A New Dawn - Chapter 13 (With Friends Like These...)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#13 of Malakye's Story - Part 2 (A New Dawn)

A New Dawn is the sequel to my story 'A Place to Belong'. I hope you enjoy this part as much as the last (if not even more! :-)) and those of you who are late to the party, I recommend that you read the first part. Or don't, it's up to you.

The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol * depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriatly so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

This time round I do not have a proof reader so please let me know via note if there are any glaring (or small) mistakes so that I can fix them. And as always, constructive cristisim is welcome!******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

I nodded, my face red hot with a blush, not trusting myself to speak; silently happy that my black scales and the dim light hid my blush. Xavier nodded and resumed kissing me, taking complete control of the situation. His paws trailed down my body and hitched up my legs, spreading them wide, exposing me to him. My stomach began to flutter nervously as I felt his hard length poke my rear as he positioned himself. The last time someone had... the only time someone had touched me there was... when Kaleb raped me. Memories of that night raced in my mind. I felt Xavier's cock head press against my tail-hole.

"NO!" I yelled shoving him away, I began to sob, unable to catch my breath. My heart was racing, pounding hard in my chest.

"Malakye? I'm sorry if I did anything to hurt you..." Xavier's tone was one of confusion and worry, but how could he know?

"It's not you..." I said between sobs. "The last time... back when..." I didn't know how to explain it to him. I looked him in the eyes and I saw the genuine concern and worry, I had to tell him, I didn't want him to think that he was the cause of this. "I was raped."******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************


Chapter 13


"RAPED!?" Xavier shouted, immediately realising his outburst and looking behind him, as if someone might have over heard him in this isolated place. "Raped?" He repeated, but with much less shock and more of his usual inquisitive nature.

"The night I was forced to flee from Rovarian wolves..." I said glumly, ashamed of the truth.

I hadn't known what reaction I was to get from Xavier, but he surprised me when he pulled me into a tight embrace. I hesitated for a moment before returning the gesture. He just stood there holding me for a long while, I think he was trying to fully process and comprehend what I had just told him.

"I understand if you don't want me to..." He trailed off. "Don't force yourself to do anything you don't want to."

"I... I do want to." I admitted. "I just didn't expect..." How do I explain what I felt? A surge of panic and disgust that was no more than a mere memory?

"Shhshhhshhh..." He gently sushed me and loosened his embrace, holding my arms in his paws as he looked me in the eye. "I'm sure there are a lot of painful memories from your past Malakye. And I want to help you through them. You are a son of Zangar! We protect our own!"

His comment made me think of Havani, he looked at me the same way the wolves had, as an outsider, a freak. But he was right, I had a lot of painful memories, scars and stigmas, they nearly cost me Cody. I had been so scared to sleep with another male it nearly drove a wedge between us, nearly cost us our friendship. I had to overcome them, the past is the past, I had a chance to start a new life here and I didn't want my past to affect it. I would live how I wanted to live and damn anyone or anything that would stop me! My time with the wolves was over, the sun had set on that part of my life, it was time for a new day, a new dawn!

"I want you to take me Xavier..." I blushed, unable to look him in the eye as I said the words.

"Are you..." He stopped and sighed. I think he knew what I was trying to do. "I will be gentle... I promise." He cooed in my ear, giving my neck a gentle kiss.

"Thank you." I whispered, wrapping my arms round his shoulders.

He continued to kiss my neck, the soft pecks sending jolts of pleasure up and down my spine, gently leaning me against the edge of the pool once again. I let out a groan of pleasure, relieved that he was taking his time. He moved from my neck to my chest, leaving a trail of slow gentle kisses as he went, I hadn't expected it when his maw closed round my nipple. I gasped. He suckled and gently nibbled on the nub of flesh, I was rock hard again.

I opened my eyes and looked at him, he was looking back at me with his sapphire blue eyes, a glint in his eye. He took a breath before sinking beneath the surface of the water, I was wondering what he was doing for all of two seconds before I felt his maw around the head of my cock.

I gasped once again, my knees going weak for a moment I grabbed the edge of the pool with both paws for support. Xavier was surprisingly talented with his tongue. I went stiff as I felt his fingers press against my tail hole, gently rubbing across it several time. After a few moments my body relaxed, his touch was pleasurable, my body reacting to my past experiences.

