Not Without You: Part 1/4-Runner's High

Story by VoodooRoo on SoFurry

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#1 of Not Without You

First M/M pr0n story; wanted to write one ^_- I consider this one kinda short; but there's prolly gonna be a couple sequels if this one is liked. I would appreciate feedback, too!

DISCLAIMER: If you don't like furry stories, or guy-on-guy action, don't read! And material here is intended for 18+ (21+ in certain states). You've been warned.

Um, yeah, anyway...enjoy!! =P


The sun had long-since set over the western horizon, casting a cobalt-blue cast over the sky. Wind blew lightly down the streets, gently stirring fallen leaves in the October evening.

Footsteps slapped hard against the pavement as a lone red fox made his way around a corner, moving at a brisk pace. He loved this time of night, because it was all his; no one was around. Just himself, running for an hour every night. Feeling the wind moving past his ears, brushing his furs, entering his lungs as he breathed deeply but evenly. The nights were getting brisk, but so cold yet that he had to wear a sweater for his jogs yet. He was still in a T-shirt and track pants, the shirt tight enough to show off his trim waistline and sculpted chest. Even in the darkness, when he ran under the streetlights, his reddish-orange fur had a beautiful, brilliant sheen to it. His aqua-blue shined brightly. His fluffy tail bounced behind him, and he brushed away a lock of his hair from his face, which had fallen just above the black marks that were just above his eyes.

His usual path took him around his neighborhood for approximately four miles. It kept him in shape, and it allowed him to escape for awhile. He even was on the track team at high school, and was the star runner on the team. Long legs made him good at it naturally, and years of practice had just made him better.

Moving across the street, on his loop back, he ran up a gently-curving road that would connect back to the street next to his. He slowed his pace a bit, winding down and letting himself cool off. Keeping his breathing even, he eventually got down to a brisk walk.

Up ahead, he surprised to see people out in front of a house, with a large truck in the driveway. It was rare he saw anyone out this time of night. He could just make out the name on the side of the truck; "East Coast Movers."

So someone new was moving in. He watched with idle curiosity as he passed. He saw several movers, arms full with chairs, couches, assorted boxes; the usual paraphernalia of a move.

What caught his attention, though, was a white clouded leopard standing off to the side, looking absolutely un-thrilled to be there. He was wearing a blue and white striped shirt and red shorts, which the fox found unusual in this weather; it was a little cold for those.

Like the fox, the leopard appeared to be fairly toned and in shape; a thin waist, muscular arms, brilliant yellow-gold eyes. He looked to be about the fox's age, too.

The leopard turned and saw the fox walking past. He eyes seemed to light up, and his tail swished a bit. The fox corrected his sight immediately, staring straight forward. He walked on, taking a little look back before turning the corner.


Tonight, he'd needed his sweater. It was much chillier than last night. But that wasn't going to perturb him. Colder it got, the more he'd put on.

He didn't find anything unusual until he got back to the same road he'd been on when he'd seen the moving van. He was on the opposite side of the street, and had slowed back to his cool-off pace. Nothing was obviously wrong, but he felt like he was being...watched.

When he looked over at the house, he knew why; the snow leopard was sitting on his front porch, bathed in yellow tones from the porch light, and, despite the low temperature, had just a black T-shirt and shorts on. He also had a large glass of ice water on a table next to him. The fox was fairly certain the leopard was watching HIM. But he shrugged it away and kept going, forcing himself to not look back.

The next night, he was still in a sweater. When he got back to THE street, he thought of making a course correction; if he kept going straight, he'd hit the same street. But he liked going that way. And there was no rational reason for him to go another way. So he bounded up his usual street.

And, like last night, the leopard was back on the porch. The fox knew he was being silly, now; the leopard just liked being outside. It wasn't a crime. It's not like the leopard was there to watch for him. The fox had never felt so stupid and self-centered in his life. He just walked past, trying to not look; the leopard probably thought he was a creep from last night.

But he did eventually look; just a quick glance. But when he did, he got a wave from the leopard. And it was obviously to him; there was no one else around.

The fox swallowed hard, a lump catching in his throat; okay, he WAS there waiting for him. He just kept moving.

Every night, for the next four days, the leopard was there, T-shirt and shorts. However, on the third night, the fox noticed something change; there were now two glasses of water sitting on the table. But the leopard never said anything, just sat there.

On the fourth night, the fox decided he felt dumb. The leopard was probably just looking for a friend; they did look around the same age, and the leopard was brand-new to the neighborhood. The fox wished he'd gone over and introduced himself the first day; now he felt weird as he crossed the street and approached the porch steps.

