Halloween 2013: Part 2

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#3 of Halloween

Welcome to the end of the assault course!

I am going to assume you read this bit last after reading the story!

Next up on Choose the Goo we get to see who our next (un)lucky contestants will be!

Halloween 2013

Choose the Goo

Story © Russet'13

Characters © Their Creators

Part 2: The Assault Course


Crouched and ready to jump the moment the siren sounded Whistler watched the thick cascade of bright yellow gunge pouring in slow, oozing waves over his balance beam. The foam surface of the narrow bar was already slick with a layer of gunge and if he leant forwards slightly he could see the thick slime adding to the multi-coloured goo that was settling atop the bright blue of the pool. It was going to be a difficult task but Whistler was sure he could do it. Shooting a glance at his brother he smiled at the way Nido was just standing in place, watching and waiting.

"Ready to lose brother?" he called out with a smile only to be answered by a light shrug from the purple rabbit as he continued to watch the goo falling from above. "Not to you Whistler you'll ...." he was cut off as the buzzer sounded and Freaky's voice encouraged them to go, go, go!

Wasting no time several contestants leapt forward, Whistler amongst them. The jump from starting platform to their individual balance beams was just enough to make them have to use more force than they might otherwise have liked. The otter landed heavily, his feet started to slip but he quickly threw his weight the other way and steadied himself as the yellow ooze glooped heavily across his shoulders, and soaked his hair. It was heavy, warm and sticky and the thin denim he was wearing only helped it seep inside to get at his fur. Whistler didn't look back to see who was still on the starting platform but focussed on taking his time to cross the treacherous, four foot length of goo and slippery foam that was his first obstacle. It wasn't easy to stay up, not with his feet threatening to slide away and the gunge splattering over him from above weighing him down. He had just reached the half way mark when someone yelled and instinctively he half turned his body to see who it was. It was a silly thing to do; he got a good glimpse of Flinty vanishing into the pool below even as he felt his feet starting to slip.

Throwing his weight around Whistler tried to catch himself, to slide forward and use the momentum to catch the beam. All he managed to do was pitch himself forward onto his stomach. Paws scrabbling, hands clawing at the slick, yellow goo and the saturated foam beneath the otter slid sideways until he left the beam. Cursing he turned in mid-air, transforming his plunge into an elegant otter dive. Hitting the surface of the pool he felt the gunk engulf his body. Twitching his paws, arching his back and using his rudder to steer he managed to surface halfway back toward the edge of the pool.

It was sticky, slimy, gooey, rather warm and tacky and a brief glance at himself showed the otter that no part of his body had been spared. He was a wild, swirled mess, thick waves of yellow and cobalt blue slime oozed about his form, painting him a riot of different colours. Whistler was determined not to let this challenge beat him so squirmed his way through it toward the exit where one of his fellow competitors was already climbing back out.


Watching the otter fall into the gunge Kyle winced and leant forward to watch the purple and green critter vanish beneath the thick waves of goo. The raccoon was already saturated in it himself, dripping black and blue gunk onto the white plastic surface of the starting podium. He'd fouled the jump the first time he tried it, hitting the edge of the beam, legs dangling over it before he'd fallen without much grace into the slime below.

"Don't give up!" the goo coated form of Nido cheerily shouted as he padded past and threw himself at the balance beam again, sliding along it on his stomach for over half its length.

"I'll try," Kyle shyly whispered to himself, hitching at the shoulders of his dungarees in an attempt to make them less uncomfortable all he managed to do was dislodge some of the goo clinging to his fur and make it slip down his chest and pool around his groin. Blushing beneath the layers of goo and shuffling closer to the edge the raccoon took a deep breath and prepared to leap back onto the assault course!

Daniel was sprawled out in the centre of rotating disc, the lizard like mewtwo coated in a thick layer of coloured foam atop the purple gunge coating his body. He'd made it all the way there without falling in so far. Delph leapt from the end of his balance beam at the same time as Con but landed awkwardly next to the griffin. Scrabbling for purchase as his gunged body slipped backwards he kicked out with his powerful lapine feet. The bunny caught Con square in the centre of his back, pitching the unfortunate bird head first into the pool below.

"Come on Kyle focus, you can do this..." taking a deep breath he took a half step back, bumped into Flinty as the fox tried to squeeze past him and reach his starting point. The vulpine slipped to his knees, caught Kyle about the waist in a vain attempt to steady himself and pitched over the side into the pool taking the raccoon with him. Less than a second later the pair were pushing and squishing their way back to the surface, dripping in a new layer of blue gunge as they cleared their eyes so they could see.

