darkness.

"Look the size!" Leona pointed to the roof.

"Yep... it's huge." I admitted, but I saw it already.

"It's the tale of our origin." She jumped to the obelisk and read the writing.

"It's a touching story." I replied without conviction. I took a small simple from the water and contained in a vial. 'Maybe the chemicals could explain this place. I will check it in Lyra.' I thought as I levelled it to my eyes.

"You do not believe a word from it!" She accused me.

"Look. I saw a lot of things in my life and I'm a kind of skeptical about religions." I told the truth.

"But this is not a religion. This is how it happened."

"You believe it, but it's too... fairytale for me." I gesticulated. She shook her head. "But I respect your position and I accept that you believe. I love you." I went to her and caressed her face, kissed her nose.

"Now I know why I love you so much." She told me

"Because I have a huge penis and I know how to use it." I whispered into her ear. She was laughing.

"I will leave you in this delusion." I got the answer.

She wandered around for an hour while I kept collecting samples. I wanted to figure out the secrets of this place. There should be some rational explanation of the existence of this ecosystem. 'Maybe there is something in the water or in the ground.' I thought as I drop another vial into my bag.

"Look I found something." She told me from the other end of the place.

"What is it?" I asked when I reached her.

"It's a footprint." She showed me. It was a Lion paw shaped hollow in a small stone. It was just a bit bigger than the footprint itself. There wasn't any sign or writing around and it was far away from anything else.

"It's strange just like everything here." I shrugged. "Come on. Let's go home." I waved to her but she just took her paw into the form.

Bluish lines lit up right across the stone as soon as her paw reached the form. The entire place shuddered and the obelisk started to sink.

"Run!" I shouted but in the next moment I felt from my feet and hit my head. I lost my conscious for a few minutes.

I opened my eyes and smiled on Leona who was above me. She licked my face and was interested in my condition.

"I'm fine." I sat up and looked around. "What just happened?" I asked.

"I do not know. But look, everything is glowing." She waved her paw. There were bluish glowing lines in different shapes all around the ground and the walls. Then we suddenly heard a voice of a woman.

"Welcome." I jumped onto my feet and Leona was ready to fight also.

There was a huge lioness not far away from us. Her fur was white like the snow but there were bluish lines and shapes on her body just like on the wall. I didn't know how, but she radiated light from her fur.

"Holy glowing lion." I whispered. Leona dropped her jaw then laid on the ground.

"Welcome my Goddess." She told to the strange phenomenon.

"Wait. Who are you?" I asked and she looked in my eyes. I lost in the moment. She was so strong and so beautiful...

"I'm the mother of the lions. I'm Mira." She introduced herself but she didn't open her mouth. I just heard it in my mind. I felt like she didn't even used words, she whispered her thoughts in my head and as they broke open from my subconscious; my life experiences formed them into words. I was in shock.

"Are you a god?" I asked her again. She just showed me a weak smile. 'It can't be!' I shook my head. "It's impossible. There are no gods!"

"I have the power to transform the matter into energy, energy into matter. I can change the molecular structures, I can bend the time and the space." She started to walk up and down. "I'm not a god. Not in that mean, but I have power to do anything." She walked to me. I hadn't had to lay my head to look into her eyes. She was huge.

"What are you?" I whispered.

"You don't have the knowledge and the ability to understand my answer." She called me stupid I thought. "So you should call me Mira, the Lion Goddess." She finished her small dialog.

"May I ask something, mother?" Leona rose up from the ground. I almost forget her.

"Go ahead my daughter." She smiled. She was nice after all. 'She is a god. I can't believe, not even for my own eyes.' I thought.

"Why did you let the humans to spread around the galaxy?" She asked and I admitted that was a good question. Mira laughed with her mouth and her voice was like the pure pleasure. I almost got an orgasm.

"Sweet god! Don't do this again!" I warned her, she just nodded.

"The humans were not a problem as you can see. You were strong enough to deal with them."

"Yes, but..."

"Hush little girl. If I stop the humans years ago, then you wouldn't able to find him." She pointed to me. "Everything would be different and not in the good meaning. It was necessary to let the humans grow and expand."

"But you should stop them." I interrupted. I knew that wasn't a smart movement. 'I interrupted a goddess. I will go to the hell' I thought. "At least the U.S.M. They are evil and cruel."

She was thinking and she walked around the place. After her every step taken flowers were growing up from the ground. It was more than amazing. 'I'm here with a goddess.' I thought with a smile and caressed Leona's head. She rubbed her face to my chest.

"If you want to end this war quick, than you should go to the Earth." Mira finally told us.

"The Earth is the first on the Red List." I protested... yes with a goddess... I was crazy.

"What is Red List?" My love asked me.

"Dead planets with extreme climatic conditions. After the Blue Wave Energy Accident in 2177 the Earth was no longer habitable. Fortunately the Mars Colony saved my race." I explained. "We had to sneak through the border and travel for at least a week in D-Field to reach Earth. But I can't see any reason why we should do this." Mira looked at me with unreadable face. I swallowed, Leona just slipped to me.

"You should gather three stones from three planets for bringing peace to the galaxy. The first stone is on Earth." She turned her back to us and looked up to the ceiling. Suddenly lights appeared in the air. It was the galaxy. "The second stone is on Gola'va Ka Tila." The map zoomed in so we could see the mentioned planet. It was covered with melted stone and fire.

"Fantastic!" I snorted. "Why don't you just kill us here? If we survive the Earth... and this is a big if... we will absolutely die on that planet!"

