To Catch a Rabbit - Chapter 3 - The First Victim

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#3 of To Catch a Rabbit

Whew, finally got this chapter done. Had to rewrite the middle about 4 or 5 times, I knew what I wanted to happen but it just kept coming out awkward.

There will be at least 1 more chapter, I have an idea for a 5th, but not sure how it will implement, will have to see how chapter 4 progresses/ends.

His heart raced, threatening to pound out of his chest as he darted through the trees. Springing from one hiding spot to another, using all the power stored in his massive rabbit's feet to minimize the amount of time he was exposed in the open. His pursuer was getting closer, he didn't know how much longer he could evade. He spotted a particularly dense bush hugging the base of a tree and lunged for it.

He hunkered down in the densest part of the push plastering his back against the tree's trunk. Panting for breath he listened and waited. Through the breaks in the bush he could see the night sky start to lighten threatening day break, could he make it till sunrise? His elongated ears twitched hearing something stir the underbrush to his right.

His breath caught in his throat, a twig snapped to the left. Eyes darted around wildly trying to see through his own cover. Where had the tiger gone? Were either of those sounds him? Did it know he where he was?

He tried to push down his panic and slow his breathing, his heart still pounding a mile a minute. Suddenly he heard a low growl. He froze, that came from above... He slowly craned his neck backwards, starring straight up the truck of the tree, eyes widening in terror. Not two feet above him the fang filled mouth of the white tiger hung upside down from a sturdy limb opening widely in a deafening roar as the tiger dropped from the limb straight onto him.

Ten snarled pinning the rabbit cub to the tree "Got you! Now what should I do with you?" He slowly licked his lips.

The cub starred back up at him defiantly for a minute, "You could start by getting off me... you're heavy," he started laughing.

Ten laughed and gave the cub a wet lick on the top of his head, "You're getting good." He saw the sun rise peak through the trees as he helped Tim back to his feet, "I almost didn't get you before dawn. Did you sneak my Neutriscent?"

Tim grimaced at his now wet face, "Yeah," he brushed leaves out of his fur, "but it didn't help... you still got me."

Ten rested a paw on Tim's shoulder as they began walking back towards their house. "Oh it did, I didn't catch you by your scent this time, you're still to noisy, I could hear your breathing a mile away, you've got to calm down."

Tim got defensive, "Hey! I was till you started chasing me, that's when I started breathing hard. How'd you find my first hiding spot... did you cheat?"

Ten chuckled, "Ok, you got me. I found you by my own scent." The boy looked confused. "You didn't clean out your tailhole, my cum is still leaking out from last night."

Tim cocked his head and reached downed feeling his own ass. It was slimy alright, he hadn't felt that while hiding. He brought his wet fingers up to his nose and sniffed, instantly hit by the unmistakable potent scent of pure male tiger. "Hey! You did cheat! You marked me!" He pouted and wiped the cum off his fingers onto Ten's own leg.

Ten mimicked his pout, "How is that cheating? I seem to remember you wanting it just as much as me last night."

Tim blushed and kicked at the ground, "Well... I guess... it was still no fair... and so was jumping out of that tree like that... you know I can't climb..."

Ten laughed and lifted the boy up onto his shoulders, feeling his own seed drip and down his back, "Come on, we've got to get you ready for school."

Tim had been living with Ten for a week already, and still no one had questioned his disappearance from his own home. The pair had quickly grown very close to each other. Tim gained the much needed attention a young growing boy needed, seeing Ten as a kind of father figure. And Ten had gained something that he had never even realized was missing from his life... he still wasn't sure what that was, but he knew it felt right.

Tim had upheld his promise and hunting had become a daily ritual between the pair. At first it had been a struggle for Ten to snap out of the feral rush the chase gave and not tear up or eat the cub after the chase. The regularity of the hunt was helping with that, but still his stomach growled needing to taste some fresh meat. He'd have to take care of that soon.

