Kingdom of Stallions

Story by Eiji Otaka on SoFurry

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Two adventurers sent find out the plans of a Horselord find themselves joining the herd with a new objective.

This story started out as an RP between me and Vixden. I reconfigured it to better fit a third person story and edited to read smoother. Hope you all like it. Comments are welcome. This story is primarily gay but there are females and a bit of hetero sex at the end, I'm not tagging it as it is such a small facet of the story. Also read tags to get an idea if this floats your boat to begin with.

Kingdom of Stallions

by Eiji Otaka and Vixden

Raus looks up through the winding pass before them. He and Zihark were sent out to liaison with scouts who had confirmed rumors of a new horselord amassing his brethren under a new banner. "We should make it over the pass by sundown," Raus said before taking a drink of cold ale from the leather flask made of tough minotaur skin on his side. He then pulled his loincloth to the side to take a piss. He made sure to move his boots out the way, not wanting to sully the soft gray leather made from the monstrous catfolk he and his partner had driven out of the western stretches. The human lands were under constant threat these days, tales of young lads going out to fight the various mythical beasts and never returning didn't bother them though. Considering that each encounter with Raus and Zihark, the encroaching beasts were put to the sword. They had built quite a reputation as some of the most skilled and loyal mercenaries humankind had to offer. All the nearby villages greeted them with far more respect than any other sellsword, and the lands were safer due their escapades.

Zihark turned a blind eye as Raus took a leak, leaning against the rockwall as he basked in the stream of sunlight forcing its way to them between the mountain. The man, just shy of thirty had made a name for himself, and was thought as the most skilled man with dual swords of his time. His silver hair tied back into a ponytail, did nothing to obscure the scar running up from his jawline midway up his cheek. His eyes spoke of someone with experience, but a certain cockiness that could not be ignored. The thought of a new horselord was troublesome, the horsemen were much craftier than the gruff minotaurs. That in addition to their lean but muscular physiques made them more of a challenge. Luckily they had taken on not only the catfolk but the foxfiends of the shadow forests in the past, and those two breeds were craftier than any horsemen he had encountered, just less suited for open battle. A sound of rocks ruffling drew Zihark's attention, eyes narrowing, but when he looked he saw nothing out the ordinary.

They crossed the pass and with little trouble, entering a mountain forest as they descend downwards, unaware of the group that tracked them from the shadows, their hooves sinking into the soft moss of the forest as they watched the two men. As they cautiously approached the end of the dense forest, Raus drew his sword as he warily surveyed his surroundings. He had been feeling a strange aura of dread that caused his hair to stand on its end. They eventually made it to a campsite where they realized their journey would be met with more difficulty than expected. Tents of various sizes dotted the open space, hundreds of horsemen bellow armed to the teeth. Most walked around with their sheaths barely covered, with a couple black stallions engaging one another in what looked to be hand to hand combat while the horsemen around them were stroking their massive cocks, as the two of them watched the one that looked to be the winner slide his pink beast of a cock into his fellow stallion who whinnied into the air, his organ spewing his juices onto the grass.

"This doesn't look good," Zihark whispered, drawing his two short swords. He could feel the adrenaline pumping as he thought of a smart way to approach or avoid the mass of beastmen. "Looking for a fight humans?" said a voice from behind. They both dash a few feet away, and turn around to see 6 horsemen standing close by, each armed with a weapon and light armor. Zihark tosses up one of his blades in the air as he pulls out a throwing knife and quickly slings it to the horseman that taunted them before catching his sword again. With a spin of his metal staff, the horsebreed deflected his attack before whinnying in amusement. "They seem to be skilled. They'll make a fine addition," he said to his comrades. Zihark is a bit confused at this statement but readies himself to die fighting if necessary.

Raus and Zihark were back to back as the horsemen spread out around them his longsword keeping them at a good distance. "They sure do have good form lads" chuckled a blonde colored horse, his body covered in scars and cuts from years of fighting, as he pulled out his massive sword thicker and longer than his own, Raus managed to parry one of his blows, his arms aching from the brute force of the swing, his blade tip slicing lightly against his bare chest, blood trickling from it. The blonde beastman's hooved fingers sliding against his minor wound, and licked the blood off his fingers, "Spirited little warriors aren't they?" His men stared at me, as he lifted his loin cloth and rubbed his sheath, his black blunt head peaking out. "Give you boys a chance to surrender," he said with a smirk as he stroked himself.

