Welcome to Nexus: Chapter 3

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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#3 of Welcome to Nexus: Year One


The two turned their heads and looked at me. The Doberman looked surprised for a few seconds, but this quickly changed and her confusion became violence. She bore her teeth and snarled at me, going down on all fours and arching her back in anger. Her breasts bounced lazily as she stepped towards me. I backed off a little in fear, moving slowly out the door. I was about to run until the lizard spoke. His voice flowed like ice from an arctic river.

"Kyra, down girl!" he said sharply and patted his lap. "Come."

The Doberman turned from me and ran quickly over to her master. She jumped up onto the seat and rested her head on his lap. He looked at me.

"I'm sorry; Kyra can get a bit overprotective at times. I'm all the family she has left," he said and gently stroked between her ears. She whimpered a bit and curled up even tighter next to him.

"No, please, it's fine. I should've knocked and then entered. Not knocked and entered," I said, trying to shift the blame onto myself to be polite. He smiled.

"I appreciate your courtesy, but the blame falls squarely on my shoulders," he said and then pointed to the other seat. "Would you like a seat?"

"Oh, thank you," I said and walked slowly into the compartment. I looked cautiously at Kyra, who gazed at me.

"It's alright, she won't bite...now," he smirked and gave Kyra a loving pat on the head. She smiled at me. I sat down and Kyra immediately jumped over to me. I shifted quickly over to the other end of the seat.

"It's alright," the boy prompted me. I moved over just a little bit and Kyra jumped on me a started licking my face apologetically. I couldn't really do much but accept her apology and get licked. After some minutes of solid licking, she finally stopped and jumped back to her master.

"See? She's sorry too," the boy said. "My name is Cerberis by the way. And you are?"

"Oh, I'm Jarra...Jarra Skolion. Nice to meet you Cerberis," I said and held out my hand. He took it and shook.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, does Kyra talk?" I asked Cerberis. He shook his head and closed his eyes and turned to Kyra, who was looking away from us now.

"The poor thing lost her voice when...well, when I became her only family..." he said sadly. Kyra closed her eyes and I saw a small tear roll down her furry cheek and leave a wet line running along her face. Cerberis leaned over and patted her head softly.

"Oh...I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to...bring upâ€"" I started stammering. Cerberis nodded and I stopped, realizing that I should shut up.

"It's alright, there's no possible way you could have known," Cerberis said softly and Kyra lifted her head and nodded as well. I was just about to excuse myself for a while before I heard a knock on the cabin door. I looked over, as did Kyra and Cerberis. There was a demon standing just outside the doorway. He was a real demon, this one. He had the whole image going on. Black horns, black hide with a red tattoo that snaked around his left arm, sharp teeth, and a pair of glowing yellow eyes. He was quite terrifying, but I had grown slightly accustomed to such things from seeing the troll. He wore nothing except a pair of jeans and sneakers. He held a black backpack over one shoulder and looked at us curiously. And one other thing...he was a total hunk! This creature was built like a monster truck! He had muscles that made him look a whole two times bigger than he probably already was.

"Can I come in?" he asked from outside. I looked at Cerberis and he looked at Kyra, then back at me. I shrugged and called out to the demon.

"Sure, come on in," I shouted. He smiled on one side of his maw, revealing a razor-sharp canine. He opened the door and walked in, setting his backpack down on the seat next to Kyra. He sat down and immediately tried to pet Kyra. She snarled at him and snapped at his paw. He drew back and looked at me and Cerberis.

"She does that sometimes," Cerberis said. "So what's your name?"

"Name's Arkk. What's yours?" he asked politely. His voice was deep, feral, yet at the same time, it was soothing. It was quiet, but the tone of it made it seem much louder. Cerberis and I introduced ourselves and shook hands.

"Is this your first year too?" Arkk asked me.

"Yea, it's my first time going to Nexus," I said. Cerberis nodded as well.

"This is great! I've made three new friends already!" Arkk said. Cerberis and I looked at each other.

"Friends?" Cerberis asked darkly, smirking a bit. Arkk frowned.