"Well, hi, there," said the leopard. "Wondered when you'd finally come over."

The fox just held his arm, absently and embarrassed. "Um...hi."

The leopard grinned. "C'mon, you must be thirsty, with all that running every night." He gestured to the other empty chair.

The fox plopped himself down, grabbing the other glass of water.

"So, foxy, got a name?" asked the leopard.

"Oh, yeah," he said, lamely, "I'm Lance."

"I'm Ty," said the leopard, offering up his paw. Lance took it weakly and shook.

"There's no need to be shy," said Ty. "I don't bite...much."

Lance laughed a little at that. But when he caught the leopard's eyes, he felt self-conscious for some reason.

"You live nearby?" asked Ty.

"Two blocks that way," said Lance, pointing down the street.

"So you're pretty close!"

"Yeah, I guess," said Lance.

"What school are you at?" asked Ty.

"Only high school here in town; Leland High School."

"I guess that's where I'll be going," said Ty.

"You're not in class?"

Ty shook his head. "I start Monday. And I wouldn't mind knowing a friend or two before I go in," he said, smiling.

"Well, you'll meet a few, I'm sure," said Lance, feeling like an idiot. His blush was obvious even through the white under his eyes.

Ty stopped himself from giggling a bit when he saw the red under Lance's eyes. The fox was a little cutie. And the ruffled hair hanging over his forehead, and sweat glistening on his fur, wasn't helping. Of course, he still didn't know what Lance wanted. And he didn't want to have to move again as soon as they just got here.

"You wanna come inside, hang out for awhile?" asked Ty.

"Won't your parents mind?" asked Lance.

Ty waved his hand. "They won't be home from work for a few hours still; both work graveyard shifts."

"Oh," said Lance. "Um, sure."

They got up and went inside. Lance took off his sweater and threw it over a chair; Ty took a sharp breath in when he could finally look at Lance up-close without the obtrusive sweater.

"What do you wanna do?" asked Ty.

"I don't know," said Lance. "Suggestions?" He still was feeling a little shy.

"I got PS2 upstairs," said Ty. "Just hooked up today."

Lance had a PS2 and XBox himself. But he wanted to be able to do something with Ty; he did like the leopard already, and wanted to be friends. He just didn't make friends easily.

"Sounds good!" exclaimed Lance.

"Ok, c'mon," said Ty. He led Lance upstairs, wishing he could've followed Lance instead of the other way around.

They walked to the end of the hall, Ty opening the door. "And this--" he began, flicking on the light, "--is my place!"

The room was average-sized for a teenager's room. Twin-bed with dark-blue sheets was pressed against the window, an entertainment center with TV, game console, CD-player, and racks of games and CD's directly in front of it. There was a bookcase to the right of the bed filled with actual books, most of which looked heavily-used. A desk was situated against the wall next to the door, various papers and a few sketchbooks littered across it, and a multi-colored bracelet that said 'PRIDE' across it. The walls were adorned with posters, mostly of bands, a few of just miscellaneous, buff furs. One picture stood out against the rest; a framed photo of Ty with a younger otter, who was making bunny-ears over Ty's head. It was signed with a ball-point pen in the lower-right; "Sorry, bud. Gonna miss you bad; you were my best friend ever. Matt."

"Who's that?' asked Lance, pointing to the picture.

"No one," said Ty, starting up his game system. "An old friend. From my first move, back in eighth grade."

"How many times have you moved?" asked Lance, taking the second controller from Ty's paws.

"This'll be four," said Ty.

"Why so often?" asked Lance.

"Hey, you like first-person shooters?" asked Ty, grabbing a controller and jumping on the bed. "I got 'Killzone,' and we can both play."

"Uh...yeah," said Lance, taking the subject change, looking around the room.

"Sorry, my other chair isn't unpacked yet," said Ty. He tapped the spread next to him. "Hop up."

Lance sat down next to Ty, a little behind him just to give Ty space. Ty sighed when the fox didn't move any closer.

It wasn't long before they were blowing digital figures away, lobbing grenades and raining down bullets. Lance had no trouble moving and ducking bullets, but Ty's death count was high. Lance found it odd that for a game he OWNED he would be so bad at it; he didn't know that Ty was distracted by him, breathing deeply to get a hint of the fox's scent.

"So," began Ty during the between-level load screen, "got a girlfriend?"

"Nope," said Lance. "Never have. I'm no good with girls. Truthfully. I don't really even want one...right now, anyway."

"I've never had one either," said Ty. He got a little excited now; no girlfriend, and didn't want one! "Why don't you want one?"

"I dunno," said Lance, picking his controller back up as the level started, "just doesn't cross my mind often."