For Tim their daily hunts still provided some terror, but had become almost a game. He had insisted on some rules with Ten including a time limit. He was getting very good at hiding and evasion and had almost made it to the time limit several times. Ten was impressed with how stealthy the little rabbit could be, from time to time, and was secretly beginning to think that with the right training he could make a good predator some day.

Hunting wasn't their only daily ritual. Sex had become a regular occurrence between them. Tim was always eager to please his new "dad" showing the first signs of the legendary rabbit libido, and Ten was all to glad to be receiving regular sex. For the first few days it had been strictly oral, Tim's hole still too sore from the initial rape to use. But, as it healed they had begun to carefully stretch him and introduced anal to the mix.

Tim had so quickly become used to his new home that he had become complacent of the fact no one seemed to question his disappearance from the old. As a result he had started to become lax in his efforts to avoid his siblings in school.

That afternoon as the cubs were packing up their books to head home from school Tim noticed a rabbit a couple years his senor starring at him from the open classroom door. It took a minute before he realized it was one of his brothers; Brandon, one of his closest in age, and one of his biggest tormentors. He ducked his head avoiding eye contact stuffing the last of his books into his bag and quickly turned to leave.

A paw landed on his shoulder, "Timmy?"


"Timmy?" The paw forced him to turn around, "That is you! You little squirt! Where have you been hiding?"

Tim tried to avoid his brother's eyes, "I, umm, I've been staying at, umm, a friend's house."

"Friend? What friend?" He laughed, "You don't have any friends!"

Tim twisted out of his brother's grip, "I, umm, have to go." He turned and bolted out of the room and down the hall hearing a shout behind him.

"Hey, come back here you little squirt!"

Tim raced out of the school hearing his brother crashing and shouting behind him. He tapped into the speed he'd learned from evading Ten and Bee-lined for the empty lots surrounding their house, knowing what he had to do.

Brandon, unskilled in pursuit, clumsily crashed after Tim, keeping him in sight but slowly loosing ground, when had that squirt suddenly gotten so quick?

Tim shot into the wooded lots surrounding their home, darting between trees, breaking the line of sight with his pursuer. Once confident his brother could no longer see him he chose a suitable hiding spot and hunkered down. Controlling his breathing as Ten had harped on him he silently waited, watching.

A minute later Brandon charged past his hiding spot, oblivious to his presence, shouting, "You little squirt! Where are you hiding!? Get out here!"

Tim continued to wait in silence, his brother's shouts quickly moving away. He broke from his cover, darting from hiding to hiding, making for the house, the shouts continuing to move around, "Timmy! Timmy! You little squirt! Show yourself!"

He made his final break for the house, leaping the fence and crashing through the backdoor, surprising Ten in the kitchen.

"What the..." Ten started but was interrupted by Tim.

He panted slightly, "Quick, one of my brothers is in the woods looking for me. He followed me from school, but I evaded him."

Ten quickly stood running to the window. He easily spotted the other rabbit running through the trees loudly yelling, well that will be easy. "What do you want me to do with him?"

Tim thought for a second, "I don't care, he's a bully."

Ten reached for the door readying himself for what would be a quick hunt; there would be no rush there, but at least he could sate his need for a fresh meal. His paw frozen on the door knob getting an idea and back to Tim, "Do you want to help?"

Tim darted between trees skirting around his noisy brother, still shouting for him to show himself. He paused looking off to his right, just barely catching a glimpse of white blur between trees as the experienced hunter, Ten got into position. He heard a low growl, that was his queue.

Brandon's ear twitched head starting to turn, he thought he'd heard a low growl, when suddenly with a violent rustle of underbrush Timmy burst from behind a tree, skidded to a halt seeing his brother, then turned and ran back the direction he had come.

"Timmy! Get back here!" Brandon yelled as he ran after his brother. He hadn't gotten far when he heard a crash behind him and froze in place, his eye wide, he had imagined that growl hadn't he? "T... Timmy?"