"Sorry..." the coon called out to Flinty who just shook his head in amusement and dunked the raccoon under the gunge, spring boarding off him toward the shore. Flailing about beneath the surface, twisting about through the thick gunk Kyle squirmed around, aiming for the surface and shivered as something seemed to grab at his ankles. It lasted for less than a second, a strange thickening of the goo about his lower legs, impeding his progress to the surface and then it was gone.

Pawing goop from his face so he could see and clear his hearing Kyle slowly made his way toward the shore, kicking his legs this way and that for a moment until he convinced himself he'd just imagined it. A siren cut through the voices of the others and a stream of sparkles went off at the far end of the pool distracting him further from the strange occurrence.

"We have our first winner! Ladies and gentlemen at home let's watch that again!" Big screens about the arena showed a slow motion replay of the gunge dripping form of Daniel. The sleek mewtwo's powerful legs shoved him forward off the last stepping stone, clearing it mere seconds ahead of the last rotating beam. Foam dripped off his well-toned body he flew through the air to land on the goal platform and roll to a stop against the soft crash barrier.

"Damn it," Kyle cursed and scrambled up to the top of the ladder, "Gotta pick up my game, come on Kyle." Slipping across the platform he threw himself onto a balance beam, he had to get back into the game.


Pushing a webbed paw through his limp, goo drenched bangs Whistler stared at the slowly rotating disc that formed the second challenge. This was the second time he'd made it this far, last time he'd fouled the jump and slipped into the gunge when a big pile of coloured foam collapsed over the edge of the disc and pushed him off. He was wary of jumping again, there had been a moment when the advancing wave of foam had loomed like a giant hand and when it hit him in the muzzle it certainly shoved him backwards with enough force to knock him off. He watched as the wolf Forest leapt over onto the rotating disc and rolled through a clump of foam; nothing untoward seemed to catch him out so he slowly started to move forward, getting into place to try and tackle the stepping stones.

"Sod it," Whistler muttered and threw himself forward at about the same time as the young, lithe bodied raccoon came running down the length of the balance beam and jumped. He landed with a faint "fwompf" of displaced air in a large pile of green foam at about the same time as Whistler. Landing atop the raccoon the otter rolled to one side, arms squishing through the coloured slickness to grip the foam whilst his hind legs shoved the poor raccoon toward the edge mercilessly. Kyle slipped across the disc, skidding at some speed across the slightly contoured surface of the disc. Streaked with gunge and foam and slithering rather quickly he stood no chance of stopping himself as he skidded over the edge and plunged into the pool below. Grinning triumphantly Whistler reared up out of the foam and watched Forest leap and sprawl atop one of the nearest stepping stones. For the moment the purple otter had the rotating platform all to himself so he took his time to line up his next move, crouching on the edge and waiting for the disc to line him up with the stepping stones.

He was about to jump when the victory siren went off, glittering silver sparkles shot into the air and Panzer's voiced boomed out enthusiastically, "And Delph is home! We have our second winner, I thought he was done for there but his gambit paid off." the screens where showing the slimed rabbit clinging to one of the large beams that made the stepping stones such a challenge. At the last moment he scrambled into a crouch and threw himself at the goal as he was carried past it. "That's two people home and it looks like Forest and Con are aiming to be the third and fourth, lets wish them luck everyone!"

Muttering under his breath Whistler watched the approaching stepping stones, tensed his body and leapt forward. It was perfectly timed; his trajectory was flawless but just as his feet were leaving the platform something snared his tail. It felt like fingers gripping his fur, they yanked him back, fouling up his leap and sending him plunging into the pool below.

It was just as bad as the start of the game when he'd been clean; the thick blue goo oozed and squished its way through his fur and beneath his clothing, clinging to him in a thick, sticky layer. Panzer announced that Con had reached the end of the assault course and before he'd waded half way back to the shore the siren went off again! Forest had also made it which left his brother Nidonocu, the raccoon Kyle, Flinty the fox and himself as the only contestants still not through to the next round.


Crashing through the foam Kyle made his way to the middle of the second challenge and sat up, taking a moment to scoop the worse of the gunk off his body and splatter it across the disc toward Nidonocu. The purple Pokemon/rabbit hybrid landed and slipped through the gunk but it didn't really slow him down. Ahead Flinty was precariously jumping forward between the stepping stones carefully. The big red mushroom shaped platforms were treacherous with goo now but the fox was taking his time, ducking under and jumping over the rotating beams as they threatened to knock him into the pool below.