"Heh, surrender? You must not know what is to be a warrior," Zihark taunts, while flicking his short blades at the ready. Another stallion swings an axe at him, but he deflects with the attack and slashes his arm. The beast whinnied in pain, but then licked the wound with his long tongue before grinning. "The more of us you injure or kill, the more worth it will be taking your hides," he bellowed before Zihark saw his loincloth rise a bit.

"What in the divine's name are they planning?" he said. They all slowly close in on the two humans more, and Zihark wrinkled his nose as a bestial musk floats by. Annoyed, he dashed towards that same axe-wielding stallion, and dodged a slash before stabbing a blade into his enemy's chest. The others stared with a moment of shock before a bunch neighed loudly, with what sounds like triumphant anger. As the beast fell to the grass slain, Zihark tried darting back to Raus' side quickly, unfortunately, in his haste another stallion tackled him to the ground and neighed as he saw the equine's loincloth rise in excitement.

An unfortunate position for him as Raus swung around and plunged his sword into his back, but not before his pre started to dribble out of his cock, soaking through his loincloth and onto Zihark's chest. In his attempt to save Zihark from the grey stallion, Raus was unable to defend himself from the scarred leader, who smashed his blade with a great stroke out of his former bed buddy. Images of their lustful night before entering his mind as his black monster slid into his friend's black hole, muzzles locked in embrace. "You'll pay for that boys," he said, tears almost coming to his eyes as his massive right hand grabbed Raus before he could recover. His left tore off the young warrior's loincloth before a hooved finger found his hole. Raus cried out in pain as the thick digit pushed into his rear, his body falling on the slain grey horseman on top of Zihark, tears at the corner of his eyes as his hole was stretched.

Zihark struggled under the dead horseman, but the stallion's weight combined with Raus' and the horsemen's leader forcing Raus down kept him pinned. The dead stallion's cock was still hard as it pressed up against Zihark with his body. He can feel his chest soaking with the pre that had leaked out, the strong odors of the dead beast's sweat and rarely washed body making him dizzy. Shifting his weight a bit, Zihark managed to start sliding out from under the mass of bodies, trying to reach for one of his blades. The horsemen that stood by are having none of that however, and he watched as a crimson bred kicked the blade further away before he dragged him from under the bodies and pinned back down.

"You boys are talented, clearly. My heart tells me to kill you, but my head tells me a different story to which my loins agree," said the Horselord.

My eyes widen in shock "What do you mean!"Raus yells out with a wince as he feels the flared head against his ass. Were they going to rape them before they kill them? Raus screams as he felt the cock was pushed it in, spreading his blackening pucker as his pre touched his skin. He could only watch as a red colored horse knelt down on his hooves in front of Zihark, his pink tool leaking pre all over his companion's face while a large grin spread across his snout. Zihark's nose flared and thickened while inhaling the powerful odor, as the horselord's crimson brother slipped the human's own loincloth off.

Looking over in horror, Zihark saw the blonde stallion sliding his meaty shaft into Raus, but sudden drips on his cheek brought him back to his own situation. He looked up to see as a pink horse cock hovered above his mouth. The drips of thick equine precum that now landed on his lips and nose caused Zihark to shudder. The bestial musk sent a wave of dizziness through him that was overwhelming to where he reflexively licked his thickening lips as they darkened and his nostrils flared. A tingle in the back of the brown-haired warrior's head tells him to relax as his own cock stirs from the teasing stimulation of the red horse's tail flickering over it. He huffed in a growing haze, and the leader's brother pressed the flare of his cock into his mouth to feed the precum directly down Zihark's throat.

"Go on. A fine cock just what you need boy," said the red stallion over him. The other horsemen drew closer to the changing humans as they stroked their huge shafts in joy.

Raus moaned out as his tail came to life above his black hole, the horselord's shaft sliding in faster and faster as he tried to coax a kiss from him, his hooved hand turned Raus' stretched face towards his own. "You'll make me a good fucktoy young one" he whispered in the blonde's flicking ears.

His eyes watered as Raus saw Zihark's black lips sampling the red horseman's pink tip.