As soon as Brandon's back was turned Tim darted back out of his cover making as much noise as he could, Brandon spun around wildly. "Timmy? Timmy! This isn't funny!" Another low growl sounded behind him, he spun back around just in time to catch a glimpse of white streaking between trees.

He began to turn in quick circles, his head wildly looking in one direction after another, "Timmy." He croaked out, panic starting to grip him, "We're not alone out here."

Behind him a twig snapped, and with it the last of his nerves, he began running through the trees, his brother forgotten as his instincts screamed for him to get out of there. His head snapped to the left as he ran, a blur of white between the trees, something was shadowing him. He tried to run faster. With his head turned to the side he nearly ran straight into a tree. He veered around it at the last second, but skidded to a stop falling straight onto his butt when a great white form burst from the trees ahead of him.

Brandon starred briefly at the large white tiger that had emerged from the underbrush before scrambling backwards. His head knocked into the tree he had just veered around. Without taking his eyes off the advancing tiger he slowly rose to his feet, his back plastered to the truck of the tree, "W, who...?" he managed to squeak out.

The tiger licked its lips and silently stalked towards him. "Wha, what d, do you wa, want?" He stammered, slowly trying to feel his way around the tree. "Wh, why are you st, stalking me?" He managed to slide halfway around the tree, putting his side towards the slowly advancing man. "L, leave me alone." He began to cry still keeping his eyes locked on the stranger.

The man snarled, revealing his terrifyingly sharp fangs. Brandon's legs shook, his body trembled, the tiger now just an arm's length away. With a final burst of courage he spun and attempted to run, "Get away from muppphhh!" Before he could make it more than three steps a paw struck him in the back sending him sprawling onto his stomach. Faster than he could recover and attempt to rise back up a heavy weight landed on his back.

He was flipped onto his back, the tiger loomed over him. "I don't like noisy little trespassers on my property," he snarled. "I'm going to have to punish you."

Brandon wheezed, the paw pressing firmly on his chest causing his breath to come in shallow bursts. His eyes bulged unblinking trying to comprehend what was happening. "P, punish? Pl, please. I, I'm sorry. L, let me go." He managed to sob.

Tim watched from a nearby vantage point, concealed in some underbrush, as Ten grasped his brother with both paws lifting him into the air. Brandon was blubbering like a baby and weakly squirming in Ten's paws. He wondered if that was how he had looked a week ago when he'd been on the receiving end of Ten's grasp, and couldn't help but feel a small amount of guilt for the part he'd played in luring his brother into this trap. Then he remembered all the times Brandon had tormented him and shoved that guilt aside, he deserved whatever he got.

Tim couldn't make out his brother's pitiful pleas, but could hear Ten's replies, "Oh now why would I do that? I haven't had fresh rabbit in a long time." Brandon's squirming increased at that. "There's no use fighting me, you can't get away."

Ten had shared stories of some of his past hunts over the past week. The one common thread seemed to be that he always raped his prey before eating it, but Tim knew that their regular sex was easing Ten's 'pent up needs'. He wondered if he would rape Brandon. Almost as if reading his thoughts he saw Ten's pointed tip begin to rise from his sheath. Tim inched forward, partially sticking his head out from hiding to get a better view of what was about to happen.

Ten was slightly surprised when he felt his dick start to rise from his sheath, he hadn't specifically planned to rape Tim's brother, but it seems that years of conditioning had trained his body to expect just that. His eyes flicked to a rustling bush, seeing Tim's head poke out from hiding. Their eyes met, and Ten flicked his eyes down to his crotch, a silent question weather he should or not. It took Tim a moment to understand the unspoken question, then nodded his consent.

The cub continued to feebly squirm in his paws crying, "No o o o o do o o n't e e e eat me. ple e e e se." He sighed, this one was a real crier, "Oh it's going to happen. Don't worry though, it won't hurt, I'll shallow you whole, but first I'm going to give us both a bit of pleasure."