Ty was helping him take down the enemy soldiers as his brain kept formulating ways to get to see if Lance would be...willing. He came down to only two methods.

"Are there a lot of gay guys in your school?" asked Ty, off-handedly.

Lance found that to be an odd question. "There's a couple I know of. I'm sure there's more, just not completely open about it."

"Huh," said Ty. "Any of them your friends?"

"I'm in the same class with one; I guess I'd say he's a friend," said Lance. "I don't avoid him or dislike him, if that's what you mean."

"Are there homophobes around?" asked Ty, again trying to sound as conversational as possible.

"Well, my one friend isn't THRILLED about gays," said Lance, "but I wouldn't say he'd go out and gay-bash. I've never heard of any gay-based fights or anything; guys usually find other stupid reasons for that."

"But you don't mind?" asked Ty.

"No, not at all," said Lance.

"Oh," said Ty.

Lance still thought the line of questioning was unusual; but he shrugged it off. Went back to chucking grenades into enemy bunkers.

Ty frowned. Okay, that hadn't gone as planned. His second tactic was a sure-fire plan, but he had to get the nerve to do it; and if it back-fired, he was out a friend already.

Another level went by, and Ty could barely sit still. Lance's scent, his heat right behind his shoulder, his good-looks he could see from his peripheral vision; it was all driving him over the edge.

"Alright!" said Lance, clapping Ty on the shoulder. "Another level d--"

He was cut short when Ty whipped around and planted a light kiss on his muzzle, then drew back. Lance just stopped in mid-sentence, looking at Ty, who was blushing from head to toe.

"What was that for...?" asked Lance. "I think a high-five would've sufficed."

"Because I wanted to know how you... y'know, felt," said Ty.

"About what?" asked Lance.

"Guys," said Ty. "I LIKE guys."

"So you're..."


"That explains all the questions earlier," said Lance.

Ty giggled, moving in closer again. "I want to kiss you again; is that alright?"

Lance had never had another guy come onto him before. He was confused, mostly by the feeling in him that liked it, and made him say "Yes" to Ty.

Ty put his hand around the back of his head, pulling him closer. Ty got a full smell of Lance's scent now, which had changed; muskier now. Ty liked it.

Lance felt funny at first when Ty pushed his tongue into Lance's muzzle, but accepted it. He liked the feeling.

Ty pulled back after a few seconds. "Well?"

"That was...nice," said Lance, grinning from ear to ear.

"There are things that are...nicer," said Ty, tracing Lance's chest and stomach muscles, down to just above his crotch. Lance shivered a little when Ty's finger moved over his stomach.

"I'll bet," said Lance.

Ty reached up and took off his shirt, rippled muscles exposed. He started tugging on Lance's shirt, Lance helping him get it over his head. Lance's own chest, with sculpted muscles, were revealed. Ty murred a bit when the shirt came off.

"Very nice," growled Ty, pushing Lance backward. He toppled over, landing on his back. Ty propped himself up on top of Lance, feeling Lance's erection through his track pants. Lance felt Ty's own member pressing into his leg.

"You want to try the nicer things?" asked Ty.

Lance looked away. He felt awkward, and weird, about this whole thing. Especially since he'd only known the fur on top of him for about an hour. But he did like being closer to Ty, and so far he'd felt good.

"Yeah," said Lance, "I think I do."

"Okay," said Lance. He creeped back down Lance's body, undoing the drawstring on his track pants and yanking them down his long, muscular runner's legs.

"What're you--?" began Lance.

"Shh," said Lance. Lance's boxers followed suit, and his long, hard member was pulled into view. Ty teased at his sheath a bit, rubbing at Lance's balls a bit, licking them a little. Lance felt pleasure moving into every part of his body.

"Ty--" he began, but cut himself off when Ty put his mouth over Lance's cock. His cock immediately went rigid, more so than it was already. Lance swallowed hard, gasping as it slipped deeper into Ty's muzzle. Ty worked his tongue over Lance's head, then his shaft, finding the little sensitive spots that he knew from pervious experience made a guy's head spin.

Lance was somewhere else all together. It was pure ecstasy for him, gasping for breath as Ty reached up and played with his furry sac. Ty could feel Lance's testicles pull up against his body. Precum was already coming out, and Ty was happily slurping it up. He was trying to throat Lance, but the fox's cock was, as far as he could recall, the biggest he'd come across. But it ended up rubbing against the slick back of throat eventually. He could only hold it for a few seconds at a time, but it was enough to make Lance moan.