The taste of the equine's flare slowly became more appealing, much to Zihark's dismay, and he can't help himself, as the desire to start licking the leaking tip sent a flurry a new bestial thoughts into his mind. A voice in in the back of his head telling him the crimson stallion was right. With each taste, his mouth and nose push out, allowing him to swallow more of the big cock. His tongue starting to slurp and wrap around the big musky horse cock as his enjoy the homosexual activity more and more. Changing ears flickered as they furred over along with his cheeks as a fresh grown muzzle took in the juicy shaft. Nostrils flared as the musk flowing from his crimson stallion's crotch filled them, and sent his mind deeper into a wild lustful haze. Zihark's cock bounced in excitement as he felt it throb and plump up, looking more and more bestial by the second. His already impressive muscles grew further as a light coating of brown fur covered his broad chest as it glistened with sweat. His still human eyes glanced over to Raus, seeing the stallion fucking Raus like no tomorrow, Raus' lower body completely changed as the formerly human male's new hooves stuck up in the air. Zihark's his eyes widen in deep lust instead of fear at the sexy display. His mind was rapidly being warped by the rampant horse lust galloping through it, and he knickered in a strong unfamiliar need because of it.

Raus can feel his long mace like cock against the cooling back of his deceased former enemy, the mushroom head of his member spread out black as his violator's warm cock thrust inside him, squishing with warm juices in his stretched and welcoming rump.

The crimson stallion on top of Zihark neighs loudly as his hefty balled pull up and surge thick bronco cum down his captive's gullet. Zihark swallowed wave after wave of the tasty fluids before the dominant stallion pulled from his muzzle and sprayed it with the musky seed. Zihark hungrily lapped the cum from his lips as he was rolled over. Boots burst into lonely pieces of leather as he got into a more receptive position revealed thick hooves on powerful equine legs. His hands and fingers swelled changed to strong furry hooflike digits as Zihark used them and his new legs to push a thickening muscled rear into the red stallion's crotch. His fattened black pucker winked in anticipation as a growing tail swung about. Zihark heard Raus neigh as the blonde bronco jabs into his partner's prostate, taking Raus' new throbbing horsecock in his meaty hands and stroked it as he humped the increasingly bestial warrior with building passion. Raus rocked into his thrusts like a proud colt as he is brought into the lusty herd.

Zihark neighed with new purpose as well, when the horselord's brother slipped his bestial rod into him. The brown fur now completely covered Zihark's body as powerful equine instincts flooded his body and mind. His black shaft flared to full equine form as it dribbled pre like a faucet in delight at the pink horsecock filling his rear. Every thrust nudged his prostate and had drool slinging from his lips as he neighed with pleasurable abandon. His hair now was a healthy mane that bounced with every shake of his muzzle. Suddenly, the two horses fucking the former humans bellow powerful whinnies as their big cocks flare harder and send torrents of corruptive bronco seed into their captives. The orgasms are almost contagious as Zihark and Raus both neighed and their own bestial cocks fired gushes of now completely stallion cum into the grass. Zihark's pride in humanity faded to nothing, and is soon replaced with something far more animalistic.

The growth of the herd and its protection drilled into his mind. Zihark could feel his human soul resisting the new body it was housed in, scrambling to take back what was lost. He looked over to Raus with somewhat conflicted human eyes, and saw the horselord whisper arkane magiks into Raus' furry ear. All of a sudden Raus' closed eyes shoot open and shimmer blue before he neighed with joy. Zihark felt confused but soon the horselord's brother leaned in and whispered into his ear, "Ulyaoth Sekmet Mantok Equus." A fire deeper than his chest burned inside of him, and with a powerful happy neigh, his human soul twisted into that of a horse spirit. The warrior's once human eyes now large and dilated into that of a horsman's. Zihark now knew his place was with the herd. There was much to do now that they knew the humans were trying to stop their expansion. But they will take them village by village, kingdom by kingdom, until they all neighed under the banner of the horse breed. Zihark was already thinking of a plan to show his Horselord how to take the next village.


Zihark and Raus were sent in the opposite direction now to head back into human territory. Raus' black cock slipped out of his sheath as he took a piss, tail flapping in the wind.

