Influences: A soft touch

Story by Almeric on SoFurry

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"What is this!?" Esme screamed.

"It's the largest one they had I swear!"

"Its shit!"

Robert ducked as the box containing a diamond ring flew over his head and crashed into a mirror on the wall.

"Why do you hate me?!" Esme shouted at the cowering green dragon. "It's like you want me to hate you!"

"No that's not it-gah!" Robert was cut off from his reply as a framed picture of them together missed his head by inches.

"I'm going to bed!" Esme screamed, stamping off towards their bedroom. "And you can just sleep out in the hall for all I care!"

Robert flinched as the door to the bedroom slammed shut.

"Awww damn."

It was not as though Robert was a coward, far from it. As a police officer he had to be strong and tough and as a dragon he was expected by his peers to exude a sort of power and strength he would use to intimidate criminals. He was tall enough, standing at a little over eight feet tall and covered in rippling muscle. They had to have his uniform specially made in order to fit his massive frame, as well as cover the large spikes that jutted out from his back.

To many he looked like a powerful and dangerous police dragon that was not above using a little extra force in order to ensure that criminals were made to pay for their crimes.

And then there was Esmeralda. And that's where things just fell apart.

He loved her, there's no question about that. Not only for her figure. She was only 6 feet tall and colored a light pink. She was round and soft and cuddly. Her breasts were large and always seemed to swell and peek out from the tight tank top she wore around him. The way she shook her round rump cheeks at him and swished her chubby tail. It was more than he could stand at times. He loved her deeply and tried to show it every chance he got. He would give her candy and flowers on random occasions, take her out for expensive dinners and buy her presents just to show he loved her. But no matter what he did, no matter how many times he said "I love you" or bought her gifts, wrote her poems or sang love songs one thing never changed.

She treated him like dirt.

For all his muscle and strength, for all his gruffness and power in uniform he was like a terrified rabbit caught in the sights of a hungry fox. She would slap him around their apartment if he was late getting home from work.

"Late again!" She'd scream, tossing a frying pan full of roast beef at him.

"But honey I-" He would stammer out and inevitably get cut off by a barrage of insults to his masculinity, the size of his penis and whatever else she could think of before storming off to bed leaving him hungry and tired and always guilty. He seemed to think it was always his fault, that he had somehow failed her.

And their anniversary was just another example of the way she dominated him. He wouldn't dare try and talk back or demand anything from her. When he came home from work he left his anger and strength behind. He did not want to lose the tenderness and love she embodied. Despite his friends saying he should just dump her and find a girl that appreciates all he does for them. But still he always viewed Esmeralda through the same eyes. He always felt that he was to blame for everything.

It was almost midnight by the time Robert had made it to a bar that didn't have one of his friends or someone he knew spending the evening there. The last thing the brawny police dragon wanted was to sit around with friends after having his balls snipped off again. He's spent almost half an hour outside of their bedroom, trying to convince Esme to let him in.

"No!" She shouted at him through the door.

"You can just sleep on the couch for all I care!"

After scrounging up what was left of his dignity Robert left for the night, hoping to find some escape from his inadequacies as a man by plunging himself into a bottle and crawling out a day later, hoping that Esme would forgive him long enough to let him back into the house. His state of abject misery brought him to a small squalid little place towards the seedier part of town, one that he'd usually go on if he was on call for a drug stake out or to deal with gang activity. The bar itself was built into the side of pawn shop, both shop owners coming to a mutual conclusion that it was easier to drain money from an alcoholic if there was a place nearby to fund their addiction. A blood donor clinic across the street seemed to confirm this piece of commercial genius. Over the front entrance of the bar was simple the word bar, indicating that this wasn't a place you went to for atmosphere, you went here to just get drunk.

Robert wrinkled his nose as he stepped into the fetid air inside. There didn't seem to be a single part of the place that wasn't covered in some kind of stain. The bar sat off to the dragon's right and off to his right were a series of tables where the normal variety of tough looking furs sat drinking and joking to one another. Robert quickly moved towards the bar, folding his wings against his back as he sat down.

"What'll you have?" The bartender, a round older looking badger asked, showing the international symbol of the seedy bartender by polishing a glass while he spoke.

"Whiskey." Robert grunted to the badger. While the bartender moved to make his drink Robert leaned back in his stool and sighed. Here he was in a dimly lit bar, the sounds of sports on the T.V. and the laughter of lowlifes around him when he could be at home with Esmeralda but of course he had to screw it up again. Leaving him lonely trying to drink away the feeling of abject failure that came over him.

"You sure you're okay?" The bartender called out, dubious of the dragon's state of being as Robert staggered towards the door, his massive wings almost completely extended, keeping him from clearing the doorframe.

"I'm...I'm fine." Robert replied, shaking his head to try and clear the fog from his mind. After several tries he finally managed to pull his wings closed far enough to allow him to move through the doors. He had only taken a few steps before he stumbled forward, banging his hip off of a parking meter and fell to the pavement, groaning more out of despair than out of pain.

