Chilled Moon

Story by lil_nite_wolf on SoFurry

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This is my first yiffy story I've submitted to yiffstar and I hope readers enjoy it.English isnt my first language so please excuse me if there are errors.Be prepared for blood and m/m sexual situations. If you aren't into this kind of thing or You shouldn't be reading it anyhow, please press back on your browser, google something. The rest of you, enjoy the story, and please, post some comments and tell me what to improve.Sean is my character,the inspiration fot this story came from a short story by "Mercury Rose" (thank you).


"Chilled Moon"

BEWARE!!! DANGER!!!" read the sign next to the open gate of a Haven Park which Sean

walked by everyday on his way home.

Odd he thought that he had never noticed that sign there before. What could possibly be

so dangerous in such a peaceful neighborhood? Unknown to Sean, just beyond the gate

and around a corner of the park wall, a shadow lay in waiting for just the right moment to

pounce on an unsuspecting passerby. But the night was growing cold, his feet were weary

and so onward he walked, into unknown danger.

It was a dark Halloween night and Sean Kizer was on his way home after a very

successful night of Trick-or-Treating. His best friends Jason and Curtis had long departed

to their respective houses to eat their bags of goods and candy while he walked the rest of

the way home all alone. He reached the north gate of the park only blocks from his

house. Rusted and creaking the gate leading into the park blew open beckoning that he

enter for a stroll down its dark paths. Why not? Sean piped." "It's a nice moonlit night

and I have time to kill.

Sean fidgeted constantly with his costume, not used to the itchy feel of its inner lining.

He chose to be a wolf man this year, donning a tattered t-shirt and ragged pants which he

splattered with makeup blood for a vivid affect..He smiled behind his mask, which would

of scared him if he weren't wearing it. An airbrushed mess of a latex snout extended

from his face and a pair of pointed ears covered his own all held together with the help of

a few generous layers of spirit gum. The best parts were the unfamiliar contacts that

changed his eyes from their soft soulful gray to a bright tint of gold. Sean's clawed hands

gripped his bag of candy as the wind blew past him, but he couldn't help but feel edgy

there in the middle of the empty park. He walked on and laughed, howling for fun, his

strap on tail swished back and forth with every step he took.

Summer was over, fall was in swing, but the cold frost of winter had yet to arrive. The

cool night air was heavy with the promise of things to come. A stray autumn breeze

gently stirred the leaves of trees nearby. The path Sean walked on lead him towards a

wall with gently swaying trees behind it. He turned a corner of the wall for a better view,

as if drawn like a magnet towards the gentle stirring of the leaves above.

As he stood there beneath the trees, he heard their branches rustling above him. Sean

looked up, to see a canopy of dark leafy arms which seemed to want to come down and

embrace him. The branches waved to him in the night air as they try to warn him of

danger, and he caught a glimpse of the full moon as it seemed to peek through the leaves

for a better look at what was be sneaking up behind him.

Sean walked quickly along the winding path, heading towards the other side of Haven's

park when suddenly he heard the snap of a twig underfoot. He paused ,looking behind

him, but saw nothing, only a few fallen leaves and the moon hanging in the sky. Fear and

uncertainty began to grip him as he continued on his way. He could see the south gate

now but another sound, far more sinister, slowed his pace. Slowly, almost like from a

dream, a deep throaty growl rose up from the ground behind the young man, stopping

Sean in his tracks.

Was that his stomach growling? Of course not. The growl didn't come from within him

but from BEHIND him. Filled with confusion, Sean turned around quickly to meet a dark

furry shadow as it leapt at him.

It knocked his teenage frame into the ground a few feet away. The slash of long canine

teeth and the hot fetid breath of the powerful creature squelched his scream before it left

his throat. Sean tried to get up but his legs wouldn't move, so he was forced to lay there

and watch in terror as a real live werewolf made its way to him, walking on all fours. He

listened to the claws scrape across the hard cement.

Sean was trying to gather his thoughts, thinking of a way to escape but hopes of fighting

the beast and running were shattered as the force of a second attack threw him backwards

onto the moist leafy ground. The weight of the furry shadow pinned Sean down as it

sniffed at him, taking in his scent and rolling its eyes with every whiff. Sean laid there

limp and powerless with the creature lapping at his face, sliding its salivating tongue

along the side of his neck. Long strands of Drool pooled on his shirt. The werewolf

continued to taste him, stopping to glare at the boy with its glowing amber eyes.

The first thing Sean noticed was the monsters shear size. He was dwarfed by its

hulking frame, bigger than his brick wall of a father and he could tell the wolf had

muscle. The young mans mind tried to ignore what was happening, deny himself the

horror of his attacker, but that failed and his mind snapped back to reality as he felt a

hard tug on the waist of his pants. A curved claw had hooked itself into his waistband and

with the smallest tug, the rough denim tore like tissue paper. Thoughts of the claw being

so close to his groin made him panic and he looked at the werewolf, who simply grinned

up at him with a vicious smile.