As Raus pissed Zihark sniffed the nape of Raus' neck, enjoying the stallion's alluring scent. Zihark whispered in his ear with evident lust, "If we contaminate their ale and water wells. The humans won't know what hit them, and by the time they do, over half the town will be horsebreeds like us." The trek seemed easier now with their strong hooves bracing each step and they arrive in no time.

Raus watched Zihark with a smile, gazing at his brown furred chest, his leather belt holding his swords sitting above a soiled delicious looking loincloth that guarded Zihark's sheath. "So we are going to head down to the first village then?" Raus asked, his ears flicking as Raus groped his own crotch.

"Yes, it's just after nightfall, so human activity will have vastly decreased. But, that doesn't mean we can't romp and play on the way," Zihark said slapping Raus' furry muscled ass. His damp loincloth kicked up a bit as Zihark continued to clomp down the path, enjoying his new virility and bestial form.

After a vigorous dash down the pass they wait at some nearby stables until it's completely dark, Raus' mouth sucking away on Zihark's sweet meat for the first time since they became their equine selves.

Zihark snorted and whinnied quietly as Raus swallowed his throbbing flesh just outside the village. Gently, Zihark rubbed his three fingered hands down Raus' mane and scritched just behind Raus' ears. With a light stomp of his hoof, he pulled Raus' muzzle away from his shaft and dove his tongue into his partner's maw. The taste of his own pre mixed with Raus' saliva was exquisite and Zihark quickly grabbed both their shafts and stroked them together while he humped his strong furry body against Raus'. Their precum smeared over their chests, black nipples standing firm as their fur tickled each other. The equine musk between them built to a palpable lust, and soon Zihark could smell feral quadruped horses mating from the powerful odors nearby. Zihark felt the urge to fuck and mate building in both he and Raus, but denied it at the last moment. "Come on, it's time to remake these humans in our image," Zihark said before gave one last rub to Raus' flared tip and licked Raus' muzzle before trotting into the village near the stables. The smell of their fully feral cousins had their cocks flaring in anticipation. Loincloths swept to the side as bestial shafts stood proud and drizzled while leading the way through the village. Not far in the distance is the town's water well, and they swiftly clomp over to it. Standing over the gaping hole they stroked their horsecocks and let the faucets of precum pour into it. they're not sure whether to cum into the well or not, thinking it might give away that its contaminated, but they were interrupted by a drunken lad stumbling around nearby.

As he stumbled, his arm grabbed a hold of Zihark's thick shaft as he tried to balance himself before he looked up to see what he thought was a horse, his hand letting go of the huge shaft as he gets up and wiped Zihark's slick pre onto his tunic. "Nice horsey..." He slurred out as he tried to walk, his athletic form showing through his plain tunic as he braced against the brown horsebreed, "Wait..." His hands felt around Zihark's furry chest in the dark, his brow thick with questions as to why a horse would feel like a man?

With a dark grin, Zihark twitched his cock and spurt a bout of precum onto the young man's face. "You, my friend, have had too much to drink. First you mistake a man for a horse and now you're rubbing on his chest," Zihark said, trying his hand at taking advantage of the lad's drunken state. He gave Zihark a funny look as his nostrils flared from the aroma of musky pre on his face. "You're a man?" he asks rubbing the precum off his face, stupidly thinking it's sweat. Zihark can already see white fur spreading across his cheeks and down his neck as he licked his lips. "I'm more than just a man, boy. Have a feel." Zihark took his hand and rubbed it over his slick cock. The changing young man quickly pulled his hand away and rubs the fluids on the crotch of his tunic absentmindedly. Raus rubbed his own equine cock as he watch the teenage boy slowly change, ears already pointed and furred.

"And where did you come from good lad?" Raus said wondering which building is the tavern, as a tearing sound announced his new herdmate's fully grown horse tail, leather pants unable to contain the boy's growing hardon, as he absentmindedly kicked off his sandals to free stiffening toes. The lad's musk smelled more enticing as his lengthening rod began to leak onto the ground, his hands rubbing his warping shaft as his neck began to thicken, tearing the collar of his tunic. In just a couple minutes his new black hooves stomped the ground as he stroked himself, his mouth wrapped around Zihark's thick pre spewing cock, mind already lost in the herd. Raus grabbed his mane and tugged his mouth off of his companion's horsehood. "Where's the tavern boy?" Raus asked, the newly turned colt's hooved finger pointing up the side road from the well as Raus embraced his new mouth with a deep kiss, as he returned to Zihark's hot pre covered member. "Wonder how many would still be up?" Raus said rubbing his sheath, cock twitching at the thought of more humans to convert.