"Awww fuck." he swore under his breath as he pulled himself onto the curb and sat with his head in his massive claws, waiting for some of the alcohol to wear off before he would call for a taxi.

Just as Robert was running numerous four letter words through his head there was a commotion coming from within the bar. He instinctively reached for his gun but remember fuzzily that he didn't even have his badge on him and watched the front door of the bar swing open suddenly as a fur was tossed through it, landing in the middle of the street with a groan.

"And don't come back till you've paid your tab!" Roared the large boar, most likely a friend of the bartender that had tossed the drunk pile of fur out of the bar.

"yyeah?" Came a reply from the sprawled out fur.

Robert continued to watch as the figure picked himself up. It looked to be a disheveled wolf, wearing a tattered and wrinkled suit. He spun on his heel and took a few steps towards the bar doors before staggering, clutching at a nonexistent wall before falling the pavement again.

"Well I won't be getting any more money to pay that bar tab." The wolf shouted, his words slurred by alcohol. "Sshhoo you can just go fuck yerself you overgrown pork chop!"

"Oh is that so?" the boar said, stepping into the street. The boar was wearing jeans and a biker vest that barely fit over his protruding gut that looked built more from muscle than fat. He rubbed his fists together as he moved towards the considerably smaller wolf that was still trying to use the same invisible wall to help him up.

"Guess I'm gonna have to teach you some manners as well little man." the boar grinned as he grabbed the wolf by the collar and hauled him to his feet. The wolf seemed about to take as clumsy swing at the boar just as he rammed a fist into the wolf's stomach, drawing a gasp of pain from the wolf as he folded back onto the ground in a heap.

"Hey that's enough."

The words stopped the boar as he was just about to stomp his boot into the wolf's back. He turned and looked up to see the massive dragon standing behind him, a large paw resting on the boar's shoulder. The boar thought about his chances. Beating up a drunk that insulted him was one thing but it was too late in the night to get into a fist fight with someone that could probably take him apart.

"Whatever." The boar said and turned to walk back towards the bar as Robert reached down to help the inebriated wolf to his feet.

"You okay?" The dragon asked.

"grruuhhhh." was the only response from the wolf as he shook his head, suddenly finding his second wind as he staggered towards the bar once more.

"Oh? Runnin away areee ya?" He shouted. The boar stopped in mid stride and turned back to face the wolf.

"Now listen here little man." The boar pointed at the wolf, "Your friend there may be keeping me from layin' the boots to ya. But if you don't keep that trap shut me and my boys are gonna beat the shit outta you."

Robert, ever the mediator, grabbed the wolf and pulled him towards his car.

"Come on man shut up." He hissed to the wolf who didn't seem to realized he was moving backwards.

"Oh yeah? I'd like to shee that you pansy!" The wolf shouted, sticking his head under the dragon's arm.

"You and thosshe mary's in there? Come on!"

"That's it!" the boar roared at the dragon. "You and your little friend are dead!"

"Oh shhit run!" The wolf shouted and pulled from the dragon's arms as he stumbled towards Robert's car. At that moment Robert was given two options. Simply ditch the drunk wolf and let the boar and his friends beat him to a bloody pulp and most likely kill him. Or bring him with him.

He wasn't given much of a choice as the wolf had already somehow managed to get the passenger side door open and had sprawled out on the back seat. Robert didn't waste time in getting in and turning the car on just as the rest of the boar's friends began to pour out of the bar and rush towards the dragon's car. Robert pulled the car into drive and sped off, leaving the bar patrons shouting at them as they sped off into the night.

"Let's go to a shtrip club!"

It had been the fifth time the wolf had shouted it in the back seat of the dragon's car as Robert drove through the city, trying to coax the address of the wolf's home. As a cop he'd handled his fair share of drunks and figured he could gage the level of intoxication the wolf was at.

"No it's too late for a strip club. Now where do you live?" Robert asked again and felt the wolf's foot brush against his shoulder as he rolled around in the back seat.

"Live?" The wolf looked up at the dragon, grabbing the seat next to Robert to pull himself up into a semi sitting position.

"Trying to get rid of me so soon in the...the.." the wolf snapped his fingers. "whats'the word i'm lookin for."

"Night?" Robert said without looking back over his shoulder.

"Yeah! Thats the bunny!" the wolf chuckled and patted a paw on the dragon's broad shoulder.

"I mean come on. It's only what..." the wolf looked at his watch, the hands of which swung gently at the bottom of the watch's face as the wolf moved his wrist. "Twelve pm!" the sudden realization of the time struck the wolf in the form of a large grin.

"Wooo we can drink!" He shouted triumphantly and groped into the breast pocket of his dirty suit jacket and produced a hip flask.

"I think you've had enough." Robert said, reaching over his shoulder to try and grasp the flask away from the wolf that was in serious danger of pickling himself.

"No!" the wolf snarled and curled into the back seat, eluding the dragons reach as he stroked the flask with his cheek. "Mmmm it's my prescious! Hah" The wolf continued to chuckle and giggle while he took a drink from the flask and grimaced.