"We're not friends?" he asked. "Oh, well I just assumed since you guys...uh...sorry."

"Well, you're my friend Arkk. I have no friends in Nexus anyway," I said to him and he smiled. Arkk looked at

Cerberis and Kyra.

"Fine, I guess we'll all be friends then," Cerberis said and Kyra nodded in agreement with her master.

I have to admit, and I'm not a slut or anything, but Kyra and I were kinda gawking at Arkk throughout most of the train ride. He was looking out the window most of the time we weren't talking to him, so he didn't notice us staring at his massive, defined biceps and his totally beautiful eight-pack. It was an orgasmic sight almost and I couldn't help but imagine what was under those jeans and how big it was...

Cerberis noticed me once and I guess I couldn't blame him. I was leaning over in his direction with my chin in my hand. He snapped his fingers in front of my face and the trance was immediately broken. I looked at him sheepishly and thought to myself: Thank God Arkk didn't notice! He chuckled and then looked down at Kyra, who was looking eagerly at something, but it wasn't Arkk. He followed her gaze and saw that she was staring at a bulge in his own pants! Cerberis was extremely embarrassed; how could he not have noticed?! When he tried to move his jacket over the disturbance, Kyra licked her chops and moved his hand away, only making the problem worse. There was one bathroom in our cabin; it was smallish, but big enough for two people to fit. He looked over at me, then at Arkk. He curled his hand into a fist and then uncurled it violently. A small but extremely strong soundwave flew through the cabin and me and Arkk both fell asleep! I wasn't aware it was him then, but I figured out eventually.

"Thank you dad," Cerberis muttered to himself. He tapped Kyra's nose and she looked up at him longingly. He stood up and walked into the bathroom, closely followed by Kyra. Cerberis put the lid on the toilet and sat down, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. He pulled his erection out through the zipper; Kyra immediately knelt down and started licking his solid member. She licked and willed her tongue to continue this teasing for a couple more seconds before she completely pulled the head into her mouth, still gently massaging it with her tongue. Cerberis moaned softly and pushed her head down onto his member even further. She took the whole thing in her mouth and started swallowing down on it, forcing it into the back of her throat and swallowing. The calm, tender feel of her throat muscles tightening around Cerberis' lizard-like cock was enough to send him into orgasmic shudders.

His penis started bucking in her gullet and she opened her throat wider. Her warm tongue continued its work as it slid out from between her bottom jaw and his convulsing shaft. When it had moved out fully, it began licking his sac and making him moan loudly with pleasure. She relished these moments, when she could taste her master's juicy cum and thank him for being there all those years. She didn't have to wait long, as after a few seconds he shot long, creamy ropes of hot hybrid cum down her open throat. She gratefully drank them down and pulled his shrinking cock out of her mouth. She licked his cock clean, making sure she got every last drop of her cum in her stomach. Yes, it wasn't his anymore. She needed his cum to live, and that meant it was hers the very moment it exited his lizardhood. He stood up and put his member away in his boxers once more as Kyra stood up and kissed him. He was enjoying the kiss for a minute or two, but then he remembered what had JUST transpired. He pulled away fast, wiping his lips and wiping his tongue with his sleeve.

"Ugh *cough* ...Kyra! What have I told you about kissing after sucking me off? It's just disgusting! It's like kissing my own cum," he said and turned to Kyra, who had bowed her head in shame. He noticed and stopped cleansing his mouth. He moved closer to her and gave her a big hug; his height put his face right in her cleavage. She was shocked for a minute, but then hugged back. Cerberis was only a little shorter than her, but that was because she was older by a couple years. During the middle of the hug, Cerberis made up to her for pulling away by sucking her right nipple it into his mouth. He licked it tenderly and bit down lightly with is teeth. Kyra gasped sharply, but couldn't moan for the loss of her voice. After he was done the hug, he opened the door and walked out, holding Kyra's hand. I was still asleep, but Arkk was beginning to awaken.

"Hm, I must've dozed off," he said and looked out the window.


No songs in this one...but next one there will be...hope you enjoyed and I'll see you krazy kats later!