"It's hard to say, but I'm sure if this sexy fellow had just left, then there must be at least a few more." Zihark replied as he thoroughly facefucked the new horsebreed. His tail flickered with excitement while the thick tongue whirled around his shaft. "Give me a moment longer with this horseboy, and I'll be ready to take the tavern with you. Sure you don't want to take his rear before we go?" Zihark said as he lapped up some drool hanging from his lip while his tip flared. With a snort and a hoof stomp, his pole pulsed and fired bestial seed down the colt's snout. Zihark held back a neigh as he filled the new equine's belly, before pulling his head away. "Now boy, unless Raus here decides to take you from behind, you will either go to your home and convert the humans that were your family or you will go to the stables and hide until we are done in the tavern."

Raus slapped his tight white furred ass as he raised his tail, grey pucker winking at the older stallion. He whinnied happily as Raus mounted him, cock sliding into their new companion, his body rocking with his thrusts as his rear is filled with warm horse cum in no time, spilling out of his hole as Raus withdrew. "Instead, he can show us the way stud, maybe take one for himself," offered Raus. His nostrils flared with each breath, sweat dripping off their frames as the need to fuck refilled their black balls that were swollen with renewed vitality. They followed the new white stud toward the tavern with increasing lust.

Reaching the tavern, they felt their lusts mounting. Their white-furred convert was about to clomp through the front door, when Zihark stopped him in his tracks.

"I've got an idea. Is there a back entrance boy?" asked Zihark.

The colt jokingly raised his tail in response and winks his pucker. Zihark chuckled, remembering he's still a bit drunk anyways, and pinched his meaty dark nipple. The white horsebreed then nods and trots around to the back. The door is locked, but he easily rips it off its hinge so they can make their way in from the back. As Zihark suspected, barrels sit all around them filled with prime ale. "Me and the colt will contaminate these barrels, Raus. You go and grab the barkeep and fuck him before we take the rest of the humans here." Zihark said, popping a lid off and spurting pre inside.

Raus waited next to the door leading into the kitchen, and could see a young lad dozing by the stove his scant brown tunic on a his exercised body as Raus crept up to the lad. His mouth agape as he breathed heavily in his sleep left Raus with a perfect opportunity as he towered over him, positioning his member over the young man's gaping mouth. With just a few strokes, thick pre was streaming onto the bar lad's face and down into his throat. Raus quickly scooped him up over his shoulder, and carried him into the back store room.

"Aidan, you better not be asleep back there!" a thundering voice from the door leading behind the bar, "Bring me another casket of ale, lad, and be quick about it!" Aidan's ears flicked to the noise of the tavern keeper as he sucked Raus off, his growing monster out and leaking onto the floor, he got up with a smile and took the barrel from Zihark, nostrils flaring in delight as he set the casket next to the bar door and rolled it out to the keep. "Good Lad!" The barkeep murmurs turning to his guests, "So your group will have another round? Very Good!" He pops the casket and pours the drinks for the adventuring party of men, boisterously singing about their past triumphs. Aiden returns to them his eyes wandering between each of their members, dropping down to lather Zihark's black balls as he stroked his shaft, "Good Lad indeed."

Zihark's cock was begging for more attention, so he hoofed over behind Aidan, and stroked his meaty rump before he lifted his newly grown tail. Winking at him was a juicy dark pucker, and Zihark quickly pressed his horsecock into the needy hole and pumped away, enjoying the inner walls gripping and massaging his equine cock. Zihark could hear the barkeep trying to settle down his customers as the brown stallion flooded Aidan's ass with his thick musky jizz. Zihark neighed as he slid his cock out with a schlurp and watched with glee as his fluids oozed out his new colt's hole. Zihark sniffed the tan colt's butt and licked up the excess, savoring it while he took a moment to rub his leathery balls. "You two should get to know each other better while me and Raus go welcome the bar and its patrons into the herd." A neigh and two hoof stomps, has Raus filled white colt's muzzle with tasty cum, pulling his face to Raus' as his partner licked the cum and drool hanging off his thick lips. Pulling away, they grin as Aidan and their white colt start feeling each other up, and grinding on one another. Their bestial shafts beamed for attention, which they soon gave them.