"Too strong?"

"No." the wolf frowned and tilted the flask upside down. "Empty. Time for a refill!"

Robert grunted as the wolf smacked the back his seat. He was seriously beginning to regret saving the wolf from that pack of boars. At least then he'd be alone and miserable.

"Let's shtop for some booze! Or lets go to a strip club!" the wolf laughed as he latched back onto his previous idea "Yeah! Let's see some titties shake!"

He shouted out the window and before Robert could grab him the wolf was already halfway out the window, panting and letting his tongue loll out as they drove through the night. This was beginning to get to be too much for Robert. He would be spending most of the night in the car most likely, thankfully he didn't have to work the next day but he still was in no mood to have to deal with some drunk fool all night, he got enough of that at work.

"Okay that's enough!" Robert roared. The sound of an angry dragon penetrated the wolf's alcohol fueled stupor and touched into some primal survival instinct. He pulled himself back into the car and sat back in his seat.

"Now then." Robert said, pulling over to the side of the road. By now they had driven well outside of the inner city and were now parked on the edge of a road that moved around a large cliff, below them was a large forest that expanded out beneath them to the outlying edges of the city and into suburbia.

"Where do you live?"

"Nowhere," The wolf replied, slumping back into his seat.

Robert blinked. "What do you mean nowhere?"

"I mean nowhere." the wolf said with a hint of indifference. "Got evicted." The wolf grunted, pawing at his flask. "Damn it can we please get something more to drink?" The question wasn't phrased as the other questions the wolf had been asking. It held none of the giddiness and carefree feelings that had peppered what he'd been saying before. It sounded almost like the wolf was begging.

"Please?" The wolf asked again. Robert caught sight of the wolf's eyes in his rearview mirror. That was enough.

"Okay buddy." He said as he pulled the car back onto the road. "I think we both need something more."

"Here you go."

"Thanks" Robert said, taking the six pack from the wolf as he made his way around to the other side of the car. He climbed onto the hood and sat the large brown paper bag between the dragon and himself and leaned back against the hood. They hadn't gone very far before finding a gas station. Robert had barely stopped the car before the wolf had jumped out of the car and made his way into the station, buying enough alcohol to 'hopefully knock myself out' as he put it.

"So." Robert started, opening a beer and passing it to the wolf, his brief lucidity having passed after his first beer and he eagerly grabbed hold of the beer the dragon offered him after his second attempt. "What's your name anyway?"

The wolf crushed the beer can he'd just emptied in one long gulp and belched before replying.

"*burp* it's Chester." He said and raised a shaky paw to the dragon.

"Robert." The dragon replied and grasped the wolf's hand, noting his firm handshake.

"How'd you get kicked out of your apartment anyway?"

"Oh that." the wolf grunted, swaying slightly against the hood of the car as he grabbed another beer.

"I lost my job ‘cause my boss was a bastard." he growled out.

"Y'see I had this my company millions!" Chester explained, slurring his words together as he waved a paw up at the night sky.

"Would have meant a promotion and a swanky new desk and" Chester plucked at his soiled suit, "A nice suit to replace this piece of crap."

"So what happened?" Robert asked, draining another beer as he listened to the wolf's story.

"Well they screwed me!" the wolf shouted and almost rolled off the hood of the car but grabbed at the dragon's wing. "Hey...can these things actually help you fly?" He asked, the haze of alcohol ruining his already battered train of thought.

"I can glide with them a bit." Robert said, frowning as the wolf raised and lowered the dragon's thick leathery wing experimentally. "But back to what you were saying?"

Chester blinked for a second then remembered what the dragon was asking about "Ohhhh right. "He nodded and groped for another beer.

"Well they just took my idea and said ‘thanks for the work this plan means we don't need you anymore, so goodbye' I saved those bastards millions and they just kick me out like I was some damn temp or something. Then...." the wolf paused to take a moment to strengthen his reserves with the offered beer. "Then I get home and I find out i've been...evi...evic...eviscerated."

"You mean evicted?"

"Yeah" Chester said between another sip, tapping the dragon on the shoulder. "That thing, so I just wandered around town until who should I find but a kindly dragon that whisked me away to safety." He began to laugh again, spilling some of the beer on himself and after spending a few seconds trying to suck the precious elixir out of his shirt he looked back over to Robert. Somewhere in the wolf's mind piped up amongst the competing feelings of giddiness and frivolity, telling him that something was wrong with the dragon.

"So what's eatin you?" Chest asked, poking the dragon in the side and shaking Robert out of his thoughts.

"Hmm?" he pushed something back into his jacket pocket and sighed. "Nothing really I guess."

"Ohhh yeah." Chester laughed again, jabbing his clawed finger into the dragon's ribs. "A cop wandering around at night getting drunk, picking up some dumb drunk wolf? And thatsh means there's noththing wrong?"

Robert started at the wolf "How did you know I was a cop?"

Chester chuckled and reached into the brown bag for something stronger than beer. "Not too many furs wander around with riot gear in their back seat. Can I keep this?" Chester asked, holding up a can of pepper spray.