The raccoon quickly turned his attention back to those who were closer to hand; the big otter that'd kicked him into the gunge last time was up here, racing across his balance beam toward them. Scampering forward Kyle prepared to leap for the nearest stepping stone after Nido but at the last minute his feet entered a patch of foam. It solidified about his ankles, he felt it clench around them, knocking him off balance. Then just as quickly it let him go and Kyle skidded over the side of the spinning disc to plunge head first into the goo.

It was warm and gooey like before but as Kyle clawed his way back to the surface and clawed the gunge out of his eyes he barely registered Panzer's words of commiseration. The raccoon turned for the shore. No one was watching him now; the studio didn't care about a loser when there was some family rivalry going on. Kyle swam and floundered his way through the goop toward the steps.

Passing out of sight of the cameras under the pouring streams of coloured goo something gripped his tail and pulled him under. Gasping and spluttering Kyle clawed his way to the surface, kicking out in every direction but his flailing limbs found nothing but thick gunk that swirled about him without a care. Brushing gunk out of his eyes and looking around fearfully he tried to move forward, toward the ladder but strong hands grasped his body, holding him in place as he bobbed upon the surface of the pool.

Struggling back and forth the trapped raccoon was starting to panic, splash and thrash as much as he could at the places where he was being held and his hands passed through thick goo only. Yet despite disturbing the gunge and wiggling maniacally the tight feel of fingers gripping his chest, back, tail and legs remained. Opening his muzzle to scream for help a hand emerged from the gunge and closed over his muzzle, a firm grip stopping him from making any noise louder than a whimper.

The hand looked like it had formed directly from the goo, slick, slippery waves of gunge oozed across its surface instead of fur and as Kyle watched small rounded ears, a big nose and eyes that somehow seemed bright and full of mischief slowly resolved out of the dripping gunge. Waves of ooze bubbled and slopped back and forth as the otter's torso lifted into view and Kyle could also see their large rudder lift out of the gunk, made from slick, liquid goo yet somehow retaining a semi-solid shape. Then with a big smile the otter lunged forward, jaws yawning wide revealing a throat that was filled with dripping gunge. Kyle's head and the hand holding his muzzle shut were engulfed by the blue goo and everything got thick and sticky as he was pulled beneath the surface by his strange assailant.


"You won't beat me Whistler! Only one of us can go on and it shall be me!" Nido's boast spurred Whistler on and as he watched for an opening and threw himself toward the next platform at the same time as his brother leapt.

"You know you can't stop me Nido! You are going back down into the goo and I will claim the prize!"

"Least I didn't have to resort to pushing the raccoon in," Nido quipped as he lay on his back, letting a series of three rotating poles swish past above his slimy body.

Awkwardly jumping over a large padded pole Whistler took a risk and jumped atop the next one and scrambled along it rapidly. "I saw you push Delph in at least once too! Poor bunny probably didn't even notice!"

The screens all around were showing their wild leaping race toward the final stepping stone before the goal post. They were both one leap away from the end, there was one more stepping stone and then a short hop to victory! Problem was they both had to use the same platform.

"Delph was an accident, I slipped and crashed into him, besides he still beat us both." and with those words Nido jumped for the final platform and with a whoop Whistler followed.

For a moment the two brothers had half of the small platform to themselves. The final rotating barrier was bearing down on them and Whistler lunged forward, attempting to dislodge his bunny brother so he could jump free. Nido however had other plans, rather than meeting his brother and locking arms he dropped. Sliding onto all fours and rammed his shoulders against Whistler's stomach. The otter pitched forward with a yell, he toppled over his brother, his momentum carrying him off the side of the last platform and dive down into the goo below!

Eyes closed, body arched forward into a natural otter dive Whistler braced himself as he slid beneath the surface. As before the thick goo slowed him down dramatically and he had to kick his legs to reach the surface and shake muck out of his hair and wipe his eyes before he could see. Frowning in disappointment Whistler looked up at the figures standing on the finish line. Panzer was congratulating them and Freaky was motioning them to come on down and join him. Nido paused long enough to give his brother a big cheeky grin and thumbs up before hurrying after the other winners to wait his turn to be interviewed by the raichu.

