Five Dragons: TLoP: Chapter 7.5: Undisturbed Togetherness

Story by Lorddaventry on SoFurry

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Five Dragons: TloP: Chapter 7,5: Undisturbed Togetherness   Roland opened the door vigorously. The pleasant

temperature of the room fell from the

open frame over his face. Taking a deep breath he walked into the bathroom and left at every step

a muddy footprint

on the blue and red tiles. The high, but

pleasant humidity sent a reassuring feeling through his body. A brown

orange red female

dragon followed him with an

awakened "Chirp". The glass oil lamps in the corners

gave the room its familiar homely atmosphere.

He looked at the big pool at the end of the

room. The water came from a wide opening in

the wall and filled the

marble tub

with a clear inviting liquid. At the other end she ran

off before she threatened to spill over the edge.

With a smile on his face, he

looked at the flowing reflection in the pool, what called him in awake a beautiful memory. "Our first kiss." he thought dreamily to

himself. He looked into the water,

as he would

see the past happening

in front of himself. And with a quiet sigh, the

entertaining image vanished. Here he shared his

first sensual moment with her. But he

would not have believed it at that time that it

would be possible

even more. At that time he

thought it was a thank you from

her, because he helped her to clean her

wound on the left foreleg. No

sooner had he thought, he felt

even this faint

tingling of once

in his left shoulder.

With a damp gleam

in his eyes, he held

his hand in the warm water.

"Just right." he spoke softly to himself, as filled him the

pleasant temperature of the liquid and so one sent shivers through his body. Kyndle gave a

cheerful "Meep" by herself,

also looked at the tub and then turned

cooing to Roland. He gave her a warm smile as he sank

deep into her blue eyes. A turquoise spark

wandered around between the amorous glances. The dragoness stood with her front legs on

the edge of the pool and just dove her head under. Strong exhaling

she pulled him out

of the water and waved her dripping main

elegantly around. In slow motion reliving watched Roland tense

this flowing movement.

The fast light

reflections in the

small drops awarded the beautiful dragoness a stunning aura. Like magical

sparks leaped playfully

charming of her

scales. Last, the blue sapphires shimmering in a bright turquoise lamps.With a satisfied coo she closed her eyes

and turned to Roland. This, meanwhile, had a

wide grin on his face and walked

quickly toward her. Kyndle

widened surprised her eyes and gave a

playful "Meep" by herself

as she was packed by her partner.

Roland pushed himself hard against her body, he

contrived to push her over the edge and settled so to fall with her

in the filled pool.

A small wet wave joined

the loud murmur in

the room. Playful she rolled with him around in the water. Front of him laughing, he looked at his dragoness, which

happily cooing leaned up at him. The brown

remnants of her last adventure began to

soften and drain away with the weak flow of the pleasant water. Roland

rubbed his eyes with his hand, when

his gaze fell in two

beautiful blue dragon eyes. A bright sparkle

sprang from the turquoise touch in them and ended

up with warm feelings on him.

Slowly he moved toward the female. Due to the easy flow through he snuggled up close to

his dragoness. His fingers

gently stroked her cheek, her neck down over her

shoulder. The female closed at

the beautiful touch briefly the eyes. His gaze stayed on the lighter part

of their scales of the foreleg.

With light pressure, he drove around the

area on her shoulder. A faint

tingling sensation made itself felt in his shoulder

as he let his

fingers gently glide over it, followed by some spongy images from the

past. Kyndle closed alone enjoying her eyes and cooed happily

to herself while Roland

groped her body. However,

she felt an unpleasant oscillation from him.

A painful reminder

that threatened get

up in him. She placed her tongue

on his neck and

let it slowly slide up to his chin. Her

soft purr while embellished the relaxing effect even further. Made

eye contact, fled a fast twinkle her

loving gaze. Roland lost himself in the magnificent sapphires and clearly

felt her mental contact with him. The hurtful

memories banished he felt the soft

lips of his draconic partner on his. Her close

soul contact alone enjoying he grabbed her head

with both hands and leaned more into the

loving touch. A quiet moment fell

over the room, only the weak flow of water

joined to the

soft purr of the dragoness.Slightly reluctantly he pulled away from her.