"Yeah why not." Robert chuckled. The alcohol seemed to be doing the trick. He'd been so hell bent on wallowing in his own self pity but it felt good to have someone to talk to, even if it was a heavily intoxicated wolf like Chester.

"I'm out here because my girlfriend kicked me out."

Chester whistled gently and pulled the cap off of a bottle of rum and handed it to the dragon.

"Jeez that's rough buddy. What did she catch you in the arms of some other chick?"

Robert took a drink from the bottle and grimaced at the strength of it, was the wolf trying to kill himself? "No it wasn't that."

"Then what was it?" the wolf asked. "Come on you can tell meeee." Chester said, raising his pitch at the end and laughed.

"Well I bought her a ring and it wasn't the right kind." Even as he spoke he knew how it sounded.

"So she threw you out?" The wolf asked, trying to work the idea through his head. "Was it like fake or somethin'?"

Robert shook his head. "No it cost me three months pay and she threw it in my face. She's always doing things like that." Robert growled, getting up from the hood of the car and walking around, stumbling a bit. "It seems no matter what I do for her she's never satisfied. It's like she wants me to be pissed off at her!"

"So?" Chester asked, looking over his crossed arms at the dragon as he shook his wings about in frustration. "Don't you ever get angry?"

"Of course I do!" Robert snarled at the wolf. "You don't think it gnaws at me to have my balls handed to me all the fuckin' time!"

Chester waved his arms. "Alright alright calm down!" he shouted, almost dropping his beer.

"Sorry. But. Whenever I get angry I always push it down. I just can't stay angry at her no matter what she does."

Chester tilted his head at this "But why?"

"Because." Robert said in a defeated tone. "Because I'm always afraid I'm going to hurt her or something... And that just seems to make her even angrier."

Chester nodded to himself for a moment. "mmhmm...yup..I think I know your problem." As he spoke the gray furred wolf slid off the hood of the car, holding the rest of the six pack in his paw as he walked with a rightwards lean towards the dragon.

"You've got a girl that likesh things hard." Chester laughed at that. "And what a choice she made! A big burly cop that can't even take her like she wantss..."

Robert frowned down at the wolf as he leaned against him for support. "Man she's tryin ta rile ya up! She wants you to take her roughly. Really make her your bitch." Chester went on chuckling to himself.

"Now how do you know that?" Robert asked, trying to avoid the approaching feeling that was exactly the problem.

"Just think about it." The wolf said around the mouth of another beer. "She gets you angry over stupid stuff right?"

Robert nodded. "Yeah so?"

"Well she wants you to assert yourself on her." The wolf took a step away from the dragon and pressed a paw to his forehead, waving the other in front of him as if he was divining the future. "And I bet she's...rather curvy and plump?"

Robert grunted, "How'd you know that?"

"Heh you look the type. A biiiig massive guy that wants a cute little piece of tubby ass to pinch and jiggle." Chester went on laughing.

"Hey that's my girlfriend you're talking about." Robert growled, taking a step towards the wolf.

"Oh calm down man." Chester said "You know it's true and besides." He pointed to his left eye that had a large shiner around it "I've been beaten enough tonight, I wanna keep from getting beat up again."

Robert conceded that the wolf had a point. He had been attracted to Esme's round shape. He had a thing for curves and was looking forward to enjoying her figure but was dismayed to find out getting her in the mood was harder than he thought. Whenever things seemed like they would end up in the bedroom she would him...

"Oh god." Robert gasped. "Your right."

"Woo!" Chester shouted and threw his paws in the air, tossing his beer in the air "I win! Gimme my prize!!"

Robert ignored the wolf as he danced and stumbled around, imitating a boxer in a ring after a particularly vicious fight. It all made sense. No wonder Esme always riled him up. She wanted him to get mad, to get physical and assertive. He was a dragon after all and they were known for how they acted with their mates.

"But what do I do then?" Robert asked while he moved slowly towards his care, putting extra care into his steps.

"wha?" Chester said, turning around and almost falling over. "You go home and you take ride that ass alll night long!" Chester laughed again and howled long into the night, causing the gas station attendant to poke his head out the doors to look at the pair of drunk figures stumbling around.

Robert couldn't help but get caught up in the wolf's actions, he took another drink from his bottle and roared "Gonna make that bitch my love slave!" He roared and flapped his massive wings, beating at the air heavily. "She'll be riding my dragon dick until I say stop!"

"That's right!" Chester shouted in response. "Make her yours! Show her what a dragon can do!"

"I will" Robert grinned and grabbed the wolf into a tight bear hug. "You bet your ass I will!"

Esme adjusted her bra once more before giving up and dropping her fat pink paws down to her sides.