Whistler waited for a moment, half expecting someone to tell him what to do. But the announcers voice went silent and Freaky padded off around the edge of the pool and vanished through a door leaving the otter feeling a bit confused. With gunge dripping off his muzzle and oozing through his hair he started to make his way toward the ladder. It was a long way however and he hadn't gone far before Whistler realised something was very wrong. He was a strong swimmer, even in this extra viscous liquid he should have been making more headway but something was tugging at his body, slowing him down until without warning the pool of warm blue gunk started to slowly spin and drag him with it. Starting to shout for help the otter rolled over and started to frantically thrash and paddle at the gunge, trying to swim away from the inexorable pull of the whirlpool.

He held on for maybe a minute before the suction became too much. Just as he was being pulled in toward the nexus the goo around him solidified and with a yell Whistler grabbed at the strange fingers made of living ooze that lifted him up out of the pool. The hand held his body effortless and as he twisted around to stare at its source he gaped at the large creature that had risen up out of the goo. It was an otter, several times bigger than him, their body made from slick waves of oozing gunge that dripped and splashed into the pool below. With a big, impish grin the otter lifted his paw and casually tossed Whistler's struggling body into his maw. The tongue squished under him, blue gunk oozed through his clothes, swirled beneath his outfit. Saliva made from gunge washed around him and as he struggled and spluttered Whistler was pushed backwards. Everything got dark and hazy and with a yell the otter plunged headfirst down the slick gullet of the gigantic slime creature. Falling and sliding, slipping and squishing through the goop he could feel the creature crashing back down into the pool all around him. Striving still to swim free, to push through the gunge and find the pool Whistler soon came to the conclusion that there was no way out.

Standing before a camera in the small broadcasting room Freaky gave everyone at home a bright smile as the screens behind him threw up images of Kyle and Whistler's fate. The raccoon and otter stood no chance against the strange, independently malleable blue goo.

"Well that was fun, we got to enjoy our family show down much earlier than expected. Our six remaining contests are off cleaning up before the next game but you folks at home haven't tuned in to Final Challenge TV just to watch the winners. Let's join Panzer and our friendly, gooey otters and see what fate is in store for our ex contestants."

On several thousand TV screens the view suddenly became blue as thick, slimy liquid rushed past the camera. Every now and then the gunge would part, seemingly becoming translucent to reveal a flash of grey raccoon fur or a broad purple otter limb. The shapes were constantly shifting position, tumbling end over end as they squirmed, thrashed and pushed out against the walls of the pipe.

"Looks like they are still in transit, it won't be long now," Panzer's voice said warmly, "Our otter friends are just taking their prize someplace nice and private were they can enjoy themselves. Whilst they are on route why don't you tell us a bit about the gunge we're using on our show Dr Campbell?"

A small pictured flipped up in the corner of the screen, showing an albino raccoon wearing a lab coat and a huge smile as he started speaking as the translucent patches in the blue goo grew wider and more frequent, revealing more of the victims. "It's an interesting mix," Dr Campbell said with a warm grin, "You take one regular fur, any species and colour you like, add a vial of my gunge solution to their body and lock them up in a waterproof container and watch the fun."

The camera panned back as the gunk shifted to a pale blue colour that the viewers could easily see through. It looked like it was filling a large tank, pouring in from the assault course pool above. The odd globule of translucent colour could also be seen different shades of blue, white, orange, purple, in fact all the colours that had been pouring into the pool over the balance beams. As the viewers watched those globes of colour started to shift, condensing their mass, splitting off four tendrils that bulked up and slowly curved out to form arms and legs. Next heads pushed out, rippling, moulding, reshaping until six translucent gooey otters where swimming through the thicker blue gunk. A few seconds later a bright yellow otter and a black tinged outline of ottery goo poured out of the pipe. Curving through the swarm of their companions each otter showed off the solid forms of Whistler and Kyle. The duo were struggling hard, pressing their muzzles against the seemingly solid wall of stretchy goo to stare out at the otters now cavorting all around them.

"Well," James said with a grin, "You can see the results here, combining the life force and mass of a test subject with living slime. You can create any colour, any quantity with the added bonus that they are eager to play and coat others in goo. An added bonus is you retain parts of their original personality just mixed up with the instincts and desires already loaded into the mixture."

"Oh what does that mean?"

"Simple, I have just added some tweaks so we can tell them how much mass they need for any given game. Or how much sentience they retain or whether they are feral or anthropomorphic. For this group of otters I made sure the sorts of games we have in place for our contestants today are the type they love to help with. You saw how eager they were to coat and cling and grab our two losers there. They have special instructions concerning those who lose tonight's games."

"What instructions are those Doctor?" Panzer asked, amusement heavy in his voice as the cameras zoomed in to follow the goo creatures carrying Whistler and Kyle.

"Watch, and you'll see, I am sure everyone back home will like it."