Before he could protest, the werewolf buried his snout in Sean's boxers, sending a yelp

spurting from his throat. Cold wetness assaulted his shaft and then warmth of breath

caressed it, and soon it began to harden."No! ,this is wrong, you're not supposed to enjoy

this! You're being attacked for heavens sake!" he screamed in his mind, but a tongue was

a tongue and this one was just short of an expert.

Long curling licks pelted his hard-on and Sean whimpered, rubbing a trembling hand

through the werewolf's head fur. It paid no attention and continued to lick him with

abandon, occasionally rasping the tip of a fang across his sensitive skin, but just as soon

as it had started, the big wolf pulled its mouth away, and Sean opened his eyes to a

shocking image.

The werewolf stood back on its hind feet with it paws rubbing lewdly over its furry groin.

Sean could only stare as a bright pink tip emerged from its fur, growing undoubtably

bigger with each stroke the wolf applied to it. The show continued and after only a few

seconds, the lupine's member was out of the sheath and bobbed obscenely and the wolf

eyed Sean with another kind of hunger. He could only Gawk and shook his head in

defiance, beginning to understand what the monster had in mind. Frantically he crawled

backwards and turned to take off but again he was tackled and coarse fur bristled into his

back as the wolf forced him on all fours.

Sean yelled and struggled for his life but a deep growl came from the werewolf''s mouth.

The monster thrust its claws into Sean's hip causing him to cry out in pain as they dug

into the tender flesh.

"Ahhhhh!...please...stop!!" he screamed

Blood, REAL blood ,began to stain the denim of his jeans and Sean winced through his

tear filled eyes to see the full moon retreat behind the tree branches not wanting to bear

witness to the this horrible scene. Soon his pants were pulled off completely and the wet

tip of the werewolf's shaft slid against his backside. He whimpered loudly and pulled

away from it, fighting the tears that burned his eyes. A grunt and a thrust from the

creatures hips sent spurts of pre running down his rear and legs. The next few moments

happened so fast, it was almost surreal for Sean, as his world seemed to slow. His eyes

looked down and eyed his own erection.

Then, time sped up and suddenly a bright hot flash engulfed his eyes and pain racked his

body. The wolf had pushed into him, sinking half its burning length into Sean's body,

and refused to stop. Sean screamed and pulled his hip away but the werewolf followed,

now beginning to hump against his body, forcing more inches past his ring. The wolf

man grunted around the tightness and tilted its head back, thrusting into the smaller wolf

below him with urgent thrusts. Sean could only grip the dead grass beneath his fingers

and groaned out loud as he slid across the ground and lost himself to the monster of

Haven Park.

Slowly, his vision faded and turning his head, the snarling face of his attacker began to

blur, but Sean could see well enough to notice the white of its ivory fangs. He

screamed once more before the werewolf opened its jaws and bit into his neck, ripping

the tender skin apart. Sean grabbed in vain at its pointed ears, trying to pull it off, but his

it only growled and bit down with forte.

With a final thrust, the werewolf howled into the sky and buried the rest of his turgid rod

to the hilt and released his seed inside the teen, who was unaware of what was growing

just past his ring. Sean cried and shook beneath the wolf, and winced as a pair of black

claws gripped his hard on, stroking it relentlessly. His mind raced and in moments ,he

arched his back into the lustful creature and came in a powerful wave of pleasure. There

he lay, in a pool of his own cum, his rear held tight against his attacker. The monsters

grip on him soon began to loosen and Sean tried to pull away to escape, but blinding pain

shot up his back as something pulled on his entrance.

"What?! What is that?! he whimpered."

The wolf man only grinned and without warning, jerked his hips in reverse and pulled

cruelly on the swollen knot. Sean opened his mouth in a silent groan and pushed back

against the wolf to ease the pain, knowing whatever it was would rip him apart if the wolf

continued. Sean cried, tied with a beast and hurting all over.His costume was in

shambles, the snout had been pulled from his face and a contact lense had fallen from his

eye. The pale grey orb gazed at the moon pleadingly, begging for it all to be a twisted

nightmare, the result of too much candy and a scary movie, but it was real, everything

had happened for real and Sean realized he had just lost his virginity to a total stranger.

The wolf fell silent and in a gesture that surprised even Sean, it leaned forward and began

to lick at the wounds in the back of his neck. He felt little comfort and tensed when the

werewolf pulled his back into its warm fur, a welcome defense from the cold that nipped

at his skin. He stayed like that until he began to tire, his body weak from struggling.

He just wanted to go home, crawl in the safety of his bed and forget that the night ever

happened. Sean only squirmed a few more times before the darkness filled his eyes and

soon they closed. An awful stillness fell over Haven park that was broken by a long and

echoing howl that pierced through the autumn night.