Ty could feel Lance's cock spasming slightly; the precursor to his orgasm. Ty slowed down a bit, trying to prolong the session. He figured it was Lance's first time, EVER, at sex play, and wanted him to remember it. Ty knew he would. He kept sliding his tongue up and down the bottom of Lance's sheath, stopping near the top and really playing there. Ty could also feel his own shaft pressing painfully against his shorts. But he hoped he would have his out when he was finished.

Lance could feel a numbness near the base of his shaft, his testicles pulled up close. His slicked-up cocked moved in and out of Ty's mouth quickly and easily, and Ty would go fast, then slow down a bit, keeping Lance just at the edge of cumming.

But not even Ty could keep it back forever, and Lance knew it was coming when he felt semen flood through his shaft. His cock spasmed into Ty's mouth. Ty tried to keep the load in his mouth, but he sputtered after the fourth flood, and Lance's white seed dribbled down his muzzle. Four more shudders, and Lance was finished. He sighed, contended.

"How was it?" asked Ty, wiping semen from his mouth, swallowing what salty fluid he could find. He lapped more off of Lance's cock-head.

"That was...amazing," said Lance. "How did you learn that?"

"Practice," said Ty, awkwardly. "Lots of practice. That's the reason we always have to move; I find someone I get close to, think I've found someone to be with, then they let me use them, or they use me, and the next day it's all over school that I'm a fag." He looked away, a couple tears falling down his cheek.

Lance sat up, still nude, touching Ty's face. "No one will know about this; unless you want them to."

Ty smiled weakly. "Thank you."

Lance looked down between Ty's legs, seeing his shorts tented away from his body. "I think it's your turn, now."

Ty grinned wickedly. "Only if you want."

"I do," said Lance. "But, um, isn't there some other way?"

"There's a front and back," said Lance. "You mean...?"

"Yeah," said Lance.

"You sure?" asked Ty.

Lance reached down, yanking down Ty's shirts and boxers, his own cock bouncing into view. "Yeah, I'm sure."

"Okay," said Ty, shaking his clothes off. He pushed Lance back again. Lance fell back, smiling the whole way. Ty reached down and pulled Lance's legs over his shoulders, and lay down on top of him, their hot members touching one another.

"It'll kinda hurt at first," said Ty.

"It's okay," said Lance.

Ty reached under the mattress and produced a tube of lube. He slathered his own cock in it well, then pressed his cock-head against Lance's tailhole.

"You ready?" asked Ty.

Lance took a deep breath. "Yeah."

Ty pressed himself in, slowly. Lance gritted his teeth, taking the pain as Ty topped him. His own penis was hard again, pressed between their two furry bodies. Residual cum was smeared against Ty's stomach.

Ty was concentrating on moving his cock into Lance, hilting himself. "Okay?" asked Ty.

"Okay," grunted Lance.

"That's as far as I can go in," said Ty. He then pulled himself out, until just his head was still inside Lance, then pushed himself in again. He'd started preing already, helping with the lube to slick up his path. Lance was so tight; virgins always were. But his tailhole was already loosening quite a bit.

Lance could feel another orgasm coming on; between Ty's cock in his rear, and his fur titillating his own member, it wasn't far off.

"Oh, God, Ty, it's coming again!" shouted Lance.

"It's okay," said Ty, taking Lance. "I don't mind a little cum in my fur; won't be the first time." He bent down over Lance, kissing him again, slurping precum off his cock on the way back up. Ty felt his own cock filling with cum, coming to the verge of spilling into Lance. Lance could feel the slight twinge of Ty in him, and knew what was coming.

When Ty came, Lance came with him. Cum splattered onto Ty's stomach, and into Lance's tailhole. Ty came so hard, sperm spilled over through the plug his cock was making in Lance, running down onto Lance's tail. Ty gasped as he emptied himself into Lance. Lance gasped as his second orgasm of the night finished up. He did again when Ty licked off the semen running down Lance's shaft.

Ty pulled himself from Lance, grudgingly. There was a slight pop noise when he came out. He still braced himself over Lance. "That was incredible."

Lance fidgeted a little. "Yeah..."

Ty had seen that look at pervious partners' faces; the look when they finally realized what they'd done. He sat back on the bed. "You don't...regret it, do you?"

Lance rolled over, standing up. He hastily pulled on his track pants, not bothering with his underwear. "No, I...I just have to go. It's REALLY late." He grabbed his shirt, moving to the door.

Ty grabbed him from behind. "When will you come back?"

"Um...tomorrow, maybe," said Lance, just wanting to get out. He smiled weakly at Ty.

Ty's ears went down. "Ok," he said quietly. He knew Lance would NEVER be coming back.