"I'm a cow." She sighed as she looked herself over with a defeated look. The plump pink dragon was standing in her room wearing only a tight that was barely able to contain her breasts which swelled far beyond the DD range and a pair of panties that were overshadowed by her belly that sagged over her crotch. She'd done so much to try and mask the curves and shapes of her body ever since she'd met Robert but nothing seemed to work. Her breasts still plumped up and looked like massive watermelons stuck to her chest. They would wobble and slosh even more than they did if they didn't sit on that massive swollen belly that she cursed every day. It bulged and rolled around like a pink pile of goo. She could feel her love handles roll and crease every time she stretched and bent over; just knowing that someone was making a comment about her large rump cheeks and broad thighs and hips. Oh sure many of her friends and even Robert had told her that her fat made her bouncy and fun but she knew they were being nice.

"Hmmm Robert." She said the name out loud as her eye scanned a picture of the both of them stuck into the corner of her vanity mirror. It had been taken during a trip they went on to the coast which ended with Robert being locked out of their hotel room for the night. She had to admit she'd always been a bit hard on the large dragon. Never giving him an inch or letting him gain the upper hand. Her girlfriends had all mentioned something to her about letting him have control at one point or another. Saying that part of a relationship was knowing when to let the male just have his way. It wouldn't be her compromising her dignity but it'd be salvaging their relationship. However she didn't see it that way. She wanted to see Robert get angry, to fight back against her attitudes and rants but it seemed like no matter what she did he never rose to the challenge. He always just agreed with her or let her have her way which made her even angrier.

Her silent fuming was broken suddenly as the door the apartment was suddenly banged into. Esme's pointed ears wiggled as she quickly grabbed for her tank top and moved to her bedroom door. There was another loud bang just as she slammed the door closed and turned around. It sounded as if someone was forcing the lock on the front door open.

Esme looked around at her bedroom quickly. Where in god's name did Robert put his gun?! She immediately ran to her dresser and began tossing panties and bra's through the air in a vain attempt to try and find something, anything she might be able to defend herself with when there was one more loud bang on the door. She heard the lock give way, as well as part of the doors frame as the door swung open, leaving a dent in the wall where the doorknob hit.

"Honey! I'm home!"

It took a few seconds for her to register just what she had heard. It couldn't possibly have been what she'd though she heard could it? She opened the door to her room a crack and looked down the hall. Sure enough she caught the sight of that familiar black and green tail flicking around in the living room and it brought on the usual reaction. Her terror slowly being replaced by a fuming ball of rage that needed some way to escape and she would give it one. She pulled the door to her room open and stomped down the hallway, her plump round frame jiggling and bouncing along as she stormed into the kitchen.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She screamed at the large dragon as he looked down at the fridge.

"Look what you did to the door!" Esme shouted, pointing a quivering finger at the demolished doorway. "Well?"

She stood there for a few seconds, amazed to see that Robert hadn't turned around to face her. She expected him to be down on his knees, apologizing for being out so late, for coming back stinking of booze at 6am with a pile of groceries that had covered the counters inside the kitchen. Instead he seemed to be humming to himself as he rooted around in the fridge.

Esme tapped her clawed foot on the floor, waiting for him to turn around and say something, anything, about this apparent one hundred and eighty degree turn in his mannerisms.

"Are you even listening to me you short dicked Asshole?!"

"Shut up."

Esme was an independent woman. She never let people push her around despite her relative small size and round frame. Other furs her size and weight would be self conscious about it but on the plump pink dragon it seemed to give her a chip on her shoulder she used to stab and gouge anyone that stood in her way. Therefore, it would come to a complete surprise to anyone that the mere act of telling her to shut up was the one thing that would guarantee she would stop talking. The words being spoken and from Robert no less, made her stop and attempt to process what was going on. Was this some kind of dream? Was this really Robert or was it a similar looking dragon?

"What...what did you say to me?" She said, far quieter than she had intended.

"I said." Robert growled and turned around slowly, his large wings bumping her gently before he looked down at her. He smelled of smoke and booze and his clothes looked like he'd done some sleeping in them. Still she could not deny that he seemed to be possessed by something altogether unknown in fur like him. Confidence.

"Shut up my fat little bitch."He grinned and reached a paw out, groping her round stomach with his large gruff clawed paw, squeezing and jiggling her soft scaled fat.

Again, another action that caused the transmission to fall out of the pink dragon's brain; was this possible? Was he groping her belly?

"What do you think your mpph!" Esme's expletive riddled rebuttal was stifled as Robert pressed something into her muzzle. She chewed it gently and found it to be a large éclair that he's smeared over her muzzle and mouth. She stepped back quickly, her belly wobbling as it slipped from the massive dragons paw.

"What's wrong with you!?" She shouted, backing down the hallway towards her room.

"What's wrong with me?" Robert said slowly, tasting the words in his muzzle. "What's wrong with me? I'll tell you what's wrong with me. I'm an eight foot five inch dragon with a wing span of over nine feet. I can bench press a pickup truck and yet every night for the past two years you've called the shots." He growled and picked up a grocery bag, apparently filled with more sweets and treats before following her down the hallway.

"Well no more my sweet chubby pink bitch."He licked his lips wolfishly, tossing his coat to the floor and quickly tearing at his shirt, revealing rippling muscle underneath that tightly bound garment.

