Chapter 4: The Cells

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#4 of The Longest Game

After the first challenge, Graafen is given a moment to rest and talk to one of his fellow contestants

Chapter 4: The Cells

After the dark presence overseeing the games fell silent the other contestants carried on talking to each other for a bit. Questions were shouted by those who didn't know what the Dark Knight was at those who did. There explanations were mostly correct, they described his cloak, his dark helmet and all of them agreed that his voice was always to be obeyed. Lying on his bunk bed, paws crossed atop his stomach Graafen listened without joining in. There was more he could have added about the Dark Knight's powers, the games he was said to over-see. He didn't though, anything could be an edge down here and he'd not sacrifice something that might be an advantage, he intended to win.

Graafen did open his eyes when Sandson sat on the edge of his bed and prodded him in the side; the sandy furred simian brushed a hand through his lank hair, pulling it out of his eyes. The single strip of foot long hair that ran in a crest along the ridge of his head kept getting in his way now he had no means to spike it back up. "You've been awfully quiet Graafen, nothing to add? I saw you smiling like a loon earlier. You really think meeting the Dark Knight will be a good thing or a bad thing? None of these guys can make up their mind."

Opening his eyes Graafen stared at the monkey and shook his head, "It'll be the best thing ever to happen to me.... so.... thanks.... for kidnapping me."

Sandson blushed at that and fiddled with the collar about his neck, "Thanks... er.... this mean we're good? I mean half these guys are ones I helped grab.... I think they'd all love to get some payback, the fact you don't is a little.... odd."

Pushing himself up onto his elbows Graafen shot a toothy grin at the monkey, "I don't give a damn Sandy, I might get to meet the Dark Knight.... like actually meet him, be counted worthy enough to play in a game he's overseeing." Clawing at the sheets on the bed the wolf shook his head and squirmed eagerly, "You have no idea how happy this makes me...."

Shaking his head Sandson slowly stood back up and stretched, back arching to a ridiculous degree as he twisted his body. "I've got a fair idea...." he quirked a brow and a knowing smile at Graafen as his eyes focussed on a certain area of the wolf's body, "I'd say your more excited then you had any right to be but then... this whole situation makes no sense. I still can't work out where we are and have you noticed you're not feeling thirsty or hungry? Just tired..."

Flicking his ears and rolling onto his front with an embarrassed grunt Graafen flicked his tail at the monkey, "I dun care where we are, or how any of this works," he clawed at the bed, wriggling slightly in pent up eagerness, "We are in his domain... anything can happen. Now shut up monkey boy before I decide to exact some punishment for ramming my head into a wall. I want to get some rest before the next game."

Sighing Sandson grumbled an OK and clambered up onto the top bunk and sprawled out on his back, staring at the ceiling for a bit before closing his eyes and trying to sleep. "It's going to be a weird day," he murmured quietly as he rolled onto his side and stared at the black wall of their cell. "But maybe, just maybe I can survive this and make up for what I did if I play to win.... so don't expect me to go easy on you wolf."

Graafen's answering growl was a dark rumble of approval as he muttered, "Now that's the spirit monkey man, now shut up and sleep.'

Shaking his head and closing his eyes Sandson did as he was bid, closing his eyes and letting exhaustion drag him down into the oblivion of dream. He woke in darkness several hours later with a start as someone clamped a paw over his muzzle. Gripping his assailants' arm, body tensed and ready to commit violence he froze as he recognized Graafen's scent and found himself staring into the wolf's golden eyes as they reflected light from somewhere. Taking his hand back the wolf motioned for Sandson to follow whilst also making a motion to remain quiet. Confused the monkey clambered down from the bed and crouched next to Graafen by the bars of their cell. There was nothing to see, the corridor like their cells had become dark whilst he slept and as he leant over to try and whisper in Graafen's ears the wolf wrapped a hand about the monkey's muzzle and held it shut. Frowning Sandson peered through the gloom trying to see what the wolf was no pointing at but all there he saw was darkness. Then the shadows moved across the corridor, a long, lanky shape emerging from the gloom to stand in front of one of the cells.

Eyes widening in surprise the monkey shot Graafen a look then turned back to watch as the shadowy shape moved from cell to cell, slowly drawing closer to them. He could feel Graafen tensing next to him, paws resting on the bars so Sandson followed his lead, preparing to lash out through the bars and try and seize this person. They never got the chance, the dark figure stopped a short distance up the corridor, amber eyes burning with a light all of their own, watching him and the wolf.

"So someone felt my approach, interesting I've not had that happen in a very long time."

Sandson squeaked as Graafen stood up but steeling his nerves he followed suit, standing beside the wolf and facing the dark figure, "Who are you?"

Its voice was like a whisper, soft and cool yet with an underlying promise of heat should it grow stronger, "I told you all you need to know, I am the caretaker and you both shall sleep." the last word echoed between his ears and made the world spin. It felt like parts of his brain were switching off even as he struggled to grab the bars for support. It took him a moment to realise he'd fallen over, he was sat on his rump and those amber eyes had come closer to the cell. Graafen was slumped against the bars of panting heavily from the sound of his labourer breathing.

"Wait..." the wolf managed, "I have... have questions.... I," that was all Sandson heard as the dark figure whispered the word Sleep again and he fell sideways, unconscious before he hit the stone floor.

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