When I relaxed he pushed one of his fingers inside of me, a brief momentary pain, my tail-hole clenching round the digit as it invaded me. I knew what he was doing, he was trying to loosen me up, get me used to the feeling of something in my ass. I forced myself to relax and once again I felt another finger push in. It wasn't as bad this time, and every now and again his fingers would brush against something inside of me that felt good. I spread my legs as wide as I could to give him as much access as possible. I trusted Xavier, despite the short time I'd known him, and I was glad it was him that was helping me through this.

I watched him under the water, his head bobbing back and forth as he pleasured me. I panting heavily, barely able to catch my breath, I wasn't going to last very long at this rate. I sighed with a bit of relief when he stopping sucking me to come back up for air.

"That felt amazing..." I said, earning a knowing smile from him.

I watched as the droplets of water rolled off his scales, the water droplets looking like tiny jewels as they reflected the pale blue light emanating from the pool. He was very attractive, I just hadn't taken the time to notice before. He leaned in and kissed me on the muzzle, our tongues intertwining as he lifted my legs once again. I knew what was coming and I felt my stomach tense, I needed to relax, Xavier wasn't going to hurt me! I chanted in my head, willing my body to relax.

"You are so beautiful." He whispered.

His comment catching me by surprise, I forgot about everything else for a brief moment. He used that moment to push into me. I let out a startled cry and clung to him. My whole body tensed and I felt my chest tighten in panic, the momentary pain already fading as he allowed me to adjust to the sensation, I felt myself begin to calm.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I nodded.

"Just let me know if you need me to stop." He whispered. I nodded and clenched my eyes shut.

I felt him push up and into me, driving his cock deeper inside. It felt alien, it felt strange, but it didn't feel bad. The alien sensation made my cock slowly soften. As I got used to the gentle thrusts of Xavier's hips I began to get used to the sensation, begin to enjoy it, my cock once again slowly hardening and I let out a low groan. As if emboldened by my groan Xavier began to fuck me more deeply, his thrusts just as slow and gentle as before but longer, deeper. Suddenly I understood why Cody enjoyed this so much.

The rocking motion of Xavier's thrusts, the way his cock spread me wide, the feeling of submitting control to another being... it felt wonderful. For the first time since I could remember I had just let go, just stopped trying to control everything around me and just let someone else take control. It was strangely refreshing. Here in Xavier's arms, with him under my tail I felt safe. I wondered if I should say something to show him how I felt, but deep down I knew I didn't have to. In this situation actions spoke louder than words ever could. I unfurled my wings and wrapped them round him, an act that just seemed natural and right, I felt a smile curl across his muzzle. He returned the favour and wrapped his wings round me, a protective cocoon of affection between the two of us.

I wasn't under any delusions that this was the beginning of something between me and Xavier. This was just sex. Two beings taking pleasure from one another. Nothing more, nothing less; and no less beautiful because of it.

"I'm close..." Xavier whispered to me.

It took me a moment to realise that he was asking permission to come inside me. I nodded and a few moments later he let out a small cry of pleasure. I felt his hot seed coat my insides, he continued to rock my on his hips for a while longer before slumping against me. His paw wrapped round my throbbing length, I squirmed at his touch. He kissed my neck and I could tell he was smiling. He squeezed my knot firmly, making me cry in pleasure.

"I wonder what it would feel like to have this knot inside me?" He announce his thoughts aloud. "Maybe one day I will find out..." He squeezed my knot again, this time engulfing it entirely in his paw, I came and came hard.


"Thank you for that Malakye." Xavier smiled, his paw caressing the side of my muzzle. "I know what that meant to you."

"Thank you... for being gentle." I smiled back.

We both stood naked at the edge of the hot spring, our bodies dripping wet, I could feel his slick seed between my cheeks as it leaked slightly from my tail-hole. I was afraid that it would feel awkward with him, but it didn't. He was genuinely grateful to me and I was to him. He had helped me get over that part of my past, or at the very least begin to.

"You should be getting back, it is getting late." He said.

"How can you tell?" I asked with a grin,waving my arms towards the constant darkness of the caves we resided in.

He laughed before picking up his clothes and proceeded to walk out of the room naked. I grabbed my own clothes and followed him, feeling a little exposed as I followed him naked through the tunnels. Even though I had never seen another living soul in this section of the tunnels apart from Xavier, I just couldn't help shake the expectation of running into someone, the cool temperatures of the tunnels now seeming colder since was wet.