Brandon's sobs broke for a second as he tried to figure out what that meant, and was jostled as the tiger sat down against a tree. The motion caused him to catch a glimpse of the tiger's crotch. His eyes widened seeing an unmistakable spire of flesh there. He was in the grips of puberty and had received 'the talk' already so he had a pretty good idea what was about to happen. He was exhausted already, but still tried to make one last effort to escape the man's clutches as he was spun around in mid air placing back against the tiger's chest, and was lowered towards the waiting lap.

Brandon clenched his eyes shut when the tip made contact with his hole, his head shook violently, "no no no no no no no." For a second it felt like his hole would resist the entry, but his muscle was no match for the thin pointed tip. It pried its way inside easily spreading the ring of muscle open as its width steadily increased. He grunted in pain as friction against the dry shafted pressed the circle of muscle inwards. Once inside the tiger's paws had left is sides and came to rest of his shoulders applying downward pressure forcing the shaft to slide further and further into him.

His hole clenched reflexively trying to expel the intruder. His stubby tail twitched, bumping against the tiger's stomach. Before he knew it he felt his butt meet the waiting thighs, and his eyes shot open gasping. The tip had struck something inside him that had sent a shiver through his body. He was given no time to adjust before the paws once more shifted to his sides and lifted him upwards, and once more unceremoniously dropped. Again the shiver shot through his body as something within him was struck.

Tim leaned further from hiding watching as Ten began bouncing his brother up and down. He was mesmerized seeing the shaft rhythmically disappear and reappear, dragging the ring of flesh with it each time. That was something he hadn't been able to see from his perspective. Then to his surprise he saw his brother's tip begin to peak from is own sheath as he began to moan each time he meet Ten's lap. He had to see this closer and began to slowly crawl from hiding, inching closer to the action.

Brandon stared down at his own crotch dumbfounded as he felt his own little prick start to make its appearance. He'd never felt anything like this and couldn't figure out what was going on. Movement suddenly caught his eye causing him to look up. His brother, long since forgotten, was crawling out of a bush heading straight towards him. "Timmy! Get ugh help! He's ugh going to ugh eat me!" He desperately cried out, but to his surprise his brother smiled and kept crawling closer. "Timmy? ugh... Timmy?"

Above him the tiger spoke up, "Couldn't resist joining us, eh Tim?"

Brandon's head twisted up to look at the tiger behind him, then rapidly back at his grinning brother, "Tim? ....Timmy? ugh! What...?" Horrible realization suddenly dawned on him rapidly looking back and forth between the two. "Timmy? ugh This is ugh your 'friend'? ugh" He gasped as his brother unexpectedly reached out and grabbed his erect penis. "Timmy? What? No! Help me! Please!" He begged.

His brother smiled, then to his surprise wrapped his lips around his cock. He groan, it was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. Timmy began to bob his head up and down his shaft, his tongue darting around wildly, timed together with the continued onslaught of his hole. Combined with the jolts that rocked him each time the tiger bottomed out, and a new strange scratching at his walls each time he was raised up, he quickly felt the familiar tightening of his sack he felt when he masturbated.

The tiger roared behind him and he felt a warm gush fill his bowels. This was enough to send him over the edge, shooting his small load straight into his little brother's mouth. His body quaked in the most intense orgasm of his life, and presumably his last.

As they both finished cumming Brandon felt himself finally being lifted off the engorged shaft. He felt it flop out of his hole followed by a flow of the tiger's seed. The muscle winked weakly trying to close back up, and he was set down in front of his brother. Slowly recovering he looked up at Timmy, "This... this is all some joke... right?" He looked up at the tiger. "He's not really going to eat me.... right? ........Timmy?"

Timmy licked a bit of his brother's cum off his lip, "Nope, he's going to eat you now."

Brandon was horrified, "What? No! He can't!" He tried to get up, to run one last time, but felt the paws grasp him once more. "Timmy! No! Stop him! ....Brother!" He thrashed his head violently kicking.

Tim set his brother with a steel-eyed grimace. "Why should I!? You were never nice to me! Mom and Dad never wanted me! Ten is my family now!"