"Thank you." he spoke softly, always gazing

into her eyes. Dripping, Roland got out of the

tub and began to remove his soaked clothing. Kyndle moved meanwhile

to the wide

opening in the wall, from which poured the warm water. A

pleasant cooing came from her throat as she held her

head in the gentle stream. The warm temperature ran over

her body and began to release her scales from the brown remnants of the Darkwinter. Roland watched

her with a big smile on his face.

He threw off the

last piece of clothing and

grabbed a brush from the nearby table, before

he walked to the edge

of the pool. Again got into the marble basin Kyndle`s

attention was immediately on him. With a seductive look in the twinkling eyes, she approached elegant to her partner. Always keeping

visual contact Roland also came up to her, the

brush he held behind

his back. Kyndle tried to smuggle her head past

him, because she wanted to know what he had. However, before she could see the object he held her nose with his hand. She

looked at him with

half-closed eyes and gave a small but playful

"Chirp" of herself. He ran his hand slowly

up her cheek to her

forehead and then looked at her straight in the eyes. "Close your eyes." he whispered softly and

gave her a lovely kiss on the nose. With an excited cooing she slowly closed her

eyes and leaned a little more closer to her partner. He nuzzled his head to her

and began to circle the brush gently on her

neck scales. The

female held alone enjoying her eyes closed, while a pleasant

murmur came from her

body. Roland gave her another warm smile before

he continued his cuddles.

The short bristles brought the wonderful shine

back to her orange-red scales. The

gray color of her chest plates showed up

at the smeared

dirt residues. He could feel the strong oscillations of her well-being clear in his body. The warm water was

used for a welcome carriers. But it was

not just the water. He clearly felt her soul

contact. A wonderful moment to feeling

each other so. Roland thought only, as the dragoness already

laid laterally in

the pelvis and lifted

her wing, which came to meet

her partner for more

personal care. Her soft murmur told him that she understood him even without words. With a warm smile he cleaned her

edge and the

area under their wing

arm using a circular motion. He took the time and devoted himself gently to each scale

from his beautiful dragoness. Kyndle shrugged happily

with her head and held her eyes closed alone enjoying. "You like that. Huh?" he spoke softly to

her. A happy "Churr"

joined her quiet

purr. "So, now the other side."

he said calmly

as he had reached

her tail. But the female remained purring happily lie. With his

free hand he gently nudged a few times in

her flank, what

drew her a slight "Chirp". "Turn over, beauty." he whispered

to her with a smile. Kyndle

slowly stood up and gave her partner a

fleeting spark of her bright blue eyes. She

licked him in one smooth motion on

the lips before she left herself again fall

into the water. With a cheerful

"Chirp" and her slightly upscale

wing she signaled,

that Roland was allowed to

continue. She gave him an affectionate look before she again felt the

brush on her

scales and closed the eyes

alone enjoying again. With the pleasant sound of her gentle purring in his

ears, he turned back to her

elegant body. Her slight twitching in his hands told him plainly that she

was enjoying this

undisturbed togetherness as much as he did. "Such moments are all too rare." he thought to himself with a quiet sigh. "Sure! She

is always with him in training, actually

at all." With

a faint smile he watched

the peaceful purring female. "But there is always something to do.

Or someone is coming in between." Once again he escaped a faint sigh.