Raus and Zihark quickly made their way into the kitchen, ears twitching as strange sounds came from the bar. The barkeep yells, "What the hell was in that ale?" Raus whinnied as if that was their cue and signaled Zihark to follow him inside.

The party of men were trying to hold back the massive erections forming in their various attires. Raus watched as a studly knight in the party was bracing his plate guard across his groin as his forming horse hood pushed against it, his thickening neck split his neck plates as he whispered to his squire next to him, whose ears flicked up as he scrambled for his master's armor. The Knight snorted in approval as his pink spotted black beast is released into view by his squire. As the changing young man took his master's new member into his muzzle, Raus whinnied at the delicious site of the new horseknight and his squire, the knight massaging the boys mane as they shifted.The sight of men in the midst of change is lovely, and has his black equine shaft flaring in joy.

Zihark grabbed the barkeep, who had been too busy fretting over his transforming patrons to notice the stallions, and pinned him against the countertop. Zihark huffed as he sprayed pre all over his victim's clothed back before ripping away the garments. The man screamed as Zihark rubbed his frothing member against his butthole, the stallion nibbling his ear and drooling in delight as he started pushing in. The barkeep's pucker soon thickened and turned dark from the intimate contact with the bronco's juices and welcomed him in without much restraint. Zihark slowly started thrusting in with his salivating shaft, each thrust going deeper and changed more of his captive's body from the inside out. Zihark felt his body bulk up and surge with fur and muscle as his rump pumped up and sprouted a hairy tail, back taut with feral muscle. The barkeep could only moan in building pleasure and waning disgust as he was changed into a horsebreed. Ears now at the top of his head, pointy and furred, they twitched in surprise as Zihark nibbled on them. His neck bulged as fur crept up it and down his face, forcing his mouth into a perfect equine muzzle. With a neigh he was spurting horse cum under the countertop with a flared shaft. As Zihark pumped him with his own stallion seed, Zihark watched as the other men in the room twisted into broncos of their breed. Their clothes ripping at the seams while they stomped hooves and stroked bestial shafts with meaty hooflike hands. "You should fuck one before they finish changing Raus! Nothing's like a man's ass growing to fit horsecock while being plowed," Zihark neighed as he pumped out another musky load.

Raus noticed a thickly muscled barbarian snoozing over his empty mugs. Pushing him onto the hay covered floor Raus slid his fundoshi down onto his legs, his tongue sliding from his musky balls to his tight little pucker, his nostrils flared as Raus positioned himself over him and drove his shaft into him, his blackening pucker opening wider to take Raus in as he began to stir his eyes going wide with pain before switching to pleasure as his forming tailhole engorged on the black cock. His neck bulged as his nostrils flared taking in the smell of horseman musk filling the room. A massive draft horse cock head forming on his changing shaft, equine lust pulling at his brain as his moan turned to a whinnie of pleasure. His shaft spilled onto the floor, as his insides were filled with thick horse seed.. "Zihark your right the feeling of his ass changing was amazing," Raus bellowed as the massive draft horseman starts to jerk his black meat on the floor, his cock slurped out of his rear as Raus turned him over and slipped his own black pucker onto the horse's new meat, his hands grasping his thighs in desire as he went to work using his new tool.

"Told ya." Zihark said, pulling out of the now equine barkeep. Seeing Raus ride that big cock reminded his pucker it hadn't been filled since his induction into the herd, and made the meaty hole twitch in need. With a neigh, Zihark clomps over to a young stallion who had just finished changing. Zihark stroked his huge pink shaft before he laid on his back, and pulled his hooves up into the air, winking his tailstar at the muscled horseman. Not needing to be told twice, the bronco swiftly grabs Zihark's legs and slid his thick sausage into him. Zihark whinnied in lust-driven triumph as he felt the flared tip ramming into his prostate. His own shaft poured pre down his chest and neck, and soon Zihark leant forward and took the flared tip in his muzzle as the stallion fucked his brains out. The room is nearly steamy with thick bronco musk the odor pervasive and clouding all sense of human reason as the new stallions' human souls weakly fought inside their gloriously horny bodies.