"I'll be here," said Lance. With that, he opened the door and left, closing the door behind him. Ty went to his window, watching Lance walk down the driveway, taking off in a dead run when he hit the street. Ty pressed his paw against the window, tears rolling down his face. He went and locked his door, not wanting his parents to walk in when they got home. He crawled into bed, still naked, balled up, hugging his knees. He cried fully, bawling and sniffling. He sniffed at his stomach, where the smell of Lance still was. He picked up Lance's boxers, the faint smell of him there, too. He cried again, putting the boxers down, and hating himself for being so stupid; why did he expect Lance to be different?

He fell asleep, on top if his tear-stained sheets, clutching Lance's boxers to his chest.

Lance quietly opened the door when he got home. His parents were long-ago in bed, and he thanked God for that now. He ran upstairs, going into the bathroom and locking the door. He stripped off his pants and shirt, throwing them directly into a plastic bag. He'd never felt so happy and dirty and guilty at the same time. He stepped into the shower, turning the hot water on full blast. He could still feel Ty between his legs, and having semen still leaking out didn't help. He washed himself well, over and over again, but when he thought he was done everytime, he'd find more seed in his tailhole. He washed all his own cum off, getting the smell of Ty's sweat and fluids off him.

He stepped out of the shower, drying himself off. He'd gotten as much of Ty's cum out of himself as possible, and couldn't smell his sweat and musk anymore. He stalked down the hallway in his towel into his room. He could hear his parents still snoring in their room.

Taking off his towel, he tried not to stare down at his cock, and what he'd done with it for the night. He pulled on fresh underwear and a T-shirt. He crawled into bed, keeping finding more of the rear of his boxers wet. He cried a little; both for what had happened, and how bad he'd messed it up after. Ty would've been a great friend, and had obviously wanted something more. He wouldn't have been completely against that. But all he thought after was what OTHERS would think of him, how everyone else would react if it ever got out that he'd been pounded in the ass, and let another guy go down on him. All he thought of was himself; he hadn't even said goodbye to Ty, or anything. Just ran for the door. And all after Ty had told him about how things had gone bad before.

He'd even picked up the phone, called his best friend; thought he would be one person he could tell. But when his voice came on the phone, "Hello?", slightly groggy, Lance just hung up.

Laying in the darkness, he couldn't think of anyway to fix this; nothing that wouldn't make it worse, anyway. Ty probably wouldn't want to see him again, and definitely would not want him in THAT way anymore.

He cried until he fell asleep.


For the next two weeks, Lance had avoided taking the road Ty's house was on for his route; he kept going straight instead. He tried not to think about Ty, but found it impossible. At school, at home, in bed. He'd even been on the watch for him at school, since he'd said he would be starting Monday. All he thought of was the white leopard.

In the third week, he ran past Ty's house again. But no one was on the front porch. No glasses of water waited. He thought his glimpsed movement of the blinds where Ty's room was, but he couldn't have been sure.

He felt depressed; both for himself and for Ty. He must've been hurt, feeling alone and betrayed. Lance wanted to go to his house, apologize for everything, say he was sorry and how much he liked him. But couldn't. He could hear other guys at school, calling him a 'fairy' and a 'fag,' and he really didn't want that label. His best friend still didn't even know.

And he had that one gnawing question over his head; was he gay? He'd had sex, both oral and anal, with a GUY. And he'd liked it. He'd never had an interest in females, not really, anyway. He would've loved to have been 'with' Ty, he just couldn't bring himself to do it. But he knew he was gay, now. But it didn't concern him as much as he would've expected it to. He liked guys; so what? If it wasn't for the fact he couldn't have the one guy he wanted, he would've been so happy.

But all he could do was sit and regret what he'd done, over and over again.


Ty kept waiting for Lance to come back. He'd almost believed he would come the next day, but knew that was a lie; he could see it in the fox's eyes.

It was three weeks before he spied Lance. He practically jumped up and down; until he realized Lance wasn't coming to his house. He just ran past. He cried a little after that again. But was starting to realize he would have to move on. Lance wasn't going to come back, no matter how much he wanted him to. He was hoping he'd bump into Lance at school, but it was a big place, and so far had no luck. But he'd apparently kept his word; no one knew he was gay.

Ty was feeling more and more down until one day he came home from school. No one else was home yet; his parents must've been out running errands. He'd almost stepped on a piece of paper on the ground. He picked it up, unfolding and reading it. It had only two words on it; "I'm sorry."

Ty held the paper to his chest. He knew it was from Lance. Maybe it all wasn't over yet; he was still willing. He just wished Lance would come and say it person.

He had tucked the paper into the frame on his wall of his first partner. Maybe Lance would still come around. He could wait and see.