"If there were only ...". His mind voice tore

off, because Kyndle moved her wing, where he

caused unexpected to drop the brush

into the water. He looked at her with a faint smile and

then turned around to look for the submerged

brush. He lifted his

astonished gaze as he suddenly felt Kyndle`s tongue

on his skin. With a gentle cooing stroked her smooth muscle on his back. Her soft tongue moved gently over his skin. The vibrations of her purr embellished the tender touch many times. Slowly she worked her way up and wandered smooth around his neck as he turned to her. Due to her half-closed eyes, he gave her an amorous glance. The female answered this with a bright sparkle of the turquoise veil of her sapphire eyes. Roland let alone enjoying his hands over her neck scales, while Kyndle spoiled her partner with sensual strokes. Her flexible tongue moved

elegantly over his chest, from the middle up to the neck and

finally over his chin. Supple slid her wet tongue over his body. Her hot breath passed over his skin and let go a pleasant shiver

through his muscles. She looked at him with a seductive look directly coupled with

the pleasant murmur of her body. Slowly

she approached his face. Always keeping eye contact she made one

little movement after another, until she was finally almost over him. Roland lost

himself in the intense eye contact. Cautiously, she placed her left front leg on his shoulder and gently pushed him backwards until his back arrived in the slope of

the basin edge. Roland laid his right hand

on her paw and lifted the other up to her head. Placed his finger on the velvet shed of her cheek, Kyndle leaned slightly against it. The eyes happily closed she tilted her

face purring aside and approached further

to her partner. Kyndle lay gently over Roland. With the dragoness on his body lying he shared a sensual lip contact with her. The tongues rubbed playful

against each other, which brought the

pulse of both a welcome boost. Roland felt the intense vibrations of her purring in his

head. A really nice feeling

filled him. He put his left

arm around her scaly body and pressed her much the more to himself.

Her sleek coat of scales just

felt wonderful against his skin. He was savoring every

second of this intense moment receive it as long

as possible. Kyndle ended

the passionate kiss and rested her head with a gleeful grumbling on Roland's shoulder. To feel her partner among herself, whose soft handle, which further strengthened the physical

contact.  Together they lay in the weak flow of the warm water. It was just fantastic. Close at Roland nestled, she huffed out in pleasure as she purred softly. Roland kept

his eyes closed and let run his fingers gently

over her back shed. They

playfully glided over every little

bump. Between her wing arms joined to the velvety soft feel a rough-grained

something. One eye open, he looked searchingly at his hand. A last remnant of the supposedly eliminated pollution hid nor there. "I missed a spot." he said softly, his face leaning gently against her body. Kyndle heard his words, but she satisfied with her purring, that she did not want to move right now. Roland listened for another moment to the low hum of her body. With a slight smile on his lips, he nudged her in the side, until she finally got up

something from him. Slowly he came out from under her and looked at the still brown area between her wing arms. The brush lifted from the water, began the short bristles immediately with their task. With a circular

motion he drew the beautiful luster

of her orange-red scales from under the dirt. Kyndle reinforced her purr and let herself fall again in her pleasant bliss. Roland felt the vibrations of her purring clearly in his body,

while he devoted himself to her elegant body. With his free hand he began to stroke her flank, which left exhale the female cheerfully. Kyndle turned to Roland and sent him a sparkling amorous glance. Her partner returned

the warm eye contact and smiled at his dragoness, when he left circling the

brush on. With light pressure, the female genie leaned against sending her partner. He felt over his hand at her side clearly her rising pulse, and let the bristles emphasize once more between her wing arms. Roland looked at the female in

surprise, as this sunk herself surprisingly into the water.

With an

amorous glance addressed at

him, she turned in the water on her back. The liquid splashed with big waves over the edge and enlarged the puddle on the floor even more. Roland looked down at his smiling female

dragon, which playfully moved

in the water. Leaning her back in the slope

of the tub she saw at her partner with a seductive look. A turquoise glitter joined

them and her quiet "Chirp" came into his ears. Slowly he bent down to her and started with his hand on her breast dark gray scales to be

deleted. He clearly felt

her intense purr, as his

fingers gently groped her body. Roland moved his

hand further down, let it slide

slowly down her velvet shed and gently touched her femininity. His

fingers drew the dragoness a pleasuring twitching while her neck another faint "Chirp" fled. Kyndle approached with her head Roland's face. With eyes

closed, she tilted it to the side and in a passionate moment

the lips of the lovers laid over each other again. Her tongue on his felt, increased his pulse in a very pleasant

way. He clearly felt

the warmth of the region under his

fingers. The eyes closed, he enjoyed the stimulating volubility of his partner as

he left circling his hand lightly. The female

laid carefully one of her wings around Roland. Cautiously, she reached with her forelegs after his body and pulled him gently towards her.