Kyle and Whistler were busy being teased mercilessly by their captors. The black and yellow goo otters had swum up close to each other and were grinding their full, struggling guts against one another as they made out. There companions had swum in close, reaching out with webbed paws that glided through the thicker goo as if it was water. Fingers massaged, stroked and teased across the bulging stomachs to jostle the pair trapped inside. The small picture window showing the doctor flicked off allowing the viewers at home to get a really good view of proceedings as it started to move from playful teasing to something much more intimate and gooey.

It was possible to see the moment when the two gelatinous, slimy bellies merged and spilled Whistler and Kyle into a single gooey place. They tumbled back and forth, slipping and sliding against each other, their slime coated bodies gliding over, under and around the other as they pushed and slipped and squirmed in place. Then the others started to have fun, paws sunk through the gungy membrane of the stomach walls to tease their victims. Walls that appeared to offer barely bulge under their prisoners offered no resistance to the others. One of the gunge formed otters grasped Whistler's balls and started to tease them. He jerked and rolled over Kyle in response to the invasion and was released. But the moment one otter let go another's hand would dip through the belly walls to fondle, stroke and tease the purple otter as he struggled within the tight, slimy space he'd been confined too.

Kyle wasn't doing much better; the smaller, lithe bodied raccoon was being buffeted by the larger male as Whistler struggled to get away from his assailants. For Kyle this mostly meant being churned about, ground into the impermeable walls of his captors gut and teased by groping, teasing paws that oozed out of the gunge all around him. He froze in place and cried out as the white gunge otter sunk his long rudder like tail into the mix and impaled the coon boy on it. Jerking up, claws gripping Whistler's body Kyle shuddered and visibly gave up resisting as he gave into pleasure. The cameras zoomed in on the gunge smeared raccoon's body, revealing the expression of surprised delight on his face as he was steadily spread wider by the gooey invasion of seemingly firm otter tail driving into his rear. Grinding his cock against Whistler the coon's lips moved, he said something and those watching at home saw Whistler's head come up in shock as he still squirmed and wriggled against the grasping paws of his tormentors.

That moment of pause was long enough for a slick, green, gooey paw to rise up from beneath and seize his cock. It must have been quite a firm grip as even as Whistler slipped backwards against the curving walls of the stomach that webbed paw stayed in place. Visibly groaning the big, broad otter leant forward, locked lips with a softly groaning Kyle and stopped resisting. For reward the big, brawny purple otter got a thick, gunge formed otter tail up his rump and within moments he was riding up and down atop it, humping into the paw teasing and stroking his shaft. Minutes passed and the cameras panned slowly down the length of the boys' bodies to show the bottom of their slimy prison was filling up with grey and purple gunk.

Their legs were losing shape; gone were the firm lines of flesh and fur covered in gunge. Only slimy, gooey mass remained that was slowly collapsing, spreading out, filling the space inside the merged otters gut as the two boys lost themselves to pleasure. Once their feet had melted and spread out into goo it didn't take long for the change to spread up to their thighs. Slowly it crept along their waists but the two boys didn't seem to notice or care. Their young, svelte, fit bodies gyrated back and forth eagerly, arms clasped about one another, lips locked together as hips thrust and twisted in time to the teasing ministrations of the otters teasing them. Then their bodies grew taught, muscles along their backs standing out as they tensed, glistening with purple and grey slime as their sticky forms were converted into goo, held on the edge of pleasurable release.

Then they broke their kiss, threw their heads back together and cried out, two stiff cock's pulsed, gooey slime jetted across the body of the other as they trembled in place. Then slowly at first but building in speed they collapsed into two sticky, gooey, slimy puddles of grey and purple gunge. As the camera withdrew it showed the coloured gunge otters swimming in slow circles around the black and yellow otters. They disentangled their bodies, releasing the puddles of new goop into the thicker medium of their pool. The thick, globular mess of grey slime floated alongside the purple, both starting to ripple and bulge and send out curving, limb like tendrils as the cameras faded to black and Panzer's voice broke the silence.

"Now that looked like fun, didn't look like they minded losing at the end there. Well we've had our fun; maybe we should check in on the others and see how they are doing? We've got plenty more in store for you tonight that was just the start."

Halloween 2014: Chp. 1

### **Candy Androids from Outer Space** Story © Russet'14 Characters © their owners **-0- Act 1: -0-** Curled up on the sofa in just a pair of shorts and his dressing gown Florin was engrossed in his book. It was a thrilling tale and after a day...

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Halloween 2013: Part 1

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