If Esme had any brain power not devoted to processing obscene shock or terror she would have been struck by the fact that it was only a matter of time before the dam broke. And she would probably remember later on that she'd built up quite a bit of pressure. As the round female was backed into her bedroom, she noticed that his pants were bulging far more than usual.

Quite a lot of pressure indeed.

"Now what we're going to do." Robert grinned as he closed the bedroom door behind him.

"Is going to have some fun."

By now Esme was scrambling to find somewhere to hide. In his current state Robert couldn't deny how much he was attracted to her. Her round rump cheeks jiggled up and down as she shivered. Her fat thighs and hips wobbled as well, eating up those tight panties while her belly drooped over her crotch.

"Mmmm I'm going to enjoy filling you up my fat little cow." He growled while placing the grocery bag beside the bed, his paws now reaching out for the cowering pink dragon that was once his domineering girlfriend.

"R-Robert. Wait." Esme said but even in her ears it sounded pathetic. She tried to cover her body with her paws but they were brushed aside with ease as Robert finally exerted himself over her. She waited for him to grab her, squeeze her breasts or belly but instead found him pulling off her bra, letting those fat round mammaries press firmly against her belly before he slid his paws down to her rump cheeks, cupping them before lifting her up and pulling her into his chest.

Esme was about to say something but found her muzzle suddenly locked with his. She shivered gently as she was kissed, feeling his long tongue pressing into her muzzle and licking excess cream from under her tongue before finally releasing.

"Mmmmm I've always loved your fat and pudgy body." Robert grinned, squeezing Esme's fat round backside as he gently laid her out on the bed.

Esme simply purred as she was laid down, her paws immediately moving to down to her crotch which was quickly becoming wet with anticipation. She had waited so long for Robert to be forceful with her. To cast aside her objections and simply take her the way she wanted to be taken. She suddenly yelped as she felt her paws being grabbed and pulled away from her nether regions.

"No no my fat little cow." He growled, licking his lips before sliding his paws back to her stomach, causing Esme to roll her eyes back while he massaged her stomach.

"We're going to fill that belly till it covers your fat little cunny." As Robert spoke he reached behind him, grabbing the bag of groceries and pulled out a box which held the rest of those éclairs.

"I want you so fat we need to waddle you into the mall and get you a whole new wardrobe."

Esme's eyes bulges as another éclair was stuffed into her muzzle. Was he serious? Did he really want to fatten her up?

She tried to object, say something to keep him from stuffing her like a prize pig but his free paw slid down to massage around her chubby thighs, slipping his paw under that doughy scaled belly.

"Mmmm eat my fat little cow." He growled, licking his lips before leaning over him, his massive size casting a massive shadow over the tiny plump dragon.

"You've got a long way to go before your perfect for me." Robert went on, all the while his large strong paws kneading and rubbing her thighs as he teased those chubby moistening lips. Without another word the massive green dragon slowly slipped his wet claw tips from under Esme's round belly. She watched him in awe while he pressed a large cream puff into her muzzle and wiped her chubby cheeks clean with his claws that had been smeared with her juices.

"Lick it clean." He commanded. And that's what just what it was. A command. Esme moaned loudly and wrapped her fat muzzle around his fingers, slurping and licking greedily as he led his other paw under her fat rump, pulling up and slowly sliding her into a sitting position, her back resting against the headboard.

"Mmmm now you just sit here with these." Robert grinned as he handed her a box of donuts. "And I want to see these gone by the time I get back with more to feed and fill my fat little cow." Robert said with a chuckle.

Esme watched dumbstruck as Robert rose from the bed and retreated into the kitchen. She could hear him grabbing and rummaging through the bags he'd brought home from the store.

"Mmhh..." Was the only thing that she could think to say. Her boyfriend's complete change in personality had caught her off guard. So much so that she was now sitting up in bed, cream and chocolate covering her muzzle and chins while a box of doughnuts sat, almost tauntingly, on her slightly distended belly.

"Awww my little cow didn't eat her snack?" Robert said in a mockingly whiny tone of voice. He was standing in the doorway, arms filled with groceries and completely naked.

Esme almost balked at the massive slab of dragon meat that dangled down past his knees. Sure she had seen him naked before but not in this light. It had always been as the tender lover and with a gentle touch that certainly was pleasant but not nearly as pleasant as the muscular dragon that brimmed with confidence and was swelling with masculine dominance. The tiny barbs that ran all along his pride looked more like they would bring pleasure than pain to her now quite damp nether regions.

"Well then we'll just have to do something about that won't we?" He chuckled as he laid the boxes down on the bed. Every snack food imaginable seemed to be laid out in front of Esme as she stared transfixed on his massive pole.

"Well I know what we'll do." He cooed as he took the box of doughnuts off her ample belly and replaced it with a large box of marshmallow peeps.

"We'll save those for later. Now eat."