With her dark gray flight-skin covered, he now lay on her chest, his body gently rubbing on hers. Roland held her head with both hands and let himself fall entirely in the ongoing passionate kiss. Kyndle gave a genius grumbling from herself and clearly felt

her awakening lust. She felt Roland's manhood, which began to press against the dark gray scales on her belly with gentle

pressure. With a pleasurable exhale he finished the intense tongue contact. He saw his dragoness directly in the eyes. In her strong riveting look he could clearly see her unleashed desire. A hand immersed in the water, he stroked her gently on the highly aroused lips. Tenderly, he sank a finger into her womanhood, which let her go a warmth twitching through the body. With her wings she hugged him closer to her, stroked seductively with her smooth tongue up his neck and poked with the tip still fast to his nose. Roland could see it in her lustful glance. She wanted him. He also her. Placed his

manhood at the entrance of her pulsating

vagina, sank his tip gently into her

body. With a slow push he penetrated her. Her strong murmur sounded much from her throat as she felt him

inside her. Roland put a hand to her cheek. The

eyes alone enjoying closed, she

leaned against it. He gently pulled

her head to him. In the next moment her lips laid on each other again and shared a more sensual tongue contact. The

slightly flickering light of the oil lamps reflected weak in the thin flow of saliva, which sprang from her mouth. At the same time, Roland pulled back from her and pushed one more time in. Her hot breath fell on his face as he let himself

slip back into her body. The strong oscillations of her pleasure purring felt wonderful in

the warm water. His manhood plunged deep into her lust, overcame him her heat each time. And

with every other push these increased in intensity. He felt significantly increased their pulse, as well as the outgoing of her femininity movements. Roland's orgasm was approaching fast. He increased his pace and held on to her elegant body. He cupped her neck and pressed himself with every thrust more on her. Kyndle shrugged happily with

her head as her climax also announced. Her

partner breathed once more from lustfully before he entered her as far as he could. Strongly pressingly against

her body took Roland's orgasm the upper

hand. Kyndles femininity began to hold the member of her partner with gentle pressure, and held her soothing rhythmic movements upright. The body of the dragoness shuddered as her

climax came over her. She raised the head up,

gave a

cute and loud beeper of herself and let the tongue with relish hanging out of her

mouth, while she pressed her partner with her wings close to her.Roland erupted with generous splashes his seed in her, which were raised by her womanhood deep inside. They remained, the body closely to each other nestled in the warm water and looked themselves

in the afterglow of their moment of love. The partner continue Sensing they looked at each other silently, held pointed nose to nose tip. Kyndle slowly stretched her right paw out of the water. Roland put his left hand

on it and answered the

intense visual contact with

a lovely smile. Another passionate kiss followed the

magical sparkle in her eyes. At the same time his fingers hooked gently with her claws. Roland broke away from the tender tongue contact and gave his dragoness an amorous glance. He seemed almost to lose himself in the round pupils of her beautiful blue eyes. The turquoise touch in them shone brightly at him. "I love you." he said quietly to his partner. With a dreamy "Churr" she put her forehead on his and purred happily.Kept forehead

to forehead, he felt again clearly her mental contact. Significantly enhanced by their physical closeness, because her

femininity always held him tight. With eyes closed, he listened her gentle purr and the soft rhythm of her body.

In this intense moment he had his dragoness, his

soul all to himself.The beams of

the lamps waving gently back and forth. Only the gentle purr of a female dragon joined the whispering flowing sound of water....... A shadow

moved stealthily behind the door and threw his curious

glance through the narrow

gap of the entrance. The soft flickering

light of glazed oil lamps reflected weak in

the glassy eyes of the figure. When put on a comfortable silence over the room, the twilight twinkle in the gap disappeared and the door swung slowly close.