"In your language this is The Cradle of Fire." Leona whispered to me.

"It's getting better and better." I was angry. "If you are a Goddess why don't you just... blink twice to bring those stones here? Why are they so important anyway?" I raised my voice despite the warnings of Leona. She was almost in panic, but I overstepped the limits of composure. 'This glowing lioness is insane if she thinks that we will accept this suicide mission. It's not necessary anyway. Lions have strong army; they will wipe the U.S.M. from the face of the galaxy.' I thought as I calmed down slowly. We didn't have to jump in this insane... I thought but it was a lie as turned out.

"The U.S.M. invented a weapon, called Quantum Vortex. This weapon could destroy a Life Space with only one shoot. They want to test it on the next month. We only have two weeks to stop them." She told us.

"You are a goddess why don't you do something! These are your children; you are the protector... so protect them!" I yelled at the end.

"I'm already doing it." She sat down in front of us and looked meaningful. 'We are her plan to protect the lions. I feel sorry for them.' I thought cynically.

"I will go to Gola'va Ka Tila." Leona took a step further. "Tim will going to Earth." She continued but Mira shook her head.

"You have to go together." She destroyed the plan. "I will owe you one if you help me protect my children." She leaned to me and licked my face. Her tongue wasn't rough, it was soft and warm.

"Then let's go to the Earth." I whispered. 'I have to do if I want to keep Leona in safe. But why I have to bring her with me?' I thought but Mira answered my unspoken question.

"She will keep you alive, and you will do the same with her." Then she disappeared like a passing dream. The lights went out and nothing left but the beam of my weak flashlight on my shoulder.


We walked home in silence as we tried to digest the heard things. I was in shock as I realized what just happened. I spoke with a god, with a living myth. I still didn't know how could I survive this mission. 'I have to, for Leona.' I though and hugged her while we stopped for a refreshing drink at the nearby river. She hugged me back, licked my cheek, and then she pushed me into the water. It was cold, deep and I sank for a few seconds. I was spitting water as soon as I rose to the surface. I was about to scold her when I looked into her eyes.

She was full with lust and love. I climbed out, undressed and hugged her again. I knew she won't push me into the water again because I could feel her need. It was like a vibration in her bones, it went through my body too and I was hard down there.

"I want you now." She whispered into my ear but it was not necessary anymore. I turned her to her back and aligned myself to her private parts.

"I love you." I pushed myself inside. It was easy; she was in heat so her body was ready for the mating. Her vagina was softer and warmer then usually and it was well lubricated. I could slide in without any resistance. As I reached the bottom we let out a sigh.

I started to move my hips and leaned to her belly. She grabbed my shoulder but we didn't break the eye contact. I wanted to see her building pleasure, and love in her eyes and I knew she did the same with me. I almost pulled out fully then I pushed it back slowly. I wasn't in hurry I was about to prolong as possible.

"Don't move." She whispered after my fifth, slow trust. I was inside her up to the hilt and I stopped. She started to move her vagina muscles, she knew how to pull my trigger within a minute, I backed out from her.

"Not so fast darling." I smiled, she licked my chin. I pushed my member back slowly. She understood my wish so she slowed down the contractions and waves.

After ten minutes of pure pleasure we were near the end. I started to hump her again while she continued my massaging. Unfortunately she released her claws into my shoulder and she didn't even notice. She closed her eyes, leaned her head back, and breathed heavily. She was close just like me. I did some deep trusts and the barrier ruptured, my semen slid through my length and I emptied my magazine inside her. When she felt my warm liquid filling her depths she roared and clenched her muscles tight around my member. She climaxed a huge one and her claws cut a few inches long scratch into my back.

I collapsed to her belly and I was totally exhausted. I couldn't even move a finger, not even for my life. She was the best thing what happened with me for a long time and I loved her with all my love.

"You were good." She made a compliment and as she looked at me she saw the blood streams coming from my back. "Damn it! Not again!" She licked my head regretfully.

"Don't worry. I'm used to it." I said and get comfort on her. She clawed me not for the first time during the love making.

"I will compensate you for it."

"You already did it." I smiled up on her.


We spent the rest of the day with packing up everything we must need on the long travel. The Earth is not in the neighbor and there will be thousands of dangers during the trip. Lyra was my ship and my best friend in the last three years. After the AI upgrade she became a true person, she has independent thoughts and insight about the world and others. And she could be funny also. I installed heavy weaponry, advanced shields and better stealth system in her. She could be our best chance to get there and back without problem.

"This bed is not big enough for us." Leona noticed after we done with packing. We had food, water, tools, replacement parts for the ship in case of need, and much other stuff.

"But we have a mattress. I will put in the bridge and we will see the stars." I kissed her nose because she liked my idea.

"Let's go." I sighed. It won't be an easy ride.

"Are you sure?" Lyra asked me. "There is still 2 cubic millimeters free space in my cargo bay."

"Start the engine Lyra." Leona commended.

"Yes Mrs. Captain." She talked back but followed the order.

As we watched the shrinking planet above us, Leona rubbed her head to me. She was worrying just like me. We were happy with our little house near the forest, with the nights that we spent, with the scent of the flowers in our garden. But we have to save this little paradise from... from the humans. I was a human once. Good old times, when I was a mercenary. 'It is like another life' I sighed. Since I met with Leona I have changed. I hugged her with passion.

I had been selected for this task by the Lion Goddess. She must have faith in me but I had to admit that I will do anything to protect my people from the U.S.M.

I will do this because...

...I'm a Lion!

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