The tubby pink dragon was given little time to respond before one of those small sweet treats was pressed into her muzzle. While she chewed Robert rubbed his other paw over her ample middle, squeezing and kneading her round fat belly while he fed her the entire box of peeps. By the end her muzzle was covered in bits of colored sugar.

"Ohhh Robert." She burped; her eyes began to get that glazed over look. "I don't think I could eat another biiiIIte!" her protest turned into a yelp of pleasure as he reached up to squeeze one of those round melons that sat so temptingly on her rapidly filling belly.

"Ah, ah, ah." Robert chided as he thumbed one of her thick nipples. "The only thing I want to hear from that fat little muzzle is 'yes master' and 'feed me'"

"Now I-" Her last attempt at asserting herself was quickly cut off as she found his other paw, smeared with the remnants of the peeps on her other breast. She cooed and panted heavily while he worked her breasts over. He massaged and kneaded those thick breasts, pinching and squeezing her nipples till they were hard and erect before leaning down to slurp them both with his long draconic tongue.

If it was possible for Esme to melt it would be at that moment.

"Now then." Robert growled and held up a box which looked as though it held an entire box of lady fingers.

"Will my fat little cow eat whatever I put in front of her fat sexy muzzle?" He said before locking lips with her, his large tongue again cleaning her muzzle clean, cleansing her pallet before breaking away from her muzzle and hefting his large member up so that it pressed into her belly.

"Yes master." Esme replied in a tone that suggested sexual starvation more than a pet's obedience.

"Good. Now eat." Robert smiled and stuffed the first lady finger in.

What happened next can only be described as combining of two creatures love and sexual desires made manifest.

Esme had always wanted Robert to dominate her and he was doing so in a way that both made her feel like his mate and lover but also eliminated any lingering thoughts that regarded her weight as unappealing.

The large green dragon seemed entranced with her body. With every treat that he fed her. Every snack cake or cookie that he gently pressed into her muzzle. He loved her all the more. He would rub and stroke her belly, gently pinching and kneading her swelling stomach as it pressed more and more against his member which only grew longer and harder as she ate and ate and ate.

It wasn't long before the effects of the stuffing began to manifest themselves. Her fat round stomach became larger and firmer to the touch. Her soft scales stretched almost drum tight across her growing girth as her belly spread out in front of her, rapidly devouring her fat wobbling thighs and lap while her breasts still sat firm and soft on top her bulging belly.

"Mmm." Robert would say every once in a while after finishing with a particularly large treat.

"Look at my fat cow grow." He murred and lapped at her cheeks. "Look how fat and sexy your becoming. But I want you larger. I want you massive. So fat that sexy ass of yours fills this bed, so large and round that your jiggling thighs and hips never leave each other every again. Your legs married to one another through a common bond of fat."

He seemed to go on in an almost poetic way. She'd never known him to be this articulate but he seemed to be possessed by an entirely new personae. One that would knead and roll her firm belly, sniffing and panting as she let out a bashful belch to relieve some of the pressure on her tightening middle.

Esme knew her frame was being wrecked and turned into a quivering pile of blubber but she didn't care. She wanted it. She wanted to be massive. To fill the room with her blubber and had her massive Dragon master lay atop her bloated sloshing mass and thrust his mighty shaft deeper between her folds and spray his seed across her bloated mass.

"Ohh you've done so well." Robert said finally, cupping her bloated tired muzzle in his paw, squeezing her chins and cheeks together.

"My little cow has grown into a massive swollen fatty."

And it was true. Her belly had somehow managed to contain all that food. Every sweet treat and confection that he had brought home now sat chewed and stowed away inside her swollen stomach that now completely engulfed her thighs and pressed down to her knees.

"But there's one thing thats mssing." Robert said and reached down beside Esme's massive belly. She attemped to look past her bloated belly grunted in annoyance as her breasts obscured her view. "We forgot these."

Esme looked up to see her master holding that same box of doughnuts she'd neglected to eat earlier.

"Oh well I guess we can stuff these last few treats into that fat full muzzle before dessert." Robert laughed and stood up, his swollen cock now laying on top of that massive belly, pressing between those sugar dusted breasts.

"Heh I know the perfect way to eat them as well." He said and grabbed his massive member, pulling it straight up and began to slide the doughnuts down on his dick one by one.

"Mmm you can eat your way along and then enjoy the cream filling you fat cow." He growled and leg his dick drop from his hands, landing heavily on her belly and causing Esme to let out another belch.

"urrrp...ohh master."She moaned as he pressed his mighty shaft head into her fat face.

"Be careful my pet." he said lovingly. "Watch your words."

Esme thought about it for a moment. She tried to ignore the groans of complaints emanating from her savagely stuffed belly and then looked back up to that massive cock that held a dozen doughnuts and who knew how many gallons of cum. She felt his massive orbs bumping against her belly, their warmth resonating into her stomach and giving her a pleasant warm sensation.

"Feed me!" She groaned and opened her muzzle wide.