I had little choice but to follow Xavier since he was carrying our only source of light, I could tell he was leading us back to the tunnels that led to the marketplace. As we got closer and closer to the marketplace I began to get nervous about being spotted. What would someone think if they saw us naked like this?

"Shouldn't we get dressed?" I asked nervously.

"Why? Are you ashamed of your body?" He chuckled. "I assure you that you have nothing to be ashamed of, you are very easy on the eyes."

"Thanks" I felt myself blush. "But I would prefer to get dressed all the same."

"I supposed we are dry enough to get dressed again." He stopped and placed the torch against the wall.

I was grateful that he wasn't making this awkward, in fact he was making it seem so natural. We dressed in silence, the silence was beginning to make me feel uncomfortable. At first it was good, it had given me time to reflect, but Xavier normally rambled on and on about this and that, educating me about life here in Zangar. I waited till he finished dressing before I spoke.

"Same time tomorrow?" I asked, it was the only thing I could think of that didn't relate back to the fact that we just had sex.

"Why don't you take tomorrow off?" He grinned. "I know your still trying to decide whether or not to stay here. Take some time to explore, make some friends, have some fun."

I wasn't sure what to say. This was pretty much the same thing that Cody was telling me to do. I nodded, agreeing with him. If I wanted to stay here then I was going to have to find a life here. A life here... away from Cody and the others. That thought terrified me. One day they would decide to move on and I would have to say goodbye to them or goodbye to Zangar. They had been the only constant in my life recently, the thought of losing them scared me more than facing down a pack of wolves.

"Are you okay?" Xavier asked, the concern evident in his voice.

"Yeah..." I replied. I was certain he didn't believe me but he seemed to let it pass. Handing me the torch.

"I'm sure you know the way home by now."

"But don't you need the light too?"

"Don't worry." He said holding up the perception stone*. I sensed a small surge of his spiritual energy flow around the stone, it lit up with a distinctive white light. The light was strong but far from blinding as it had been with me. "I have my own source of light."

With a smile and a wink he turned away and began to walk. I stood there watching him until he was out of sight, until I could no longer make out his shadow cast from the light of the stone. I continued towards the marketplace, I was unsure what time it was, but since my stomach was starting to get pangs of hunger it must have been around midday... I think. I kept walking, fairly confident that I knew where I was going.

I heard the hustle of bustle of dozens of dragons long before I saw them, since I was now in a well lit area I extinguished the torch Xavier had given me and placed it on the ground next to a brazier so that it may be of use to someone needing it. After proceeding towards the noise I realised that I was near the lodgings that had been allocated to us when we first arrived. I doubted that Eric and the others were there at this time of day, but I had no idea where else to look, I headed there on the hope that I would be able to find them.

Soon I could see the curtain that hung over the entrance of the rooms where Eric and the others were staying. I made my approach hoping to find someone inside, I wanted to spend some time with them, I hadn't spent much time with them since I arrived due to my harsh training schedule. The only one I had spent any real time with was Cody, and that was mostly sex, it would be nice just to be with everyone again. I was just a few yards away from the curtain when two short, and well endowed dragonesses barred my path.

They both wore tight fitted dresses, one wore a pale blue and white dress while the other wore one with a mixture of greens, they stood before me barring my path. They were a fair bit shorter, and younger than myself, I took a step backward out of uncertainty rather than fear. What did they want and why were they staring at me like that?

"Are you..."

"Lord Anaris's son?" They asked, the one in the green finishing the others question.

"Yes..." I replied, my whole body tensing, not sure what to expect.

"I told you! I told you!" The one in blue whispered excitedly to her companion. They giggled to each other before returning their attention back to me. "We are..."

"Really excited..."

"To meet you!" The one in blue finishing the others statement this time.

From the fluent nature of the act I quickly realised that this was a fairly common occurrence between them. The back and forth between the females was making my head spin. I still didn't know who they were or what the hell they wanted.

"Err... nice to meet you too... ladies." My response seemed to please them, they turned to each other and giggled girlishly before turning back to me. "What..." I didn't know what they wanted, but I didn't want to offend them either. I took a moment to contemplate my words. "Can I help you?" Another girlish giggle.


"If you are offering..." The both stopped to giggle to each other again. "We hoped..."

"That you might..."

"Take us as your wives!"