Brandon gaped, "What? No! How? Please! I'M SORRYYYYY!"

"He hunted and caught me in the park, but I promised to bring him other cubs if he let me live. Since then he's let me live with him, and been nicer to me than anyone at home ever was!" Tim was getting upset, "You'll never be mean to me again!" He nodded to Ten.

Ten nodded back, lifting Brandon above his head and tilting it back. Brandon squirmed and kicked with renewed vigor, "No no no no no! Stop him! Please!" Ten opened his mouth and lowered the kicking feet towards it. He wrapped his lips around them holding them steady, putting an instant stop to the kicking.

Brandon looked down in horror at the lips wrapped around his ankles, "Noooo, this isn't happening!" He felt the tiger's rough tongue guide his toes to the back of the throat and swallow. His legs were pulled straight as his toes were engulfed in the constricting passage. The lips opened to allow him further inside before resealing above his knees. He looked pleadingly at his brother, who just starred back watching.

Another swallow rippled along his feet pulling him deeper, sinking to his knees, the lips now wrapped around his waist. He try to twist, to squirm, to kick, but the constricting muscles held his feet pressed tightly against each other. He began to cry again, "Pl le he he he ease... Ti hi hi himmy..."

The small pang of guilt hit Tim again as Ten swallowed once more, his brother disappearing into his mouth up the chest. Ten's throat bulged obscenely and he clearly pushed harder, rocking Brandon from side to side, trying to force his wide hips downwards. Tim rose and walked forward, gently stroking the side of his brother's face as he suddenly sank further into Ten's mouth, his hips popping into the throat.

His hips now being crushed by the tight prison Brandon felt another swallow again pull him deeper, his shoulders now at the lips, his paws pinned to his sides beginning to enter the throat. He looked over at his brother who was stroking his cheek. He tried to speak, to plead once more, but the tight throat squeezed his breath away as he sank down yet again. His head tipped back futilely trying to keep his face from being engulfed by the lips. His eyes meet his brother's, wide and tear filled. A wheeze and a gasp left his throat.

Tim leaned forward and gave a gentle lick between his brother's eyes, "Good Bye," he sank further, Ten's lips sealing over his face, leaving just the tips of his ears exposed to the outside world. Another swallow and those too disappeared.

Ten tipped his head back forward continuing to swallow, the bulge in his neck slowly shrinking and moving downward, becoming a nice rounding of his belly. He sighed as his neck returned to its usual thickness, his stomach squirming slightly as Brandon expended the last of his oxygen.

Tim watched transfixed as the shape that had been his brother slowly became still, knowing that that had almost been him. He placed a paw against the bump just in time to feel the final twitch, and Ten belched releasing the unmistakable scent of rabbit into the air. "Well, you really did hold up to every promise you made..." He noticed a conflicted look on Tim's face, " ok?"

Tim shook his head quickly, "Yeah, that was just... wow." He rested an ear against Ten's stomach, hearing it begin to gurgle softly. "How long will it.... he... take?" His eyes trailed down Ten's stomach seeing his still erect dick covered in the remnants of the load he's blown into Brandon.

"Oh, a meal that size, a couple days." He sat up straighter as he felt Tim lick at his cum covered cock. "Oh!"

Tim didn't stop once he'd cleaned the remnant cum off, but began slowly bobbing his head up and down with practiced ease, gently sucking and flicking his tongue. He took his time, listening to Ten's stomach gurgle releasing acids that would digest his former brother, slowly bringing his new father to the edge.

Ten just lay back and quietly let Tim work, an idea forming in his head. After several minutes of Tim's delicate work his toes clenched, firing his 2nd load of the day.

Tim managed to keep the whole load in his mouth, savoring the taste, before he pulled of Ten's now shrinking member. Sitting back he smiled.

Ten slowly rose resting a paw on Tim's head, "Come on let's go home and get cleaned up. I've got something I want to take care of tomorrow."