"That's my girl." Robert said in response as he slowly pressed his bulging shaft head into her fat muzzle. her cheeks began to stretch as that massive dragon pride was stuffed deeper and deeper into her muzzle and sure enough, as each doughnut came into contact with her muzzle she would slurp and nibble at it, causing Robert to moan and pant while she ate the fattening pastry from his member while at the same time slurping and pleasuring him.

On it went. Robert's pride stuffing deeper and deeper into her fat muzzle while Esme continued to devour and slurp down those doughnuts as they slid between her breasts and encircled that mighty dragon dick.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity of chewing and muzzling, slurping and suckling, Esme felt her muzzle bumped by Robert's chest, his rough powerful scales rubbed against her muzzle as he began to thrust eagerly. He pressed his paws against the wall as he leaned over her. The bloated pink dragon's breasts had been pressed up, almost encircling her head as her entire body sloshed and rolled while her muscular dragon fucked her fat muzzle. Both their bodies lurched and shook. Hers from fat and pleasure and his in pure animal desire. He'd wanted to do this for years. To stuff his massive cock into her fat muzzle and fill her with his seed. To see his plump dragon girlfriend become the obese sexy dragon cow he wanted to dominate and please every night.

Esme closed her eyes as she felt warm pre spilling into her belly, swelling her even more while she felt those massive orbs sloshing and rolling.

"Ohhhh Esmerelda!" Robert shouted and roared with such force that the windows shook, doors rattled and pictures dropped from their places on the walls as he unleashed a torrent of seed the likes of which either of them had ever seen. The feeding and belly play had built up a reservoir of cum that was now being unleashed like the Niagara Falls. His sweet creamy essence swelling her stomach even more, pressing against his sides and forcing him to spread his legs and eventually straddle her swelling belly while he thrust again and again, intent on filling his swelling cow of a dragoness into an obese vision of lust and fat desire.

Finally Robert gave one last heave and thrust his last few drops of seed into Esmeralda's swollen belly before finally collapsing on top of her, completely spent.

Esmeralda let out a long low moan as she tried to comprehend what had just happened to her. She could feel her belly spilling off either side of the bed while her deep navel and underbelly pushed off the end of the bed, almost touching the floor. It didn't seem possible for Robert to be able to fill her that much yet there she was. Her scales stretched apart as they tried to contain the massive sloshing bulk that she had become. Her train of thought was broken suddenly as Robert slowly pulled out of her. She couldn't help but slurp and lick at his flaccid but still quite large member as it was pulled from her muzzle with a wet slurp. She tried to speak but could only manage a few moans and groans as she attempted to lick the sugar and cum from her bloated muzzle.

"Here my love." Robert said gently as he stretched out on her belly, sinking gently into heer massive swollen girth. "Let me get that for you."

The dragoness murred and cooed gently while her lover cleaned her muzzle, licking the traces of cum and powdered sugar away from her muzzle and triple chins.

"I took the day off." Robert whispered as he pulled her large plush breasts down onto her sloshing belly and rested his head on them.

"So we can spend the entire day doing this all over again." Robert smiled softly and kissed her muzzle, not in a lustful or dominating way. It was just a kiss, a kiss between lovers; two creatures that had found someone to make their lives complete.

Esmeralda licked at his muzzle as her eyes began to droop, her arms and legs lost somewhere in her swollen girth.

"I love you Robert." She said before drifting off to sleep.

"I love you too Esme." Robert replied, resting his head on her pink pillowy soft breasts and followed suit, both dragons falling into a dream world that couldn't possibly compare to reality.

Chester groaned gently as bent over, his head pressed between his legs as he sat on the curb. Robert had dropped him off at his old apartment building. He wasn't sure why he was even there. The locks had been changed and all of his possessions had been carted away by repo men or tossed into the dumpster.

"So how'd it go?" A voice piped in from the doorway.

The grey wolf looked up from his stupor and pulled his flask from his breast pocket and took a long drink. After a string of coughs and several curses the wolf replied.

"Hmm? Oh it went well. He seemed a bit reluctant at first but I think I got through to him."

As he spoke the figure stepped out from the doorway and placed a paw his shoulder.

"Yes she was the same way." Sun replied while grinning at the battered and hung over wolf. Chester tossed the hip flask away from him and it spiraled through the air before disappearing in a burst of blue sparks.

"Well." Chester said as he pulled himself to his feet. As he rose from the cold cement his tattered suit began to change. The drab colors melting away, driven off by a dark blue which permeated every portion of the suit which went with the changing fur pattern that now covered the wolf. He flicked a few pieces of dirt from his suits sleeve with a blue and silver colored paw.

"The important thing is that they've finally connected." Moon chuckled and turned to face Sun.

"Tell me something." Sun replied while she wrapped her plump arms around his shoulders and pulled his muzzle close to his.

"Why make things so complicated. Why not just change them both automatically." She found her lips suddenly pressed against his for few seconds before her lover and soul mate pulled away.

"My soul." He smiled. "My love, my reason for existence; where would be the fun in that?"

Sun couldn't help but giggle at that, her fluffy tail wagging behind her as she kissed him again.

"One down. The rest of creation to go."