More than friends

Story by Iestyn on SoFurry

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It was an early morning at Pride Rock, and Kovu paced around nervously. He was the only one awake this early; he was waiting for Simba to wake up so he could finally tell him. Kovu had been finding himself quite attracted to the king as of late. His relationship with Kiara had, well not exactly been on fire lately, and Simba's powerful and muscular body could not help Kovu gaze in awe at him, not to mention going rock hard.

Without warning, Simba appeared at the mouth of the cave, he did not notice Kovu stood across the rock. With a stretch and a yawn, Simba set off to the water hole, leaving Kovu stood there just staring at him pad drowsily away from him. Kovu knew that this had to be the time to tell him, it had to be a one on one conversation for the sake of his nerves. So without much more thought, Kovu began walking slowly behind Simba, making sure he wasn't heard or seen.

Simba arrived at the water hole and started drinking, not aware that Kovu was stood right behind him, Kovu had to tell him now, or he'd never admit it.

"Morning Simba" he managed to force out. Simba jumped at the sudden noise and jumped around to see Kovu stood there nervously

"Damnit Kovu" he gasped "don't do that, you scared the hell out of me"

"Sorry Simba, It's just that I have something interesting to tell you" Simba's ears pricked up

"Oh yes?" he asked "and what might that be?" Kovu gulped a little, knowing exactly what he was going to say, yet not having a clue what the reaction would be.

"Well y'see...the thing I like you Simba" Simba tilted his head in confusion

"Well I don't see why you should be nervous about saying that" he smiled "but thanks Kovu, it's nice to know I'm liked by other lions"

"No Simba, not like that, I meant the other kind of like. The fact that I feel sexually attracted to you and that I think you're the most handsome lion I've ever met" Simba said nothing at first, then after a silence he finally said

"Y'know Kovu, I don't think I ever told anyone this but I find males attractive myself, one night when I had a huge argument with Nala, I came out here and I met a lonely rogue lion, and we mated. It was probably the best thing ever to happen to me" Kovu was taken aback by this information, he had never known about Simba's bisexuality before

"So, does this mean you find me attractive?" Kovu asked nervously. Simba smiled and walked over to him, and placed a paw on his shoulder

"I think in all probability, you are one of the most adorable lions who ever lived, I dig black manes, and your mane has to be the hottest since uncle Scar's" Simba gave Kovu a little lick on the side of his muzzle. Kovu purred a little, but Simba didn't hear it. Kovu then asked the question he knew he had to ask

"So....would you ever mate me?" his body shook with nerves as he asked the question, however he sensed that Simba already knew this question was coming as he did not take long to reply.

"I can't answer that here, we'd have to go into the jungle so I could tell you. Come on" he said with a smile as he slowly walked in the direction of the jungle. Kovu let out a smile of his own and began to follow Simba towards the forest.

When they arrived in the forest, Simba chose a nice shady patch and lay down, making sure to raise his hind leg enough so that Kovu could see everything. Kovu gulped at the sight, and tried to hide the fact that he was really turned on by it. Simba just smiled

"Well Kovu, here I am, you can have it" he said seductively. Kovu's mind raced a million thoughts, "what if someone were to see him?", "what if Kiara found out?" all these "what ifs" were making him dizzy, but that still didn't stop him, he had gone too far to stop now.

Kovu padded over to the king's thick lion cock and gave the head a gentle lick, Kovu groaned and went all hard, and Simba purred happily, wanting more, they both did. Kovu moved onto Simba's balls, rubbing a paw lightly across them both, getting slightly harder each time, before long he was massaging them. Simba closed his eyes, wondering to himself why he hadn't done this earlier. Kovu thought he was going to erupt at any moment, but managed to hold is while he went on to massage Simba's cock with his tongue, making long and heavy licks with his raspy lion tongue. Beyond all expectations, Simba was the one who cummed first, letting lose all the whiteness onto his front and all over the floor. Simba, opened his eyes and rubbed a paw over Kovu's mane

"You are amazing buddy" he said with a huge smile, Kovu grinned sheepishly, his cock still very erect. "Now let me show you the way kings do it"

Simba pushed Kovu onto his back, with his hind legs in the air, leaving his hard juicy cock unguarded, and Simba took full opportunity. He cupped Kovu's cock in his paws, before suckling gently on his head. Kovu was in heaven, never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined this. Simba proceeded to put Kovu's whole cock into his mouth, and began slowly moving it in and out, being sure to give the parts that entered his maw to be treated with his tongue.

"Um, Simba?" Kovu said nervously "I think I'm gonna cum" All Simba could manage was a muffled groan, but he wanted Kovu to cum; he had a little surprise for him. After a few more attempted warnings, Kovu finally emptied himself into Simba's mouth, who pulled it out instantly, letting Kovu's goodness cover around his lips and chin. Kovu was a little worried, had he done wrong?

"Sorry Simba, I couldn't help it, I tried to warn you but I don't think you heard me" Simba just shook his head and smiled at him, Kovu's cum dripping from his jaw. Kovu suddenly felt Simba's paw grab the back of his head and they both met each other's muzzles for a long hungry kiss, giving Kovu the chance to taste his own milk from around Simba's lips. Their tongues did battle inside their mouths, both of them wanting to taste the cum that Kovu had brought. After a minute or two, their muzzles parted, leaving them both gasping for breath.

"Wow Simba, you sure showed me" he managed to say, Simba just grinned playfully at him

"We're not done yet" he chuckled, and he rolled Kovu onto his back and began to paw him off, making Kovu purr like a little cub. Before too long, Kovu let some more of his milk go all over his belly and over Simba's paw, who casually licked it clean. Looking down at both their bellies, it was obvious that they both needed a wash of some sort, and Simba had an idea

"If you lick me clean I'll lick you clean, deal?" Kovu nodded and began to wash away at Simba's muzzle and chin, it was Simba's turn to purr now, and he had not been cleaned like this since his mother washed him as a cub, he didn't like it then but boy did he love it now. Kovu moved onto his belly, then stopped half way through

"What's wrong?" asked Simba

"Oh, I think you've been wounded or something" Kovu said with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Really? Where abouts?" Simba was concerned and bent over to get a better look, but no sooner had he began to check for marks, he felt two heavy paws push him back down. Kovu laughed a little, and then began to paw Simba off in return, but before Simba could climax, Kovu wrapped his tongue around Simba's cock and began purring loudly to vibrate it. Simba erupted all over Kovu's mouth, who had a little taste of the king's white stuff. Simba had certainly not been expecting that

"Kovu, I don't know what to say, I loved every minute of it" Simba said happily, Kovu just purred and held his muzzle out for Simba to lick clean, which Simba did. And within a few minutes, both of them had licked each other spotless, including their cocks.

"Well Kovu" sighed Simba "I guess we'd better be getting back to Pride Rock, we don't want the others wondering where we've been eh?" Simba chuckled. Kovu laughed a little, hoping this would happen again someday. But as they walked back towards home, both of them knew that they would never look at each other the same way again.