Soon nearly all the horsemen are whinnying and neighing as they orgasm and are spray hot equine seed. The hay on the floor is sticky and drenched with their thick cum and as Zihark felt the jizz ooze out his pucker, he neighed to call all their new converts in the room. Though their ears perk up, they continue fucking and sucking like beasts, which is just what Zihark desired. "Ulyaoth Sekmet Mantok Equus!" Zihark yelled for all in the tavern to hear. Suddenly, each of their new converts eyes glimmered blue as their weakened human souls twisted into powerful horse spirits, sealing them into the herd and in their new forms regardless of what any human mage may try to undo. Zihark can only neigh in triumph as the town will soon follow.

"Zihark why don't they place the ale out for all to use when they awaken in the morning?" the idea came to mind while Raus was braiding the barbarian draft's tail leaving a knob like structure lying above his black pucker, his tongue wrapping around his dark nipple. While Zihark groped the knight's balls and whispered in his ear his hoof stamping the floor, and his cock sliding out of his sheath.

"That sounds like a splendid idea Raus! Who would pass up free ale?" With a light squeeze to the horseknight's balls he blast a wave of cum on them both. Zihark lapped up the last bit that came from the tip of his shaft before he slapped his ass and sent him over to fuck his colt of a squire. Zihark licked the musky jizz from his chest and furry bicep as he stroked to the orgy before him. "When we are done here, the Horselord will most definitely be pleased." Zihark said resting in the cumsoaked hay.

The townsfolk awoke early and marveled at the many mugs and caskets of Ale left out in the town square, soon the people were downing the thick Ale and laughing with each other as they drank. Not before long, a mass orgy erupts in the middle of the village as the men stomp on their changing hooves, clothes coming off as they started to change

Women pull up their skirts to reveal swishing tails and winking thick vulvas to entice the nearest male to fuck them into completion. The men who aren't trying to fuck another quickly take to the heated females offering themselves. Grasping their furry rumps and enjoying their flushed scent before shoving bestial shafts into the juicy black cunts.

Raus and Zihark exit the tavern excited by their new fellows, Raus groping his new large draft boy's ass. They approached their first female their mouths frothing with drool as her winking sex meets their nostrils, the barbarian stallion took no time in sliding his organ into her black lips while Raus was happily taken up by her muzzle

Zihark quickly sniffs out another female in the midst of change. She's bent over like the others but squeezing her big tits, the black teat-like nipples squirting streams of milk as her dark vulva oozed musky vaginal fluids into the grass. Possessed by the instinct to mate and spread his seed, Zihark grabs her thick rump with his hooflike hands and ram his rod into her. She neighs as her face furs over and pushed out into a snout, lustfully rocking her hips back to get more of his massive cock into her juicy cunt. Zihark watched as beautiful chestnut fur encompassed her body from head to hoof, the sight of her joining the horsebreed has his tip flare into her womb. He neighs in triumph of not only taking a healthy female but in converting the entire town to horsebreeds. With a hard stomp Zihark cums hard into her.

With the words of power Zihark binds them to the herd, the farmers returning to work but giving their animals a break as their new horseson's pulled the plow in front of their father, the women braiding their manes and tails, every female bearing a child as the band of adventurers joined with them to continue their quest into the human lands.

Thralls of the Gnoll Shaman

Thralls of the Gnoll Shaman Written by: Eiji Otaka and Vixden The New shipment of ale on the way to the pub was taken over by a group of gnolls that realized their new potential, most of the pack having been humans before the black gnoll raped them....

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Skunkmonster Factory

Skunkmonster Factory By Eiji Otaka Tim, Greg, and Joel had decided to sneak into an abandoned toy factory one night for kicks. The place was dark and dingy but they had flashlights to guide them. The place seemed like a maze, and after 30 minutes of...

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Tales of Filth and Corruption

Tales of Filth and Corruption Written by: Eiji Otaka TWO CRAZY WITCHES Wendy and I were going trick or treating around the neighborhood until we reached a house at the end of the lane. Everyone knew a weird old lady stayed there but from the...

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